HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-9-15, Page 5*4 Cures talk" In faVor ,Qf HoOd's Sarsaparilla; a as for no Other inedi- . cine. Its great cured reeorded in truthful, convincing langtiage of grateful men and women, constitute its most effective ade 'forth:ling, Many of thee ourest are mar- l/01mm, They have Won the confideneo Of the peoplet have given Hood's Sarsepa. • 2Illa the largest sales In the world, and have made necessary or its manufacture ;the greatest laboratory on, earth. Hood's Sereaparilla is knoWn by the cures it hes suede -cures of scrofula, salt rheum and teezema, cures of rheinnatism, neuralgia. and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, Byer liOubles, catarrh -- mires which. prove . Sarsapariua. is the best -in fact the One True Blood Purifier. „„ cure liver ills ; easy to 110011 75 PIIIS nate, eaey to operate. 250. DICKSON & CARLING, Harristere, Solloitors, Notaries, Conveyancer, Commissioners, Etc. Money to Loan at ea and. ,CFEXCE, FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. I. B. CABLING, B. A. 7.. 3/, DIONSON. A member a the firm will be at Hensall on 'Thursday a each week, .?..,...••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,,•••••••••••••.•MINT•01.•••••••... Money to Loan. We have unlimited private funds or invest. anent upon farm or village property at lowest rates of interest:. DICKSON& CARLING, Exeter. Farms for sale A. few good farms for sale cheap -Money to can. Apply to JOHN SPACKMAN ' PARI1 TO RENT. Good farm) to rent being Lot 5,con. 0,Stephen• in good'state a cultivation. Brick house, two :frame barns, horse • and cattle stables, school across the road, church and post °dice 31 miles, Possession given immediately for plowing.. Null possession Oct. 10th.1E98. Apply personally or hyletter:to. SAM% MARTIN, 1 mo Exeter. Farm for Sale. Con. 9, ut Blanshard, 103 acres of land in ctato of good oultivation„ well underdrained, •.6 acres bush, 500 rods board and. wire fences, good youug orchard, frame house 3020 ft. leitohen 213x18 ft., barn 883136 et., wagon -house tex22 ft, and other out buildings, hard and. soft •evater very convenient with -windmill, withinil miles of post office, achool and church. Fin further particulars •apply to the proprietor, ef1T0MAS THOMPSON, Woodham, P. O. For Sale. 33riek Blacksmith shop,frame d-wolling house ol and half an acre of lan,in the village of Whal- on, township of Biddulph. There is a good busi- ness done in the shop; on the Premises are good fruit trees,and small fruit,good supply of water, gaud everything convenient. Reason for selling, the proprietor is going out of business. For further particulars, apply to, ' -WM. OGDEN, Whalen, P,O. Farm For Sale. — .A. good Farm for sale of 100 acres of land in the township of Usborne, being lot No. 8. on the 11th concession and lying on the east side of the Exeter and St. Marys grew:arced. •This es a inost excellent farm for fall wheat or grain of any kind. There is a frame barn, stable and shed on the farm but no house. There is also a good well of spring water and a ycrung bearing ;orchard end about 85 acres of land under culti- vation. For furt,hor particulars apply to 'ROBERT ORRERY. S13, lot 12, Con. 10, Tp, Xishorne, WincholseaP: 0. • - Farm f r Sale. 'The undereigned offers for sale his excellent farm of 125 acres, being Lot number 5. con. 12, Hay, coMprising 100 acres, and the West guar. ter of Lot 0, con 11, Hay, comprising 25 acres. This isan excellent farm on a splendid road. 1:1 miles north of the flourishing village of Dash- wood. On this farm is an excellent frame 13:smiling. with [kitchen attached : first class bank barn, =Vet' failing ;well of water, good ;orchard with °holm varieties of fruit. The fermis well fenced and is in 'a high state of ultivation , is 5 miles from Zurich. 11 nines from Hensall station, 9 miles from Exeter. Churches and Schools convonimit. Terms easy. For particulars apply on the premises or to Da,shwood P. 0. JOHN VOELKER, Prop. anted Az experienced -male teacher holding a first or second clase certificate for School Section 'No. 1, Stephen. Duties to commence lst; January 1899. Apply personally or by letter to the undersigned stating salary with •testimon- ials 00 01 before 29th inst. WM. BAKER, 4-1t, Seey.Trotts., Exeter P. 0. Estray Sheep Strayed onto the premises of tho undersigned, ou or before July 2011 last, a white Ewe with a black head. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take the animal away, HENRY EHLERS, Lot 28, North Boundary, '1'ownehip of Stephen, 4 -et. 11- miles west of Dashwood. N mtice. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be told pursuant to the Ontario Voter's Liss Act, by His :Honor the Judge of the County Court of the Ceunty of Huron, Crediton in the Town Hall, on Monday the 19th day of Septem- lber at 10 o'clock, a. an, to hear ani determine she several complain ts of Orl'OrS and omissions ftt the voter's list of the Municipality of Stephen ler1898. All pen3tms having business at the Court, aro ?requested t.0 attend atsaid time and place. CHESTER, PBOUTY, Clerk of said Court, • Dated this 23r1 day of August. Notice. Notice is hereby given, that a Court will be theld, pursuatt to The Voter's Lists Act, by His Honor the judge Of the County Court of the e0ennty oe Enron at ToWnship I1al1 Elimville, on the 20th day of September 1893, at, 10 o'clock m, to hear and determine the Several com- painte or craw and 01111,88101IS in the 'Voters' kids of Municipality of Usborne tor 1803. .dllItersons having business nt the Court; are required to attend at tlme. said time and place. 3)rited the 20th day of Atignst 1828, Wralleis MorleY Clerk, of the saiaMitnicipality, Children Cry for • fro• .g TOO „DIFFICU LT AND COMPLICATED FOR ORDINARY MED- ICAL AID. Paille's Celery Compound is the Mighty Rescuer. --- Mrs. Forsythe says "1 a.rn pleas- ed to recommend Paine'S Celery Compound; believe it is the best in the world.' • WellS & Ricbard$911 Gentlemen: -For two years I was in a low condition of health, suffering from nervousness, fainting spells, pain in the head, stomach troubles and loss of appetite.. I was under the care of two doctors, brit received no benefit from their treatment. I also used two bottles of a resommencled patent med- icine, but no good results came. I was then advised by a neighbor to use your wonderful medicine, Paine's Celery Compound. The us.e of this marvellous preparation soon produced the very best results. I am glad to report that my health is improved in every res- pect ; I am stronger, sleep better, and my appetite is good and natural. I am pleased to recommend. Paine's Cel- ery Compound to all sick- people, as I believe it is the beSb medicine . the world. Yours truly, A, FORSYTTI-E, • Manvers, Ont. Government in Dread of •a Pro- hibition Victory at the Poll. There -is evidence every day in Mon- treal to show that the Laurier Govern - mentis in Mental dread of a prohibition victory it the polls. La Patrie, Hon. Mr. Torte's organ, throws off the mask completely and publishes an article written no doubt by the Minister of Public Works himself. The article appeals to the farmers with the state- ment that,the distilleries being closed, a profitable market for barley, corn and other grainswould be lost to the farmers of Canada by prohibition. La Petrie also states that the farmers shonld not lose sight of the fact that total prohibition would entail the failure of thousands of canning estab- lishments add. throw at least thirty thousand employes out on the street. Mr. Tarte's temperance friends will read the conclusion of the article with pleasure: "Farmers who wish to avoid the evils•of drunkenness in their respective parishes have the means at their disposal for protecting themselves by the adoption of a muni- cipal by-law prohibiting the opening of saloons and the sale of liquor in the limits of their jurisdiction." The above views have been brought about by the news from the different portions of this province to the effect that the French-Canadians are not giving that evidence of hostility to the cause of prohibition that was generally expect.ied of them. On the contrary, it s be- lieved that it great number outside of the cities will vote in its favor on the 29th of the month. Those who know also say that the Government hare given the leading. liquor dealers here the positive assurance that no differ- enee how the vote goes, prohibitive legislation will not be introduced. French Conservatives will vote strong- ly for prohibition. • BIRTHS. SIMS -In Stephen, on the 10th hist, the wife of William Sims. of a (laughter. tss. HALL -At lefonnt Carmel on • 13st inst. the wife of Edward Hall, of a son. SCOTT -In Seaforth, onSunday,Sept. 4th, tho wife of Arch. Scott, of a daughter. LIGHTFOOT-In McGillivray, on the 7th inst., the wife of John Lightfoot, of a son. ROLTZMAN-In Crediton, on the 5thinst., the -wife of George Holtzman, of tWius, son and daughter. _MARRIAGES. O'FLAIIARTY-SULLIVAN-In Parkhill, on the 7th inst., by Rev. Pother McCrae, Dr. O'Flaharty, of Mt. Carmel, to Miss Sullivan, of Parkhill. MURRAY -11,1cSRPRRY -.AI) the Manse , Exeter,on Sopt,Lby the Rev,W.Martin,Poter Murray to Miss Mary C. 1VIeSherry both of Ray township. JARRETT-UPSHALL-In Exoter,on Aug. 31 by the Re v.If. E. Bray, Nornian Jarrett to Miss Ida I7pshall, daughter of,Geo. Upshall, all of Winebelsect. STRAITH-CANTELON-In Clinton, on Fri- day, Sept. 2nd, at the residence of the bride, by Rev. Alex. Stewart, Mrs. Peter Cantelon, to Peter Straith. HERRINGTON McCONNELL-In Blyth, the residence of the bride's father, David Me. Qonnell, on August 21s1, by Rev. .A. McLean, 131analutrd Remington, of Rullett, to Miss Lily McConnell. HYLAND-ATKINSON-At tho residence of the bride's parents, St. Marys on Sept. 7th, by the Rev, Henderson, Elizabeth A. Atkin- son to Robert Hyland. conductor on tho C. P. R. British Columbia. CROCKER-TREBLE-in Exeter, on the 11th hist, at the residence •of the bride's parents, by the Rev, W. Waddell, Roger Crocker, of. Toronto, son of Richard Crocker, toWri, to Miss Veda, daughter of William Treble, of 'Exeter. NAPTEL-WILLIS-At St. Lukcesfehureb, Rali- fax, N. S„ on the 30th of Aug., by the rector, the Rev. E. P. Crawford, Adolphus F. 3. Naf- tel, Esq., Goderich, Ont„ to Henrietta, eldest daughter of the Rev. Cuthbert Willis, former. ly of H. M. 401h and 15th regiments. DEATHS. LEAMING-In McKillop, on Sept, 7th, Jno. • Looming, aged 68 years. BEAVER -In Crediton on the Oth inst., Nelson, son of IVIiehael Beaver, aged 7 years. PATTERSON-In Winghomi, on August 26th, Alm Patterson, aged 74 years, 11 months. 13ROWN-Al Motherwell, on Saturday of ter - Mamie, wife of John BreWn, aged 25 Years. • MANSBRIDGE-In St. Marys, on Tuesday, Wlllfam .Mansbriclge, aged 73 years, 3 MODOIS. HALL—In Strattera hospital Of typhoid fever, • on Monday, Sept. 6, Isaac) .Efall, aged 62 years 5 months. GREENWAY-At CrystalCity,Man ,on the lath inst.. ',Phonies; son of Ron, Thomas Greenway aged 3L years, SWEET -In Morden, Man,, on the 71,11 hist, Mary .Ann, Wife of Richard Sweet, aged 29 years, 0 months. • NELSON -In London, .Sept.ilth, Liege, daugh- ter of Itoeheforci and ATIO NO19011, aged 22 years, 3 menths. DINNEY'-In :St. Paul, Minn. on 13111 inst., Dinney, son of Charles Dinney Croditon, aged 28 years. BALSDON-1n Downie onlericlay evening,Sept, • Sna, Mary, rend of the late Sohn Balsam), aged 02 years, 8 In on ths. • flASII-In Son forth, on Sept, 711), ,Agnes, fourth daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Edward Cash, aged 20 years and OnionthS. CHARTERS -XI) Ashland, Wineonsin,on Atilt 26th, Elizabeth Oandisit, relict of the late Wm. Charters of the XIII Road, Tuckers/131th aged 31 years and 6 months, SEC:ORD-In NOW York, en the 611) ind Edward &Ord, Nephew of Edward r gtd 00 Years. TH4 4.XES..4113, TIMES Fall Fairs, -- • 00clerich, September 27, 28, 29. Western, London, Sept. 8 to 17. Norther», Walkerton, Sept', 14, 15. • South Huron, Exeter, Sept, 19, 20. • Huron Central, Clinton, Sept. 20, 21. Tuckersmith, Seaforth, Sept, 28. North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 22, 284 Turnberry, Wingliani, Sept. 27, 28 East Vilawanosli, 13elgrave, Sept. 20, 80. • Morris Blyth, October 4, 5. • net Vnron, Brussels, October 0, 7. 1111,37, Zurich, September 21, 22. • MI tehell, September 27, 28. Smart Weed and Belladonna, com- bined with tile °thee ingredients used in the porous plasters, makes Carter's W. & B. Backache Plasters the best in the market, Price 25 cents. Sale Register. TUESDAY, SEPT. 27TET.-Farin stock, implements, etc, the property of John Salter, lot 5, con. G, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. sharp, Harry Brown, arid. SA,TURDA.Y, SEPTEMBER 17TH. - Farm, farm stock, implements'etc., the property of Prudence J. johsis, Si lot 2, con. 4, lIsloorne. Sale at one o'clock. See bills or apply to Dickson & Carling, Exeter. MormAy, OCT. 3RD.-Va1uab1e farm of 100 acres, being lot 11, con., 9, Hay township, the property of the late Andrecl Hey, at the Huron Hotel, Zurieh. Sale at 2 o'clock. Ed. Bossen- berry, arm, Jos. Snell, Executor. dr PROSTRATED, EXHAUSTED. NO SLEEP—NO REST. LL do. not appreciate the vrords of John G. Saxe, who sang, "God bless the man who first invented sleep:" But appreciation Is not wanting to those who have suffered as Mrs. White, of Mara Tovrnship Ont., wile became so ill with lierv one troubles that, to quote her bro- ther, Mr. Donald McRae, a well-known re - df that illustrious section of North Ontario: "My sister had not slept a night for over three months. She could not have stood this much longer, and It was only when death seemed Imminent that South American Nervlue became the good phy- Eiden. After taking the first dose of the Nervine she slept all night, and gained In flesh until perfectly well, and has now no sign of nervousness." This is a wonder- ful medicine In the severest cases of ilex.. vousness, and the greatest flesh -builder to be found anywhere in the world. -25. Sold by C. LuTz, Exeter. SCHOOL OPENINGI ----w014350--- cbl A. fail line, fresh and n bright of SCHCOLICONS ancl every School re- CO 0 quisite at BRO NM'S 'Where the Scholars are always; used well RS The Leading Specialists of America 20 Years In Detroit, 250,000 Cured. 1.11 CURESTRICTURE Thousands of young andd, middle-aged menage troubled with this disease -many I unconsciously. They may have a smart- ing sensation, small, twisting stream, r,. sharp cutting pains at times, slight die- „„t charge, difficulty in commencing, week f? organs, emissions, and all the symptoms of nervous debility -they have STRIC- TURE. Don't let doctors experiment on you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing you. This will net eine you, as it will re- turn. OUT NEW METHOD TRFIAT- MENT absorbs the stricture tissue; hence removes the stricture nermanently. It can never return. No pain, no suffer- ing, no detention from business by our method. The sexual organ s ege strength- ened. The nerves aro invigorated, and no bliss of manhood returns. EC RE GLUT Thousands of young and middle-aged mon aro having their sexual vigor and vitality_eontinually sapped by this dis- ease. They aro frequently u000nsoiou3 (lam cause of these symp ternS. General Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Allem- ory, Irritability, at time Smarting Sen- sation, Sunken Eyes, with dark envies, Week Back, General Depreesion, Lack of Ambition, littricocele, Shrunken Parts, de. GLEET and STRICTURE maybe the cause. Don't ootsult family dodos, as they have no experience in these, speciat diseases -don't allow flacks to experiment on you. Consult pecitilists Whehave made 111110 titudy of Diseases oirMen and Women. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will peal- tivoly cure you. Ono theurand dollars for a ease wo accept for treatment and cannot. ou re. Tone 3 Died orate for a cure. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and curet =snows. VA atOOOBLESYPHILIS, STRIOTURI1 filIPOTENCY,. 8 MORET DRAINS, UNNATURAL MOTU RH, ES. MONEY BLM)DER Dietaves. CONSULTATION FREE. BOORS FREE. If tumble to ell, Write for QUESTION BLANK for HOME TREATIVIENT, 30.1azo. KENNEDYA KERGAN Ger, Michigan Ave: and Shelby Si K • DETtaorr, MICH. K 84 ki 0009,000000$4.escsersosise Heart Spasms DR. AGNEW'S OUR FOR THE HEART A WONDERFUL LIFE-SAVER. No organ in the htlkOan enatose3' tosleY whose diseases cau bo more readily. octdrorathdaitsteotyhoorsye OLsthembaottrt-ttla aznetnole to proj, Om; inept, If rI)U bays palplta ion Or an term , rt- nette Of breath, weak o lrregupir pu sweljing of feet or au los pa n in the ftdf , topkic I Um- clen05^,07 Of theta In 1:11 0 Ilea t dis- ease. o matter of be )64,11 gtOudiP4 Dr'agAiYit"riona1gaAoqr04 trg1 cul-tsh:7(3triY -aesirolyzacts;a 01Y,twt,0,1 vyprorl: re for the a svo 'esse,ea d g. IVA* Wliltewood, Guarantees roliel In SO minute., Sold by 0. Exeter. EIRE coNsumPTIo/Y and alt 3XJN4 101$,EAA31S, or BLOOD. €011Glik. LOSS APrEnTE, DEISIXITY, the benents or this article • are most manutrest. By the aid of The D. dc L.Emulsion, I have gotten rid of a hacking cough which had troubled me for over a year, and have ganied consider. ably in weight, T. H. WINCliAM, C.R., Montreal. SOc. and $1 per Bottle DAVIS Se LAWRENCE CO., Limited, S R "My little boy, aged 7 years and 15 months, was a victim of Scrofula on the face, which 'all the doctors said was incerable. To tell the truth he was so bad that I could not bear to look at him. At last I tried a bottle of Burdock Beied Bitters, and before it was half used he was gaining, and by the time he had three bottles used he was completely cured. I cannot say too much in recom- mendation of B.B.B. to all who suffer as he did." JOSEPH P. LABELLE, Mani - wake P.O., Que. There can be no question about it. Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal for the cure of Sores and Ulcers of the most chronic and malignant nature. Through its powerful blood purifying proper- ties, it gets at the source of dis- ease and completely BURefieadsicyastteesmit from DOCK t BLOOD •1T'ER uarters FOI. Undortaking Furniture At N acrwia's Everything up-to-date. Largest, stock eyer shown in Exeter. NL OWE The Family Botcher Shop • ---FOR BEEF, LAMB, VEAL, PORK, BOLOGNA. CORNED BEEF. CASH PAID FOR HIDES Calf, Lamb and Sheep Skins. One door south of Central Hotel. • LOWS DAY FARMER You will find at Bissett's Wareroore the following line of Agriciii tural Implements BERING 'BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULK Y RAKES. Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators • Disc and Diamond Harrows Plows, and Turnip Drills, SEWING MACHINES, ETC The celebrated Kn all : Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine STOVES.-witum.—.. Gorney sto-res and furance. waggons Buggies • Elloycles, The Ohatbssi Waggon and a full line of tt,j celebrated MeLaughlin 13uggies, • 'BILL tAT REPORTS. Exeter September 1111), 1898. lVheat, per buebel .62 to 62 ..... 0. 0 14i131,!Pie t'ite!)'4;:' " 11Sigaltse, Tceskiesse. ,or 11 I/ried Apples,. •14Pealyic pIlLeto;l..weight Wool.... to Pork dressed . . • . ; 00 te SO. 0 If?) 51(teo 1.00 te 5. 0 'ArinsliUtch(3y1Q5evill: ... : 111150 00 'tto° 15;21 .,,„22 to ...• . 40 to 36) .8 to 59. ., 11 to 14 1112 0 to 10 ....., 4 Go 0 I , t ttg g „.. to 18 London, September 14111, 1808. Wheat per bustle , to 81 • . 1;3:11.13401 0°go 11(090980 to 6t 36 3:9 10 to 11 00 to 70 10 tt oo 11 02 5 to 76 - to01 0100 .8 0.00 to $ 7.503 ., $1.50 to $5.00 Oats.. Pca , „ Barley' , Iluelf wheat Rye Corn Beans Butter Eggs Rucks Turkeys pert/. Geese per It_ Chickens Cheese.. , Potatoes per bag Ray per toll Pork per oat., AN OF.OTINOBNVnx.LT VERFI,FITLY1%1tIESn IDy.—Mr Winslow's Soothing Syrup hes boon lised for ever ilitY Years by millions of mot hersfor their children while teething. with perfect slimes. It soothes the ohild, eoet en s the gums. alleys all pain, cures wind, colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. 11 18 pleaeaut to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the woild. 20 cents a bc)ttle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and. ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. THE PIONEER LIMITED • IS the name Of the Only perfect train in the world, now running every night between Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul and Minneap- olis via the Chicago, Milwankee & St. Paul Railway -the pioneer rend of the West in ad- opting all improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of passengers. An illustrated pam- phlet, showing views ef beautiful seen ery along the route of the Pioneer Limited, will !ie sent free to any person upon receipt of two -cent postage stamp. Address Geo. H. Reaftord, encral Passenger Agent, Chicago, 1.11, tr KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND -kJ-. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. 5011's Bieck, Wbeastasaidttecorfe et of Termite 'Unversity, Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain or as., D. D. S., Honor Graduate i affiegsi.st.O.Exceetiner.Fan- O AtiDiRSON, (D D. S. I.- i..) DENTIST. Honors graduate of the Toronto verity, mid Rorl•College of Dental Surgeons if Ontario. All ridge work, crownsand Mate work done in the neatest possible inanner, A earn -doss arocestbetic for painless extraction. the staiekest attention given to the preservat- inn of thenatural teeth. Office opposite Cen- tral Hotel Exeter. Ont Gottleib S'erner, of Zurich was kick- ed by a horse and knocked senseless, in which condition be was found some- time after% ards by his daughter. LIVER. Titounims, biliousness, sallow cemplexion, yellow eyres,jaundicesetc., yield to the curative powers of Laxa- Liver Pills. They are sure to cure. 1. R. F. Case & Co„of Seafortinhave taken a year's lease of the vacant store in the MacKay block, Clinton, where theypurpose opening out a meat store. Mrs. Campbell, of Varna, passed away the other day, after a short ill- ness. She was over 80 years of Age, and had been a resident of Varna for years. For any case of nervousness, sleep- lessness, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine for the price in the market. rACIIEe/e/WiliOWS/16/0,11,11,, ALWAYS KEEP OH HAND flij THERE IS 30 KIND OF PAIN OR , INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, I, THAT FAIN -BILLER WILL NOT RE- LIEVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB- STITUTES. THE GENUIIIE BOTTLE .„ BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS SON. TOBACCO HEART. HAVE you ) been amok- - ing a good deal lately and feel an occasional twinge of pain roundyourheart Are you short of breath, nerves unhinged, sense,. ?.•,) lion of pins and needles going through your arm and fingers? Better take a box OTtWO Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and get cured before things becoinw too serious. Here's what Mr. john James, of Oeleunia, Ont„ has to say about them : "I have had serious heart trouble kr four years, caused by excessive uee of tobacco, At times my heart would beat very rapidly arid then seemed to stop beating only to commence again with unnatural rapidity. ,, This unhealthy action of my heart caused shortness of breath, weakness and debility. I tried many medicines arid eperit a great deal of money but could not got any help, remit November, however, 1 road of a man, afflicted like myself, being cured by Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I went to Roper'e drtig store and bought a box. When I had finished taking it Was so much bettei 1 bought another box and this completed the cure. My heart bag not botheted me since, and 1 strongly recommend all sufferers from heatt and nerve trOlIblao Oallaea by excessive use o/ tobacco, to' give ldilburn's Heart and Nave Pills a fait and faithful trial," Price 50c, a box Or 8 boxes for 81,211,aU druggists. Milburn & Co , Toronto On, LAxA.LIVER PILLS curt constipation, Dv4netia, POO ..zadiumagemagg.glatwx Wh t \N„ Castor's, is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's preSeription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine • Other /larcotic substance. It 'is a harmless Substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor Oil., It is Pleasaiat. Its grtarantee is thirty years' use bY =lions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates -the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castorla is an excellent medicine for Children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of itq good effect upon their children." Da. G. O. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mars. Castoria. . "Castoria, is so well adapted to children. that I recommend it as superior to any pre- scription known tome." 12 4. ARCIIBIt, 111,13, BroOk/Yn, THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARP, ON EVERY WRAPPER. ;OM RAN 47'U4V STR E ET. NSW YORK rgarakIES 014' 4:‘ CITY. a • iti.es=ast4 ceoz=r...44+ccasai+omecta..H-azzon-Wimm I Shorey's Ready=to=Wear 1 9 Clare Serge Suits. Made from pure worsted. stock, zo oz. to the yard, in weight. • Absolutely fast dy Blue or black. Double wrap Italian 'j iinings. Pullar sleeve linings. In four button sacks. Well tailored and right uo to date. Tailors ask Retailed at $11,00 $25.00 See that Shorey's Guarantee Card is in the pocket of each. garment: it means Satisfaction or your money back." cazzum.4+,.......-E-4-=5.,4-0-,==-C-1+,==a4.14-0=1=4-04.171=A z78 tot' e ASK r0t-I1A. 13,131 LI ,S We would recommend those BEST FOR 'TA BLE .DA !RYA ND FARM suffering from COD'GHS, COLDS, A man is aEtways in the use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy If he wears one of W. for children. • acture WINAN'S JOHN'S neatly fitting We manuf SUITS LINIMENT, an excellent reme- Re is a dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, • Hsisure fitter. SORE THROAT, RHEUMATISM prices are away down. and BRONUBIAL, troubles to SWIM INFLUENZA. Also WIN.AN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AGENT FOR DICICS LUNG SYR,VP. 0 LUTZ Al Suit Of WoLnes or a (Single Gartnent Should Combine now a da,vE3i Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, • Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable plane, and A. S. SNELL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall & Winter Goods In Worsteds arid Tweeds, are »ow on our shelves, and we will take rnueh ileasure in sbowing them to you, There are many other lines that are Specially at, a tsrve. A4 LiVitLrite His • goods are the best, Call and examine his goods before buying. your -FALL SUIT W• JOHNS, The Tailor WITH SPRING FLOWERS4, Conies thc necessity of SPRING GARMENTS \'\1 We are in the an with all that is desirable in the line. Let us show you' our stock of $17.00 Fancy Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember we put up tho best suit for $10.00 that can be bought in the county. GIVE US A CALL. • J. H. Grieve