HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-9-29, Page 8Big Cash Store. H or PHODUCE 4.11 Iv* ONLY ONE PRICE ry Specia soCts. •01•1•01M04•1•MR•1111411.1••••• Six dozen Ladies' and Misses pure wool Golf Jerseys in plain Cream, plain. Black and Navy and Cardinal stripes. "Small Women's and Girl's sizes only," no larger sizes. These seys were made to sell at $2.00 each. We are clearing tit your choice for 50c adies' and Childrens' Jackets. Our Stock is choice, new and nifty. We are showing a rge range of up-to-date Jaekets. Ask to see our $5.00 and 6.00 Coats, they will surprise you. More quality and more yle than we ever offered before. Our Chiklrens' and -isses' Coats are great values. Dress Goods. We are pleased with the way in which oar new Stock is pening up. The "newness, the richness and the cheapness" ueli values as only cash buying and cash selling can offer. Black Dress Goods is one of our great leading lines. We ave quantity, we have quality. Come to us for your Black clods. We can save your money for you. tore closes each evening except Wednesdays LL1I Saturdays. momionsa..*,,,,..eas.••*nraw*a..•••••em...eams.....+. INSURANCE. RNES'r ELLIOT. Agent for the WEsmaRs Asamtaxc.x Com - PAWL", of Toronto; also for the Patio= Flat 'Nat/BAN-on COMPANY, of London, England; the A Tx.TANCE INSURANCE COMPANY. of Eng and. J. A. STEWART INSIONNIC•••11910....- Mc I WE OFFER •SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ,•01•1•1•1••••••••••=.1•••••• Lead Pencils, Rubber Erasers, Pens, and Pen Holders, Ink, Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books Drawing Books Tablets, Rulers, Etc. RIGWJ.GGEE. Ole (tvtintO. TELURSDAY,SEPTE31BER29th,1898. LOCAL HAPPENINGS For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Watclies, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ON-Nsb- R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Daniel Wood advertises a losb cow in this issue. " The furnaces in the Exeter public school are being repaired. Mrs. Fans= last week accidentally scalded her hand. with hot water. Mrs. George Muttart and family left last week. for the Rainy River dis- trict, to join her husband, who has taken up land there. Three children of Job!). D. Embury, nf Hungerford, were poisoned a few days ago. Two have died, and the third is not yet out of danger.) . John Volker, of Dashwad,bas sold his farms as the result of an adyertise- meat in THE TIMES. It pays doubly to advertise in a paper or known dem- lation. . Paint has improvea the appearance of the telephone poles. If the telegraph and :electric lights poles were .also painted Main street would appear much neater. . 1 Ed. Greenway, son of Hon. Thos. Greenwav, Premier of Manitoba, bas been appointed station agent at Cry- stal City, to succeed his deceased bro- ther, Thomas. Enoch Rowtcliffe, of this place, re- cently purchased the Bowman farm of 50 acres in the township of trsborne, being south half of Lot 15, con. 5. Con- sideration $2500. Rev. Mr. Harrison, of Granton, occupied the pulpit of jarees st. church on Sunday last, while Mr.. Harrison addressed the Sunday school in the afternoon. The trial of the South Perth protest against the election of W. C. Moscrip, Liberal, has been set for Oct. 14th, at Stratford before the Chancellor and Mr. Justice Meredith. Persons harboring Astray stock are liable to a beavy fine. When a strange animal is discovered upon your prem- ises, it should be advertised after A THE TIMES will be given to new- sills- reasonable inquiry bas been made. scribers.foi. the balance of the year for Our town has been visited the past 2,5 cents. week by Dr. James, Phrenologist, who Dr. Hoseack, of Lamle is suffering has done good work. We do not from a severe attack of inflammation I hesitate in stating he in the cleverest of the lungs. man in that itne ever visited this G. W. Hodgins, of Lucan, has 1500 vieinitY" ' lbs of honey packed and labeled, ready Rev. Dr. Willoughby preached at for the Manitoba market. the Zion appointment of the Siloam District on Sunday last. It was the A. Bennett on Wednesday received , anniversary of the church. $400 were a telegram apprising him of the seri- asked for and that sum was laid upon the plates. . Mrs. Andrews, of London, is visiting Mrs. E. Jones this week. Mrs. Wyatt, of London, is visiting Mrs. Smith at Main st. pa,rsonage. Ar hi BUNAWAY.—A. horse belonging to W. X, Parsons, produce and commis., sion merchant, Centralia, ran away. on Thursday. It was left standing at the station, and taking fright ran through town and an to :Centralia, despite the many efforts to stop it. There was not theenightest damage done to the horse or rig. oils illness of his father in Orange: vine, and left for that place at once. Ladies clean your kid gloves with Millers Glovine, for sale only by Carl- ing Bros., headqaarters for kid gloves, all the most, desirable shades in lace and button. Saturday afternoonlittle Louie Fore - mat, of Lucan, had the misfortune to fall and break her arm while playing with some other children, swinging on the front gate. The residence of Alex. Frazer, Logan road, was the sceue of a very pretty Wedding 011 Wednesday afternoon, when his fourth daughter, Miss Jennie was united in marriage to John T. Newell, of Geclerich. On Tuesday Sept. 13th at the First Presbyterian Manse, $t. Marys, Sohn Belson, one of Nitsouri's much respec- ted young men wa,s married tie Miss Ethel Bain, odor daughter of Donald abaeles McCowan, a laborer, wasthe aiTested by 00Unty Constable I,oney tended, this yeer. In Simcoe counter in Lotsdon on Monday on a charge of only three candidates ap lied for ad - A number of young people of the Triyitt Memorial church reproduced the tableaux "Living. Pictures" in Hen - sell on Tuesday evenmg. The attend- ance was smlal, but the program was well rendered. Last Wednesday evening very happy event took place at the resi- dence of S. McDonald, near Ilderton, when his daughter, Miss Bella, was united in marriage to L. Hutchinson, of the stone place. Mies Hettie Handfeed, daughter of the late Isaac Handfeed, Was Married on Tu.esdey to C. E. Gleed, of London. The weddin gtook place at the residence of jarries Handfeed, London Road, south, the ceremony being performed by Rey. S. Salton, of Centralia. Thev will reside in London. The over crowded condition of the teaching profession througheut the Bain, Blartsbard. Province is beinare being poorly at - felt, and as a result Model Schools stealing $18 from Thomas S. Wa Is of 631 William street, on Aug. 10. ViTalIs WAS working a threshing machine on a farm on con. 2 of Biddulph Town- ship on the above dete, and he alleges that McCowan, Who was einployed by bitn, stole the money out of his vest pocket. IlleCowan has been wanted by the County police since Inly, when, lie wars fined $1 end costs fee using abusive language towards Abraham Pinkhant. He was given time to pay, but he tweetsettled up. Ile will now serve ten days in default, mission, while Elora, Berlin, Stratford and 1Vlitehe11 also show a falling off. Shriller reports come from nearly all over the province, :and it is believed that this change will relieve, in a, measureethe over crowded conditinn of the teach in g profession throughout. the eountey. The salaries now -a -days are tut, down so much that few think of taking' teaching AS their life work. Let us hope that the tide hes now been stemmed and that, hereafter no good &meta willbe spoiled by being poor teachers. THE PROVINCLAX. BuiLmNia& LOAN ASSOCIATION.—The Provincial occupies an exceptional position as regards its directorate, as at the present their cash ievestmetits amount to close open $500,000.—This is the best evidence we can give of the faith in the instibution. Thos. Crawford, M. P. P., is the Pres- ident, Alderman Tohn Dunn,vice-pres. E. 0. Davies, Manager, and Andrew Allen, Secretary, The Imperial Trust Company of Canada are the custodians of all Mortgages, etc., which gives ad- ditionalsecurity to the investors. Exa- mine various plans set forth in adver- tisement, on front page. POTATOES. —This almost inclispen• sible article of food is rather a failure this year. Huron county', reports the crop far below the average. Farmeis say they will notniave enough for their own use, and the recent, relas have caused potatoes in the ground. to start growing. The same may be said of Bruce, Grey, Dufferin and many other coanties of central and western Ontario. The dry weather and July frost are the causes. Fortunately in Haliburton district, eastern Ontario, and eastern townships the crops are reported excellent. So that after all faindous prices are not likely to ob- tain, altbough they will not be cheap by any means, as shipping means freight cost, added to consuzner's out- lay. Weeciox Penerv.—john Er. Wilcox, a former resident of Elitnville, son of Robert Wilcox, and Miss Eleanor Perry, of New York, were married Sept. 14th in that city at "the little church around the camel" of 29th and and Fifth Ave. The Episcopal service was used. Mr. Wilcox is a prosperous merchant of Chicago with numerous valuable interests. - He has rapidly ad- vanced the fore front of business abil- ity. Miss Perry is a handsumeand accomplished young society woman of New York. She possesses remarkable elocutionary ability and is known as a singer of more than usual attainment. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox will reside at the Hotel Florence, Ohicago,and they have the best wisbes of the people of Exeter and Elimville for their future happi- ness and prosperity. DEA.TH OF EDRED DREW'. —Word was received Monday, of the death of Edred Drew, of Santa :Barbara, Cal., which occurred. on Sunday., after a somewhat protracted illness. Mr. Drew formerly lived in. Exeter and was one of its earliest settlers, having done much towards the advancement of the town in its younger days. He was us active, progressive citizen, having erected A great many imildings iti Exeter, and established. several enterprises. He was highly respected. and on several occasions occupied a seat at tbe Council Board. The cause of his death was bine trouble. His daughter, Mrs.F.T. Knight, of Exeter, was at his bedside at the tinse of his death, having been apprised by tele- gram a few weeks ago of his serious illness. He leaves a widow and two daughters to mouru their loss. EXETER P. S. BOARD MINUTES.- 10th—Special meeting,—Absent 3. Senior; per H. Huston and W. J. Carling, that a decision in reference to chaages in furnaces be held over for draft of agreement with necessary guarantees to be submitted to the Boatel forthwith by the Messrs. Copp Bros. Co., of Hamilton. — Sept. 1, special session, absent J. Senior and W. T. Carling per H. Huston and D. Spicer that the chairman and R. N. Rowe be a committee to wait on the late principal of the Crediton school to. fill the vacancy caused by the illness of Miss Vesper, and failing in this arrangement the appointment be left with the Inspector. Sept. regular session, motions carried :— Minutes of special sessions held Aug. 10th and Sept. 16th :— That the en- gagement of Mr. Sanders for a period of one month by permit of the In- spector. be confirmed; per H. Huston and .T Senior that the following ac- counts be paid : J. Grigg, telegrams, etc., 94c. ; 3. E. Moore, repairs to pump, 2,50; per H. Huston. and. R. N. Rowe that the principal be asked to furnish a list of the Exeter school candidates at the recent midsummer exams., and that a register be kept of such Entrants for the future ; per R. N. Rowe and D. Spicer that the tender of .the Close Bros. Co., be accept- ed for the furnace repairs and re -ar- rangement of beating fixtures requir- ed, and that the placing of the same be under the control and to the satis- faction of a special committee, com- posed of the Chairman and Repairs committee; per W. J. Carling adjourn- nieuts-.—.T. Glace, See'y. Hubert L. Harding, son of W. E. Harding, barrister, St. Marys, died at his father's residence on Wednesday i evening of last week. He was study- ing lave in Toronto a,nd in another year would have completed his full course. l'e was taken ill a, year ago last spring and was forced to give up the work which he never resumed. As "cirm. Cole was driving into St. Marys on Monday forenoon with a load of wood past Knox church, the wood slipped forwerd passing over his chest. He was unconscious when picked up and carried to John Gray's house, when it WAS found that the col- lar bone was broken in two places and three ribs were broken. What might have been a serious accident happened on Monday on the farm of Alonzo Martin, better known as the St. John farm, Blanshard. A bridgegame way as Ernest Martin was driving a large load of peessed hay over it and driver, load and horses were precipitated into the creek, drop of ten feet. Fortunately they escaped without injury. The streets of Mitchell must be bed indeed. During a recent rain Main street was so muddy that genie Wags pieced boxes in the watery mud so as to represent boats and launched on the Water. Upon these boxes were printed the following: "Danger'', “man drown. ed here", 'boats to rent", "persona found bathing in this pond withoat stilts will be fitted' "bOata leave eVery twenty minutes". ieliard Co. ILES! MANTES! Our sales of Mantles to date far exceed those of any previous season. And the reason is not hard to get at. We purchased our stock from the best makers in Germany and Britian for Spot Cash and passed them through the Customs, just in time to,save one fourth of the duty. And we are now in a position to fit any lady, Miss or child in the village or country with a very stylish, up -to date Coat at a very low figure. SIX SPECIALS. SIX SPECIALS. $3.00 Ladies' Rough Boucle Cloth Coats, great value Ladies' Black an.i Colored Boucle Cloth Coats, with fancy Buttons, $4.25 Ladies' Black and colored Curl Cloth Coats, in all leading shades, tailor made, very fashionable $ style, 5.50. Ladies' Heavy Boucle Curl Cloth Coats, in green and black, splendily made,very stylish coats,special $7.50. Ladies' Fine English Beaver Coats, trimmed with large and small pearl buttons, raised seams, etc., very correct, • Ladies' very Fine Beaver Coats, applique trimmed, beautiful fitting, a seller, $9.00 $10.00. We are also showing a very complete range of Fur G-ood.s and are giving great bargains in Fur Capes and Jackets. See them. e R. PiC KAR Direct importen., moreammarma. Purely Personal Rev. °has. Smith,of Main st. church is taking a two weeks' holiday to vieit W. Hamden was in Goderich yester- friends in Chicago and other western day. points. The pulpit next Sunday will Abel Wal per, of Berlin, was in town I abnedotchcuepsieutcldalawy fRoielovi.viMngr.bOyeRlqeuvherr, yesterday. . ss, Miss Annie Stewart is visiting friends Waddell, of Hensall. in Toronto. T. H. McCarum was in Toronto one day last week, . • Mrs. (Rev.) Gandy, of Windsor, was in town yesterday. Mrs. Jas. Gould is visiting her sister Mrs. A. Hoskin, Brantford.. k Caven church. Special services were Electa Haskill died at Port Hope a the age of 106 years. W. H. Hollands and family, of Park- hill, have removed to London. Sunday last was children's day in Miss H. Blatchford leaves in a few b Id days for Spokane, Washington. , Mrs. g(Dr.) Anderson and daughter, Muriel, are visiting friends in Mitchell. Miss Williams, of Zurich, was the guest of the Misses Rollinsson Sunday. Miss Oox, of Lucknow, is visiting the Misses Willis, Main street this week. Mrs. Thos. Yellow leaves this(Thurs- day) morning to visit friends, in Chic- ago. W. S. Clarke, of London, spent a:few days of this week visiting -friends in town. Mrs. Gladman, of Pete' borough, is visiting her son, F. W. Gladman, bar- rister. Miss Vesper has returned from Pet- erborough, but is still confined to her room. James Gardiner, of ITsborne,left this week for Mt. Pleasant, Mich., to visit friends. A. Sheere returned to Brantford on Monday, having recovered from a re- cent accident. Mr. a,nd Mrs. O'Neil, of Liman, were the guests of his brother, B. S. O'Neil on Wednesday. Mrs. Stewart who has spent, the past year visiting her son, J. A. Stewart, left for Brechin, lest week. Herbert Trevethick has secured a situation as tailor in Winghana, and leftfor that place this week. Thomas Kelly was accidentally shot and killed by a lad natned Willie Wink worth at Toronto junction Satur- day. Mrs. L. McTaggart was called to Toronto yesterday, by telegram, to wait upon her son, Will White, who is ill. Miss Mary Kildary, an elderly lady of Caledonia, B. 0., went back to a burning house, after being rescued. and lost he life. Dr. Macarthur of Londen, is able to be out again, although still very weak. He is recovering steadily from the effects of typhoid fever. Arthur Castle, the farm laborer who threatened to shoot John Williams, of London township, together with his family, has been committed by Squire Lacey for trial on a charge of insanity. It is reported that the Dotninion Steamship Line has secured the Sub- sidy for carrying the English mails between Canada and England for the season 1898-90. The plebiscite will cost a quarter of a million dollars, and there will be something in it for eyery constituency. The patriots with the little spoons will get their soup. Lieut. -Col. .T. C. Ilcgler, of Ingersoll, has been appointed by the Attorney - General to conduct the criminal busi- ness at the Goderich assizes, commenc- ing on the 8rd October. Frank McQuillan, a fernier, living about four miles from Guelph, was Mrs. Fulton left on Tuesday for instantly killed on rriday forenoon by Belleville, where she places her son in the falling twenty-five feet from the top den,f and climb institute , of a silo onto a stone cellar, used for storing corn. A dog poisoner has been at work in London lately, and a number of ,val. 'liable canines liave fallen victims to his contemptible work. Yesterday Aid. McPhillips found two of his dogs weeklying dead in the rear of his residence. Rev. J.P. Wesbtrian gave THE TIMES In the case of Mrs. Empey, the ISIar- a c11 on Friday, He has left for the more women,arrested undercharges of Toronto University to puesue his arson, Judge Lazier found that the studies. clinic has been committed while she was unbalanced and remanded her to Mr. and Mrs. John Speakman have jail to await the cotton of the' Govern - returned to town from Grand Bend, ae where Mr. Spacktnan enjoyed a peofit- "'en' Heavy rein and an electric storm passed over Manitoba Friday i'after- noon. At ri ranklin, Williain Black, of Minnedosa„ and W. Nicholson, farm hand at McDonald, were killed by lightning, At the latter place, W, S. Mrs. Hutchinson, an aged lady of town, left last week for South River, where she will liye with her son. Messrs. Cellins and Dickson barristers and Messrs. A, Stewart and M. Sarin well, were in Goderich one day last able season. Miss Dolly reveler, of Toronto, who has spent the past few months Visiting her sister, Mrs, F, W. Glachnees, re- turned home on Satarda,y lest. Ceoper was serantsly hurt and six Warren Davis, son of Writ Davis, horsee killed, A. despatch from Montreal stays that "all local rates that were loWered when the war betweee the 0. P. R, arid G. T. R, was on Will not be touch- ed for some time to come, Only the railway authorities know when the old figures will be restored, and of them., selves," Exeter North,. who has spent the past year in Washington Territory reterte ed home Tuesday, Pert Ilope Guide:— Miss Maud of Cantent,who has heti visit ing friends in Lot-1(10th St Thomas and Thteter, litte eeturried here greatly tiletteled. With her outing. t Z•C' N N N iM=liG a 1 3 ; 1Xt: CA LANG Furs a$A This week we have placed into stock one of the most complete stocks of Fur Goods we ever showed, consisting of Ladies' and Gents' Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Capes, Muffs, Ruffs, Robes Fur Gauntlets, in fact most anything you may need in Fur Goods. a)1 and see our Ladies' Black Astrachan Fur Coats at, $25, also our $8 and $10 Fur Capes, they are the best yalue we ever showed. atitles We have just received a good range of Ladies' and Girls' Mantles in the newest styles. See our.$5 Coats. Dress ods This week we have passed into stock the last shipment of our Fall and Winter Dress Goods so now our dress goods Stock is complete and you are invited to inspect the Goods for yourselves. CALC Exeter Municipal Council. The council met by call of Reeve at Town Hall, Sept. 16th 1898. All pre- sent. Minutes .of previous meeting read and confirmed. Moved by J. Evans, seconded by E. Christie, that the following accounts• be paid and orders drawn on Treasurer for same;—.Tames Creech charity to Mrs. 'Mated, $8.18; jemes W Creech street watering, $8.55; Mrs. Gould street watering, $3.00 ; do labor, $3.00; S. 'landlord labor, $8.50; Electric Light & Power Co.,$200.00 on. account. Moved by W. Harding, seconded by W.G. Bissett, that the arc lights shall hang not less than 22 ft from centre of street.—Carried. Moved by J. Evans, seconded by W: Harding that council adjourn to Sept. 30th,189Sest 8 o'clock. --Carried. G. 111. BISsETT, Clerk. NOTICEarrison's evapor- ator at Min arke .pen Seeteruber 6tb. jshfls6f 1svanted. ADVERTISING PA.XS.—Messrs. Couch & Roy of Winchelsea 7 write us as follows:—"The results fromthe &dyer-, tisetnent in your paper have been ex- ceedingly goof. Drop it this week as we have not time to write at change. We will send one next week." There is not a week passes but we receive soine,expression of, gratitude from advertisers in Tan 'Imps. Hensus'SVANTED.—The undersigned will be prepared to purchase Hef Draught,Carriage and Saddle Horses, weighing from 1,200 and 1.,600 lbs. The horses must be sound, in good condi- tion and from 5 to 10 years old. At the following places, viz: McLean's hotel Texan, Tuesday, Oct. 4 ; Hawk- shaw's hotel, Exeter, -Wednesday, Oct. 5 ; Hasting's House, Parkhill, Thurs- day, Oct. 6; Hotel, Ailsa Craig, Fri- day, Oct. 7. Taos, Sierra, London, Eng. 'airs. Nett, son and daughter, of rb Heise, are guests at Sn,m1 at ti's. Lawyers Dickson and Collins at- tended. :the funeral of tbe late M. C. Cameron, in Goderich, on Weclnesday as did also Wm. Ba,wden. The Farmer's Sun says:—We shall have the anomaly of a postal rate under which letters may be sent from Canada to Great Britain, Africa, India and the numerous British colonies scattered. over the globe, at lower rates than we can correspond among ourselves. A resident of Cape Colony may,under the new arrangement,send a letter from Klondyke for less than our Government charges a resident of Bradford to send a letter to his son or daughter in Toronto. Why should the commercial classes who use the English mails have theirletters carried at less than cost at the expense of the general ratepayer? The farmers of this country are willing to bear their proper share of taxation, but we greatly mistake them if they do not object to class legislation of this character. The whole proposal shows a woeful lack, not dilly of common sense, but of common justice. Edward Efewes, a young man of 17 years, shortly after six o'clock Satur- day morning fell from a west -bound Grand Trunk freight train near Lon- don and received terrible injuries. He died in the city hospital at noon. The accident happened near the archway on the Wortley road, Sonbh London, and it was theresult of Hewes trying to "beat" his way to the home of his parents in Burt, Mich. The train which ran over him left the station at 6 o'clock, The ambulance was called,and in less than half an hour Hewes was in the hospital receiving medical treatment. The unfortunate fellow was still conscious, and he gave the doctors his name, age and address of his parents, and said he had come from. Buffalo last night. Chloroform was adtnunsterecl and shortly after the leg and arm were amputated, fleives recovered consciousness, and remained in that conditiod until the thne of his death. EIS left leg was also broken, Hewes was of a respect - Ale appearance, and, it is believed, lost hie balance while standing on the bumpers looking out from between two ears. Fall Fairs. Goderiele September 27, 28, 20 20, E80,08,t Wawanoah, BelgraVe, Sept. Morris, Blyth, October 4, 5. Bast Ruron, Brussels, October 6, 7. Ohildre1r�y for CASTO Come to -esizr,•.-- LEVNTTS FAIR For Wedding and Birthday presents Bisque Fruit Setts and Plates. Individual Setts. Liqueur Setts. Glass Berry Dishes. Bi ush Holder. Sugar Sifters. Photo Holders. Tracers. Pinking Irons. Crumb and Brush Trays. Granite Pots and Ladles. Tobacco and Cigars. Fresh Oysters and Frnit. LEVITT'S FAIR.' EXETER ELLIN 00. SUCCE SS 0 I en T 0 DIE ROLLINS AND WILLIAMS MILLING GO.; liogveRmiryeadiitokidnodab,5sinesa with the pub - FLOUR, FEED AND MILL STUFF • For sale n.t close prices. Leave your orders at the mill. We deliver every day to any part of the town free. We hope you will help uS tO make a success of the business, which moans a success for the town. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat At all times. TELEPRONE No. W. . \ STEWART BROS. & WILLIAMS. ith their freshness, right- ness, fittness and fashionable- ness, always attract attention. We will show this week the newest Blouse Silks and satins, in .checks and shot ef- fects. These are leaders. • Des s Co ds- , Also plaid DRESS GOODS for skirt and blouses. The leading fad is silk or satin blouse with plaid skirt. We will show a beautiful metallic skirtin the leading colors, being black an white. In fall andWinterDress Goods we will be found right. We carry a large varie- ty of black and figured dress goods. In this last department the present and past seasons have been our largest, we are showing plaid ribbons, suitable for ladles' Cravats attached with a dainty • pin, A new and large collection of ladies link cuff buttons, collars and cuffs. Side combs from Sc. to 25c. per pair. I Bright New Goods If you wish Fresh Groceries, call AT DAUNCEY'S A large stock of Flour & Feed, cheap, D.A.UNCEY'S Cash or trade for Butter and Eggs and other produce Jn P. CLA,RIKE AT DATINCEY'S Everything new and fresh, bright and clean AT D A.UNCEY' 8 I GROCERY, MOUT{ & PEEDSTORE. One door Deal) of post office, Exeter NEM MERT MARKET. The eedersigned 1. opened up a new meat market ora South ot , Store. where he will 1 , p tl.e ehoicest of meets constantly. 'in hand. A CALL SOLICITED JoHIST T. NANNINa