HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-9-29, Page 5This is the complaint of the/Wanda at this seaSon. They have no e.ppetite; food idOes not relish. They need the toning up of the etomach and digestive organs, which -a course a Hood's Sarsaparilla will give aerie. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and internal misery only a dyspeptic can iknOW, creates an appetite, overcomes that aired feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physical system, It lie prompt. ly and efficiently relieves !dyspeptic symp- toms and cures nervous headaches, that it ;Items to have almoet "a magic touch." Sarsaparilla js the best -In fact the One True Blood Purifier. is are the Iest a:ter-dinner 1100dIs PilIS pins, aid digestion. 215o, imoniamoraccw=caaccliFm_cx,...Aticm.). salroczcappcoril The electionprotest against Col. Xutrie, the Liberal member for South Wellington, has been dismissed, -no evi- 1enee being offered. Zdbre' Af7er' Wood's Phosphodins, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six ilackages guaranteed to cure an Somas of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse tor excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use ot To. bade°, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt est price, one package $1, six, 5. One will please, atrizMig cure. -Pamphlets free to any address. . Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by 3. W. Browning, druggist, Notice Notice is hereby given that the general anual 3neeting of the shareholders of The Exeter Electric Light & Power Co., (Limited) will be held at the Town Ball, Exeter, on Monday the , 111 day ofiOctober, 1808, at eight o'clock. D, STRAYED. From the village of Exeter, on or about the - 35th September, a dark grey COW six or seven -years old. Horns turned upward and minded atnoint. Information that witllead to her re- voyery will be suitably rewarded. DA a,TIEL WOOD, Exeter, P. O. Money to Loan. We have unlimited private funds for invest- ment upon farm or village property at lowest :rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING, Exeter. Farms for saie A. few good farres for sale °hearse -Money to .oau. Apply to JOIL.N SPACKMAN Fano for Sale. Con. 9, ot,14. Blansherd, 103 acres of lmid in state of good cultivation, well uuderdrained, Z acres bush, SCO rods board and wire fences, woodyoung orchard, frame house 30x20 ft. :kitchen 26x18 ft., barn 80x30 ft., wagon -house estx22 ft., and other out buildings, hard and soft water very convouieut with -windmill, within 2 Miles of post office, school and church. Foi further partionlars apply to the proprietor, 'THOMAS THOIYIPSON, Woodham, 2.0. For Sale,. Brick Blacksmith sho_p,frame dwelling house -and half an acre of landau the village of Wbal- .en, township of Biddulpb. There is a good bust- aleSS done in the shop; on the premises aro gaol fruit trees,and small fruitegood supply of water, and everything convenient. Reason Mr selling, the proprietor is going out of business. For furthefparticulars, apply to. WM. OGDEN, Whalen P 0 Farm For S ie. ----- Agood Farm for sale of 100 acres of lard in Ihe township of Ushorno, being lot No.8. on the lith concession and lying on the oast side .of the Exeter rola St. Marys gravel road. This is a most excellent farm for fall wheat or grain of any hied. There is a frame barn, stable and 3shed on the fano but no house. There is also a seed well of spring -water and a young bearing orchard and about 85 acres of land und.or mita- vation. For further particulars apply to RoitunT Ougouv, Su, lot 12, Con, 10, Tp. Ershorne, Wincholsea P. 0. Teacher Wanted For school sect. No. 8, Usborno, holding a Asecond class certificate. Applicants received gup till Oct. 20th. 1011N GILFILLAN Kirkton. • ___ Estray Steer Strayetllonto the promises of the undersigned, let17, con. 12,•Usborno, on or about August 1st, a yearling steer. The owner is requested toprove property, pay charges and take tho animal away. JOHN DUNCA.N, JR. 5-1m Farquhar. - Estray. Strayed into the proinises of the 'undersigned lot 12, con 13, tisborne, en or about 1st July, a -yearling steer. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take the animal AVVILY, 5 in 11. It. COPELAND Estray Sheep Strayed, onto the promises et the emdersignecl, All or before). July 20thlast, a white II:we with a Neck head. 1.`ho owner is requested to prove 'property, pay oherges told take the anitnal Irvvety. lrENgy OILERS, 3.,ot 28, North Boundary, Township of Stephen, 4-4t. 11 miles west'cif Dashwood. 11 Burns so long in the pipe as the old reliable Soo T. & B. in gilt letters on each Ping and Package. DEATH OF HON. M. CAMERON. The Lietrt.-Governor Of North 1 west SuoCumlas to arrAttaolc of Pneumonia. The death of Hon. M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Lieutenant -Governor of the North-west Territories, occurred in London Saturday night, at the reg. deuce of his son -m -law (1Vlayor Wil- son). Mr. Cameron was sworn in at Gocle- rich on May SOth asisteutenant-Gover- n or of the North-west Territories, and a week later he went to Regina and assumed his official duties. In August he was attacked with pneumonia, which took an acate stage, and to- getlier with heart complications, made his decline very rapid. In spite of his very weak state, Mr. OaMeron re- turned to London, three weeks ago, but the best medical assis- tance was of no avail, and he gradual- ly sank. Saterday evening he became uneonscioas, and never rallied, Deceased -was born in Perth, in the County of Lanark, on the 12th of April, 1881. He first studied for the ministry, but afterwards, began to read law in the office of Judge Deacon, ofiaetafreW,and was called to the bar in 1860 at Baster term.. He at Cmee be- gan the practice of his profession, en- tering upon it with zeal and a deter- mination to take a foremosb place at the bar. In 1876 he was made a Q. C., and became the senior member of the firm of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, of Goderich. In 1856 he began his public career as councillor of that town, and held -his seat for the following twelve yers, one year being Reeve and four years the Mayor of tioderich. He • was first -elected to the House of Commons at Confederation, was re- elected in 1872, 1874, and 1878.; and in 1882 was defeated by Mr. Porter. He was also defeated ou one occasion by Hon. Mr. Patterson. At the last general election Mr. Cameron was agelm returned, and sat in the House until the close of the session this year, when he was appointed Lieuten- ant -Governor Of the North-west Terri- tories to succeed. the ROD. 0. H. Mc- Intosh. Mr. Cameron was a pronounc- ed Liberal, and held adyanced 'Flews on many questions of public note. He assisted materially in securing the "free harbor of refuge at Goderich and the Hayfield harbor, and was highly thought of by the Reforiners of the County of Huron for his advocacy of the principles dearest to their hearts. He married in 1V1ay, 1855, Tessie H, daughter of Dr. McLean, who was associated in the survey and explora- tion of the lakes. The fruit of the marriage was seven children, all of whotu survive. The sons are M. G. Ca-meron, barrister, of Goderich, and Allan Cameron, a fruit grower, in Florida. There are five slaughters— Mrs. Sohn Galt, Goderich; Mrs. (Dr.) Wilson, and Mrs. R. A. -Bayly, Lon- don, and Miss 1VIaggie Cameron and Miss Grace Cameron, who reside in Goderich. Mrs. Cameron also sur- vives her husband. The remains *ere taken to Gode- rich for interrnen4 the funeral taking place on Wednesday. S.'UCOESSFUL AT LAST. "I was a sufferer from neuralgia in my side, and headache. I followed numerous prescriptions without benefit and was persuaded to tryHood's Sar- saparilla,. When I had taken only oue bottle 1 realized it was doing me good. and I continued taking it until I was cured." ALBS. CARRIE PRICE, George- town, Ontario. Hood's Pills are the favorite family catharic. Easy to take, easy.to oper- ate. 25c. Pon internal or external use Hag - yard's Yellow Oil cannot be excelled as a pain relieving and soothing remedy for all pain . Ltrzu 'rum:IDLES, biliousness, sallow cemplexion, yellow eyes,jaundice,etc., yield to the curati-ve powers of LEXa- Liver Pins. They are sure to cure. SitriltAiKeKiat /41 The Leading Speolalists of America 20 YEARS H DETROIT. 250,000 CURER. WE CURE, EMISSIONS Nothing can be more demoralizing to young or middlo,-aged mon than the pres- ence of these ' nightly losses." They Produce weakness, nervousness, a feeling of disgust and a whole train of symptoms. They unfit a man for businesses married life and social happiness. No matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses, our Now Method Treatment will positively Cure you. NO CURE—NO PAY Reader, you need help. Early abuso or later exoesses may have weakened you. EnOSUre may have diseased you. You are not safe till cured. Our New Method will cure you. You run no risk. ;250,000 CURED Young Man -You are pale, feeble and haggerd; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, and despondent: ,bletcheS and Pin:Lidos, sunken °yea wnnkled face, stooping forra and downcast countenanoe reveal the blight Of your existence. WECUREIARICOCELE Na matter how serious yOur case raw r hoes ineg You may have had it, our NEW METRO TRDATMENT will our!) it. The "wormy voins" return to titer normal cenditiott and hone° tbe sexestl orgats receive proper noutish- moat. Tho organs become vitalized, all unnatural drains or lessee cease and ready powers return. No temporary NO CURE, 0 PAY. NO OPERA- benefit,but alernianent cure assured. rSt.07:1 NEOE SARY, NO DETEaT- relOOT FltOM BUSINESS. CURES GUARAITTF,ED We trent arid euro SYPIiiLtS, GLEST, EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, STRIOTUB Fi, VARI000ELE, SEMI- NAL LOSSES, BLADDER AND KID. EBY ditioaPes. CO NSTILTATION FREE, BOOKS NOE. CHARGES IVIODERATE, If unable to cell, write for 0 QUESTnN BLANK for HOME TREAS.{MENT. 17311Rea 'KENNEDY& KERGAN IAD SHELBY STREET, DETROiT,, 101^1 s TA.BeK'; KA _ What will you do? Your Life is Preciotos,Seve if! Paine's Celery Compound Can Rutore You. 'TIS FOLLY AND 1\4\D- - NES TO DEFER THE USE OF THE GREAT MEDICINE. "I am tired and weary of this con- tinued life of misery and suffering!" This is the heart wail of thousands of poor, nervous and sleepless men and crazed with headache, rheumatism, neuralgiasdyspepsia and blood trouble. Such people usually are fined with gloom and clespondency,tuemory and they are often found on the straight path that leads to the dark grave. Have courage, suffering brother and sister! Paine's Celery Compound has cured thousands of cases in the past Lan more desperate and terrible than yours. It has proved an agent of life to others,and it will certainly do as much for you in this you time of ad- versity and distress. What will your decision be sufferer. Will you allow the many symptions of disease and death to more fully devel- op, or will you, by the aid of nature's medicine, Paine's Celery Compound, strike just now at the root of your trouble and be made sound, healthy and happy. The ablest physicians admit that Paine's Celery Compound is the only true nerve food and medicine that has ever been given to suffering humanity. It strengthens and builds up the ner- ves, tissues and muscles, it purifies the life stream, casts out disease of every form, giving a fresh existence and a long and happylife. A trial of one bottle will convince you that Paine's Celery Compound is a life -sayer and a disease banisher. To Ildvertisers. The benefit derived from an adver- tisement depends altogether upon the number of persons who read. it. To reach the greatest number of readers at the least possible expense, Is a question that should be- considered very carefully by business men. A thousand small bills Ininted in Tor- onto or London, and distributed in this section, would be just as effective as if the bill had been printed in town. There is not a doubt about that., but if you want to reach the people in their homes, newspnper advertising is the only successfuLway. To get the best results use the paper with the hugest circulation, and. th.egreatest amount of local news. Circulation is the proper basis upon wh ich prices should. befixed. If a newspaper with a circulation of 2,000 charges $100 per year, then one with a circulation of 600 would be entitl- .ed to $30. An advertiser should take these facts into careful oonsideration, when making contracts. Another fre- quent loss to advertisers is in the • use of several papers when one covers the ground. Tan TIMES is read by more people in Exeter, Usborne, Stephen, Hay, the northern part of Biddulph and McGillivray than all other county papers combined, and an advertise- ment placed isa it lain be found the most effectual way in which to reach the people. it tr '" • k 4'p 1. Sale Register. MONDAY, OCT. 8RD.—Valuab1e farm of 100 acres, being lot Li, con., 0, Hay township, the property of the late Andrea Hey, at the Huron Hotel, Zurich. Sale at 2 o'clock. Ed. Dossen- berry, arm., jos. Snell, Executor. EXBTIflR TI IVIES CATARRH SUBJECTS -.4111111"1211153:46"2621aagg2142Me1425241",This. dread malady lurks behind the naost ffl ciplent head colds,. and when the seeds of disease WV WWII steals away the beauty bloom and makes Vie pleasures a drudgery. AGNEW'S CAT.ARRHATa reWDER will cure the inelpient oold end the most stub. born and chroeio Catarrh eases, It puts back the beauty pink and sheds sunshine in Its trail. "My wife and X were both troubled with distres- sing Catarrh, but we hetes enjoyed freedom from Its distresses since the Arta application of Dr:Ag- new% Catarrhal Powder -it acts instantaneously - res grateful relief in to minutes, and We believe era is AO case too deeply seated to battle it In a DO1.3I71"II7T°:,BEuff:e°t:r1Y.-32 Sold Ity EIYIIILSION :NU KET REPORTS, oats.. Whet .1 3.hceter September 281h1898. per bol)el .• •62 to Eyesight is . .22 to 23 Barley. - .. 00 Peas.. ... . ttt Butter.. • • ••• • .•.. •••li Eggs to 50 tt) Preci si to 6 to 10 .... - 12 to 12 D;013; relPr A: :e. tonel ti 13.: ...* : . : ..' . '. ' ' ' ' . ' " -- , ': $14.4.'6.. O.... '4 :.0.(1) (421'ftt4 090 C 1, i) , I' 348.: OS S: Aleike clover:. ' ..* *. - Timothy wed Oats. Loudon, Septees.:b-e.:: .2.8.'t'li,41.115::(;.11881..tt°0 1;016:821)6: Wheal per bushe ,.. _ . , GT toter ske(T.6. . . ' . ' , ,. mass, ..... a - - 4 to 6 1 Chickens' per lb ........ ool .., 17 to is Pork d,ressed ,.. :' . - .....' $5,50 4to 10.60 Pork live weight -...,....,3% 50 ul3 )1016 new. 51 to 00 44 . to Corn . . :. ..:1° t 313 t ttot)3° 388 48 itye , - B e a im Eggs - a .. ... • - Button 13 ,..... • , ', ''''''''''''''''' 61471 ,0°0°3 titt1tt oo°°°9 " 117161 3°140 Turkeys pee Th„.. . 5e to 76 Geese per lb e la 10 Chickens Cheese • e A . Potatoes:per bag .• • . • SC 101 00 Hay per ton ., .... ,..... , .$ 0.00 to •••••IIIIIII.Il Pork per owt.. ,. ., 84.50 to $5.00 ••••li . iiMIPTION and an Lima DO:EASES, 6,1°EtTliN(i or moors coluGmr, Loss coe AreelgTerig, DIEBTLITY, tbe benefits or this article aro most manifest. By the aid of The ID, & L. Emulsion, I have gottenrid ofa hacking cough which had troubled me for over a year, and have gained consider- ably in weight. T. H. WINGHAM, C.E., Montreal. $0c. and $1 per Bottle DAVIS ex LAWRENCE CO., Limited, M.01{TREAL. Travellers Should always carry with them a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, The change of food and water to which those who travel are subject, often pro- duces an attack of Diarrhcea, which is as unpleasant and discomforting as it may be dangerous. A bottle of Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry in your grip is a guarantee of safety. On the first in- dication of Cramps, Colic, Diarrhcea or Dysentery, a few doses will promptly check further advance of these diseases. It is an old, reli- able remedy, with over forty years' of cures to its credit, whose merit is re- cognized everywhere and one that the doc- tors recommend in preference to ell others. - Sold by medicine dealers everywhere at 35c. a bottle. Always insist on the genuine, as many of the imitations are highly dangerous. V strins Encouraging Results Follow Proper Feeding There isa wide diversity of opi- nion about what constitutes a good cow but none about the beneficial effects resulting from the use of FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. OLD AND WELL-TnniD REMEDT.—Mrs Windows Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothersfor their child= wbile teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, eoften e the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy Lor Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste, acid by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask, for Mrs Winshrw's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. THE PIONEER LIMITED Is the name of the only perfect train in the world, now running every night between Chicago, Milwaukee se: St, Paul and Minneap- olis via the Chicago, 11111wa,ukee & St, Paul liailway-the pioneer read of the West in ad- opting all improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of passengers. An illustrated pam- phlet, showing -views of beautiful scenery along the route of the Pioneer Limited, will he sent free to any person upon receipt ot two -cent postage stamp. _Address Geo. H. Efeaftord, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, lll. TT KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND "L'L. DR. A. It; KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extracted withouepain or bad. after effects. Office in Fan - son's Bieck, West side of Main st., Exeter. DR- AriDiPSDN,(D S. L. S) DEN TisT. . Honors graduate of the Toronto verses. mad Royal College of Dental Surgeons af Ontario. All Bridge work, crowns and Plate work done in the neatest possible manner, A narmloss tuntesthetio for painless extraction. rhe strickest attention given to the preservat- ion of the enteral teeth. Office opposite Cen- tral Ilotel Exeter, Ont The case of Sas. Dudley, charged with shooting P, McKeough, G. T. R. baggage master, St. Marys, on May 30th last, was tiied at Stratford Wed- nesday. The prisoner's sister produced papers to show be bad been an inmate of Wayne Co. Asylum on getting out was not heard from until the shooting affair here. His name was Eugene Hufley, not Sas. Dudley. The case was referred to the Lieut. Governor and no doubt the prisoner will be placed in the hands of his relatives. (Thief Young was a witness at tbe CUCUMBERS,MELONS, BEW.altE! Ycu may have an attack of Cramps and DiacLcrii after eating them. Just keep_on hand a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild S tram 1-inI y end amen safe. It mires Cramps Colic, Dituaboaa, Dysentery and all bowel com- plaints. de/aaitWaeWitattdaWkaWItaatleal ALWAYS SEEP ON HAND o4 women suffer than tell their To noon at is 0. per. all Womb thly-inregu. of 3alt women Days are getting sherter,-...6„,:' qrn11,2, Nights are getting' Therefore it is necessary that you hall Alsre that are exactly suited to your eyes. Our Optic' again and prepared to give you the best expert ----, NEEDED, lrei FITTOjeweUe, ton, 'Tama ton, Mornings preferred for tesfierit':::, tag. ntiely worse The destrue- 1s. equal to 000tsoosa•o-oo•o-o 000tacKs • The Ready=to= Idea e St. Lueld The Island aecityep l easiwi yat le, the re- • .P ivw° oth-1 Itieheri PI FP aea a cul- ls what gives Shorey's Clothing ith the 'square That idea should suggest another to.; 014‘hrelpin. op.s The saving of half your Tailor's to find Shape is, Tall and. Slim or Short and Stout, Sh.orey's SIVIe 8Ptrt ahe Ifintaeclf It does not matter what your still be a Tailor Made Man. Clothing will fit you and to all appearance you wM .ia.bigitty°Iteoaasve;;t See that Shorey's Guarantee Card is ill, -the;:d.a.remesutarlohyeaceint;t, pocket of each garment, it is worth remembering. leeossmpo::oar.... That it means Satisfaction or iustry. The your IVIoney Back.le.the ship-, Hea 1P01. Undeda Children .0=. I 4PJf.' marters.:: And Furnitmve Ad, R. N. R033E'S Everything up-to-dat e. Largest stock eyer shown in Exeter. 14.—RO E dren' f a a iS az - - every Or, esaprer. ▪ a011, . • Ian Exhawned in the ad Killed by ComPalaladla , B ES'1 from Seattle, Wa., says: Drrtic Dick's iood Purifier o The Bowman, of Bridgeport, muadered in Alaska last ---- le 'snowstorm, BEEF. 1(1 Johnson, of ' was almost in recca when his ID rvii he sank down -"kJ-neon, who was coRNy, went back to .h blew out the is rains with a re- cA A'rrible story that tot e ! Calf, ed from Alaska. ssed the deed, 1 a short distance We would recommend tho . One ab • was ever ever ssumed he _ Ipx. If he woarr-° 100V0ar JOHN'S neatly,"- wtal'Pe*" SU[WN. as a tonic, appet- izer, blood puri- fier and aid to thorough diges- tion for cows, sheepaedhorses when they are put on dry fod- derin the Vali. It assists th.e organs of the stomach to extract all the nutriment from the food and puts them in good strong heal- thyconditioxr forthespring tirae. RELIEVES IN 00 itilirelLITIESs A MAGICAL 1.1.PE.8AVE15. Mho moat pronounced symptoms cif Inert disease are palpitation or fluttering of the heart shortnets of breath, weak or Irregular tithe, smothering spells at night, pains In region of heart. The brain may Do congested, causing headaches, dizzi- ness or vertigo. In short,. whenever the heart flutters, aches or palpitates, it IS diseased, and if life is valued treettient must be taken. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is the only remedy yet discovered which will always _give relief in 80 min, eta, and cure aheolutely.-28. Sold by C. Ltra-z, Exeter. SONDOL_OPENIIIIiit 2 0 AM full line bright of SCHOOLSBOOKS and every School re- quisite at fresh and BROWNING'S Whore the Scholars aro always used well a i 5 , LEEMINO MILES & CO.. DICK & CO., , Agents, Montreal, Proprietors. ganrtrinrirtn.nru=trtrutru 2501s. .end 50Cts. a Package. enaz THERE IS NO NINO OF PAIN OR ACHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, THAT PAIN -HILLER WILL HOT RE- LIEVE. LOoK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB- STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE , BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS .ib SON. e/etsilaCKIVit —274mlar 1-011 will find at Bissett's Wareroom the following line of Agricei tura). Implements !BERING DEES, MOWERS, ROLLER AND I3.ALL BEARINGS, STEEL suLK sr RAKES. Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators Disc and Diamond Harr owe Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, Ere The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewieg and 'wringers machine STOVES. -ffaus0--- Gurney stoves and furances. waggons 114uggies Bicycles. The Chati.ain Wa,ggon and a )full, line of the celebrated MeLatigraip Buggies. a A YOUNGi GIRL'S ESCAPEI3is a Saved from being a Nervous Wreck BY HILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. For the benefit of Canadian mothers who have daughters isaio are weak, pale, run down or nervous, Mrs. Belanger, 128 Rideau Street, Ottawa, Ontario, made the following statement, so that no oneaneed • suffer through ignorance of the right tamedy to use: "My daughter suffered Very much from heart troubles at times. Often she was so bad that she could not speak, but had to sit and gasp for breath. She was so extremely =vele that her limbs Would fairly shake te 1 tremble, Frequently she would he,v4o school; and finally sho grew so wen t: .1-e were ranch alarmed about her hes ha. I gave her many remedies, but they did not seem to do her any good. Then I heard Oa MilbUrnat Heart and Nerve Pills, and got a box of them, and they have indeed worked wonders with her. I can recommend them very highly ag"the best Vernedy 1 ever heard Of for complaints similer to those from whioh ray daughter suffered." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills never fail to do good. They cure palpitation, faintness, dizziness, smothering eensation, weakness, nervousness, sleoplessnese, enact - raiz, felnitle troubles and general debility. Sold by all druggists at 50e. a bOX or three boxes for $1,25. T. Milburn & CO., Toronto, Ontario. LIWRIVER PILLS act on the system in It4IL4#1,, an easy noill nnitural Manner, removing Ail poisons and Ina. giuriltin.ea They cure ConsitiOnii tlen, Stat Headache, eillinuso Imago Dyspepsia Sony% St01.1 non, eltiOndice ond COIni lait. Price 26o. t tme by IT.C. Sachs, -'11,8 T. Calhoun, of , s(..1 °I 6,01331, too, nearly -1)41Qt: from suffering froin Co UGns, COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to USO WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is also a. reliable remedy for children. We manufacture WINAN'S LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, SORE THROAT RHEUMATISM I.1`..TFLUENZA. Also WIN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches Ou horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LUNG SYRUP, 0 LUTZ A Suit of WoLnes or.a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. ,You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. 3. SNELL never disappoin its hi patrons in any of these. A, large assorttnont of Fail at Winter Goods In 'Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we wiD take much pleasure in showing them to yOtt. There are many bthorlines that are tpeciany C two. A Man 65°'6'risliaolil•dderecidf He is ansisu,prerfptgre,:rp.tt:iosii, tafix,)ter. buying your Call anw.d. ex.amjinoe e de - WITH SPUNS Fl.ellyw 0 nd- 0,154t who Comes et itohn; SPRING eaalers in , erre is oa ones 1°' wrapper. first havens. Disinarck !tile box - ons to honer.' "11 tlo Ma) tent We are in the va,t;?10 tha.t is desirable idtliziu.. Let us show you $11.00 Farley WOI'Sral, the newest o1orin6A" Remember t ovoptcr,, best suit for 10,00.14 he el be bought in GIVE US 2S,. pn