HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-10-20, Page 6Vzizft
By MARY J. 1101..MHS, .
Rea0 a/lathers borne was a beautiful
place, containing everything whieh love
could devise, or raoney purchase, and
Bose was very happy there, dancing
like a sunbeam through the haml-
et:ate rooras of which she was the mist-
ress, and singing as gaily as ber pet
canary in its gilded oege by the door.
No sbadow of sorrow or care had, ever
messed her pathway-, and the eighteen
summers of her short life had oome and
gone like so many pleasant memories
bringing with them one successive
round of joys,leaving no blight be-
hind, and bearing with them, alas, no
thanks for the good bestowed, for Rose
was far too thoughtless to think that
the Providence which shielded her so
tenderly, might baye dealt more harsh-
ly with, her. put the shadow was
creeping on apaoe, and Rose was consci-
ous that the war -meeting had awaken-
ed within her a new and uncomfort-
able train of thought. Like many otb.-
era she had a habit of believing that
nothing very bed could happen to her,
and so, let what might occur, she was
sure her husband would be spared.
Still, in spite of her gaiety, an unde-
fined something haunted her all the
way from the church, and even, when
alone 'frith her husband in her tasteful
sitting -room, loth the bright gas -light
falling cheerily around her, and adding
a fresh lustre to the elegant furniture
she could not shake it off, nor guess
what it was that ailed her. At last
however, it came to her, suggested by
the sight of her husband's evening
prayer, and laying her outly head upon
his knee, she gave vent to her restless-
ness in the expression.
"I wish there wouldn't be any war.
What is it all for? Tell me, please."
It was the first interest she had
levineed in tbe matter, and glad. to talk
with any one upon the subject which
was beginning to occupy so much of
his own thoughts, Mr. Mather drew
ber into his lap, and. endeavored, as far
as possible, to explain to her what it
all was for. Much of what he said,
however, was Greek to Rose, who only
gained a vague idea that the North
was contending for a bit of cloth,
such as she had often seen floating
over the dome of the old State House
In Boston, and with the remark, that
men's lives were far more valuable
than all the Stars and Stripes in the
world, she fell away to sleep leaving
her husband in the midst of an argu-
ment not quite clear to himself, for,
like his wife, he could. not then see ex-
actly what the war was for. Still, in-
asmuch, as there was war, he would
not play the coward's part, nor sbxink
from the post of duty if his country
should need his services. But this
Rose did not know, and secure in the
belief that whatever might happen,
1,Vill would never go, she soon resumed
her wonted cheerfulness, and if she
said anything of the war, was sure to
startle her hearers with some remark
quite unworthy of a New England
daughter. She did wish they would
stop having so many meetings, she said,
or if they must have them, she wished
they'd get Brother Tom to come and
set them right. He had lived in Char-
leston. He could tell them how kind
the people were to Mary, his sick wife,
and were it not that levee beneath
him to lecture, she'd surely write for
him to come. Rose alather was grow-
ing unpopular by her foolish speech-
es, and when at last she was asked to
join with other ladies of the town in
reeking articles of clothing for the vol-
unteers, she added the last drop to her
brimming bucket, by tossing back her
chestnut tresses, and "guessing she
shouldn't blister her hands over that
coarse stuff. She couldn't seev much
any way, and as for making bandages
and lint, the very idea was sickening.
She'd give them fifty cents if they
wanted, but she positively couldn't do ,
more than that, for she must have a
new pair of lavender kids. She had
worn the old ones three or four times
and Will preached economy every day.
With a frown of impatience, the ma-
tron who had been deputed to ask help
from Rose, took the fifty cents, and.
with feelings anything but complimen-
tary to the silly little lady, went back
to the hall where scores of women were
busily employed in behalf of the com-
pany, some of whom would never re-
turn to tell how much good even the
homely housewife, with its pins and
needles, and thread, had done them
when far away where no mother or sis-
ter hand could reach them, nor yet how
the thought that perhaps a dear one's
fingers, had torn the soft linen band,
or scraped. the teoder lint applied to
some gaping wound, had helped to ease
the pain and cheer the homesick heart
It was surely a work of mercy in which
our noble women were then engaged,
and if from the group collected in
Rockland Hall, there was much loud
murmuring at Rose Mather's want of
tien.se or heart, it arose not so much
from ill -nature, fts from astonishment
that she could be so eallous and indiff-
erent to an object of so much im-
"Wait till her husband goes, and she
won't mince along so daintily, taking
all that pains to show her Balmoral,
when it isn't one bit muddy," mutter-
ed the Widow Simms, pointing out, to
those near the window, the lady in
question, tripping down the, street in
quest of lavender kids, perhaps, or
more likely, bound for her husband's
office, where, now that everybody
worked all day long at the Hall, she
spent much cif her time, it was so lone-
ly at hones, with nobody to call. "I
hope he'll be drafted and have to go,
upon my word!" eottinuing the wid-
ow, whose heart was very sore with
thinkiag of the three seats at her
fireside, so soon to be vacated by her
darling boys, Eli, Jelin and Isaac.
"Yes, I do hope beat be drafted, don't
you, Mrs. Graham?" and rbe turned to-
ward Annie, who was rolling up ban-
dages of linen; and weaving in with
every coil a prayer that the poor sold -
whose lot it should be to need
that band, might return again to tete
loved cinee at home, or else be fitted
tor that better home, whet() WAX is
Unknown. •
Annie shook her head, but made no
enswer. There was no bitterness now
aer heart ageinst EON Mather,. She
had prayed that all away, and only
hoped the anguish whioh had come to
her, making her brain giddy, and her
heart faint, might never be borne by
another, if that could be, George had
volunteered,— was to be second lieu-
tenant, and Annie, oh, who shall tell
of the gloom which had fallen so dark-
ly around the cottage she bad called
hers for one brief year. It was a neat,
oozy dwelling, and to Annie it never
seemed so cheerful as on that memor-
able night of the war -meeting, when
she had lighted the lamp, and sat down
with George upon the chintz -covered
lounge he bad helped. her make when
first she was a beide. It is true the
carpet was not of velvet, like that Rose
Mather trod on; neither was there in
all the house one inch ef rosewood or
of marble, but there was domestic
love, pure and deep as any Rose ever
experienced, and there was something
better far than that, a patient, trus-
ting faith in One who can shed light
tipon the dreariest home, and make the
heaviest trial seem like nought. It
was this trusting faith which made
Annie Graham the sweet, gentle being
she was, shedding its influence over
her whole life, and softening down a
disposition which otherwise might
have been haughty and resentful. An-
nie was neturally high-spirited and
proud, and Rose's remarks concerning
volunteers in general, and George in
particular, had stung her to the quick,
but with the indignant mood there
came another impulse, and ere the cot-
tage had been reached the bitter feel-
ing had gone, leaving nothing but sor-
row that it had ever been there. Like
Rose, she wished there would be
no war, but wishing was of no avail,
and long after George Graham was
asleep and dreaming, it may be, of
glories won on battle -fields, Annie lay
awake, questioning within herself,
whether she ought, by word or deed, to
prevent her husband's going, if he felt
as he seemed to feel, that it was as
much his duty as that of others to
join in his country's defence. Annie
was no great reasoner, logically; all
her decisions were made to turn upon
the simple question af right and wrong,
and on this occasion she found it bard
to tell, so evenly the balance seemed
adjusted. More than once she stole
from her pillow, and going out into
the fresh night air, knelt in the moon-
light, and asked for guidance to choose
the right, even though that right
should take her husband from her.
"If I knew ha would not die, it would
not be so hard to give him up," she
murmured, as sickening visions of
fields strewn with the dead, and hos-
pitals fiUed with the dying, came over
her, and for an instant her brain reel-
ed with the thought of George dying
thus, and leaving her no hope of meet-
ing him again, for George's faith was
not like hers.
Anon, however, something whispered
to her that the God she loved was on
the field of carnage, and in the camp
and in the hosnital, and everywhere
as much as there in Rockland, that
prayers innumerable would eollow the
brave volunteers, and that the evil she
so much feared might be the means
of working the great good she so de-
sired. And thus it was that Annie
came to a decision. Stealing back to
her husband's side, she bent above him
as he lay sleeping, and with a heart
which throbbed to its very core, though
the lip uttered no sound, she gave him
to his country asking, if it could be,
that he might come back again, but
If it were ordered otherwise—"God's
will be done." There was no shrink-
ing after that sacrifice was made
though when the morning came, the
deata-white face and the dark circle
beneath the eyes, told of a weary vigil,
such as many and many a woman kept
both North and South, during the dark
hours of the Rebellion. But save the
death -white face, and heavy eyes, there
was no token of the inner struggle, as
with a desperate effort at self -com-
mand, Annie wound her arms around
her husband's neck, and wbispered to
him, "You may go,—I give my free con-
sent," and George, who cared far more
to go than he had dared express, kissed
the lips which tried so hard to smile,
little dreaming whet it cost his brave
young wife to tell him what she had.
To one of his temperament, there was
no danger to be feared for himself. The
bullet which might strike down a bro-
ther at his side would he turned away
from him. Others would, of course,
be killed, but he should escape un-
harmed. In the language of one speak-
er, whose eloquent appeal had done
much to fire his youthful enthusiasm,
"He was not going to be shot, but to
shoot somebody I"
This was bis idea, and ere the cling-
ing arms had unclasped themselves
from bis neck, his imagination had
leaped forward to the future, and in
fancy George Grabam wore, if not a
Colonel's, at least a Captian's uniform,
and the cottage on the hill, which An-
nie so much admired, and for the pur-
chase of which a few hundred were al-
ready saved, was his,—bought with the
money he would earn. The deed
should be drawn in her name, too, he
said, and he pictured her to himself
coming down the walk to meet him,
with the rose -blush on her cheek, just
as she looked the first time he ever
sew her. Something of this he told
her,—and Annie tried to smile,
and think it all might be. But
her heart that morning was far too
heavy to be lightened by a picture oi
what eeemed so improbable. Still.
George's hopeful confidence did much
to reassare her, and when, a few days
after, she started for the Hall, she
purposely took a longer walk for the
sake of passing the cottage on the hill,
thinking as she leaned over the low
Iron fence, how she would arrange
the flowersbeds more tastefully than
they Were now arranged, and teach
the drooping vines to 'twine more
gracefully availed the slender columna
supporting the piazza in front. Sbe
Would have seats, too,—willow-twisted
chairs beneath the trees, where she
and George could sit at twilight, and
watch the shadows creeping acmes
the hollow where the old cottage was,
and up the opposite hill, where the,
cupola of Bose Mather's home wag
plainly visible, blazing in the April
sunshine. It wall a vent pleasant cas-
tle which Annie built, and for a thee
the load of pain, which, ewe George
volunteered, lead lain so heavy at her
!Wart was gone; but it returned again
hrweehasey' eassowse,linedepraesdseci'do4writIO tinhethheolriQoawd,
andsob that oethnedr Bemotatiainnetaallodohian sax 657
desolate, because hekilt:iw
that ere asyaysre;er, ll:e
should wait in vain for the loved foot-
msteps tchoent al ega s da wt , eheer yr olaadu, 35,1*mithea
teasing joke and words of love which
made the world all sunshine. The cot-
tagebrthiueisdnyg s
on the hill became a wortlelese
Poor Annie forced back her
tar, and with quickned steps
leant Aloe 'join Hall, group of ladies
Taking her seat by the vvindosv, she
conameneed tlae light work imposed, on
her, that of tearing and, winding
bandages for those who might be
"Maybe there'll never be no fight,
but it's well enough to be prepared,"
was tbe soothing remark of the kind-
hearted woman who gave the work to
Anleie, noting, as she did so, how the
tlihe pgruerivyerieddeati, na the cheele paled at
"What if George should need them?"
kept suggesting itself to ber as she
worked industriously on, hoping that
if he did, some one of the rolls she
was winding might come to him, or
better yet, if he could. only have the
bit of soft linen she had brought hers
sela—a. piece of her own clothing, and
bearing on it her maiden name, Annie
Howard. He would be sure to know
it, she said, it was written so plainly
with indelible ink, and it would make
him feel so glad. But there might be
other Annie Howaxds, it was not an
uncommon name, was suggested next
to her, as ahe tore the linen in strips,
and quick Ids thought, her handsought
the pocket of her dress for the pencil
which she knew was there. Glanoing
around to see that no one observed
her, she touched the pencil to her lips
and. wrote after the name, "It's your
Annie, George. Try to believe I'm
there. Rockland, April, 1861."
There were big teardrops on that
bit of linen, but Annie brushed them
away, and went on with her rolling,
just as Widow Simras called her at-
tention l pages
agResbaose eMk.ather, as mentioned
Annie could not account for it to
herself, but ever since Rose's arrival
at Rockland, she had felt a strange
inexplicable interest in the fashion-
able belie; an interest prompted by
something more than mere curiosity,
and now that there was an opportim-
ity of seeing her without being her-
self seen, she straightened. up, and
smoothirig the soft [braids of pals
brown hair, waited for the entrance
of the little lady, who, with her pink
hat set jauntily on her chestnut curls,
and her rich fur collar buttoned grace-
fully,- over her handsome cloth cloak,
,tripped into the room, doing much by
her sunny smile and pleasant naanner
to disarm the ladies of their recent
prejudice against her. She was no-
thing but a child, they reflected; a
spoiled, petted child; she would im-
prove as she grew older, and came
more in contact with the sharp cor-
ners of the world, so those who ha.d
the honor of her acquaintance, receiv-
ed her with the familiar deference, if
we may be allowed the expression,
which had always marked their man-
ner toward William Mather's brid.e.
Rose was t oo much accustomed to soci-
ety to be at all disconcerted by the
hundred pair of eyes turned scrutiniz-
ingly, toward her. Indeed, she rather
enjoyed being looked at, and she toss-
ed the coarse garments about with a
pretty pleyfulness, saying that "since
the ladies had. called upon her she had
thought better of it, and. made up her
raind to martyr herself one afternoon
at least, and benefit the soldiers. To
be sure there wasn't much she could
do. She might hold yarn for some-
body to wind, she supposed, but she
couldn't knit, and. she didn't want to
sew on such ugly, scratchy stiff as
thoes flannel shirts, but if somebody
would tinned her needle, and fix it all
right; she'd try what she could do on
a, pair of drawers."
For a time one seemed inclined to
volunteer her services, and Widow
Siram's shears clicked spitefuily loud
as they out through the cotton flan-
nel. At last, however, Mrs. Baker,
who had more than once officiated as
washerwoman at the Mather mansion,
°ewe forward and arranged eome work
for Rose, who, untying the strings of
her pink hat, and adjusting her tiny
gold thimble, labored on until she had
succeeded in sewing up and joining
together a long leg with one some
inches shorter, whicb had. happened to
be. lying nears Loud was the shout
which a discovery of this mistake call-
ed forth nor was it at all abated when
Rose deraurely asked if it would not
answer for some soldier who sbould
chance to have a. limb shot off just be-
low the knee.
"The little simpleton I" muttered the
widow, while Mrs. Baker pointed out
to the discomfited lady that one divis-
ion of the drawers was right side out
and the other wrong!
There was no alternative save to
rip the entire thing and with glowing
cheeks, Rose began the task of undo-
ing what she had done, incidentally
letting out, as she worked, that Will
might have known better than to send
her there,—she shouldn't have come at
ail if he had not insisted, telling her
people would call her a secessionist
unless she did something to benefit
the soldiers. She didn't care what
they called her; she knew she was a
democrat, or used to be before she was
married; but now that Will was a re-
publican, she hardly knew what she
was; any way, she was nob a secession-
ist, and she wasn't particularly inter-
ested in the war either; why should
she bel—Will was not going, nor Ilro-
?ther Tom, nor any of her friends.
"But somebody's friends are going,
—somebody's 'Will, soznebody's Toni;
as dear to them as yours are to you,"
came in a rebuking tone from a
straight-forwara, outspoken woman,
who blew from sad experience that
"somebody's Tom was going."
"Yes, I know," said Hese, a shadow
for an Instant creaming her bright face,
'and It's dreadful, too. Will says
everything will be eo much higher,
and it will be so dull at Saratoga and
Newport nest summer, without the
Southern people, One might as well
stay at borne, Tbe war might have
been avoided, too, by a little mutual
forbearance from both Nitta* until
naattere could be amiably adjusted,
for Brothet Tom said so iitt bis letter
WI; night, and a heap more whieh.I
Met remeMbet,"
tfere Rase pawed quite exhausted,
with the effort she had made to repeat
the opinion of Brother Tom. She had
read, all his last letter fella indorsing
as =mob of it as she understood, and
after a little sbe went on;
To be Continued,
It Lasted Xess Than Two Tears and. Clad
Flive purereut Enters.
Twenty-five yeaes ago Spain was a
republia Her existence (luring this
period was more stormy than at any
other time during her history.
So uncertain was the republic tlattt
the Malted States and Switzerks,nd
alone recognized it as a legal Govern-
ment. The other nations stood aloof,
knowing that the republic would be
of short duration. And so it proved.
The republic lasted less than two years
and during that time five men in suc-
cession acted as helmsmen to the rud-
derless ship of state, which drifted
hither and thither, purposelessly.
In its formation, the republic was
unusual. It was a most peaceful re-
volution. In the morning Spain was a
Monarchy, in the evening a republic,
There were no excesses attending its
birth, no extravagant exultation, no
threats of vengeance on the part of
monarchists. No barricades were rais-
ed and no swords were drawn or guns
fired. Later there was plenty of
bloodshed, but none at the birth of
the republic.
The formation of the republic was
due to the difficulty experienced in
securing a sovereign satisfactory to
the Cortes. Don Carlos was impossi-
ble to those who no longer believed in
the divine right of kings. Alfonso
was distrusted bemuse he was the son
of the ex -Queen Isabella, notorious for
her excesses. Anaedeus, coaxed to ste-
cept the throne was wearied with his
task and willingly abdicated. He
found it impossible to bring about any
harmony between the Spanish parties.
In his letter of abdication he said that
be would be willing to return when
"plots, perils and obstacles" had been
overcome. Th; Cortes gladly accepted
his abdication, declaring that when
that condition existed should he desire
to return to the country he could do
so, though Rot to reeeiveeethe crown
again, but te, accept another dignity,
"that of a citizen of a free and in-
dependent nation."
The Cause of Insanity Among the Illative
of Unita.
The reports of the asylum at Cairo,
Egypt, as to the native patients there
exhibiting the nature of the mental
disturbance associated with the exces-
sive use of hasheesh are said to show
some remarkable facts, it appearing
that in 41 per cent of all the rciale
patients aasheesh alone, or in combin-
ation -with aloohol, caused the mental
symptoms. while this was the case with
only 7 per cent. of the females. As to
whether there is a special recognizable
form of mental disturbance produced
by hasheesh,' authorities conclude that
in a considerable number of cases in
Egypt the hasheesh is the obief if not
the only cause of such mental disease.
The usual types of the disease are
hasheesh intoxication—that is, an el-
ated and reckless swaggering state,
with optical delusions and hallucina-
tions. Acute mania is another form
of hasheesh insanity, involving fright-
ful hallucinations, restlessness, sleep-
lessness, incoherence and exhaustion;
again, there is exhibited a weak -mind-
edness, and the patients, though well
behaved, being excitable about the
small things and unconcerned as. to
the future.
"It all depends upon the way in
wh'oh married life is commenced as to
whether a couple have or have not any
secrets between them" says a writer.
"There are, no doubt, occasions on
which it would be fax better for the
wife's happiness and peace of mind
that she should be kept in the dark,
for a time at least, during her hus-
band's season of anxiety,
"It is easy to see that it is not
wise to make a rule of always being
quite open and communicative, for if
silence is only fallen back upon in
times of calamity or misfortune of
some scirt it will be tantamount to a
confession that something very un-
toward has happened if ever the per-
usal of a letter or the answer to a
question is denied the wife.
"My own opinion—after a twelve
years' experience of married life —is
that it is far better to start
from the commencement, not by being
mysterious and secretive, but by being,
in all save purely personal and family
matters, cautious and not over -com-
municative. The change from busi-
ness and its anxieties la the peace of
home life will be far more keenly ap-
preciated if 'shop' is not talked at
/some, and this may be the excu.se any
husband can offer should he wish to
pat his wife off ea inconvenient
"And here, too, arises a much discus-
sed question: -- Should marriech. folk
open each other's letters? There can,
to my thinking, be no two answers to
this question, the only reasonable one
being that they should not.
"There are hundreds and thousands
of remarks which a near friend of
husband or wife might make quite
casually which might give offence and
pain to one for whom the communieae
Lion was not intended. There may be
letters coming which, if read by both,
would open up some old Sete, or re-
quire a deal of explanation and a
raking up of past history, which was
long over and done with, and it ever a
particular letter, which, if read by
wife or basbana when intended for the
other, Jihold be suppressed by the ad-
dressed, vagtip suespiciote if nothing
worse, is awakened, and, it ttikee a long
time to allay it.
"Let husband and wife truist each
other thoroughly, and then they May
keep their own-arithiett probably May
also be other people's—seerete from
first to last with ineptenite
Tom Inuit—What did that telephone -
girl say to you wham site broke the en-
gagement? ,Tatee Potts—Ring off.
Did you enjoy the cathedrals abroad,
Miss Shutter No; the horrid things
were too big for nay caraera.
A Possibility.—Etael—Do you really
think the Czar wants to diserre. Eur-
otopedfisTeormm—sWnsepli10,1pon,erhaps he only wants
Wonderful Chilti—.That is a ,nice lit-
tle boy of the Smiths. Remarkably so.
Even the neighbors like him.
Go it Alone—What do you think of
the huraan race, Mr Silverberg? Mr.
SdielrEfverbeberrgew—Vrieolls, bray enose.inefrendt, Itank
Precocity—He was a very precocious
boy. Indeed? Yes, at seven years of
mes the; erde at hd e Greek,
ing. rudimentsandof
ft collegetenhe ybe al
The Grand 'Vizier was ambitious. 1
tbink; said he, that my head will be on
a medal some day. He 1 said the Caliph,
Good idea 1 • I'll have it struck off at
ortoe 1
Aline—Isn't it sickening the way
Miss UpatosDate tries to put on maia-
nish airs! Anna—Perfectly! Pretend-
ed to lose her collar -button this morn-
iitneewwashen she knew all the time where
Tommie—Hullo,. Jimmie, wbat kelp'
you? Jimmie—Me and the ol' man WA
an arg'meztt. He want ed me to haul some
wood into the bade yard. Torarnie—How
did it end? Jimmie—In a draw—I draw -
As to Color.—Once a book acoosted a
newspaper, although they were by no
means in the same set. You are yel-
low with age, remarekd the Book. No,
replied the Newspaper, it's not so
much age as competition.
Dolly—Papa, do they get salt out of
Salt Lake? Papa—Yes, my dear, large
quantities. Dolly—And ink out of the
Black Seal Papa—No; now keep quiet,
onnolltyceYIselsesiro.f—A3froen ?there any women
She—Do you know, that kitten there
reminds me of you? He—I'd like to
know where the connection is? She—
It seems to have just about as much
success in catching its tail as you do
in finding your moustache.
Papa, said the beautiful girl, George
and I are two souls with but a single
thought. Oh, well don't let that dis-
courage you, replied her father kind-
ly. That's one more than your moth-
er and I had when we were married.
It is quite an honor, I'm sure, said
the mosquito, it reference to the bar
at the window, that this should be put
up solely on my account. The gall of
the creature! exclaimed the fly. I'd
like to know where I come in?
No Happy Medium.—Miss Hichurch—
we have a dreadful time with our der-
gymen! Visitor—What's the trouble? -
Miss Hichurch—Well, the last one was
so religious that he negleeted social
matters, and this one is rick social that
he neglects the church
After the Cerra:Aim—Papa — Now,
Johnny, r have whipped you only for
your own good. I believe I have only
done my duty. Tell me truly, what do
you think yourself ? Johnny—If I should
tell you what I think, you'd give me
another whipping.
Gillings—You said the kerosene was
perfectly safe, and that it could be
used without the least danger. I took
your word and what is the result?
The stuff has exploded and made a
ruin of our kitchen. Dealer—I said the
oil was not dangerous, I did not say
anathing at all about the • servant
Fable—Once upon a time a Peasant
had a Goose which laid golden eggs.
Of course the Peasant kilied the Goose,
in consonance with the agrarian pol-
icy of the times. Alas exclaimed the
hapless fowl. with its last breath, if
I only hadn't been such a goose! This
fable teaches up not to be too benefi-
cent lest we undermine our health.
How did the charity dodge work last
terra? was asked of the university stu-
dent who is packing up his traps with
a view to another go at the classics.
Did it add much to your allowance?
Fizzled clear out. I wrote the gover-
nor that I wanted some money to help
a poor family that was in an almost
starving condition. Inside of forty-eight
hours he sent me a barrel of flour and
two hams.
Ethel—Mother, can I take my wax
doll to heaven with me when I die?
Mother—No, Ethel you cannot take
your dolls to heaven. Ethel—Can't I
take these little bites of dollies? Moth-
er—No. Ethel—Well! can't I even take
my rag doll? Mother—I told you,
Ethel, that you could not take any of
your dolls to heagen with you. Ethel—
Well! then I'll take the whole lot and
go to the bad place.
The word "ship" is masculine in
French, Italian, Spanish and Portu-
guese, and possess no Sex in Teutonio
and Scandinavian. Perhaps it would
not be an error to trace the custom
back to the Greeks, who called ell
ships by feminine names, probably out
A deference to Athena goddess of the
ego. flaut the sailor assigns no such
racoons. The ship Is to him a ver -
able sweetheart. She possesses a
waist, collets, stays, hoes, bonnet,
ties, ribbon, ohairt, watches and dozens
of other feminine valuables.
To me, said Willie Washington, fey-
e•riably, you represent all that is most
sublime, t believe that destiny intend-
ed as for eaoh other.
Are you alluding, inquired Mae Cay-
enne, icily, to the affinity pornilerly
eupposed to exist between the Sablinie
and the ridiculotis
les -a
Not Awls e Very Clreat Bartlett on Their
The theones of Europe require every
Year for their Inaintenanoe a sum of
40,000,600 sterling, or three 'times the
animal income of the richest man in
the world, sage London Tid-Bits. Even
this stupendous] sum could be comfort -
ebb' packed in three large trunks, al-
though the constituent sovereigns
would forni a pathway of gold nearly
a yard wide, on which the kings and
queerts of Europe could walk in state-
ly procession from 'Charing Cross to
St. Paul's.
Tea Iview of this display of gold it cer-
tainly seems scarcely credible that it
only represents a yearly contribution
of 3 5-8 pence for eaola subject througb-
out Europe, or the cost of an ordin-
ary packet of cigarettes.
iAs migbt, perhaps, be expected, the
sultan is the costliest of monarchs, but
even in his case a contribution of 2s
5d, from every subject would furnish
his anneal exchequer.
The kings of Belgium and Greece
rank next to the sultan in costliness,
but at a great interval. Fivepence a
year is all the claim they make on eaeli
subject's.loyal generosity.
Austria ranks next, with' a contri-
bution of 4 3-4d, each toward. main-
taining its imperial throne; Italy is
fitfh on the list with 4 1-2de Sweden
sixth with 4d.; then come Russia, with
at modest $ 1-2d. for the "great white
czar;" Germany, with 3 1-6d. for its
almighty emperor, and the United
Kingdom, with an individual 2 1-3d.
Between the cheapest of sovereigns
and the dearest of presidents there is
a great gulf. A penny from each
Frenchman would meet the yearly cost
of three presidents, and each Swiss with
the same modest coin (could seoure the
services of twenty presidents.
England's queen is thus the cheap-
est of all European sovereigns, if the
tax be levied on the United Eingdom
alone; if, howevee, we distribute it over
the whole of her empire, the tax would
amount to a farthing for each of her
As Viotoria is the least costly of
monarchs she is also among the poor-
est. Her total in.come available for pri-
vate purposes is not much more than
4200,000 a year, or 623 an hour—a rev-
enue less than some of her subjects en-
aor• . ]
Her entire private fortune is, rough-
ly, 42,000,000—a capital which, convert-
ed into sovereign.s, might be stowed
away in a trunk 8 feet long and 8 feet
ihi height and width.
Compared with these modest sums,
the czar's income and fortune are
alike stupendous. His private fortune,
including his mines, forests and his
1,000,000 acres, may safely be estimat-
ed at 480,000,000 and his total yearly
revenue at 42,500,000, or 44.15 shillings
a minute..
The Emperor of Austria is "passing
rich" on 41,500,000 a year. His daily
allowance is £4,110, or a pile of sov-
ereigns three and t half times as high
as himself.
The "unrivaled" William, German
emperor has 4500,000 a year less than
his imperial brother of Austria., but
even this limited, allowance admits of
an expenditure every two days, of as
many sovereigns as a strong man
could carry to his palace at Potsdam.
All these incomes, however, look fool-
ish and small when compared with the
£6,000,000 a year which the sultan is
credited with spending. This sum, by
the way, is more than ten times as
mucb as his official income, a fact
from which some idea may be gleaned
of the vastness of his private fortune.
This extravagant monarch contrives
te spend twice his own weight in sov-
ereigns every day. For pocket money
he allows himself over three -hundred-
weight of sovereigns a week, and the
same amount for delicacies for his
acres of tables. Four and a half hun-
dredweight of sovereigns vanish ev-
ery week in presents, and the same
weight of gold is required to clothe
the many beauties of his harem. Com-
pared with this lavish expenditure, it
is really wonderful how the poor man
contrives to clothe himself on a pal-
try 41,500 a week, to which sum he
rigidly limits his tailors. •
Strange That Snot a Thing Could, be, hot It
Is So.
"To speak of a ;color blind artist
sounds like joking," said a noted Eng-
lish oculist, "but strange as it seems,
there are several persons so affected
who can nevertheless paint extremely
well. Ielumbers of color blind people
there are, of course, who draw per-
fectly in pencil, ink and orayons,• but
I myself know a scene painter attach-
ed to a provincial theatre, who, though
'color blind,' paints all its scenery and
has quite a local name, not only for
his 'interiors' and oak chambers, but
even for landscapes.
"I can tell you, of two London ladies
who consulted xne for color blindness
who paint really beautiful pictures.
One is the daughter of a late famous
artist and was taught painting by her
father. She is quite unable to dis-
tinguish red from green, but other
colors are all labelled with thenaraes,
and she has been taught which to use
for certain effects. Possibly her paint-
ing may seem to her eyes, as it were,
drawing with a brush and 'shading'
with the colors. •
"The other is a lady artist of some
celebrity who has for years exhibited
annually in London. The public is not
aware that she is color blind. She
painted the 'wedding group' for a cer-
tain noble bridegroom a year .or two
ago, and also seveml public men's peer -
traits, and one of an eminent pbysi-
elan fetehed her 500 guineas,
"There is a gentleman residing at
Newington, who, having years ago
left the wear through finding his ad-
vancement hopelessly hatred by his
color blindness, is at present reeking
several hundred a year by his brush
40 an artist, designing most artietic
and brighty colored picture 'posters'
for advertisement boardixtgs."
Women by nature, adore linen, and
Upon the quality and quantity, as well
as the condition in which this import-
ant adjunot to every well -ordered
bousehola is kept, is the housewife
lauded or condemned in foreign lands.
A bountiful supply of exquisite finish
may not be within reach of all, but to
have what you own hemmed and. well
kept is surely within the simplest pro-
In hemming olotbs and napkins by.
hand do not make an ordinary henabut
rather what is called in France an
ourlet surjet. Turn down the daznaekee
&quarter of an Mob, as if for an ordin-
sty hem, and fold it back on the oloth.
Take it altogether and, keeping the
single side of the cloth toward you,
hold it and hem it with the left thumb
and forefinger, and oversew it as if
you were doing what children call
"top sewing." This is done on the
wrong side of the olotb, is lasting, and
makes a very sightly finish.
Drawn -line insertions and hems aro
done by machinery on all damask
as it is impossible to draw the threads
and work it by head. The roarking of
tablecloths and napkins is sometimes
done in delicate color, but. is never as
elegant as plain white. This ha how-
ever,a matter of taste. If colors aro
used, be careful to choose flax or cot-
ton that washes well. Let, the em-
broidering be careful and the leas
tem clear.
To work in satin stitch, first outline
and then pad the heavy parts of the
design. Where the monogram is large
probably all the letters ca.n be padded.
This should be done very carefully, as,
if unevenly executed, the work will
never look well, and want of precision
in the finished design is often due
Mainly to careless outlining. For this
portion of the work a coarser cotton
slmuld be used than for the embroid-
ery itself. Fasten the thread witb a.
few running stitches, never witb
knot—a rule to be observed also in em-
broidering, except in very rare instan-
ces. Finish off the thread by drawing -
down the treeing stitches; or SOD2t
part of the pattern that is already
finished. Fill in ene spaces between
the lines with a padding ot loosely rim
threads, so that they lie thickly and
solidly in the center, and. shade off on
both sides. The roundness and fullnesa
of the embroidery depends upon the
firmness of this substratum of threads.
What is known as the sloping stem -
stitch is often used in linen embroidex-
ing, and will also be foand useful for
marking. Do not outline, the stem or
stalk, for it is on this that the stiteh
is most useful. Insert the neealeefaseme
right to left in a slanting direction
under two or three horizontal threads.
and five or six of those that lie at
right angles with them. Each stitch
should lie half -way back of the last,
the whole forming a bar made up of
tiny diagonal stitches.
A supply of small tray cloths should
at all times be found in the linen 'press.
These can be bought in linen, ready
stamped for embroidering, with fringe
or drawn thread already made on them.
Very good tray cloths can be made
from an old table cloth. Cut out the
best portions and edge them with
Torchon lace.. Scalloped borders for
tray cloths are novel and. pretty, but
are scarcely worth while doing, except
on new material. For sideboard cloths
a border of Virginia creeper looks ex -
extremely well if done in Turkey twill,
Iron off the pattern on the twill, tack
it down very straight on the line and
buttonhole the edges of the leaves and
stalks with red embroidery cotton.
When completed cut away the ground-
work of the twill deists to the edges of
the buttonhole work and then place
stitches about ,one-quarter of an inch
long from the buttonhole pattern to
the linen.
For those who dine a la Busse it is
well to remember that for table cen-
ters anything that will not wash is
out of place. Splashes are sure to
sometiraes mar them, and if of silk
or satin they soon become unfit fez -
use until dry cleaned. Colored linen of
very pale shades make charming every-
day table centers and offer a prac-
tically unlimited field for embroidery.
Doylies should in every instance match
the center pieces.
Do not permit table or bed linen to
lie from year to year without being
used. It will last longer for an oc-
casional washing. If it is already very
yellow cut up a pound of white soap
in four quarts of milk, put it over The
stove in a wash kettle and when the
soap has dissolved, put in the linen and
boil fifteen minutes, then wash in soap
suds and rinse in two clean waters,
bluing the last water slightly. The
pospessor of a grass plat can whiten
her choice linen by simply rinsing in
soa,p suds and lying it on the grass
for two or three da.ys. Rinse in clear
water and dry ion the Ibis, and it will
be ssveet and fresh and white, Fine
napery should never be wrung with the
hand, as it is apt thus to lee, strained,
It should be straightened out and run
as' smoothly as possible, through tbe.
wringer, Of course no starch is neces-
sary, and the cloth should be profusely
s,prinkled over night, then ironed
quickly with hot irons until perfeotiy
dry before being folded.
.Princess street, sir, said a ciabby
outside a. Yorkshire street railway
station to his fare. Why, 'that's only
half a minute's walk from 'ore.
Never mind, drive away, answered
the gentlemen,
But I °ant charge you loss than lia
pence, six ; that's the legal fare.
All right, my good man ; only start
quickly, and I'll give you n couple of
Cabby jumped upon the box with
beaming face, flicked up his horse and
shouted jocosely to an imaginary evife:
Don't wait dinner if I'm late, Mary
Atm I I'm takin' the Xing ea Rion -
dike to his hinverial habode 1