HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-10-27, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES
If Creasy were alive, it woeld be time
Lor hint to publish an enlarged eche
tion of iele 'Fifteen Decisive Battles of
the World, adding to his liat the bat -
tea of Manila Bay, Santiago, and Om -
deletion. These are likely to prove
epoelemaking battles in the brottelest
sense, The English are now hard at
work figuring over the probable re-
sults of General Kitchener's
great vietory over the Mandist:a,
The French too, are naturally great-
ly interested ha the queetion of Af-
rican expansion, which has now been
projeeted into the forefront of diplo-
enetic problems. For the fall of Khan-
. team is likely to prove the occasion
of the rise of a great civiltzation to
the south of the Upper Nile valley. Al-
ready weird, if not wholly wild dreams
of colonial extension in Africa are
floating through the brains of Eng-
lishmen, coestituting when transferr-
ed- to the brains of Frenchinen, decid-
edly bad dreams. The "Cape to Cairo"
ory is already becoming popular. Vis-
ions of a vaster zone of British, influ-
ence in northern Africa are crowding.
fast upon the excitements connected
with Cecil Rhodes's ambitious irnperial
schemes in South Africa. Evenby the
soberest men, it is saki that Khar-
tou.ne is not a terminus, but a point
oe departure in the further march of
Though Gordon thought
that Khartoum should be the limit ot
Anglo-Egyptian occupation to the
south, the progress of events hes side-
tracked euch a view as antiquated and
obstruotionary. The Nile expedition
was a political inove, as well as a hu-
manitarian crusade, and its interne -
'done' consequences are likely to prove
of the greatest moment.
Already tourists are beginning to
travel to Khartoum which has been well
termed. a. half -way house between
Cairo and Uganda, and soon explor-
ers, engineers and military command-
ants will be pushing the whole of the
way to equatorial Africa,. The cur-
rent of civilization pressing thither
.eannot anywhere be stayed along its
course, What the English long for,
the French fear. France may not, it
• is true, really count very much on the
possible performances of Commandant
Marchand, now at Fashoda, with a
strong force of Senegalese, who per -
resent a movement dramatic perhaps,
rather than decisive. But the French
have colonial aspirations, though they
are not successful colonizers, and will
retreat from their scheme of estab-
lishing an equatorial sphere of influ-
ence across the continent of Africa,
only with chagrin aand intense disap-
timii7rneat. Already some of the lead-
ers of public opinion in France are re-
signing themselves to the inevitable,
and prophesying the ultimate success
of the English as pioneers in the march
• of civilization, "We are about to wit-
ness the foundation," admits " The Sol-
• eil, "of the empire of Afrioan-India ;
England mistress of the Nile, of her
source and resources, and of th,e im-
mense and. fruitful countries travers-
ed• by that river." So many daring
dreams of sanguine neon have already
come true in history, that it is not
impossible that the Twentieth Cen-
tury will see the construction of a
line of railway from Alexandria to Cape
Town, over which solid vestibule trains
will run, with stops at Khartoum, Bash -
oda, Uganda, and other way stations.
Civilization cannot be held back.
Producing the Settablanee or a Coal Fire
By the Aid or Lump% or Blass.
Gas logs are made nowadays in vari-
ous sizes and with the imitation hic-
kory logs of which they are formed
piled in various shapes. The gas log
is designed asa sightly and conveni-
ent means of giving out •heat. There
is an • imitation electric grate fire. that
is intended for ornamental parpoees
• only. This fire is • comprised of. pieces
• of ruby and amber glass. The grate,
standing in a fireplace in the metal
manner, has within it an incandescent
light, over which is placed a wire cage
at sucli a height •in the grate that
the coal, that is, the ruby and amber
glass, when spread over it, is brought
up to the height of an ordinary coal
fire. The cage protects the burner,
• makes a thin layer of glass sufficient,
and holds the glass up so that the
light from below can shine through it
all and give it the appearance of the
coal fire it is made to represent. The
light is turned. on ancl. off and the fire
thus lighted or put out by turning e
key in the usual manner, this key be
ing located conveniently by the side of
the fireplace. The •electric grate is
used usually in rooms where steam is
used for heating.
treat rusAdred Men $ay or Chrlot—Whal
Me Said et Where Two or
• Three are Bothered Together lu
Name, There I am In the Moist of
Them "-Atone or Clurlst'ts Achievement,
• —Au Intensely lutereatlug Sermon.
•A despatch from Washington says
Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from the
following text: "Christ came, who is
over all, God blessed for ever, Amen."
—Romans ix. 5.
Paul was a reckless man in always
telling the whele truth; it mattered
not who it hil or what thelokical sys-
tem it upset. In this one sentence he
makes a world of trouble for all Arians
and Socinians, and gives a oud for scep-
ticism to chew on for the next thousand
years. We must proceecl skilfully to
twist this passage of Scripture, or ive
shall have to admit the 1)eity of Jesus
Christ, I roll up my sleeves for the
work, and begin by saying, perhaps
this is a wrong version. • No, all the
versions agree—Syriao, Ethiopio, Latin,
Aralaie. Perhaps this word God means
a being of great power, but not
the Deity. It is God "over all." But
perhaps this. word God refers to the
first person of the Trinity—God the Fa-
ther. No ; it is "Christ came, who is
over all, God blessed for ever. • Amen."
Whichever way I take it, and when I
turn it upside down, and when I try to
read it in every possible shape, I am
compelled to leave it who have gone
before me, an ineontrovertible proof of
the eternal and. magnificent Godhead
of the Lord Jesus Christ. "Christ came,
who is over all, God blessed for ever.
I suppose we are all willing to take
the Bible as our standard. It requires
as znuch faith to be an infidel a.s to be
a Christian; but it is faith in a dffer-
eat direction. The •Christian believes
in the statements of Moses and Isaiah,
and David, ande Matthew, and Mark,
and Luke, and Paul. The infidel be-
lieves in the statenaent of the Free-
thinkers. We have faith in one class
of men; they have faith in another
elates of men. But as I suppose the
vast majority of the people in the audi-
ence this morning are willing to take
the Bible as their guide in morals and
religion, I shall make this book my
starting point.
You. may be Aware that the two great
generals who have maishalled the larg-
est army of Unitarian troops are
Strauss and. Henan. The multitudes
of the slain under them will never be
counted until the day when the
archangel sounds the roll call of the
resurrection. -Thess men, and all men
who have sympathy with them, begin
by attacking the fortress of the nura-
cies. They know that when once they
have captured that fortress, Christian-
ity must surrender. • The great Ger-
man exegete says that all the miracles
are myths. The great French exegete
says that all the nairaeles are legends.
They must somehow or other explain
away everything supernatural in the
Bible—everything supernatural in the
life of Christ—though to accomplsh
that they must go up the greatest ab-
surdity. They prefer the miracles of
human nonsense rather than the grand
miracles of Jesus Christ. They say,
for instance, that the miraculous birth
of Christ was a myth, just as it is a
fencing idea that Romulus was born of
Rhea Sylvia and the god Mars. They
say that Christ did not feed five thous-
and with a few loaves of bread; that
is only a myth which got mix-
ed up with the distribution .of
twenty loaves among a hundred peo-
ple by Mishit. They say Christ did not
turn the water into wine; that was
only an improvement on the old Egyp.
flee plague by which waterwas turn.
ed into blood. They say no star pointed
down to the manger where Jesus laid
that was only the flash of passing laze
tern. They say that Christ's sweating
drops of blood in Gethsemane was not
very •astonishing, for He had been ex-
posed to the night,'and had been tak-
en sud.denly physically ill. They say no
tongues of fire saton the heads of
the disciples at the Pentecost; it was
only a great thunder -storm and the
air was full of electricity, and it snap.
ped and flew all around about the
Mads of the disciples. They say that
Mary and Martha, and Lazarus, and
Christ made up their minds it was ne-
cessary to get tip an exeitement in
order to forward their religion and so
they resolved to ploy funeral and Laz-
arus consented to be the corpse, and
Mary and Martha consented to be
mourners, and Christ consented to be
the chief operator. I, of course, put
it in my own words, but state accur-
ately their meaning. They say that the
four Gospels are spurious, written by
superstitious or lying men, and that
they were backed tip by people who
were to die and actually did die for ,
a thing they did not believe. Now I I
take back the limited remark made
a moment ago and say that it re- I
uires a thousandfold more credulity
nd faith to be an infidel than to be
Cbristian, and that if Christianity'
emends that the whale swallow Jonah,
hen scepticism demands that Jonah
wallow the whale.
f propose this morning to show you,
o far as the Lord may help me, that
esus Christ is God. t shall prove it,
irst, from what inspired men say of
Iim then from what Re said of Him -
The use of slate bas been forbidden d
in the schools in Zurich, Switzerland, ' s
and pen, ink and paper have been sub-
stItuted, even in the lowest forms. The e
reasons given are that the light gray e
marks of the penal on the slate can- f'
not be followed without straining the
, mb prossure wliith it is nee- s
esSarY to exert upon the pencil lessens ' m
the facility of the hand. and readers an w
ewer, flowing handwriting more t
stilt to attain; and, that the use of the 1 s
slete is not inducive to cleanly work, m
f behove this ail a through train said a
tee rogd agent, tit
11 is, replied the conduotor, N
Thee, I will proeeed to go through G
it, anfeeeneed the polite robbee.
elf; then from His wonderful achieve-
ents. "Get a good fat text to start
ith," said Dr. Dudlow, °Ur gtand old
Imo:Logic:a professor, If / never had
uch a text before, 1 have one thia
orning: "Christ earae; who is over ,
1, God bleseed for ever,. Amen," Not
yet' Solomon's throne not higher that I
eestly as a raiebow spans the mourn,
tithe -top. "Christ came, who is over all,
Goa blessed for ever. Amen."
The Bible says: "411 thinga were
made by Rim." Stop! Does not that
prove too numb? He, did/ not make the
Alediterraneare did Ile'? not Mount
Lebaeon t nor the Alps t nor' Mount
Washington? not the earthnot the
eters? not the Universe Yes, •" all
things were made by Him." And lest
we should. be so stupid as not to under-
stand it, the apostle concludes by say-
ing: "Without Hien was not anythirig
made that was made," Why then, He
must have been a God.
The Bible says: "At the naine of
Jesus Christ every knee shall hew,
of things,on earth, and things in heav-
en." See all heaven coming down on
their knees --martyrs on their knees,
apoetles On their knees, confessors on
their knees, the archangel on his knees.
Before whom? A man? No,
a God.
The Bible goes on to say that "ev-
ery tongue shall confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord." Malayan, Bornesian,
Mexican, Persians Italian, German;
Spanish, French, English—every tongue
shall confess , that Jesus Christ is
Lord. Why, He must be ct God. The
Bible says: "Jesus Christ, the same
yesterday, to -day and for ever." Men
change ; the body changes entirely in
seven years, "the mind changes, the
heart changes; but "Christ is the same
myeismtterdbeaya, otoo-dday, and for ever." Ho
• Philosophers say that it is gravit-
ation, the centripetel and centrifugal
forces, which keeps the worlds froin
clashing and from demolition; but
Paul says that Christ's arm is the axle
on which everything turns, and that
His hand is the socket in which every-
thing is set ; " upholding, holdingall
mthoinstgsbebyathGeodw.ord of His power.', He
But I go on ie the next place and
see what Christ said of Himself. Ev-
ery person ought to know more about
himself than anybody else does. If
ask you where you n ere born, and you
say: "I was born in , Ches-
ter, England, or !Dublin, or
New Orleans." I would believe you.
W.hy ? ,Beoause you ought to knew—
'it is a matter that pertains to your-
self. If I ask you whether you can
lift three or four hundred pounds,
ancl you said yes, I would believe you.
You ought to know. If I ask you
how much money you have—a hun-
dred •or a hundred thousand dollars—
and you tell me, I believe you, be-
cause you, being an honest man, will
tell Me truth. Now I ask if Christ
ought not to know whether or not He
is God.? I ask his axe. Re says, in so
many words: "Before Abraham was,
I ara." Abraham had been dead. two
thousand and twenty-eight years. Was
Christ two thousand and twenty-eight
years old? He says so. In Revela-
tions He says: "I am Alpha ;" Alpha
being the first letter of the Greek al-
phabet, it was as much as to Say: "I
am the A of the great alphabet of all
kthaeowe?enturies." • Ought not He to
Could Christ be in a thousand plac-
es at the same time ? He said so. He
intimates that He ean he in Madras.
in Stockhohn, in Pekin, in San Fran-
cisco, in Constantinople at the 'same
time. "Where two or three are.gath-
erect, together in. My name, there T
aman the midst of them." The facul-
ty of everyvvhereativeness, is it a hu-
man or a Divine attribute? Lest we
should•think that this power of every-
whereativeness should give out, Christ
intimates that He is going to keep on,
and that on the day before the world
is burned. up He will be in all the
prayer -meetings in Europe, Africa,
and North and South America; for Ile
declares in so many words: "Lo 1 lam
with you alway, even unto the end of
Gthoect !world!" He is a God! He is a
He takes Divine honours. "He cans
himself the Lord of men, the Lord of
angels, the Lord of devils. Is He not ?
If He is not, then He is the grandest
fraud that was ever enacted. To-
morrow morning„ a man comes into
your store and. he says: "1 am Mr.
Laird, the great ship -builder of Liver-
pool. I have built a great many fine
ships." You treat him with a great
deal of consideration; but you find
out after awhile that he is not Mr.
Laird, and that he never built any-
thing. What is that man? An im-
postor. Now Christ said that he built
the earth—built all things. • Did He
build the earth, or did He not? If He
did, He was a God; if He did not, Re
was an impostor. A man with a Jew-
ish cemefienance and German accent
comes into your store. He says:
am Rothschild, the banker, of London.
I hold the wealth of nations in ray
vest pocket. I loaned_ that money to
Italy and to Austria." You., treat
him with a great deal oficonsideration
Lor awhile; but suppose you find out
that he is not a banker, that he does
not own a single dollar in all the
world.? What is that man? An im-
postor. Now Christ comes and. He
says He owns this world, He owes the
next, He owns ell the glories of land
and sea, He professes to be vast in
His possessions. Is He in the
possession of all these thins? Does
He own thern all? If He does not,
what is He? An impostor. Strauss
saw that alternative, and he says that
Christ was einful in taking homage
that did not belong to Him. Ronan
saw that alternative, and says that
Christ, not through his own fault, but
through the fault of others, Jost some
of the purity of His conscience, and
slyly intimates. that , dishonourable
women may have damaged His soul.
GAontyebthing but admit that Christ is
I have shownyou that Christ was
God, from what inspired men have
said of Him, and from what He said
of Himself ; now 1 want to show you
that He was God from His wonderful
achievements. I suppose that all be-
lieve the Bible. If you do not, what a
do you do in this Tabernacle 1
Why do you not go and kiss the foot i
of •the now sl elute of Tom Payne in t
Boston! Why do you not take your hat,
and not steeling' the hymn -book, gt a
out and find associates among men 0
who do not believe in the Word of God,
the only foundation of goecie govern- ta
tient and fol. coMmOn honeety ? We IN
in this chnrch are among the deluded W
souls and the. narrow -heads who be-
lieve the whole Bible, and • take it
down in one swallow as easily as you
pick up a ripe strawberry. Supposing P
hat you admit the Bible to be true, b
et lie go out and see the Savior's I)
aehieveineets surgidal, alimentary, R
marmot mortusry, •a
Surgicei achievements? Did you ever, He
n the scientific journals of the in
verld, see such wonderful ,oPeraiionstib
s Ile performed? He feted no knife. Tte Ole
carried • no ePlints , Re eranketed no
compress, Be iteyer made a Patient
squirm under cauterization. Ete never
ted an artery, axed yet, behold Him,
With one word Re stuek fast Meleinre
amputated ear, He' stirred dust and
spittle into esetve, witb which he
made the man who was born blind,
withoat optic) iterve, cornea, 9r crysta-
line lens, open hi a eyes on the glorious
sunlight. Ile beat mu,sic on the drum
of the deaf ear, He straightened' a
woman, who, through conteaction of
Muscles, had been bent alraost double
for eigh two deeades. He made a man
who had not ased his Ural's for thirty-
eight years shoulder his mattress and
walk off. Sir Maley Cooper, Aberne.,
thy, and Valentine Mott stood power-
less befpre a,vvithered arm. This DOC -
tor of Omnipotent surgery coxless up
to the man with the lifeless, useless,
shrivelled arm, and He says to him;
"Stretch forth thy hand," The man
stretched it for just as good as the
other. This was God! This was a God]
Alimentary achievements? A lad
conies with five loaves with which he
expeoted to make a speculation; per-
haps having bought them for five pen-
nies and expecting to sell them for
ten pennies, and thue double his mon-
ey. Lo 1 Christ takes those loaves, and
Crone theni performs a miracle with
welch he satisfies seyea thousand fam-
ishing People, When the Saviour's mo-
ther went into." a neighbor's house to
help get up a wedcliag party, and by
a ealculation he saw that they had
made a mistake in the amount of bev-
erage that was requisite she oalls
Christ for help, and Christ, to relieve
the awkward embarrassment, not
through slow decay of fermentation,
but by one word, makes a hundred and
thirty gallons of pure wine. .
'Marine achievements! Do you not re-
member how He brought around a His hand on your eyelids, and sweep
whole school of fish -into tb.e net of that hand down on the cheek, wiping
the men who were mourning over their away all the tears of loneliness and
poor luck, and howl they had to halloo bereavement. 0, what a loving, ten -
to the .people in the other boat, and
der, sympathetic God has come for us.
then both ships were loaded to the 11 do not ask you, this morning, to lay
water's edge with game, so that the . hold of God; you. may be too weak for
sailors had to walk Cautiously from I
I that. I do not ask you even to pray;
-larboard to starboard lest the boat 1 you may be too bewildered for that.
Sink. And then when the squall cans° tI only ask you just to let go, and
down through the mountitin gorge to fall back into the arms of everlast-
the water, and Gennessaret with long ing strength,
white locks of foam rose up to battleti
You and I will soon hear the click
It, and the vessel dropped, into the of the latch of the sepulchre. We want
trough, and shipped a sea, and the 1 an Almighty Cbrist to go with us. I
• loopertea sails cracked. in the tornado; ,
wonder if the friend of Lazarus will
how Christ rose from. the back par' be about. Our friends will take us
of the vessel, and oaths to the prow; 1 with strong arms, and lay us down
and wiping the spray from His fore- • in the dust; but they cannot bring us
head, hushed the crying tempest on the , back
knee of His omeipotence. 0, again. I would be scared with
man who wrestled down thewatist OirtMat have to stay there for ever. But no.
infinite fright if I thought I should
Was it a man who, with both feet Christ will come with a glorious icon-
ftriefiorarpllecl Gennessaret into a smootb oclasm, and split and grind up the
grrinite, and let ua come out. 0, the
But look at his mortuary achieve: resurrection! What kind of a resta-
ments. Let all the psychologists and ' rection will it be?
tninster Abbey, and try to wake Queen without any hope, • and she said to
anatomists of the world got to 'West- 1 A young woman was recently dying,
Elizabeth or Henry VHI. All the in- her mother in the closing hour :
genuity of man never yet brought the 1 exalter,
girl 'at Capernaum.
dead to life. But look at that dead ' and
What a pity that 1 this world, when you bid farewell to
I am so afraid." When you leave
I am going away from you,
she should die. so early, and when the . those with whom you have been as -
world is so fair. Sbe is only twelve ' sedated, and in the last great day,
years old. Feel at the hands. Feel at ' wet you
thet day Christ, the Omnipotent Say -
be afraid? If tve have on
ftahell borfouwp.roDaisaadn.d.D.sloasidijoTgbe.whhaoutstieoeiss ;
iour, on our side, all shall be w -ell. If
Christ do? He comes and takes this 1 the resurrection comes upon a spring
little girl by the hand, and no soon- i clay, and ail the flowers are blooming
er has He touched her hand than her • around our graves, how pleasant it
eyes open, and her heart starts, and 1 would be to take up the brightest one
she rushes into the arpas of her rejoic- . of all those flowers and put • in the
Ginoga?relatives. Who was it that rats- [ scarred hand. of Him who died for us;
ed her ap t Was it a man, or was it a , to gather up the most redolent of
I them all, and twist them into a gar
What is that. crying in Bethany? land for the brow that was struck
1VIary crying, Martha crying, Jesus . with the thorns. On that day, when
crying, and the neighbours crying, ' ,Tesus is surrounded by all the dentin -
What is the matter? Lazarus is dead. ions of the saved, we will see what
The sisters think they will never again an awful libel it was when men said
see him, never have him sit al the . that Christ was only a man ; and
table again. Poor things! Since their I then you will declare with unparal-
father died they have depended upon I then you will declare with unparae.
Lazarus for almost everything. Jesus over all, God bleesed. for ever. A.men."
comes down to the excavation in the ' 0, would you not like to join in that
rock, in one of the side niches of ; "Amen," ye who believe this Detest is
which Lazarus sleeps in death. Jesus the eternal God? You shall hay e my
generally spoke in gentle articulations, permission. Let your "Amen" be the
but now He lets out His voice to full doxology of this whole asaemblage 1
strength, until it rings through all echrist came, who is over all, • God
the labyrinths and avenues of the blersed for ever. Amen." Thousands of
rook: "Lazarus, come forth!" And voices: "Amen'?" .
Lazarus slides do.wa from the side
niche into the main avenue of therock,
and stands a living man before the ab-
ashed and confounded spectators. Who
was it that stood at the mouth of that
cave, and uttered. that potent word?
Was it a man? Tell that to the luna-
tics in Bloomingdale Asylum. It was
Christ the everywhere present,
the everlasting, the omniscient, the
toemnstilpvohtieonht Gwoidal show
wut you
is one
Christ is God or not. Theoureciwtahletheorf
that. one verse ought to bleach the
cheeks of eome with alarm, and kindle
the faces of others with eternal sun-
rise: "We must all appear before the
judgment -seat of Christ." The world
will be stunned by a blow that will
authoress, and Hans Anderso
make it stagger mid. heaven; the stars writer of so many fairy tales, e
the knee, and orY out: "xt is a God!
It is a God.
There is great comfort in my sub -
Pct. It is. God who came down in
Jesus Christ to save us, Do you think
only a man could bave made an atone-
inent for millioes of the race? Wee
your common sense, teach you that? I
tell you if Christ is not God the re-
demption of oUr race is a dead failpre.
We want a Divine arm to lift our
burden. We want a Divine endurance
to earry our pang. We want a Divine
expiation to take away our sin; and,
"Christ came, who is over all, God
blessed. for ever. Ameo."
God also •comes down in Christ to
comfort you. Sometimes our troubles
are so great, huraan sympathy does
not seem to be suffioient for them. 0
ye who cried all last night because
of loneliness and. bereavement, 1
want to tell you that it is your Maker
and your God that coznes Ibis day to
comfort you, Whea there are children
in the house, and the mother dies,
then you know that the father has to
be more gentle than ever, and he has
to act two parts in that hou3ehold.
And. it seems as if the Lord Jesus
Cnrist looked down and saw your
helplessness, and. he proposed, to be
both father and mother to yotir sick
soul. He comes in the strengtla of the
other, andHo says; "As a father pttieth
one, and in the tenderness of the
his children so I pity you. As one whom
his mother comforteth so I will com-
fort you." 0, do you not feel the hush
of that • Divine lullaby? Put down
your tired head on the heaving bosom
of that Divine compassion, and let Him
put His arias around you, and say:
"0, widowed soul, I will be thy hus-
band and thy God. 0, orphaned ones,
I will be your protector. Don't cry.
Don't cry." And, then He will put
Instructions telt by Some People, to Mak
, Sure of Death. ,
Wtikie e Alias left a missive among
his papers directing that when he died
a thorough examination of bis body
was to be made by a skilled surgeon.
Lady Barton, wife of Captain Sir Rich-
ard Burton, ordered that her body
should be pierced with a needle ih
the regien of the heart, Mr. Ed d
Yates of the World; Miss Ada
dish, Miss Harriet Martine
tvill scatter like dried leaves in an mentioned as instances of men and wo-
equinox; the graveyards will unroll the men who have left: instructions that
bodies, and the clouds will unroll the they should not be interred until ee_
spirits, and soul and flesh will come erything possible had been done to
together in incorruptible conjunction,
awnidngfeidrecaahrtedrtselarStrgoukaekerd darkness, ! similar end. in view, have adopted, die.
ing thunders, and the sweeping f
Hark to the loud. wash of tlainedretshroeuatt..-
ing sea, and the baying of the advanc- I
° t was resolved upon. Others, with a
1 vein, in others even decapitation, that
' some cases it was the severance of a
make sure that they were lifeless. In
!I ferent mantle. The signalling, inverts
ing, shouting, shout ing, wailing, wail -
tion of Edgar Allan Poe—who wrote
ing' wailing' On the one side' in Piled 11 this subject up in his characteristically
up galleries of light, are the one 1 weird fashion—is familiar to all read -
hundred and .forty and four thousand; ees, Then there is the apparatus of
—yea, the quint:Miens of the saved;'' the Russian inventor, which consists
and as they take their seats, 1 fecl in a mechanism placed in the throat
es if I must drop under the insuffer- of the corpse. 11 consciousness return-
able radiance. On the other aide ie ed and ire. effort were meets to breathe,
piled up, in galleries of thunder -cloud, ; the effort set in motion. certain wires,
the fx°"Yning' glaring' dying P°Palat 1 which tesulted in a bell ringing in the
tions of the wrath to come. Before 1 cemetery elteperae. lodge. In ' .Tezebers
me, and between the two galleries, is a I Daughter' the idea is very similar,
throne. It is very high. It stands on ' save that, instead of a, tleroat apparit-
, .
wo burnished pi ars—jus toe an tus, wires were fastened to the hands
mercy. It is stupendous with awards et the corpse. Last year Sir Henry
nd coedenination. Looks', but half Littlejohn told his students at Editi-
lide your eyes lest they be put oat burgh of a fftne,y coffin, fitted with
n the excess of vision. There' is a patent springs, so contrueted that on
hrone, but no one Ls seated on it. the slightest indialeion of returning
Who shall occupy it? _Will you go up to life they would immediately open
ent take it? "No," you say: '41.. am the coffin and thus eave the victim,
man that is fit to take it, in all ------ - te- —e-----
nly dust and miles." Show me some I
ges. Lord Mansfield? No. Solomon? 1
o. Isaiah? No. Paul? No. Their foot 1 DOMESTIC NOTE.
mild consume at the first touch of Does your husband ever say' any -
the step of that throne. Eveit Gab- thing about his mother's Woking1
riel dare not go up On it. Michael the I No, but he says thiegs about nly
archa,ngel wodld. rather bow elovvni ' cooking that his father Used to say
ulling lits right wing over his left,' ! About, his mother's eoeking.
oil over hie face, and cry: "Holy!" 1
tit hare is one ftecending that throne. ---
Is back itt towaed ustie pea Step ,
hove step, beight above height, until 1 WOl'ilAnfNE't \VIM Mt IDID.
COMOS to the apex, Than, ttirn- I Wornan, when you marriect ine, you
• around, so that all nations can see got a woadar ?
n. we behold it is Christ; end all Yes, meet I have been Wondering, Peer
Hi, and heaven, and bell, fall on sinoe,
avid's throne; not higher than Ca.es-
;ouJ higher then the Ventre, teesx
• e' than
e Fredericktouts', then the 1 e an
n polcion's, than Vire:oriels. U, yes.
ther alt those thronearid pile them
p, and my (ext. OVe,rspans ,thern as a
ilk Town: Onteers Narrow EscoPe Crow ol
Movable Beath.
Dinner was just finished anii. sev-
eral English officers were sitting
around the table, The coirversation had
net been animated, and there ceme a
lull, as the night was too hot for small
talk. The major of the regiment, a
clean -eat Man of fifty-five turned to-
ward his next neighbor at the table,
Young subaltern, who was leaning
back in his chair with his hands clasp-
ed behind bis head, staring through
the cigair-smoke at the ceiling, The ma-
jor was slowly looking the men over,
from his handsome face down, when,
with a sudden alertness and in a quiet
steady voice, he said:—"Don't move,
please, Mr. Carruthers, Iwant to try
an experiment with yea. Don't more
a muscle." "Alt right, major,' replied
the subaltern, without even turning
his eYes; "hadn't the least idea of
moving, assure you 1 What's the game?"
By this time all the others were lis-
tening in a lazily esrpectant way. "Do
you think," continued the major—and
his voice trembled. just a little --."that
you can keep absolutely still for, say,
two minutes—to save your life ?" "Are
you joking ?" " On the contrary, move
a muscle and you are a elead man, Can
you stand the strain 1" The subaltern
barely whispered "Yes," a.nd his face
paled slightly. "Burke,' said the ma-
jor, addressing an officer across the
table, "pour some of fleet milk into a,
saucer, and set it on the floor here just
at the back of rate Gently, man! Quiet!"
Not a word was spoken, as the officer
quietly filled the saucer, walked with
it carefully around the tablet ana set
it down where the major had indicated
on the floor. Like a marble statue sat
the young subaltern in his white lin-
en clothes, while a cobra de capello
which had been crawling up the •leg
of his trousers slowly raised ita head,
then turned, descended to the floor,
and glided toward the milk. Sudden-
ly the silence was broken by the re-
port of the major's revolver, and the
snake lay dead on the floor. "Thank
you, major," said the subaltern, as the
two men shook hands warmly; "you
have saved ray life 1" "You're welcome,
my boy," replied tne senior; "bat you
did your share."
Warder go itear, Mr. Bintops Thinks, Than
Ike Business Cares orsten.
"We all have our cares,"- said Mt
Billtops, "men and women alike; bu.
I don't know but what womeia's care
are a little harder to bear than men's
There is a deadly monotony abou
household cares that does not pertal
to the cares of business.
"The man may lead, a: routine life
year after year, the same thing ove
and over again; he may go daily yea
after year to the same offiee, store 0
shop, but the mere going back an
forth gives him some variety. H
goes through the streets with thei
constantly changing life; he meet
many people daily; he may not know
any cf them, but it does him good. t
meet them; they give him new impres-
sions and freshen him up. He ma
see the same scenes daily, 'but the
cannot be always alike and he mus
get more or less benefit Erten thei
ever -varying phases.
"Bat the monotony of -a woman's life
is far less likely to be varied even in
such ways. The man must go out to
earn the money to buy bread with; the
woman's work is in the house, and her
constant tendency is to stay there
more and more. Her work is there
and all the time it increases and ac-
otunulates, and she buckles down to
it and goes out less and less. The
routine becomes all the time more fix-
ed and unvarying, and she sticks to
it, day alter day and week after week
and. year after year, the same thing
• over and over again, until it becomes so
irksome that it is hard to bear.
'Breakfast, luncheon and dinaer, or
breakfast, dinner and tea, whatever
the _routine of the house may be, there
is no change. The question, 'What
shall we have for dinper ?' simple as
that may seem, may easily become a
bugbear; and the meal times recur
more and more swiftly. The mere
labor of looking after the food. is great,
and to that is added. the darning
and. the raending that must be done,
and the cleaning and the dusting, all
on fixed days and at fixed hours, else
they wouldn't be done..
"I imagine that household cares, wo-
men's cares, in the routine of life are
more burdensome and harder to bear
than men's cares. And what is the
racin's duty in this case. Why, it's to
give his wife some relief from this roue
_tine. Take her to the theatre or to
some concert or any form of enter-
tainment. Homely forin of relief?
So; but astonishingly good, and it will
do you good, too."
Itimplout Foretold," lia.
1-15. Bolden Text, ISO. 11'9,
Verse I., A rod, A. POW 43.00t• Tba
stem of Jesse. The stump or roots,
and. therefore this rod. is the beginaieg
of a new tree, jesse was the =Wee -
tor of David. A branch. The Hebrew
word here used. netzer, which. closely
resembles in sound our Lord's geogra-
Phioal surname, the Nazarene, Grow
out of his roots. "Out of his roots
shall be fruitful," Strangely enough,
the word rendered " fruitful " is the
word, from which "Ephratah," another
name for Bethlehem, is derived. Ween
theae words were uttered the tree of
Jesse wee not yet cut down,
2. This verse deseribes the character
of the king who has just been spoken of
as a branch from Jesse's roots, • The
Spirit of the Lord. The spirit of Je-
hovah. Shall rest upon him. Clothing
him like e garment. Now comes a six-
fold analysis of the Holy Spirit whieh
has made a deep impression on alleges
of Christendom. It has been. repeated-
ly compared to the golden candlestiok
or larapstand of the temple, which was
a golden shaft with three pairs of arms
proceeding from it, and Which waspop-
ularly understood to be emblematic of
the divine nature. The golden shaft
here is the Spirit of the Lord, and his
perfect fullness is ahowit by the pairs
of graces now named—wisdom and un-.
derstanding, . . counsel and might,
. .• . knowledge and of the fear of
the Lord. That is, intellectual and
moral clearness, eight conclusions and
the ability to carry them. out with en-
ergy, acquaintanoe with the will of
God and holy reverence.
la. Of quick understa.nding in the
fear of the Lord. The Hebrew word
is also applied. to "sent", and oritics
divide as to whether the meaning here
is quick apprehension, perspicacity ot
mind, or greet delight, an allusion to
the hound or to the scent of flowers..
Another translation is, "He draws
breath in the fear of the Lord," which
is the most expressive definition of
sinlessness, that sinlessness which
is the attribute of Christ alone. He
shall not judge after the sight of his
eyes, neither reprove after
s the hearing of his ears. The Imagery
n not depend on his sight or his hearing
Ephleoarriend is.ed. s0 with daring
profound thatshould
n reverence. ex-
Lt has a scent for good things. Ile will
or his intellectual judgment, but all
his judgments are in the fear of the
r 4. With righteousness shall he judge.
✓ judgee in the East have been in all
✓ ages corrupt, but this man cannot be
d bribed, or terrified. The peer are ig-
nored by too many oriental judges.
e "When thou goest to a magistrate,
✓ take a gift in thy hands;" but the poca-
s have nd gift. The meek. "Who use no
adroit or eloquent words to win the
ear."—Bannister. The earth. The hu -
0 men race. •The rod of his mouth. The
words of his, mouth are like a rod. In
y another piece they are oompared to a
sword. The breath of his lips. A poe.
tic phrase for his judietaa sentence..
• 5. Girdle, A belt by which the mit-
✓ ward loose -flowing robe was confined
during active labor. One's habits are
often represented as one's clothing.
All. the character of this coming One
was kept together in consistency by
righteousness and faithfulness,
6-8. An the ferocious animals of --
Palestine are here inentioned; each
one is coupled with the domestic ani-
mal which is its natural prey. Our
Lord speaks of the way in which vvol-
vas harried sheepfolds. Little kids
could run out along precipices where
no beats of prey could follow Went
but the leopard, which can keep on
its feet like a cat. In the •East hay
is not used as an article of food, but
oxen are fed with -chopped. straw. On
the hole should be "near to the hole!"
the playground of the babe eheuld be
close to the den of. the asp. Exactly
which of all poisonous reptiles are
meant by asps and °cicatrices is not
certain. ,They were fabled to poison
even with their breath. Power over
beasts was greatly coveted in the an-
cient East, and charmers were re- e
garded as supei na tura! I y gifted. To
prove their power with the gods
Egyptian priests played with serpents
and crocodiles, But; in the happy
time that was conaieg such wisdom.
and skill should be given to he lit-
tle children.
9. They. The evil beasts and the
civil, and morel forces symlsolized
by them. My holy mountain. The
mountain tiled of Judah, and symboli-
cally the redeetnea world. No com-
ment can make the last part of this
verse simpler or more beautiful than
the words themselves. •
10. In that day. The time of which
the whole lesson teaches. The Re-
vised Version of this verse is a great
improvement. A root of Jesse. From
which the "branch" of verse 1 has
sp:ung. stand. "Standet lie• An
ensign of the people. A standard of
the nations. The Gentiles. The na-
tions. His resL shall be glorious. His
resting place shall be glory.
A clergyman was very much vexed
by one of his congregation. An old.
man used to go to sleep during the
sermon. The clergyman offerea the
old man's •grandson a penny if he
woutd keep hts grandfather awake.
This went all right for a month,
One Sunday the old man went Le
sleep as usu.al. The elergyman asked
the boy why he did not keep his
grandfather awake. The boy nnswered:
You offered me. ft penny to keep him
awake, but grandfather gives me two-
pence not to distarb him.
Why isn't a drunken steer corned
Why not two boot blacks a pair
'of rubbers?
Why shouldn't one expeet to find
tieks on a watch dog ? ,
Why don't more people follew (he
ecivice they' give to others
Why &Pee "the deSire to make a fool
of tine's self spriag eternal in the hu-
man breast.
Why doee -a netn boot a dog, shoo
ben, foot 5 bin, cap a climax and
1 elninfe t
After a recent railway collision in
Mithends, a Solemn n was extraeted
frord the wreckege by a compauion
who had escaped unhurt.
Never mind, Sandy, Ms reeoner re-
niarked, it's nothing sextons. And you -
11 damages for it.
Damages? roared Sandy. Hate I no ha'
eneuch 1 Gelid sakes, it's repairs I'm
seeking the Roo!
suppo-e, 'slid the somewhat sttreaas
tic railway official, that you'd like a
private Oar;
No, , said Mr. EresttiS ,Pinek-
t doesn't went no private tele r
1,y,,nt you to prednetly Unduhstan'
officer Nve ain't none too good
ioh Me.