HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-10-27, Page 2T HE EXETER TIMES zie....5..ziteptotyte5 LOVE AND WAR'I A STORY OF SLAVERY DAYS B'MARY J. tiouvuas. (Continued., Widow Simms could keep silent, no longer, and brandishing her polished shears by way of adding emphasis to what she said, she began: " And s'poslia' 'tis folks as poor as poverty streak, haine they feelin's, I'd like to know? Haint they got ,bodies aid souls, and mothers and. svives, and sisters? .And s'posin' 'tis democrats, - more shame for t'other side that help- ed get up the num. Where be they now, taera chaps that wore the big black caps, and did $o much toward. puttin' Linetan in that chair'? Why don't they help to keep him settin there, and not stand back with their banes tucked in their trousers' peek- ets? Both my boys, Eli and john, vot- ed t'other ticket, and Isaao would, but he wasn't tweaty-one. They've all jin- ed, and I won't say I'm sorry, for if there's anything I hate, it's a sneak! It makea me so mad I" and. the hig shears again click.ed savagely, as Wid- ow Simms resumed her work, after having thus delivered her opinion. of the black republicans, besides having, in her own words, given " that pucks erin' Miss Mothers a piece of her mind." Obtuse as Rose was on many points, she saw there was some homely truth in what theewidow had said, but this did not impress her so much as the fact that she had evidently given, of - feriae, and she was about trying to extricate herself from the dilemma when George Graham appeared os- tensibly to bring some trivial message to the President of the Society, but really to see if his wife were there, and speak to her some kind. word of encouragement. Rose recognized him as the young man she had. seen at the war meeting, and the moment he left the hall, she broke. out impetuously. "Isn't he handsome? -so tall, so broad -shouldered, and such a splendid mark for a bullet, -1, most know he will be shot r' • "Huish-sh P. came warningly from several individuals, but came too late. The mischief was done. Ere Rose could coiled her thoughts a group of fright- ened women ha.d gathered around. poor Annie, who had fainted. " What's the matter'? do tell P' cried Rose, standbag on tip -toe and. clutch- ing at the dress of Widow Simms, who angrily retorted. "I should s'pose, you'd ask. It's en- ough to make the poor critter faint clean away to hear a body talk about her husband's being a fast rate mark for a bullet!" With all her thoughtlessness, Rose had the kindest heart in the world; andsforcing her way through the crowd, she knelt by the white-faced Annie, and taking the drooping head in' her lee, pushed back the thick braids of haw, noticing, with her quick eye for the beautiful, how soft and luxuriant they were, how pure was the complex- ion, how perfect were the features, how small and delicate the fingers, a.nd how graceful was the slender neck. " len so sorry! I wish I'd staid at home; 1 ara so sorry," she kept re- peating; and when at last Annie re- turned to consciousness, Rose Math- er's was the first voice she heard, Rose's the first face she saw. With an involuntary shudder she dosed her eyes wearily, while Rose anxiously asked of those about her how they should get her home. "Oh, Jake,'• she suddenly exclaimed, as towering above the female heads, she saw her colored coachman looking for her, and remembered that her husband was to call and take her out to ride, "oh, Jake, lift this lady up, careful as you can, and put her in our carriage. Is Will there? 'Well, no matter, he'l just have to get out. Stand back, won't you, and let Jake come," she continued, authoritatively to the group of ladies who, half -amused, and half -surprised at thie new phase in Rose Mather's character, made way for burly Jake, who lifted Annie's light forna as if it had been a feather's weight, and bore it down the stairs, followed by Rose, who, with one breath, told Annie not to be a bit afraid, for Jake certainly would not drop her, and with the next asked Jake if he were positive and sure he was strong enough not to let her fall. Lazily reclining upon the cuslaions of his carriage William Mather was smoking his Havana, and admiring the sleek mat of his iron greys, when. Rose appeared, and seizing him by the arm, peremptorily ordered him to alight, and help Jake lift the lady ha. "I -don't know who 'tis, but it's some- body I made faint away with my silly talk," she replied in answer to Mr. Mather's question, " Who have you there?" "You made faint away!" he repeat- ed, as he found himself rather uncere- moniously landed upon the flagging stones, his Havana rolling at his feet, and his wife preparing to follow An- nie, wham Take had placed inside. " Yes ; I talked about her husband's being a splendid mark for a bullet, and 0,11 that, without ever thinking she was his wife. He looked so tall, and lig, and nice, that I couldn't help thinking- his head would eome above all the rest in a fight, but I don't be- lieve it will. There, Jake, we are ready now, drive on," said Rose, while poor Annie groaned afresh at this doebtfut consolation. "Drive whar ?" aaked Jake. "I dun Waxier whar they lives." "To be sure, nor I either" returned Rom, turningly inquiringle/to her hus- band, who gave the Mime:maim add- ing, as he glanced doeVai the street, " Mr. Graham himself is darning, I see, 1 think Rose you had best give Year place to hira." Rose, wile Was fond a adventures, wetted sadly to go with .A.rinie, bat George, wben he came up, seemed so concerned, and asked so Many ques- tions, that she deemed it heat to leave it for his wife to make the neeessery explauations, merely Saying, as She (stepped upon the Walk. "1 ani so sorry, Mr. Grahana, I really did not mean aaeything wrong it say- ing I new you'd he shot, for stou are "Ttoe cier dress is rubbing the whee';," inlersepted Mrstelatber, by way A &getting Roes from repeating the I ad for whicla she was expressing sor- row. "No, it ain't rubbing the svheel,eth- er, It isn't any where near it," said Rose, wondering what Will could mean; while George, taking a seat by An- nie, smiled at what he saw to be a ruse Bent upon reconciliation, Rose pressed up to the carriage, and said to Annie, you won't be angry at me elways, will you? I shouldn't have thoaght of it, only he does look so—" "Go on, Jake,' Mr. Mather called. aut, cutting short Rose's speech, and the next moment Annie was driving down the street in Rose Mather's car- riage, and, behind the iron greys an hotor she had never dreamed in Atare for her when Abe saw the stylish turn- out passing the door of her cottage in the Hollow. CHAPTER 111, The 13th Regiment was ordered to Elmira, and the day had arrived for the departure of the volunteera'Bright was the sun, aand cloudless the sky which shone on Rockland, that spring day; but cloudless sky nor warm spring sun could comfort the hearts about to part with their treasures, some for- ever, and some to meet again, but when, or where, or how, none could, tell save Him who holds the secrets of the future. There were mothers who had never felt a pang so keen or a pain so sore, as when with hearts too full of an- guish for the dry, red eyes to weep, they watched their sons pass from the threshold of the door, and knew that when the golden sunlight, falling so brightly around them, was purple in the west, they would look in vain for that returning step, and listen in vain for tones whide were the first, per- haps to stir the deep fountains of maternal love. Fathers, too, sverethere, with heads bent down to hide the tears they deemed it weak to shed, as they gave the farewell blessing to their boy, praying that God might be over and around hina, both when the deafening battle roar Was sounding in his ear, and when in the stilly night he wrap- ped his blanket about lam, and laid him down to rest, sometimes with the southern stars shining upon him, and sometimes with the southern rain fall- ing on his unsheltered head, for all these vidssitudes must come to a sol- dier on the field. Wives and sisters, too, there were, wbo shudderedas they thought how the dear ones to -whom they said good-bye would miss the com- forts they were leaving, miss the downy pillow, the soft, warm bedmade with loving hands and. the luxuries of home never prized "one half so much as now, when they were to be exchang- ed for a life within the carap. And there were maidens, from whose cheeks the roses faded, as they gave the part- ing kiss, and promised to be faithful even though the manly form the lov- er bore away should come back to them all maimed and crushed and crippled with the toil of war. Far better so than not to come at all. At least so Annie Grahara thought, as, winding her arms around her husband's neck, she whispered. to him: "If the body you bring back has ray George's heart within it, I shall love you just the same as I do now," and with her fair head lying on his bosom, Annie wept piteously. Not till theta had she realized what it was to let him go. She had become somewhat accustomed to thieking of it, -accustomed to see him pass in and out, dressed in his stylish uniform. which made him look so handsome, and then she had hoped the regiment would not be ordered for a long, long time, never perhaps; but now that dream was otter ; the dreaded hour had come, and for a moment Annie felt herself too weak to meet it. Through the live- long night she had prayed, or if per- chance sleep for a moment shut the swollen lids, the lips had moved in prayer that her busband might come back to her again, or failing to de so, that he might grasp even at the el- eventh hour, the Christian's faith, and so go to the Christian's iaome, where they would meet once more. She had given him her little Bible, all pencil -marked and Worn with daily usage -the one she read when first the spirit taught her the mean- ing of its great mysteries -and George had promised he would read it every day, -had said that when he went to battle he would piece it next to his heart, a talisman to shield him frona the bullets of the foe. And Annie, smiling through her tears, pointed him again to the only One who could stand between him and death, asking that when he was far away, be would re- member what. she said, and pray to the God she honored. "It's time, now, darling.," he said, at last, as he heard in the distance the beat of the drum. But the clinging arms refused to leave his neck, and the quivering lips pressed so constantly to his, murmur- ed: "Wait a little minute more. 'Tis the last, you know." '- Again the drum beat was heard min- gled with the shrill notes of the fife; the soldiers were marching down the street, and he must go, but ob, who can tell of the Jove, the pain, the grief, the tears mingled with that parting - or the agony it cost poor Annie to take her arras from off his neck, to feel him putting her away, to beer him going from the rcom, aeross the threshold, doyen the walk, through the gate, and Ittow.tha t. he was gone. As a child in peril nastinctielY turns to the mother, who it kriows has neVs er failed to suceor, so Annie turned to God, atd with a moetting cry for help, sank on her ktees jtet where George had lett, her. Burying her face in the lounge she prayed that He who beageth even the eaven's cry, would care for her husband, and bring him home again if that cOuld be. So ab- sorbed was elle as not to hear tbe gate's sharp elide nor the footstep darning up the svelk. Impelled by something he could reit Insist, George had paused just by the garden tenon, and -yielding to ethe "repulse which eaid he must see Annie's faett once MOM be stole softly to the open deie eta dote). geeing at her es She knelt, her hands elasped together, and her face bidders trona his view, as She PraY- ed for him. "Will the kind, Father 'keep MY George from peril if it can be, but if -oh, God, how can 1 say it ?-if lia must; die, teach him the eciad to heti- vete" " That was whet she said, and George listening to her, felt as if it were an augel's presence in which he stood, He could not disturb her. She was in safer baths than his, and., he would. rather leave Ipar thus, -would rather think of her wlaen fax away, just as her saw her last, kneeling in her deso- lation and praying for him. "It will help to make me a better man," he said. and brushing aside the great tears ewimming in his eyes, be left his angel Annie, and went on his way to battle. ----- just off from Rockland's main street, and. in a cottage more humble than that of George Graham, the sun shone on another parting -on Widow Simms giving up her boys, and straining ev- erY nerve to look composed, and keep back the maternal love throbbing so madly at her heart. Rigid as if cut in stone we re the lines upon her forehead and. around her mouth, as she bustled abott, doing everything exactly as it should be done, and coming often to where Isaao sat trying to look uncon- cerned and whistling "Dixie" as he Pulled on the soft, warm pair of soaks she had sat up nights to knit him. Eli and John had some too, snugly tuoked away in their bundle but Isaac's were different. She had revelled her own lamb's wool stockings for the mater- ial, composing his, for Isaac's feet were tender; there were marks of chilblains on theme they would become sore and swollen from the weary maroh, and his mother would not be there with sooth- ing lint and ointaient made from the blue poke -berries. Great pains had the widow taken with her breakfast that mornmg, preparing each son's favor- ite. dish, and bringing out the six china cups and damask cloth, part of her grandmother's bridal dower. It was a very tempting table, and John and EH tried to eat, exchanging meaning smiles, when they saw their mother put in Isaac's oup the biggest lump of sugar, and the largest share of cream. They did not cere, -- for they too loved the fair-haired, smooth - faced boy sipping the yellow coffee he could not drink for the mysterious bunches rising so fast in his throat. The breakfast was over now. Isaac was trying on his socks, 'while Eli and John, knowing their mother would ra- ther be alone when she said good-bye to her baby, prepared to start, talk- ing- quite loud, and keeping up stout courage till the last moment came, when both the tall, six-foot young men put their arras around the wid- ow's neck-, and faltered a,faint "Good- bye, mother, good-bye." There were no tears in the mother's eyes, nor in the sons', but in the breast of each there was a whirlpool of raging waters, hurting fai more than if they had. been suffered to overflow ha tor- rents. Eli was the first to go for John lingered a,moment. There was something he would say, something which made him blush and stamro.er. "Mother," he begae, "I saw Susan last night. We went to Squire Hard- ing's together; and -and, -well, 'taint no use opposing it now, -Susan and I are one; and if I shauldn't come back, be good to her, for my sake, Susan's a nice girt n -other," and on the brown, bearded cheek, tbere was a tear, wrung out by thoughts of only last night's bride, Susan RuggLes, whose faraily the widow did not like, and had set herself against. There was no help now, and a sud- den start was all the widow's answer. She was not angry, John knew; and satisfied with this, he joined his bro- ther in the yard, where he was cutting his name upon the beech tree. Thrice the widow called them back, failing each time to remeraher what she want- ed to say. "It was something sure," and the hard bands worked nervously, twisting up the gingham apron in a roll, smoothing it out again and work- ing at the strings, until Eli and John passed from the yard, and left her standing tlaereevatching them as they walked down the road. They were a grand -looking couple, she thought, as she saw how well they kept step. They were to march together to the de- pot, she knew, and nobody in town could turn out afiner span, but who would go with Isaac ?-Stub" his brothers called hiin. She hoped it might he Judge Warner's son -it would be such an honor, and that brought her back to the fact that •Isaae was waiting for her inside; that hardest part of all •was yet to co e, the bidding him good-bye. Re was not in the chair where she bad left hina sitting, but was standing by •••••••••••,.. the window, and raising often to his eyee his cotton handkerebief. lie heard his mother come in, and turning toward her, said, with a sobbing laugh: ' "I wish the plaguy thing was over." She thought he meant the war, and answered, that "it would be in afew mouths, Perhaps." "I don't mean that, I mean the tell- ing you good-bye, Mather, oh, anoth- er!" and the w.aranhearted boy clasp- ed his mether to his bosom, crying like e ohild, if Pve ever been meat to you," he said, his voice choked, with tears -"if I've ever beeo mean to you or done a hatefal thing, you'll forget it when Pea gone? I never meant to be bad and the time I made that faoe, aud cantle you an old fool, when I was a little boy, you don't know how sor- ry I felt, nor how long I cried in the trundle -bed after you were asleep. You'll forget it, won't you, when I am gone, never to come hack, inaybe? Will you, mother, say ?" Would she? Could she remember aught against her youngest born, save that he had ever been to her the best, the dearest, most obedient child in the world? No, she could not, and so she told him, caressing his light brown hair and showering upon it the kisses whieh the oompressea lips could no longer restrain. The fountain of love was broken, and the widow's tears dropped like rain on tile upturned face of her boy. Suddenly there came to their ears. the same drum -beats which had sound- ed so like a funeral knell te Annie Gra- ham. Isaac must go, but pot till one ant more was done. "Mother," he whispered, half hesi- tatingly, it will make me a beteer sol- dier if you say the Lord's Prayer with me just as you used to do, with your hand upon my head. I'll kneel down, if you like," and the boy of eighteen, wearing a soldier's dress, did kneel down, nor felt shame as the shaky hand rested once more on his bowed head, while his mother said with bine the prayer learned years ago, kneeling as he knelt now. Surely to the angels looking on there was charge, given concerning that yoang boy,-obarge to see that no mur- derous bullet came near him, even though they shoulci fall round him Wok and fast as SIM1Mer heil. It would seem that some smile thought as this intruded itself upon the Widow Simms, for whea.e the swelling pain there came &gentle peace. God would care for Isaac. Re would send him home in safety, tind so the bitterness of that parting was raore than half taken away. Again the drum beat just as Annie heard it Another pressure of the hand, another burning kiss, another "good-bye mother, don't fret too much about us," and then the last of the widow's boys was gone. Cho Be Continued.) HOW IT HAPPENED. My dear, said Mrs. Richleigh to her daughter the other evening after young Woodby had departed, how in the world did your hair become so disarranged Why, naamraa, replied the quick wit- ted miss, I guess it must be from shaking my head so much when Mr. Woodby was trying to coax me to say yos. And the mother suddenly remem- bered that she had once been a girl herself. .• MONOTONOUSLY EXPENSIVE. We had to give our pet dog away. Why Well -be ran away nine times, and every tirne the same boy brought him back and charged me twenty-five cents." A BAD SITUATION. Travel in the Swiss Alps is danger- ou.s. Yes, it is; I climbed all over the whole place once, and didn't meet a man who pout& understand that I wanted to borrow a dollar. RESENTED. Look here, saia Li Hung Chang to the young Chinaman who thought he knew everything, "am I not the rich- est man in the world? Certainly, your excellency. Well, I want you to bear in mind and stop referring to this government as a. played -out monarchy. It's a gilded, up-to-date plutocracy." TAKING AFRESH.START. ,Ne1I-"C1ara is evidently trying to make a new woman of herself.' Bess -'Why, whet has she been doinge" Nall -"Her age is 29, but she makes the 9 upside down, so it will read 26." ROYALTY LIVING IN CAPTIVITY Tile Former wing er noon Net linving a verY Ead TiSke. The dethroned King of Bolin has just been interviewed at Old. Calabar, on the African coast by Captain Jones, and Purser Kendrick of the mail stern- er Bultane- ',rimy found the King lo- cated in his new quarters on 1Wissiort Hill, and appareutly very comfortable: His house -a mud. one, with corrugat- ed, iron roof -comes on to the main road, It is not enclosed by the usual compound. His former Majesty is allowed sev- eral servants , and has lose none of his regal dignity. He shook hands heart- ily with the Englishmen, and instant- ly ordered his servants to bring ,seats. Waving his visitors to them, he then sat down himself. Captain Jones was cereful to avoid asking the King any questions respecting his captivity. His Majesty has made but little progress in the English language, " hello," and " goociby," being about the extent of his knowledge in this, direction. A woman, a native of Lagos, who lives near, interpreted for the King. He said he was in good health, and did not complain of his treatment. Daring the interview tbe King wore a white robe, which hung from one shoulder and fell . down to his feet on which were sandals. The other shoulder, which the robe did not touch, was quite bare. The King is now, it seems, a Presbyterian, and regularly attends the mission established near his house by the United Presbyterian body. He had expressed much concern that he could not speak to the missionaries in their own language. The Ring is still fond of much cere- monial, as showing the grandeur of his .once regal power. In moving from his old quarters in the barracks to the house now assigned to him he was bedecked in all the splendour of his robes and ornaments. Ile arranged his wives, servants and others connected with his establisbraent in processional order, ell in single file, so as to swell the length and seeming import- ance of his retinue. The King, who set the slow, measured pace at which the procession should move, swung his body about in a manner that would have graced a parish beadle, and seemed highly pleased when he saw the white officials looking on -as he thought, in admiration. . SKATES OF GLASS. wen Soon be Swimming ovee lanes and streams. Cinderella's glass slipper bids fair to become something more than a myth, though the modern Cinderella will need no fairy godmother to furnisb her with a coach in which to reach home swiftly-. Her slippers will ans- wer the purpose. The modern Cinderella's glass slip- per is a skate, of which the , upper part resembles a slipper, open behind, with a split "lace -up" heel -cap. The Age of Steel describes this new skate as a, skate of glass, hardened by a re- cent process to the consistency of steel. Every part of the skate is of glass, from tbe slipper -like upper to the glittering blade. It is asserted that the glass blades are much more slippery than steel ones, and that they will run almost as well over rough, snow-covered ice, as on a smooth ice -sheet, and will also go easily over inequalities, twigs and oth- er 'obstructions. They are made very sharp, and are so extrerhely hard that it in almost im- possible to blunt them. They are un- like steel skates, in that they never want grinding, and never rust. The new skates are as pretty as they are efficient. They are very nearly transparent, and in some cases the glass, wlaile in the liquid. state, is vari- ously colored. Several notable skaters are said to have tested them, in every case with most satisfactory results. So the pretty skates with their sharp blades, will, in all probability, soon be seen skimming over lakes and streams, and youths and maidens who long ago relegated the Cinderella story to the region of their childhood, will take a renewed interest in glass slip- pers. 'rtlE CHARGE OP THE '21ST LANCERS. And through everythlng clean out the other side they catne—those that kept up or got up in time. Th e others were on the ground --in pieces by now, for the cruel swords shore through shoulder and thighand carved the dead into fillets. Twentpfour of these, and Of those that catne out seventy.four had felt swoi.d bollet or spear. Few horses stayed behind atriong the swords, but nearly 1.30 were wounded." FLASHES OF FUN. ;Severely, did you enjoy your Eu- ropean trip? Yes; didn't meet a soul who succeeded in borrowing naoney of me.. 4 Georgie, don't you see that jane is taking your candy? L clean oare, It'e the kind that always makes her sick. Do you think Boeckie, the tailor, would give me exedit on a suit of clothes? Does he know you? No. Oh, in that case he would! Algy-You say she only PartiallY re- turned your affection? Clarence - Yes, Slae retarned all the love letters, but retained all the jewelry. Madeline -He proposed to her while they were in the surf. Gladys -Did she accept? 1Wadeline-She threw cold water on him. A Prank Opinion -Caddy - Dere's only one good t'ing I kin see in play - in' golf. Golfer -What's that? Caddy -De folks what play don't have to carry de sticks. Progress -They say the Friday sup- erstition has been exploded in Spain, Indeed? Yes; they've come to think that one day is just as unlucky as an- other. Ile says his soldier life reminded him constantly of home and mother. How was that? They wouldn't let him sleep late in the mornings. -Visitor, to sexton digging- grave in churchyard, -Who's dead? Sexton - Squire Thornback, Visitor -What complaint? Sexton, 'without looking UP - No complaint ; everybody satis- ifed. This dog, madame, would be cheap at one hundred. I would take him, but I am afraid my husband might ob- ject. Madame, you can get: another husband much easier than a dog like that.. Aline -Isn't it Sickening the way Miss Up-te-Date tries to put on man- nish airs? Anna -Perfectly! Pre- tended to lose her collar -button this morning when she knew all the time where it was. Do you court an investigation? in- quired the interviewer. Well, said Senator Sorghum slowly, I don't ex- actly like the phrases, I'm willin' to meet an investigation if circumstances make it necessary. But I ain't makin' love to it. A Cruel Awakening -Miss Levey - Ala no, Harry, it can never be, Jack locked that bracelet on forever and kept the key. MX. Hazard -If you want to get out of it, say so. Every fellow in the class gave a girl one, and our keys are all alike. I am astonished, said the scoffer, to hear you compare our glorious coun- try to a small boy getting his face washed. Me? said the oratorical pa- triot. How? When? When you said it was impossible for the nation to stand still. Mrs. Younglove-These women who write about How gusbands Should be Managed -do you _suppose they manage their husbands any better than we do? Mrs. Elders -Do I--? Why, pshawl child, don't you know they haven't any husbands? True --What do you think of my hus- band's pdenas, professor? I think they will be read when those of Milton and - Longfellow are forgotten. How nice of youl But you are saying that only to please me, I'm afreSd. Nay, madam, I do but speak the simple truth. MORALITY OF PERFUMES. Professor Harry Thurston Peck con- tributes to the current number of an eastern review an interesting article on The Morality of Perfumes." Pro- fessor Peck, who evidently lids carried his investigations of this subject much farther than the average person has either time or inclination to do, con- cludes that perfumes not only furnish a reliable index to the characteristics of those who use them but also that the continued use of certain odors pro-, duce certain definite effects, either moral or immoral. For instance, Professor Peck thinks that users' of musk and other strong odors of that class are "brutal, sensual and passionate," and holds that the use of such perfumes tends to develop those tendencies in anyone. On the other hand those who use violet and perfumes of similar delicacy, Professor Peck says, "aro characterized by refinement, good taste, natural purity of character and a love of the beautiful." Users of Jockey Club, Opoponax, White Iris and other odors of the step- hanotis class, he thinks, "will not stand too much teniptation, but if not strong- ly tempted will proceed in general on the ordinary conventional lines." Those who like to smell Chinese incense, 'burn- ing papier d'Armenie, or papier de PS:tr- ies:a the writer claims, are the lowest of all, " being given over to degener- acy without the other redeeming qual- ities." • Professor Peck's ' favorite perfume, however, is not violet but cologne. Ile says: bove violet is Eau de Cologne. A person whoee taste is limited to this is a person distinctly to admire and trust, one who has taste and extreme refinement, whose character is one ot great purity and nobility and whose ittellect is particularly clear and eano Whatever he may think of this clak sifioation of (adore from a moral stand point, the average citizen probably will admit that the beet perfume is no per.. fume at alt. The delicacy of violet and the purity of cologne do tot mark a type of personality which is higher than that characterieed by good health and soap and water. A DESPERATE MAN. Where has your husband gone with laie gun? t Gene to hunt a cook. QUESTION AND QUERY,. Do you really think there can be jealonsy withent love1" Did you eve,r know a married woman who was hot jealous T111.0 THOUSAND 11.11IE1t8, THE NUMBER ROSSLAND PROPER- TIES WILL EMPLOY. neediction or i..he 1t-*'ogi'c', n„ the ellirtirent (41111118—Mbling NOCCO. The Roseland Miner flays that the are body on the Vhas been locat- ed it the I05vet-foot level, and theeshow- el, ing at that point is the finest that hue yet been uncovered. 'fete Centro Star has resumed operations, and J. B. Hastings, the Superintendent, ex - pacts to have olose upon 100 men at work shortly. The Miner says - there is no doubt that 300 men will be employed there. The War Eagle force is to be increased to the same number, while the Le Roi will be working as many men in the Course of the next few weeks. It is evident that these three properties alone will employe between 900 and 1,000 men as soon as the arrangements now pend- ing can be completed. On the basis of the universally accepted maxien that every miner supports at leatit five people, Roseland will have a IMP- l'te ulation of 5,000 on the strength of the men employed only in these three great mines. Other properties, how- ever, will certainly work at least aa many men as the three already raen- tioned, and it will be a matter of on- ly a few months before Roseland will have 2000 men employee in the naines right around the city. The strike in the Commander is re- garded as an important one. At a depth of 225 feet in 'the sheft a body of ore that is two and. a half feet wide has been encountered, The ore atthis point is of a shipping quality, as it averages $32 to the ton ha all values. There are 200 tots of market- able ore on the dump. The work of development is in progress on the Monte Cristo, principally on the 400 - foot and 800 -foot levels. A strike is reported on the 400 -foot level, the ex- tent of which hes not yet been deter- mined. It is announced that the mune a will resume shipping as soon as the its buurfnrkinersot.he C' & W. is extended to t Develop:I:tent of the Grand Prize, un- der the menagement of W. T, McDon- ald, commenced last week. Two ledges have been I exposed, and it is believed 'that one of them is the extension of the Deer Park lead, althougb the fact has not yet been definitely ascertained.. Onthe Iron Horse the double compartment shaft is now down to a depth. of 20 feet, and, the entire bottom is in ore. , As soon as the seven -drill compreseor is installed the work of sinking the shaft will be accelerated. The,Victoey- Triumph shaft is down feet, During six days the shaft, whieh 1s4r7 in the clear, war sunk 13.5 feet. The eh . ft on the Novelty has readied a depth of 20 feet, and there is four feet a ore car- rying 0 bigh per cent. in copper, but small values in gold. The main shaft of the Giant is down a clislanee--eheas feet wid the showing of rainerat in- creases with depth. THE BEST YET. In regard to the Le Roi, The Miner says: -For the month of September, ending Friday night, the La noi ship- ped 10,208 tons of ore, and for the fel- lowing week the output of the mine , 2,067 tons. Both figures are . 1 he e, highest that have over been establish- ed. in the Roseland camp. Superin- tendent Tregeox ii enfhu iistio regere- ing tbe showing in the mine. "We have not commenced to prospect it yet,” he said. "When the new vertical shalt is in operation we shall be in a position to output 1,000 tons daily." Down at the 700 -foot level, where the recent amazing _developments have taken place, the ore body is now 42 feet eight inches in width. About 2e1) men are at work, and the pay roll for this month will be $28,000. The new electrical plant at tbe War Eagle will be in running order by 1 be first of next month, unless, something unexpected happens. Underground there is little change. Ore conlinue.s to be met all over the mine, and al- though mineral to the value of a mil- lion and a half has been -extracted its 1055 18 not noticeable. With the com- pletion of the electrical plant, Super- intendent Hastings expects to increase the farce materially, and in all likeli- hood there will be at least 300 men employed at the War Eagle by the 1st of next January," three months ,hence. To accommodate the employees a new le bunk house will be erected, capable of accommodating 90 men. . Already the hotel accommodations at the pro- perty are sufficient for 170 men. Depth MS shown a corapiete change in the oharacter of the Deer Pak ore. From a low-grade deposit of iron sul- phides on the surface, the lowerlsvork- ings have changed into a fine-grained ehnluorm eeouuaszityz,hciagrhryvianlgueast. times gold. in The Pug Mine, which wee formerly owned. by the Col umbia & Ontario Gold Mining Company, has been purchased 1,4,1.v) Soonill ol3nt h ...ehs tea Pa rci lariomovi, riautoidocblnus.rfyi tOe hone en v has arranged for the resumption Of The British Coltimbia Gazette gives notice of the incorporation of the Wad Eagle Hotel Company, limited, with a melte' of $25,000 in 250 shares et the value of $100 ea cb. Its atinou,nc,ed phrpoee is to run hotels and boarding houses in Roseland and. throughout `see the Province of Britieh. Columbia., The '5- 1-111)Coeoh7le:103eintabtyeectiangoioflitneriesecotsoestfdihae'atnhtill.theewedinWpaabr:Erlidfvthilfi IN THE nvp, CAIVI.P. nvnn Aegiot;d ssitlirkv e 1,iehpe bahsbeeptiromarry,onvviihnel the morning Star, wee rece.ntly lier,or- porated under the name of he Fair. rfnhoen,tit unGdoeltel Coineetny. Dundee, and cohtain the extension of properties lie near the well-Initown cn rn5:11es tweledgeoortk Dbf° vht ebne nwiarilacl"n1 ingei sSi8Loapor: ning an excellent, body of Pne-grained gag' a6rt ewuoarii•cfna,tvear:e.y81::.vvoite ore in venv notiosable qaantitiee. Five men aro Th 400feeettittnawwayastrmoamdeoeite ashpaofttn xtl.taboaunt shtieely Pew ledge hes been opetied. A miner made ilia die eneei7 �cic1antly. arefounea:n oLteic i ttwtivetetweeshivangal e rtetbaorc zinelhvhiecrtt