HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-8-11, Page 5We treat, and cute: EMISSIONS. VARICOCELE, SYPIITLTS, GLEET. STRICTURE, IMPOTENCY, SliCRET DRAINS. 11.3t NATURA DTSCHAllGt ES: KIDNE e' an a. BLA DER Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS 'FREE. If uneble to call, write for QUESTION' mDLA.N1r. for . HOME TBEATMEN.e. 70tetteelet • KENNEDYA KERGAN Cor, Michigan Ave, and Shelby St. DETRVIT,‘ MICH. 12: AS,P171,1V8tnei.KA "Cures talk in favoX , as for no other meal- a of Hood's Sarsapaoilla; abse. Its great bane recorded in truthful, convincing language of grateful men and women, constitate ite Most effective ad- vertising. Many of these cures are mars Velous. They have Won the 'contidenco of Pm people; have given Hood's Sarsapa- rilla the 'largest sales in the world, and balm madenecessary for ite manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's Sarsaparilla is known by the cures it has raade-cures of scrofula, salt rheum and oezema, titres of rheutnatism,naeuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh -cures which prove Sarsaparilla, ts the best -in fact the One True Blood Purifier. • cure liver ins; easy to Hi ood's pns take, easy to operate, 25e. THURSDAY AUGUST lith, 1808. Additional Locals. S. Westaway left yesterday for Brantford, where he takes a situation as foreman of the engine room of the Verity Works Mr. WestaWay's prac- tical knowledge of engines and ma- chinery places him among the best en- gineers in Ontario. The family will, follow shortly. ' On Wednesday Robt. S. Henderson met with a serious accident at Sowerby's, Goderich township, .being caught between the separator and granary. The mishap was caused by the horses attached to the machine starting suddenly, but fortnnately for Henderson he was caught just between the lower rib and hip, the port that eon stand considerable pressura. Sohn Hall; of Dover, near Chatham, was frightfully gored 'end injored by a Jersey bull he was pasturing. The animal became suddenly enraged, and xusbed at Mr. Hall, throwing him -violently to the ground. The unfortun- ate man was rescued with diffi.culty by 'neighbors. He now lies in a precarious ocindition. Four ribs are broken, and besides internal injuries, his heads is badly" cut. • CIRCULARS TO PUBLIC SCHOOL IN- SPECTORS. - Hon. G. W. Ross, the Minister of Education, has sentnut the following circular :-In framing regu- lation 87,.As found in the revised regu- latiors of 1896, the object was to Meet the different conditions of various f>arts of the Province. In a few inspectorates some .difficulty was . experienced in securing a sufficient number of proper- ly qualified teachers, while in other localities the number of teachers ap • peared to be in excess of the demand. it is desirable that , all successful teachers, having junior leaving, shciuld be encouraged to obtain second-class certificate's. It is foultd that in many Counties • the supply of teachers has -warranted the Board of Examiners in xefusing to grantrenewals of any kind, "while other places renewals have been .,granted only to those: holding junior leaving standing, and those Who have proved themselves successful teachers. As an outcome of this actionsthe num- ber of applicants for admission to the Normal School is greater than can at Itresent be accommodated. Under thee 'circumstances the County Board might f airly consider the propriety of grant- ing a renewel, under regulation 87, to teachers bolding expired third-class seertificates, who have the necessary :junior leaving standing, provided evi- dence is given that they were unable, on application, to gain admission into, either Normal School. This would protect them against the consequences of a condition on. which they may fincl themselves,from no fault on their part, •••••• A New Garment for Ten Cents, Have you ever tried to dye over your cast-off garments? Thousands in Canada answer "Yes, and very successfullY, too." To those who have not yet attempted the work we would .Bay, "There is money in it when you else the Diamond Dyes." Old dresses, Capes, blouses, jackets, coats, pants, 'vests, stockings, ribbons, and other articles of wearing „apparel, can be re- -newecl and fitted for 'Wear at very small cost. The sum of ten cents ex- pended for some fashionable color of 'the Diamond Dyes will often save you many dollars. Beware of the cheap package and common soap grease dyes; they spoil your goods, waste your money and ruin your temper. All rio- ts -date dealers sell the Diamond Dyes. See that the name `Diamond Dyes" 'is on each package you buy. ell Covgong. The subscriber k, prepared to do all kinds of Veil digging. Dry wells deepened with brick Satiefaction guaranteed. 2 io . W. IL Campbell, Hay, P.'0, DICKSON & CARLING-, i3arrietere, SolicitorNotaries, ConveYaneere CommisSiobers, Etc. Meney to Loam at 41% and a% OFFICE, , PANSON'S BLOCK, EXETED. I. n. Manteca D. A. L. rr. DIONSON. member of the ilem will be at tionsall on l'hurfalay et melt. week, For Sale. Meek Blacksmith shep,,frame dwelling house and half an acre o land,in the Village of Whai. toWnship of Biddelpe. There is a good busi- itess done in the slient On the promises ate good fruit itt no god stiialltettit,good sultrily a water, and everything con venieet. Reason ter Selling', the proprietor is goog, out M husineste or lairther oesttieulars,lv to • CTODEN. Whelon, P,O. TURNER GOVERNMENT 18 OUT Lieut. -Governor McInnes Has Called in o Nein/ Man. Ron, Robert Beaver' A.sleed to Form a Government -A Sorprisinis Turn of Affairs Political in the Peeled Pro- ,. vineet-What Mr. Turner • Says -The Lieutenant -Governor on the Situation -rarties Stand A Tie at 19 Pooh, Victoria, B, C., Aug. 10.---Zon. Robert Heaven has been requested by Lieutenant. Governor McInnes to formea Government in Einemeesion t 0 that of Hod. H, Turn- er, and has aCeepted the task. When entenvieWed last night Mr. Heaven stated that he had not yet made up his nsind whether or not a dissolution Will be applied for, though' he considers it, prob- able theta new election nun" be necessary. Pron. 111r. Turner Surprised. . . No intimation of the nsessage to ,Mr. Heaven had been received by Hon. Mr. Turner at a quarter to five Monday after- noon, when he obtained it through a representative of the Colonist asking, him if he had heard the news. He replied that he bed not, and on being told tlukt Hon. Mr. Heaven had been sent for ex pressed great surprise, particularly as he had, he said, xeceived a communication from the Lieutenant -Governor during the morning, and had not yet replied thereto. He certainly had not expeeted that the Lieutenant -Governer would tag() any action until his reply had been delivered. His intention had been, after the returns from Cassiar came to.hatid, to wait upon the Lieutenant-Governoo and -lay all the facts et the case before him as he (Eat. .Mr. Turner) miderstood them, and' then to take such action as his Honor might deem necessary and proper under the cir- cumstances, Efe-could not understand. the precipitate manner in which the Lieu- tenant -Governor had acted. • Continuing, Hon. Mr. Turner 'said that he had, intended to send a letter to the Lieutenant-Governoo, and would carry out this intention, as the points contained in the letter of his Honor were o2such nature as to require consideration ana a reply' at some length. He assured the re- poter that he had not understood the letter 'as a dismissal, and felt that he had been treated with very scant courtesy in the premises. The Lient.-Governor Speaks. • When called upon by a 'member of the Colonist staff last evening, Lieut. -Govern- or McInnes declared the letter referred to by Hob. Mr. Turner as written and de- livered to him during the morning to be plainly and unmistakably a notification of dismissal, couched in phraseoloy as courteous as possible, but terminating all official i'elatione. He could not coin, prebend Mr. Turner's surprise, for the letter of 'dismissal was a natural and necessary sequence - of two letters ad- dressed to the Government as long ago as the 14th of July and of nurnereus in- terviews had with Hon. Mr. Turner since that date As soon as the returns of the voting on tee 9th ultimo, with the - final reSults in Cariboo, came to hand he had, he said, informed Hon. Mr. Turner that, in his opinion, the country had not signified a continuance of coefidenee in the Government and he could not, therefore, authorize any new appoint- ments nor any expenditures of money except in the course of official reutine or matters of evident emergency. The posi- tion thus indicated had not been accepted by Hon Mr. Turner', and much as he had respected that gentleman -and still re• spected hina-he felt that his.. duty to the country left him no 'other. course than that out)Aned in the letter precedent to the call to Hon. Mr. Beaven. As to the reasons prompting him to select this honorable gentleman to assume the responsibilities of the Premiership, the Lieutenant -Governor would, of course, say nothing, but it is stated on high au,thority that the eptcome of the past election caucus of the Opposition was to convince 'his Honor that neither Mr. Semlin nor Mr. Martin was acceptable to the party as a whole as leader. Mr. Beaven 'tem as an Independent Oppositionist in Victoria City at the recent general election and was defeated, receiving the smallest number of votes of any of the eight eandidatee on the ballot paper. .At present the parties stand 19 to 19. Hon. Robert Beaven is a son of the late Rev. James Beaver), D.D., Professor of Divinity, King's College, Toronto, and subsequently Professor of, Metaphysics and Ethies in Toronto University. - He was educated in Toronto. On the rosiena- tion of the Elliott Administration, Ill 1878, he was mado Minister of Finance in the new British Columbia Government. Mr. Heaven in 1832 became Premier: President of the Executive Council and Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. He was secretary of the Confederate League in 1868, which took the initiatory stens in British Columbia to bring the colony into the Dominion Confederation. He is a Conservative. 'SCOTSMEN IN THE VAN. , What the Now Governor-General of Canatla Says About His Race. Loudon, Aug. 10. -The Earl of Minto, speaking at a dinner of the Agricultural Society at Hawick, Saturday, said he appreciated the honor whieh had been "bestowed upon him. He was alive to the interests of Canada; for which country , there was a great future, Lord Melgund expressed his regret ot leaving Scotland, yet he was a characteristic Scotsman and would not flinch from any duty he was called on to uodertake, even though doing So inVolved the giving up of Many home interests. He hod traveled the world ever and found Scotsmen leading the vanguard. Scotsmen would 41Waye lead. He was going to join tlie vanguard io. Canada, add booed- to do like other Seotsmen who had gone before hint. Droweed otr Winona. Hainil ton, Aug 1 Q.- The convention of the Canadian Associatioe of Station. ary Engineers is in session hero. Roy Wilcox, the 16,year-old son of Mr. Wilcox of Fruitland, employed by Major Carpenter, was drowned in the lake off Winona on Stieclay afternoon. He and a youngctr Mother went OM in an old punt, intending to sail to Grimsby. On the way the boat oemeizeci and Roy was drowoecl. The brother was able 20 swim to shore. tt3 X,6 tig At Terolite,-,Terorito 8, Wilkes,Billed 4: Buffal000ttifiald 10 l'OoVidoilee 12. At At Sytiaonee-Syraottati 8, Meirtreel At Ottawa -Ottawa 14, Spr1ngi1e14 . Aaio-wiAitv virorosp4 JPAFIONAL, /414*1) lel 0011rtf 411111111IMAN POORVINTli 19RHAPS be' was a • conie, but some ono has said that in ads age* there are no Stealthy woosee. Tha age any many we' raen, otrone and ao tlitev aro rae tally anG morally; but it is true nevertheleatt, that a lane par- seetttage of the wte. same orf the country suffer from nerrous- near and general lie- bility. Thee eras out a weary existence, and each deo la a day of .pale and suffering. Thia was the case with Miss Annie Patterson, ef: Stickville, N. B, She 'suffered terribly from indigestion and nervousness. She twee Intlueneed by some one, somehow, to try South American Nervine. Of. courses it was like hoping against hepe-'-another patent medicine. But she aad taken only one Teettle when her system began to take on the health 01. earliest yeers, and aftet tieing three bottles she was completely cured. No wonder she is etrong in her conviction that there is no remedy Ilke South Amera Can Nerylne.-29. .Sold by C. LUTZ, Exeitota Inniestrogr....,M1*earamata...1,0ffl Notice To Creditors In the matter of tl,e estale of James Millaa`late of the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman deceased. Notice Is hereby given nursuant to Chapter 129, of the Revised Statiffes of OntariO, 1807, that all persons having • claims against the above named. deceased tin required to seed in particulars of the same to James Ramsay and John P. Ross, of Exeter, Ontamo,the Executors of the said deceased, on or before the fiest day of October, 1898 and on and after the said date the said Execu •ors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased, having regard only to tile claims of which notice shall have been given as aforesaid, and they will not be liable to any person or persons of whose claims they tentll not then have received notice. R, H. C0LL1N,S, Solicitor for .Exednien:s. Dated at Exeter the fith day of Aligns t 1898. Voters' List, 1898. MUNICIPALITY OF itaE TOWNSMP or TJSBORNE, COUNTY OF HURON.. Notice is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the *Ontario V'oters' Act, 1889, the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all,persons ap- pearing. by the last revised assessment roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to votain the Municipality at elections for Membees of the Legislative Assembly and. at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office, at, Whalen, on the 19th. day of July, 1898, andremains there for inspection. Electors are called -upon to examine the said list, and, if any. omission or any 0other errors are found.therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to havo said errors corrected according to Dated this 192b day of July, 1898. FRANCIS MORLEY, t Clerk, Usborne. A QUICK CURE 00000ee-we00000§ FOR COUGHS .10 and COLDS Pyny- ectorai The Canadian Remedy fo; all THROAT Alel LUNG AFFECTIONS Large Bottles, 25 cents. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited, Prop's.,Perry Davis' Pala Killer. 0000~60.0404€4000000§ New York 'Montreal RS.K co The Leading Specialists of America 20 Years In Detroit. 250,000 Cured. CUR CTU Thousands of young and middle-aged. men are troubled with this disease -many unconsciously. They inae have a smart- ing sensation, small, twisting stream, sharp cutting pains at times, slight dis- charge, difficulty in commencing, weak 0 organs, emissions, and all the symptoms of nervous debility -they have STRIC- TUBE. Don't let doctors experiment on you, b,v cutting, stretching, or tearing 357 you. nista. not cure You, i twill re- turn, Our NEW METHOD TROAT- MENT absorbs the stricture tissue; , heneeremoves the strieturepermanently. It cen never return. • No yam, no suffer- ing, no detention from business by our method. The sexualorgensarestrength- °nod. The nerves are invigorated, and the bliss of manhood returns. IVECIME GLUT Thousands of tousle and middle-aged men are haviug then, seinal -vigor and vitalite continually sapped by this die, ease. They are feequently unconscious of the cause of these symptoms. General Weakness, Unnatural Ditellerges, Fail- ing' Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Mem- ory, Irritability. at time.; Smarting Son- sanort, Sunken Eyes, with dark circles, Week Beek, General Depression, Leek of Ambition, • Vitmeocele, Shrunken Parts, etc. GLEET and STItIOTTJRE ratty be the cense. 'Deal consult famila (lactose, as they havo no eeperienee in these. special diseeees-don't allow Quacks to experimeet on you. • Consult Speekaists, who heee :natio a life study of Ditoat es of Men and Woraee. tot r NE W METHOD TREATMENT vitt posi- tively carp. you. One thousand delle-ra for a •oese we neetipt for treatment and citAtn.o eu so: Teems tiodesistefer (sure. r9EVPA7.'frED g . .relle • 011811011REIGIAI iflIVIA,01. CURE ALL YOUR PAINS WITH wok el in rain -Killer. A teedioine Cheat in itsoif. . simple, Safe and Qulok Ours for ORANIPS,DIARRHOEfliOOUGIIS, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, 05 Anil 50 Oent Bottled, 1 IIEWARE or lltritTAtIONS. BUY otitY THE GENUINE, 1.4 PERRY DAVIS' ilitliteeletuttlieeekireetitAte/DRAIDIMiltilE B :TIMES MARKET .REPORTS. , Exeter Allevet leth, 1898 Wheat per beetle) ' ...... . :06 to 08 Oats a. e' ...... . .29 .to ao Barley. -,.,. , ---- . ..,, ...40 to 41 to 20 Butter-- ..... .s. .,.x2 to 13 9 to el Turkeye ... .. ..... t ..,,.. 9 to 10 tantese...... , .... . - ... • 4 to 6 Olticiceos per lb ...-- .,. ...„. 4 ' to 5 Docke, • . r ,. / ..... . , 5erlo 0 Wool,.,. i.... .. , It -to 18 tied ApPles. - . 3i 20 3 'Pork dreStieta.'^:^ • • ' + to $5.50 Pork live weiget I.4G to 14.50 1.41.-7 per ten .. ...,.., .. 500 to $0.00 Otos es see s,... .... ..... .... 00 to 8.00 I Alsace clover ... , . . ... - ... 4.50 to 8.00 itriptiA7 sed • • Jr • • • • • • • • le • • • t• 1 ,00 1121 f.ondon, August 10th, 1898, , wheat pot bushe ,., ..s. ,. „Si to 81 Oats-, -a to 34i PeaS . . ....,. .• — — .14 to 00 Berlei::,... , .:.41 to 60 Rilayeek Wheat 36 ....,.33a• to 48 '.....:59 t1), 1 Beans . . . Corn ...... ' . - . ......13 to 14 40 to 60 Butter .... Eggs ' ..,. . . ... 10 to 11 1.01e-tei (1%P:sr.:I!' ''.' . .. . . ' 1:11 ekese07 17 a , . ' ... ; ' . • . , i ', 11 i 516900 tttt0000 7171:02 8 to 10 Ducks Potatoes per bag ....S0 tol 00 . te$ 6.00 to e 7'50 PottlYtkPpeeirtC),Wn e. . • .._ .. 84.50 eo S.5.00 F011 OVER FIFTY YEARS. soAx OLD AND WELL^TRIED REMEDY. -Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ofmothersfor their children while teething. with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, midis the best remedy for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to thotaste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, aud take no other kind. , 'DIZZY SPELLS And feelings of faintness that come over you are only Natere warning you of the weak con- dition of yourheast. IViilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills make the heart strong, thee all feelings of faintness disappear. A BAPTIST MINISTER. Rev. M. P. Campbell, the highly esteemed Pastor of the Baptist ChurebeEssex, Ont, says: "From my 'personal use of Dotnee Kidney Pills can say they are an excellent remedy for all Kidney troublee." • TROYER.-In Hensail, on the 7th inst. the wife'of J. E. Troyer, of a son. COWARD. -In Usborne, on the let hist., the Wife of Thos. Coward, of a son. MARRIAGES. HOWARD—PERKIN —In Exeter, on the 5th inst. by ReveaVilloughby,Thomas Howard of London,to Miss Mary Perkin of Exeter. .•••=•1••• Oook's Cotton Root Compound.. Is succesitiny used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixturee, pills and imitations are dangeiotts. Price, No. 1, $1 per box; No. 2,10 degrees s tronger, $3 per box. No. 1. or 2, mailed en receipt of price and two 8 -cent stamps, • The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. ter -Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. No. 1 and No. 2 sold in Exeter by J. W Browning, druggist.. foR 501 501 1rtnliot , sz —0 f LAWrox.'N c590 THE BEST Mil -RHEUMATIC PLASTER MADE Riff1,1E-4C11:0)1PLTICETe125V 0NLSttitILYEARD tAlet BAC'e R0Ll3 PRICE 31.00 " DAVISRAINRENCECOLTP riqtinFAcTURER8 MoNTReAL Tattle most reliable and effective remedy known for the relief and, cure of DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY, Conte, CRAMPS, CHOLERA and Stier - MER C0,14IPLAINT. It settles the stomach, stimulates the heart, soothes and heals the irritated bowel. • NEV-Ele .FAILS. "Por t•everal seasons we have re- lied on Dr. Fowler's Extract ea Wild Strawberry for all summer com- plaints. A. few doses always give relief anceit never fails to cure. We think it a very valuable medicine - as preciotts as gold." MRS. F. C. WINGER, Font Hill, Ont. ORICt 38 'CENTS. SITILTHI•tinS, ItSY'SS DANGEROSS. A Creat Event CANADn GREAT 4 * XPOSITIO =z=z=t=:=== and Industrial Fair Torpti*o ..s ilRL 29th to Sept.:I0, 1898 New and Wonderful attractions Excelling all previoes years. The OubteretAmericon War Exeltiog met Itfilitaty Dispictoe. The latest InVentious uNoveItie From all parts of the world. totriee of _told -Oleo close Aug. 6211; ,Oheap xeursions trete everywhere. FoS prise heat entsy1o±1nS pr' „a:Millie% and all parte:Were, address .-r. J. SVITHRO% H. S. nua,,, Preeidett. Miteager, TorentO 1 h1 COMPLAINT:, "1 have,. great taith in Burdoelt BloteiBittere tor Liver eomplaint and. Constipetton, as it cuted me. eepeider Mere le uotentot equal to it.' Mrs. 'Wm, JobeeerisBalmeral, Man. Farms for sale A. few good fentsofor . sale. cheap°MeneY n. Apply to JOHN SPACIISNIAN A Mar it always In the SWIM. If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting , SUFI'S He is a sure fitter. His prices are avvay down, His goods are the bests Call and examine his goods before buying.'your -FALL S [JIT W JOHNS, • The Tesilor. Head' Quarters Pore. Undertaking—zoos- And Furniture At R. N. Rown,s Everything up-to-date. Largest stock ever shown in Exeter. R N. 110WE 1...iTTrTZ78 ()flag torce , We woidd recut -nil -lend those suffering from COUGHS, COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is "also a reliable remedy for children. We Manufacture WINAN'S LINIMENT, an excellent reme- sly for NEURALGIA., PAINS, SORE THROAT RHEUMATISM INFLUENZA. • Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the hest in the mar- ket. t • Try our Lotion for scratches' on horses, also condition pow- der for' same SOLE AG -ENT FOR DICKS LUNG SYRUP. C LUTZ Nllf8013 MGR Agents 000k Agefils ! 11101116111 ARMS Or anyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write us The demand for home grown Nursery Stock is on the increase. We want snore men. If you want steady, paying work, write us. WE FURNISH ALL SUPPLIES FREE. WE HAVE TIM LARGESTNURSERIES IN THEDOMINIOn. WE PAX BOTH SALARY AND COMMIS, WE ENGAGE EITHER WHOLE OR PART TIME MEN. WE GUA,P,ANTEE ALL OUR STOCE. WEFIIRNISTIPURCHASER8WITH CERTI- FICATE FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECT- OR, STATING OUR STOCK IS FREE FROM SAN JOSE SCALE. Our Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables us to sell at the closest possible figure. Men Succeed with us who Fail with others It will cost yon nothing to learn what we can do for you. Don't write unless you mean business and want profitable employment. Stone & Wellington TORONTO A Suit Of Vlottm or a Single Gament Should Combine now a ri Correctness of Style, Good Workmanshfp, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. 'You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNVLL never disappoints bi patrons in any of theSe. A large assortment of ran a winter cleeas In Worsteds And Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take ninth pleasure in showing them to you. There are Many other lizieS that are specially at. E qtve, EINNZaroo flowt,44100,404-141000114-cropifttollint4franinatfo.omonwtos,,,,,nwp,„. Whoa appearance is a consideration! becomes it necessity,, Who can, afford to gno e personal appearance? A large manufacturer who studies, the want of the people, and Whose business depends upon. supplying thosewants, will give better results than a tailor whose opportunities are limited and trade local. IIf your local dealer 4oes not keep ' *Shorey's Clothing -1 Reinember there are others '-Write to a larger and more enterprising merchant elsewhere. . . . See that Shorey's Guarantee Card Is In the pocket of each garment. Leeeteeseeeeteemmeoeeemeeeeeeemeeloemeee his •• OUR SILVER JUBILEE Western Fair, London. SEPTEMBER 8th to 17th, 1898. Entries close 7th September. Space allotted on receipt of entry. Our attractions will be grand, and exhibits unsurpassed. You can see all that others can show and to better advantage. Royal Dragoons, Prince G'Kabe's Japs, Sie Hassan Ben All's Ruftins and many other specials., the best in the country. 'Fireworks each evening,"Blowing up the Maine," assisted by all the ring and stage attractions. Special excursion trains leave London at 10 p.m. and after,so you can stay to tbe fireworks. Auction sale of Booths and Privileges, Wednesday, August 17th, on the grounds at 2 p. m. Prize Lists, Programmes, etc., apply to . LT. -COL. W. M GARTSHORE,. President. THOS. BROWNE, Secretary. THE PIONEER, LI ITED Is the narno of the ' only perfect train in the' Bi 0 ycL ES world, uow running every night between ! ' Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Pant and alinnetip- 4 mis via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul • MS, Railway -the pioneerroad ot the Westin ad', opting all improved facilities for the safety and Are You Interested eluoyment, of passengers. An illustrated prim- 1 phlet, showing views of beautiful seenery along • , the route of the Pioneer Limited, Will he sent . In Wheelst free to any person upon receipt of two -cent . postage stamp. Address Geo. H. Ileaftord, I General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. To Advertisers. The benefit derived from an adver- tisement depends altogether upon the 'number of persons who read it. To reach the greatest number of readers' at the least possible expense, is a I question that should be ccnsidered very carefully by, business pen. A thousand Jen) all bills printed in Tor- onto or London, and distributed. in this section, would be just as effective as if the bill had been printed in town. There is riot a doubt about that, but if you want to reach the people in their homes, newspoper advertising is the only successful way. To get the best; results use the paper with the largest 'circulation, and thegreatest amount of local news. Circulation is the proper basis upon wls ich pri ces sh ould. be fixed. If a newspaper with a circulation of 2,000 charges $100 per year, then one svith a eirculation of SOO would be eutitl- ed to $30. An advertiser should take these facts into careful eonsideration, When making contracts. Another fre- quent loss to advertisers is in the use of several papers when one covers he ground. THE Tiaras is read by more people in Exeter, Usborne, Stephen, Hay, the northern past of Biddulph and McGillivray- than ell other county papers combined, and an advertise- ment placed in it still be found the most effectual way in which to reach he people. THE WEELMAaT'S FRIEND. NO bicyclist should be without a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It takes out all stiffness and 'soreness of the joints and muscles. Re- lieves pain and takeetdown swelling in an in- stant. 2,5c. Don't neglect that nasty cough. Dr. 'Wood's Norway Pine Syrup can cure it. Best cough remedy Made: WEAK, -NERVOUS WOMEN Suffering from palpitation of the hearts. " dizzy or faint spells, watery blood, etc., cin be readily cured. A Manitoba Lady Tells About Her Case. There is no need whatever for so many women to be the subject, ot faint spells, heart and nerve weakness, anaemia., or any of those health destroying ailments „oat:TO\ peculiar to her sex. M11- esotsts4 burn's Heart and Nerve 'i; la regulate the heart et. beat s,nd make it strong and full. tone the oott nerves, enrich the blood, ,) and relieve the pain and weakness from which so many women suffer, . Mrs. Alex. ander Setter, of 9 j P,50,4 ek Pigeon Bluff, Jatssts s Man,, writes au account of her HEART & case as follows : NERVE I have great ILLS pleasure in giv- ing my experi- ence of 3/111burtt's gsrio,1/4„---ts„-anista° Heart and Nerve ' Pills. For abott ten years r wet: troubled with throbbing and fluttering of the heart. 1 tried fiVe3 doctors and several remedies but none of them did me much good. Lately X heard of Milburn's Heart it,na Nerve Pine and botight two boXet, Before I started. using them X could not ab my house work and gave myself up to die, at: I thought I would never be oared. XONY X feel really oienaid dude taking the pills, do my work, enjoy my meals' and feel as if there wile some- thing in life worth living for," Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, cold by an druggists at 60o. a bo X Or 3 boxes for 0.25. T, Milbuiva &Co., Toronto, Ont. We *handle some of the lead- ing .CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times.. A few second hand organs 15 and 6 Octave, -cheap. , Sewirig Mc1iiiies, ALWAYS pN HAND. P. S:—Selling out Dise Har rews at cost. ". 1 PERKINS & MARTIN, Main streef, Exeter. • FARMERS You will find at Bissett's Wooer oom the following line of Agricol tux -al Implements B.ENRING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULK ir RAKES. A full line of Seed Drills, Coltivators Disc and Diamond Hari ows Plows, and Turnip Drills. ' SWI G iliCHINES ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer. Raymond sewing and wringers machine Gurney stoves and furaneoss waggons Buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. 4E311IL.,(1.4" WITH SPRING FLOWERS-ta.— Comes the necessity of SPRING GARMENTS We are in :the van with an' that is desirable, in the line'. Let us show you. our stock of:, $11.00 Fancy Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember we put up th „ best suit for $10.00 that, c be bought in the eourity Lexa.11-kor PHI% ourottIllousnos42.51ok ' I T1LL. liloadadhoo 11110ititalpatloh toys. GIVE S A O.A. Every PIII Perfect. Prloe gOo. H Celev