HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-8-11, Page 1TWENTY FIFTK3 YEAR NO
If there is any one thing we insist on above everything+•
else, it is to: stick to the truth in advertising,and ut'tlothi �•
p nothing
in the papers but what is exactly as represented.
A ecularity of thisbusiness will be its , absolute regard
for trail in
tadvertising. g
r 1
n intend that We ince `
a thee
n W5 of
this column 1 rzin shall be accepted literally, which p y, li
w means strictly
to facts and using plain English,
The way we buy and the waywe sell, makes it possible
to do good business without a particle of exaggeration, either
in what we tell you or .what newspapers print.
We insist that things here shall be exec l as represented,
t yrei.
and that includes every item in this list.
27 inch ()halite, red ground with small white
m w dote, just the thing for
childrens wear, regular price 7c for 5 cts.
Children's Taffata Gloves, in colors of Grey, .Brown and Fawn, very
durable for wear, sizes 3 to 0, former price 20c a pair, we will clear at
the uniformily low price of 1 0 cts a pair,
Shirts Waists made of Canadian and English Prints, good fast
colors, Collars and Cuffs to match, assorted colors, regular price 50c
for 39ets..
Wotven' plain fast black Cotton Hose, full fashioned, good value
at 7c and per pair for p cts.
Women's fast black black Ribbd
d Cotton Hose, double heel and toe, were
sold readily at 12;1c per pair, now 3 pair for 25 cts.
Women's fast black. Main cotton Hos seamless feet
p. �, high spliced:
heels, regular 'pi.ici_;0d tier pair, for. 2 phirs for 25 cis.: • •
Women's Cotton Hose, full faoned hi
h spliced'beele,: seamless
feet, silk finish, Hermsdorf dye, made to sell at 25c per pair for 1 9cts,
Leftist's Fine ribbed cotton Vests, shaped aud'nicely trimmed,
special to clear 12 1 cts.
In ends of Fancy Waist Silks that were 30 to 00c 'per yard, are to
be cleared out at bargain prices.
A. J. FORD & GO .,Woodham,
N. B.—W e pay highest price for A. 1, Bettor.
Bi mrs;—John Miller had the nais-
\;fortune tohave a sow struckby lightn-
lag the other day.—.Will Brooks, left
for,;Dakota on Wednesday:morning.—
Thejethbdist church is undergoing.
-repatrsat prhseitt, and no divine ser -
,:vice wing be held' i�n the village for`, a
ome in consequeite.
BxLfrss Joe: Williams, \who xnet
with apal ul accident, is, vve are glad
Public School News.
The rural schools will open for the
first term on Monday, August 15th,
any in.urbarn municipalities the first
term begins on September 1st.
The Public; School Leaving exami-
nation will. be conducted(in 1809 on the
same course of Study as in 1898,
Physiology and Temperance being
taken instead of Botany. (See' ccirse
of sti c1ypn last yelp of Regist
exatnination willbe condiic
Entrance Boar
former vett,
1115,110N MIDDLESEX, GA. ETT. .
G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey
sneer, Ccu inissioner, Eire Insurance agent
and Usurer of Mai rialto Licenses. L• a al ocu
menta carefully drawn at reasonable rates
Money to loan on real estate at low re, es of in
Wrest. Office at; the Post of#i.ce,Hansall,
(Leto with Darrow 8C Proudfoot)13arrister
Solicitor, Notary Public, teusall, Ont,
F, - ,. Ulm., L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Gcradn-
ate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth
extracted withou6 ai
in nor bad izifoets. Office
Block, ok �ensat
1, . 4t Zurich every
Monday, commencing May 84th.
Madam Jabarr, the greatest living
reader of Phrenology and. Palmistry,
will come to town by special request..
Madam Jabarr was born with a double
veil, , and finding she was adapted
tor a Phrenologist, she studied' under
Prof.under of ,'iilwaukee,andgraduated
under Prof. Fowler. This lady will be
here for a few clays only. Can be con-
sulted at the Centennial hotel,Hensall.
BRIISFS,--Civic holiday was observed
last Thursday. Business was -suspended
and the village was almost deserted,
some going to Bay leld, some to Grand
Bend and others to Taylor's grove. It
was in every sense a holiday.—Business
villageis ttgbeing busy mp einghe hares farmers
shipment of hogs was -made from
this station on Tuesday, by Messrs.
Willis & White. •- Mr, O'Brien and"
family, of Centralia, spent the past
week at A. McPherson's,—Flax Pulling
has been corapletedandthe yield is said
to be good.—Messrs. J. Merrier and A.
E. Faust, of Zurich, left here on Tues-
day for British Columbia, where they
will look around, and if suitable, will
locate there. They are both energetic
young men and will make their mark.
James Petty' and neices, returned
home on Thursday last from a trip up
the lakes. They report an enjoyable
time, and fine weather,—The BoJaJa
Medicine Co. are holding forth in Cox
worth's' hall this week. They are not
meetingwith mach success, here.—
'Misses heffer and Dick spent the fore-
part of this week visiting friends in
Grand Bend and Shipka.—Mr.and Mrs.
S. Rabnie and Mr. and Mrs. E. Rennie
are visiting friends in Waterloo Co.,
this week.—Mr. Aikens, who has been
miller for Cook Bros. for some years,
leaves shortly for Beaton, to take a
position in a mill. Thos. Bell loft
Wednesday for the same place to take
a position as . fireman.—Ed. Bishoppof
Exeter, was in town on Tuesday.—Mr:
and Mrs. Dr. Ferguson entertained a
number of friends on . Friday evenin
last. -1r. and Mrs. James Sather
and daughter Miss Hatt':
lake on T
day.—Thos. Murray, has returned to
Heusall after a visit with friends in
lepronto.-- 11(frs4 David Anderson has
ased John Blgie's residence on Rich-
mond et. north.
BXCYor.E Rxiooviizxsn,--Joseph Gi
son, of Kippen, while at the celebr in .Hensall on .Tuly 12th, had
bicycle stolen from •McOloy's bloc
where it was left standing. It was
new wheel and .high grade, No. tidin
wereobtained btai e
n d ot. •h lost st m•L�"
t � cln
until Monday, when the London
Y al'
notified constable Bullard that Gi
son's wheel had been found. On
Sobroader who had been arrested ad
xnitted stealing it on the night i
question. He had ridden it to Lon
don and exchanged it for two watche
Schroeder appeared before the polic
magistrate' on Tuesday, but was re
manded until the 16th inst. The
prisoner worked east of Hensell during
the Summer, and part of the time iii
the village. Mr, Gibson is pleased to
recover his bike,•although slightly the
worse of wear, William Spobn was
also arrested for stealing a wheel from
the Fraser House, London, on July
18th, while in company with Schroe-
der. They appeared to be partners in
the business. He was also remanded
until the 16th. Spohn also worked in
this neighborhood, " as well as near
Exeter, and like Schroedei�came from
near Dashwood. They each carried
one of the watches.Schroader got
in exchange for the bicycle.
b- friends in Ailsa Craig last week. W.
e J. Wilson and family returned from
_ Bayfield last Monday,—Our o as -
p s m
n ter called on David Spencer, the new
_) postmaster of St. Joseph; he lias built
s. , a new brick office and has it fixed up
e very neatly which will be greatly ap..
precut ted by the public.— James Brop-
hey, expects suow,he bought a cutter
and robe last week, -Our merchant is
selling choice groceries, staple dry
goods, grains bags. Fleury plows ancl
repairs at reasonable prices.
Greenway" Huron County
oun y Notes.
There are eighty-one inrnates in the
Rev, R. E, Wilson and fain-')
ilY, of Dawn Mills, visited their old
home week, and are spending this
week at Grand Bend. --We had two
good showers last Sabbath.—Miss S.
Moshton and Alex. Wilson wheeled
from Bayfield Saturday. -W R. Prance
and wife, passed throngh here last
week on their way to Hensall, where
ri d
en s
returned neo h orae
on Monday.—Mrs,"J
as. Wilson
Grand Bend.
BIti s.- ss Adaa. Hates returned
to St. Mary o Tuesday after visiting
friends in t s yicinity.—Rev. Mr.
Secord, of rentford, is at present
visiting at Mr. Thomas Mollard's.—
Miss Mattie Torney and Miss Annie
Knapton spent Saturday and Sunday
with. Miss• Melissa Mollard.—A pleas-
ant event took place at the home of
Mr. F. Gratton, it being the marriage
of his eldest daughter, Liza, to i%Ir.
R. Bastard; The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. S. A. Carriere.—Mr.
Murray Miller, of Mooresville, accom-
panied by Miss B. `Robinson, paid
their friends a flying visit on Sunday
last, Mr. Jo]nz-,Follis returned from
Revelstoke, B. 6. John thinks there
is no place like Ontario. :yet. —The
Presbyterian church narrowly escaped
destruction by fire on Friday last.
Some boys set are to' a stump in an
adjoining'field, when, the fire spread
to the "'church grounds. With great
effort the, flames were subdued..
BRIErs.—ibliss Jennie Anderson is
down with typhoid fever. We hope
she will soon recover. --Milton Stephen
who was down with t3 phoid fever,will
soon be around again. -Misses Mary
and Jennie Sinclair left Monday for
Dakota. --- Miss Jennie Cameron and
Miss May Robertson left on Wednes-
day for Oak River, Man. We wish the
girls a pleasant journey. --Will Highet,
one of our highly respected young
men, we helieveis going into the sport-
ing line of business, astlhe has purchas-
ed that fainous dog, Roy, from Hughie
Cameron. Success Will.—Misses Stew-
art ancl;Grey, of W hitby,are .the guests
.of R. G. Radcl.iife.—The Messrs.Highet
and Cameron threshed the other day
wheat t'
a ine
i htl
r 5
Richard Wight. Beat that ifyou can.
—hiss Annie Robertson is spending
her holidays in Toronto and Creemore.
—A. K. Robertson has purchased a
valuable horse from Mr. Hackney for
the handsome strut of $120.—Robert.
Brown sr., has recovered considerably
and is now able to go about.—Charles
Hyde's family is quite low with ty-
phoid. -Miss Mary Cameron of Niagara
is home for vacation.
CsrEAP W1U LS.—$25 ea
year. C. S+RITZ.
Hoge of Refuge
Jas. Kyle, of Seaforth, left on Tues-
day for the Old Country.
Mr. Steele, of Seaforth, left for Car
berry, on Saturdaylast,
• The congregation of Win hanx Bap -
g ,L
t z re h
eex extended de
d a call tilt
L. aIke y.
McKinnon, no
O Glands. H'
Kling of Winghaxn, has sold his
hotel to J. O'Leary, formerly of Bens.
sels,who takes possession October 1st.
Taking Clinton as a centre it
that in a radius osquare f 1(i sc , is hard
miles there
are no less than 36 blacksmith shops.
Rev. W. Muir, :;of Brucefield,ur-
poses sailing for Canada on the 20th of
August, and will occupy his own pu
pit the first Sabbath in September.
JOHN warn: ,t SONS
Publishers and Proprietors.
Here s
A Granite Kettle • rano
with 1
pound rd
fAzt Baking
cents per pound,
Try Our Excellent'Soap
A ticket' with 1 G'c`LCh lUa,r, andthe person getting the "lucky
ticket;" will receiv
a beautiful
Cruet Stand.
Special value in Prints,
J. I® , u -is.
Mr, Fear has "leased W. M. Gray's
residence at the head of John st. Sea -
forth, for a year. Mr. Gray intends
moving his family to Toronto in a
John and Henry Chambers, who
were drowned in Shoal Lake,Manitoba,
on July 24th, .were nephews of John.
Gardiner, of Bluevale, and had some-
times visited there,
E. Hully, of McKillop, died at the.
residence of his son, Aaron, on Wed-
nesday Iast and - was interred- in the
Brussels cemetery. Deceased Deceased was in
the 75th year of his age. - W. H. Liddicott, fermeily of Hallett
but who has been Principal of West
London 'school, had been appointed
Principal of Talbot St. school, London,
at a salary of $800 a year. ,
Alex. Winter; who for a long ti
has been in the employ of C. W.P.
Seaforth, intends starting a bo
stationary business in the st -
ly occupied by L. L. Stu'
The official board o
church. has purch
Victoria stre
Exeter Municipal Council`
Council met pursuant to
at the town hall. adjourn-
Minutes of last meeting present.
confirmed. g read c
Harding—Christie—That bylaw No.
8, 1898 having been read a first time be
now read a second and 'third time,
and finally passed. -Carried.
Bissett—Evans—That bylaw No. 9,
1898, having been read a first, timenow read a second and third t
finally passed, -Carried
Ohr istie—Efa
ing ac