HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-10-27, Page 8bi EXETER TILES CASA -I or PRODUCE sz,b, ONLY ONE PRICE Cold Weather--- sosk Is coming, sure as sure can be. You'd better buy your underwear now, its as cheap, as cheap can be. Men's Underwear in plain knit, fancy stripes, heavy ribs and soft fleece lined. Ourstock is large enough, varied enough, and value enough for anyone. Two Very Special Bargains Men's fancy striped Shirts and drawers, extra good quality fine close knit, the regular price was 75c.•each. We cleared the lot and are offering them at each........ 50c Men's plain American fluffy fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, lovely goods, none irritable, values such as we never offered before. Yours for each. ° ...... 60c BOYS' UNDERWEAR; -Our assortmeut is very complete -and values are decidedly in favor of the boys. Come be prepared for the cold snag -it's coining. Store closes each evening except Wednesdays and Saturdays. J. A. STEWART INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLlfa'i. Agent for the WESTERN a SSURANCE COM- PANY, of Toronto ; arse for the PEa,Nxx FIRE niSURANOE CoMPaNY, of London, England ; the ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, of ]'ug and. S hool tt* Y:ksi, WELead Pencils, OFFER Rubber Erasers, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Pens, and IN Pen Holders, ... Ink, Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books Drawing Books Tablets, ...... ..... Rulers, Etc. J. GRIGG MART EXETER. o ld I �1nt�. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1898. Looe. HAPPENINGS Mr. Broderick spent Sunday in Lon- don. Mrs. Balkie is visiting her brother, Dr. Lutz. Dr. Willoughby was in Toronto the past week. Division Court will be held here on November 4th. Miss CharlotteSweet is visiting friends in Seaforth. Mrs. A. Holland visited friends in St. Marys on Sunday. P.Ourtin shipped a car load of cattle to Montreal on Thuesday. Roht. Barnes and wife, of London, are visiting friends in town. Smith Bros. shipped two thorough- bred cattle to Perth. last week. Ware Oliver, of Harpley, lost a yaluable horse last week by inflamma- tion. The anniversary of Main St. Metho- dist church will take place in a few weeks. It is a brave man who comes home wearing a new fall hat before his wife gets one. The property of the late Mr. Mogg, put up at auction last Wednesday was not sold. Miss Annie Stewart has returned from a months' visit with friends in Toronto. Lyman McCord, who has spent the east few months in Manitoba return- ed home onrida... F y. James Johnston, of Liman, has ppur- ehased the blacksmith shopof Jas.Me- Falls, at Centralia. The estate of Messrs. Adam and Louis Wil ert, of ashwood, will pays very small dividend. Aentleman from Michigan has g . r rented Mr. n's house,and will Hs iove thereto shortly, R. 0. C. Tremaine ie unable to rent a house in town,and he and his mother will board at IL Buckingham's. Luther Howard left this morning for Sarnia where he will work in the tiew G. T. R. round house that. On November 3rd 14lessrs. IVfcDonell & T)ow will hold a mammoth sale of he 11 "eter Fair rounds stock on t x . to g Malcom McCtlisb, of Mt. Carmel, has made ati assignment to B. Brown, of Crediton, for the benefit of his credi- tors. For Marriage Licanses1 Wedding Rings, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ONS R. HICKS a Watch Repairing. a Specialty. A new hospital has been opened p p ed in Wingham. Snow fell here on the 26th to the depth of two inches. Mr. I. R. Carling leaves Friday on a, deer hunting expedition to Muskota wilds. W. H. Parsons is having an addition erected to the rear of his blacksmith shop. The death angel visited the home of John Preeter, of Zurich, and took the youngest son two and a'halfinenths old. Mr. and Mrs. William Hawkshaw, Seaforth, were in town Tuesday at- tending the funeral of the late Mr. Sceli, G J. Sutherland and Miss Suther- land, of Hensel, and Miss Sutherland, of Embro, visited friends in town on Tuesday. A. Hayter, of Harpiey, who had his fleg broken some time ago by falling off a step ladder, is still confined to the h u house. John Morgan has been appointed postmaster at Ailsa Craig, . vice C. Walker, ker dismissed by the Liberal government. Miss Edith Fanson, daughter of William; Fanson, of Thornbury, form- erly of Exeter. was married on Oct.25, to Alexander Ginnie. John Welsh' has purchased from Thomas Harton the 50 acres on the west side of the London road, known as the Murray farm. John. J. Flannagan, of St. Mary's,. Ont. died Monday at St. Mary's hospi- tal, Detroit, of injuries he received about two weeks ago on the railroad. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, of London, visited friends in town over Sunday. Mrs. Barnes will remain with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Evans, for a few days. Messrs. John, Silas and Oredic Stan - lake, of Stephen, left on Wednesday last for Sand. Beach, Mich., where their brother William lies dangerous- Iyill. Thomas Dart, who has been for the past summer engaged at Mr. Robert Essery's, Centralia, has purchased the farm lately owned by Mr. Richard Sando, for the sum' of $3,000. The county jail has two inmates - Helen Bowler, of A.shfied, a woman of unsound mind who is awaiting remov- al to an asylum, and Malcolm Mc0osh, of Stephen, who was sent up last week for thirty days by Charles Eilber, J.P. for malicious injury to property. Mr. F. W. Gladman, barrister, nar- rowly escaped serious injuries on Fri- dayast. He was at the depot to see his mother oft, and went into the car. When the train moved off, he stepped from the platform and in some way was thrown almost under the wheels. Frederick Triebner, , of Stephen township, one of the pioneers of this section, died on Saturday last. He was found at his home in an unconsc- ious condition by a neighbor; up to this time he enjoyed good health, partial paralysis being the cause of death. He. was 73 years of aand leaves to survive him a widowa' red son Prank. - There died in Lucknow on Saturday last Mr. John Sceli, after a prolonge illness from heart trouble and the in- iirmities of old. age, Mr. Scali was a former resident of Exeter, having re- sided here about twenty-eight years ago. During his residence here he 7 was ens a� ged as moulder with the late W. H. Verity. On removing frons here he resided in St. Marys, where his son is now an business. Ile after., wards removed to Lu cknow where he made his home up to the time of his death. Re was a brother -hi -law of Mr, John Hawkehaw and was 71 years of age. VVflatDlluing For Gash Doosi Compare the prices which we give below with those you pay Ordinary dealers for the same or inferior Goods. We think it will result in a decis- ion favorable to us. We are enabled to quote these unprecedented low prices by buying in large quantities and paying Spot Cash for all our goods. It will pay you to trade with us. Try it ! GROCERIES. Redpath's Extra standard. Gr4an- ulated Sugar, 211bs for $ 1.00 Largest box Royal Yeast Cakes .05 Rising Sun Stove Polish .07 Best brand Baking Powder, made in Forest City, 1 pound sealer, .19 11 pounds Tilson's best rolled oat meal for .... .25 6 bars best White Castile or Oat Meal soap for • .... .25 12 pounds best Green Coffee for 1.00 2 pounds best Baking Soda for .05 3 boxes Eddy's best Matches for 24' 3 pound tin box best Cream Soda Biscuits for 22 6 pounds best Rice for ... 25 6 pounds best Tapioca for .... 25 Best yellow soap. 8 bars for 25 3 pounds Fruit Biscuit for •25 The best Japan Tea in town for p .25 Our Celebrated black Tea, . in lead packages for .... .20 New Cloyer Honey, quart seal= er, for .... .... .30. Choicest Salmon packed, 2 tins for .23 McDonald's Tobacco, (chewing and smoking, 3 plugs for .25 Clothes pins, fine quality, per dozen .01 All Groceries at correspond- ingly low prices. Crockery and Fancy Geods. Just opened up and passed into stock, a beautiful lot of China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Bo- hemian ware, Japanese ware, etc. imported direct. Best white iron stone cups and saucers (Meakin's make) per dozen .... .... .63 Printed Toilet Setts, 10 pieces semi-porcelean .... .... 1.90 10 piece Toilet Sett, gold decor- ated, Y handsome 3.1 -very 5 e 44 piece printed Tea. Sett, semi- porcelean .... 2.45 Lovely fancy Parlor Lamp, de- corated shade and fount 1,25 Fancy China Cups and Saucers, very pretty .15 Fancy Japanese Cups and Sau- cers, oriental effect, for .23 EXTfttI SPEGIfl10,c Beautiful new painted Dinner Setts, semi porcelean) 97 pieces to the sett, assorted patterns, good colorings. You take the whole 97 pieces for 5.45' Elegant Japanese RoseJars, new designs, beautiful goods, for 1.00 Fancy Japanese Tea Pots, very handsome, .... .... .25 We have a magnificent stock of Fang.y China nick necks, suit- able ft the holiday trade, all at bargain prices. Dress Goods. Our leadership in Dress Goods goes without saying.; buying in Europe for Spot Cash gives us a decided advantage over ordinary dealers. See here Ladies' heavy costume cloths, two tone effects, great sellers per yard .. ... .20 Ladies' Tweed . Dress Goods, in all latest and most fashionable shades, .lovely goods .26 Ladies' 54 -inch black Estamine Serge Dress Goode, all wool and great wearer, regular price per yard $1.00 ; our price .60 Black Broehe, new floral designs lovely finish, great value pr yd .30 New Poplins, all leading shades very stylish goods, great wear- ers, per yard .. .. .50 A beautiful assortment of Dress Lengths in black and colored, the most handsome we have ever shown at $1.50 $2.00, $2.50, 83.00, $3.50, $5, and $7, pr length. FASHIONABLE 1VIILLTNERY. -- Just opened up a beautiful fresh stock of Ladies'rimmed and Sailors,t plain Walking Hats,andnovelties of all description. For dainty, stylish, up -to date Millinery, see us. LADIES' and CHIL RNS' MANTLES. We have 150 Ladies' and Childrens' Mantles, the most stylish collection we have ever shown. Every Gar- ment purchased direct form the manufacturers in Germany and Britain for Spot Cash. You reap the benefit of our close buying. Ladies' heavy Serge Cloth Jackets, latest style, well made and finished, an eye opener for . , .... $2.50 Ladies' Black Boucle Jackets, very stylish Garments, latest cut, great 'value, ... . 3.25 Ladies' Curl Cloth Coats, trimmed in latest style, with fancy braid, a grand seller for . 5.5o ..... ... ... ... . .. . Ladies' Freize Coats, raised seams, extra fancy lapels and the new star buttons, a special bargain for. .. 6.25 Black and Green shades, trimmed with fancy braid and cloth, verynatty Coat for . .. . 7.50 Ladies' heavy black Beaver Cloth Croats, trimrned with silk seum, appleque trimming and large pearl buttons, a beautiful garment ens for . I0.00 Large sweeping Capes made of heavy Boucle Cloth, very warm, and especiallysuitable for elderly ladies at. $3,7'.5 & $5,25 Childrens' all wool, freize Jackets, in leading shades, large fancy buttons, very stylish, and great sellers for 2.6o Childrens' beautiful fine beaver cloth Coat, in Green, with pretty braid trimming, pearl buttons, 'a beautiful little garment for 3.5o The above Goons are all new, stylish garments and of this season's importation. Blankets and Flannelettes The Blankets are Al quality, bought direct from the mills and represent the best possible values. Pure wool white blankets, beau- tiful borders, fair size, good value .. 2.35 Extra super pure wool blankets none better made, good large • size, per pair .... 2.85 Extra large size, pure wool blankets, lovely borders, fleecy finish; money can't buy better 3.85 A GREAT SNAP. -30 ya.rds Fancy Flannelette, assorted patterns, warranted fast colors 1.00 STflP>,E8. Best German prints, pure indigo dye, fast colors, per yard .1211 Extra heavy Factory Cotton, grand value, pr yard 6 skeins best Scotch fingering yarn for Grey flannels, great values, in prices from 124 to 25e Heavy twilled dark grey Flannel- ettes for '.. .10 Feather Ticking, heaviest made. for per yard .... . .19 Best Cotton Shirtings, heaviest made, for . . . .05 25 .11} Heavy Crash Towelling, good • yard for.05 weight, ner a Pure Table Linens, great value at 23c, 27c, 35c, and 50c. Cotton Grain Baas, (not jute) good size and weight, doz for 1.75 READY -TO- WEAR CLOTHING. Men's heavy Tweed lined Ulsters, good cloth and well made, a trade winner for. Men's extra heavy, all wool frieze Ulsters, large storm collar, heavy. Tweed lining, in all best selling shades. Rigby water -proofed, a great seller at . 6.75 Men's heavy black Vicuna Cloth Overcoats, lined with Satin, large Velvet collar, a beautiful walking coat and great value for . •.• Men's Blue Serge Suits, well made and lined, abargain for.. Men's heavy Tweed Suits, in .,new patterns, well lined and made, special value for ..... . . Worsted Suits, .hard finish fast dye, Men's Navy Blue Irishy , -best lining extra ..... • .. ..... • • • • • • • • . Well made and perfect fitting for men's heavy freize Suits, splendidly lined, and made thoroughly Rigby water- proofed for..:... .. ... 7.5o Men's extra fine, west of England Worsted Suits, in Venetian and clay finish, lined with best quality Farmer Satin, perfect fitting, tailor made .... • • • • • • • • Io,00 PLEASE NOTE. -We are the only firm in Exeter handling the Celebrated Rigby water -proofed goods, a written guarantee goes with each garment. 3.95 I0,00 3.75 4.75 6.50 tlaberdasherD specials. Fancy white lawn handkerchiefs hem stitched, 7 for .25 Initial Japanese silk hand'chiefs rare value for 12 Initial Jananese silk hand'chiefs . fine quality and pure, for .25 We d sellCorseta beautifforul steam mould - .50 Ladies' under vests in special values at 15, 25, 45, 50; and 75e. An. odd lot of Kid Gloves, some slightly spoiled, choice for .25 Nouse Furnishings. Plain opaque window shades, 37 x72, mounted on spring rollers Fringed opaque window shades, 37x72, complete with roller for We are offering a beautiful Tap- estry Carpet, best in town for Ask to see our tape -bound lace Curtains at 75c. $1.25, and $2. Every line is a bargain. Extra heavy super 'Union .Car- pets, new Brussels patterns, a bargain -at .45 .20 .39 .50. FURS 1 FIRS !! FURS !!! We have them ; the latest ideas in fur goods will be found here, and at a reasonable price, we guarantee all our furs, we buy them 5 from the best makers in Montreal for SroT CASH, and can supply you with all kinds from a neck ruff at 5oc, to,+ a seal skin Sacque at $200.00. Ask to see the bargains we offer in Ordered Clothing. marketprices for Butter E We pay the highest m � Eggs, kinds of Farm produce. r`� R. PICK.0 Dried Apples, Pott try and all fid irect NmporterA vw.manmu.'.,raavrcnf.�•z, ,_..ak,xf4c:`.xq`nP .. .- -•7 CARLINGk .r ="```OS This is the month you will need a quantity of Winter Clothing, Below we quote a few of the lines that may interest you; Men's Underclothing Union Shirts and Drawers, medium weight........ , . Heavy weight in plain, grey or fancy stripe 1 londyke Fleeced Shirts and. Drawers Artie Fleeced. Shirts and Drawers:.. . . Wool Fleeced Shirts ancdDrawers extra heavy , 40c 500 500 750 $1,00 Ladies' Vests Union Vests with long sleeves,. . ....... Union Vests, niedinin weight, long sleeves 20e Heavy weight, shaped Vests, extra values 25e. Flue soft wool, Pearl "'Vests at.. ,. 50e ... Misses' long sleeves, Union WE SELL A gni OZ. GRAIN BAG AT $I.5o A DOZEN. Flannelettes olettes W' have just received 40 pieces of Flannelettes in nets' patterns, among them.is another lot,'of rho a 36 inch Flannelette at Toe that we have sold so many of. Double width Grey Flannelette Sheeting 25c a yard . P 1 a:nd We are showing a very fine line of Wool Plaids at 25c and 50c a yard, these are quite new Plaids and we will have another lot in a. few days. Matat1e> We are showing a very fine line of Ladies' and Misses' Mantles in smooth and rough cloths. CARLNN C BROS An intelligent boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at this office Tian Times will be given to new snb- cribers for the balance of the year for 25 cents. Carling Bros. are showing a very fine line of ladies, kid gloves in green and tans.. They are the sole agents in Exeter for Miller'sGlovinefor cleaning kid .gloves. The ragweed is growing unusually high, The woodchuck has a heavy winter's coat. There are other signs of a severe frost about the first of January. It is easy for a preacher to touch the hearts of his hearers, but the trouble is that their hearts will not stay touched if he doss not let their pockets alone Miss Mortlock'burst a blood vessel in her head on Sunday, and lost about -a pail full of blood. It was with difa- culty the flow was stopped. She is re- gaining strength. Little Johnnie Vanderberg, the five- year-old son of Isaac Vanderberg, sec- tion foreman on the Northern railway at Thornhill. fellunder awagon and was fatally injured. Rev. Mr. Baird, of Grand Bend, oc- cupied the pulpit of James St. church on Sunday last, morning and evening, • IMiss Pauline Johnston will shortly be married to a Winnipeger. Miss Johnston is of Indian blood and is a:. + talanted author and elocutionist. She Chas recited several times in Exeter. As the term "wet" was used during the plebiscite campaign it applies very well to the village of Formosa, in. south Bruce, where of the large vote polled not one wascast for prohibition Miss Lizzie A. Towle, of 'Centralia, returned home on Monday after spend- ing a few days with friends in Nissouri and also with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S. Towle, 'Treacy St. - R. Marys Argus. Mr. John Jermyn and family, of Wellburn, had a narrow escape from being burnt out the other day, their little boy got hold of some matches, and was playing with them in the bedroom; when they ignited and set fire to the clothing. Fortunately it was discovered in time, and extin- guished, before much damage was done. About $10 will cover the loss. On and after January lst, 1899,the government will levy postage on newspapers. It will therefore be necessary to demand subscription money in advance, and 'RBA Timns hopes to have all subscribers ^ 111 arrears remit the respective amounts' and preached two eloquent, impressive due before the close of this year. By promptly attending to this matter our and logical sermons, readers to whom the foregoing apglie We are offering THE TIMES from will confer a much appreciated favor. now until January -1900 for one dollar.: Scores of copies of the Tx xis are remailed by subscribers to friends at a distance. The postage is 52 cents a year, if mailed regularly. It's worth at least as much again'to lookup wrap- pers and attend to the mailing, isnt it ? Then perhaps you forget to mail the paper until it becomes stale. It only costs a dollar a year to have us send THE TIMES regularly from the office of publication. Have the n tines ofour absent sons and daughters rout y g on the list, and save money, trouble and irregularity. Remember it is better than a letter. This is on condition that the dollar be paid before the end of this year. If you cannot bring in your dollars, send them by mail. Postal notes are handy and quite safe. Mrs. G. W. Barrett and her little son Georgie, of Winnipeg, Man., who have been visiting friends in Detroit, for the past six weeks, are the guests of Miss Fish. She intends remaining in Ontario for some time, her husband having gone to Klondyke in the inter- ests of the firm of Ryan & Co., shoe `dealers of Winnipeg. He expects to be absent about a year. The Epworth League of Main street church gavea social and entertainment on Tuesday evening. A splendid pro- gram was rendered. Rev. Smith gave two readings,Miss A. Stewart a recita- tion, H. Follick an instrumental, be- sides several quartettes' by members of the choir. The attendance was large and a splendid time was spent. The chair was occupied by George Willis. Mrs. M..E. Crocker, who has con- ducted a fancy goods store in Exeter for a number of years, intends leaving in a few days for St. Marys, where she will reside. On Wednesday next she will sell by public auction, all her household effects. Mrs. Crocker is an estimable lady and will leave a large circle of friends, who will join Ta TIMES in wishing her alit happiness in her new home. Mr. Dyer has rented the premises to ` be vacated by Mrs. Crocker. Additional locals on 4th page. Hosiery! Hosiery Hosiery!a! We cannot be surpassed for qualities & kinds in Ladies' Hosiery. We are taking into stock this week three leading brands. Line 187 in sizes 8t, 9 & 94 the best values you have seen at 40c, per pair. Line T. 6, in same sizes, at 50c. Line 1000, Extra quality worsted, sizes 6, 6i, 7,7e, 8, 8?i grand goods sure, 35c., 40c., 45c., 50c., 55c., 60c. Line 508, choicest of Cashmere Hose, sizes, %, 9, 9i, and 10, 60c. 60c. 60c. 65c Line 508, same sizes at 55c. per pair, except No. 10 which are 70c. An inspection of these goods will thor- oughly convince you of values and their worth. In Men's is hose we sell a host. We are renewing our stock with A. 1, values line 1?. W. worsted at 30c., L. D. 30, at 10c. all Black. Besides these some six other lines from 124c. to 35c. per pair. Our Underwear for Ladies Gents86 has taken: well, ' and is On the move. J. where be will keep the choicest of P. CLARKE meats constantly on Band. Butter, choice, 16o. . CATs, SOLICITED' Eggs, 150, SOH ` T F ANNINQ Children Cry for EXETER ILLING CO. SUCCESSORS TO TRE ROLLINS AND WILLIAMS MILLING GO.r Are now ready to do business with the pub- lic generally. All kinds of FLOUR, FEED AND MILL STUFF For sale at close prices. Leave your orders at the mill. We deliver every day to any para of the town free. We hope you will help us to make a success of the business, which means a', success for the town. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat At au times. Tsrmrnows No. 36. STEWART BROS. & WILLIAMS. Bright New Goods ]if you wish Fresh Groceries, call AT DAUNCEY'S A large stock of Flour & Feed; cheap, AT DAUNCEY'S Cash or trade for Butter and Eggs and other produce AT DA.UNCEY S Everything new and fresh,bright and clean g AT D.4 TJNGEY S. GROCERY, FLOUR & FEED STORE. One door north of post oMee, Exeter M EW WLfiT Mi9RK1:T The undersigned has opened up a. new meat market roto door Sontli of iarllnfi'S Store.