HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-9-15, Page 1TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR NO.5
IftslasesOok .6111=¢011.110.11
Po you keep track
of what is going
on here f You can
make it profitable
if you care to
For the last few weeks the FALL GOODS have been
rolling in and all the departments are wearing their winter
garb. We can safely, say that our stock is one of the best
bought in the country. , :The best quality for the smallest
money has been our aim from the beginning,and thistidea we
intend to maintain to the end. •
Goods purchased in large quantities, for SPOT CASH and
many instances imported direct and from the Manufacturers,
only have room on our shelves., and the coming season's
stock wilj, we belieire, outstrip any that has yet passed
through this store. We are ever watchful for the best that
is going -pt the best value for our money. In this we are
working for our customers interests, and the building up •of
onr business is performed on this basis..
Just riow our stock is larger, and assortment better, and
pi -ices lower than ever before on
A. J. FORD & CO., Woodham
ef) qeszsit, Sc4,(4‘.a)ciFsZ.SZfe;CikSZSZFANt
Beexavs.-Miss Nellie McPherson, of
Sarnia, is b.ome on a visit to her
•parents. -- The 25th Harvest Home
Dinner, of the Boston Methodist'
church, was held last Wednesday. It
was a decided success, proceeds $80. -
Rey. J. E. Holmes, who preached on
the Sabbath two very acceptable ser-
mons, returned home on Thursteay.---
. XleaseStinson and Miss Mary Galbraith,
of Bayfield, visited friends here last
week. -W. A. Wilson has secured a
situatiou in J. R. Young & Co's dry -
goods house, London. -Richard Kerot
and Wesley McCuchin, of Thorndale,
visited at A. M. Wilson's last week. -
Thomas Paths, who has been troubled
in his mind for several months, was
e taken to the insane asylum, London,
19,st 111onday, for treatment -w. T.
Ulens, Thos. Steevertson,O. 0. Wilson,
_Miss S. Machlan, Olive Wilson, W. J.
Wilson and se•veral others, are attend-
ing the fair in London this week. -
Samuel Herlton has bought timber
.and lumber, and is going to build a
barn this fall, to replace the one that
was burnt by lightning a few weeks
ago. -A. McLaughlin, of Sylvan, res
turning officer for North Middlesex,
was around posting up Proclamations
for the Plebiscite vote on the 29th. --.T.
McWilliams and A.C. Wilson wheeled
,to Hensall and visited friends there
BRIEES.-Attractions for the Fall
Fair, Zurich, on Sept. 22. Messrs.
Baldwin and Morrison to give an ex-
hibition of fancy- and trick bicycle
riding, which is one of the wonders of
the age. Don't miss it oryo will miss
half of your life. Also Professor
• Hagan with his troupe of 28, will giva
an exhibition of fancy marches and
drills. Music will be furnished by the
Zuriclagubilee Brass Bancla"one of the
best bands in the county. Everybody
come. -Quite a number from here are
attending the London fair. --Dr. Mc-
Laughlin, of Dashvvoocl, paid our town
a visit onMonday last. -Fred Kibler
is •in London with his wife, who is
\very low. -The Hindoo Medicine Co.
arrived in town and are giving con-
certs every eyening.-R. R. Johnston
is giving his house a new coat of paint
1 which adds greatly to its appearance.
-elle S. Richardson has a, large staff of
men out in the country packing apples.
He says there are any quantity of
apples. -Large quantities of potatoes
are coming into town. They are sell-
ing at 40 cents per bushel.-Iirs. Rau
is still • on the sick list. -Mrs. Mc-
Cormick has presented her husband
with a bouncing baby boy. -Our local
sports, are getting their guns in shape,
as Thursday, the season opens for
killing game. -Ed. Axt is up and
last Saturday. -George Shank attend.- •around again after being laid up a few
•,ed the Toronto Fair lase week. . days with a sore throat.
The Presbytery of Huron met at, Blanshared Fair at Kirkton, Oct. 6
Clinton Tuesday last. • I and -7. '
AT,?.glige leAlgeAlgilgefigedatliafr
lligealgt141):43fr tigtge4S4111Y4atlatlectilitlfAilier(410
WAV.41;AV /A. .A• Ito IA'. Ito It. Iro Ito Ito Ito Ito •IAN, II /0 to ie. A A
415 I ntroduction Sale
"!$.\':11: Wmchelsea.
BRIEFS, -There are a couple of eeses
• of typhoid fever in the village---Robt.
Neil was taken to the Stratford hospi-
tal last week es a fever patient. -- The
orangeuxen will hold their annual sup-
per on November 5th. -.A. number from
here are attending the London. Fair
this week. -The Plebiscite campaign
is in full bleat here,
BBIEPs.- Messrs. Couch & Roy have
token possession of the store recently
purchased of Messrs, Jones & Halls,
and from the energy displayed by the
new -comers, we would predict a bright
future for them. They are hustlers. -
J. G. Jones will move to Exeter on
Monday next. -- The evaporator has
started. and is daily working up large
quantities of apples. - Messrs. Jones
& Halls have 'purchased many thou-
sand barrels of apples.
Grand Bend.
BRIEFS, -Miss Nellie McPherson, of
Greenwa,y,is visiting at Jas. Mollard's.
---Miss Tillie Brenner accompanied by
her brother Esery left on Tuesday to
attend the Western Exhibition, Lon.
don. --Miss Crittenden the new organ-
ist in the Metlaodistchurch commences
her duties on next Sabbath. - Miss
Lizzie Pollock, of Greenway, is visit-
ing at her brothers at the post office
store. - Miss Matthews and brother
paid our town a flying visit on Sunday
last. -Rey. S. A. Oarriere is -attending
the convention in Clinton.
BEJ.Elos. David M. Hackney last
week disposed of his farm in the south
bouridary, of Hibbert, containing 126
acres, to his neighbor, Thos. Scott,
whose farm butts the one purchased
of Mr. Hackney. The price paid was
$6,850. There are splendid. outbuild-
ings on the property, and frame
dwelling house. - john Duncan har-
bours a stray steer and is ad-
vertising -for an owner. -john West-
lake is now acting postmaster. - Geo,
Stewart has decided to continue his
' farm, having engaged a man and his
wife to run it. Mr. Stewart will move
his family to Exeter about Octoherlst.
-The Usbarne & Ribbert Fire Insur-
ance Co. have met with seyeral losses
by the recent electrical storms.
•FasTGER, OUT OFF -Early Tuesday
moening, Mrs. William Caldwill,of the
Zurich wad, met with a bad a,ccident.
She was °returning from inilking the
cows, and iu passing through a gate-
way was obliged to lower the bars.
She had passed one pail through, and
was reaching for the other, when one
of the upper bars, which are heavy,
fell upon her left hand as it rested
upon the pail, severing the fore -finger
at the first joint. The shock stunnel.
her for a moment, and when she
realized what had happened was much.
surprised to find a piece of her finger
on the lip of the pail. She could
scarcely realize that it bad once form-
ed part of her hand. A physician
since amputated. the finger at the
second joint. With the exception
of the smaller children the family were
at the London fair.
BRIEFs. - Riarties that visited the
Toronto Exhibition have returned
home and. all. express themselves high-
ly pleased with the trip; among those
that attended the fair. were Mr. Hog-
garth, Misses Oaren,Mr. Bell, Malcolm
McKellar, Alex. Miller, Samuel Spea,re
Mrs. Hyslop, Miss Mary Currie. - S.
A. Miller, carriage builder, disposed of
a handsome new carriage last week,
being the last of the season, the top
a,nd trimmings being purchased at the
Toronto Exhibition last year, having
the latest styles and. improvements.
Mr. MeNaugh,ton teacher, at Staffa
7I-4.1 being the purchaser. Mr. McNatic'h-
4. As •
. eve ton is now the p.ossessor of one of the
tn,':' finest buggies in the township, and
syet.' which also reflects great credit on the
...Ter ete builder. ---F. L. Hamilton, who was on
:V the sick list with inflammation is able
4N:•ige., to be around again. -Quite a nunaber
ea, ere
es, sle around here intend taking in the Lon-
don Exhibition.-aA. small party of the
A041 %.14 young people of this yilla,ge spent last
eke se
„Ma eye Friday Picnicing at Grand Bend, they
ees 4 report 'having an excellent time as the
weather and all things in general was
At. very favorable.
Having riurhased the Stock of Messrs. Jones &
Halls at a rate on the $, and being desirous of mak-
. ing 9.1e 'acquaintance of the greatest number of people
• in.phe shortest space of time we are taking the plan of a
'When we will offer the wdlole of their stock at
tlko this section, the scb.00ls having been
tfiC4 RaDRPs.-Diphtheria. is epidemic in
• .• ,14.!, closed this lAreek in consequence. One
ese 41` deathhas occurred, in the ferson of
Commencing Saturday, September Ilth
. And Continuing until Monday, October 3rd.
Space will not allow us to quote prices, but you
will find some of the best bargains ever offered in the
County, in all departments.
We expect that our New Fall Goods will nearly all
be in this week. Purchased for CASH, in the lowest
markets, we will offer a complete stock in all depart-
mentS, comprising
Dry Goods, Groceries Boots and -
Shoes, Clothing, Furs, Etc.,
.04 .•
(Men's Fur Coats and Ladies' Fur Jackets and Capes a
' It:A A. specialty) at the very closest prices.
.444 Hoping to be able to keep up the high reputation of this
Ifr store for good reliable Goods,
eer • :le
. e• * 7. 1
fi.N. 13. -Mr. Jones or Halls will also be in the Store during 0. 7e4
' •••:'
* theeteeft.-14414,-YteesZe3Oleatle.4144,-**,-441,-+.44.kparelabeigAeltegfrekkatl,SeestieetV...0*.t t,
4.41, the Sale. a 4
e eee ifee rev see iree err gee ors IA', Ott, 'Jo . Ito, tot, IA* ItO 4%. vet we, wtO /A's /to *TO vim
• eielson Beaver, son of Michtte Beaver,
aps eeeves, aged 7 years. Owing to the vigila,nce
're of Dr. Rivers, the scourge is under
'lit' control and abating. - Miss Morlock
see ,e.2, has been erigaged by Obits. Zwicker as
teilliner.-John Salter announces the
at. e
• V sale of his farm stock for Taesday,
eat, Sept, 27th. Everything must be sold,
•ti• as 11Ir Salter is retiring from farming
%-•,1 and intends moving to Exeter to re-
' (es
kyfr 4, side. The farrxt bacl been rentedtoMr.
°AS' Essery.
ese :re
ere Man. -The barns on the farm of
. Artuhur lot 14, con. 4, Step-
. 04. e, ben, together with the seasons crop,
Ito •411 ',ielonging to William Senders, who
had the Place leased,were desteryeci by
4; fire Tuesday at noon. Mr. Bedford bad
74' been theeshing for Mr. Sanders, and
while at dinner the fire started, and
ese before noticed it had made sach head -
'45 -4 Way that it was with difficulty the
44 separator was saved. The tank n,nd
tongue of the engine were btirned. A
few months ago the bonse ou this
property was destroyed by fire, one
Sunday while George Glanville mid
wife Were at church.
Alexander Fraser, Miami, Man., writes "
cannot refrain from reccuntriouding Doan's
Hidnoy Pilis to any portion troubled With
Kidney disorder, for X beli'evo it titey Coltid
cure mo they're:1dd curt) any ease.'
Publishers and. ProPrielore
Mt. ,Carmeh
Medenegn.-On Wednesday last, at
the R. 0.• church Parkhill, 'by Rev.
Father McCrea, Dr. O'Flaharty, of Mt.
Carmel, andMiss S II iven, of Parkhill,
were united in the holy bonds of
matrimony, They will reside here.
Hensel!, •• HuronCounty Notes
G. .T. Sutherland, Notary Public Convey 1 11 t
jets. McLaughlin, of Wingliam, hoe Here's Your Chance
b d
een angerous1y or e pas week.
ewer, Commissioner, Fire Insur4ce xit ' t
and. ISSUrer Marriage Licenr
ses. Legal ocu ears. Devine, ...tamer y of 01Ort.
ments •carefully drama atreasonable rates was married hist week to J. J. Her, of
Ivienei to loan on real estate at love rates of in 0.0derich.•
terest. Office at the Post office, Hensall.
A Blyth hotelkeeper was one day
H J. D. COOKE. last week fined twenty dollars and
costs for selling liquor on Sunday.
(Late wale Garrow & icoudfoot) Barrister
Solicitor, Notary Public, Hensall. (Mt. Miss Lucy Steyens has tendered her
resignation as &teacher Blyth public
.school. •
It is reported that Harry Watson,
youngest sou of . W. N. Watson, of
Seaforth, died of typhoid fever ab
Manilla, .
Mr, James O'Leary, formerly of the
Queen's Hotel,Brnssels,tookpossession
of the Central Hotel in Wingham on
Thursday last. •
Mrs. William Taylor, of, the 9th con.
.Morris, died on Sept. 2nd. She was
aged 41 years. She was formerly . a
resident of McKillop.
The West Huron Liberal Convention
called for September 12,atDungamion,
has been postponed until a later date,
not yet decided upon.
George Pluptien, of Winghani, hada
narrow escape on Friday; he was
cleaning his rifle when it went off,
tearing the rim off his hat.
W. Grant, of Clinton, has rented
his grain warehouse to Mr.Holmes of
Lucknow, who has entered into part-
nership with Mr. W. G. Smith.
Egniondville now receives its mail
from the L. H. & B. at Brucefield, in
stead of Seaforth. The citizens con -
sider it an improvement over the old -
On Tuesday, Thomas Shipley, of
Clinton, stepped on a nail, which went
through his boob end clean through
the fleshy partof his foot,necessitating
surgical operation:
The great tug-of-war between the
Counties Huron and Bruce, at Luck -
now Caled.onian games, was again
won by tbe Bruce inen, amidst the
greatest excitement.
Mrs. Margareb Ca,mpbell, of Varna,
died on Wednesday last at the ripe old.
age of 80 years. She had. been ailing
for some time and her death was not
unexpected.. She was one of the oldest
residents of this locality.
Robb. Notely, from Bayfield, died in
the House of Refuge last week at
the age of '77 years ; he was an inmate
of the house since December, 1895, and
was buried in the House burial plot.
On Wednesday Rev. H. Leibald, of
Glenshee, and Miss Lena Martin of the
Babylon line, Hay, were :joined in
evedlock. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. A. Y. Heist. They left for
their home in Glenshee on Thursday.
Oscar Snell, ' of Dashwood, left on
Saturday for Toronto, where he will
attend the Conservatory of Music for a
term or two. Of late he has been a
member of the Evangelical choir, and
his absence will be felt by that body.
ton on Monday. -R. S. Leng,ot Exeter, ; The little store, which included the
is shipping large quantities of apples post -office, blacksmith shop and resi-
from this station. -David Pike intends dence,which comprised about all there
going to the House of Refuge to live. was of Harlock in Hallett, were des-
-Thos. Hartnoll, of Exeter, preached. troyed by fire on Thursday night last.
in the Methodist church on Sunday Very little of the effects, which were
last.-Rev.Ach.eson, ofKippen, occupi- insured for $400, was saved.
.ed. the pulpit in the Preskyterian The paciug horse. Guideless Tommy;
church on Sunday last, in the absence the property of W. Doherty, of Olin --
of Rev. J. S. Henderson, who is yisit- ton, gave an exhibition of speed in
.ing his paxents in Draytote-There are Queen's Park,London,on Friday after -
several petty bicycle thieves in Hen- noon in the presence of a few well
sail. They have a peculiar liking for a known horsemen. Tommy paced the
certain wheeleyhich disappears periodi- half mile in 1.03 and the mile in 2.1%.
catty. - The contractors have corn- John Collie, of Bluevale, died last
menced work on the drain on the week very suddenly. He had been ill
south side of the village. -W. Black- for a year, but nothing serious was
wilL of Hay, left on Tuesday, for anticipated. Congestion of the brain
1VIallitoba, on the Farm Laborers' Ex- set in, when his death came almost
cursion.-Mrs. T. Cameron, of Farque immediately. He was 65 years of age,
hma,or1,1dvaisyi.ted friends in the village on and came to thiaeountry in 1856.
David Beacom of the 12bh concession
.*,• of Rullett had a narrow escape from
losing his barn, thirteen -hundred
The fine bank barns of John Murray
bushels of threshed grain, etc., by fire
of the 10bh line, McKillop, were struck
by lightning last Sunday morning and a few days ago The threshers ha.d
Just completed their work, a,nd were
burned to the ground, together with
preparing to go away, when it was
all the season's crop. All that was
noticed. that the roof was on fire. Had
saved was five horses and two buggies.
there beer. any wind at the time the
Mr. Murray carried an Insurance of
would have been lost without
$1,500 in the McKillop Mutual Fire building
a doubt, but as it was by great exer-
Isn2!5u0roonce. His loss will be about
tions on the part of tbe men the flames
were soon extinguished.
Rob. McConnell, brother of Wm
Mr. Clontine, the wizard of St.
Mc Connell, of Sheppardton, met ;vitb.
Joseph's says "I know good many
every serious loss on Saturday after-
noon last, when a large part ef his teople think I am crazy and don't
now what I 8,131 doing, but I am per -
seasons crop was destroyed by fire.
fectly satisfied that my business is all
Mr. McConnell and Hugh Blake
right. I have about $150,000 invested,
had rented the Findla,y place on shares
arid cantot, supply the demand there
had harvestedthe crop, and were just
is for novelties we manufacture ; r ve
started threshing their wheat when,
a boat unloading in afew clays about
it is Supposed, a spark from the en•
half-a-tnillion brick, and expecting
glue lit on one of the sta,cles, and . a
ilarly as many more for the erection
few inomenta the whole stack was a
mass. of fla,mes. The men worked
of my block." He certainly seems
quite sanguine of the successful out -
heroically to save the grain. but, to no
some other point. avail. It is estimated the owners will come of his venture.
The death of J. H. Combe, occurred
lose about 1000 bushels of oats, 500 The month of August was on the
in Clinton last week. He was one of
bushels of wheat and 10 tons of hay. average the wa,emest ever known in
the oldest as well as one of the most
No insurance. Ontario.
successful business men .o the town,
and during his career of 40 or 45 years
last at the Methodist church, Mr. and I p • Senory, L. D s., D D. Si. Honor Gradu
PrtEStNTATION.-On Friday evening
tate of Toren
Mrs. a. G. Jones were Peesented with
beautiful chair and writing desk as a -. racteil withoutru or had erects. (Mice
to thiveriity, oentists. Teeth
slight token of the esteem in which
they are held by their many friends.
The music was furnished by the Sun-
shine quartette,also anumber of speela-
es were given. Mr. and Mrs. Jones
will live retired in the future in
Exeter. What is our loss is Exeter's
BniEFs, - While working on the
barn of Joseph 'Worden, Matthew
Routly, jr., discovered a large ruby,
much valued on accoune of its brilli-
aney.-Walter Wintera left on Thurs-
day for the Thames Road, -Miss Sarah
Allen has anew wheel, -Peter Coleman.
spent Sunday at Sohn McGregor's.-
Greo. Allen, of Hibbert 'spent Sunday
under the parental xoof,-Mrs. George
and Mrs. Charles Godbolt returned
home Wednesday after spending a
week at Toronto Fair. - Geo. Pulley -
blank sPent Sanday Charles Wash -
The finapcial sbaVeent of the Meth-
odist church, Grant= circuit, shows
the receipts for the past year from, the
three churches bo be -Granton, $370.-
23 •, McIntyres, $205;, Bethel, $125.
Total $700.23.• Mrs. Wilson, of Toronto, visited her
cousin, Miss .Sutherland, the past
The Biddulph Roman Catholics held week, -Mr. Malcolm has evithdrawn
his milk waggon from Hensel', thus
leaving us without a milk vendor.
There is a good opening for someoue.
-Mrs. Urquhart and Children are in
London, visiting friends. --W. Rey-
nolds, of Toronto,is visiting his father,
W. H. Reynolds. -Mr. and Mrs. A.
Murdock and daughter, visited friends
in Usborne on Sunday. -Mr. Wilson,
of Greenway, visited friends he Own
on Sunday. -Miss Ross is visiting her
sister, Mrs. W. MeLea,n.-Mrs. L. H.
Dickson and daughter, of Exeter,
visited friends in town on Saturday. -
3: E. McDonell is visiting friends in
London and Toronto. -F. McDonell
returned home. from Toronto- on Sat-
urday, where he purchased several
fine show casesevad. mirrors for his
new store. -Money is cheap inFlensa,11.
The village .Council borrow it for 3 per
cent. per armune-OliverWhrtes of St.
Marys, was in the village on Monday.
D.T.-Mark, son of Alfred Tiede- -Mr. Vernetta, of Sault Ste. Marie,
man, who was reported Very ill last Mich., is visiting his cousins, Misses
week, died on Thursday evening 'of Ragan. -G. J. Sutherland was in Olin -
brain fever, -which resulted from rid-
ing bicycles. The deceased was sixteen
years of age. His remains were in-
terred in the Goshen line cemetery on
Sunday afternoon. The. berea,ved
family have the sympathy of theft.
many friends in this their sad aillic-
tion.-7. Heesenaur and wife, of Port
Elgin, and Sam Hessenaur, of Walk-
erton, are visiting their sister Mrs.
Wm. Elhers.-Dr, 1VIcBain, of Niagara
Falls, is the guest of Dr. McLaughlin
this week. -E. 7. Hagen and•Miss L.
Williams, of Zurich, were in the vil-
lage on Thursday evening. -Mrs. 3.
Kellerman was in London for a few
days •visiting her sister Mrs. Kibler
who is in. the hospital. -Inspector Tom
paid our school an official visit on
Friday.- W. Heyrock of St. Joseph
spent Sunday with his brother-in-law.
R.IGuenther.-Mrs.. U. Wolfe and Mrs.
F. Wuerth visited Mends in the vil-
lage on Sunday. -Will Young, of
C/rediton was in the village on Sun-
day. -There seems to be some attrac-
tion for Will just now. -Quite a num-
ber from here attended the Western
fair this week. -Quarterly services
will be held in the Evangelical church.
next Saturday and Sunday.
The barn on the farm of Robert
Rooney, in Hibbert, a short distance
south of Dublin, was struck by light-
ning during a recent storm, and with
the:contents, burned to the ground.
The barn contained the whole season's
J. Ireland,of Clinton, has disposed of
his milk business and outfit to B.
Churchillnyho took possession Septem-
ter 1st. Mr. Ireland, who was an
obliging vendor and had a large num-
ber of customers, has not yet decided
in what line he will embarlabut it will
probably be in the milk .business at
OQ 01M0, A -ante every
'Wendel% cominenoing May 30th.
13arelas.-- Clinton News Record :-
"Miss Moore, Reuse% is at the • resi-
dence of Mrs. Smith on Mill St. where,
on Monday, she underwent an opera-
tion for a trouble in one of her eyes." -
Messrs Berry & Geiger have •their
noted. stallioes "Kilburn" and "Raker -
field." at the London fair this week.-
james White has snfficiently recover,
ecl from his late illness, as to take
short walks and drives. -Mrs. J. C.
Wright is here visiting friends; -Rev.
0. L. Mills has been appointed to the
charge of Blyth and Auburn, and will
shortly assume his new duties. -Miss
Louie Moir is attending the Toronto
Conservatory of Music. -T. 3. Berry
has disposed. of his trotting stallion
"Wilder Lee", to his brother, James
Berry, of Tuckersmith.-Albert Laid-
law, surgical doctor in St. Joseph's
hospital, London, and RoberbLaidlaw,
a divinity stud.ent of Toronto Univer-
sity, were last week visiting their
cousin, Mrs. Gavin Ross, of Rodgerville.
-Rev. Waddell was in Exeter, on
Wednesday performing a marriage
ceremouy.-Rev. Henderson and jas.
Sutherland attended a meeting of the
Presbytery in eninton Tuesdsy.-
their picnic in. Ryder's grove, Thurs-
day. A stand. 50 x 70 was erected for
dancing,while 1,000 peoplewere accom-
modated at the tables •and. the com-
mittee did everything in their power
to make the affair a success. The com-
petition as to which is the most pop-
ular young. lady, between Misses leic-
Ilhargey. Morkin and Nagle, was won
by Miss Nagle, who obtained 250
votes, Miss Morkin 225, and. Miss Mc-
Ilhargey, 200 votes, thus $675 were
realized for the watch. There was
also a competition between Drs. Lang,
of Granton and Sutton. of Clandeboye,
for a silk umbrella, the latter winning
by a big majority. $80 were realized
for the umbrella. The priests horse ,
was also raffled and won by Wm.
Hawkshaw, of Seafortia.
Dasheootis •
A Granite Kettle given
away with every pound of
Art Baking Po-wder at 50
cents pound.
Try Our Excellent Snap
A ticket with each bar, and
the person getting the "lucky
ticket" will receive a beautiful
Cruet Stand.
Special value in Prints.
• P. Rolais
Perth County Notes
Five horses died in Members.' last.
from the effects of the heat. •
St . Marys Fair will be held OD Tues
day and 'Wednesday, Oct. 4th and.
5th. •
By-law as to whether cows Will con-
tiuue to ran at large will be voted. on
in Mitchell on October 17th.
Robert Arrnstroug, of Mitchell, has
sold his house and lob to M. R. Moore,
V. S., and intends moving to London.
Mrs. Graham a,ud Miss Creighton, Of
St. Marys are successful exhibitors
with ladies' work at the Western Fair.
Daniel Hart brother of John Hart of
Fullerton, and' Andeeev Hart, Logan,
was killed by a train in Chicago last
weLeeks.ter • Francis, the infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. Bubyear, of Toledo,
fornaerly of St. Marys, died on the 29th
of A,ugust.
Rev. W. J. Clark, Presbyterian min-
ister, London, well known in St. Marys
has received a call. from Erskine church.
John Whyte & Sons intends moving
their Packing House from Mitchell to
Stratford. The loss will be a serious
formerly of Mit-
chell, was married in Stratford on
Wednesday, to Margaret Thb.upson,
• of that city.
The July make of butter at the Sb.
Marys creamery was 65,253 lbs, wlaich
was sold at an average price of 17.20
and therefore brought $11,225,.99.
A young man; Dr. Crane, has form-
ed it partnership with Dr. Hurlburt, in
Mitchell making five doctors now in
town, four of whom are practicing.
Samuel Edwards, of Mitchell, had
one of his hands badly cut in the plan-
ing mills on Friday. It took three
stitches to bring the wounds together.
Will Coppiu of Mitchell has changed
his plans and will run a tailor shop in
Carberry, Mau., for G. B. Murphy, in
place of opening up a shop in Newton,
as mentioned la.st week.
The contractor of the granolithic
sidewalks in Mitchell has finished.
Somewhere in the neighborhood of
55,000 square feet have been laid alto-
gether at a total cost of $6,300.
Chas Whelihan, deputy registrar of
South Perth, has appealed against the
Fullerton voters' list, and. asks that
fiye names be added to the roll. A
nice business for a Government; offic-
The Barnsdale Trading Co., of Strat-
ford, daring the past week or two has
been creating it sensation by selling
bread at 5c per loaf in Mitchell, where-
as the regular baker's charge is 6
A IVIotherwell correspondent says:
The Motherwell B. B. ()tub went over
to Lucan to play the IrisieNine on Sat-
urday last. The Irish would notplay
ball and the game was given to
A very pretty wedding took place at
'Ivy Terrace',the home of 1VInand Mrs.
Wm. Sterrett, Motherwell, on A.ugust
31st, when their daughter. ala,ggie,
was married to Wm. Logan, of Mace
gregor, Man.
While Kew Bros. of East Nissouri,
were threshing at Purdy's just
outside of town last. week the traction
engine got beyond control and raninta
the side of the house doing consider-
a,ble damage.
John. Lang, of Fennel:on drove his
family to St. Marys Tuesday morning
to take the train for Toronto Fair.
The horse took fright at an engine and
ran away, Mr. Lang being thrown oat
and one rib broken.
therehas enjoyedthe fullest confidence Investors and Borrowers •Recei
and respect of ve a Definite Contract
the entire community.
A wife, three daughtesr and a son are
left to inoarn the loss of a good hus-
band and father.
For soiue weeks there has peen a
movement on toot for the establish -
merit of an oppositioft telephone co in -
pane in Seafortli. Now the announce-
ment is made that the fighb will be
carried into the electric light field,
and that an opposition plant Js to be
established there by the Northern
Electric & Man uEaturing Com pen y, of
Montreal. The that remelt will be a
decided, cut, in rates, and the estehlish-
ment of an all-night service.
Itenry Roney, 13rd con., Ribbert, met
with a serious loss from fire Sunday
morning, His largo bark barn con-
taining the year's crop, was steuck by
lightning, and in little time the ivliole
Was it heap of ashes. Ile had just
threshed, but had not Marketed his
grain. Ray Ana, everything else in the
place Was destroyed. The adjoining
buildings were saved with difficulty.
All his buildings and contents were
insured in the Ribbert and Usborne
for $LOW, so that his loss will be very
heavy.. ' During the same merning
SohnlItlfour bad a floe steer killed,
and a big popular tree near Tienry
'Idiom's bon was split in tWo With
the liaktning,
CAPITAL,- $5,000,000
SUBSCRIBED--; $2,723,000,
PAID, -- $468,175
(lncorporatod 1891)
Building & Loan Association
There is nothing better offered in the way of an investment than the pertnanent Stock in this
Association, which is still selling at par ($100) per share and a fixed Dividend at the rate of 7 per
cent per arm= paid each half year, on the ist January and tst July. The difference in the earning
DOWet and Dividend paid is credited to Reserve Fund, and Investors participate to the extent of a
further cash dividend each five years of 50 per cent of such Reserve Fund ; as soon as $500,000 of
this stock is issued it will be withdrawn from sale.
The Association gives a definite mortgage, has no auction sates or bidding for loans. These
are made promptly and can be repaid without cost after two years. Before coinmitting yourself to
any investment or completing a Loan, write for one of our pamphlets which fully explains the
principles upon which our business is conducted.
L. D. VINCENT, General -Agent,
exetero Chita AO*