HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-10-20, Page 3NOTOS ASD 0041,11112N7S'. Oer old and intimate friend, the eartle's atraosphere, hes been under- going of late a general soientific re- adjustment, A few years „ ago no- thing seemee to be more definitely eettlee than that the air was corn- POsed exellieively cif e few vvell-known tames, But the list has now been ex- terided by argon, helium, orypton neon, inetargon and coroniura. The exist - Muse of the last had been identified by a line in the sun's spectrum. Recently an Italian professor has found it in volcanic gases. It is eau.cla lighter than hydrogen, and bas been detect - "5 during solar disturbances at a die- tance of 300,000 miles from the sun's body. After running it down in the gases of a volcanic spring, the dis- coverer speaks; a "other probably nevv bleinente," indicating that the cora- liosition of the air is still but part - 1Y known. Science has merely detre- mined that these gases exist on the earth, arid has not yet decided whet they are, or how they ..can be made useful. But the chemical curiosity o• f to -day may be a common commodity • -a few years hence, and a.necessity in industrial affairs. -- A certain degree of surprise may he felt that (men of science have not mad,e • the atmosphere more of a specialty in their researches, though this was pro- baely due to the impression that all its gases were quite well understood. 'A modern dictionary dismisses the air with the statement that it is the fluid , which we breathe and ivhicla surrounds the earth, and that it is invisible, in- odorous, insipid, transpdrent, compres- sible, elastic and ponderable. The text books say it is composed of nitrogen 79.00, oxygen 20.96 and -carbon dioxide 0.04, making the aggregate of 100, • laving no room for eaten, coroniuna and thel rest of the newcomers. To ex- plain that the air is the element. we breathe is not going very far. It is proper to add that it is a fluid with which we can not dispense for more than a very few nainutes. Men have been known to fast forty days, but no- thing short of a,fabled mahatma of the Himalayas can get along without brea- thing. The assimilation of neon, cryp- ton and helium has been going on stea- dily ever since the appearance of the planet of respiring animals, and science was none the wiser atil within the last few months., The atmosphere is a great ocean into which flow material things that have taken the gaseous form, and from which In turn, material things are re -evolved, POple,,yrould be glad to know more about it. What is "imprisoned in the viewless air " is a matter of great -con- sequence and scienee, is an the right track in getting it renewed attestion. ve years ago, at johns Hopkins University, the discovery of saccharin, • an intensified form of sugar, was an- , saonneed. Saccharin is now manufac- tured on a large scale in Germany. It has become something more than a name. If the air contains a dozen ele- ments new to science there is a rea- sonable demand that the knowledge concerning them saall not be restricted to a label. Nb doubt the delicate in- struments of the modern laboratory are to be credited with the advance re- cently made, and their poseibilities are by no means exhausted.. GUARD THE CHILDREN'S EARS. A. high English medical authority, Sir William Dalby, has recently written a treatise on •the preservation of the hearing, in which he speaks with strongest terrns of reprobation, of the "cruel and iniquitous practice of box- ing the children's ears." Blows on the head of any sort are apt to be permanently injurious, and anyone who has studied physiology, however superficially, will readily un- derstand how easily a violent box on the ear may rupture the ear drum and perhaps • produce incurable deafness. There are many 'such cases on record, and parents who do not understand the danger of such chastisement will do well to take heed. and avoid it. It is more startling to be told. that a drop of laudanum put into the ear to relieve earache may produce perman- ent trouble, nevertheless it is so. Noth- ing of any sort should be injected into the ear except by medical advice. If laudanum and glycerine are used they should be put on a bit of cotton wool and care must be taken not to put the cotton in too far. The best aurists positively forbid syringing the ears, and where it is necessary to cleanse them prescribe surgical cotton twist- ed on the end of a wire, the wire being earefully covered and the cotton pro- jecting for an inch beyond it. Even then the cotton must be carefully and tenderly- applied, In case of earache the only safe home reeriedy is a hot water bag, or better yet, roasted onion, very bot, Clone up first in newspaper and then in flan- nel and applied on the outside over the ear. Te bathing, especially in the surf, cotton wool should, be put into the ears, otherwise a sudden and violent influx a water May do serions harm. NO CHANCE NOW. If I were only small 1 sighed the big man. What's the matter with your eize ? asked the man of medium height. Oh, I'm ell out of date, answered the big mail. The girls are all get- ting (so independent that every one of them insist open maeryieg a man small enough for her to manage, NA11011 OF 1101Y8 PEOPLE, THE REV. DR. TALMAGE PREACHES AN INSTRUCTIVE SERMON. A einsterlerom the Heavenly Tacna -A Cluster of Hopes, • a ouster or Fero spects, a entstee or christion consoi. atiou-Departece iertende-No sympathy With Rodent tieneituaitsui-ahero eleal lee a Restirreetton, 4. despatcli from Washington says Dr, Talmage preacbed from the follow- ing text: "And they came unto the brook a Eschol, and cut down from thence a branch with one cluster of grapes, and they bare it between two upon a staff." -Numbers xiii. 23. The long trudge of the Israelites across the Wilderness was almost end- ed. They had come tie the borders of the promised land. Of the six thandred thousand adults who started from Egypt for Canaan, how many do you suppose got there? Five hundred thou - Sand ? Oh, no. Not two hundred thou - scald, nor one hundred thousand, nor fifty, nor twenty, nor ten; but only two men. Oh, it was a ruinous raarch that God's people made; but their chil- dren were living and they were on the march, and now that they had come up to Use borders of the pronaised land, they were very curious to know what kind of a place it was, and whether it would be safe to go over. So a scout- ing party is sent out to reconnoitre, and they examine the land, and they come back bringing epecimens of its growtbs. 1 was, some time ago, in a luxuriant vineyard. The vine -dresser had done his work. The vine had clam- bered up and spread its wealth all over the arbour, The sun and shower had mixed a cup which the vine drank un- til with flushed cheek it lay slumber- ing in the light, cluster against the cheek of cluster. The rinds of the grapes seemed almost bursting with the juice in the warm lips of the aut- umnal day, and it seemed -es if all you had to do was to lift a chalice towards the cluster and its life -blood would be- gin to drip away. But, my friefids, in these'rigorous cliraes, we know noth- ing about large grapes. Strabo states that in Bible times and in Bible lands there were grape -vines so large that it took two men with outstretched arms to reach round them, and he says there were clusters two cubits in length, or twice the length from the' elbow to the tip of the long finger. And Achaicus, dwelling in those lands, tells us that during the time he was smitten with fever one grape- would slake his thirst for the whole day. No wonder, then, that in these Bible times two men thought it worth their while to put their strength together to car- ry down one cluster of grapes from the promised. land.. But this morning I bring you a larg- er cluster from the heavenly Esehol -a. cluster of hopes, a cluster of pros- pects, a cluster of Christian consola- tions; and. r am expecting that one taste of it will rouse up your appetite for the heavenly Canaan. During the past summer some of this congregation have gate away never to return. The aged have put down their 'staff and taken up the sceptre. And the dear children, some or tnem, have been gath- ered in Christ's arms. 13.e round this world too rough a place for them, and so He bas gathered them in. And oh, how many wounded souls there are - wounds for which this world offers no medicament, and unless from the Gos- pel qf our Lord Jesus Christ there shall come a consolation, there vvill be no consolation at all. I have thought, therefore, I would not be doing my duty unless from God's Word I brought a cluster of Christian condolence to the people. Oh, that the God of 'all comfort would help me while I preach, and that the God of all comfort would help you while you hear. First, I consolei you with the Divine- ly sanctioned idea that your departed friends are as much yours now as they ever were. I know you sometimes get the idea in your mind, when you have this kind of trouble, that youx friends are cut off from you, and they are no longer yours; but the desire to have all our loved ones in the same lot in the cemetery is a natural desire, a universe] desire, and, therefore, a God - implanted desire, and is mightily sug- gestive of the fact that death has no power to break up the family rela- tions. If our loved ones go away from our possession why put a fence around our lot in the cemetery? Why the ga- thering of four or five names on one fanaily monument? Why the planting of one cypress -vine so that it covers all the cluster of graves? Why put the husband beside the wife, and the call- dren at their feet? Why the bolt on the gate of our lot, and the charge to the keepers of the ground to see that the grass is cut, and the vine attended to, and the flowers planted? Why not put our departed friends in one common field of graves? Oh, it is because they are ours. That ehild, 0 stricken Mother! is as much yours this morning as in the solemn hour when God put it against yoer heart, and said as- of old: "Take this Child and mine it for me, atal I will give the thy wages." It is no mere whim. It is a Divineie-Planted principle in The soul, and God certainly would not plant a, lie, and Ile would not culture a lief Abraham would not allow Sarah to be buried in a stranger's grounds, although some very beautiful ground was offered him a free gift; but he pays four huedred shekels for Mach- pelah, the cave and the trees overshas (lowing it. That grave has been well kept, and to -day the elaestian teavel- ler stands in thougl• and admir- ing mood, ,gaxing up -,bpelah,where A,braham and Sarah are taking their long sleep of four thousand yews. Your father may be illinnbering und- er the tinkling of the 'Aired the Scotch kirk. Your little ohild Spey be sleep- teete!,eFeevs. g...4.• • aZ.311.T.130.. ing on the verge of tbe flowering western prairie; yet God will gather them all up, however widely the dust May be Scattered. Nevertheless, it is pleasant to think that We will be bur- led together. When Egy fallow died, axle, we took him mit and put him down in the graveyard of Somerville, it did not seem so, sad to leave him there, because right beside him was my dear, good, old, beautiful, Chris- tian mother, and it seemed as if she said: 4J was tired and I came to bed a little early, I am glad you have conae; it seems as of old." Oh, it is a, consolation to feel that; when mete come, and with solemn tread carry you out to your resting -place, they will open the gate through which some of your friends have already gone, and through which many of your friends will follow, Sleeping under the same roof, at last sleeping under the same sod, The autumnal flowers that drift across your g -rave will drift across theirs; the bird -songs, that drop on their mound will drop on yours; and then, in starless win* nights, when • the wind. comes howling through the gorge, you will be company for each other., The child close up to the bosom of its mother. The husband end wife re -married; on their lips the sac - lament of the dust. Brothers and sis- ters, who used in sport to fling them- selves on the grass, now again re- clining side by side in the grave, in flecks of sunlight sifting through the long, lithe willows. Tien at the trum- pet of the archangel to rise side by side, shaking themselves from the dust of ages. The faces that were ghastly and fixed when you saw them last all aflush with the light of incorrup- tion, The father looking around on his children, and saying: "Come, come my darlings, this is the morning of the resurrection" Mrs. SigourneY ate beautifully with the tears and blood of her own' broken beart: "There was a sheded hamber, A silent watching band, On a low couch asuffering child Grasping her mother's hand, But mid the grasp and struggle, With shuddering lips she criece, Mother, oh, dearest mother, Bury me by your side.' Only one wish she uttered, As lifewas ebbing fast, 'Sleep by my side, dear mother, And rise with me at last.'" Oh, yea we want to be buried to- gether. Sweet antetype of everlast- ing residence in each other's compan- ionship.. • When the wrecker went down into the cabin of the lost steamer, he found ,the mother and the child in each other's arms. It was sad, but it was beautiful, and it was appropriate. Together they went down, Together they will rise. One on earth. One in heaven. Is there not something cheering in all this thought, and something to impress upon us the idea that the departed are burs yet -ours for ever? But 1 console you again with the fact of your present acquaintanceship and communication with your departed friends. I have no sympathy, I need not say, with the ideas of modern spiritualism; but what I mean is the theory set forth by the apostle, when he says: "We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses." Just as in the ancient amphitheatre there were eighty or one hundred thousand people looking down from the galleries upon thc combatants in the centre, so, says Paul, there is a great host of your friends in all the galleries of the sky, looking down upon your earthly struggles. It is a sweet, a consoling, a scriptural idea. With wing of angel, earth and heaven are in constant cram- raunication. Does not the Bible say: "Are they not sent forth as minister- ing spirits to those who shall be theirs of salvation?" And when ministering spirits come down and see us, do they not take some message back? 11 is im- posisble to realize, I know, Lae idea that there is such rapid and perpetual intercommunication of earth and hea- ven; but it is a glorious reality. 'You take a rail train and the train is in full motion, and another train from the opposite direction dashes past you so swiftly that you are startled; B.11 the way between here and heaven is filled with the up trains and the down trains -spirits coming -spirits going - coming, going, corning, going. That friend of yours who died this summer - do you not suppose he tad all the fam- ily news about you in the' good land. to the friends who are gone? Do you not suppose that when there are hun- dreds of opportunities every -day for them in heaven to hear from you that they ask about you? that they know your tears, your temptations, your struggles, your victories? Aye, they do. Perhaps. during the last war you had a boy in the army, and you got a pass and you went through the lines and you found. him, and, the regiment coming from your neighborhood, you knew most of the boys there. One day you started for home. You said: "Well, now, have you any letters to send?" And they filled your pockets with letters, and you started home. Arriving home, the neighbors came in, and one said: "Did you see my John?" and others: "Did you see George ?" "Do you know anything about my Frank ?" And then you brought out the letters and gaVe them' the mes- sages of which you bad been the bearer. Do you suppose that angels of God, coining down to this awful battle -field of sin, and sorrow, and death, and meete ing us and seeing us, and finding out all about us, carry back no message to the skies? 0, there ie consolation in it 1 You are in present communi- cation with that land. They are in sympathy with you now more than they ever were, and they are waiting for the moment when the hammer -stroke shall shetter the last claim of your earthly bondage and our soul shall spring upward; and they will stand on the heights of heaven and see you come; and when you are within hail- ing distence your other friends will be called out, and, as you flash through the pearl -hung gate, their shouts will make the' hills tremble: "Hail I ran- somed spirit, to the city of the bless- ed..' console you still further with the idea of a resuereetion, I know there are a great many people who do not accept this because they cannot un- derstand it; but, my friends, there are two stout passages -I could bring a hundred, but two swarthy passages are enough -and one David will etrike, down the largest Goliath. "Marvel not at this, for the hour is conling when all who are in their graveS shall come forth," The other (swarthy pas- sage is this: "The Lord Shall de,seendi from heaven with' a shalt, and the TIMES voice ofethe arcliangeh and the trump of Goa, and the dead in Chriet snail arise first," 01i, there will be Ouch e thing as e resurreetion. You ask me a great many questions I cannot answer ebeut this resurrec- tion. 'You say, for instance,: If a man's body is constantey ohaeging and every seventh yeer he has an en- tirely new body, and he lives on to seveaty yea-rs of age, and so has bad ten different bodies, 'and at the /lour is f • file sbhis vt(-lietehtilul thbienlre tell°t t veP6thrtiereale ieli the days of childhood -in the resurrec- tion, whittle of the tein bodies will come UP, or will they all arise?" You say, : "Suppose A man dies and his body s scattered in the dust, and out of that dust vegetables grow, and men eet the vegetables, and cannibles slay these men and eat them, and canoe, bale fight with cennibals until at last there shall be a hundred men wbo ehell have within them some particles that started from the dead body first named, corning up through the vege- table, through the first man vvho ate it, and through the cannibals who af- terwards at him, and there be more then a hundred men who have rights in the particles of that body -in „the resurrection how can they be assorted When these particles belong to them all? Who will be all? You say "There is a missionary buried in Greenwood, aed when he was in China he had his arm amputated -in the re- surrection, will that fragment of the body fly sixteen thousand miles to join the rest of the body ?" You say: 'Will it not be a very difficult thing for a spirit coming back in that day to find the myriad particles of its own bode', When they may have been stint - teed.: by the winds or overlaid ey wthole generations of the dead -look- ing for the myriad particles of its own body, while -there are a thousand mil- lion other spirits doing the same thing, and all the assortment -to be made within one day ?" You say:. "If a bundred and fifty men go into a piece of evening entertainment, and leave their hats and overcoats in the when they cotne back it is almost impossible for them to get the eight tadIGII:eeaelstl'haooaefitt. PtindelyPyrgi Ieeami will nh ,yrnorAmi anldrdi:j ah)no'°ed: tsipyi ianorudigreat l_ riaTtesend myriads, and myriads of bodies7 Have you any more questions to ask? any more difficulties to sug- geelle ally. more mysteries? Bring them on ? Against a whole battalion .of scepticism I will march these two champions: "Marvel not; at this, for the hour is coining when all who are in their graves shall come fortb." "The Lord shall descend from beaven with a shout, and the voice of the archangel, and trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall /Ise first." You Ste I stick to these two passages. Who ttrt thou, •oh, fool, that thou repliest against God? Hath he promised, and shall He not 'do it,? Rath he com- manded, and shall He not bring it to pass? Have you not confidence in His omnipotence? If He could, intbe first • place, build my body, after it is torn down can He not build it again? th.al)thi'; royueewsoaild; "1 would, believe not disposed to be sceptical, but ex- plain how it can be done." My heother, you believe a great many things you • cannot explain. You believe your mind acts on your body. Explain the pro- cess. This seed planted comes up a blue flower. 'Another seed planted comes up a yellow flower.. Another seed planted comes up a white flower. Why? Why that watt on your fin- ger? Tell me why some cows have horns, and other cows have no horns. Why, when two obstaoles strike each other in the air, do you hear the per- cussion? What is that subtle energy that solves a solid in a crucible? What makes the notches on an oak - leaf different from any other kind of leaf? What makes this orange -blos- som, on this platform. different from that rose? How can the almightiness which rides on the circles of the here - yen, find rooxn to turn its chariot on the tuft of a heliotrope? Explain these. Can you do it? Then I will not explain the resurrection. You ex- plain one half of the coinmon myster- ies of every -day life, and I will ex- plain all the mysteries of the insur- rection. You cannot answer mevery plain questions in regard to ordinary affairs. I am not ashamed to say that I cannot explain God, and the judg- ment, and the resurrection. I simply aincfcienpittetthem as facts, tremendous and Belot% tbe resurrection takes place, everything will be silent. The mau- soleums and the labyrinths silent. The graveyards silent. The cemetery sil- ent, save from the clashing of hoofs and the grinding of wheels as the last funeral procession comes in. No breath of air disturbing the dust wlaere Per- sepolis stood, and Thebes, and Baby- lon. No winking of the eyelids long closed in darkness. No stirring of the feet that once bounded the hill -side. No opening of the hand that once plucked the flower out of the edge of the wild wood. No olutching of swords by the men who went down when Per- sia battled and Rol:as fell. Silence from ocean beach to mountain cliff, and from river to river. The sea singing the same old tune. The lakes bushed to sleep in the bosom of the same great bilis. No hand disturbing the gate of the long -barred sepulchre. All the nations of the dead motionless in their winding sheets. Up the side of the hills, down through the trough of the valleys, far out in the caverns across the fields, deep down into the coral places of the ocean deptlis where Leviathat sports with his fellows - everywhere, layer above layer, height above height, depth below depth - deadi dead! dead! But in the twinkl- ing of an eye, as quick as that, as the arehangel's trumpet conies pealihg, rolling, reverberating, crashing aci•oke continents and sees, the earth will give one fearful shudder and the door of the family veult, without being un- locked, will burst open; and all the graves of the dead will begin t� throb and helve like the waves of the sea; the mausoleum of princes will fall into the dust; and Ostend and Sebas- topol, and AUsterliz and Gettys- burgh, stalk forth in the lurid air; and the shipwrecked rise erom the deep, their wet locks looming above the bil- low; and all the land and all the sea betoine one moving Mies �f life - all generations, all ages with upturned coon tens fleet ; some kindled with rapture and Ohara blanched with despair, but gazing in one direction, upon one objeet, erid that the throne of eesurrectithil On that day you will get back your Christain dead, There itt where the comfort comes im They will come up with the same hand, and the same fool, and the seine entire body; but with a perfect hand, and a perfect foot, and a perfect body; corruption having beeome incnrruntinn, more- tality having ir,4come immortally, Atil eh, the re -union; oh, the embrace after so long an absence. CoMfort one an- other with these words, While I present these thoughts this morning, does it not seem that heaven comes very near to us, as though ow' friends, whom we thought a great, way off, aee not in the distance but close by? You have sometiraea come down to a river at night -fall, and you have been aurprisea how easily you °mild hear voices across that river - You shouted to the other eide of the river, and they shouted hack, When I was a little wlaile ohaplain in the axing, I remember how at even -tide we mild easily hear the voices of the pickets across the Potomac, just when they were using ordinary tones, And as we oome to -day and stand by the river Jordan that divides us from our friends who are gone, it seems to me we atand on one bankand they stand on the other, and it is only a narrow stream, wad our voices go and their voices Kese, Hark! Hush! I hear dis- tinctle, 'what they say: "These are they who come out of great tribute - tion, and they had their robes welled and naade white in the blood oie the Lamb." Still the voice comes across the water, and I hear: "We hunger no more, we thirst no more; neither shall the sun light on us, nor any heat, for the Lamb which is in the midst of the tbrone loads us to living fountains of waeer, and God wipeth away all tears &mil our eyes." May God, by leis in- fini e grace, soothe you with an om- nipotent comfort. SOME PRINCELY INCOMES. Rig Salaries Paid to the British Royal When the Duke of Edinburgh at - Mined NS majority in 1866 beWas al- lowed et15,000 a year, increased to £2,000 een his marriage in 1874, when .Z5,50Avas granted to defray the ex - ens of his marriage. A further sum of £3,500 was voted wben he visited Australia. The Indian government bore the expenses of his Indian visit. These amounted* to £10,000. Hie wife, daughter of the late Emperor of Rus- •sia, brought as her marriage portion 4300,000 a,nd an annuity of £11,250, which reverts to the children on her death. The Duke of Edinburgh, before he succeeded (to ,the duchy of Saxe - Coburg, worth £30,000 a year, be- sides, it is said, over £100,000 in ready money, enjoyed an allowance of 41,- 800 a year, from his uncle, the late duke. The acceptance of these fresh responsibilities has compelled the duke to relinquish a portion of his pen- sion of £25,000 a, year and the 43,130 lis. which was the sum he drew last as admiral in command of Davenport, with allowances. The Duke of Edin- burgh's Monne is about £120,000 a year. The Duke of Connaught, in ad- dition to his pension of £2,000, drew last year as general of the southern district, with allowances, pay amount- ing to ,R2,822 2s 3d. The duchess brought him on her marriage £15,000, the duke on his part settling on his wife an annuity of £1,500 a year. The department of woods and forests built him at the time of his marriage, Bag- shot mansion at ta very great cost. The duke and duchess have a suite of rooms at Buckingham palace. Princess Christian, who 'on her mar- riage was presouted with a dowry of £30,000, besides the pension of 46,000, lives in rural retirement at Cumber- land lodge, Windsor Park, of which domain her husband is ranger with a salary of £500 a year, besides the grazing profits pertaining to the of- fice. Prince Christian's salary as ranger, of the great park and forest is not known. Princess Louise, who married the Marquis of Lorne, and Princess Beatrice, who espoused Prince Henry of Battenbecg, had each £30,- 000 as dowries and pensions of 46,000. The former lives at Kensington palace, the latter with the queen. The Duke of Cambridge, the queen's cousin, has O pension of £12,000 a year; his salary as ranger of Si. Tames' green, Hyde and Richmond parks is only R110 a year, but the annual value of the resi- dences attached to the office is A2,000. The duke last year, as commander-in- chief and colonel of the Grenadier Guards, drew as pay £6,631 14s 2d. The duke has also an estate near Wimble- don of 1,355 acres, with a rental ofR4,- 088 a year. For his town residences, Gloucester House, Piccadilly -former- ly the residence of the queen's macle, the Duke of Gloucester, and worth R3,000 a year -he pays no rent. The Duke of Cambridge's income before retirement was about £30,000 0 year. THE PYRAM:CD BUILDERS. The laborers who built the pyramids did not work under such di sad vantages as have long since been attributed to them. Recent research shows that they had solid and tubular drills and lathe tools. The drills were set with jewels and cut into the rooks with keenness end, accuracy. ATMOSPHERE ELECTRICITY. In certein conditions of the atmos- phere electricity ie so abundant on the top of the volcano Mauna Loa, in Ha- wai that the English geologist, Guppy. found that he could trees, electrio let- ters with his fingers on his blenket. HER TERIIIBLE MISTAKE, Col -My wife ma& a terrible mis- take the other day while out shopping, She walked into a saloon thinking it was a store. Voole-Was there anything wrong about. that? Coolo -Was there? Why, man, was in the saloon, VICTOR/A*8 WIGHT, •pueen Victoria, thongh slightly un- der five feet in height, is clote upon 12 stone Weight. , 111.6 SUNDAY SC1100L, INTERNATIONAL LESSON, OCT. 23. — "Isaiah Called to Service." boa. 6, Colden Text. kilt. 6-8. PRACTICAL NOTES. Verse 1. In the year that king Us- ziah died, The death of Xing Uzzial erlaose grandeur had so impressed the natioa, marked an era in Jewish his- tory, and, as we shall see, in Iealah'e pereonal experience. I saw also the Lord. In vision, The tradition of the Hebrews was that no man could look upon God and live. When in ans- wer to urgent prayer God revealed his glory te Moses it was only a partial revelation. Sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up. The thrones of the East were greatly elevated, and their heiglat above the courtiers in attendance was a sign a the unapproa,olaable dignity of the King. High, indeed, must be the throne of the high and holy One who inhabits eternity. His train fill- ed the temple, The skirts of his robes. The word for "temple" might be trans- lated "palace." It is not plain- whe- ther Isaiah was physically in the tem- ple at this time, or in hie own cham- ber he may have seen a vision of the temple, or, as some recent schalars have .conjectured, the temple that he depicts was that not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2. Above it stood the seraphim. The flaming ones, an order of beings simi- lar to Jewish tra.detiosse„ Whether these stand forat.,0q4il,ltc.sorder of created beings we,..hl, o, reverently con- jecture. EtnIseP - ' 1,itc wings. Like en temple of Jerusalem !PIES ' a ev- erything in the temple, were not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, each seraph was a symbol, or type, and each of the six wings had its meaning. With twain. Two. He covered his face. Shutting out the divine gran- deur which he was unworthy, to behold. With twain he covered his feet. That the tarnish and soil of everyday life might be concealed. It was an instinc- tive action, and runs in close harmony with the story of the foot -washing by Jesus Christ on the evening of the last supper. With twain he did fly. Flew, and yet remained. stationary, poised mahis wings. This is the mean- ing of the word ”stood" in the first part of this verse. Reverence, hu- mility, and obedience are shown by these three attitudes of wings. 3. One cried unto another. Not two seeaphim, but two choirs of seraphim. As temple choirs of priests used to chant to each other in turn, so did Isaiah hear and see this choir of hea- venly musicians perform. ELoly, holy, holy, is the Lord- of hosts. Hcliness in the sense of purity is one of the quali- ties most essential to God. The con- ception of holiness was always kept before the minds of the Hebrews, and though in the earliest days they could not understand much more than form- al separation of certain persons and certain vessels for holy purposes, the meaning increased and intensified dur- bag the ages of revelation emtil the fullness of the thought was developed in the New Testament. The whole ea,warytuthniasfAiellreoffheitse theglory. In every -Men, so far as they submgY tGt3d itl°trohis will, help to swell the chorus of thanksgiv- ing,. But there is doubtlees a much fuller sense. God's glory is.to be dis- played on earth and his character made known here in a very peculiar way. 4. The posts of the door moved. "The bases of the doorway shook." And remember how massive was the construction of Solom.onet temple. At the voice of him that cried. As mai one sang his song of .gladness a fresh tremor shook the palace. The house was filled with smoke. God has revealed himself as a God of absolute purity. His attendants were living flames, and everything else in the temple was in the vision consumed because of the unapproachable flam- ing holiness of God. Hence the smoke; hence, too, the prophet's confession of sin and his mortal fear. 5. Woe is me. "Here," says Dr. Ter- ry, is revealed the whole philosophy of conviction and repentance," and Dr.Hughes well adds that the only rea- son any sinner has a moment's rest is that sin obscures the faculties of bis Soul. I am a man of unclean lips. The angels in the splendor of holiness had sung a song, the truth of which Isaiah deeply felt. But his poor lips were dry and black with sin. How could he join in that song? I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips. He felt at this moment that many of the things Ise had been accustomed to regard with the greatest reverence were hol- low, and the holiness of the holiest people seemed to him now to be stained with sin. "As with the disease of the body," nye Dr. George Adam Smith, "so with the sin of the soul -each of- ten gathers to one point of pain. Each man, though wholly sinful by nature, has his own particular and local con- sciousness of guilt. Isaiah, being a professional talker, felt his mortal weakness most upon his lips." Mine eyes have seen the King. And there- fore, according to Jewish tradition, he was doomed. 6. A live coal. A glowing stone. In the East there are no stoyee nor grate fires, but stones are heated on char- coal fires and used for baking cakes and warming water. Taken with the toegs from off the altar. The golden altar of income had, upon it stones heated to a glow. ;When heated these stoaes burned the Incenee and caused it to sraoke.' Ono of them now ,wae pat to a better use -that of sanctifying the lips of the young prophet. 7. tie laid it upon my mouth. Where he had fele his sin. Thine in- quity is taken away. ' That is, the sin itself was cleansed. The angel weld not cleanee it, however; it Was the fiee from the altar ,that, did that, S. I heard the voice of the Lord. Is'aiall's visiot May beanalyted into what he heard and Sylaat he saw. Whom shell. I send. The Lord calls for volunteers, That call was not ad- dreesed to Ieeeth Merely but to the millions of Judah; but only Isaiah heard it, or, hearing ito Osponded with the raptnre Of.obedi- ;11:01r.eZ:14 easi mrt euvreoaft aalnu4Itieya(13.06, 01431e ;ri cif per:nbisooeTis iv:70711:g. riVir: 0. to, and tell this Peoelee It is a message of absolute potty, and onlyi' a Mat of pure lips east deliver it, It is a strange message; hardly a nsee- sage at all, But moos, a propheoy of how the people would treat hini, ye indeed, but understand not, List-ent , and hear not. See ye indeed, biet per-. ceive not. Look and gee not, God.' knows that the people in their Phari- sale gocilinese will attend to the mese sage and understand the woeds, but ignore the inward meaning. To force this gleaning upon them Isaiah is di- rected ha grave irony to tell them to do what he is trying to keep them from doing. , 10. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears; heavy, and shut their eyes. Literally, this means make them impervious to holy spiritual influences. But the force of it to the minds of those who heard it would be, as we isave said, ironic, and exhortation to do the exact opposite to what was foil& The message (ilea was eprophecy to Isaiah to keep Lira from discouragement by letting him keow how dull the moral sense of his fellows was. Convert. Turn around from sin to God. IL Lord, how long Bow long will the hardness of heart endure, and how long will be the ininishment of itt Until the elides be wasted without in- habitant. Until the nation is taken away into! exile. Isaiah need not hone for the thorough moral regenere ation of his people, bat it is his duty to preacia whether they hear or whe- ther they forbear. The land be ut- terly desolate. The soil become a dest prt. • 12. The Lord have removed in.en far saawkiayn. away. To Depopulation. anand Media, For. 13. But yet in it shall be a tenth', If even one man out of every ten be left in the land. It shall return, and shall be eaten. Itather, be burned up The very dregs and refuse a the na- tion left in Paler -tine shall be destroy - 'ed. As a toil tigeeereeeterebinth tree. Both the terebinth ande'ebe oak shoot up again from the old stock ..afler, be- ing cut down. So the holy seed shiell's beconae astern, or stock from which the future glory of the nittion shall -grow. BROKE HIS BONES ON AUG. 26. Remarkable Series of Accidents to an Eng. lish Collier. As might naturally be expected from. his hazardous occupation, the collier is frequently injured by acci- dents underground. But the follow- ing particulars deserve, I think, mention in history because of the strange series of fractures sustained by the. man, as well ae the xemarkable coincidence in the date of their cies currence. A man, aged 44 years, short and. well built, was first attended by me oa Aug. 26, 1890, for a compound fracture of the left leg, resulting from portion of the roof or top falling and, striking him while following his em- ployment in Risca collieries. The patient made an uninterrupted recov- ery and was able in about six months to resume his work underground. The patient's previous history, told by himself and corroborated by others, is very remarkable. -With the exception' of an attack of typhoid fever, which he had when 18 years of age, and two or three attaoks of quinzy-subsequent- ly, he had not suffered bodily i11 any way. He was always very temperate and for about eighteen years a total ;abstainer. But his misfortunes in the naine were many And are remark- able from the fact that they all hap- pened on the 26t1a day of August. Here is his reeord. ;At the age of 10 years he fractured his right index finger. It happened on Aug. 26th. When 13 years old he fractured his left leg below the knee through fall- ing from horsebaok, also on Aug. 26th. When 14 years of age he fractured both bones of the left fore -arm by stumbling, his arm striking the edge of a brick, Aug. 26th. In another year, on Aug. 26th, when 15 years of age, he had compound fracture of the left leg above the ankle by his foot being caught under an iron rod and his body falling forward.. Next year, again on the same date, Aug. 26th, he had compound fracture of both legs, the right being so severely crushed that it had to be amputated at the lower third of the thigh. This was caused, by a horse, hitched to a tram of coal, vehicle running wild under- ground, caught him in a narrow pass- age, crushing both legs severely. After this he did not work on Aug. 26th for twenty-eight years, and lit- tle wonder, but in the year 1890 he forgot his fateful day and went to work, with the result that he sus- tained the compound fracture which I have mentioned in the beginning. After this he has studiously evoided working on Aug. 26th, though never missing work at other times. DRA.PED, NOT PRESSED. Seldom it is that a French woman is visible before 1 o'clock, alert then, if she leaves her roonilt is to be huddled in pretty soft crepe or thin white goods that give her tbe look of a fairy, too light arid airy for earth. Berthardt and Amelia Itives the two women wlab have stood in their respeetive countries for the esthetics in dress, adopted the style of draping the figure in a loose, light material which was very becoming. Instead.of cutting out a morning robe from the regulation pattern and sewing it ha seems, they took the goods and gathered it around the neck and provided armholes for it. They draped therli long and loose and weight theoi here and there with fancy ornaments. Pernhardt's dresses were generally in blue, wbiles Amelie Alves Choose the more pieturesque wh LONDON'S CRYSTAL PALACE, It requires over $300,000 5 year to run the Crystal Palate in I.,onclon, and it barely pays Ilse