HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-10-20, Page 8TI I>?'xa s, ---Tine fall show season is over, The autumn foliage is coloring �. alieB1. Cash Store. --the pretty tints of red and gold are appeui'ing, 'When fallow e'en gets here there should be no senseless prae- CAsi I--1 or PRODUCE ...+ . tice of removing gates, outhouses, etc. Farmers who have apples picked ONN L Y ONE E IP' Ili C. should now get them under cover `fi don't leave them exposed to frosts. kl,r1 E, . TE -I T1 FS aetenealegax Cold Weather' Is coming, sure assure can be. You'd better buy your underwear now, its as cheap, as cheap eau be. Men's Underwear in 'plain knit, fancy stripes, heavy ribs and soft fleece lilted. Ourstock is large enough, varied enough, and value enough for anyone. Two Very Special Bargains Men's fancy striped Shirts and drawers, extra good quality fine close knit, the regular price was 75c.•each. We cleared the lot and are offering them at each 540 Men's plain American fluffy fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, lovely goods, none irritable,values such as we never • offered before. Yours for each ..... .QC BOYS' UNDERWEAR.—Our assortment is very complete—and .values are decidedly in favor of the boys. Come be prepared for the cold snap—it's coming. Store closes each evening except Wednesdays and Saturdays. INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agent for the WESTERN ASSCriANCE COM- PANY, of Toronto ; also for the PucENLL Fnua fl SURexaE. CoareasY, of London, .England ; the ALLIANCE Ib:mu- lex CoXPANY, of Eng and. Schnol WE J. A. S TWA T l ri. M a hof ge h.i'ze*Er: es, VolCcidi:ag Watchet,, Clock , Jewelry, Spectace , Etc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Fall wheat has bad such rapid grow - twin s Lead Pencils, OFFER Rubber Erasers, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Pens, and IN Pen Holders, Ink, Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain . , , • Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books Drawing Books .... Tablets,. ....... . ,•Rulers, Etc. J. OttpIGGEXETER e g l MO. kid gloves. Wallaceburg bas been experiment- ing with granolithic sidewalks and the THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1898. Mayor reports that such walks can be made at a cost of less than 11 cents a sq care yard. LOCAL rIAPPENING th that farmers are turning their cattle on it. H. Buckingham is running off a Bankrupt stock for J. W. Broderick, in St. Marys. TECE TIMES will be given to new snb- cribers for the balance of the year for 25cents. J. W. Broderick' assisted D. A. Ross in singing a duett in Main St choir on Sunday evening last. Mrs.H. Finkbeiner and Mrs.Mangus, of Crediton, are the guests of Mr. John Heywood, of Usborne. Angus McNevin,iformerly of Exeter, . has purchased the Marlton property overlooking the harbor park, Gode- I rich. The annual winter show of the Huron :Poultry association will be held at Clinton towards the end of Jan nary. The potato yield is turning out much better than at first expected. Some farmers in this section have abundant yields. Mrs. F. J. Knight returned home from California on Friday last, where she had been attending the funeral of her feather, the late Edred Drew. Carling Bros. .are showing a very fine line of ladies, kid gloves in green and tans. Theyare the sole agents in Exeter for Miller's Glovinefor cleaning An intelligent boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at this office. Paper hangers are about the only men who succeed in liminess by going to the wall. The open season for quail cnlnmen- ced on October 15th, but no quail may be sold or purchased. Willison Stewart, of Lucau,who has been lying. seriously ill at the home of his father•in-law, is slowly recovering. Miss Kathleen McCurdy, twice of J. McCurdy, arrived atKirkton from the Emerald Isle. She is going to reside with her uncle. this year since the middle of May. Joe Ferguson, of London township, Mrs. Sutherland, of O& ifornia,sister sent a spanking fine carriage team to of Mr. Wm. Drew, died at her home Saginaw, Mich., as .a wedding present two weeks ago, a few days after the to his daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Grigg. death of her brother Edred Drew.Mrs. Rev. Smith has returned from his Sutherland was well known in this trip to Chicago and occupied his pill- section some years ago. Her trouble nit in Main St. church on Sunday last. was cancer. He preached two ablesermons. Complaint is made that much of the Our early sown winter wheat is al../ fowl marketed in this town is impro- most too strongand forward now, puny dressed, the feathers being re - Should a heavy all of snow come this moved by scalding instead of plucking. winter it will have a tendency to Fowl intended for shipping, especially smother. should never he scalded sfor in he To- E. o E. Follick picked from his garden on Mr. Hastings will this week move into the residence recently purchased of C. Snell, Jr. A. Rennie will occupy the residence to be vacated by Mr. Hastings, while W. Cunz will take Mr. ' Rennies house. Snow fell in Chicago for over an hour Saturday night. It was the first of the season and the earliest. in 26 years. A gale accompanied the snow- fall, waking navigation on Lake Mich- igan impossible. The Ontario (Cal.) Record of tbe29th ult. says:—It rained with us last Fri- day-- but the fall was very slight. At the head of the avenue was quite a shower.. This is the first precipitation HURON MEDIQAL ASSQOIAXION, — The regular meeting of this association was held on Wednesday, Oct.. 12th, in the Canncil Chamber, Olinton, when. the following members were present: Dr. Stanbury, Bayfield ; Drs: Hunter and Taylor, Goderich : Drs, Gunn, Mc-' Callum and Shaw, Clinton ; Dr. Tait, Blyth ; Dr. McKenzie, Moncton Dr. Dunsmore, Stratford ; Drs. Bethune and Burrows, Seaforth. Nominations for representative to Ontario Medical Council resulted in Dr. J. A. :Robert son, of Stratford, being the successful nominee of the association fur the dis- trict of Hnvon and Perth. Nominee tion papers must be in the hand of the returningofficer, Dr. Shaun, before Nov. 8th. esolutions were passed regretting the removal of Dr. Woods, late of Mitchell, to Nashville. Tenn., where he has accepted a professorship inthe Medical College: Dr. Shaw read a paper which elicited much discussion. by the members. DEATH of MRS.G CE OBE.—After a somewhat lingering illness, of general debility, superinduced by old age, Mrs. Grace Oke, relict of the late Thomas Oke, passed peacefully away at her residence, Huron street, on Tuesday morning. She was one of the pioneer residents of this section. Born in Devonshire, England, ; on October 25th, 1815, she with her parents, emig- rated to this country in the year 1880, settling in Port Hope. She married Thomas Oke in the year 1830, and a short time subsequently they came west and settled on a farm in Usborne township. In 1373 they retired and moved to Exeter, where she has since lived, her husband dying 11 years ago. Deceased was a Member of the Metho- dist church, and was highly esteemed as a neighbor. She leaves to survive her, family of four daughters : Mrs. James Westcott, Douglas, Man. ; Mrs. John Frayne, Usborne ; Mrs. Win. Southcott and Mrs. A. Sheere, Exeter. The funeral will take place en Thurs- day at 2 o'clock for the Exeter ceme- tery. • • • NOTICE ToDAA VERTISERS. — All changes of advertisements intended for the current issue must be handed into the office not later than Tuesday noon. The labor necessary to "set"bp" the ordinary advertisement 'of the present age is very great, and when several advertisements are sent to the office on Wednesday noon,itnecessari- ]y follows that the issue of the paper is .delayed from five to eight hours, besides it compels the workmen to toil all night; when, on the other hand, if the copy is sent in in due tune, the paper appears promptly on Thursday morning. Procrastination is the thief of time,and in thiscare also the thief of the allotted sleep of the printers. It is our aim to oblige, but there is a limit beyond which 'it is -impossible to con- form, and if at any time an advertise- ment appears unchanged, the adver- tiser can blame himself, because he will know that the copy was handed in too late. We would kindly ask those interested to cut this out and paste in a conspicuous place in their office. Monday a carrot of. the White Bel- gium variety, which : measured 27 inches. Mr. F. would like to know who can beat this. We are offering THE TIMES from now until January 1900 for one dollar, This is on condition that the dollar be paid before the end of this year. If you cannot bring in your dollars, send them by mail. Postal notes are handy and quite safe. Wagon loads of coal, the hum around the stovedealers, overcoats, millineryo enings, < pumpkin pies, moulting hens, 'tatter diggin', high colored foliage, buskin', fall fairs, a nip of frost and Old Sol retiring at 6.30 p. tn., all tell us that the heated term, has passed and winter is coming again.' c've are continually in receipt of let- ters and poStal cards signed " Sub scriber." When will correspondents learn that to receive attention they mast sign theirnames, not necessarily for publication but as a guarantee that rout° and other marketsjt detracts from their value. Wheat is now down to the sixty cent nark and the prospect is not very bright for a marked advance in price, though much lower it can hard- ly be expected to go. Still the big dealers state that the prices which have been prevailing have been too high to enable them to compete with the United States. The apple crop in Kent county is proving a great, disappointment both to buyers and sellers and instead of 100,000 barrels for export, there will scarcely be half that number. The shortage is 'dile to the apples rotting because of continued rains and hot weather which have to a' large extent destroyed the keeping qualities of even the winter fruit. A. Q,Bobier,of the Exeter Creameryy has entered into a contract to deliver at Dawson City 30,000 pounds of but- ter, for which he is to receive $10,100. The butter is to be packed in one, two their articles are in good ;faith. Al and five pound tins and specially newspaper publisher would be con- sealed. The process of sealing alone tinea iiy in hot water were he to take will entail a cost of aver $300, as Mr: cognizance of all the unsigned. coni- .i'3obier will have to invest in machine munications reaching the office, particularly adapted for the, purpose: T H E Pickard Go.' Mints To Clothing Buyers. • Why is it that so many careful Dressers wend their way to this store for Ready-to-wear Clothing ? Why is it that 1 they come and continue to come in increasing numbers, not only after Clothing but after Clothing needs of every description ? If these reasons are not evident to you we would adyise you to make investigation just for your own satisfaction and subsequent profit. To help you in making an intelligent comparison or investigation we throw out some of these hints :—Where else in town will you find Clothing to equal the lines we carry for the money, style, fit, workmanship, considered ? Are you always sure of your money back if goods are not satisfactory ? That's our way of doing the Clothing business, and if it appeals to your judg- ment, we invite you to come and see these Goods. A FORNER EXETERITE.—The Ont- tario (Cal.) Record, referring to the death of Edred Drew, a former well- known resident of Exeter, and father Mrs.F. J,Knight, of this town,says, Mr. Drew was born at Mortchard Bish- op, Devonshire, England, January110, 1337. When a mere boy his parents em- igrated to Canada and while crossing the Atlantic the ship was attacked by that dread disease -cholera. Both par- ents diedof this disease,immediately on reaching .Loudon, Canada, leaving a family of young children to fight their way in a new country, which was then in its primitive state. After the death of his parents, Mr. Drew's life was one of pecuiiar interest. When quite a child he showed marked skill in all kinds of mechanism. and at the age of seven- teen he opened up an undertaking and furniture Inanufact'uring business for himself in the town of Exeter. The business increased rapidly, and furniture of Mr. Drew's make was known far and wide over the province of Ontario. Although a man deeply engrossed in his business, Mr. Drew was much interested in the prosperity of the town in which he lived, and in 1874 he was elected by acclamation as the first councilman of the town of Exeter, which positiori he ably filled for ten years, when his health failing he removed to California with his family, and settled in Ontario whare he carried on furniture and undertak- ing business quite extensively. But his health did not improve as he had hop- ed, and last year he went to Santa Barbara, hoping that climate would benefit him ; but his malady was past relief, and be passed away with his family around hire, on Sunday, Sep- tember 26,at his residence on Figueroa street. He was a great sufferer, but was patient through it all,and he pass- ed, away to his last .reward With a simple trustin the Saviour of all. He 'leaves a wife, two daughters and a son to mourn his loss, who have the sympathy of the community. The following H students are attending the Normal college, Hamil- ton:—Misses L. Johnstone, Belgrave Mabel Doherty, Clinton; J. Robertson, Exeter; H. Skelton, Goderich ; Messrs. W.1Gl. Martin, Exeter ; W. J, Elder, Efensall ; J, M. McKinley, Seaforth. The Quarterly official .'Board of Jas. St. Methodist church, Exeter, has de- cided, to leave the appoitrtment of a successor to Rev. Dr. Wg y illou hb. en- tirely in the hands of the. Stationing Committee, and will not, therefore,ex- tend an invitation 1;o any one. Flossie, the five- ear old daughter of John Hunter, of Usborne, who was severely injured by an old sow score time ago, does not seems to improve very rapidly. The bone in the arm which was so badly mangled refuses to unite and it was deemed advisable by 'her physician to remove the ends of the broken bone, for which a success- ful operation 'Wits performed Inst week. J%iiditiorml locals on fourth page. Men's Suits At $5.00. Men's heavy Canadian Tweed Suits, well lined and trimmed At $7.50. Men's heavy freize Suits, Rigby proofed and well lined and trimmed throughout. At $10;00. Men's fine black Clay Worsted' suits, lined with English Italian cloth sewn with silk and splendidly gotten up in every par- ticular. Men's Overcoats At $5.00. Men's heavy Canadian Freize Coats, heavy lining and good wearers. At $6.75. Men's heavy Freize Over- coats, Rigby proofed, well -lined and made, ,great value. At $10 00. Men's heavy imported Freize Ulsters,. double lined to waist, Rigby proofed, very warm and ser- vicable garments. Men's Underwear At 45c each. Men's fine fleeced. Shirts and Drawers, nice fine goods; will not shrink. At 50c. Men's Scotch Wool Under- wear Shirts and Drawers, double breasted, ribbed Skirt and Cuffs. At 75e. Men's fine striped Lamb's wool Shirts and Drawers, good weight and unshrinkable. At $1.00. Men's Heavy Scotch, natural wool Underwear, in very1arge sizes, warranted not to shrink. Boys Suit's At $1.50. Boy's Blue Serge Sailor Suits, trimmed with fancy cords, very taking goods for the price. At $3.00. Boy's heavy Tweed Suits, well lined and trimmed and warranted to'wear. At 50c. Boy's odd Pants, good heavy strong Tweed and well made. It should be borne in mind that we handle. Shorey's Celebrated Water Proof Overcoats, Ulsters, and Suits— every garment sold unifier a guarantee. Ladies' t A few price Underwearf hints from our stock will be quite acceptable to those contemplating a change for heavier Under- wear. Ladies' Ribbed Vests, cotton and wool mixed, buttoned front and long sleeves .25 Ladies' Ribbed Drawers, ankle lengths, special .50 Ladies' natural pure wool Vests, fine quality, buttoned front, long sleeves,Drawers to match .75 Ladies' fine Scotch Wool Vests, Silk trimmed, longsleeves and buttoned fronts, beautiful goods, each 1.00 Reliable That is the' kind Hosiery f you can depend "on getting if you buy hosiery here. We give you depend- able qualities, no matter how small the price. These suggest of our reasonable prices. Heavy black Ribbed Wool Hose in 8, 8s, 9 inch, splendid wearers .25 Ladies' plain wool Hose, very fine and good to wear.25 Ohildrens' 2-11 ribbed black Cashmere Hose, from 4 to- 3 inch, knit with double, knees heels and toes, great wearers from 17c to 35c per pair accord- ing to size. Ladies' Fashionable Wi Jackets. ter ROS This is the month you will need a quantity of Winter Clothing. Below we quote a few of the' lines that may interest you : Men's. Underclothing Union Shirts and Drawers, medium weight. . 40c Heavy weight in plain, grey or fancy stripe.. . .. ........... 50c Eiondyke Fleeced Shirts and Drawers 50c Artie Fleeced Sb has and Drawers .... 75c Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers extra heavy 1.00 These hints of the newest of the newest arrivals in our Mantle department. They represent the newest ideas known to the Mantle trade. .You can depend on getting the right styles and prices here. ladies' Black Boucle. Cloth Jackets, trimmed with braid high cut at neck with revers, a beauty for 5.50 Ladies' Freize Coats, tailor made, with high Velvet Collar, in green shades, very latest novelty - 7.75 Ladies' Black Beaver Cloth Coats, trimmed with silk stitched, applique trimming, straight front, beautiful fitters 10.00 Cloth Capes, very full and good weight, splendid garment for elderly ladies, and good value 3,75 Cloth Capes, extra full cut, very warm garments and sellers for 5:00 Millinery. We are showing some novelties in this line and one noticeable very about our MillineryStock is the very r h moderate price for which you can buy a very 3 sty sl - hat or bonnet. Call and see forourself. We : have a very fine y collection of Ladies trimmed Walking Hats and Turbans. We want a lar b quantity of Butter, Eggs, Dried , andPoultry, and will payhighest price for same, Apples ry, b 1 Ladies' Vests Union Vests with long sleeves 15c Union Vests, medium weight, long sleeves 20C Heavy weight, shaped Vests, extra valuas . 25c Fine soft wool, Pearl Vests at 50e Misses' long sleeves, Union Vests 150 WE SELL A 16 OZ. GRAIN BAG AT $t.so A DOZEN Plaa-ert-,aellet tes We have just received 40 pieces of Flannelettes in new patterns, among them is another lot:of those 36 inch Flannelette at xoc that we have sold so many of. Double width Grey Flannelette Sheeting 25C a yard Plaids We are showing a very fine line of Wool Plaids at 25c and 5oc a yard, these are quite new Plaids and we will have another lot in a few days. Mat it1c We are showing a very fine line of Ladies' and Misses' Mantles in smooth and rough cloths. CA LI1C ROS J. W. Broderick has stores in Exeter, St. Marys and Goderich. Leonard McTaggart advertises his property in Exeter North for rent. Mrs. John Floyd is visiting her . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welsh. ! New moon on Saturday last, and the indications are that it is a wet one. Robt. Sanders has returned home ! from his annual hunting expedition 1 Richard Terry, who bas been work -1 ing in Dashwood all summer, has re-, turned home. !! Mrs. D.• Halloran, of Brantford, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lambrooke. A black bear was seen in woods the w at Grand Bend last week by some of the Exeter sports. D. Davis' butcher shop is being re- painted and refitted preparatory to being occupied by L. Days Mrs. Gladman, who has been visiting her son, F. W. Gladman, leaves for her,home in Peterboro' this week. T. W. Hawkshaw's grey hound has survived the vicious attack made upon it by a farmer's dog on the London road, north, on Friday last. The Maud Henderson Co. gave a three -nights entertainment here last week. The attendance was poor, but the plays were of a high order. Dr. N. F. Harrison, who last spring left Detroit for the Klondyke, was on his way home when he was taken down with typhoid fever • in Seattle. His condition is said to be hopeless. Mrs. Brawn, who leaves in a few days for Wroxeter, where she will re- side with her son, Dr. Brawn, was presented with a, set of Jubilee China by the ladies of Main St.churcb, as atoken of respect and rememb- rance. The autumn leaves are falling, fall- ing here and there ; but let them tunable ! Why should anybody care ? We do not need the shadows that the leaves have made ; next summer there'll be others when we want the shade. At the forty-third annual meeting of the shareholders of Molsons Bank, held at Montreal on Monday last, al- lusion was made on -many hands in complimentary and congratulatory terms to the return of the general manager, W. Wolferstan F. Thomas, to his duties, in excellent health, after a season of rest. Mr. Thomas has been in that position for twenty- eight years, and the success of his administration is seen in the satis- factory balance sheet which was sub- niitted. .The earnings for the year are,shownto he $259,191.27, affording the usual 8 per cent. dividend and I per cent. bonus, 8180,000; $25,000 in re- duction of bank premises account, and remainder added to Profit and Loss. in Manitoba. Hosiery! Hosiery!: Hosiery!!! We cannot be surpassed for qualities & kinds in Ladies' Hosiery. We are taking into stock this week three leading brands. Line 187 in sizes 8t, 9 & 0 the best values you have seen at 40e, per pair. Line T. 6, in same sizes, at 50c. Line 1000, Extra quality worsted, sizes 6, 6:4, 7,71, 8, /, grand goods sure, 355c., 40c., 45c., 50c., 55c., 60e. Line 508, ehoicest of Cashmere Hose, sizes, 8i, 9, 9i, and 10, 60c. d0c. 60c 65c. Line 508, salve sizes at 55c. per pair, except No. 10 which are 70c. An insAection of these goads will thor- oughly eon Vince you of values and Cffik1ren Ory for C 'TR � W. Macdiarmid, barrister, of Lucan, has been appointed a. commissioner to hear the complaints which have been preferred against Dan Coughlin, the deputy inspector of weights and measures of this district. The case will probably be tried at Ailsa Craig. Mr. Collins, of Exeter, is the solicitor for thecomplainants. A meeting of the Directors of the South Huron Agricultural Society, in conjunction with that :of the Ste- phen and Usborne branch, was held in Exeter last week, .for the purpose of winding up the business of the late show. A few corrections were made .in the judges' books, the principal ones being the awarding of 1st prize for heavy draught yearling, to John Mc- Gregor ; 2nd for Agricultural yearling, to Henry Anderson ; 3rd for yearling fat steer, and 1st for fat ox or steer, to Thornes Russell, as other parties had been given credit for these prizes in error. The treasurer was instructed to attend at Exeter to pay the prize winners in that district, and due notice of the date will be given to each one. ' It was also decided, if suitable arrangements can be made, to hold a fat stock show about the middle of December, either at Seaforth, Hensall or Exeter. Cortte• to LEVITT'S FMR For Wedding and Birthday presents. Bisque Fruit Setts and Plates. Individual Setts. Liqueur Setts. Glass Berry Dishes. BrushHolders, Sugar Sifters. Photo Holders. Tracers. Pinking Irons. Crumb and Brush Trays. Granite Pots and Ladles. Tobacco and Cigars. Fresh Oysters and Fruit. LEVITT'S FAIR. EXETER BILLING GG. SUCCESSORS TO .THE ROLLINS AND WILLIAMS MILLING CO., Aro now ready to do business with the pub- lic generally. All kinds of FLOUR, FEED AND MILL STUFF For sale at close prices. Leave your orders at the mill. Wo deliver every day to any part of the town free, Wo hope you will help us to make a success of the business, which means a success for.tho town. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat Al. all times. TmnsrsrONE NO. 3G. STE WART BROS. & WILLIAMS. Bright New Goods If you wish Fresh Groceries, call AT DAUNCEY'S A large stock of Flour & Feed, 'cheap, AT DAUNCEY'S Cash or trade for Butter and Eggs and other produce AT. DAUNCEY'S Everything new and fresh, bright and clean AT D A.UNCEY' S GROCERY, FLOUR & FEED STORE. One door north of post office, Exeter M B their worth: In Men's } idose we sella host. We are renewing our stock with A. g' 1, values line P. W, worstedat 30a, e 1���T L. D. 30, at 40c. all Black. Besides these some six other lines fro,n 12,}c. to 85c. per pair. Our Underwear for Ladies & Gents has taken well, and is on the move. where he will 1 i choicest of J. P CLARKS 'meats-constantl' •ill hand,. Butter, choice, 13c. Eggs, 15e The undersigned 1 opened new meat market one • or up a route et CE.: n 's Stowe. CALL SOLICITED JOHN T MANNING J'A