HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-10-13, Page 7sesesesealosvapsopesaaN Pylly-Pectoral A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Very valuable Remedy in all affections Of the THROAT or LUNGS Loge Bottles, 25e. DASSX8 SeLAVVISENCn Co., Limited Prop's, of Perry Davis' Pain.lteJer rtgefet-{ditigoitirialiletactitdisfitektillikiktet, 010U B EX ITTEB, TimBs LEGAL, DICKSON & CARLING, Barred ere. Solicitors. Notaries, Conveyancers, Cominissirreezr, Eho. Money to Loan et 4i Per cent. and 5 per cent OFFICE :—FANSON'S ILOOK, EXETER, 1.rt, Ciatteaso, 13. A,. Z. 15, nietiefioN. member or the firm will be at Howell on Thursday of each week, „El. COLLINS, Barrister , Solicitor, Convey11108?, Etc. EXETER., - ONT. OFFICE Over O'Nell's Bank. 11-.14iLLIGT & GLADHAN, Barristers,Solicilors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &o. ItMonoy to Loan. OFFICE,- MAIN - STREET, 11XE'RER. B. V. ELLIOT, N. W. GLADMAN. Iscolimmireomommillm MEDICAL DR .T. FaVERS, M. II, TORONTO' UNI ITERSITY. IVI C. M. Tlinity Univer sity. Oillee—Craliton, Ont.. D ES. RoUrNssc AMOS. Separate 'Officee. Residences saMe as eermer. IY, Andrew fit. Offices: Spacicman's building. Main sh; Dr Rollins' same as formerly, north dcor; Dr. Amos same building, south door, J,.e. ROLLINS. Id. D.. T. A. AlVIOS, M. D Exeter. Onb W B110 WNING. D. M. C., P. S, Grade ate Victoria 17'ni versity offlee and realdence, Dominion Labora- tory, Exeter. Ei.YNDMAN, coroner for the .= County of RUTOII. Office, opposite Carling Bros. store, Exeter. AUCTIONEERS.. :Pt BOSSENBERRY, General Li - A 4 • (tensed Auetioneer Sales conducted aliparts. Satisfactiengnarauteect. Charges moderate. Bengali P 0, On t: T.T.ERRY EILBER Licensed Auo. tioneer for tbe Counties a Huron And Middlesex,. Sales conducted at mod- erate rates. Office, ab Post-otlioe Grad- • ton Out, VETERINARY. Tennent & rennent EXETER. ONT, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. • Office—One door south of Town Hall. THE WATE EL 0 0 HU T UAL F1EE 1N SD RAN 0 E 0 0 . Established Ln L853, HEAD OFFICE • WATERLOO, ONT This Compeny hos been over Twente-otich Years in successful °per ttion in Western Ontario, and con finites to insureagainst loss or damage by Fire. IIU1 ldi ngs, Merchandise Manufactories and all other desoriptioas of insurable property; Intending iesurers have ,the optien of snsurin on the Premium Note sr -eoinelvsystem. During the peat ton years th is contemns' has issum157,0901 oliadee, eo eerie,: property to the a in4un t of $40,872,038; and ;mid in I oases alone 270s,752.00. Assets, 81.16,100.00, consisting of Cash in liank Government Deposi mud the Janasses- sed Premium Notes ou hued .and in force. J Marmite, M.D., Presiden t ; 0 TAYLOR secretary; 3. It. II eon t4s, T111110°1°1. :.CHAS. BELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity. NERI1 E DEVE BEANts sre eovery that cure the went casco of Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor and BEANS Nailing Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mind caused by over -work, or the errors or ex. cesscs of youth. This Itemtdy ab- solutely mires the most obstinate cases when all other rnws.xxxxxo hare failed even to relieve. o1d bydrug. gists at $1 per package, or six for $5, or sent by tuail or receipt of price by afklursing TFTV, JAMBS 1VIED1CINI 00.. Tureen. ...,• Sold at Browning's Drug Store Exeter. • gE-MAKER'S a.m.— • AD0 17'.:Etketaiiii IlEvrr Far:To gm SATiSTAOTION •,,e4 •=rzfin THE EXETER TIMES Ts published every Thursday morning at Times Steam Printing House 11410n street, nearly opPoeite Fitton'sjewlry store, Exeter, Ont., by JOHN WHITE Se SONS, Proprietors. , RATES OF ADVERTISING: First insertion, per lin .... . cents Each subsequent insertion, per 'line.. 3 cents To insure insertion, advertieernents should be sent in not later than Wednesday Morning. Our JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENTis one of the largest and best eqn ippedin the County of Iluron. .All work en 'rusted to us will re- ceive our prompt a ttonton. Decisions Regal Id 111j5 NeWSTLit peps. • 1—Any persol. vv h i take- a paper regularly from the poet office, whether directed in his name or another'e,or whether ho has subv, ed or not, is responeible for payment. 2—Tf a Doreen orders his paper diseentended he must pay all arreacs or the pub'ivber may continuo to send it un 1-1,0 paynlent is made, and then collect the who' amount, whether the me° is taken from e office Jr not. S—In suits for subi oriel ons, the suit may be instituted in the place where the paper is pub- lished, although the subscriber may reside him Ireds of ne.ies awry. 4—The courts have decided that refusing to take newspaper8 or periodicals from the posb Mike, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima fame evidence of intentional fraud, Catarrh Shackles Blankest: in 00 infirtuteni Ws an alarming lard, but statistics bear it out, that at least tio in every hue- dred persons in this beefily aro tainted In a JOWL' or greater degree by that disgustiog, Oen - sive and ,dangermis die- ease--Catatrh, If symp. torat appear, such as cited in the liead, dizzineas, • pains In tbe forehead; headache, dropping in the throat, offensive breath, loos Of thsto and smell, Ate Catarrh shackles may be tightening about you— Ent. AGNEW'S OarailliettAL asOlVoisit 'tithe Moat potent Catarrh cure known te.clay-- Roomeniendecl by eminent nose AM threittopeetal- ista—gIves relief in 'Prom so to do Minutes, "For ycars I visa a victim of Chronic Catarrh; . the first implietation Of Di, Agnew's Caterrhid pow- der gave ma irettatit relief, and in an ineredibly atterr while 1 ,was pormatiently eurect!Lejettabil Radley, Dundee, N.V.-33 I Sold by C. Lae, Etteter. :44111••••••••••••eve.•••••: 41P11 I About the House. 4...4.4••••••••......... ELDERBERRY AND OTHER WINES. Rick the berries from the stems, mash them in a wooden tub or buoket, let stand over night ,in a cool place. In the morning press out the juice, then exemaine the pulp; if you think there is still some jukes in it, pour over it one, quart of boiling hot water for every three quarts a berry juioe and press again. To every four quarts of juice you have, add one quart of apple juice and ene pound a brora sugar. Put into a keg or jug and work it slowly, or it will sour if kept •too warmprow off and: bottle the wine in the spring, End if you want nice wine do not use it until it is two or three years old; five years is better. !Blackberry Wine:—Mash and press the juice from the berries. To every three •quarts of berry juice add 2 quarts of water and 1 Onaft of apple juice, and allow 3-e lbof brown sugar to each quart of the mixture( iWork ancl draw off the same as the elder- berry wine. Grape Wine:—Allow 2 quarts of water for every 13 quarts of juice, and 1 lb. of brown sugar for every quart of liquor. This should be worked in jugs or e,ans and allowed to work or rim over and the jugs be filled. up with sweetened water as it settles down. When done working over, cork loosely and set down cellar. alieubarb Wine:—Chop • and mash the rhubarb fine, and pour over it as many quarts of boiling water as you have quarts of pulp. When cold, press, add a quart of spine juice to every gallon of the liquor and. a pound of brown sugar to every quart of the mixture. Work as direeted for elder- berry wine. • Cider Wine:—Any common diner may be used. for !this if it be taken and sugar added to it before fermentation has begun. Allow 31-2 lbs. of brown sugar for each gallon. If you want extra wine select your apples, using crab apples or nice sour ones and about half sweet ones. To fit corks tight in the bottles soak in boiling water until they are soft, thea pound them in. DOMESTIC RECIPES. Sweet Pickled Pears.—Choose per- fectly smooth fair Bartlett pears. Stick three or four clovee in each and steam them till tender. Make a 'rich syrup of sugar and vinegar; put the pears in this a few at a time; let them cook very slowly for a. few minutes, take out with a skimmer, put into a stone jar, and when allare done, pour the boiling syrup on them. Turn a plate 0“.t• Lhena to keep them under the vinegar. Green Tomato Pialele.-LTalre mode - Me sized green tomatoes, cut them in ices, rejecting the stem and blossom - end slices. Put in a jar, sprinkling with salt. Let staiad twenty-four hours, then draM and freshen in cold water for the same length of time and drain. Make a syrup of sugar and vinegar, pint to a pound. and add whole cloves and oinnamon. Boil the tomatoes in this till tender; boil down the syrup and pour over them. Mustard Pickles.—Make a dressing of two quarts of vinegar; one cup •brown sugar; half a cup, of flour; six tablespoonfuls of ground mustard and a tablespoonful of tumeric, Mix the tumeric and mustard with cold vine- gar, and the flour the same way. Fut the sugar and vinegar together, let boil and stir in the other ingredients slowly, and let it boil gently 111 it is smooth and creamy. Put into a gal- lon crock and add pickles as you got them. Small cucumbers and onions, string beans, celery, sliced green to- matoes, cauliflower, slices of green muskmelon, are all good to fill up the crock. The string beans should be steamed till tender; the onions scald- ed in salt and water; the tomtaoes sprinkled with salt, left to stand a day .and night, then freshened and the cucumbers soaked in salt and water and then in boiling vinegar. Spice and curry powder may be added if liked. ART OF BEING THANKFUL. To appear grateful must be an ac- quired art, or there would not be so many persons who dole out their thanks in ainanner that seems as if they almost grudged having to give thanks at all. The little children are often chided by their elders for their failure to say "Thank you," but do the elders themselves always remem- ber to utter the speech of gratitude? Have not some of us a way of accept- ing a favor as if it were our due, and as if we were put under no obligation by having received it? Even birthday and Cbeistmas gifts are occasionally tardily acknowledged, altholigh most of us have regard enough for the con- ventionalities of life to write the note which common politeness demands. But it is in the home and with those we lOve best that we fail to say "Thank you." The wife scarcely thinks ID speak the simple words when her husband restores to het the handker- chief the has dropped, or rises and gives her the easy -hair which he has oompied until her entrance. And how sadly often does the young girl forget to express gratitude for the nuttiVerlese little things that the pat- ient mother does for her! It is taken for granted that mother shall neatly mend the ripped glove, or sew the . . ramming button on the shoe, or put the ruching in the neck of liar daugh- ter's gown, The girl • does not say, "She is here to do these things," but her actions speak as loudly as the words could, In the depths of her heart the most loyai mother muet eometimes miss and ]Ong for the speech of eftectionate thauke. It re- quires 80 liltis effort to Utter it. . Ina ny of the amenities of life become natters of habit. ;Would it not be well for us in our homee to cultivate the habit of easzing "Thank you?" cYristaca,r) HINTS. To Olean .Tapnated 'Treys, e- They must not be touohed with hot or cold water, as the varnishen surface is 110/- ble to crack and, wrinkle. :When the trays begin to loels duU thsy should. be gently rubbed over with a little olive oil, ann then polished • with • a fresh piece of clean flannel. . To Purify Water. --This is a sensi- ble precaution hi warm weather, It is managed by addinga tea,speonfal of powdered alum to every four gallons of water. This should be stirred briskly into the waterand impurities will eventually be precipitated to the bottom of the water, and when settled the pure, clear liquid can be carefullY drawn off, To Cool Water Without Ice. — A:a Eastern method of cooling water when ice 18 not procurable is to fill an earthen bottle or vessel with it, wrap • the vessel in damp cloths and then hang, it in a full draught of air. The rapid evaporation that results sensi- bly lowers the temperature of the water. An earthen vessel, being porous, is the heat for the Purpose, hut this not being easily obtainable, a glass goblet should be used, the raga swathed round it being constantly' dampened, so tht speedy evaporation may not be retarded. To Remove Stains.—Mildew re- moved by rubbing the part with some cnalk or salt, wetting and exposing it ID the sun. This should. be repeated several times, and then the article must he rinsed well in cord water. Fruit and wine stains are removed at once by stretching the stained part over a besin and rubbing with salt and pouring boiling water over it until the stain is no longer visible. If the stain has become dry use spariagly salt of lemon. The article must be thoroughly rineed or the fabric will rot. The Home Laundress.—Pipe clay dis- solved in the washing: water in an ex- cellent thing. for cleaning dirty linen quickly and without ranch expendi- ture of physical labor. It has also the property of improving the color, of the clothes: WINTER TABLE APPLES. Pickled Apples.—Take ripe, hard, sweet apples. Peel evenly., and if the app/es are small leave them whole, otherwise cut in halves. To every 7 lbs. of apples allow a pint of vinegar and 3 lbs. of sugar. Tie in a bag a teaspoonful each of oloves, allspice and finely broken cinnamon, and boil 10 minutes in the sugar and vinegar. Add the apple% boil them until they can be pierced with a broora splint. then put them in a atone jar, arranging the pieces as compactly as possible without breaking them; let the vinegar boil down until there is only enough to cover the fruit and pour it over them. If these pickles are sealed air -tight they will keep well for several years. Apple Butter.—Boil down 8 quarta of new &lee until only one quart remains. When the cider is obtained from sweet apeles, sour apples should be used for the butter and vice versa. Pare and quarter enough apples to cook in the cider without scorching. Cook slow- ly all day. The cider should be pre- peren the day before. This butter IS very wholesome, as it is made entire- ly of apples. Apple -Butter Pie.—Spread apple but- ter upon a rich under -crust, add sugar to suit the taste and arrange a lattice top. The pie should not be made too sweet. Sweet Apple Preserves.—To 7 lbs. of pared, cored and divided sweet apples allow 3 lbs of sugar, a pint of cider vinegar and the outer rinds of 3 lem- ons. Be careful not to use the white portion of the lemon rind, as it would impart a bitter taste. Tie the flav- oring in a bit of muslin, boil it with the vinegar and sugar 10 minutes and then add the apples. Cover the vessel and cook slowly three or four hours, when the apples will be of a rich color. The vinegar will prevent the apples from. fermenting, but its presence will not be noticeable if the apples are cooked long enough. IRE ElVIPEROR'S SECOND HELP. The Emperor Maximilian was an ab- stemious man as regarded the plea- sures of the table, a laudable habit which was encouraged by all about him, who loved to feast royally at his expense, while he dined alone upon some simple dish. But the Emperor had a taste for fist, and especially sturgeon; and one dey ne relished so much a dish of this last that, like Oli- ver, and to the equal surprise of the assistant, he asked for more. "Extre- mely sorry," said the maitre, d'hotel, "but there is no more sturgeou." The Enaperor perhaps, swore softly to him- self, perhaps he merely whistled or hummed. Anyhow, after a pause, he sent for the stewart of the palace, who inquired, in some surprise, what his Majesty was pleased to want. "I want to know," said the Emperor, "how much sturgeon you bought for ray din- ner to -day?" "One' thousand pounds, your Majesty," replied the steward. "Then next time buy a thousand pounds and a. half," said the Emper- or, "so that / may have a second help." 0.. HARD ON DADDY. My papa makes pictures and he's a painter, said one little tot proudly to another. My papa, declared the other, as she swelled to the limits of her tiny pro- portion, makes busts and he's a—he's a—he's a buster, that's what he ie. mutorent0 us rSS Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents digefe Hon end permits food to forniOnt and parity in Ilia stomach. Then folloW dizziness, headache, Insomina, nervousness, and, if not rolloved,,billous fever I . or blood poisoning. itood'e P Pills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headiutte, di zineri0,.con- stirattlon, etc, 25 dente. (I by Et druggiets, The only Pint to taKet Witl1 end's Sasaparitlo, ; Aunt Helen's Legacy. Mrs. Baker looked up hopefully as the door of her tiny room opened and, her daughter entered, but her heart sank as she saw Helen's face. It was a sweet face, though clouded now by anxiety and despair. The girl sighed heavily as her mother's eyes met hers. "I have not succeeded, mother," she said, quietly, Not succeed.ed? Oh, Helen! What shall we do?" exclaimed the widow. Then as she saw Helen's lips q,uiver. "Coma to me, darlieg," she cried, hold- ing out her arms toward the young Helen buried her face in her moth- er's breast, and burst into tears. Mrs. I3aker stroked, her hair softly, her own heart too full to permit her to .speak. " There is not a crust of bread in. the house," she murmured to herself. Helen heard the low spoken words and raised her tear -stained face to her mother's, "Mother,, is it as bad as that ?" Yea, dear, it has come to that at last." "Heaven help us," Moaned the girl. Then, controlling herself with an ef- fort, she said, "I'm going out again, mother. I shall answer those adver- tisements I showed you, last night. It is our last chance. Pray that I may succeed." . "My, darling, you know that Twill. Don't walk too far, for if you should get ill what woald becorae of Us?" will be careful, mother. Now, good -by." After kissing her mother she left the house. Turning the corner of oBt—ore. street she went straight along and finally entered a large dry goads Little did she dream as she enter- ed that building of what'a kind fate held, in store for her at home. For her sad -faced, heart sick mother was turn- ing over the few poor little treasures, looking for something that might pos- sibly bring a few dollars from the neighbouring pawnbroker. She selected a small, curiously carved writing desk. "This is the only thing fit to sell," she murmured. "I hate to part with it—Aunt Helen's gift to me. She told me never to part with it, for it might ID a greater blessing to me than I thought. Poor .Aunt Helen 1 I suppose her mind was wandering when she said It." Here a loud knock caused the wi- dow to rise hastily to her feet and open the door. She found herself face to face with her landlord. He was a large man with a coarse, brutal face. " Well, Mrs. Baker, I have mune to see about my rent," pushing himself inside the roorn. "Are you aware that it is three weeks overdue?" "Yes, sir; 1 am aware of it, but un- fortunately the firm for whieb my daughter and myself have been work- ing has failed and we were obliged to seek employment elsewhere. As yet we have not succeeded, but I hope ID have your money very soon." "Well, madam, I'll give you just three days to get that mime& or get out. I don't want tenants that can't pay their rent," and out he went, slam- ming the door. "Oh, what will come upon us next?" murmured Mrs. Baker, burying her face in her hands. "But I must bear It for Helen's sake. What did I do with that desk? These it is. T must have knocked. it down when that man °erne. She rose and took it up. "Broken! Our last hope gone. I cannot sell. it now. But Neat is this?" as she saw some- thing protruding from the crack in the bottom of the desk. She pulled it out, "Money 1" she ex- claimed, joyfully. "Now I know what Aunt Helen's mysterious words meant! Broken as this desk is, it will be far dearer to me thAln it ever was before. Ibotnte bottom." dreamed that it had a false Just then the door opened and. Hel- en entered. Her face was radiant. "Good news this time, mother dar- ling," she cried. "Why, what have you there?" she added, as her eyes fell on the desk. "It is Aunt Helen's old writing desk. See what I have found in it." "How much is there?" • "I don't know. I haven't counted it yet. But I thank God for it, be it much or little." "So do I, with all my heart and soul" But what is your good news, Hel- en?" " Oh, it is nothing besidethis. I've got a position in Barnes' dry goods store, with a salary of 33.50 a week, But, mother, how did you cones to find this money ?" 111 tell you about it after WO have .bad, some tea. You resist be faint, poor child. Let as see how much there is here, than we will have tea," and she They quickly found the roll contain- I set about counting the money." ed $1,000 in bills of large dertomina- tions," " Enough to give you the rest you need so much." 'Yes," said the widow, and added, "let us thank God for Aunt Helen's legacy.' Children Cry for C STORI THE DOWNWARD PATH. Mrs. Mulligan-1V/1's. O'Hooligait I'm jist either cousin' frau th' perlice sta- tion, az1' they have your sot Mike there, dlartink as a lord. He was ar- ri,sted this evening. Mrs, O'Hooligari—Moy ! Mos,! Dthruuk Is lieS An' it isn't a weke, MrslVfol- ligan, since he promised roe he'd kape out o' pollyticke. Ploohuraper (atter the return from ohuvoh)—Dr. Thirdly must take US for fools, Mrs. Sloobumper (re- proachtully)Oh, to, Harry, IVIr, Moo- bumper—Well, you ktow a word to the wiso is se:elide:zits but the doctor prea- oho for almost an hour at a stretch, SONE QUEER FACTS. There are 108,000 'insane persons in the United States, Passenger fere ou the new Congo Railroad is 331-3 cents per mile. The ancients had a Suez canal known to have existed as early as 600 B.C. The Flemish name for a trolley oar is Suelpardelooszondersporwegva- Peuriguig. It took seven years to make a hand- kerchief for which the Empress of Rus- sia paid £1,000, Aluminum tubing used in the sci- ences is thane so fine that 1,000 feet of it weighs only a pound. The monkey wrench gets its name from its inventor, Thomas Monkey, of Bornentown, N.X. In three' years the expenses of run- ning an Atlantic steamer exceeds the cosk of construetion. Thie., Tapanese dentists perfornt all the' operations in tooth -drawing with. th thurnb and forefinger of one hand, ' e bullion vaults in the Bank of En land are flooded with water each nig t as a safe-gaard against rob- bery. The historic Palais Royale is to be rebuilt for the Paris Exposition and peopled with eharaotere in the cos- tumes of 1800. - India rubber heels are to be attached ID the shoes worn by the French -sol- diers. It is claimed that they decrease the fatigue of marching. "Red tape" beeame immortalized as a descriptive phrase during the inves- tigation of the conduct of British Gen- erals in the Crimean war. A New York woman has been grant- ed a divorce from her husband be- t:M.11Se he would not permit her to have pie as a part of the domestic fare. One plug is free from the danger of Chinese immigration. Of 500 cool- ies taken to the Congo country 350 died of clbnatic diseases in two months. Other laborers remained comparatively "ltAearly Anglo-Saxon custom,strict- ly follo-wed by newly married couples, was that of drinking hones, for 30 days after marriage. From the cus- tom comes the word honeymoon, or houteymouth. A broken -winded horse is rarely seen ID Norway, The fact is accounted for • by the statement that • a bucket of water is always placed within reach of the horse when he is feeding, and the animal alternately takes a mouthful of • hay and a sip of water. A Newfoundland mechanic has in- vented a device for signalling at sea by throwing the reflection of -letters upon the clouds. The signals are changed with much rapidity by a de- vice resembling a typewriter key- board. Alexander the Great was born in Europe, died in Asia and was buried in Africa. The preparations for his funeral consumed. two years time. 'The immense car containing the golden sarcophagus was drawn by 64 white mules, richly caparisoned, a distance of 1,000 miles, from the Euphrates to the Nile. z • The world has had 2,550 Kings or Emperors of whom records are known, and who have reigned over '74 peoples. Of these rulers 300 were overthrown, 04 were forced to abdicate, 28 conamit- ted suicide, 23 became mad or imbecile, 100 were killed in battle 123 were captured by the enemy, 25 were tor- tured to death, 151 even assassinated and 108 were executed. By the aid of the electrophone, which is an improvement on the tele- plione, a person seated in his house in London can hear what is going on in any of fifteen theatres in the metro- polis, ancl on Sunday he can listen to sermons by noted preachers. Sixteen churches and sixteen theatres are al- ready on the electrophone circuit. CAST IA For Infants and Children. The !m- anila aigazture Of GRAINS OF GOLD. Brutes leave ingratitude to rnan.— Colton. Slight small injuries and they will become none at Mi.—IN:11er. We cannot always oblige, but we can always speak obligingly.—Voltaire. No one will dare maintain that it is better to do injustice than to bear it. —Aristotle. What is often called indolence is the unconscious consciousnese of incapacity. —H. O. Robineon. All Neish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are will- ing to pay the prioe.—Suvenal. It is not the greatness of a man's means that makes him independent, so much' as the smallness of his wants.— Cobbet t. Everything without tells the indiv- idual that he is nothing. Everything within persuacles hies that he is ev- ery thing .—Douclan. Nothing more completely baffles one who is full of trick and duplicity than straightforward and simple integrity ID another.—Colton. What right have we to pry into the secrets of others Tytie or false, the tale that is gabbled to u% what con- cert is it of ours ?-13ulwer. 11 1.5 the mind that makes the body rich, atid as the sun breaks through the darkest cloiade, so honor peereth in the meanest habit.—Shakepeave. A good newspaper and Bible in ev- ery house, a good schoolhouse in oz- ery district, and a church in every neighborhood, all appreciated as they deserve, are the chief support of tue, morality, civil liberty and religion. —Pre OEM. Children Cry TOr C STORM. What is 1fA'QTi DIA • sN%‘' • s es‘N 's\‘, _ _ castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants rand Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor tether Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute vfor Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and. Castor Oil. is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by MIMS of Mothers. Castoria destroys WOrMt3 and allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents -vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and -Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and. Flatulency. Casteria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea—the M.other's Friend. Castoria. "Castor's is an excellent medicine for children Mothers have repeatedly told me of iM gopd effect upon their children." Dn. G. C. °scoop, Lowell, Ins:. Castoria. "Oastoria is so well adapted to children that T reconuneed it ne superior to any pre- scription known to me." H. A..ARCEER, M. 15 Brooklyn, N. Y. THE FAG -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE CENTAUR COMRANY. TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YoRK CITY. se.enrs- " 0. 151 ; Half a Tailor More properly speaking half his charges -- may be saved by buying Shorey's Ready=to=Wear Clothing It keeps its shape for the reason that the goods are thoroughly sponged and shrunk before being cut. Each pocket, vent and button -hole is firmly stayed ancl tacked. If a "Shorey"garment gives out in any particular take it back and get your money. CARTERS ITTLE IVR PILLS. gilt Headache and dal eve all the troubles mei.dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Droweiness, Distress after eating; Pam in the Side, &c, While their most remarkable success has been 8110V/II in curing SICK Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER Plus are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from thls distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable 111 00 many ways that they will not be willing to do without then). But after all sick head )15,d11ebane of SO many lives that here le where we make ouratrest boast. Our pills cure It whlle others do not. CARTER'S LITTLE LTVER PILLS are very small and very easy to take. One or two pints make a dose. Tbey are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please an who use them. In vials at 25 cents; Ave for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by maiL OARTIIS =MOTHS 00., Hew Tort. hat Pa hall Du lag Prim ALL THE EAR MARKS. Servant—lady at the door, mum. She don't have no card. Mistress—What does she look like? Servant—Red hair, cat eyes, thin lips, ugly chin, an' hooked nose. She looks as if she'd bite a body's head off. Mistress—'Pell her I'll be down in a moment. She's probably collecting money for some charity. --seseesee_ woocrs tshogishoaine, The ()mat Enqlgeh, Berney, Sold and recommended by all dieiggists in Otialltda. Only tell - Able medicine discovered. Mx peraleages guaranteed to euro all forms o Sexual Weakness, all effeets of obese or excess, Ittentid Worry, Excessive nee Of To - haute, °plush or Stimulants. Sfalled ell receipt of price, one package $1, Sit, $$. One 1cill Plect8e, Six will cure. Pamphlets free to any addreSit, The Wood Company', Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosphodite Is sold in Exeter by 3. W. Drowning, druggist. " THOUGHT MY HEAD WOULD BURST." .A Fredericton Lady's Terrible Suffering. MRS. GEO. DOHERTY tells the following remarkable story of relief from suffering and restoration to health, which should near away all doubts SS to the efaciaoy !Hilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills from the minds of the most skeptical: "For several years I have been a con- stant sufferer from nervous headache, and the pain was so intense that sometimes r was almost crazy. I really thought that my head would burst. I consulted a num- ber of physicians, and took many remedies, but without effect. I noticed Milburn's! Heart and Nerve Pills advertised, and as they seemed to suit roy case, I got a box a,nd began their nee. Before taking them I was vary weak and debilitated, and would some- times wake out of my sleep with a die - tressed, smothering feeling, and I was fre- quently seized with agonizing pains in the region of the heart, clad often could scarcely muster up courage to keep up the streggle for life. in this wretched condition Mil. burn's Heart and Nerve Pills came to the rescue, and to -day X state, with gratitude, that I ern vigorous and Miro,, and all this improvement is due to this womaerful weedy.