HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-10-5, Page 8101 r ETSii T1IVIES e Big Cash Store. H. or* PRODUCE • ONLY ONE PRIOk"T.�. Ladies' and hildrens' Jackets..-- For Valine, For Assortment, For Style T'ts hard to beat our stock of Tailor macre Coats.. $3.75, Ladies' new. shot",Frieze Cloth,. pure wool, large storm collar, tailor made—a bargain. .• .....,8.75 $3.75 Pare wool, black Frieze Coat, new storm collar, tailor made, —big value. ...... , .... , , ,3.75 400 "A smart up to date Coat" navy or black. Heavy Boucle Cloth, large storm collar, well. inade.....4.00 $5.00, Asure seller. Fancy Frieze, pure wool, new velvet trimmed collar, one of our latest styles 5.00 $7,50, "Oar beauty" Black Beaver, braid trimmed, very smart and up-to-date coat .7.50 $5,75, A handsome Coat. New Hersey cloth, in shot green effects with new tulip collar—a sure seller.. , 5.75 $6.50 "A popular fancy.' New fancy Kersey, pure wool, new shield front, piped with velvet --a great leader 0 50 $6:50, A Casey Coat. Black wool Kersey, new shield front piped with velvet and fancy velvet trimmed cuff,.......,........,.,........ 0.50 $7.50, Our leader. New green Beaver, trimmed with black braid fancy velvet collar, --a great taker. , ...,750 $7.50, "Our great seller." Black curl, fancy velvet and braid trimming, new roll collar,gooddurable coat7.50 Our stock of childs' and Misses Coats $8.50, Good warm Coat, heavy bright is very large and complete, all the new black curl with fancy plaid lin- tints in greens and blues—prices in ing,. large roll collar 8 50 your favor,. Remember your money back if goods are not satisfatctorv, that's our way Stie a closes each evening except Wednesdays:real S.Lfnr•,1:,ys. INSURAt C 1i . TJ1RN.lii,S`I` ELL I( el ��. ,,.Agent for the WESTERN AssareartOE Goat- t'ANY, of Toronto ; also for the Psest,r_c FIRE he AL.araE.r-c T.vmsoHANCE of London, noel Eng and,. ammesuaTicolaussancerroampmerssasessmernaessansaunermapmeme Scho I 4 WE OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN Lead Pencils, Rubber Erasers, Pens, and Pen Holders, Ink, Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain Foolscap,. Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books Drawing Books .. , • Tablets, Rulers, Etc. d . W I J FJ RT EXETER J. A. STEWART For Marriage Liq,enses3 Wedding, Rings, Weetclie , Clocks, Jou' ry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ODPats. R. Y -Y H C Kaci Watch Repairing as Specialty. Kirkton Fair on Friday Quail shooting does not commence until Oct. 15th. Saxon Fitton has moved into his residence on Main st. The issuing of money orders is a new departure of the banks. Miss Gerty Kemp is visiting Mrs. (Rev.) Fatt, at Burlington. • The gate receipts at the Mitchell frill show amounted to $333. Mrs. C=. 11. Parker, of Auburn,Iowa, is as guest at Airs. E. Elliott's. TELE TIMES will he given to gee, snb- scribers fol the balance of the year for 25 cen ts. The contraertors have commenced excavating.for the barge water tank ore Joh n:street Miss Mary Grigg, of Exeter, is at present the guest of her brother, Wtn. Grigg, London South. B. S. O'Neil has disposed of his driv- ing horse and rigs, to Abel Wolper of Berlin, for agood figure. Wm. Treble ,Huron street, has roved the appearance of his dwelling the erection of a new 1 . y yera ndai Fred Walters, while running along the street on Saturday fell on the side- walk and sprained both his wrists, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6th, 1898. LOCAL NAPPENf OS R. H. ()Neil. of Lucan, is the guest of his son, B. S. O'Neil. An intelligent boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at this office. - Citizens who have lifted their pota- toes say there will be no more than a half crop. Dress Goods, for style and attrac- tiveness, quality andpatterns,exquisite- ly blended colors call,at 3'. P. Clarke's. John Knox, of Atwood, formerly Station agent at Centralia visited at Mrs. E. Elliott's on his way to Detroit, Mrs. Felton has returned home from Belleville, whither she went to place her son in the deaf and cherub Insti- tute. Messrs. C. Snell jr. and R. C. C. Tremaine have purchased the Electric Light plant from the joint stock com- pany. Monday was the hottest October day that has come this way in a long while. The thermometer stood at 82 degrees. tnet with an The Christmas fat stock show of the Peter Cantelon, Clinton, accident Tuesday which resulted in a Guelph Fat Stock Club and Poultry sprained wrist. Association will be held at Guelph Dec. 6th, 7th and 8th. /elks Blanche Clarke with her nem Sow, -- John Heywood has disposed of his 100 acre farm, being lot 13, con, 3, Usborne to Sam'l Rowe, of Stephen, for a sum over $5000, Mr. Rowe takes possession this fall, Paennntree O AlsTeB.—O. Snell, .jr.+ has disposed of the residence occupied. by R. U. Cl, Tremaine to A. Hastings; for a sum in the neighborhood of $1,500. Me. Hastings will move there- to shortly. brother, W. T. Clarke, are visiting A Walters will move . into his relatives in Windsor. / mother's house on William street, Job lot of hosier all wool cheap, for while. Thos. Boyle *neves into the 3' p residence vacated by Mr. "Walters. Children and Misses, for 15c. per pair, George Horton has purchased the regular prices from 30c.to 35c., at J.P. Clarke's Johns farm ore the 4th con Usborne, W. T. Clarke, of Toronto Medical University, was wader the parental roof for one day only; be resumed his medical studies on Monday of this week. Jas Walker of Dominion Oity,MVIan., whowas recently arrested st -the in- stance of one of the. Cook brothers of Goderich township, has been discharg- ed from arrest by His Honor Judge Masson. Ladies tweed. suitings, green and brown Mixed, blue and brown mixed, navy blue and electric blue mixed, re- gular price 50c. for 35c, a yard, 41 in. wide, 1 piece only pepper and salt *nixed, regular price 60c. for 40c., at J. P. Clarkes, n the 2 According to e o e Essercount . We congratulate the in on the 21st. The apple pickers and I �' � which he has rented to Simon Hunter. Mr. Barton will move into Exeter. Ladies clean your kid' gloves with Millers Glovine, for sale only by Carl- ing Bros., headquarters for kid gloves,. all the most desirable shades in lace and button. Thos. Oke, of Buffalo, who is visit- ing. in St. Marys, together with Miss Tillie Oke, of St. Marys, wheeled to Exeter Saturday, and spent Sunday with friends, For the latest designs in ladies side combs. The newest string bow in satin for ladies wear, in cream, white, blue, cardinal, The newest string tie. in plaids, et J. P. Clarke's. Robert Bruce, of Cromarty, lett this the fall set week to take charge of a school in packers are as busy as bees. -The ne•ty- lly-sown fail wheat presents a fine ap- pearance in this section. Less then three months to Christmas, and the • s gorgeous eous . This i `ta -ale "resents g vi a1 g inevitable eatlier. Fatten up the Thanksgiving turkey. 'Partners are busy. people of Essex in securing the ser- vices of so capable and efficient a teacher. The Provincial Christian Endeavor Convention will be held in Hamilton on October 11,y12 and 13. There will be an interesting and profitable pro - It is officially annottnced that there ramme and a grand rally to which all Will be no reduction in the amount of ' ndeavorers are invited. internal Canadian postage this year. William D, Emerson, the' actor, was The postage between points in Canada found "not guilty"; Saturday after will continue to be three cents an noon on the eharge ,of murdering ounce. The postal note systemisvow ,Tames Tuttle atthe Music Hall, in its full o eration,'the title prohibiting London, on the night of April lst,and P ,, the redemptionof postage'10, stahaps by be is nbty a free snarl. The jury in the posb-niasters will hereafter be rigidly case retired to their room at 15 enforced. Neither will customs, inland o'clock Satutday. mornin 'half at 15 revenue, venue or other otilelals be allowed minutes to. 2—three and. hours to accept postage statnllS in payment later -they returned and announced of duties. their verdict, "not=gttiltly.°' Femme Hes Cow.—As. the result of an advertisement in Tin Theme Daniel Wood found his cow. It was in Usborne township and word was sent to iV r, Wood the Friday follow- ing the issue of the paper. 'ETSERINOTON—SNELL--At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on the 5th inst., by Rev, Dr. Willoughby, George Etherington, of Usborne, was united in the bonds of matrimony with Miss Ida, eldest daughter. of EU Snell, Huron street. The weddingwas a quiet one, only the friends of the contracting parties being present. Tbeyoung couple will reside on Mr. Etherington s farm, in Usborne. Drama or FLORENCE asoGxIr sl.— After a somewhat lingering illness axiss Florence. excGinn died on Tues- day, at the home of airs, Cooper, Exeter North with whom she had been living. Deceased was an orphan, 14 years of age. Her remains were interred in St. Peter's cemetery axc- Gillivra,y on Wednesday, Rev. Father Traher, of alt. Carmel, officiating. ELECTRIC LIGBT CO.—The:annual meeting of the Exeter Electric Light Co, was held on Monkey evening, when a new board of directors was elected as follows:—Dr. Lutz Pres., B. S. O'Neil. R. H. Collins,R. C. C. Tremaine and John Sweitzer, direc- tors. A divider of 5 % was declared for the yells. Since the above meeting the plant has been purchased by Messrs C. Snell and Tretuaine. A SURPRISE.—Three young ladies and a young gentleman, of the village, went out wheeling on Monday evening last. Two of the ladies thinking that the gentleman was paying too much attention to the third lady, wheeled on ahead for thepurposo of surprising the two enamored. When they lied gone what they thought far enough, they dismounted, and were about to stand their wheels against the fence, when to I they stood there against a tramp who was lying in the fence corner. The neighbors say the ladies screamed. somewhat. They 'were glad after- wards to stay with their associates. To 'tVrro:4r IT CONCERNS.—Certain persons of the baser sort, somewhat young in years, are circulating scurril- ous reports regarding some members of the Royal Templars. The persons are well, but not favorably known,and if it is continued other measures will he employed. Also, while the Council of Royal Templars are holding their regular meetings, certain young men who have not learned the first lesson in good behaviour are founds at the foot of the stairs or on the landing, acting as Eaves -droppers. Some of these- i11 behaved• were' once called members, and because they could not carry on their mischief during the hour of meeting, have absented them- selves to their own present and future :rain.—Coax. •- HrIRR3H Fon OCTOBER.—Poets may sing of the joy of the spring -time and extol the manifold beauties of a day in June, hut what period of the year can we seriously compare with a Canadian fall 2 What of the mellow sunshine, with its softened glow, the constant bine of the unchanging sky,and all the golden glory of the leaves ? .Italy may have beautiful landscapes, and the airs of -France may be salubrious and in- vigorating, but for Canadia's healthy sons and daughters there is no place like home in autumn. Given a field of good clean sport — lacrosse, Rugby football or general athletics—a grand- stand fall of clean, wholesome looking Canadian men and women, - with the setting afforded by autumnal scenery, and an October afternoon,and to what laud in all the world need we look with envy ? Men may not be content with their lot, but in this country they can- not blame the climate. Wheat was worth G2 cents on the Exeter market yesterday. Father Trailer, of Mt. Carmel visited friends in town on Saturday. Miss McFalls, of Lucau, was •the guest of Mrs. T. W. Hawkshaw, this week. Andrew McWilliams has leased the farm of H. Shoebottom, on the 10th concession London Township, The new iron bridge on the Thames Road is completed. It is an improve- ment over the old wooden structure. The Harvest Home Dinner, of the Sharon appointment, Stephen Town- ship, takes place this (Thursday) even- . ng. A. Bennett, who was called to Orangveille owing to the death of his father, has returned, his father having recovered, Paul Madge has his new barn and silo almost completed. They will be among the finest to be found in the countryside. Messrs. Louis and Adam Willett, farmers, of Dashwood, have made an assignment for the benefit of their creditors, of whore there are a number in. Exeter. C. B. Marbland,of the ltlolsons Bank, Hamilton, formerly of the Exeter branch, is visiting friends in town this week. Mr. M. is the same jovial fellow. Harry Diking of the 1st con., Hay, and Mrs, Hodgson, widow of the late Thos. Hodgson, of Exeter, were mar- ried last evening at the home of the bride's parents,r. and Mrs, Kernick , Thames Road.'Oongrataletions. The removal of the Are lights to the centre of the street, is simply an imposition on the public. The reasons are apparent and varied why -the lights should have, been left in their former position.—The dark nights' will exemplify our contention. Ilundreds of 3 ards of flannelettes have passed over our counters daring the past two weeks, fast because them pekes,. `their values eta patterns are all taktrig, We are showing 34 diir+ £erent colorings and patterns from 4e. to 25c. at J. P. C1arlfe's. H B Pickard Co. Special Prices in Dress Moods. The fact of the matter is we have most too many Dress Goods on hand and new Goods are waiting to be displayed. Something must give way, so we make a "slash" at prices, and this is what we find that must be cleared at once. 40 inch Fine Black Mohair Lustre, warranted fast dye, standard - quality, regular 40c. per yard, present price a 42 inch Columbia Tweeds,' in 'Blue's, Green's, Brown's, and all fashionable colorings, good l weight and splendid goods to wear, our price d to clear ..... , .. .. , j 45 inch, all wool, Silk finish, Black Henrietta, in Blue and Jet Black shades, these goods are ordinarily sold at 75c per yard, you can I buy them while they last for 54 inch, all wool, warranted dye, estamene Serges in black only, these goods are good value at $i.00 per yard, you may have them now at... .. , .. 42 inch, all wool, popilns, in all new shades of Greens, Browns and Blues, these goods are the very swellest novelty shown this season and are splendid wearers, the regular price would be 65c. you ,shall have them for Bear in mind these are all this season's goods. We need the room more than the goods, so will treat you liberally to help us get it. Hence these reduced prices. 25 25 50 .50 A Rare Opportunity in Fere $100,0.00 worth of Furs purchased direct from the manufacturers for SPOT CASH • Ladies' black Astrachan Capes, lined throughout with Mick quilted Satin, good curl and splendid glossy Fur Ladies' black Astrachan Capes, veru fine curl, and lovely gloss, 30in. long and lined throughout with shot brocade Satin, regularily2ee 50 sold at $28.00, for Ladies' Electric Seal Capes. 28in. long, fine selected fur, linea with. heavythrown 'Satin, very stylish shape, with extra deep co11ar35.00 Ladies' Greenland Seal Caperines, very newest style, satin lined, the correct thing for style 9.00 14.00 All our Furs were made to our order and are guaranteed first class by the best makers in Montreal. A SNAP IN HOSIERY 10 dozen pair's Ladies' black ribbed Hose, all wool, and .splendid weight, regular selling price for these was 35c, we bought them cheap, they are now on sale for 25c LADIES' VESTS 10 dozen Ladies' Winter Vests,. full shaped in three sizes, made 25c to sell at j7 %c„ our special price LAD,j ES' FOOTWEAR We have just opened up a large consignment of Ladies Shoes, bought for SPOT CASH from a manufacturer who was hard up, we can save you big money on these goods. Ladles' and Children' Mantles This trade is booming with us, style, quality and price tell every time and you can depend on getting all three, to your entire satis- faction by purchasing your Coat from us. Ladies' Black Boucle cloth Coats, trimmed with fancy buttons, great yalue Ladies' Curl Cloth Coats, trim - sired with fancy braid, cut in latest style, a great seller.... Ladies' English Beaver Coats in the new blunt shades, very nobby 3.00 5.00 8.50 Ladies' Boncle Cloth Coats, trim-' med. with cloth and braid, in blue green and black, very handsome and stylish Ladies' English Beaver Cloth Coats, made with raised seams and applique trimmed, very taking garment 8.50 Every Coat in our establishment was imported direct from makers in Germany and Britain and were passed through the Customs in time to sale one quarter of the duty, you get the benefit of this reduction. CARLIN() F-ur' s This week we have placed into stock one of the most complete stocks of Far Goods we ever showed consisting of Ladies' and Gents' . Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Capes, Muffs, Ruffs, Robes Fur Gauntlets, in fact most anything you mai' need in Fur Goods. all h 1 l l e our Ladies' Black - A.strachan Fur Coats at $25, also our $8 and $10 Fur Capes, they are the best yalue we ever showed. Men's ,and Bolls' Gliding We are sole agents in Exeter for Shorey's Celebrated Ready- to wear clothing and have just opened up a magnificent stock of this firm's make of Goods, we invite you to call and see them. Rigby Proofed Suits and Overcoats. One thing peculiar to this firm is they guarantee every garment they make. Men's heavy Freize Ulsters, ,',Shorey's make " thoroughly water., proofed, wear guiaranteei; this is a special .. . . . ............... Men's heavy double Breasted Freize Suits, "Shorey's make" and fully gruaranteed to be water proof, just the thing for fell 'and winter wear, specie! value . .. , Men's Vicuna, Cloth Overeoats, very correct style for this season, Smadehore aand,s s trenainnpied in best inanner and fully guaranteed by :, Men's brown Curl CIoth Overcoats, lined with Satin and Mohair linings. strictly up to date, sold with Shorey's guarantee for 6.50 7.50 10.00 14.00 Volt take no chances le buying these Goods as they are all fully guaranteed. The R. PICKARD CO, Direct Importer MaY vY ties We have just received a good range of Ladies' and Girls' Mantles in the newest styles. See our $5 Coats. rens Goods This week we have passed into stock the last shipment of our Fall and Winter Dress Goods so now our dress goods Stock is complete and you are invited to inspect the Goods for yourselves. CARLOPAC BROS. LOST.—A lady s fawn walking hat Lost Saturday evening on Main st. Exeter. Leave at TIMES office. NOTICE.—W. W. Harrison's evapor- ator at the market will open September Oth. 20,000 bushels of apples wanted. STovEs Eon Sam—One coal stove, a parlor cook and a box stove, (nearly new) for sale. Apply at Theme office. CIDER MILL.—Messrs Crews & Wil son have opened a cider mill, in Exeter north, where every attention will be iven to cider making. Give us a call. Mrs.Wm.Dauncce is visiting friends in Brussels this week. Mrs. James stiller and errs. George Heilman speut it few clays ,of last week with friends in Hansa. - A favor will be conferred upon this office by anyone handing us a copy of Tag TIMES of August 25th. • J. Ready, St. Marys has leased the store formerly occupied by J; Waters, and will join it to his own by tearing down the partition. The Wolper house, Berlin, has been taken over by A. Walper, with C. H. Wolper as manager. Phil. Davey, the tate landlord retired on Oct. 3. The action of Stewart & Williams, I vs. the irolsons bank, was tried in Goderich last week before a jury, a verdict being'given ;for the plaintiffs for amount claimed and costs. Dick- son & Carling for plaintiffs and Elliott & Gladman for defendants. - It is almost needless to say that our window has been a source of a,ttreo- tion during the past week for dress and blouse plaids. - • .A. beautiful blend- ing of colors. They have captured the ladies of taste. Call and get sup- plied at J. P. Clarke's. Goldwin Graham, of Brucefield, who was in the old country with a lot of cattle, has returned home. He had a good passage both ways, and made a satisfactory sale of his stook. He took a trip through Ireland, and visited the horne of his fore fathers, and had a most enjoyable' time. On Sunday last the driving mare owned by Roht. Coats, Clinton caught its leg over a harbed wipe fence, and in its efforts to extricate itself, cut the leg so severely that nothing could be done to save it, and it was found necessary to kill the animal to end its sufferings. It had reached the mature age of 21 years. Pigs seem to be a profitable invest- ment to farmers,judgingby the follow- ing cireunistanee :'-W. Weir, of Clin- ton, had a few hogs that he turned into a clover field ; he decided to keep track of what it cost to feed them be- sides, and found at the time of their sale, when they realized $250, their feed. had just cost $00. Another far- mer in that vicinity had three sows, each of which had two litters last year, and he realized $500 therefrom. This year he has five sows, and he ex- pects to make $1,000 from the sale of their progeny. Hosiery! Hosiery n Hosiery U! We cannot be surpassed for qualities & kinds in Ladies' Hosiery. We are taking into stock this week three leading brands. Line 187 in sizes 84, 0 & 9i the best values you have seen at 40c, per pair. Line T. 6, in s 'me sizes, et 50c.' Line 1000, Extra quality worsted, sizes. 6, 04, 7,7e, 8, 84 grand goods sure, 85c., 40c., 45c., 50c, 55a, 600. Line 508, choicest of Cashmere Hose, sizes, 84, 0, 0e, and 10, 60c. 60c. 60e, 05c, Line 508, same sizes at 55c. per pair, except No. 10 which are 70c. An inspection of these goods will thpr- oughly convince you of values and their worth. - . In Men's' lr Bose we sell a host, "Eire aro renewing our stock with th A. 1, values line Z'. W. tvorsted at 30c., L. D. 80, at 40e, at Black. Besides these soilio six other lines from 124c. to 85e, per pair. Our Underwear Oti TJ lder vcar for Ladies Gents has taken well, and is on the move. ,, where he 1. . veil! ., , .cc tl• t r e choices tents c a�r P. CLARKE tr onstant yon hand. Exeter Municipal Council. he Council met pursuant to ad:- urnment at the Town Hall, Septeux- b. r 30th, 1898. All present excepir r. Evans. Minutes of previous eeting read and confirmed. Christie—Harding—'That the follow= ing accounts be passed and orders drawn on treasure for same : James Creech, $8.25, brick for well ; Anthony Allen, $7.20, forestone ; Canadian Exp. o., $1.40, express charges on scale re- airs, Wm. Trevethick, $3.00, repair-- fig epair-fig pump ; 'James Creech, - charity sending Mrs. Muttart and family to Barwick, Rainy River, $52.50 ; Wm.. Phair, $10, labor ; Thos. Welsh, $0.25, labor Electric Light and Power Co., $102.51, account in full to October 1st ; James Creech, $15 freight on lumber; - John Atkinson, repairing scales, $3.00. —Carried. Bissett -Christie -That the Council adjourn till October 14th, 1898, at 7.30 o'clock.—Carried. • 101 . Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Jameson, Se. Marys, reached home on Monday after Spending the summer in the old coun- try where Mr. Jameson was engaged in business. A very pretty wedding took place, at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Barron* 'Harrington, on Wednesday evening, when their daughter, Miss Sarah Bar ron, was united in marriage to A. Martin's Medina. L V TT'S FAIR For Wedding and Birthday presents, Bisque Fruit Setts and Plates. Individual Setts. Liqueur Setts. Glass Berry Dishes. BtushHoldersr Sugar Sifters. Photo Holders. Tracers. Pinking Irons. Crumb and Brush Trays. Granite Pots and Ladles. Tobacco and Cigars. Fresh Oysters and. Fruit, LEVITT'S FAIR. EXETER MILLING CO. SUCCESSORS TO THE ROLLINS AND WILLIAMS MILLING GO,, Are now ready to Co business with the pub - lie generally. Ail kinds of FLOUR, PEED AND MILL STUrr For sale at close prices. Leave your orders at the mill. We deliver every dayto any part of the town free, We hope you will help us to make a success of the business, which means a success for the town. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat At all times. TELEPHONE No. 55. STEWART BROS. & WILLIAMS. Bright New Gods If you wish Fresh Groceries, call • AT DAUNCEY'S A large stock of Flour &Feed, cheap, AT DAt7NCEY'S Cashew trade for Butter and Eggs and other produce AT DAU'NCEY'S Everything new and fresh, bright and clean. AT D &.UNCEY' S GROCERY, FLOUR & i'EEDSTORE. One door north of post office, Exeter MEfiT MFLRKLT. NBW The undersign( ':its opened lip et, new meat market e ,•• door south of r,.:`rung' store._ Butter, chchice, 10e. Eggs, 15c. . A CALL SOLICITED JOHN `I''. riANNING