HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-8-11, Page 7vr E B2CE"rit 1VE 'LEGAL. etleellegthelle- -/e,,,leesaillellaelergeo, iteide . in e coal piti4e until sufficiently hard, arid, to Caw the seat to diesolve. . . . A te ale end of 04% tilne the working • PleY he finished, whee the sett should be thoreUghly mixed, • thus Prevent- ' streekineess, and • all seperfluous water removed. The dreresalting of butte,. ' t t I 'Or' ' b ' . .ed$ eon ore er evt, using nee, should, alwaYe be folleveed. ' " The 'granular' condition of the lAitter SwiVollea labr6OCeP8SreS08fIrN°1(0411,C' ttni'lgr°, 4'igIlhi°44°'t(14.91bae done. by working tne butter .with, 0, Ore:Wing, net a subbing...or .drewing-:, aetion-rubbing or drawing spoils the. textiere. •Any injury . to the grein spoils the flavor, aPPeerence sha keep- ing quality, of the butter, ' Never use the hand,s in working but- ter...Tile beet of the hands' will spell . the flavor and. texture, and the lfl- , . . .. ,. sensible perspiration coming, from thte skin wilI deeomPose the, butter. . The regulation of theteraperatere by , the use of the thermometer ie* of the greatest. importance, aerie as a . thner- =meter costs but a shellmg no dairy should. be without one. ' Better should be packed value firm . , . into neat,: white wood packages, free from smell and flavor of any kind end , lined wt. i e, be,st vegetable, parch- ]." d 'tl the '" t ment. A. neat and elean peekage, no • 0111Y appeals at °nee to the eye, but enhancee very ro.uolethe value of' good. butter. • When a fixkin is not filled et once, the top layer of the butter al- ready in it ishould he ecraped off before .. adding. a new lob of butter. If arrel einem Ls used; see that ' bti the hole for dravsring off ,the "butter- milk is at the opposite side from the opening, through which the cream IS • • d in the eihurn• have also tinned, . 'wood. •hands" for mak- shallow' Pans, . ing butter and for taking it frore churn. a keeler, thermometer,. and • a .. , . . supply of pleat muslin for .strainuag. In large dairies a better-vvorker should always be provided, . ., • All milk' vessels' and. muslin. should be wee as soon ae ossibte after using b,y 'first eineing,it P cold mr- ater,. then , , washing with hot water, and finally acaldins ;with boiling water. After this • th'e' vessels should he thereughly • dried and pet out in the air. Thefehern before being' need sliould be first scald- ed with boiling water, then scrubbed with salt, and. rinsed. with cold water. . . - • aaelaaweetealesee„. •....,seseejesse . liereetseerY,, Put them into se jar tend lneeh them with a enrooden ' , .. • 4,, ;,,.i '.„,,.. . . , _ „. , -----' 1 , 1.1,-DIORSON 'Barrister, Soli- •-e-4 • otter of Sapt.enie 0 oarb, liotaeY Public, nonveyeueer, Oetatulsoiollero " 'y Allmov to Leant .., • ... . 'olliceiii • ausoieseleek, Exeter, • v, 1.-1 cobidNi ' 1.1.4,• ' . . , . ' t arrister, Solioiter, Convirmiaer EU. . ., . , l • Pi ICETE R , . 0s T. ICIFB110E e, Over QlsTeirs Balik. • 1[1.4 1414101 et GliADIVIA.Nt .., , larristors S Caters Nota,ries Mlles 4 ) • t , ' Conveyancers etc, &AL . e ree•Miettey to Loan at s°,/ and e/e/ 0 ..i. 0 oPierbil . MAIN -STRIelliTe EIXBTglii ' , . 13, ,V.131,3,10T. F. VF. GLAOMAN. • . ...me ; . On the Farm' ,• A ' • - • , l'' ' , 1014,14.461114111/014110--, -141.4„ * ing • , • tans :voit .)3urarc-m-AgiNG, , , The, geVernOre Qf the' rIVIlenster (Ire- lene) Dairy same end eevieeitue, . , al Institute reeentlY iSelled eoPle VerY, terse directiona for...me/king • butter. vehieli may be of interest mud( vein's tO et ',.. 0 .s.t. dairsmen. on tuts sale oe.' elle water: The Best essential tel. vood. butter- 1 . . - . .- . making is theough cleanliness, as dirt either On the Oollf in, the claire', or on , the utenSils is sure, sOOn.er or later, seriously , to affect the butter. . Before ' milking, moisten ' the cow'a , udder with a little clean, cold water; , - ..... , he HotrAe • ' ' ' etben, place the jar le a kettle et boil-, lanegt 'elloltAnaol.'t, 4'ld'o,,Ileeltemti4t)talas elottertorapart ottreemooterteatootstoo ewe 0, ,, • _ .0.400640,.. lows' • W.i LAUND,HRING WIIXTB SHIRTS- etelle:a°,•elligiboelYg' eneugh to boil, 'Waste put into the jelly b to d " . ' ' • ' Seine- houSetrives wash the 'sleirts 1 it iithlierer:gourlerfo‘lw, az nun, 7`-''‘Pelitain the juice or !Aunts/ quince% . crab apple end grapee •it is. neeeseary 19.44 ,PAO/ .911m:-...'......."1.''''''' , . • to i''' Ma" 4' twh, .ratillavicitelt4slotalineareweaavwei ceok them. They ' shOilld be prepar- e'u.lm---wn- 1 T. HAT., ti theln' seParatelYt ' 1Vhetho.r." ille,, lat- ter method as 'adopted, put' ,theme., • in a , tub. the tight before they 'are to be ' '.-re -- • • eiadins4n"e*dn:elltetdrie•nwind.thc000nh. le: e.inno:gPilzerwo: , , t" t•° eesh theM, keePing the kettle olOsely eovered. e.Coole u.ntil tender, --- , - - FAC --SIMILE ,, wasseed, With plenty of elear water to but no loa 1 ' • '' ---..------ a" - ger, as ong coehing renders sissuann, omen lemma rtuliiitliVitrimin eeve'r 928-ln, and let them aoaig- In the ... . . . morning put on a boiler a seit-water. Passethe clothes the wringer the jellY dark. •Remoye from the .11re , wilen teeder, wa,eh them. viehile hot, tarn them, into a jelly bag .and• 4110W. - , • . • kregetableiNgParaikirifirAS- Siinitating thgloods Regula- Si °NATURE ,throuth into the second to, we'd when the wee .dtilisehj.11iol tfoirlf,a6inra.iduetoot.44.e. lelayisheon,bwtaairne- •iilitilieStemeeke }3oWele of OF— ', . — ter has heated:, eerier it over thereeWash . them, through this, using plenty of ed by ,straining the jaice through a white flannel beg. • . .... _ MEDICAL . *^—^.-_,.., and dry With a rough' elean cloth hav- i ing previously ruhpee the, eight hank , • 'good. , The fruit should ` not squeezed Iver' or other white seaP, Com- , . . . e . Mon Yellow soap contains rosin, which turns white clothes yellow. Put the shirts, into the boiler. with good hot and on _ suds,• d let th ' ,.boll ten minutes Do not them they should heee . be rreIeftzlehicirtahretifiargai, but eitjuisicebeetvtiell.btoe squeeze this iitl a separate dish eird use it making marmalade. It is easier and. safer to Measure the ..P.11,06 and .sugar than to weigh them. o.......,..... . irswom.........,' , proradtesmesttoragegef... 'gess andRestkontaitis neither ieeP-Poittri:6-$.;Meten6rPilicneee.11°T;rral.' t IS ON Tli—.,9.1 ,..k ___, bRwevf eSIIVB`liSelef. B. TORONTO TINI , TeRari.e., M le C. M. 'Melte' Maser iiitY• Oinee--Orediton, Ont.. , and udder or straw, sei.vailehtelvisl) of elea'n 'Ii','Y , ' . P TOT:3a any loose. hair or dirt into the milk: S.ROLL1Na& AMOS. . epoxide offices: Rosideneo en:0100a former. ly, Andrew st. 'Offices: Specimen's builder,: Inein st; Bre-teems' same as formerly, nortli Seer; Dr. Ames" same building, south door. J,A. ROLLINS, BI. D.,- T. A. AMOS, M. IS - Bxetee One , getting . . . - . Milk quielely and g,ently, 'having pre- , vieusly washed. the hands. Dipping the • • • . fingers into i the. milk is a filtdly. prac- tice and reeults' in a. 'constant drie- ' • - • ' •ping of dirty liquid into.- the , milk, . , orowd as n Y 0 room an water o Ale I; f .d. t 'obtainAPPER the hest results. When, they are clone take them eet, into 8. inb..od' 8,1941,.. water to Make them ,cool ellen& , to. . . handle, Tub them threugh this,eand rinse „through two waters, wee 'clear, the other just blue enough to make ' . • th„. em. aad White:. Insufficient .flave three one holding one- half of e pint, anothe,r holding a pint and .a third holding a quart. , Always usethe aerate measures. The .general rule is to.use n pint of sugar to a pirtt ee emee. en making apple .and quince . , jelly 11 allow a "rounded half pint of sugar to (Wert pint of juice. , • 43oll the jum "in a porcelain -lined kettle and do not cook more than twe ...-.....---,.....,..—.—........ . - ' , ' • -79efieef0M-Vr . . - 21wield'n Seed- " elifeeneweir • ..74(Aateihkree- • A/ham/ • ° rindit .. • - 04,844aloto Ono See.4? - . off &gar • • Aaron . , . 3: . . . • ' ' OF EVERY BOTTLE OF • w., BROWNING- M. p., ivi... o • 2., EP. S,.eleadesee Vlotoria fluivers ty J r. Sales and esidence,nominiou Lebo a bey •Exe ter , eetusing the milk to turn sour and bad ' .. .. .. very rapid:11v - -.• Milk the last drop from 'each cow. . , . The udder 'of each cow. shol4d,be strip- T)R. FLYIWIYIAN, eerOner.for tie -a-- Conley of Huron. Oface, oppeattit Dariine'Bros.store,E;cetar. ,* pad. after the .general milking is fin- • h d .pla,ced ".Strain ,clear rinsing will leaveethern stieaked., Hang them lin - * 1 oh the e In the sunshine unt 1 dry. . ' , . . l'he cold starch should be partly pre- . . . . , , , quarts et a time. Use the best grade of sugar. Measure it and. put in a n and. t in the v n With the door Pa se e ct e e open, to'. heat, stirring it occasionally to prevent burning- Boil the juice , .slowly for eight or ten nainutes, ,aired . , , . AperfeetReenedey fee Coeslipa.e time Sort St011laCh,Diarrireeel,. mr..ormslAnvuisions. Yeverisit- nessancl.;mssor SLEEP, ---*. ---'. 1 , ' 41 s 1 Di :-.. , - .:e. t 2-, • e •• AUCTIONEERS. . the railk from ettch cbw im- • • ' mediately after milkingethrough a few 171 .BossENBERRy, General jel,, 114 • cense(' Anotioneer sales oentiected lU allparts. Setisfaationguarausette. Charges measrate. HensellP Q, Out: . • . folds of clean manslin and into. 0,00°1- er, which should be always kept, where • • possible, outside ' the cow -house and . . from th'e heap,. When all Ps.redslii the evening before YOU wish .to use it. This is done by putting then add the hot auger '0,s seen 8,s it . dissolves, remove,the scene, if any, and 'in -----. , , . , . • c•Simile Sigiteture Of ' • three tablespoonfuls of starch into a ' r,voi_e3a six tablespoOnfula of 'war- ,. test by dripping a. little ex bowl of ice cold water. • If it goes inernedi-; ately to the botione. it is cgoked enough. ae.e/erete.- 'NEW. Ar0111C. d ORStOria is pet np in one -size bottles only, It PANitY EILBER Licensed Ana. ALA: tioneer for the Oonnties (it ['Wren umuillafilesex • Sales conducted at mod- mate rates, omoe, at posh -010e area.. on Out eesseestatanteseees.tesemeeeesta away manure il' d t at once be tinned iron are m ke , se shallow pans, at e • depth of from! two 1 • • • ' to four inches in summer, ands four to - • . • six inehee in winter. _ ' tel. ML thoroughly, and cover it to keep the dust .out. Next morning add ' ' ' the t h more water, stir until e s arc " Boll the jelly molds in hot water and fill them while hot. When the jedly has cooled a little do not 'allow it to' • e cold, cover the top of the jelly with •e• ti r •te ,. , ,.,,, "I is not sold In belk, Don't allow anyone to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it • u is just as good" and "will gamer every per- Az- 8ce that get O.A-8.T.O.R.I-A. • is smooth, and pet in' a. drop Or two of 'bluing. then. take a piece of soep .a.ne- .t , . . the rub i . between the hands in e. starch till tlie, mixture is frothy like soap get writing paper cut to fit the glass bead sprinkle • • thickly with powdered sugar. Paste two or • three. layers of writing paper Over the tops of the molds. ',D .o • .1 EXACT COPY' OF , WRAPPER. s ' , pose" yeti simile is oa signature f..........-oseanee ef oaety of•.ereppar. VETERINA.RY. •,. To obtain 'th'e best results from sl3a1- T . . ennent nent ' & Ten ' EXIMillt. ONT., • ee IC 4f. low Settine th'e milk should be set di- .. , • rectly it is taken from ,the .co*. . The dairy should. be kept as nearly as possible 'at a tereperature of 58 ....lege and should be dry, well ventilated, surrmind.ed . by rare air. ' • Skim off. the cretim with. a tin skim- suds. little. Am arable dissolved in. A g water and added to, the starch Makes it • . d not use the tin eovers unless rats and 'enice liable to trouble the • '''..".' '' N'''Sgf;"'",1, . r' ,.41.,teqf - `1.190:10,07W `,4ertif tenree' • e. et t • ' GREW FOOD 'FOR, STOCK. In Summer • this treierely. - .,, Et pasture ta. -onor a xed, notly to provide flarge , 'fo ' wth wh n herd; but also' maire gro , e , the land ha,s nOt• heet suPplied with f cl.' • tli f f or oo , in e . orm o manure 1' tlf fertilizer. Some farmers re rave . e pasture from. close and constant crop- ping by growing some kind. oe green , . , , - crop, such us sweet corn, oets, or sow pea$ . the cattle being turned. the .. g.on . 'other, crops when .the plentS are young in pasture order,. to , take ' them off the. pas hang enough. to, give the grass a start. As the .crops so grown can be used at •t • ' b ii li t t• any stage i iequires u a s or time 41. provide such' green. food for. the• stock ' But little lebor is required, the land being stirred:with a disc oultiva- t • d th . or, and the seed broadcasted, an • e lane then rolled. The cost of such a tem orar cro is 'but. little while the P Y.. P• . . '• • rest that is given. the Pastures will be Of .great service to the 'plants. If there 'lade:tiger from tya.mpling of the green food ,it may. be- cut a,nd fed to the cowe. A mixture of oats and as broadcasted. together, has, • long been used by some farmers,"but any kind of green crop will answer, as the ob- ject is to take the cows off the pas- tura, and at the same time 'provide a su s i u. a grass in. a manner no . b et t for ' t to diminesh the yield of milk by the „,‘• •.' SHEEP 0.N ,CLEA.RED LAND. • • • • Wher.ever .Woodland is cleared a flockAnd • of sheep is extrenaely valueble to keep the °leered soil f rom being overgrown . • . , • . With bushes. weeds and shrubs' which • .• ' ' ' usually eorne Up in the fellowing years. • • It is desirable, to.' get eth,le cleared land. • • --• bl VII it In graS,s as moon as possi e. When is enceseeded down it ma* be paStur- ed with sheep all •throu.gb, the stnimer, . . . not only without injuring the grass, but positively benetiting it, as • thetitan, .ewill devote most of 'their tinie to slaeie trimming down the beishe,,s and ' eat.. ing the leaves whieb shade the land. To shrubbery, an excess' of '.sheep should: be put in the cleared lot, and these mast be fed, some grain, so as. to make their browse . diet..digest better. ' ,GINN/N I BF GS W. TH POULTRY, , . The. dbmestic fowl • is ' Veri'prolific„ and, ei k • ' • , a ac . can be made to increase . . . . , . . • rapidly if care is given. To 'begin eanth five • hundred or a thousand hens, re- quire large capital at the 'at a r t, as the fowls must be purchased .and. suitable 'ffi- buildings prepared, but it is not. da cult to ,secitee large flocks' on limited .que capital if the beginnirtg, is -made with a few and the number grad.ually in- „creased, . as the increase' of the flock .is aisle an increase of capital. A flock 'of liens returris'an income dail .tlius , Y, assisting to provide capitol; at • the start., f stiffer. Dip the collars, cu es and. shirt bosoms in, one at a time, and be are jelly . .12 the jell& lacks firmness when cold, Place'it in the- sun a day Or two and it -will th stire that every thread. Of e' linen. is harden in the cups-. Jelly skfeuld ---- saturated with the , starch. Roll UP tightly, .and let them remain. half an hoar before ironing. ' - • ,. . • .0. - Youe iron board be covered be kept in a cool, dry dark place.: When you 'have trouble taking the roll v Out of the mold, place the mold : - hot for few the 1{A.VANA'S IRTFEL PLIGIIT 1 9 • -ft CARTEPS , ......s......-t,lax -rev-, rtsdneteroithe ontario vosertuery a e If 5 , OFFIen : One door South orrowii Hall. .....................,jelly at the. end of:twelve' hours; but as neer . - .plant all the cream will not have risen: hill's time., the nailk should. be 'again skim- ehoue with se.veral thiCknesses of old blanket, then with white •muslin,. all of which in water a minutes and, • will come. oat easily. MORE DETAILS . OF THE SIJFFERING Iiil ETTLZ 14-Ast - zo' ' . TliE 'WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURAN 0 ic 0 0 . . , Established& n 1.803 ' • • ' flEAD OFFICE - WATEI?L00,,ONT ' . !Ibis Comeany hes been over Twenty- igh 38881 'in • in successful. merino!) in We:tora enturioraed continues to i nsure ago.' na tiose or ' dairoas by Fire, Buildings, alerohanales 11.1nputootor1e8 and • all other descriptions of liefentla a property. Ls ton di ag eisu rote have thcootion of muds:con the Prolutiten &toot. Cash System. During tbe teat .ten years this company hits Issued 57,00.Polici es, covering property to the smount of $40,872,038; and Paid in losses alone - S7%752.130. . Assets, SI.70,104.00, conse•stine oe Cash ittPaek Government Deposl Land th; unassos- 13 cd Premium Notes on hand and in fore° J .N1 AVALIncx, M.D., President; 0 M. 2 x-rhoit J.13. Iluomts, Inspector , Cues %.a...11.1.1,,, Agee t for,Exeter a nil v loluiti med. ' at the end of another twelve y after .aper- hours, :and ,finall' third iod of twelve hours has elapsed, or '• - . • • ' ' . three, lames in thirty-six, hours. The s kintate.r should, not be perforated, and, in skimming no drops should be allow- - ' ' : .,. .. ' .ed tcefall back ir.to elm pen. In taking off the- lest layer of cream special. . - . . , . care should ' be. taken 'not . to remove any skinemilk. • . ' $tir cream Well. as each: .skimming is added to the cream vessel, So as to •• • • insure even ripening or souring. Never mix sweet with' sour creara itamedi- . ately before churning, as .thls causes some of the cream to •escape with the• , are stretched smoothly, and - securely , tecked to the board.. Two covers may be made like Dillow `slipS 'except, that • - • • t . they are larger' at one end ban the o the and. a clean one slipped il A BOSTON, ALCHEMIST., •""'", a . Bre Claims to Know the eeeret of Mailbag 'Preeiousesteites. IN THE CAPITAL. .--,L, , — , reed sod at three Times the FrIces Fillmd - .. , . by the Government -The .Insttrgents Al- ' • low No Fresh, VegetableS . to ,Ueack the , - a 1, - t 4( board every ironing day. They should i e. board per eetly, an e put on fit th • ' f ' ' d• b t sothe seems willbe at the edges ..of the board: lA second board; the Size and sha a' of hirt b me a d 'c overed . .. °se. " u • . like .the first is also necessary. 13egin try ironing thesneck band, then feldtheba.ck and iron it, then the cliffs, sleeves and front of the shirt. When ready to 'eon the bosom, slip the ,small board inside 'the shirt, and press the _ -_ . , .. t - ft sort smoothly . upon 1 .'Web• a so 00• white rag in hot water. and rub the surface witterteto rearieveeany stayen that may adhere to it. Iron until it is, erfectl dr ressin the iron . to ' P -t th Ycl • yd.P r h g It ' give 1 e desired po is . Is a very simple' process when understood, and a little practice will enable any ote to obta,in satisfactory results. . . - .• - A Beaton upholstexer.'has turned. ma- . . , gician. and. says he kuows how, to make sapphires rubies,etc s good as those ' ' • • - ., a g - - turned out by nature. .. , . • . , R b h' h His name is Albert J .. •u. y, „ve le may /18,Ire Something to do' with his ' penchant for preeious stones. ' But so knows helms not pro- far ee any me .. dewed any. gems, of the first water' yet. , " ' . • " His ownaccount a rOby and sapphire. • , making is given in this brief and vague manner : '`Last ' winter," gays Mr . for B:,u.by, "while looking' for a solvent• . carbon with the idea of separating the -. carbon afterward and reducing it to , City -0 Vold Ilexes awned. at Swear& Recent' isau a of the Havana news- . .'e • ' papers' shoe,- plainly the tru e • . truth f the I reports con,cerning the itarvieg oon-) dition of the city. 'The' editorial from • . . . . '• that La Mario cht la Menne, declared . 50 r cent of H vane's 'working peo- per • ' a . • ple wee starving to death. A glance at the price list in he same newspaper • ' ' ' t . . . gaves convincing proof that one of the • • official organs of the Spanish Govern,. • - ment in Chiba is not lying.• • : ' 4 • The priees given in the market report are those fixed by the Government, which , has been atterapting by • law to place food within the reach of all. But _ ,...._ as the Diario frankly confesses, 141°9 - Stekneadacheamdrelleve dent to it bilious DizOness, Nausea. eating Fain in the ' el reniarka e success 9L..-- , - ileadach et CARTER'S e, 9 are equally valuable 1!•11c1prev.en they a ting thisapnoyigeomlaint, so correct stimulate theIlver "Even 12 they only Ache they woilld who stiffer from but fortunately statee DrowsineseeDistress Side, has .. all disorders and cured be almost this their e allthetroubIefan I- of the system, sueh as atter Oke. While their most beenshown in curiae , aege , L 113 Liven PILLS in Consupetion, curiae while. .,, of the stomach. regulate the bowela.. e• - . prIceleas to those distressing complaint: goodness does not end N.LtRIFF.," i BEANS. II . • . vEnvE 7311A-l'ib 40.3 94:1N9." •uo" corery that cure tag worst east: of Nervous DebilityA Lost 'Vigor and ,'a0'2,3,3.21rtirorVor 'itte8...11 by oreeeork, or tpe • errors or 010, 7.hls-Romedy buttermilk. All, oreant for churning NV,;1111Sel OUTS 8101.114. be Mixed a,t least t ' h before churning., ' To .obta,in. the best results, oreem . 8 s eg y &Old for c ureung. alinuld b I' latl • - - ' h ' ' — - coma of youth. ab., Mutely cures the, most obstinate cases when all other 2.REATMIENTs have failed even to relieve. Sold bydrug., tists at $1por package, or six for Se, or sent by mane% receipt of price by addfeSsingTfIE ;AMES enenrceena co.. Torooln. On:, Wri3o-ie,r .” .,Ii:.1.!pt. 1,-,,,I,1 i„._ • t ,S.:cld at 13rownine s Deug Store Exeter ' AS aeldity develoos • ver rapidly • - - . - y 112 summer, particular Care, should las tak- et tretard..'t t th • '— i a e , eloper stage. 0.....,i. If allowed, to -get too sour, the flavor and keteping quality of the butten will , be - spoiled. , ' , • THE LINEN SUPPLY. . . . . It .is a very good idea to have a lib - eral supply of household •linee. Enough so that there will be no danger in run- i short, that it will not be n ng and. so - necessary to wash towels, sheets and - • table linen only on .the regular wash.= ing..day. . . ' - . et - • • . • • ' :these is econom in this plan also • ' as linen will.weat longer if not lean- d.ered so often and will certainly look better. Napkins and towels hastily washe • ou. every •few ays, soon get • •line. sieluble, heedfand fusible form, by the way, I was trying toenake a diamond, I aceidently• discovered. the secret of orYstallization or the making- of the • alurninous precious stones. rubies, erne eralds, eto.' • . 'yet Mr. Ruby seems to possese thScalia o er. meritsbesides the ear -mark el a crank. ' Ile is a student. He reads toarty vommee in the public. library which are not called for by othter 80- . A le. He ise.perfectly ' certain of • his P . ground. and. swears by his ideas, though they .laaye not yet meterialized any preeeetes. stones. , • , "But," says Mr. Ruby, "I am far ehead of all other experimenters in -this I p,ossess the secret of crystallize- edicts have been futile. The foe d is in the hands of speculators. When the Official decree, for instance, puts the Prace on. corn meal at tWenty-two cents 8, pound in gold that figute must be , doubled or trebled to buy the conimo- ditY. Following are the Government Prices: Rice, 15 cents a. pound; flplar, 10 ; corn meal,. 22; potatoes, 15 ;• lard., 30 ; ,twosti oil, 35! rtnAfi 1, 9A • , -----s-, ....... ; Teas., 10 ; ccmdensea milk, ,per can, $1; _salt, 3 °eels; oni- ons, ,35 ; corned beef, a half, c.an,.`70;. one-half can of fish, 60; sweet' pota- toes, 15. • . Before the blockade saveet •potatoes sciati at 20 cents for twenty-five pounds. here, and those who once these little pilisealt able they-erill not be wfiling • But atter all sick head i , , . • I , efa 4' ft" / bane of so retteillives 1 we make our great oast. 'while. others do not. VARTSn'S LITTLTZ LIN= andTery 'easy to ta a. dose They strictly' not OwrilF01,33t;,g,tlirt, Eve for$1. .8old everywhere, CIABT1111 MEDICINE , 13..1 pm, 1.11 p..- try in so many to do • b A that Our PIUS ne or vegetable . th ir ify,'xi,,,,,,F3 or co.; llowl'eile • OM thorn will lind ways that without thene. , . '" bare is vrhere pills cure fit arevery small ' ills make and. do anti° action . .at es center sent by m8,11 ; , , 'Keeping the er.eam cool by placing ' De 00 . W 414 • 9 '" , No r• ••••• t , e.. e ..) . AdC . PINE , . THEMOST PROMPT .. ., , .; Pleasant and. Perfect Cure for Coughs, Colds Asthma ,. , 13ronehitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whoop- Bronchial and Xiang Diseases. e D'S te - , • . 'Y 0 , . the- cream v I in. .vely oeld wetter, CS.Se • - • O will prevent ltd getting oo a ex. To. sour Or ripen' cream .for elinrn- , . ing in winter,heat it the In:8'4100Z even- ing to a temnerature .of 05 de . ' Fah. - - g• ' then add a little. eour butter -milk er skim -milk (free .from any bad flavor); wrap the cream vessel up • in flannel or brown paper to keep in the heat.. . Next moening fit should be sufficiently ripe. . ; • • • The exaot time when creem. le ripe .can. only be . determined .by the , taste, and ,a.knowled.ga of the exact , flavor • e , • Inc icatin.g perfect ripeeess by Practice; consequ.ently,all butter -makers should atten•d. the lebtures• given . in their districts,. to recerve a fuller explana- Lion of this important part of butter- ' To heat cream far. ripening or churn- ing, place the orea,ra vessel in alarg- er vessel containing hot water not keep the 11 tth to leek dingy and will no give. e which isat the bottom of the, The insurgentsare active in Havana.. -. - • •satisfa,ction that the work. performed' more leisurelY,.will give. . . ,A. good plan ' is' to have year table • -. - - . . - linen in S4S and use tnem in rotation.. T.his ideacan also be carried out in the splashers, seails and. Weer toilet ,acces- Whole thing." . . "I will be the first man," he says, "ancl perhaps • the last .ina,n, to make a perfect spinelle,ruby, sapphire ruby and beryl emerald. A person might spend ,fifty years with book learning, trying to find out, hoer t� melte , these pre- province and prevent the planting of , any crops. They allow 'no fresh vege- tables to reach the city, - .. Another incident 'giving an idea. Of 1:lavana's terrible plight is an account .in the sarae newspaper of the arrest of anegroivonian who was found cook - -------.. • 9 u FIE --, . . N r RAG R ANT, \ - e ••• D E L IC i 0 U 5 \ There -should be at least three ' sheets * for every bed: with one .extra, for every two beds. • Children's beds should he more bmintifully supplied.- Pillowslips ti • . should be changed freclelea Y, • esPecl- centered on, .one line of thought,' hie time would be 'Wasted. "The line of thought which leads to success cornes from God. With . me it • ' ' * • is only a, question of a short time to - belonged to her and its flesh was all- She conk get to eat. • . The same newspaper reports that the insurgents on • July 9, attacked the V-1' - I a' plantation,. 'near Ca.pire, Santa e .- e -•-• , The healing anti-consolnptiVe virtues . of the liTOrway Pine are combined. inthismedicine with 1.3.rild. Cherry and other pectoralllerbs arid Dal- .samg to make a true Specific for all forms of disease Originating from colds. • /Price - 25e. and 50.0.. exceeding 120 deg.; cream stirred until 'the required temperature is reached. 0.ream should be churned as soon as ever the ProP.er degree ,of ' ripeness has. been reaehede - •• , , • Befors. churning„hring thb create to • ' the. proner temperature, whish in .stine• .mer' shciuld be from 52 deg,to 88 deg, and in winter from 58 to,,62/ de g• Strain .the cream into the churn ally in waive we rile]. .. A half dozen towels for eacberoom should be provided, and this will not be too many. .S/11011. towels are Preferable as they stay clean fully.as long as larg- , , ,. t a ' h er ones and. are easier, o laun er. T e. towels fair the bath, however, laerfeat or bring a stone to a first class condition and have it pronounced' • a gonuine stone in every ' way. ' At the start, I propose ' to turn •out 1. ur- Di -tea t, e , cau. se we , ou on . grainof glass of silica, . in it, chrysolite and other opa-• forins. They can be in Clara province, where' the Spaniards had a strong garrison, The Spaniards made a brave resistance, but were -com- pelled to retreat as the Cubans ;were in large numbers. The, fight •lasted three hours and twenty minutes. A guerrilla. force to the aid of the. 0. INSEA DCA • ,1 ‘1, LE Db,. i'‘) , 14 , ./. UNDER PIE SUPERVISION, v? ex 4e Kvo-c" itA P L Turkish can .not be too large. As these tWwels do; not require ironing, they are good to -help out when the supply runs low. Good. sized roller towels should' : be in the kitchen. These will be prciduced squares, heart's, crosses, or in the shape Of beads with holes in. them, and they will be the fad for a generation to 'eprae,,e • • . came Spaniards and. they captured several pacificos and killed Fernando Pena and Gerardo Garcia because they could not give any information in ,regarcl to the insurgents. 66 MONSOON" TEA ... as packed under tho upervision of the Tea gi.owars, a p o o and is adv resod and 'sold by the as sate I I the best metalities of Indian and Cmoylon 'Feas. FOr that reastln they see that none but the very fresh . tbrough coarse straining " or cheeee • 41nrse...,uorrxm.,-,..winarx.tookartrzer,,son,, .. , , UEAD1VIAKER'S ' vatemsnri , iik,. . HEVES FAILS Te OW .SATISFAOTION Vis " grew •A01,to "'" ed 8' qtal EfiltP-I • cloth until .half full. Comrnerice churnin at ; 1 wl • g i inn s o y at first, ventilate frequentlY, increase the speed gradually up to from .4o- to 4.5 revolutions per minute with barrel ehurn, and slow again towards the fin- ish. .0. ' Great attention. should. be .paid to used found very convenient and if a clean. one is put up every morning it will. ea not be herd. to tell how many are ne - teci.to supply the feinily. . , , Tablecloths aildnaplainsshoeldeneVer d 'led Ac- - be allowed to get very ha ly,spi . . cidents freggently heppen wheeeby.cofe ....- •. A BARGAIN IN HIGH LIFE'. • , . • • . Mr Highup-You said that , . . a. thing would not cost over 050 , , _ , _.. e, • , . ..k, '01-rs• • •hughal-Pa-1 gars , eicaecey s" for it; but, then I.,paid. thd modiste $20 , . 2f,6 he. mere. e 'a:promise o ell everybody At La, Arnionca plantation several pa- - mimes were also assassinated, among them a woman and two children. These .,.. . • etanisla. forces were under the come mend of Commandent Gee ono Izar • • • . . ? ' chief of the district. The insurgents remained at Vila plantation unmolest- leaves ability Monsoon packages, . „ • e t That Is why Monsoon, the perfect Tea, can b sold at the same arias as inferior tgn. e . - . ' It is put.up in sea/ed cede= of % 1b.,1 lb. and albs., and sold M three fleVOUrS at #0c.,50c. and 00e. ' ' T STEEL, HAY TER & CO„ Front St., *route. A 'LONG- BRIDGE. • ' ; ' The propoeed iren briage ,ever the ,ver ou e . en ra te• eeraii_Daria Ri ' ' th C t• ' 1..A. ' •••' • • iE1,11 Railvvay, Wolild. eSplatie 'a wcioden. bridge'. built when thee.rDrects-Ca,SPlan" Railway was built. ,- The site is about. Merv. . s e 130 - '1 rth ' ' t f ' A tli ' ini as no , eas , o, , verfloWs its banks' the hew riv.or 0 • • bridge would be .13,867 feet, or. maims -6. '3 miles long aua 72 18ot. abOto tile ., , normal water le.vel to keep clear Of the drift exerting down.. The estirent- ,• , . .. .. ., . _ ,.._ ed total case ,et tne bridge le $2,50e,UUO, and a Reisman firm has' secured -the, eantract tor tee metal work., The bridge will prObably be conimenced this suulula- • • • ' ciHE EXETER TIMES es published every Thursday morning at. - "limes Steam. Prilikillisr .110fiee Mien street, ne0ri9 OPPosito PittOn'sJewelry ' store,10xeter, Ont., by • JOHN' WHITE & SONS, ProprietOrs. ie.:eve ov envetzersixot ' First inser tion, per line - 10 emita , lilach subsequent insertion, pot, lino3 cents To insole insertion, advertiatemeuts should Le sent in not litter then Worliketeleyntoinieg,,'. P , Ir".• Ove.7013 PRINTING DEPARTIVLENT is o to : (A it. iarge6t and best dry ii ipped. in the Oottn-ty of Emote ,A 11 work entreoted to 118 willre eeive our prenipt attention, * .....-. . ,. ' 'Recisions negardiret Neweelleere. ..,,Any pnvinn who takes a paper regularly .1 or another's; cm whether he has sub- oae or not, la reepomible tot payment. • r -If a peroon ord ere his po per illecon tilt it ed. pay oll arrears or the intlillither inly dioue te and it un til the payment is meth), then oolloot the, vvitele amount, whether paper is taken from the office or Sot. '--En 81113,Plfer ell bFleri pi Ion :3, tke Knit IllaY be ilituted lit the piano 11 hem the paper ispule hod, o.,itheegit the subscober rneyereside lichees ofilillo4 nwn,y, • ,. ,.. . ,i --The comes hae•e deckled that romping to ko newspapers or eoriod leak; '1' 10111 th0 1/0.4 ee, or removing end leaving them 'uncalled lip: a, a prima, facie' evidence of intentional "'And. the time for stopping the churning. This should be done 'when the butter. ia n.otic.ed - to be in very fine grains -- presents e appearance. of when it' th ' 'very firm meal and Milk mixed. Some very cold 'water should then he added; to reduce' the. temperature to 55 deg. This hardens the 'grains , and prevents there. getheeeng into a lump, and also facilitates in° removal of the better- in go on un- milk, , Churniod may age' • ' • til the grains are about as large as e t - 'At th- is • li • " ur. nip seed. , IS S 8.ge c toning, should. cettee, as further clouting will not increase, the yield., . but will spoil what Le already, natiae,, . . . " Draw off the' bettermilk through a hall sieve; arid pour on a sufficient am. stunt of pure cold water to float the ,, a;„,,, -,,ti• trivn ' flin 0.1•0•0 .1) ii, fAW sharp turns, alter which draw •off tb .----e watee. If ishe butter. is far' keeping, iimeet ' title two or theme times, other -:Inlet .- ' . wIse 0 ne, or at most two washingoevill be. vite 'enough. Too much wash- ing takes away the • dance -Le never of the' bill I er ' ' . , -' -- ' -- • • . • from, eke churn Take the better . • . with the, "Weed, hands," mix the salt lightly with it; then press two or three i..,•,,,,• „,, r, i t bAo, •t•',,,, 1 bn ).111.11Ar tvripttp.f• Ili, -et-a -•• ' ,-- -- . -- - -,-- - --.--- -7 on the labeler, with the "wood. Imelda,' After this the batter should be laid ... fee, fruit, eise are overturned up-. be .at- . that it cost a hiindred. . eee. .,,, . . . • .. • 'ed, taking eare of their wo•andec,I. The . 'money .4.1 ''c..`: ,on. the cloth. The stains shotild tended to at once, agrlhefore the artitile Is Pl.°°(1-:".P wash. • ' . IT, • Neat sontree of white table elide la . . be pla:e Il uncle' the elaildree'e ma,y,, , p r ' • rt ' . These can be wiped. off . ante p a es. • - , • eeob .taeae and. vile ale ',materially ,in., keeping the tehlelinen clean. AlwaYs , .. t _e.e_e_. • A. le.'1'11.01VIPT ANSWER' ASSURED. , Lohise--I've. fixed 'Kitty. so • she will , e „ • :•,,' • '.a • .. • .--• answer my letter_at once. • ... • IBelle•L•-•Virleat clicl 'you do? ., • ' .. . - • . onese-e.we a , er aaaeo .o . a i) and. ergo t� te send the. Midelle•pages. • .. . • ..- Spanish loss is Unknown. The - 'market qitotations -in Ravine are as follows:, A §5 gold piece, $91.20 silver ittuk *66.80..paper money. • • -The Government -Will order all retail • ' . . merchants to proiede there.. customers with i.ickets so that only those in the -. • ', . • ' neighbourhood. can buy supplies from gx• I •rl'• ir "'".". ' ''' .•• . e 4 ' 4 il e ea „ hey e good' (Plenty of table' linen. . It ' -the end. 1 • " '. pays in ' ••'-'-'. . theme i - ' . •4....- .*- '44 • ___ SUCC,ESS :IN MAKING ,IL'LLV". • . . f h t t 1Prait is beat or jelly w en no too a . , over 1,. m mms . , ' IN TITLES The tilitle o''..f. the' Xing Of Spnin etig . gests a large of • the history of '1'7 •• t. . , k , , . se , q• 4 . SI quito ripe,- Grapes which are not quite ripe ' • enotigh ler eating niake et•fine fltiva - • • • • - • - jelly.oec, . • • , .. • (.. 1 , • d I y bag -is ma es ) . •A convenien ,jelly r I . Mout •ese dyspepsia, headaehe benne Like b , ., , , , , . paten Setup etototh, inSigestion itte promptly , a - . . , cured by Hood's( rtna. limy do their work • ' a e , s part , , . ' • u'''' w°r.Laa Ite 'S -ming °I' der°8°I°I°' 'h• 1 ' T a 'eh* f N a • .6 1).• 1 ' Sa ice is tie ci , a . ttv xi , w to i ie French ; of Gibralter, evhich is British, and, of. the E'etst. and West'Indies, whieh • ' , t VHil 1SEST SPRING MEW! ENE _ . e • . . ' cures all Blood telseases, trete a commas Pimple to the worst ,Sertattilous Sete, ,.......-„.......e--- 'V.RATBANXTY ve. SOAP, • - .. , LeInion-I hold that ',On'e Man is AIM: as good, tee Another, NOW, ' 'Why ., i roil o roc (to nor society? Is it ,C 0 ..S • , • ' . ,- , Decease of My' poveroy? ' Rightip-No, Sir, • -- , • esecanee of rny netionalitye . . . No, Sit „ _ , . , . Jeleeet.tee °'''' Luil °•Llav41' AO, sir. weal . Tion, • . '1, D''.."aallso Yon sinebad, -1 takieg two thicknesses of cheese.cloth ' 1 er f ldi 'diagonally a. vete squ ,e, .o ng . i .. . , . . formi.ng "a triangular big , and seWing 'it 'on •the seWirig =Whine to ana.k ii; strong, ,, e . • ' ..' b • • el It is not neceesary. to toes erriee an ; ,-„ , , ,.... . curra,nts to eXtrrtee tne jiltee, They ehould be iookea. over and waehod if tee, • 4, S ' r•I A • . easily , and theroughly, Best dor dinner pills, e . ' cents , All druggists . • • Prepared by O. L Remit a; Co., Lowell , TIPS mile' Pill to take I ' vitt. ilotsd's Serairparillie 4 Mass r ..,.. ere' largely British ; Duke of Bradarit and Count ef Flanders,. now the two itdepentlent kingdonse of Holland and ' Belgiem, arid sovereign of ' ettmeroue other lands long since independent ox under 0the undisputed away of other ee.,,,,,ers Es, beers upon, ,his peeson, ':-"•." , ' • t ' f the .1 ' 1 immea, an epe.ome o g ory anc ,... e t I 0 11, ' ' vete Lae ce. leptien. LOOKED THAT WAY. hat I r The Corner -Back -2W as beeome of Ilitlighossl When I went away hi seemed tor be a *misty big gum The Stily.er-at-Iltsine-He dropped oiti f ' ht X It waa orte of those o . gig . guess e . ..1' " iosariperveirig gen%