Exeter Times, 1898-11-3, Page 5With Hood's Sarsapa-
111,111a," Sales Talk," and
elbow that this medi-
sine has enjoyed public; confidence and
fatronage to a greater exteut than aceord-
ael any other proprietary medicine. Thici
b Isiteply because it possesses greater
stern and produces greater cures than
any other. It IS not what we say, but
Wlaat Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells
the story. All advertisements of Hoorn
Silarsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it-
self, are honest. We have never deceived
the public, and this with its superlative
••• Medicinal merit, is why the people have
*biding confidence in it, and buy
\ Sarsaparilla
14Imost to the exclusion of all others. Tryit,
l'repared only by 0,1. Heed & Co., Lowell, Mass.
a_a • .„, e,.e, are the only pills to take
Jr1115 with Hood's Sarsaparilla,
ublic ,'1%;otice.
Notice is hereby given that application hae
'been made for the tratsfer of the hotel license
•held by James Coxworth, of tlao village fof Me-
gan, to George Seat. All parties interested
are requested to govern themselves according.
in Exeter north, store and hotel, in the block
formerly known as the Weeper Property. The
premises /has been overhauled, refitted and
=vented. • This is without doubt the best
stand in the County for a good. general store.
• Apply to L. MaTAGGART,
Bay P. o,
Filoney to Loan.
"We have unlimited private funds for invest-
xaent upon farm or village property at lowest
rates of interest.
DR A. R. 13.-WSINTAN, L:
D. S., 1). D. 8., Honor Graduate
of Toronto 'University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects. Office in Fan -
son's Block, West side of Main street, Exeter.
DB. ANDERSON, (D. D. S. 1.
Timor Graduate of the Toronto 'University,
.and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
• Coterie. All Bridge work, Crowns and Plate
work done in the neatest [possible manner. .A.
harmless ancesthetie for painless extraetioe.
The strictestattention given to the proservat-
ien of tue natural teeth. Office, opposite Oen.
.tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont.
Farms for sale
A few good farms for sale cheap -Money to
loan. Apply to JOHN SPACKMAN
Huron COtifitY Notes.
.A.ndrew Foote, of Varna, has re-
turned fro in Manitoba.
Seaforthlacrosseclub's appeal against
Orangeville has been dismissed,
Mrs. Muir ancl, falnilY 410-Yed ,frOnl
Qlinton, to London on Mondays
Over $30,000 was paid for eggs in Mc-
Killop :,ovenship alone the past season.
There are 155 riames on the pay roll
of the Doherty Organ Fectory,
, Ralph Stevenson, Parr line, Stanley,
sold a pair of two-year-old steers for
$90, one of them weighing 1,300 lbs.
J. S. Lyons, Lucknow'e veteran poul-
try breeder, captured 218 prizes with
his stock at eight fall fairs this season
A. R. Davids011, of Goderich, and
formerly, of Lucknow, intends ("pen-
ing a hardware store in Dungannon.
Sohn Dodds, who is a prosperous
• Fenn for Sale.
Con. 9, ot,14. Blansheed, 103 acres ofland in
state of good cultiVation, well underdrained,
6 acres bush, 560 rods board. and. wire fences,
good young orchard, frame house 30x20 ft.
eoitchen 26x.18 ft., barn 86x36 ft., wagon -house
44x22 ft., and ()thee out buildings, hard and. soft
•svater very convenient with windmill, within 2
stalles of post office, school and church. Foe
further particulars apply to the proprietor,
THOMA6 THOMPSON, Woodham, 1.0.
For Sale.
young citizen, is erecting a new pQp
factory On west Goderich street, Sea -
forth. .
Rufus Keyes, of Varna, is a severe
sufferer, the cause of the trouble being
the running of a nail into the palm of
• his hand.
• Wm. Cechnove, of Kippen, who has
been on a three months' trip to the old
country on business matters, has re-
turned home.
Rev. jas. Hamilton'of Winglians,
formerly pastor of theBeptiat congre-
gation, has accepted a call to Palmer-
ston and. will remove his family next
On Tuesday of la,st, week S. E. °ante-
lon was married to Miss M. A. Clark,
sister to "Mack", of Saturday' 'night.
Both are well known and popular, and
will reside in Clinton.
James Irvin, manager of Coleman's
foundry, Seaforth, has accepted a
similar position in Toronto, and left
for the 'Queen City last week. The
foundry has been closed down.
Wm. Sutton, who has been operator
at the G. T.R. station at Wingham for
many years, has received a promotion.
He has been appointed station agent
at Tara, a position which he is well
qualified to fill.
St. James' church, Seaforth was the
scene of a very pretty wedding on
Tuesday, 11th inst., when William
Ready, of Seaforth, and Miss Johanna
McNamara were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony.
A very pretty wedding took place at
Firpark Farm, Goderich, the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone, on the
evening of Wednesday, Oct.121h, when
their daughter Annie was united' in
marriage to John Farish, of Lanes.
On Wednesday, October 26th, a
pretty wedding took place at the resi-
dence of Mrs. Wm.. H. Saults, Gode-
rich, when her grand -daughter, Carrie
E. Smithswas united in wedlock bonds
te Frank Bernbart, of Galt, Ont. _
At St. Peter's, Goderich,on. Wednes-
day, 26th ult., at 6 a. m. Mary, (Italy
sister of the Messrs. Farr, of Goderich,
and Flint, Mich., was united in mar-
riage by Rev. Father West, to Joseph
Fellows, contractor, NiagaraFalls.
The barn • and summer's crop
owned by Mrs. Stirling, on the 6th
con. Goderich township, • was des-
troyed by fire, but just how it started
remains a mystery. There was a small
insurance, ancl the loss to Mrs. Stirling
will be considerable.
J. S. Roberts, the Seaforth druggist
had a pumpkin contest, the seed being
purchased from him. There were 28
contestants,the first being HarryLittle
of Hullett, with an 85S pounder, the
smallest, ,S)Ols pounds grown by Mrs.
Glass, f Seaforth.
N. Watson, of Seaforth, has recently
received letters from the chaplain of
the regiment and the captain of the
company at Manilla, Ph:alpine Island,
to which his son Harry belonged, givs
ing particulars of his illness and death
there. He died. from typhoid fever.
Mrs.Robert Elgie,jr.,of Tuckersmitb,
has for some days been kept from her
usual activity by a pair of scalded. feet.
Mrs. Elgie was busy performing her
household. duties, when she had occa-
sion to lift a tea kettle of boiling water
and by some means the kettle upset,
the contents spillingon her feet. The
wounds are very painful, bat we hope
to hear of her speedy recovery.
Charles Donaldson, of .Stanley, and
Albert Anderson, of Goderich, town-
ship, who are packing apples,met with
a serious accident near Hills Green re-
cently. As they were aboat leaving
the farm of Joseph Hudson, the front
axle of the buggy broke, causing the
horse to take fright and run away.
The rig was overturned,and the occu-
pants thrown out and considerably
scratched andbruised.
Farm propertyin Eippen locality
seems to be chanigng hands pretty live-
ly. IsaacJarrottis the next= the slate,
he having sold lsis 50 acre farm in
Stanley to his father-in-law, Gilbert
McDonald, for the sum of $2,800. Mr.
Jarrett bus eluce bought the farm of
Mrs. Sohn ROO, of the London road.
The price Mrs. Ross receives is $6,000.
Alex. McBeath, of Stanley, has also
been extending his borders, and has
bought the farm of Mrs. McDougall, of
the 3rd. con., of Stanley. This fine
property adjoins Mr, McBeath's,avhich
will give him an excellent farin of 200
acres. The price Mr. McBeath gives
is in the neighborhood of $5,500.
Robert Murry, of Tuckersmith, was
last week offered $7,000 for his farm of
100 acres. This appears to be no in-
ducement to Mr. Murray,which is self-
evident that.,,A1r. Murray is in noway
scarce of cath.
Brick Blacksmith shop,frame dwelling house
tn d. half an acre of land in the village of Whal-
en, township of Biddulph,. There is a good hese
Mee clone in the shop; on the premises aro good.
etruit trees,and small fruit,good supply of water,
and everything convenient. Reason for selling,
the proprietor is going out of business. For
leuther particulars, apply to.
Whalen,. P,O.
• Farm For Sale.
A good. Farm for sale of 100 acres of heed in
the township of Usbornobeing lot No. 8. on
the lith concession and lying cm the east side
.of the Exeter and. St. Marys gravel road. This
is a most excellent farm for fall wheat or grain
of any kind. There is a frame barn, table and
abed on the farm but no house. There is also a
-good well of spring water and a young bearing
•orchard and about So acres of land -under culti-
vation. For further particulars apply to
Riennne Oneenv, Srt„ lot 12, Con, 10, TP.
Vsborne, Wincholsea P. O.
Farm Fn Sale.
• 100 acres in the toWnship of Hay, lot 14. con.
10. The land is inc good state of cultivation,
high and well -drained and is situated 11nules
smith of Zurich. There aro en the premises a
largo frame house with all the conveniences,
good hard and soft water also never failing
wells for stock, also erst-class bank barns, with
.othor outbuildings. The fuze is well fenced
and has a large orchard. This is 0110 04 the
Ibiest farms in this section and is admirably
located. The owner is ,clesirous of retiring
from farming and. -will deal liberally with the
-Purchaser. Write or apply to George Schoellig
, :Zurich, P. 0,
Notice to Grattan.
9 e
•In the matter of Malcohn McCuish, of
of the Township of Stephen in the
County of Huron, Farmer, an In-
solven t.
- The above named Insolvent hesitate an as-
signment of all his property to Inc in trust for
the benefit of his Creditors. A mooting of the
Said Creditors Avillbo hold at HILL'S HOTEL,
Crediton,on Saturday the 5th day of eTo vomber
next at 2.30 o'cleek p. in,, for the purpose or ap-
pointing lnepectore, fixieg their remeneration
rand the renattneration of the seed Aseignee,and
the giving ot directione for the winding up of
;the emtnte.
Creditors will filo their deems dilly proven
e,vItb Irly Solicitor on or before the day of moot -
B BROWN , • ,
• It. EL C•OLLI-NS, Crediton, Ont.
Exeter, Ont. Assignee.
Solicitor ter Assignee.
Dated. 251,11 dity ef October, 1898.
Mr. • McClellan, of the Goderich
Woollen Mi11 fell from an apple tree
•awhile picking the fruit, and hurt
1f quitcaserigneas, breaking an arm.
Conneillotaldooneyeof Morris, • and
lie daughter, Miss -Jennie, have atTir
ed home feoni a trip to Manitoba, fttld
the l'slortlisvest, Mr. Mooney has tak-
en up 320 acres as homesteads five
• Miles from Weser:oath village, on the
Soo line of rellway , '70 miles eolith* of
Indian Head, whevehis son is located,
na may purchase another 820 acme to
ocomplete the section.
Exeter November 2nd le*,
Wheat, per bueltel ...,.. .,. .08 to 70 1
Oats„....., . .26 to 26
Barley...-. .,.. . ., .. ., 30 to 35
03 to 60
Butter..., .... ..,.. le to le
1310 16
8 to 10
Geese. .. • • - • . 5 to it,
Obtoke.ns Per lb . to o
Wool, .... ... - ", 'ea. ... .... -1(4 t(o) lg
. ,
Ducks.. ,...
Dried Apples,. .. , .. .. 2e- to 3
Porle dressed, , . $5.60 Le 5.50
Pork live weighit...... $3,75 to 1.75
Iffay per ton.- ....... .-$ 600 to 6.00
CMver seed .... .... .... .... $1.00 o$6.0O
to 5'
Timothy seetl, -- - . . StIO to1.211
.e.lsikc plover
Loncton,Novemeer 2nil 1808.
Wheat per bustle ,.. •.... ....62 to 03
Oats. , . .23 to 21i
.... , ,...... ..... .....,:..53-40 to103080i
Barley .44 to 60
Ryc. ., ... ... 69 to 39
BG9elaiiii s - ' ' 40 to 00
. ,33i to, 48
Butter . 13 to 14
Eggs 10 to 11
Ducks 60 to 70
Turkeys per 0. . 10 to 12
8e0 hh2.esokes eePue:. I 9 to 10
. • .• 50 to 75
8 to 10 -
Potatoes per bag...... „_._ .80 , tot, 00
Hay per ton . .•4 6,0i0. to $ re0'
Pork per cwt.. .. .. $4.50 to $6.00
'.Porouto Ont.Oct 31 . -Gars of red
and white wheat, west, are held at 70c,
with buyers offering 67c to 68c. The
market for goose wheat is firmer; ()a-
side it is quoted at 76c ; Manitoba
wheat is easy; No. I hard, Toronto
west, is quoted at 82Se to 83e, and No.
1 northern at 79Sc to 80e. • The flour
market is quiet ; cars of straight roller
in barrels,Toronto freights, are quoted
at $3.35 to $3.40. Millfeedtis steady;
cars of shorts are quoted at $12 to $13,
and bran at $9 west. The bailey mar-
ket is quiet ; No. 1 is quoted at 47c and
No. 2 at 45c west. Rye is firm ; cars
east are quoted at 48c to 49e, and west
at 47c. The corn market is steady;
cars of Canada yellow, west is quoted
at 35c to 36; and American, on track
Toronto, ttt 41c to 41ic. Oats are quiet.;
cars of mixed are quoted at 26c and
and white at 26ic west. The market
for peas is firm; cars east and west are
quoted at 60c to 61c.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7
• 0 10., 11 12
13 14 15 16
1V1yrtle Navy Tobacco
and a.tralge the figures in the
square , so that all lines down,
a.cross, Or from corner to corner
will total 34,
Chicago, Oct. Sista-Hogs-Estimat-
ed receipts to -day, .80,000; left over,
4,950. 5c to 10c higher; light, $3.35 to
$3.75; mixed, $3.40 to $3.60; heavy,
$3.30 to $S.80; roughts, $3.30 to PAN;
Yorkers, $3.70 to $3.75. Cattle -Re-
ceipts, 111,000 ; slow but generally 10c
higher ; beeves, $1 to $5.50 ; cows and
heifers, . $1.70 to $4.50; Texas steers,
$2.75 to $3.90: svesterns. $3.50 to $1.50;
stockers and feeders,$2.75 to $4.50.
Montreal, Oct. 3L -About 650 head
of butchers' cattle, 40 calves and 1,100
sheep and lambs were offered for sale
at the east end abattoir to -day. The
butchers were present in large num-
bers, and. trade was fair, but the low
prices of last week still prevail. There
were two carloads of prime steers from
Prince Albert, N. W. T., and TO of the
best of these were sold at 4ic and the
others at about 4ic per lb. Pretty
good cattle sold at 3c to 3c; common
dry cows and thrifty young stock at
2ic to 2c and the leaner beasts about
2c per lb. Calves sold at $5 to $8 each
or from 3c to 5e per lb. Sheep sold at
Zic to 3ic per lb;lambs at $1.80 to $4.40
per 100 lbs. Fat hogs sold at $4.10 to
$4.40 per 100 lbs. •
For Tired and Rtinw A Powoiful Seo.roll Light
dowri Wives and
Paine's Celery Compound
Gives Them New Life,
Vigor and • Needed
A "Darkey" show drew large houses
here ou Tuesday and Wednesday_
The death is tinnounced of Wm Mc-
Murray,' one of West Nissouri's most
industrious and prosperons farmers.
It Gives Bright Eyes and a Clear
, and Healthy Complexion.
Miss Mabel Jenness, whose wonder-
ful system for the correct physical
training of weasel) aud girls is so well
known ll' over the North American
continent, is a firth believer iu the vir-
tues ateelisine's Celery Compound.
When over worked by her multitudin-
ous duties, she alseays recuperates and
strengthens her system by using
Paine's Celery' Compound. In her
letter to Wells & Richardson Co., pro-
prietors of Paine's Celery Compound,
she says:
"I was induced to try Paine's Celery
Compound at a tiine whon I was suf-*
feri ig from overwork and the effect
of au accident. I began immediately
to realize tonic and blood nourishing
effects. I take pleasure in saying tbat
although opposed to medicine in gen-
eral, 1 really consider this an excellent
"1 have not been able to take one
day's rest since I returned from Iny
long, hard western trip. I am sure
were it not :for Paine's Celery Com-
pound, svhich has a tonic effect, I
should not be able to keep up and
work hard.•
"I recommended Paine's Celery
Compound to a friend who dined with
us yesterday, and on leaving here she
went and boaght a bottle. I shall do
all I can for it, for I believe in it."
Donald Stewart has disposed of his
two fifty aci e farms, being half of Lot
12, con. 13, and half on Lot 14, con. 12,
Stephen to Jos. Zilcr. The price paid
was $4,200.
Jas. W. Willson sold his farm in
Stephen, Lot 17, concession 22, to Jos
Germett, and bought the one hundred
acre farmknown as the "Woodrow
farm," froxn Mr. Wm. Ingram for
Frank Wickett and Elizabeth Baker
were married at the Metnodist par-
sonage, Crediton, last Wednesday.
On Monday Wm. Sherritt and Miss
Jennie Whiteside were married at the
same place.
The by-election, in South Ontario,
rendered necessary by the unseating
of James Calder, conservative was
held Tuesday and resulted in the re-
turn of Hon. John Dryden, 'Liberal,
by a -majority of 110.
Mrs. 3. Reynolds, mother of James
Reynolds,of the5th concession,Hullett,
can lay claim to being the oldest per-
son in that" township, if nob in the
county. She is now in her 96th year,
is in the enjoyment of good health, is
able to be around and visit her grand-
children, and is almost the liveliest and
happiest woman in the township. She
has resided there a good. many years,
of course, is familiar with pioneer life,
and the slibsegnent improvement of
the township.She has the use of all
In his business he was always found her faculties.
upright and honest. His word was
his bond.
Rey. S. Acheson, of Kippeia, had a
close call on Monday afternoon last
and be was fortunate in coming out so
sound. He was getting out of his
buggy in front of E. McFall Co.'s store
Seaforth, when his foot slipped and he
lost his balance, falling over the shaft,
and behind the horse. The animal
became frightened and began kicking.
TO,save himself Mr. Acheson dropped
to the ground and. the horse went off
up the street, but before it bad clone
any damage, Miss Ach eson, who was in,
the buggy, stopped it.
Worked for th'e, Benefit
of All Economioal
A diamond mine! Where.? Right
here in our own Canada, and worked
forthe benefit of fill economical b om es.
• The variety of diamonds in this mine
is wonderful, and the supply is practi-
cally inexhaustible. All the latest
colors are represented in these dia-
monds; they are of the first weter,and
under the most severe tests they are
always found reliable, true and genu-
These diamonds are known as Dia-
mond Dyes, telebrated all the world
over for their brilliancy, purity and
durability, These Diamond Dyes pos-
sess marvellous and astonishing pow-
ers. When used according to direc-
tions that accompany each one they
give new life and beauty to all faded
dingy and • dcad-looking garments.
Eaeh of these Diamond Dyes l give a
return to the user in money value of
from ten to twenty times their cost.
Have you tried any of these Dia-
monds -Diamond Dyes? If not, then
look up soine old faded dress that yen
have laid Side, or some:jacket, blOttee
ribbons or hose,and give these,wonder-
ful Diamonds ft trial. They will sur-
prise you with the magnificence of
theli Work.
Now, just a word of warning if you
ore a novice in the work of dyeing.
Beware of adulterated package and
soap grease dyes that bring OtllY trou-
ble, disappointment awd vexation of
spirit, as well as complete rum to your
Windsor Record: -"J. P. Doherty
and wife, of Clinton, are registered at
the British American. They were mar-
ried yesterday, and are on their wed-
ding trip. While enroute to Windsor
yesterday afternoon Mr. Doherty be-
came very ill.at Chatham, and was in
a semi-conscious condition upon the
arrival of the train in this city. Be.
was placed in u coupe at the station
. and taken to the British American.
Dr. Bell was summoned,' a-nd up on ex-
amination it was learned that the
patient was suffering from heart dis-
• ease.
ta---sas --- -s------easesstatese.
The Heart and Nerves are Often Affected
and Cause Prostration Of the
Entire Eystem,
A Kingston Lady Testifies to Her Exc.
• perience in the Use Of Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills.
People who suffer from any disease' or
disorder of the heart nervous system,
• such as Palpitation, Skip Beats, Smother -
leg or Sinkitig Sensations, Sleeplessness,
Weakness, Pain in the Head, etc., can-
• not afford to waste time trying various
remedies, which have nothing more to
back up their claims than the bold asser-
tions of their proprietors.
These diseases are too serious to per-
mit of your experimenting with untried
retnedies. When you buy Milbartes
Heart and Nerve Pale, you know you
have behind them the testimony of thous-
aeds of Canadians who have been curer!
by their use, One of these ie Mrs. A.
W. Irish, 92 Queen Street, Kingston,
Ont., who WritOS as f011OWs
a I have suffered for some years with
a smothering sense tien caused by heart
disease. The severity et the pains in
my heart caused me much suffering. I
was also very nervous, and my whole
system was run clown and debilitated.
Hearing of Milburn's 1-Ieart and
Nerve Pills being a specific for these
troubles, I thought I would try them, and
therefore got a box at McLeod's Drug
"They afforded ale great relief, having
toned up My system and removed the
distressing nymptoms from which I suf-
fered4 can heartily recommend these
wonderful pills to all sufferers from
heart troKle,"
liespi4tIver Pills curd Bifteusuess, Des,
pepila and it onstipatien, Bvery pill perfect,
i. Echo Mountain, Cal., is a poWer- eli
ful eearbh-light,
Until thisgreat eearchlight was ee-
tabliehed in its present ioation its
pOwers .could not be brought outs on
account of its location se neer the gen-
eral level of the su rro undin g- vet -Aptly,
rays ean be seee for 150 .nillee out on I:
Here, however, it is so loeated (hat its
the ocean, end the Most distaist 'amnia
tain peaks can be made visible. • The
beetle of light is so powerful that its
fall sweep illuminates the peaks of
tumentains which are litind reds of miles
apart. It is of 3,000.000 candle power
and stands on a wooden base, bnilt 111
octagon fornii whieb bas a'diameter of
about S feet. The Seastabglit itself
steeds aboet 11 feet high and 1111
Isital :weight is 0,000 ponucla. •
The reflecting lens is 3+1ne1:es thick
at the edges end only 1-16 of an irich
thicket the centre, and wcighs about
800 pounds, The Metal ring in Which
the lens is mooted weighs MAO '700
pounds, the total weight of : lens, ring
and cover being about 1,600 Pounds,
This great -mirror' is mounted at one
end of a big churn, the Outer end of
which is furniebed W4h a door, con-
sisting of a narrow Metal rim,in which
are fixed a number of plate glass strips
5-16 of an inch 'thick and. 6 inches
wide.. .
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over fifty years by millions of too thersfor their
children -while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the child. softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, 11110.15 the best remedy
for Diarrlecea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 26
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and ask for Mrs. 1Vins1ow's Soothing
Syrup, and take no other kind.
• Is tee mane of the ouly perfect train in the
world, now running every night between
Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Patti and Minneap-
olis via, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway -the pioneer road of the West in ad-
opting all improved faeilities for tile safety and
emoyment of passengers. An illustrated pam-
phlet, showing views of beautiful scenery along
the route of the Pioneer Limited, will be emit
free to any person upon receipt of two -cent
postage stamp. Address Geo. H. Heaftord,
General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111.
To Advertisers.
The benefit derived from an adver-
tisement depends altogether upon the
number of persons who read it. To
reach the greatest nunaber of readers
at the least possible expense, is a
question that, should be ccnsidereci
very carefully by business men. A
thousand small bills printed in Tor-
onto or London, and distributed in
this section, Would be just as effective
as if the bill had been printed in town.
There is not a doubt about that, but if
you want to reach the people in their
homes, newspuper advertising is the
only successful -way. To get the best
results use the paper withthe largest
circulation, and thegreatest amount of
lecal news. Circulation is the proper
basis upon whichpricesslt ould hefted.
If a newspaper with a circulation of
2,000 charges $100 per year, then one
with ft circulation o f 600 would be entitl-
ed to '$30. An advertiser should take
these facts into careful aonsideration,
when making contracts. Another fre-
quent loss to advertisers is in the use
of several papers when one covers the
ground. Trsa: TIMES is read by more
people in Exeter, Usborne, Stephen,
Hay, the northern part of Biddulph
and McGillivray than all other county
papers combined, and an advertise-
ment placed in it ss ill he found the
most effectual way in which to reach
the people.
• es,e4.,-
Days are getting shorerg
aro tirk5eYer,
Therefore it is necessary that you 1,ril ( etude
that are exactly suited to your eyes. • Our Optioian is home
again and prepared to give you the best expert attention.
Jewellery store.
IVIornings preferred for testing.
"1 have tried. Milburns Rheumatic Pills and
find they do all that is elainicd for them. I can-
not Say too much in their favor." A Swift, 199
Simeoe Street, Toronto, Ont.
Ridgetosvn has alma 11 miles of
granolithic Neal ks.
"We have tried a. good many worm medicines
but during the past five years have stock to
Dr. Low's, as it proved to be tho best." Samuel
T. Sargent, Brockville, Ont.,
Laxa-LiverTills euro Constipation a,ncl
ousnees. They work.withont, a grip or gripe and
eover fail to d.o aood. Price 250 •
BOILS BAnsami. •
o. J. Murray, Cherlottctown, P. E. I., Writes;
"About six months ago I was troubled with
painful boils and. got one bottle of B. B. B,
which completely cured me."
Mrs. R. Mellis, of Kippen, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. ISIcKibbin, in
our e•Merm,....01,...
Earn this valuable Watch, Chain and Chem by selling twen y Top=
Scarf pins, at 15 cents each. Send your address and we forwardthe
Pins arid our Premium List, postpaid. ers money required. These Pins
will almost sell themselves, for the Topaz has all the brilliance of the best
diamonds, and has never before been offered at anytlung like this price. The
Watch is neat in appearance, thoroughly well made, and fully guaranteed,
Unsold Pins may be returned. Mention this paper when writing.
THE GM PIN CO., Freehold Building, Toronto, Ont,
BEST rORTABLE i/AIRY AND FARIvi Undertaking-T-1gal-
Head ---kzRgszzn--.
and every School re -
A full line, fresh and
bright of
quisite at
Where the Scholars are
always used well
fug $tofe
And Furniture
AT R. N. 1201,3,1E'S
Ev-erythirs- ITO ode( es. Lai gees stock
eyer 1.tr U hiExi.et
gb. s
FARF0 t•wo
You will find at Biseeit's Wareroom
the following line of Agricrt;.
tural Implements
Afeli line of Sae d riiiLs, Collis aims
Disc and J)Ii n:ond }4iiows
Plass s, and Tui nip Drijles
We would recommend those
smffering from COUGHS, COLDS,
and BRONCHIAL, troubles to
It is also a r91iab1e remedy
for children.
We manufacture WINAN'S
LINIMENT, an excellent reme-
POWDER, the best in the mar-
Try our Lotion for scratches
on horses, also condition pow-
der for same
,eirp 4 8111t Of 0101110S
i1.11,,Q,. or a Single Garment
Should Combine now a days,
Correctness of Style,
• Good Workmanship,
IVIoderate Cost,
Perfect Fit,
• You look for these in an old and
reliable plane, and A. 3.
•EiNELL never disappoints hi
patrons in any of these. A
large assortment of
tt f0FLCh/
250ts,7,6' 71.11tAL
ra11 & linnter Goods
In Worsteds and Tweeds, ar6
now on our shelves, and WO 'will
take much • pleasure in showing
them to you. There are many
other lines that are specially at.
Ott vt.
id2s • surzt
The celebra led I Knoll Washer
Raymond sewing I and wringers
Gurney stoves and fnrances.
The Chatliam Waggon and a full '
line Of the (Activated McLaughlin
SI 7
Comes the necessity of
We are itt th0 van With all
that is desirable in the line.
Let us show you our stock of
$17,00 Fancy Worsteds in all
the newest colorings.
Remember we put up the
best suit for $10.00 that can
be bought in the county.
J. H. Grieve
A Man is always m he
If he wears one of W.,
JOHN'S neatly fitting
Slia TS
He is a sure fitter, ,
His prices ere away down.
Ms goods are the best.
Call and 'examine his goods before
buying your
.44tuomti.,,,FALL SUIT
• Tile 'Milo**