Exeter Times, 1898-10-27, Page 1- (713,0N 1V11).01E$EN: -..GAZETT 11;
At Zero Prices.
We've tried to make it worth your while to read our adv.
this week It's almost worth clipping out a,nd keeping for
reference. We really believe you'd save a good deal of
money by acting on the suggestions we throw out from week
to week in our advs. We try not to exaggerate, but really,
we feel so thoroughly Convinced about the values of these
,Goods that we can't help saying they are "Red Hot Under-
-wear at Zero Prices."
For the Ladies
Ladies' heavy -weight Union
"Vests, trimmed with Ribbon,
-shaped and ribbed. No trouble to
sell at 35c, but they go for 25c
Ladies' natural, colored. un-.
.shrinkable Wool Vests, extra good
weight, shaped, trimmed with
'Ribbon, ;really a 70c quality, our
price 05c
Ladies' Wool longsleeved Vests
In extra weight, fine ribbed, for
t.severe weather, comfort, at a
:money saving price.....,.... ...... . 65c
Ladies: finest, natural, Wool
Vests, high Neck, long- Sleeves,
buttoned feel* spleudicl wear
and worth every cent of the price $1.00
Children.'s Union Vests, heavy
Weight, long Sleeves, keep little
,Bodies Snug and Warm, from 10 to 2.0e
For the Men and Boys
Boy's Shirts and. Drawers, fine
heavy Fleece lined, ribbed Skirts,
Wrist Bands and Aiikles, Pearl
Buttons, strong finished, fit boys
from 4 to 10 years old, per Gar-
ment 25c to 50c
Men's 'Union Shirts and draw-
ers, good weight, wide Pink and
White stripes, ribbed Skirt, Wrist
Bands and Ankles, The fayorite
seller and cheap, Per Garment. ...87,tc
Men's heavy ribbed, pure Scotch
Elastic, Wool Under Shirts and
Drawers, 16 ounce, Blue, Grey
and Flesh color, extra warm, very
durable, a money saver at. ... 50c each
Men's Merino Under Shirts and
Drawers, reedit= weight, very
soft and comfortable, Pearl But-
tons, an excellent wearer, 65c
each or $1.25 per suit
We have some really elegant
lines for the fine fastidious wear-
ers, good value, at from 76c
to $1.25 per Garment
A. J. FORD &CO., Woodham.
"'The solid value store."
Bears. -Rev. S. E. Ford preached
;a, highly interesting andinstructive ser
mon in the Methodist church here last
.Sabbath. -A. M. Wilson record keeper
,of tent No. 48, K. 0. T. M.
received a cheque for $1000 within one
month after the death, of John Shep-
herd. This one has been paid over to
his widow. " Great promptness speaks
-highly for the manager of this growing chahmen. Readings were given by
'order. They have paid out to widows Rev. A. E. M. Thompson, Miss Ella
.during .the past few years nearly Halls and Mr. Gardiner, interspersed
,-.--4e40,000iti this vicinity.
s, . with excellent music rendered by the
quartette, when the chairman palled
for a, dialogneefrom Miss Jennie Halls,
Biddulph. A. Andrews and Mr. and. Mrs. Doupe.
Miss Halls in behalf of the congrega-
BRIEPS.-Gilbert Carter,of Granton, tion presented Mrs. Doupe with a
.and Mr. Richardson, of St. Thomas; beautiful silver tea sett, Mrs. Andrew
.are visiting friends in Biddulph and reading the following address :-
McGillivray this week. -Mr. and Mrs.
John Guest, of London, were visiting e Ms e se, Elimville, Oct, 20th 1898.
friends in McGillivray this week. --Donee - Dear Friend and
A.bbott Louis, and brother John, were gathered to night in order that we may tender
visiting friends in Biddulph on Mon- to you some recognition of services rendered
,day of this week. -john Parkinson ion with the church. Your
3 LxtrflulinnesaIg.enZitte Julien ency of weather.and
of Blanshard, was visiting friends at other difficulties conneeteA. with your position
Mooresville. -W, B. Stewereof Lucan, revealed an untiring interest in your work, a
-who has •been seriously •Ile, ig on the tit sineehTiTavstillostl:elicrgecieTlir these
mend, and will soon be able to resume things, together with your complete ano thor-
"his duties. -David Cobbledick, who ough efficiency for your work,it was with deep
was severely hurt last week,is'improv- regret that we learned of your separation from
ing as well as can be expected.- And white asa congregation. we have not for.
Wheat went up to 75 cents a bushel On gotten what We arer taught namely:-"Torrejeice
,Saturday last. -Miss Sutton, of Mc- wtsattwhoese ,stottoj cm t thi
a' 47- ado rVotrwagli
Ciillivray was visiting friends in Bid- you, in your new relationship in life and pray
•dulph on Monday last. that the blessing of God may rest upon you and
Mr. Doupe. Nevertheless we'ideeply feel our
• a., loss in parting with one who always was faith -
H ibbert. ful, kind and painstaking in her position.
And would ask you to kindly accept of this
SILVER TEA SET, not as a recompense for
BRIEVES.—MaXwell Bell fell from his esteem rendered. but as a slight token of our
-verandah the other day and dislocat- intfmraandesayjarlictlaya.paAr And Ifjelian:er:alyaLlre.
•ed one of his shoulders and otherwise fully sit a? the table performing the burnable
bruised •it. -Mr. and Mrs. Peter Camp- fool thatyouduties of mistress you will alwsys
bell have returned safely and well of _yoitfrerillldahyazethe best wishes of the friends
.after anenioyable visitamongrelatives And when the supplies on earth are o'er may
.and ' friends in Sherbrooke. - Miss weall be found worthy to sit at the table
with the King's Son. And thus dwelling in the
Hamilton, of Parkdale, who has been sunlight and love of Heaven with our soul%
visiting at the home of her uncle T L
, T. L. And hearts, and lips atoned, we shall praise
Hamilton, Cromarty, has left to spend
esome weeks with relatives in Stratford.
-The marriage of Dr. 5. M. Currie, of
Rome N. Y., formerly of this place,
-which' took place very, soon after his
-return from ens recent visit home, was
quiee a surprise, as no hint of the
happy event had. been made, except to
his own family. However, his many
friends and acquaintances here extend
-to him their hearty congratulations,
and to elle bride, their best wishes for
*happiness and prosperity. '
G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public), Convey
moor, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent
and Ismer of IVIarriage Licenses. Legal Oen
nients carefully drawn at reasonable rates
Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in
Wrest. Office at the Post office, Honsall.
(fate With Garrow & Proudfoot) I3arrister
So icltor, Notary Public. Hensel', Ont.
"fil A. Sellery, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Gradu
• ate of Toronto Ornyersity, Dentists, Teeth
extracted without_pam or bad effects. Office
in Petty's Block, Hensall. At Zarb% every
Monday, commeueing May 30th.
Conk Bros.lof the Prenatal Flouring Mins no
have one of the best chopping systems in the
eounty, after a number of years of exPorlen04
with a great many different makes of choppers,
they now claim that they have succeeded in
purchasing one of the best choppers on th
Market for fine chopping, we are also running
our roll crusher for the purpose of crushing oats
for horse feed, AS all our experienced feeders
toll us that there is xrnthing worse to form gas
on a horse's stonmeh than chop. 04.
Highest price paid for wheat.
BRIETS.- Gavin, Moir, of Quebec, is
in the village. He came to attend the
vvedding of his brother Andrew to leliss
Elder, on Tuesday. -- Mrs. Robert
Anderson has gone to London to re-
side. -Miss Sutherland, who has been
visiting at her uncle's, james Suther-
land, the past few weeks, returned to
her home on Wednesday. -The Coun-
cil have decided to carry oet thew
sewerage plans. - Miss Ellen Mc-
Allister was visiting her brothers this
week ou the Parr line. -The members
of the South Huron Agricultural
Society met here on Monday, and. de-
cided to hold a fat stock show at
Exeter on about the 16th of December
next. -G. C. Petty. was in London on
Friday- on business. -Mrs, Darel Bell
. usborne
jeckell, eon of Wee,
je.ckell, near Exeter, has been engag-
ed to teach in the Thames Road school
next season, ab a salary of $325.-A:
fine new barn is being erected on the
Thames Road manse groands.-
Farmers are complaining of the wet
weather. They are unable to &eke lip
their roots, -Mr. C/apes, who has been
visiting at C. H. Homey's has return-
ed to his home in -----------,--A son
of William Horton, of the 4th eon.,
who is attending the Collegiate Insti-
tute at Goderich,' broke one of his arms
Friday last, while vaulting with a,
ole. He eame borne on Sunday. -
any Brown's sale ci,e Winchelsete on
lenday was a succees,
BRIEES.—His Honor Judge Masson
held Court of Revision here on Tues-
day. Quite a number of appeals were
disposed of. -Miss Georgie Marshall,
of Merlin, is .visiting her sister, Mrs.
E. Zeller, at present, - Lawyer Dick-
son was in town on. Tuesday on busi-
nese.-Division Court will be held here
on Tuesday next. -The population of
our village is growing at a rapid rate
at present.-BobRichavdson bas sever-
al gangs packing apples in this vicinity.
Apples are a good crop and prices
satisfactory. -Harry Randall and wife
spent a few weeks at Elmira recently.
-Peter Bender and. family intend to
take up their residence in town short-
ly ; also Gottleib Meruer and wife. -P.
Lamont is building a house on his
farm. Look out for efrs. L.-Zeller's
hardware is doing a, rushing business
in .stoves at present. They handle
and daughter, Mrs. John Mosso, who only the best lines and their prices are
were in Manitoba in interests of their lower (quality considered) than any
health returned home last week. Mrs. place in town. -We understand that
Bell was quite in white away, though
she is now improving. --D, Urquhart
was in Goderich last week on business.
-Mrs. Thoina,s Hudson was in Mit-
chell and Logan last week visiting
friends. --Wm. Mitchell has leased his
farm in Usborne to Mr. Keyes, of the
Parr line, Hay, for a term of years.-
Elimville. 1
T. E. Tom, P. S. I., Goderich, was in
the villa,ge.Monday, and after visiting
Pemsnerreorecae.-OnTleursday even -
the school lathe forenoon, held a pub-
ing Oct. the 20tb, a large number of
' lic examination in the afternoon, to
the members and adherents gathered
Which .the, parents and rate -payers
at the Elimville Methodist church
were invited. Short addresses were
to express their appreciation of ser -
given by Rev. J. S. Henderson, Wm.
vices rendered as organise for a num- Buchanan and. others, The scholars
bAe.r oil .yeDarnsupbya).MilftetelarrasMinagdingge (Mrs. Buchanan
nag and the progress made under Mr.
proved themselves to be in good stand -
prayer john Delbridge was chosen 31terey,t the principal, and Misses
Whitesides and Stephenson, was high-
ly eulogised by the different speakers.
-Mrs. H. Cook, and. daughter Miss
the Eternal forever and ever..
Signed in behalf of Elimville congregabion- afternoon, on ecOlilld culture in ets
Mr. Philip Madge in behalf of his , relation to purity". In the evening
daughter made a suitable and feeling
reply, after which Mrs. Doupe taking
the organ all joined in singing "Blest
be the tie that binds". Addresses of
good will and. sympathy, a dutch
recitation by P. Halls, a. number of
gongs by the Madge family and H.
Brown, of Winchelsea, a few words
from the pastor, a verse of "God save
the Queen" and the benediction, when
all returned home satisfied that good
will and. cheer tends to make life
onathan Merrier is going into the
shoe business at Berlin, in partnership
with A. Weselohi feather resident of
this place. - Harry Doan shot a
partridge on Tuesday. This is con-
sidered good e days shooting and.
Harry is feeling very proud.
InensENTemore.-About thirty young
people of the Zurich Young People's
.Alliance,on Mcinday evening assembled
at the home of the President, Miss L.
Williams and greatly surprised her
by presenting an address,and a hand-
some rocking -chair, as a token of their
appreciation of her services in their
society. The pastor, Rev. A. H. Heist
was chairman, and began the program
with an Alliance song after whichMiss
Jessie Rainie read the following ad-
dress:- '
To TRE Woneent rare. or OtTrt Y. P. A.-
• Dear friend. and co-worker in the Y. P. A. int-
Lovi na, visited friends in London the crests and church at large. -As fellow' officers
past week. -Mrs. C. A. McDortell visit- and members of the Zurtch. Alliance, we ex -
ed friends in Kippen on Monda,y.-It grniadall ymhtlmiestitainag.goettigreetings o1. cold
is stated that J. E. McDonell was sion of lit heartfelt felfeWshilfaXcatieciitees-
married to an estimable young lady 311 under the common bond of Christ -like love.
London •last week. -..n Moir, of GECaoavs aeanacsoeutaragainneg aitamisatoon labor end, togetherthatoa 0 lifn_
the township of Usborne, son of the improvement, and up -lifting of our fellow -men.
late George Moir, of this village, was Nota small share of this influence. is exerted
from titne to time in our alliance work, the
married on Tuesday to Miss Helen motive of which always is "For the glory of
Elder, only daughter of Mrs. Elder, of God, and the good. of mon."
Hensall, late of Tuckersmith township. • Realizing that not onlyare "'Worthy efforts
immortal" but also that worthy efforts are
The ceremony took place at the resi- worthy of a just expression of appreciation, WO
dence of the bride's mother, and was as officers, members and friends of the Alliance
performed by Rev. J. S. Henderson, in. have gathered here to speud an hour ' in social
intercourse and intellectual culture, as a,happy
the presence of the more intimate deviation from the arduous labors and pleasant
friends of the contracting parties. duties of Alliance work,
They will live on Mr. Moir's farm in We have come to express our appreciation of
Usborne.--J. A. Malcom has resumed Your helpful service and as dstanoe in our Y. P.
his rnilk route in the, village. -Mr. A., as members and officers of the same, in the
past, and hope and pray for a continuance of
Walters, of Chicago, who has been hese happy.relations for the future, but "ac -
visiting at J. W. Oitwein's left on tions speak louder than words we are told,
Monday for Listowel, where he will order to give a tangible proof of these expres-
visit friends. -Mrs. P. Triggerson, has stens. we, as officers, members and friends of
returned •from a, pteasant visit with the Zurich Alliance, herewith hand over to you
friends in Berlin and Brantford.- and Ir.
this ift, (at this -juncture Miss Lydia Koehler
A. Mellick came forward N 1th th
Among the wants of the village is a chair) as an nxpression of appreciationvOf your
new crossing at the postoffice corner ; efforts, as co -laborer with us m theAlliance. r
also a few more electric lige t the Maysuccess In
a s on e even more abundantly than in the past.
the future crown. our efforts,
back streets. We must keep abreast Signed,
of the times, and improve corres- On behalf the Alliance.
pondingly in all directions. Will the Miss Williams then responded in a
Council act ?-Trade has been quite few words, thanking them very heart -
brisk in the village this week. -The ily for their kindness and appreciation
Misses Tucker, of Michigan, are visit- and hoping the work would prosper in
ing their aunt, Mrs. John Kemp.- the future. After several musical sel-
Miss Wiggins, of the Women's C. T. ections, and games had been indulged
U., of Toronto, a noted. lecturer, gave in, lunch was served, then all dispers-
an address in Carmel church. Monday ed to their various homes well pleas-
ed with their evening's entertainment.
There are many foetus of nervous happier and better.
,debifity,in men that yield to the use of ' .............-.•.• .—........
'Carter's Iron Pills. Those who are
troubled with nervous wea,kness,night SEVERE COUGH CURED
.-sweats, etc.i ohould try them "1 had a severe cold which settled on my
, lungs and made me so weak I had to give up
Complete returns of the prohibition work. TWo bottles of Dr, Wood's Norway Pete
plebisoit for every constituency jee ayruip.a,migte.tek icured me, J. Danwright,
«Ontario show a total of 260,7/6 votes' (.1e-lOthing takes out pain and inflammation,
•cast 0.54,503 for, and 1154273 against- reduces swelling, promotes healing like Rag-
a majority for prohibition of 30,230. Yards Yellow Oil. Price 26o,
, a..............
Special Bargains For The
My stock is complete in all the
Y. newest designs.
Dress Goods Our dress lengths are 9ec-
- • ial value in quality and price.
Ladies Jackets A heavy stock in this line. All
new goods and will be sold at
and close prices.
Fttr Capes. 40---$3 0 0 and upward
A quantity of Goods just placed on iny job counter that
be sold at one half regular price,
...IC:11JUN HALL, Daattwood.
she addressed maimed audience in the
Methodist church. Subject : "Chris-
tian Endeavor work". -Jas. Petty has
purchased. the Elgie farm of 100 acres
in Tuckersnaith.
OCIDENT. — On Wednesday-, the
nine-year-old son of Gottfried *Wein,
while in field driving a span of
horses,one of the animals knockecllaim
down, and tramping upon him, broke
one of his legs.
RE-Urnme.-It is over twenty years
ago since M. C. Philips has seen any of
his daughters bele there was a joyful
re -union on Wednesday night of last
week, all having arrived borne to spend
a few days with their aged father.
They are: Mrs. Wm. S. Staddon ace
companied by her husband, of Apsley;
Mrs. A. Wilson of the same place; and
Mrs. Buchner, of 0ourteIand, accom-
panied berhee husband.
At the &invention of the Waterloo
County Sabbath Sehool Assoeleteon
held at Galt, S. McCren,. the well:
ford Seigner, 200„ Nora Beichert, 200; Central i a,
jr. Pe, II, Idella Reshot', 250; Rosa Me -
Nevin, 231; Morrie Weber, 200; Laura WHEAL% BELLS. -A very pleasant
Bossenbury, 200; Helium Sipple, 200. event transpired on the 2,0th inst.,
terms GnAmeite here, when Miss Maud Ricks and A.
Teacher. Ricks, grain meechane of this place,
were married in the C. M. church ia
Lucan. the presence of a crowded houee,
Atter the cereniony, which was per,
BRIEFS. -Dr. Bosse& is mach better. • formed by their popular pastor Rev,
-Miss Sarah Frank, of Manitoba, is
tbe guest of Mrs. Sproat-lefre, R.
Armitage, of London, has rented the
house and store on Main st. belenging
to Arthur Goodacre and. intends start-
ing. a fancy sore -Miss Annie Bryant
who has event the last two months
with friends in and around Liman,
returned Saturday to her home in
Forese-The 'Mean paper has changed
hands. The editor will now be Mr.
. .
dips, Mr. Irwin haying declared his very pleasant and happy afeeir and we
Robinson Armitage agent for
hetention of returning to Brussels.- join their many friends iu wishing
the them a safe return and a, long, pro,
Mastey Harris Co, has been appointed sperous and happy future.
to a position in Hamilton where he " --
anti his family intend moving in a. fewl Bryanston.
1. Salton, a large party of uncles,
aunts and cousins of the contracting
parties, repaired to the resid.ence of
the bride's parents. Mr, and Mrs.
Frank Hicks,and partook. cif a sumptu-
ous breakfast, after which the happy
couple drove to Lucan, whence they
went to the Southern State.r to spend
their honey -moon. There was a large
collection of well selected, useful and
costly presents. 4 WhS altogether a
INVESTIG A.TION. - The commission
a,ppointed to investigate the charges
oieoffensive paetizansbip against Dane
Coughlin, an inspector of weights and
measures was continued Lucaa on
Monday before R. II. Collins of Exeter.
A number of witnesses were eetanen-
ed, but no serious evidence was adduc-
ed. The investigation will be continued
at Luca,n on Tuesday next, when the
evidence will be forwarded to Ottawa
for examination. If the investigation
means anything it means that Cough-
lin will lose his office and that scree
good. Liberal will get it, as was the
case with C. Walker, of Ailsa Craig,
who was removed from the postinas-
tership for alleged partizanship there,
to afforcla berth to one Jim. Morgan,
a political worker 112 the riding. •
Ki rkton
Beenre.---Mrs. P. Barrow is on the
sick list. -J. F. Stinson has sold his
farm for the sum of $3,150,and intends
to reside in Clinton. -Will Avery who
was hurt two weeks ago by George
Anderson's thresher passing over his
fooeisimproving nicely. -John Burn's
sale on Wednesday last was a decided
success financially, as everything went
for high figures. Chas Bailey wended
the hammen-John Livingstone has
erected it new driving -shed. --Anniver-
sary services were held here on Sun-
day last in the Methodist church. The
Rey. Dr. Williams, of Listowel, offici-
ated both morning and evening.-An-
niversay sermons were preached in Se.
Paul's church here on Sunday last by
the Rev. Mr. English, M. A., of Hell -
math Ladies' College, London.- It is
our sad duty this week to chronicle!the
death of Herbert George Ball, who
died after a week's illness of meningi-
tis of the brain on Saturday the 15th
inst. Deceased was in his 15th year
and much beloved and respected by
all who knew him. His unexpected
death has cast a gloom over the entire
community and a large circle of friends
tender their heartfelt sympathies to
the relatives of the deceased. His re-
mains were interred in the Exeter
cemetery. -A number around here are
baking up their turnips. -Fred Mar-
shall spent Seena,y under the parental
roof.-Sheir & Marshall are the boom-
ing merchants of our village, they
having sold 14 suits in one day. -W.
S. Dawson hadquite it lively time at
Thorndale exhibition last week with a
couple of nue-shell fakirs. Mr. Wied.-
erhold, of St. Marys, having lost $14
while playing, Mr. Dawson demand-
ed the return of the atoney when the
fakir andeelnDawson got into an argu-
ment over the amount. After a while
the argument became so effective that
Mr. Dawson pulled his powerful right
on Mr. Fakir and he dropped. His
(faker's) friend standing by took up
his cause and drew a left from behind
and landed it on Mr. Dawson's nose,
doing no harm, Mr. Dawson collared
his former man and again demanded
the money which was promptly re-
funded. Who says Kirkton boys are
cowards when they are cievies. from
home. -Station A of the Se. Marys
Exeatts.-Public School Promotion Central Creamery runs every other
Examination. Successfal pupils : day now instead of every day. -Mrs.
Sr. IIT, Helma Pfaff, 570; Alfred Tor- Williams had her house remodelled
rance, 496; Maggie Weseloh, 480; Ed- over and it imgroveie the look of her
die Beichert, 495; Lottie Galster, 477; premises, --A unshine scribe attacked
Adeline Severe% 461; Theresa Axt,446. one of our village boys at Burn's
Sr. Phoebe Rickbeil, 535; Nora sale of Wednesday last. The disturb-
Greb, 495; Robert NV illiams,173; Laura ance erose over an argument about.
Hartleib, 468; Chester Benedict, 453; horses. The argument reached. to such
Dora Eilber, 437; Edger Magee 435; a pitch that the Scribe lost control of
Egbert Heideman 42,8;Harvey Weber, his Medulla Oblongata and used mus -
406; Cora Hamacher, 405- Amy Stein- cuter motion to a,vebge his tentner.
bach,105; Norman Holtzman, 101; Now one chance is given this so-called
William Brower 400, Eddie. Greb 400; scribe and this is to apologize, or else
Lerina Fuss, 40P. like others who leave fallen fate to the
En, J. HAGAN, Kirkton Band of Whitecaps be among
Teacher. the desolated number. -A.. Good, has
been re-engaged as teacher of our
Jr. III, Fred Halierer, 450; Herbere scliool at at advanced. salary ; this
Beaker, 405; Written Beaker, 400; s eaks well for Mr. Goble, -Mrs. Gil-
pti is improving nicely. -II. Bryans,
Latina Bossenberry, 401; Ira Weber,
400; Garnet Magee 400. Sr. II, Enema, of Staff% spent Sunday ita town.-
Weseloh, 320, George Kilber, 806; School was closed on Friday, owing to
Mary Gatineau, 800; Victor Appel, 305; the convention in the one Town. -
August Koehler, 800;Ehnore Theil, 306; Mee. Bryans, of Staffa, spent Sun.- We are now ready to show our X-mas. Goods and
329; Hilda leoeharrte, 342; George Thee;
to Cleveland, the latter to her home
WEDDING BELLS. -A very happy
event took place at the residence of
Benjamin Wood, of Bryanston, oa
Tuesday evening 254h hese, when his
daughter Ida, M. D. Wood, was united
in the holy- boucle of rnatrirnouy to W.
S. W. Oho wan, of Onaway, lefich. The
ceremony wies performed by Rev. Mr.
Deacon. The wedding march being
played Miss Rhoda Olzowen. The
bride was dressed in white organdy,
adorned. with Chiffon, pearls and lace
and wore it bridal veil and wreath of
white roses and carried a hoquet of
virhite roses, The guests were numer-
ous, fifty sat down tree sumptuous re-
past. The guest • :e from Detroit,
Thamesford, The ale, Clinton, Se.
Marys and Exeter, while the presents
were costly. The happy couple leave
in two weeks for theic home in Miele,
Their many friends wish them ahappy
and prosperous future.
Barses.-Tohn Routleyes new resi-
dence isnearingcomple,tininits a dandy
John ; all that is required is a woman
now. - Lewis Beaver's residence is
going up very slowly. -Geo. Allen
spent Sunday at Thomas Hopkins,
Woodham. -Matthew Routley spent
Sunday with Joseph Worden. -
Michael Fletcher has purchased the
farm owned by Thomas Clarke for
$4,700.---Da,vid Clarke spent Sunday
with John McCullough. -Miss Minnie
Bell spent Sunday with blends in
Kirkton.-Robert Harden spent Sun -
,TO1Ier weilyE
PublisherS atm Pr
Here s Your Chance
n e wear
For Men, also a full range
of Ladies' and Children's
J. P. X;toss
An elopement was nipped in the bud
on Wednesdiey evening, says the Clin-
ton News -Record, in a way Which ra,-
they amused those who witnessed the
affair. During the afternoon a couple
of young women. drove to the Clinton
depot to enquire the time the next
train for the east lefte and on being
informed went up town again. When
train time approached they again
started for the station and had about
reached the Catholic church when it
young naan drove in from, the cross
street and stopped them, He clipped
it halter over the head. of the horse
they were driving and getting into his
own buggy drove with the other in
tow, The women made no attempt to
escape, but wept freely, but their cap-
tor seemed. wellsatisfied with the man-
ner in which he had captured his runa-
way wifeethough on the pre-aions occa-
sion she reached the city. The parties
were from Goderich township.
The Winchelsea Creamery shipped
32,082 The or butter to CJardiff, Wales,
last week.
- ••,.•
day with. William Creary. - Peter BIG 6fi-KAsii 33
Coleman has secured the agency far STORE
the famons 13ackeyeBeel Co., of New
York. Peter is a. trroroiigh up-to-date HENSALle,
business rnan,-Will Denny, the Eng-'
lisle waif, employed by Abner FullerI Ordered Clothing
is thinking of going to the Klondike
tee seek for. greener pasturese-Mrs. RING DEPARTMENT—
:Omura is Improving nicely. from her ' we show an excellent range of new
recent illness.-Weeley Mills intends I Fall and Winter Overcoati, Suitings
moving soon to his new residence in / and Trouserings which we make to
Woodham. -Dr. Pallybia,nk, of your measure in the very best manner
Lobo, spent Sunday with Cha,s. Wash. at the lowest possible price. Canadian
one night recently. They captured
burn. -A party went out mon hunting Tweed Suits, $8.50 to 815.00; Scotch
and Irish Tweed Suits, $15 to $18.00 •-
whae they thought to be a coon in a Black Worsted and Serge Suits, $13,00
log but they were not long in finding to $25.00. Our Ma. DEVER is am expert
one that ib was a skunk. Mr. skunk tailor, whose work is thoroughly
gave them a strong and a rank re- reliable, correct in style, and will be
ception which was received by several
members of the party.-Soine of the
young Dien and boys of this neighbor-
hood, are here advised to mend their
conduct around the church premises
found entirely satisfactory in everer
detail, if not, your money back.
Tweeds as low as 25c. per yard, cut to
your measures free of charge.
on Sunday evenings before the law nelady-to-wear Clothing
courts are used to teach them what
their respect for God's house has not. We are noten business to sell shoddy
-Farmers are -very busy taking up i or undependable goods. Our idea of
their raangolds and turnips which are i clothing is the kind made to satisfy
a good cro .-George Godbole spent the most critical buyers, correct in
Sunda.y with Samuel Brown at Kirk -
ton. -Matthew Routley, stock broker,
is doing it rushing trade in handling
the Rossland and Ruby shares.
- Ie.
The worst predictions have been fal-
filled in Manitoba. The heavy rains
last month threw the harvest back.
Then the rainy season began before
any considerable quantity of the grain
was stacked. That left in the stack
has been practically rained And the
rain has been so continuous thee the
farraers halve not been. able to pull
down their stacks and dry out the
grain. On the whole, the weather
has proved nothing short of a calamity
to the country.
style, correct in fit, correct in woek-
manship and correct in material.
Because we measure to this idea, do
not think we are high priced. Men's
good, solid, all wool Suits, well made
and generously lined, for $6.00. We
have lower priced as well as higher.
Boy's tweecl Suits, $1.50 to $0.00.
Men's Overcoats, Ulsters, Reefers,
Suits, Vests, and Trousers. Boy's
Overcoats, Meters, Reefers, Suits end
We could not sell such goods at the
prices if eve sold on time.
W. A. NlicKalVt,
NEW mewl', Hensallm
Owing to our increased business we have found
neceSsary to enlarge our store to twice its former size.
Aurthur Bossenbury, 300, Sr TT
Wilfred Weido, 313; Edith Torrance,
--' day with her son, It. A.. Bryans.-0.E. many other useful house -hold articles.
Taylor arid Miss E. Taylor have gotee
305;Herbert Ilcrwald 800;Charlie Eilber, • nd the eor to restane his study of
300; Vercn Whitmore; 301; Arhus
stry ra'kr. Irene, P. S. I. 'visited 6
An inspection of these 000cis will prove to you the good
Theil; 300. Sr. Pt. /T, Laura Fuss, 259; e"'
Theil, 225; Peter Deiebere 200; our school this weeljc.--Milton Watsob quality and cheapness of them and convince you that thero
is improving nicely from an attack of
Emma, Heldman, 201; Ella Weber, 200; has never been anything like them in Exeter before
typhoid fever, so is Robert Daweon.--
Gneeph, created a little excitement by '
Worker, of Lottie Hilderbrand, 200. Jr. pt. n,
Eddie Heberer, 203: Elmore Rupp, 202;
known Sabbeth Sehool
advising some radical changes in the Theodore Schroeder, 201; A.Iein Foster,
observance of the Sabbath. He did 20/ Dere Koehler, 200/ Gertie Hart -
not believe in spending all day seneay Hee, 200; Lizzie Trimner, 205; Joe
in church, and advocated that the Randell, 200.
evening church be ebandonedio favor Me TORRANCE
of home study. There were too many Teecher,
meetiiies on Sunday now. Rev. Mr. Jr, III,Otto Sipple,420; Pearl Fisher,
Atkinson, of Perlin, backed up Mn. 400; Sem Koehler, 400; Josepleinine
1VecOrect, saying that now it was stherise Hew -Mee 400; real& MSS, 100; Pearl
prayet nieetlug, elders' meeting at 10, Buchanan, 400. Sr, tr. Herley Weber,
church alai, school et 8, V.M.,C,A.. at 300; Adclinson Koehler, 300; Feed be-
e, church at 7. and Young People's imith, 300; Unianaal f Holtzman, 300;
Society to finish up the day, Bee. G. Mira Volland, 800; 'Wellington John -
Demote of Waterloo, was also of the store 305. je• II. Herbert Smith, 800;
sense tepinion, but ReV. Mo. Kettlewell Willie Wagner, 300; Emit Hardy, 300;
and other beitiietere Were strOrigly ledweter Kohler, 300; Iletbert Bloch,
opposed to the idea, eityleg thee seat 800eXetie 15r*id, 800; Veer& teeehesoot
H my Held o in, 300. 'See Pt. IT, Mode s The doctor. a treatment peOnusee
Meer, 246; Henry Plaxbeed • 9A4' OW- tautb in it embplete cure
Mills in abunclence pass through our
village, some butcher's mills, farmer's WE wpm HAVE-ormft.--`
mine, merchant's mills, but it would
be a boob. to °Ur village if a :grist mill
-Wni. 13town spent Sunday in St, A Re=Opening Saturday Nov. sth
would come for the D11113080 of steying. -,
Marys. --Norman Pletcher spent Sun. , •
day in Chiselhurst ; there muse be
same attraction Norman. ` '
And have In Orchestra in attendance. We extend a
,—,-.,-,...-.--+-4•1113 3 hearty invitation to all to come and see the store and hear
Why' dohe, you try Chteter'e Lietle the 11111Sie,
Liver Pills 1 They are e positive cute
for side heaclaehes, ata ell the ills pro-
anced by disotdoeed liver, Only one Thanking our many customers for their past favor, and
Pin e doe& . hope to have their continued patronace.
H. Wilson, Prospect Hill, watt to
Londoti last Week aud had a stirgleal
opetation performed by ler, Wishart.