HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-10-27, Page 4TIMES The iviolsons Bank I (eualeessitans 13Y PAISLIAISMIsTT,1855) lealdue Vapita s2,00e,000 Bea Fund. 1,400,000 Tread Oreee, Montreal. IssetalsERSTAST TELOMaS,Essa, ezisionai. Max:sena Money Advanced to good tarroere on their own note with one or more endorser at 7 or eessper annum. Exeter Bremer. Pea eVerY lamtu.1 day, from a.m. to p,ea SATI.7111)s).VS, 14 lam, to 1 la m. •Overeat rates of Interest allowed on deceits N. D. liTIRDON., Manager. Exeter, Deo. 7.7th, 'es Calender for October, 1898 Snenav....... 2 9 Momee-v , 810 TOMsnay. „. 4 11 WMONEsmaY. , 5 12 TistUnsasesx.... 0 18 Ern. 7 14 Sarum:sale .. 1 8 15 .601114}1.,•6•01.0.+41...A 16 23 30 17 21 31 18 25 19 26 20 27 21 28 22 29 untO. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1898 NOTES AND oommENTS. There will be no election trial iu West Huron. It will be remembered Mr. Garrow (Liberal) was elected there by the casting. vote of the re- turning officer, and both parties claimed the seat. There is a petition and a cross -petition. The case will be formally heard at Oegoode Hall, on Nov. 1. No eyidence will be offered, and both petitions will be dismissed, wheretmen Mr. Garrow will immedi- ately resign his seat. It is stated that 31r.Garrow will be a candidate in West Huron for the Dominion Rouse, to succeed the late M. O. Cameron. Judge Finkle, of Woodstock, goes to the Sunny South on an unusual quest -to collect a debt from a dead. man. Ten years ago George C. Miller, then of Tilsonburg, was a partner of the judge in the lumber business. He tied keying his partner the onus of several , elleged ,crooked transactions, and a Xltauber et life insurance polities am- ounting to $15,000, which Judge Finkle has kept up ever since to stand him against his loss. Word has come that •Miller died recently at G-eneva, Mis- souri, and Judge Finkle goes there to prove his death. The answer of the Government to the Dominion Alliance request for a date for a national prohibition deputa- tion to wait upon them, has not yet been received though expected daily. On its arrival, the Alliance executive -will meet, and issue invitations to re- presentative prohibitionists from all parts of the Dominion. The Alliance secretary, F. S. Spence is daily receiv- ing more or less copies of resolutions passed by prohibition aaad kindred bodies, asking the Government to in- troduce a prohibitory ineasure at the next session of the Donainion Parlia- =exit So many men, so many minds. Here is W. W. Ogilvie, of Montreal, pro- testing that the Manitoba grain crop is a success, and that he will have 40,000,- 000 bushels of wheat in his elevators, againt 22,000,000 bushels last year,e-ind 5,000,000 bushels of oats, against 1,000,- 000 bushels last year. On the other hand, Robert Meighen, president of the Lake of the Woods Milling Com- pany, says that Manitoba will have only 27,000,000 bushels of wheat for exportation, that only 20 per cent of it will inspect No. 1 hard, and that only 8,000.000 bushels of the wheat crop escaped undainaged by rain and frost A comparison of the trade returns for the first three months of the cur- rent fiscal year, viz., Xulse,August and Sept, 1898, with the corresponding period of the previous year dis • closes an unexpected, if not a startling situation. During this quarter in 1898 we exported $5,301,5751ess than in1897. We imported $11,299,699 more. The Government collected in the shape of duties $1,657,244 mare during. the three months of 1893 than of 1897. In other words, competing the first quarter of 1898 with that of 1897, our exports degreased 10 per cent., our imports increased 35 per cent. and the duty collected wars increased by 30 per cent. This demands some explanation from the Government. Is it consistent with their policy that our export, trade should dwindle? If not how do they explain this 10 per cent. decrease? Additional Locals NEXT Susinasr .ND 'S MOSTDA.r.--lie anniversary of the re -opening o the Camera Presbyterian church occurs .next Sunday ancl Monday. On Sim - clay, Rev. E. W. Natoli, of Stratford, evill preach morning and eyenieg. On Monday evening, Rev. J. G. Stuart, B. A., of Knox church, London, will de- liver an address on "curious Chinese castoms,' Admission 25 centeesehildren, 15„cents, CoxemisT.-Grand Concert and Box Social to be held at Farquhar on the evening of November lst, in the Public Hall. Good taleat has been secured and a rare treat is in store for those who attend. Each lady to bring a box with, enough for two and the lady to write her name on a slip of paper and place it in the box. This box is to be put up for auction and the highest bidder to have the privilege of sharing the conteuts and the company of the lady. See bills for particulars. FAT SToom Sieow.-The SUM Of $50 was collected from the merchants of Exeter to help defray the expenses of bolding a Fat Stock Show here in December. The Smith Huron Agri- cultural Society met hi Hensall on Monday and decided to hold the show in Exeter on December 16th, Exeter was the only place that had raised a fund to assist m paying the prizes, thus keeping up its record as being the agricultural centre of Huron, and the only place in which a successful fair can be held. CoareaEmnia.-The large tank OU John street has been completed. This was one of the several improvements made in connection with our fire pro- tection, in compliance with the re- quirements of the Underwriter's Asso: elation, for the lessening of the insur- ance rates in Exeter. The desired end does not seera to have been reached, as one of the Exeter merchants this week informed Tian TIMES that his rate, clueing the past few days, had been increased rather than lowered. The council leave either misunderstood the requirements of the underwriter's or the Underwriter'sAssociation do nob know what they want. This matter should be finally settled at once, as the expense to the corporation during the past two years, along this line has been heavy and seemingly to no pur- pose. ;Wei 'ana0 TO APPEAR. -Two weeks ago Monday, Henry Eilber, the mem- ber for South Huron, was to have ap- peared in Goderich for examination for discovery, in connection with the protest against his election, filed. by the Liberals. At the time the Liberals were arranging for a sewoff with an- other constituency, and word came from Toronto telling Mr. Eilber he would not be required to go to Gode- rich for examination. Arrangements had been made for examination in Gederich, and when Mr. Eilber failed to appear, a motion was made to commit him for contempt of court. On Monday Judge Osier disposed of the matterby requesting Mr. Eilber to appear when required. Mr, Eilber's • non-appearance was no lax of duty on his part, but it misunderstanding among the political nianagees in Toronto. He is quite -willing to appear and has been from the outset. COUNTY Consort,. - The two-year term of the present members of the county council elapses with the close of this year, and county clerk Lane last week mailed the necessary papers to the officers appointed by the county council to receive nominations for the next term. The following, who are all municipal elerkseareithe officers for the different dietricts : No. 1 (Ash- field, Colborne, town of Goderichn W. Stothers, Belfast,; No. 2, (township of Goderich, Hullett, 0linton,1 James Canaphell,Londesboro;No.3,(Hay, Hen- sall,Stantey,Bayfield)FredHess,Zurieli; No. 4, (Stephen, Usborne, Exeter,) Chester Prouty, Hay; No.5, (McKillop Tuckersneith, Seaforth,) A. G. Smillie, Hensell; No. 0, (Grey,Morris,Brussels,) F. S. Scott, Brussels ; No. '7, (West Wawa,ziosh, East Wawanosh, Blyth, gbam),Peter Porterfield,Marnoch; No. 8, (Ho wi cla Turn berry, Wroxeter, ) Jas. Cowan, Wroxeter. These gentle- men will receive nominations on the last, Monday but one in December, which will be December 19th, and the, elections will take place two weeks later, on January 2nd, along with the other municipal elections. The wandering tramp is becoming more and more dangerous to rural, communities, the shooting of respect- able citizens by tramps is becoming more and more frequent, and there is no check at present applicable ha stop- ping the evil. The latest outrage, the . shooting of Mr. Perry at Tweed, add- ed to the long list going before it, de- monstrates the necessity of some re- medy for the tearnp nuisances The system of rural police in Sutirely inefficient, and local constables where these outrages have occurred have often proved unable to cope successful- ly with the trouble, Some more efficient system of constahnlary is therefore necessary, and the Ontario Government, by instituting it remedy by this or some other means, would be doing itself and the public it service and it benefit. The tramp nuisance should be stamped out of the (man - try. William 141acharis veterinary sur- geon, New York, it former Mitchellite, dietifon Oct. 10th from inj atlas received while treating a horse, Mr. Meehan was called the previous Wednesday to treat it heavy draught horse. 14e wag in the act of applying a hypoder- mic injection of chleride boelum when $.3iiciclerily the horse dropped dead. The animal bore down Mr. Meehan itt its fall, arid crushed him againsb it stone well. His neck was painfelly wrench- ed and he was compelled to take to his bed. Gradually be grew worse untl he loSt consciousness on Senclay ;Td died the following day, 'IT'S so pleasant to take that children yefor it ; but it's death to worms of ell kinds, Dr, Low's Worm Syrup. Pince 25c, All dealers, Perth County Notes Stratford's population has flake off eti2 tiering the past year. Mrs. Geo, Wilson, St. Marys,is visit- ing at Win. Kay's in Ilsboree, Robt, Wilson and family, of Milver- ton, hays moved into $t. Marys to 11Ye, Isaac Btillen $t Marys, has sold his farm on the river road to Mr. Thomp- son, Alex. 1-ood is re-engaged as teacher of Kirkton school for the nextyear at an advanced salary. Anderson Methodist church will bold Weil.anniversary services on Sunday aticl Monday, October 30th and 31st. Robert Clyde, stonemason, of St. Marys, has sold his farm on the 4t1i con.Blanshard to lsaacHaileyofScience Hill. Miss Eliza Somerville, of Prospect Hilthad the misfortune to fall while descending the stairs and broke one of her legs. The death of Mrs. Hone relict of the late William Hone, of Listowel, occurred on Wednesday at her home in the flth concession of Elma. The Hazelwood family, of Kirkton, under the supervision of tiller former employer,Mr. Stewarthave gone on a concert tour throughout Ontario. • • Herbert Page, of St, Marys, has invented. an automatic steam penile the United States patent of which he has recently sold foe $9,000. Rev. E. B, Service, BruceMines, formerly of St. Marys, is Offering from blood poisoning in the hand, and there is danger of losing that mem- ber. Miss Whitworth, of St. Marys, has been elected to the honorable and re- sponsible position of simerintendentof Junior work for the Ontario C. E. Union. Miss C. Kirk has been re-engaged to teach Anderson school for the year 1809. Miss Kirk has given general satisfaction as this is her seventh year in this section. Wm Abrey, of Kirkton, is on tin sick list. Last week he suffered in- jury to his leg by falling off a thresl• ing machine. He is now laid up wit.. typhoid fever. Mitchell Board of Works have com- pleted their labors for the yearnexcept repairing sidewalks. There have been nearly $8,000 spent on streets and side- walks this year. Herbert Young of J. D. Moore's plaining mill, St. Marys, had his left hand caught in it swing saw on Tues- day evening and the thumb and second finger badly cut. The Seaforths are kicking vigorous- ly over their defeat by Orangeville,the Expositor declaring it was a square steal, and advocatieg the withdrawal of the club from the 0. L. A. Thursday Oct. 13th, at the residence of Mrs. J. G. Mitchell, formerly of “Sylvanbalak Farm" Wildwood, the marriage of her second daughter, Lama, to Jos. A. Lang, of Wildwood, took place, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guest, of St. Marys, intend leaving in a few weeks for Hannaford, North Dakota, where they will reside with their son, Milian Guest, whose wife died last July, leav- leg four young children. Mr. Bowes, of Elma, was married to Mr. Earl's youngest daughter, of Mit- chell. There was a large number of friends present to express their good wishes for the filture prosperity of the happy young couple. Geo. Scott, who has been landlord of the Revere House, nt Sebringville for the past 10 years, has sold. his good -will of the premises to Peter Borman and rented another house in Hensell where there are only two hotels. A. Langford, of Devises, moved. on Tuesday to his new home in London, where he intends continuing business. A. Stanley is carrying on the business in Devises for Mr. Kestle, of Bally - mote, who has purchased the store. The oldest settler in the township of Logan passed away at his residence on Thursday, Richardson Mulholland had attained the great age of ninety-one years and six months. He had al- ways been in good health and active until the last few months. Win. Flanagan, of St. Marys, who was s isly injured by being knock- ed o op of a moving tram while pass der an overhead bridge at Detr eeforepart of lasb *week, is from st reports receiyed, hovering between life and death. His aunt,Mrs. P. Dunn, of St. Merys, who wkt last Thursday to Debroit to see thlet he was well taken care of, is in gonstant attendance at his bedside at She hos- pital. He has since died. A horse belonging to Bissett's livery ran away Weduesda.y evening. The NorthMiddlesex election protest trial is set down for Noy. 3rd, in the Town hall, Parkhill. John Taylor, e'ho has been on a pleasure trip to Manitoba for sthe past few weeks, returned home Wednes- day. kr. and Mrs, Thos. Prier and family of Exeter, and Daniel Prier,of Clinton, attended the wedding of a relative in Bryanston, on Tuesday. • Jas. Stuart has sold 200 acres of land on the 2nd con of Tureberry for $8,000 to P. Met'wee. John Gannett has sold severity acres to Jas. e Gray for $2,000; The adjourned congregational Ine,et- ing of the Trivitt Memorial church, will be held in the sehool hall, on Mon• - day evening. Oct. 31st. Rural Dean Hodgins, of Seaforth has promised to be presen t. Death removed two inmates of the Perth House of Refuge last week. On Tuesday, Ilth, Jacob Scheyer, aged 69, who was committed from Downie on Dec. 3 last, passed away. He bed no friends and was buried Thursdayeat 3 o'elook in the afternoon. Thuesclay%at 3.30 o'clock re en. one of the oldest in- mates died in the person of Jno. Sta- cey, of Logan. He was ninety years of age, and death was due to the weak- ness -due to such great age. Sohn Meadows, S011 Of Joseph Mea- dows, farmer, on the 14th line of East Zonal, fell from a tree while peeking apples in his father's °rased on Fie - day, and his life is now hanging in the balance as a result of the injuries he sustained. 'Word from his bedside at about one o'clock Saturday was to the effect that the petient Was sinking. Meadows is 27 yeate of age,is married, arel TiVes an bis father's farm. Medical aid was &transomedlb was found that the chief injury wee to the spine, Paralysis set in and soon the unfortun- ate inan Was poWeriese from hie ems Donald B. McDonald,of Reno,31ichi- gen, aged 98 years, was - united in matrimony Monday to Mrs. eMaggie Ann Oregan, aged 84. The ancient bridegroom was married three times in Canada and was the father of 11 children. The bride was married twice -once in Ireland and once in New York -and is the mother of, ten children. John R. McDonald officiated in tying the knot in the presence of the great-grandchildren and great- great-grandcbildren of both groom and bride. There is considerable excitement in it section of Grey county at preeent over outrages upon the property of the Loyal Orange Association,ahd counter outrages against the property of Roman Oatholies which some hot- headed meiribers or sympathizers of the L. O. A. have indulged in. Three Orange halls in the vicinity of Mark - dale and Elesberton lia,ve been burned by incendiaries. Last Friday night an equally dastardly deed was aimed against the Roman Calm - lies of Markdale, when some one mashed the windows of their church. In the morning thirty-seven stones were found inside the building. Of course the Catholics protest that they have bad nothing to do with the burn- ing of the Orange halls, and the Orangemen are equally earnest in denying all knowledge of the attack en the Homan Catholic church bnild- ing at, Markdale, However, there is very _little doubb in the public mind that Lot -beetled aclherente of the organizations have allowed themselves to be carried away into committing the riots referred to. • The atest Nowa. Two cases ottebereulosis are report- ed in Yarmouth. • The Northwest 'Territorial elections will tekeplace on Nov. 2. The ward system will likely be done away with in East Nissouvi township for the future. • Albertt. Young was fatally injured by fellieg from the loft of the Boswell House stitblesi Londem.' Joseph Lalonde,a: business man. of Gananoque,who has recently returned trom the Klondike, committed suicide by shooting. John Kirkwood, Ottawa, was run down by a train at a station Friday morning itnd killed on the spot. He was 21 years of age. The employees of the London Street Railway Co. threaten to strike unless ceetain demands they have made on blie company are granted. The boy Herbert Parker, who fell out of a tree on judge Meredith's pyo- perty, London and -broke both arms is hi a very critical condition. Solomon Day, of Grand Rapids, while driving into Lonclon,was thrown from his rig aud snstainecl a fracture of the bit shoulder and the right wrist. Mrs. McDonald, wife of an old mai) named Malcolm McDonald, residing in Woodstock, was found dead in bed by a neighbor. The old lady was seventy- five years of age. Russel Oook, a nine-year-old Bramp- ton bey, died on Sunday from, hemor- rhage of the brain, resulting from a blow on the head from a horse -chest- nut thrown by a companion. Robert Meigheis, it prominent 3Iani- toba miller, estimates the wheat crop of Manitoba and the North west Terri- tories at 3,500,000, 20 per cent.of which will be damaged by the weather. Archbishop O'Brien, of Halifax, -de- nies that he is to succeed the late Dr. Walsh, of Toronto. Such a transfer, he says, would be a step backward for him, since Halifax is both a larger and older see than Toronto. A Sarnia specialist recommends gargling with lager beer as a remedy fore sore throat. Local young men, whn have tested this popular prescrip- tion, state that the soreness is merely transferred from the- throat to the head. • At Bramptou on the 12th the Duffer - hes of Orangeville won from Seaforth all but the final match for the senior Canadian. Lacrosse Association champ- ionship by six goals to five. It was one of the most spirited matches played in Ontario this year. Thursday afternoon the marriage of Miss Aggie, eldest daughter of Squire John W. Rosser, of London township, was consummated at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev.Mr. Ooutts, Baptist pastor. The groom is William Thompson, a farmer of McGillivray. In spite of bad weather, Manager Thompson, of the Ogilvie Milling Com- pany, estimates that Manitoba's crop of good wheat will be larger than last year. He places the yield from Man- itoba and tbe Territories at 38,000,000 bushels, out of which probably only 4,800,000 bushels will be damaged. The four-year-old child of Mrs. Wm. Young, the Kirkwall lady, who met her death from the overturning of a lamp at the McCoag farm,in Beverley, near Galt, died the following day and was buried with its mother. The child was foundafter the accident almost suffocated. The rate war is still unsolved, and. the C. P. R. now blames the G. T. R. for the continuation of the cut. Mr. 3IcNicholl, of the O. P. R., says when the G. T. R. ceases selling tickets to Manitoba at less than the regular fare his company will be prepared to do something towards restoring the local rates. A Montreal despatch says :-Mrs. Ireland, wife of the missing Dr. Ire- land, and her uncle have returned to Trenton; Ontario, leaving instructions that if the doctor's body were found it should be forwarded to Trenton. Mrs. Ireland states that at the time of her husband's disappearance he had 8360 on his person. Leonard Slain, a. farmer of Lobo townshipeleft an estate of $10,000, all to his grandchildren His two sons have merely a, life interest in a back- woods' farm, and his tvvo daughters nothing at all. Mrs. Daniels,one of the daughters, is contesting the will, on the ground of undue influence by the grandchildren, and unsound mind on the peat of the testator. They didift-kr ow -it- was -loaded re- volver is responsible for the loss of the front teeth and part of the upper jaw- bone of fourteen -year-old lad named. Atkinson who lives in Toronto. He and another boy, walking on Spaclina road, saw two other youngsters under a bridge playing with a revolver. Boy -like, Atkinson and his companion approached, and just then the revolver went off, inflicting the injuries ment- ioned. The boys uncler the bridge ran away. Late statistics show that the sums set apart for war purposes by the five great and three lesser powers of Europe amount collectively to $601.- 415,850. For British Inclie the sum is $116,637,288, making a grand total of $808,053,147 per annum. (Saluda tin g the charge per bead it is found that Eng- land pays $3.21 ; Germany, $2.70 ; France, $2.21 ; Spain, $2.12 ; Austria. $2.03 ; Italy, $1.40 '• Russia, $1,17, and Turkey, 83 cents. These figures, how - eve, give a misleading impression of the relative burden of war expendi- ture. The average Inhabitant of Eng- land, for instance, on account of the amorist t and distribution of wealth and the ordinary means ofeerning revenue, does not begin to feel his annual con- tribution of $3.21 as does the Spaniard his payment $2.12, the Russian of $1.17, or the Turk of only 83 cents. It is probable, also, that the burden to the German of his $2.70 is riot heealiee than that of $2.21 to the Frenchman, while we know that the modest, $1,46 cif the Italian wee one. of the things that provoked the terrible elate of last epring. The pee cepita charge in British India, owing to the vast population, is only 40 cents, but the Government of Ind'e is never free them the dread that II, ery slight addition to texatiou may at any mo- ment chive the mit Ives to open yogis - tante, Cause of Rheumatism How the disease is Developed .and can be Avoided. , For Years This Trouble Baffled Phys sicittns' skill -Now -Understood. and --Easily (lured 'The Resolt of Seien- tific Research, From the Advance, Keinptville, Ont. There is it popular idea that rhennia- tism is caused by exposure to cold, and that some localities are infected with' it morethan others, Scientists say that such eonditions frequently pro-' mote disease, but from the facb that this ailment rens in certainfainilies, it is shown to be hereditary, and conse- quently a disease of the blood. • Frequently an individual in whose, family rheumatism has not occurred, develops the disease, and when a diag- nosis of the case is mad.e; it is geiaer- ally found that the ailment is due to a derangement of bhe blood. • One such sufferer who has been our - ed is Capt, D. W. Becket, who lives in the township of Oxford, Grenville County, Capt. Becket is the ownerof 275 acres , and liyes in a beaueifiel farm home on the banks of the Ridean, some three miles from lnemptville. In addition to being a thriftyfarmer Mr. Becket has taken an enthusiastic in- terest in our volunteer force and has graduated from the military college at Toronto with • a first-class certificate, which entitles him to the rank of Major: To it reporter of the Kempt- yille Advance, Capt. Becket made the following statement ;- "Four years ago I was taken suddenly with rheum- atism in both my elbows and thigh joints. The pain at times was some- thing terrible. I took medicine and doctored for over six months, but con- tinued to grow worse and worse. My arms from the elbow joints to the tips of the fingers became numb and had a, prickly sensation, and I was unableeto do any weak ; in fact I could not lift my hand to my head. The pain I suf- fered. in my hips was also almost un. bearable and my legs were nearly as useless as my arms. I had frequently testimonials where Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had cured this disease, and at last I thought I would try them as an experiment: Before I had complet- ed the first box 1 felt they were help- ing me and after I had. taken the Pills a little more than it month, the pain had entirely left me, and I felt an alto- gether different man. 1 feel satisfied there is no other medicine could have wrought such a speedy cure, and I can truthfully say I met the enemy and defeated him through the aid of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a specific for all diseases arising from an im- poverished condition of the blood or a shattered condition of the nervous forces,such as St. Vitus dance,locomo- tor ataxia, rheumatism, paralysis, sciatica, the after effects of la grippe, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, chronic erysipelas, scrofula, etc. They are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, correct- ing irregularities, suppressions arad all forms of female weakness, building anew the blood and restoring the glow of health to pale and and sallow cheeks. - In the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesseesof any nature. Protect yourself against imitations by insisting that every box you mar - chase bears the full name Dr.. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. The Embro School Board re-engaged Miss Skelton and Miss Boxall as well as the principal, Miss BoxalPs salary will be raised to $240. The wedding took place at Auburn- dale, Mass., on Thureclay afternoon, of A. B. Broderick, manager of the Mol - sons Bank, and Mrs. MacDougall, widow of th.e late Fred MacDougall, whose sad death occurred in Winni- peg some time ago. . Hon. Clifford Sifton does not seem to have enough friends left to con- trol a Manitoba Liberal' conyentions which is not to be wondered at, con- sidering how Mr. Siften has been scattering his supporters to the ends of the earth in the guise of immigra- tion agents. The secretary's report shows the number of schools in the county to be 133, the rannber of teachers 1,541, and the number of seholars 13,622. The average attendance of scholars throughout the year was 60 per cent, For missionary and. benevolent objects 33,048 had been raised. ifaileasSesSeD3‘,IsasSD&CaSaSa933?&..4 ee it? If you have coughed and coughccl until the lining mern- tfane of your throat and lungs infla,med, SCOtt9S EiTHASEI of Cod-liver Oil will soothe; strengthen and probably cure: The cod-liver oil feeds and strengthens the weakened tis- sues. The glycerine soothes and heals them. The hypo - phosphites of lime and soda impart tam and Itig0t. Don't neglect these coughs. One bottle of the Emulsion may do more foe You now than ten can do later on2 Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. All druggists ; 5�c. and $Loo, SCOTT Et 13OWNt, Chemists, Toronto. Geeliturtifirt410044041teteietlei 4,rY 40 (11 9 ,$) Do 1th get ,.19 'wi he Is there ' a had taste in your mouth? Then you have a poor appetite and a weak diges- tion. You are frequently dizzy, always feel dull and I drowsy. You have cold hands and feet. You get but little benefit from your I food. You have no ambition to work and the sharp pains yofoury. neuralgia dart through What is the causeeef all this trouble? Constipated bowels. e will give you prompt relief and certain cure. Keep resee Blood Pare. If you have neglected your case a long time, you had better take gist). It will remove all impurities that have been accumulating in your blood S and will greatly strengthen your nerves. ) Write the Doctor. There may be something atent 1 r your ease you do not quite under- stand. Write the doctor freely: tell hlm how yon aro suffering. You '9 %yin promptly receive the best , medical, advice. Address, Dr. J. O. Ayer, Lowell, MIL$8. HOW TO SPEND HALLOWE'EN. We would like to suggest to the young people of Exeter, -what we think would be it much more pleasant and agreeable way of spending hallow - e'en than the custom in vogue here now. of removing gates, signs, etc., and damaging property in general. We get this from our old friend Price, of the Aylmer Express, who spent hal- lowe'en in Kingston it few years ago. Instead of such work as mentioned aboye, the children formed themselves into little bands of from two to five or six, sometimes all boys, sometimes all girls, and sometimes part of each. In most cases they disguised them- selves, but not always. Some black- ened there faces, dressed in rags,others put on the best they had, or had fancy dresses made up for the occasion. Then they visited the home of all their friends,who were expecting them in most cases,and serenaded them with songs, music, dancing and sometimes little charades. In return they were treated by the lady of the house with cake and coffee, fruits candy, etc., which had been prepared beforehand. In this way the young people spent a very pleasant evening, and the older ones had a good time also. Why not try it here for one year? It beats the present way out sight. John. Brown of East Nissouri had his house damaged Monday morning by a fire that caught from some but- trenuts„thakhung close totthe stovepipe upstairs. Fortunately water was near at hand and the house was saved, the kitchen roof only being destroyed. At a recent meeting of the Stratford Public School Board, the management committee submitted a report recom mending that Miss Edith Taylor, of St. Marys, be appointed to theposition of Superintendent of the Shakespeare and Romeo:ward kindergartens,. 'vice Miss Harding, resigned, at a salary of $250 per annum. St. Marys Journal :-RicharciBurns, who considered himself a pugilist, assaulted Lawyer Graham on the. street on Monday morning. He made a mistake in his man, however, and was properly trimmed by the athletic lawyer. In the afternoon turns ap- peared before Mr. H. F. Sharp, J. P., who find him $1 and costs. A serious shooting accident occurred • in Listowel on Saturday afternoon. The twin sons of Robt. Hemphill were practising with a22 calibre rifle, along with some other boys, shooting at a mark in their father's orchard, when Roy, a fourteen-year.old lad., was shot by his brother Oliver, the bullet enter- ing Roy's breast an inch or two below the heart. • The San Jos.e scale is again infecting fruit trees around Kingsville. •NP.••••p•MILIM•14.... • BIRTHS. ARMSTRONG -In Si, Marys, on Oct. 18111, the Wife Of P. Armstrong, of a son. lIABICIRE-In Matinee, Oct. la the, wife of It. HabWric,. of. a son. MeLARIIN-In tabbort, Oct. 4, the wife Of W. L Mca Laren, of daughter. FOltt -In Exeter north, on the 0 inst., the Wife of Goo. ford, ole daughter, EASTEIII3ROORE.- In Exeter', on the lath inst., the wife of George Illasterbrooke, 011 tWiag, son and daughter. IIEDDEN-In ilentralia, on the 14th, inst., the Wife of A Redden, of it daughter. ROBINSON-In .Denver, Oelo,, ou the 1.0th inst., the wife of W. V. Robinson. barrister, (form erIylof ,A.ndorson) of a sou, JONES -South Boundary Stephen, orallo 10tik inst., the wile of Wesloy.Iones, of a daughter 1. DEATHS SOIDLL-In Lueltnow, on October g2nd, .ToMi • Soon, aged Si years, Davss-ai, oinitoil, on October lath, Ani • DaVino aged Se yeare Ana 4 months. 11'1111113NTIM-In Stephen, 00 Ooto.bor 2MA, Frederick rtriebeer, aged YOOro. 1 intnithe' Cooking Stoves Gurney-Tild.en "SOUVENIR" McClary's "FAMOUS. MODEL" James Stewart Co.'s "GOOD CHEER"' Buck's "HONOR BRIGHT"' COAL HEATERS McClary's "FAMOUS" Buck's "RADIANT HOME."' All kinds WOOD HEATERS Lot of second hand HEATERS ,---zgatb-- Apple Payers, Wira ScalleEi 11, BisIio & Solt laXBIPBIZ 9,0•111...11. Sim Ilmanssomm, however annoying and distressing, is positively cured by Laxa Liver Pills. They are easy to take and neyer gripe. INSTANT RzeaEr guaranteed by use-- ing letilburn's Sterling Headache Pow-. dere. No depressing after-effect. 'HAG:YARD S YELLOW UIL is prompt to relieve and sure to cure coughs, colds, sore throat, pain in the chest, hoarse- nesss,quinsey,etc. Price 25c. weal tseaseasSaer saes Ara You interested in Wheels?" andle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs,. 6 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewing 114ac1iines ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S.—Selling out Dise Har rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. Every incoming freight train, since last January, emptied part eSi of its cargo on our floors, and the new things have crowded every foot of our large floor space. We are not hurrying you tc>. purchase, but many prefer to get as near as possible the first choice of new assortments. Our Stock eatic,, Furniture of all Bids Was never more complete. Purchasers get from us always the lowest prices and the aclvant. age of all the study Of styles and of the most perfect taste that we oats caner:hand. CIDLEY /St SON, FURNITURE aem II.NDERTAKERS,