HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-10-20, Page 514 Curtis talk" in favor of Hood's. Sarsaparilla, as for no other niedi- virie. Its great cures recorded in truthful, convincing language of grateful men and. Women, constitute its most effective ad- vertising. Many of these cures are mar- velous. They have won the confidence of ,the people; have given Hood's. Sarsapa- rilla the largest sales in the world, and have made necessary for its manufacture eta greatest at laboratory on earth. Hood's Sarsaparilla is known by the cures it has made—cures s of scrofula, salt rheum and it zoma, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia liver troubles, catarrh,—cures which prove 0 Sarsaparilla li the bet— in faa tth eOne True Blo od Purifier Hood's Pill5 tnktecureeasytooperate operate. Public Notice. Notice is hereby given that application has been made for • d teeo theP1h otel license field by Jaques Coxworth of the 'village °of Hen- sen, to George Scott. A11 All interested are requested t e govern themselves according. ey. JAMES COXWORTH, To Rent Inilexeter• north, store and hotel, in the block :formerly known as the 1Valper Property. Tho premises ghee been overhauled, refitted and .xepainted. This is without doubt 'the best stand in the County fora' good general store, _apply to L. MCTAG DART, Bay P. o. Estray Steer 1tson�hoens1o117, con. ?, Ubrn,onorabutgut 1st, a yearling steer. The owner is requested to prove property, pay chargge_sand take tbo animal away. JOHN DUNCAN, JR. 5-1m Farquhar. Mo ? :ey to Loan. We have unlimited private funds for invest- ment upon farm or village property at lowest -rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING, Exeter. H. $INSMAN, L. D. S. AND DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. 5., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad aftereffects, Office in Fan - son's Block. West side of Main street, Exeter. OR• ANDZRSO6'e, (p• D. S. L. D. S•) - DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University, and Roh'al College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Ail Bridge work, Crowns and Plate -work done in the neatest [possible manner. A harmless anrnsthetic for painless extraction. ea The strictest attention given to the preservat- ion of the natural teeth. Office, opposite Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. fo 5 Obsolete Statute Labor. A. W.Giun$ jiell,Provinciai Instruct- or in Road -Making, .is busy'conlpilino• his annual report, which will be issued at the enol of this year+. His jurisdiction is the whole Province, and it is Mr. Campbell's ambition' to have every road in the province fit to play billiards on. He has very decided ideas about statute labor. The first re- form must be its abolition, he says, When ar statute labor is performed it is done\,u the road in front of the. property taxed ; in that way labor amounting to 6000 days is. scattered and we w have 1,000,000 v d•h of days statute labor, and nothing ut temporary work undertaken: If 'a tax was collected thee council could take t u . 3�o he lcl of tirernore important roads, plan their work and let it out by contract. The work thus done would be finish. ecl in a. substantial and permanent manner, and could be extended from year to year. • OBSOLETE LABOR.. "As a -natter of fact, though,statute labor is obsolete, effete and belongs to the period when a man had to first clear the ground to build his house. Asa matter e of fact, farmers nowadays have no time for anything but their farms,. and if statute labor were re- placed by a tax the systematic work • accomplished would be worth much. more to him than results attained ab " resent. However, D:Ir. Campbell says "This ar is a marked one in road -making. ch municipality has this year ex- pinclect on an average. $500on its reads, outside of labor, an exceptional penditure. But the people are awaking to the fact that to• make good roads they must employ modern ma- chinery. Heretofore, they have used no implements but the spade ; they found the gravel in the raw state and. put it on the road. But at present they realize that machinery is import- ant in road -making, as in harvesting. Many municipalities have now four grading machines, each taking two teams, and good work is the result. SOME SYSTEM NOW. S Also, this year, for the first time, many municipalities have; prepared a proper plan of the ' township classify - mg the roads according to their im- portance in traffic, preparing specifi- cations shoVvingwhat the width should be, and how the road should be crown- ed or shaped, how drained, and the kind of gravel to be used. It is a simple p e matter to lay out a pian and build. a road, if the plan is followecl, and reducing the work to a system by placing the plans in the bands of one man appointed and paid by the coun- cil. There is more work being done in Western Ontario than any other part ust now. Rey. Justus Parrish, of Chiselhurst, left last week for Minnesota, and his sister will go to Seaforth to reside. The earliest winter stoma in the south west in 25 years and the worst early storm on record, on }Tuesday, almost shut Kansas City off from com- munication with the south, the west and the north. An opening on the st alone kept the city from being tally isolated. It has been raining r 24 hours. Shortly after midnight he rain turned to snow and the tem- perature dropped perceptibly. Farms for sale I The fight that is being waned in,cer- .A few good farms for sale cheap—Money to can. .Apply to JOHN SPAC K M A N Farm for Sale. Con. e, ot,�';t. Blanshard, 103 acres of land in .state a good cultivation, well underdrained, 5 acres bush, ±00 rods board and wire fences, good young orchard, frame house 30x20 ft. .kitchen 26x18 ft., barn 80x30 ft., wagon -house 'F• 941122 ft,, and other out buildings hard and soft water very convenient with windmill, within 2 armies of post office, school and church. gbh furtherryarticulars apply to the proprietor, 'THOIVA3 THOMPSON, Woodham, le. O. For Sales Brick Blacksmith she i g• and half an acre of land in theeeviiilln e of house What- on, township of Biddulph. There is a good busi- n ess douo inthe shop; on the ppremises are good fruit trees,and smallfruit,good supply of water, ,and everything convenient. Reason for selling, the pproprietoris going out of business, For farther particulars, apply to, 4 ' M. OGDEN' "Whalen, P,O. Farm Fr Sales .A good Farm for sale of 100 acres of land in the township of Usborne, being lot No. 8, on the llth concession and lying en the east side of the Exeter and St. Marys gravel road. This Is a most excellent farm for fall wheat or grain o f any kind. There is a frame barn, stable and shed on the faun but no house. There is also a ;good well of spring water and a young bearing • orchard and about 85 acres of land under culti- vation. For further particulars apply to Bonnier ORRERY, Sa , lot 12, Con. 10, Tp. Deborne, Winchelsea 1.0. • Teacher Wanted For school soot. No. 3, Usborne, holding a second Class certificate. Applicants received up till Oct. 20th, JOHN GILFILLAN • Kirkton. t0co Notice is hereby given that a Court will be. held pursuant to the Ontario Voter's List Act, lhy les Honor.tho judge of the County. Court of the County of Huron, at Zurich in the Town Ball, on Tuesday the 151,h day of Otto- -her at 10 o'clock, a. en, to hoar and •doi:orntitie the several compplaints of errors and omissions in tho voter'slistof the Municipality of Hay 101.1303. All persons having business at the Court aro requested to attend at saM time and placo.. FAED HESS, ,Dated this'ieth day of Oc�ol a •geld Court. Notice to Creditors. Noticeishereby given pursuant to the re - ?Aged Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 00, that all: persons having claims ngaiust i'.ho estate rye Dennis' Roberts,- late of the township of - ;Stephen. in the county of , Baton, farmer, deceased, who diad on or about the 20th day of October, 1801, aro required to ser,;:- or deliver, on or before the lot day of November, 1803, to John JosephCoughlin, Islington 11,eck, Strat— ford, adminiatra'or of the said estate, their. names' and adclrosses and fall particulate of'. their claims, duly Voritled. Anel notice he furthor given that after the 1st day of Novene her, the said admielstrator will • ri bti ro eIxl 't o wcil sotetl• numg ua lSICua dri.t'tCod thereto, having regard, orly t0 the of i. ,cOwhich he shall then have untice, acrd ho net be liable .for to said estate of any Dau y.. thereoe to any lemon of wboso elain he sial i r '. sriothave rrotico at the titnoot�such distr'iibutinnT J. J, 0OT7GlxttN, Adinitistator. .-bitted, dth October, t8i&' tain parts of Gerrnany against the English sparrow promises disaster.. At Emden, in Hanover, for instance, a decree has been issued requiring the death of 12 sparrows for every hec- tares of land, or the payment of a fine of 6 marks, The sparrows' for every 25 hectares of land, or in' the country district of Germany that, it has be- come a, pest and must now be exter- minated. So far the bird has not be- come a general pest to the farmers in this country, although a battle is in progress in a neighboring township. ?ertc6t atls1a6U ell inor 1 H 8 u d rVp{)� Vi11c L➢L"e DI.,'yk. ` h YES. Are True Home Favorites "I find great pleasure in dying- with the Wonderful Diamond Dyes. They make old clothes, dresses, silks, feathers and wool goods look as good as blew."- .. Mns. M. R. BEU,, Victoria Harbor, Ont, "Have used the Dianmoihd Dyes for many years and they have proved true and sure to color every time. They are without doubt the best of all Dyes." Miss. J. G. WALKER, • Quebec, P. Q. "I am a farmer's wife and have used Diamond Dyes for years, and am well satisfied with them. I highly recommend Diamond 'Dyes ; they are the most valuable and surest of all dyestuffs." 1VIRs. A. Honans, • Nicholsville, N. S. "I have used agreat many of the Diamond Dyes and' find thein the best for all kinds of dyeing ;will have no other kind for my, work." Mae. Jas. HARRIS, Robinsonville, N. B. "I have used the Diamond Dyes with great success. I recommend them to all ladies who wish to do their dyeing. I'or coloring dress goods -they aro just perfect." MRs. MoNEILL, Stanley Bridge, P. E, T, "The Diamond. Dyes re aseat stieecss. I have used thein several 'times and they always turn out lovely colors. I ala delighted with them." ' "'s Maas, JOHN Lovers, Vp' West, Selkirk. Man. * "We use the 1);UOOnd Dyes and find them fast and beautiful colors; they are the best. Miss, 1aS G1Te\S, Jorr Ns:CON, Montgomery, N,tit, W. T. e •Diamond Dyes are best sold in the 'coitrhtry; they always give e satisfaction, , and I will always P .raise them." y Minx .4 ST o U 1taAN, Vancouver, 13. C. I. l 13 X'; 'T ;Eo T- X Aa .E; S • .:. ,. .-•.-r-rr*"9T,-AW r�A'rC¢'fSNrr+s1R•'NKQI%A,•ii1wA,Gwo,N•41N',..u..a'+tti.<KlNN,fiv111M?'..�••=A'a�•e(1?L�i14M1 - "[it tel} yeti the curer:',••, story everheard," seal c....r:,, l,tutcinsoh the department of flee the otter to a Cleveland Leader reporter, it is a true story at tiler, In 1834 ward the end of the. war, 1 was at Liecoln, at Washington,, the 1en,cter the band of the 15011i Ohio regirn The war was hot; and, of course, were all intensely interested in very latest we could get about Aewslianers were ,scarce, and when managed to get hold of One we reg ed It as a. treasure. One clay .1 'ortunate enough to get Bold of a of the Philadelphia Inquirer, w contained ;a lot of war news. A I had read it I handed it aro among the boys, and finally loaned to a man named m d B re ne Yi ier . 'Yester- day who should walk into. my office but Breymeier, who returned the paper with thanks. He was looking over his old papers to get information to assist the widow of an old comrade in getting a pension, and he ran across the In. cluirer. ,What do you think of the con- science of a man who would return a paper after all that time?'* yor` I The Plebiscite,' fru' ; da and The latest, figures, received by the to- local prohibitionists indicate za Fort f majority of:about 13,000 votes in the i t ,Dominion. at large. Secretary Spence, gut, of the Dominion Alliance, received fait returns from Prinee Edward the Island Monday; The vote was 9,401 it:, for, 146 against—a majority of 8,81a , .yl,o This is ri, gain, as the original Od returns gave a majority for prohibit- ion of only 6,200, Mr, Spence has only copy estimates for Manitoba, the territories. lhleh and British Columbia, but he declares tier that the estimates are reasonable,' and and all show prohibitionist majorities. lie' it concedes a majority in;Qgebec of 01,- 6, 03 so fa rashe has beard. dfr m a o G s is still to be heard frohn, but so pis Muskoka in Ontario, and the two dis- tricts should balance. The net result, as Mr. Spence figures it out, is that the majorities in all the provinces but Quebec will amount to 104,776, and that the net majority in the whole Dominion will be fully 13,000. Thewriter of a recant book of legal anecdotes has unearthed some curious testimony as to William Shakespeare's knowledge of the English law of his time. Lord Campbell, a farmer Lord Chief Justice of England, in the year 1850 perblushed a book entitled "Shake- speare's �� sPease s eg'al A,equirements in which. he submitted three -and -twenty of the thirty-seven y n plays to a somewhat close. examination, and deduced therefrom s large number of examples illustrative. of legal knowledge or acquaintance with technical terms on the part of the author. Abounding as are these law phrases, points and metaphors, the marvel is that they are always accur- ate and appropriately used. There is never a mistake, "While novelists and dramatists," says Campbell, "are con- stantly malting mistakes as to the law of marriage, of wills, and of inherit- ance, to Shakespeare's law, lavishly as he propounds it, there can be no de- murrer, no bill of exception, no writ of error." The points el the perfect bulldog as established by the judges of the pres- ent day may be noted. The nose is tilted upward and there are numerous wrinkles an top of the nose, between the eyes and on the forehead. The lower, jaw projects slightly—i.e., is un- dershut. The two Jaws and the nos- trils present an extensive flatand rect- angular surface. The lower teeth are properly even, but lovers of the pic- turesque often prefer unevenness. The head is large and round, thus contri- buting to the general air of solidity. The ears are thin and neatly bent over at the top. The chest is very deep and, broad, . The forelegs are short and straight, not bowed, but the fact that the shoulders paint Outward in the Per- fect dog conveys a suggestion of bow- leggedness. The feet are round and et well proportioned size. The body is short fromtheshoulders to the begin- ning of the hindquarters, and rather thin, or fine, so that there is lightness where there cannot be much strength. The hindquarters are large and strong, the line of the back and haunches be- ing a bold curve. The hind feet are rcund in shape. ' The tail is straign•t and gracefully pointed, and symbolises the direct and incisive temperament of its owner. A dog that has eaten up a farm an 1 a set of buil'ings has been found in eastern Mai This deg killed a neighbor's sheep. The neighbor off ere 1 to call it square if the dog was killed. The dog's master refuse:l to agree to this, and a lawsuit came next, To pay the costs and clamages-assessed by the court the owner of the dog had to mortgage his farm for $100. The mort- gage had a bigger appetite than the dog, and soon his farm was gone And theThe dog owner had to move away. n- b is now dead. Russia has 503,000,000 acres .f forests. in Sweden and Norway the forest area covers 6.,000,000 acres; in Austria, S,- 100,000 acres; in Germany, 34,000,000 acres; in Turkey, 25,0001010 acres; ]n Italy, 14,000,000 acres; in Switzerland, 1,700,000 acres; in Franc?, 22,000,000 Beres; in Spain, 8.000,000 acres, and in Great Britain, 3,000,000 acres. Not an island has risen or sunk from sight in the Paelflc Ocean in thirty- four years, and geologists say that na- ture is resting for a future mighty ee- fort. A geologist predicts that within fifty years a convulsion of nature will sink- the whole of' New Zealand fifty feet below the surface of the sea. Archbishop Irabre of Montreal re- eently ordalned his thousandth priest, • On Tuesday morning St. Janes' church, Seafortb, was the scene of a very quiet but pretty wedding. The eontracting parties were James Reidy, 6f that, town, and t•l iss Johannah Mc- Namara., of Tiarpurhey. The Hon. .T. Israel Tarte, Minister of Public Works, accompanied by Mr. Geste and Cllr: Celina15 arrived in Gode= rich, Tnesday, by special car from London and inspected the harbor works. He expressed himself as pleas- ed with the progress made in dredging and the ((impletion of the new eleva- tor. After looking over the chart of the rsork already done in dredging, he instructed the engineer in charge to continue until the desired depth is ob- tiained, se that the largest vessel can safely enter and discharge at the ele valor. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS Copkn,GHTs &c. Anyone seeding a sketch and description: -nay quickly ascertain our opinion erect whether an Invention i5 »robably Patentable. Communist- 110118 trictlyconildentta] Handbook onPatents Sent free. Oldest none r Pattlnts taro g fee uintifing Co.retie en t�i r'.PP rot h ge, it & . xogolVo dpectal notice, wltluout charge, in the C¢ If" Agra 0 A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest Dir - dor of any solentlft lCurnal. Tering, S8 a rdltir 1 four menthe, $1, Sold 1i"a1 newstloalofs, MUNN & Co,8ei51eadway, New York Branch canoe, ata b $t, Washington, 0, 0• f Popular T6rnr p;aitthoiii'"a Paine 66i6r `l.IoUll• m 0111 ,,rrpp p U -'VIA l•i A+,. ET REPORTS., Exeter Oetober;l9th 189e, Wheat per bushel.03 to rut Oats.,, 22 to 2;3 ,..31 10 v6 10 to 60i 11 10 11 „ .., 13 to 10 8 to 10 0 sahley....... Yeah Butter •1 eese, s,. Geeeese Ys Chickens per lb ,..,., .. t 66 17ucka,.:.., 6 to 5 0 to 6 1 ��1.•.. 17' to 18 Priedrnp1es -.' 4 to 3 Pork dossed .' .,±..$6.50 le 5.5e Pork live weight,,.... 3,75 to 3 Hay per ion ,. o Clover seed . , .. ... '1.00 to Alsipt yeeei�' • • ::'i50't 1 Timothy sedd i;oe, to s 5:05 5.00 5,00 1,2e London, October 19c h. 7.898. Wheat per bush() ,.. ..02 to 03 Peep , : , _3 to 214 Beeley,,•..•., •.a4 1,0 60 Buckwheat . • 14 to 00 Rye • , 36 to 38e .Coin, ,... ,. •.33.to 48 Beans ... ..•101 to 480 Buttes 10 to 14 • 13 to 14 Eggs 10 to 11 60 to 70 ,,.,,10 to 12 9 to 10 5e to 70 uneose ,..P to a 0 Potatoesper ba . ... Rayner ton ,g to fol, 00 Pork per cwt.. , ,S 6.00 to to 85.00 Ducks :Turkeys Dora... ,' Geese tb ChickeDorns. ,. , , -- 1 FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS,. . AN ULD AND WELL -TRIED Rrtliricns,—Mrs. Winslow v s Soothing •u bas as b g eCn line I i� n d far children while teething. with f t oc i ,so L lecea, Itis pleasant easant to the Caste Sold by druggists rue • The Great Life Saver Cure$. Even o e, Its value is incalculable Be over v Et • y years by m }ions of mothers;For their e r r perfeet success. soothes tis h'ld l ens the gums, allays all pain cures winds colic, and ' h n 1 is the bestr eniecl • h for.]�i • asrgi cents a b tts every part of the woild. 26 sure and ask for . Mae W inslow's Soothing at the Eleventh Hour. Syrup, and take no other kind. Mr. Belvea's Letter should be Read by all Sufferers. Gentlemen:—In the winter of 1884 I was taken with a severe attack of neuralgia in the head and shoulders. Since then it became seated, and I gave up the idei of ever being cured. Have taken niedicine prescribed by different physicians, but all to. no ,wail. Some three months ago I was induc- ed to try a bottle of Paine's Celery Compound. Before I bad taken (half of it I began to feel better. Sleep, which in my early days appeared so refreshing, has in these years of affliction been made -up of frightful dreams ; but not so now, as the medi- cine began to have a telling effect on my nerves. V I have taken three bottles of this glorious medicine, and to -day I can say thatl it is the first time in eleven years that I have felt none of those piercing pains to Which I had been a victim . Let me say to any person who may read this testi- monial, in this province or elsewhere, that if you discredit this statement, write me and I will only be too glad to inform you of what has cured. me of neuralgia and a shattered nervous system. as Yours respectfully, 8e, :,LEVIIRETTA. BELYEA, Hampstead, N. B. 0. W Stovel, ex -Mayor of Walker- ton, was killed by a trolley in Toronto yesterday... The C. P. R. roundhouse at Teeswa- ter was completely destroyed by fire. There was one locomotive in at the time, which was was very badly dam- aged. Hon. Sidney Fisher received an im- portant deputation at Ottawa from the National Council of Women of Canada regarding a Canadian *omen's section in the Paris Exhibition of 1000. The frame dwelling of Daniel Mc- Kinney, of St. Marys, was badly dam- aged by fire about 11 o'clock Tuesday night. Cause unknown, but supposed to have originated in the summer kit- clien. Loss ss $300, covered by insurance in the Blanshard Mutual. If the Globe had done more to pre- vent the resources of the countryfrom being knocked down to its friends, its ambition to keep up the standards of politics would command more respect. A whitewash brush seems likely to be the Dominion Government's weans on of warfare upon officials' rascality in the Yukon. A Dunnville JeweIler's Wife CARED OF PALPITATION OF THE HEART AND SMOTHERING SPELLS BY MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. Mrs. D. E, Lasalle, Canal Street, Dunn- ville; Ont., whose husband keep a jewellery store, and is one of the best THE PIONEER LI t:IT1:D Is the name of the only perfect train in the world, now running every night between Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul and Minneap- olis via the Chicago, lliilwaukee & St. Paul Railway—the pioneer -reed. of (he West in ad- opting all improved, faoilltiee for the safety and enjoyment of passengers. AIi illustrated pane phet, showing views of beautiful scenery along the route of the Pioneer Limited, will ee sent free to any person -upon receipt of two -cent postage stamp. Address Geo. II. Hcarlord, :,General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Ill., -•To.B.d'ueYtisers• The benefit derived from an adver- tisement depends altogether upon the number of persons who read it. To reachthe greatest number of readers at the least possible expense, is a question that should be considered very carefully by business men. A thousand small bills printed in Tor- onto or London., and distributed in this section, would: be just as effect -vel as if the bill had been printed in town. There isnot a doubt about that, but if you want nt to reach the people in their honkies, newspaper advertising is the only successful way. To get the best results use the paper with thelargest circulation, and thegreatest amount of local news. Circulation is the proper basis upon which pricesshould befixed. If a newspaper with a circulation of 2,000 charges $100 per year, then one with a circulation of 600 would be entitl- ed to $30. An advertiser should take these facts into carefu: • '.onsideration, when making contracts. .4 nother fre- quentloss to advertisers is in the use of several papers when one covers the ground. THE Teems is read by more people in Exeter, Usborne, Stephen, Hay, the northern part of Biddulph and McGillivray than all other county papers combined, and an advertise- ment placed in it will be found the most effectual way in which to reach the people. Burns so long in the pipe as the old reliable T. See T. & 13. in gilt letters on each Plug and Package. Encouraging Results Follow Proper Feeding There isa wide diversity of opi- nion about ~haat constitutes a good cow but none about the beneficial effects resulting from the use of lcnown and most progressive citizens of Dunnville, Ont., gives the following de- scription of her recent eliperience in the use of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills; " I took 'Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for weal( nerves, dizziness, palpita- tion of the heart, smothering spells at night end sleeplessness. I3eforeI used. them I could not get restful sleep, and my nerves were often so unstrung that t would start in alarm at the least noise, and easily worried. "Last February I commenced talcirtg tlhie valuable medicine, and it proved tit, tight remedy for my weak and shattered nervous system. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills restored my nerves to a strong and healthy condition, gave rcgu* • Jar aitch normal action of the heart. "I sleep well now, and am better in every way, and r• recommend tlretn heartily to all who seer as I did-" Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, sac: a, box, or' - si,a , at all 3 5 druggists. T, airtime:, • Co,, Toronto, Ont. "Lnt n.tiver Plus cure Constipation, Sick'' eat(ache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, 'Livery pill guaranteed perfect, and to work with,. oat a gripe or pain. Price 230„ ail druggists, Dick's Blood Purifier 1 as a tonic; appet- izer, blood puri- fier and aid to thorough digess tion for cows, shcepaedltorses when they are put on dry fed. der in the Pall. It assists the organs of the stomach to extract all the Irtltrifnent from the food and puts them, in good strong heals thycondition. forthespring time. T+" ee weer.: IE.E!( 0• F N MILES !E CO., DICK t CO„ Was, Montreal., Pr e f 0r� e , Ltrutc - a-uu 25Ct8, and soot;, a Pttrr:r,t; ) Days getting ski rtef � . �� ght s are getting longer, Therefore it is necessary that you have spectacle that are exactly suited to eyes. our e, • Our y �' Optician is home... again and prepared to give you the best expert attention. T. FITTON'S. Jewellery ell cry st®re■:. Mornings preferred for testing. Hugh Johnston, of Blueyale, has bought out Ben Mason g of the o 1 tfr hotel, , d h tel and a took k posse ssion last Mon- day. n -day ead ASK VC YOU,c . S: AllR.:FUP W ICn .p ,. rc r � Y , re 35a1t BEST F013TABI.r.DAIRY,AND FARM, Lamed" For .:. ndertsakin And Furniture AT R. N. ROWE'S Everything up-to-date. - Largest stock ever shown in Exeter. D R. Fl.''z oE SOL F e E db_°O r� �J and n 1,;75 r A full line, bright of fresh SCHOOL BOOKS and every quisite at School re- EIRD RING'S Where the Scholars are always used well sfe c _,L. z ' s D'ug G -i We would recommend those suffering. from COUGHS, COLDS and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy for children. We manufacture WINArl's LINIMENT,an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, SORE THROAT. RHEUMATISM INFLUENZA. Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses, also condition pow- Clerfor same SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LTJ SYRUP, 0 WT Suit of (Iotnes i f1 a S t Single C�ar���t The Family Butcher Shop --FOR BEEF LAMB, VEAL, PORK, BOLOGNA. CORNED BEEF. CASH PAID FOR HIDES Calf, Lamb and Sheep Skins. One door south of Central Hotel. LOUIS DAY FARMERS You will find at JJisseti:'s Wes co porn the following line of Agricni tural Implements BORINGBOIil BIN- DERS, alOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULIi Y RAKES. Ate]] ]foe of Set d L'h ill(, Cull ivators Disc and Dian c Lel lee I I Ows Plows, cued Turnip Drily. SEWING MACHINES. ETC The celeltratedKnoll Washer Raymond sewing I and wringers machine STOVES■. Gurney stoves and furauces. Waggons Buggies 6cyc es5 The C.Ira t i 1 rmki Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin uggies, WIT' FLOWERS -4,, Comes the necessity of SPRNN GARMENTS f G We are in the van with all that is desirable in . the line. Z Let us show you our Stock. of $1'7.00 Fancy 'Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember we put up the best suit for $10.00 that can be bought in the county. GIVE US A CALL. J. H. Crieve -should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Worktnanshfp, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. ,J •r , SNELL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now ori our shelves, and: wo take much pleasure. in showing them toou, ,y There are many other lines that are 'specially at a active. ,y..��Au th A Man is always in the ti If he wears ; one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting SUITS He is a sure fitter. Hisrices are p r away down. His goods are the best, Ca 11 and examine Ills goodsbefore buying your l..Ay;y � L :� SUIT JO 8ry '1"ll� to `if''eailuz,