HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-10-13, Page 8CASH or PRODUCE ON Lilt' ONE PRIce somewhat protruded illness, Mrs,. Wesley Huston, of 3t'airfieId, died on wednesday, Deceased was a daughter I,tEl i TEB Arfix' t e Ti PROTEST.- The date for the test has been set for Oct, 31st,at Gade- trial of the South Duron election pro- test rich. the report that a saw off had been effected, is erroneous. DEATH of 11I'ttS. 1IU$rON.--•After a of ,Tarries Miller, of Mooresville. The funeral will take place on Friday at o'clock for the Fairfield cemetery. DEATH Or WILLIAM WELSH, , -- William Welsh, son of Thomas Welsh Huron street, died in the London As- ylum ou Monday, where he had been confined for upwards of a year. He was 25 years of age. The remains were brought to Exeter and interred in the Exeter cemetery. CHEAP SALE OP READY MADE CLOTHING.—S, Iv, Broderick has just. received a large stook of Ready made clothing, new goods, and is certainly the best stock the subscriber has ever/ shown in Exeter. This cheap Sale` twill commence to -day, (Thursday,) d bargains will be offered. - BaoDEBioin• IPE RASPBERRIES.—On Thursday W . Bagshaw, of Stephen, left at our omc a bunch of ripe raspberry vines, which were loaded with delicious ripe fruit. They T ey were graven in that town- ship, and a pail full of the fruit could have been picked froin the patch. They are a novelty at this time of the year. CAanGEs AGAINST MR. MoSC1tIP— Particulars were filed at Ostroode Hall on Thursday of last week of the char- ges which are preferred against W. 0. Moscrip, the Liberal member for South Perth, who holds hisseat by a major- ity of two votes. The charges uumber over 66. The trial of the petition is set down for Stratford on October 14, at 1 p. m.. before Chancellor Boyd and Justice Meredith. Gone ONE BETTER.—Referring to the item about "Profit and Pigs" last week, W. Wein, of Clinton goes even. better than the circumstances there recorded. He says that within one year he sold eighteen pigs, the result of three litters from the same sow, realizing therefrom $220. James Cor- nish says that he had 25 pigs from one sow, the result of two litters. If we can keep ou publishing facts like these it should he a stimulus to the hog trade. A Comm -YE ENDED. — Montreal papers say the combine of the drug trade on the prices ofproprietary med. icines and patent articles will be abol- ished in Canada. Messrs. Evans & Sons have decided that they will not in future sign the required agreements, and there is little doubt that other firms will take the same stand, as the entire retail drug trade wish theselines sold at market prices'. With the rebate price system abolisbed,the 'Re- tail Druggist' estimates that he will find himself upon even terms with the big department stores,and able to sur- vive in the competition. . The unani- mous action of the wholesale trade alone can maintain a uniform price list, dna this is rendered impossible by the action takan by the Messrs. Evans. H 1 A : - L. lekard o C1 This is the month you will need a quantity of Winter • Clothing. Below we quote a, few of the lines that may .F interest you r Ladies' and C iidrensJackets.--0 For Value, For Assortment, For Style I'ts hard to beat our stock of Tailor made Coats. $3.75, Ladies' new shot -Frieze Cloth, $5.75, A handsome Coat. New Kersey pure wool, large stoorcollar, tailor made—a bargain, . , .......3.75 $3,75 Pure wool, black Frieze Coat, new storm collar, tailor made, -big value $4.00 "A smart up to daft, Coat" navy or black. Heavy Boucle Cloth, large storm collar, well made.. -.4.00 $5.00, A sure seller, Fancy Frieze, pure wool, new velvet trimmed collar, one of our latest styles $7.50, "Our beauty" Black Beaver, braid trimmed, very smart and up-to-date coat 7 50 500 $8.50, Good warm Coat, heavy bright black curl with fancy plaid lin- ing, large roll collar............. 8.50 cloth, in shot green effects with new tulip collar—a sure seller, .. 5.75 56,50 "A popular fancy." New fane Kersey, pure wool, new shie front, piped with velvet- a great leader... ..... ............... .6.50 $6.50, A Oosey Coat, Black wool Kersey, new shield front piped with velvet and fancy velvet trimmed cuff, .. ,. 6,50 7.50 Our leader.' een Bea er $New r v ,g, , trimmed with black braid fancy velvet eollar,—a great taker, .. , „750 $7.50, "Our great seller." Black curl, fancy velvet and braid. trimming, new roll collar,good durable coat 7.50 Our stock of childs' and lases Coat s is very large and complete, all the new tints in greens and blues—prices in your favor, Remember your money back if goods are pat sat::efectcny. that's our way ,Store closes each evening except Wednesdays and Saturdays, J. A. ST WA T I NSURANCi' . RNEST L+' LLIO'! Agent for the WESTERN ASSURANCE COAL- raNY, of Toronto ; also for the mamma: Fran 1 INsuItaraor CoM aNY, of London. England ; ! the ALLrANCE IN817RaNCE CoatPAxv, of Eng ' and. School -4+ 1 .WE Lead Pencils, OFFER Rubber Erasers, SPECTA I', INDUCEMENTS Pens, and IN Pen Holders, .. Ink, Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books Drawing Books Tablets, Rulers, Etc. J. GRIGG MART E x NiTER Ivitittif�IGig . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1898. LOCAL 1APPEN1N3 Mrs.Page intends moving to Hensall to reside. J, IV. Broderick,of Goderich, return- ed. to town yesterday. Crossley&Hunter are holding Evan- gelistic services in Clinton. R. S. Lang has this season disposed of 25,000 barrels of apples. The Misses Smith and Box, of Sea- forth,were in town on Sunday. Arthur Ramsay left on Tuesday for Toronto, to attend the Veterinary College. Mrs. H. Bishop left on Monday for I Chicago, to visit her son P. L. Bishop, who is ill. Rev. Waddell,'of Hensall preached two able sermons in Main st. church on Sunday last. Edward Seigel of Mitchell has in- vented a wood -sawing machine which will: fill a want iu the country. We have received a communication from Lucan, but on account of the writer not signing his name, we cannot publish the item. Carling Bros.. are showing a ver fine line of Iadies, kid gloves in green I and tans. They are the sole agents ba►l Exeter for Miller's Glovinefor cleaning kid gloves. For Marriage Licarises9 Wedding Rings, Wmtc!-aes, C1oc/es, Jewelry, Spoctences , Etc CALL ONO R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Mrs. Tremaine is visiting friends in 'Toronto John Treble is confined to his home !through illness. Duncan Bell, of London, was in town -on Monday. Thanksgiving day is fixed for Thurs- day, Nov. 2tth. R. C. C. Tremaine was in Toronto this week on business. . Wm. Hawkshaw, of Seaforth, was in town on Monday. A. Q. Bobier is running an apple evaporator at Varna. Jno. trellis is at his home in Kippen sick with typhoid fever. Miss 011ie Hawkins, of Elimville is visiting- at Mrs. J:4nieslfiller's. The report that Russell Hicks had died in California, is unfounded. An intelligent boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at this'office. Miss Holland, of Mitchell, visited under the parental roof on - Sunday. Rev. J. A. Turnbull, of Toronto v], ited his mother in Usborne thi week. THE. TIMES will be given to new snb- cribers for the balance of the year for 25cents. L. DayButcher, haspurchased u ha c sed D. Davis' butcher shop, and will move thereto shortly. John Walmsley, late conductor on the L. H. & B. spent the past week visiting Samuel Buckingham, town. Levitt's Fair has been enlarged to twice its former size to keep a pace with the constantly increasing busi- ness. H. 0. Brewer. of Clinton, together with his son, wheeled. to Exeter, on Saturday and visited friends over Sunday. y 1 Miss Jessie Robertson, late teacher in the Ex, ter School left Saturday for the Normal School, Hamilton, to at- ltend the term that commenced on Monday. Rev. Colin Fletcher, of Thames Road church was out on Sunday for the firsttim time n six weeks. eks. He: walked walked to the church. Re is improving slightly. It was currently reported in town yesterday that Sam'] Parkinson, who mysteriously disappeared from his home in Usborne aboutttvo years ago, had returned. Miss Loraine Smith, of Bayfield, Ont., formerly superintendent of All Saints' Hospital at Kansas City, Ma., has been appointed' Lady superinten- dent of Woodstock Hospital. Geo. Ashton of Davenport, l:osva, is renewing old friendships here. Mr. Ashton left here 53 years ago. Re once lived on the farm on the London Road, South of Exeter, now owned by Jeremiah Heamen. Business at the Exeter station has not been so brisk in years. The ship- ments are large every day, necessita- ting the clerks to put in overtime in order to keep up with their work. The principal shipments are apples, grain, flour and stock, The convictions for Huron for the past three months by county magis- trates, number 28, of which 14 were by Seaforth magistrates, the others being scattered over the county. Seven Of the off' criseser for n w e e infraction t o of the liquor law, and the fines in these cases weir, $20 each, while ].5 of the other offenders were up for miner of- fences and were fined $1 each, Jas. McCarthy after a silt month's illness died, at his late residence;' St. Marys, on Monday Oet. 3rd. The de- ceased, weo was born in Ireland in 1825 carte to Canadaahout forty years ago, and located in London city. He: rear - rigid Miss J ane Fitzpatrick of33irldulph. For at number of years he lived in Mc- Gi llivr and fourteen years ago he removed to St, Marys. He leaves a wife and family to Mot nil his loss. s At the Big Cash Store, a complete lot of Holland flowering bulbs: •-Rya- cinths, Easter Lily. Tulips and Posies, all good fresh bulbs, and at very rea- sonable prices. The sale of Thos. Kensella of the North boundary, Biddulph, held on Tuesday was a success. Everything sold well. Steers at $42 each, calves at $15 each and other stock in pro- portion. The implements sold weli, a - 't w ant yyear-old binder fetching $30. Mr. 11ensella intends retiring from farming and may come to Exeter to live. . c i. n A scruof votes tiny . Oast the West. Huron election ease is in progress at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Messrs. J, E. E. Gahen and T. L Dickson are watch- ittg the interests of Mr. Beck, the de- feated Conservative candidate and Douglas Artnour for Mr. Garrow, the, Liberal member, who, it will be re- membered, was elected by the vote of the returning Officer. 21 Special Prices in -Dress Goods. w. Page has moved . into Michael Eacrett's residence nn Station Street. P. Ross !eft last week for Toronto for father prosecute his medical studies. Ed. Bishop left last week for To- ronto to complete his University course. wur. Kirk, of Kirkton, had several horses stolen from his pasture field the other night. airs.' Stewart McFalls, of Biddulph;. died suddenly at her home on Tues- day from heart disease. Dress Goods, for style and attrac- tiveness,qualityandp at terns,exquisite- 1 blended colors call,at J. P. Clarke s. R. B. Smith bought the W. W. Hoffman stock, Seaforth, this week. R. C. Andrews is to manage the bus- iness. Robert Leathorn has disposed of his farm in London township to w. A. Smith of Fannsville, the consideration being $2500. J. A. McFalls, of Centaalia, has dis- posed of his blacksmithshop to James Johnson and has rented the house to Mr. Bunt. Jim has gone to Granton, he intends entering the hotel busi- ness. we wish hint every success. Geo. Anderson, a former resident of Seaforth, has t resigned his position as Principal of the Windsor public. school, and has gone to Chicago to take a post -graduate course at the university there. It is almost needless to say that our window has been a source of attrac- tion during the past week for dress and blouse plaids. A beautiful blend- ing of colors. They have captured the ladies of taste. Call and get sup- plied at J. P. Clarke's. It is our painful duty to chronicle the death of C. R. Van Egmond, of Seaforth, which sad event occured at his home in Egmondville on Monday of last week. d Thedeceased was the eldest son of the late C. L. Van Eg- mond, and had•been a resident of that village many years. His demise was due to heart disease from which he was a sufferer for a number of years. He was in the prime of life, being 45 years of age and his death was a severe blow to his wife and family. The charming actress. Maud Hender- son, and her excellent company will occupy Gidley's Opera House on Thurs- day night. Miss Henderson comes to us strongly recommended as an artist of great merit. The play selected for the opening,night will be the "True Irish Boy;'During the play many new and pleasing specialties will be introduced. Miss Henderson is a daughter of Canada and deserves a a royal welcome. Secure yseats a is at 13'. J. Knight's grocery store,Exeter, Stratford's oldest and earliest settler passed away MViotday, in the person of of Jno, A. McCarthy, sr., at the ripe age of 87 3 ears and two months. Born in Australia, in 1811, he'was supposed to be the first white child born in the colony. After spending some years in Ceylon and in Britain, he landed here in 1832. After tar loin gpton pioneer work for a number of years, he became an offl.- ser of the peace, and was Stratford's Chief of pollee for a considerable period, being still on the roll of the force upto the time of his death. The fact of the matter is we have most too many Dress Goods on. hand and new Goods are waiting to be displayed. Sometlming must give way; so we make a "slash" at prices, and this is what we find that must be cleared at once. 40 inch Fine Black Mohair Lustre, warranted fast dye, standard quality, regular 40c. per yard, present price ........ , , . 42 inch Columbia Tweeds, in Blue's, Green's,l Brown's, and all fashionable colorings, d goa weight and splendid goods to wear, our price to clear ... , . ... J 45 inch, all wool, Silk finish, Black Henrietta, in Bluer d Jet Black shades, nt ids t ese goods e h , are ordinarily sold at 75c per yard, you can buy ,tltem while they last for 54 inch, all wool, warranted dye,, estamene Serges in black only, thesegoods are good a Y, % 0value at o1 I. o per and you may have p yard, Y them now at. . .... I 42J inch, all wool, popilns, in all new shades of Greens, Browns and Blues, these goods are the verynivel est novelty shown this season l 3 and are splendid wearers, the regular price would be 65c. you shall have them for.: . Bear in mind these are all this season's goods. 'We need the room more than the goods, so will treat you' liberally to'help us get it. Hence these reduced prices. 50 .50 A Gare Opportunity h' Furs $1000.00 worth of Furs purchased direct from the manufacturers for SPOT CASH Ladies' black Astrachan Capes, lined throughout black quilted 14.00 Satin, good curl and splendid glossy Fur Ladies' black Astrachan Capes, veru fine cur, and lovely gloss, 30in. long and lined throughout with shot brocade Satin, regularily sold at $28.00, for 22,50 Ladies' Electric Seal Capes, 28in. long, fine selected fur, lined with heavy `brown Satin,: very stylish shape, with extra deep co11ar35.00 Ladies' Greenland Seal Oaperines, very newest style, satin lined, the 9,00 correct thing for style 7 All our Furs were made to our order and'- are guaranteed first class by the best makers in Montreal. A SNAP IN HOSIERY. Io dozen pair's Ladies', black ribbed Hose, all wool, Arid splendid weight, regular selling price for these was 3.3c, we bought them cheap, they are now on sale for . ....... .. 25c LADIES' VESTS To dozen Ladies' Winter Vests, full shaped in three sizes, made to sell at 37$c,, our special price LADIES' FOOTWEAR r We have just opened up a large consignmentof Ladies Shoes, bought for SPOT CASH from .a manufacturer who was hard up, we can save you big money on these goods. 25c Ladl6s' and Ghlldr6ns' Mantles This trade is booming with us, style, quality and price tell every time and you can depend on getting all three, to your entire satis- faction. by purchasing your Coat from us: Ladies' Black Boucle cloth Coats, trimmed with fancy buttons, great value Ladies', Curl Cloth Coats, trim- med with fancy braid, cut in latest style, a great seller...- Ladies' eller...-Ladies' English Beaver Coats in the new binet shades, very nobby 3.00 5.00 8.50 Ladies' Boucle Cloth Coats, trim- med with cloth and braid, in blue green and black, very handsome and stylish. Ladies' English Beaver Cloth Coats, made with raised seams and applique trimmed, very taking garment 8.50 10,00 Every Coat in our establishment was imported direct from makers in Germany and Britain and were passed through the Customs in time to sare one quarter of the duty, you 'get the benefit of this reduction. ppnn' !ha 's Bolls' Willing nn g We are sole agents in Exeter for Shorey's Celebrated Ready- tr, wear clothingand have opened . justp, up a magnificent stock of this firm's make of Goods, . we invite you to call and see them. Rigby Proofed Suits and Overcoats. One thing peculiar to this firm is they guarantee everygarment they make. Men's heavy Freize Ulsters, "Shorey's make " thoroughly water- proofed, wear guaranteed, this is a special Men's"Shorey's ",, heavy double l3reastad Picric Suits; snake and fully guaranteed to be water proof, just the .thing for fall and winter wear, spepinl value. .. Men's Vicuna, Cloth Overcoats ' verycorrect yfor this , styleseason, mule and trimmed i tamed in best manner and fully ul u � aranteed b; 3' Y` Shore. ,sans p 10.00 , Mens brown Curl Cloth Overcoats, lined with Satin and Mohair linings. strictly up to date, sold with Shorey's guarantee for 6.50 7.50 14.00 Vou take no chances in buying these Goods as are all full: Y g they Y guaranteed. he R. PICKARD CO.. Direct Importer Men's Underclothing Union Shirts. and Drawers, tnediern weight.... , , .. 405 Heavy weight in plain, grey or fancy stripe. ... . ... . ....... ... 500 l londyke Fleeced Shirts mid.. . Drawers 50e Artic Fleeced Shirts and Drawers - 75c Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers extra heavy....... .., . 11,Q0 Ladies' Vests Union Vests with long Union' 'Vests, medium weight, long sleeves.......„......, ... '90e. Heavy weight, shaped Vests, extra values e..... , .. 25c Fine soft wool, • Pearl Vests 50e: Misses' long sleeves, Union Vests ... , • Ic • WE SELL A t6 OZ. GRAIN BAG AT $I.50 A DOZEN F 1al~itiieIettes l We have just received 40 pieces of Flannelettes in new patterns, among them is another lot:,,of those 36 inch Flannelette at. Ioc that we have sold so many; of, Double width Grey Flannelette Sheeting ..... , 25c a yard 'Plaids ' We are showing a very fine line of Wool Plaids at 25c and 50c a yard, these are quite new Plaids and we cvill have another lot in a few days. We are in smooth Ma/titles showing a very fine line of Ladies' and Misses' Manties and rough cloths. CARLINC BRIDE Teacher's Convention. C, —^— ildren Ory for the Public School, Exeter, pursuant to ' i A num ofl' notice. ( .Wa Lockhart--Sanders--That the follow. ing be the officers of this local conven tion:- chairman W. H. Johnston secretary, P. Gardiner ; Executive committee, Miss Ball, Messrs. Creech and Russell. Resolved that the following act as a committee for drafting a constitution and for bringing in resolutions ; t'Iiss Gill, Messrs. Anderson, Lockhart and De]gaty. CIRRI OPERA HOUSE 3 -NIGHTS -3 . COMMENCING'.. 'THURSDAY EVENING; OCT. 13T11 ' The following .is the proggamme :— (I) Infinitives and participles by 3Tr. Russell, (3) Writing by Miss Robert son; (3) Chautauqua, Literary & Scien- tific f4JfflJ fl6llJerSJll circle by W.ELJohnston, (4)school AND HER EXCELLENT COMPANY Law Mr. Anderson., Discussion followed eachsubject anct • Presenting the picturesque teachers spent a very profitable after- • / Comedy Drama of noon. Russell—Delgaty—That this convert- 6Pr't p tion meet first Saturday in November. Irish Lockhart—McKay—in amendment: � �j �"'� �O�• That this covention meet 1st Saturday in December. _ The anienclm ent car vied. Delgaty-Anderson—That this con- vention adjourn to meet Sri above date. PETER GARDINER, Sec'y. A favor will be conferred upon this office by anyone handing us a copy of THE TIMES of August 25th. 'NOTICE. W. W. Harrison's evapor- ator at the market will open September 6th. 20,000 bushels of apples wanted. STOVES FOE SALE.—One coal stove, +t parlor cook and a box stove, (nearly new) for sale. Apply at TIMES office. Mr. Babb,of Mitchell, visited friends in town nn Sunday. • Peter McDougall, of Blenheim, nep- hew of Malcolm McEwan, of the 3rd con., Stanley, passed away on Mon- day. There died at her'residence in Gode- rich, on Sunday, Oct. 2nd, Margaret, wife of John Bailie, a pioneer of West Wawanosh. West. Huron election trial is set. down for hearing at Goderich, on Oct. 27, and South Huron, at the same place, on Oct. 31st. • We regret to hea: that Hugh Ryan, who is teaching in Blake, is at present dangerously ill of inflammation and henroxhage of the lungs. • On Wednesday John Hamilton, of the Goderich Organ Factory staff, had the misfortune to have two of his fin- gers cut off with the jointer. Wnr. Pinker, sr., of West Wawa- nosh, has grown a white Belgian car- rot which weighs nibs. and. measures 19 inches in circumference. How is that? W. H. Beesley, who went to Mani- toba, from Olinton, in the spring, has. decided to remain there, and has taken un a home -stead in the neighborhood of 1VIoosejaw. Hosiery! Hosiery Hosiery!!! •o•O Elegant Costumes !. Charming Music ! And New Specialties ] Popular Prices 25 and Assured Seats at F. J. Knight's Grocery store:. �{Corine to misisee--- 'For Wedding and Birthday presents.. Bisque Fruit Setts and Plates. Individual Setts. Liqueur Setts. Glass Berry Dishes. BtushHolders. Sugar Sifters. • Photo Holders. Tracers. Pinking Irons. Crumb incl Brush Trays. Granite Pots and Ladles. Tobacco and Cigars. Fresh Clysters and Fruit. LEVITT'S FAIR. LEVITT'S FAIR EXETER MILLING CO. SUCCESSORS TO THE ROLLINS AND WILLIAMS MILLING CO. Are now ready to do business with the pub- lie generally. All kinds of FLOUR, FEED AND MILL STUFF' For sale at close prices. Leave your orders at the mill. Wo deliver every day to any part of the town free, We hope you will help us to make a success of the business, which means it success for the town. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat At all times. TELEPHONE No. 30. STE WART BROS. & WILLIAMS. Bright New We cannot be surpassed for Goods qualities & kinds in Ladies' Hosiery. We are taking into stock this week three leading brands. Line 187 in sizes 811, 0 & 14 the best values you have seen at 40c, per pair. Line T. 6, in sante sizes, at 50e. Line 1000, Extra gntilityworsted, sizes 6, 61., 7,7t, 8, 8i grand goods sure, 85c., 40c., 45c., 50c., 550,, 60c, Line 508, choicest of Cashmere Hose; sizes, 8i, 9, 9i,, and 1Q, OOc. 60e. 60c. 65c. Line 508, same sizes at 55c. per pair, except No. 10 which are 70c. An inspection of these goods will thor- oughly convince you of values and their worth. In Mens . csell a host, kl'.oselvr o . are �Vc,, .rte renewing our stock with A, 1, values line P. W,.,worsted at 30c. L. 'D. 30, at 40e. all Black, Besides these some six other lines from 12ie, to 350. per pair. Our Under wearfor Ladies & Gents has taken well, and 1S 011 the move. J. Pr CLARKE R yy E Butter, choice l leo, 16o. Eggs, 15c, If�ou wish Fresh resh Groceries, call AT DAUNCEY'S A large stock of Flour & Feed, cheap, AT DAUNCEY'S Cash or trade fox Butter and Eggs and other produce AT DAUNCEY'S Everything new and.fresh, bright and clean " :A.T D A-UNCEY' S GROCERY, FLOUR & FEED STORE. One door north of post office, Exete r N6W MEfiT MfiRKET, The undersigned bee opened Yt a• door p new meat market re,, where t e he will keep r.ep th< choicest of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED JO[JN `i' 1 i.Al NINE