HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-8-4, Page 8'he Big Cash Store.
Just received three dates . of Crockery which will be
sold at very close prices;
26 Toilet Setts, 10 pieces, Green, Brown, and
Blue, Gold decorated, very fine goods,
extra special $3,15 per sett.
fin dozen, best quality, ualit , white Ironstone China
Cups and Sauaers, special value 65c doz.
dozen, best quality, white Ironstone China
dinner plates, snaps, 650 dozen.
We are showing a big range of all kinds of Crockery;
itt very close prices.
Vinegar for Pickles
We keep X X X White Wine, Government Proof and
English Malt,
Produce taken as Cash. J A, STE A T
1R.N 1sl.1.lkl'1',
Agent for the'4vEsrrxs AS;'ttANCE Coat-,
ra,.x, of Toronto ,Trc also for the Pxo„FIRE
ZJTsan kNOE COAIPAavY, of Landoll. .Ouglaud ;
the AI Lavoy INsunixos COMPANY, of Eng
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rings,
W.stclees, Cao cies,
Je e1t..
Spectacles, Etc.
R. HICK . .
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Airs. H, Spackman.,
ks�. hail storm
Lead Pencils,
Rubber Erasers,
Pens, and
Pen Holders,
Ink Blotters,
Ruled, Plain
Slates & Pencils,
Scribbling books
Drawing Books
. , Rulers, Etc..
119[ 14;inte0.
Friday ;has been proclaimed civic
holiday for Clinton,
Labor day will be the next general
public holiday It falls on Monda ,
Sept. 5th: Y
E. Christie has disposed of his livery
business and real estate in connection
to Wm. Snell, of Exeter.
Geo. Buswell, of the 2nd concession,
of IYsborne, lost a number of valuable
cattle last week, caused by blackleg.
Several members.af the Accient Or-
derof Foresters,from Seaforth,paid a
fraternal visit to their Exeter bethren
Tuesday night.
The Misses Frost and J`ernyn, of
Paimerston who are touringthe so
thein counties, spent a day u
with Mrs.
Levitt. of Levitt's Fair.
Exeter's civic holiday has been pro
claimed for Augustl7th. An excursion
will he run to Goderich under the aus-
pices of James st. church S. S.
Mr. Myers, of Barrie, who was here
a few days since looking at the store
acated by Messrs. Straith & Manning
'tit a view to opening out a general
ock. has decided to come.
Messrs. Bawden & Mcbonell shipped
from here on Saturday two car loads
of horses for the Old Country. The
consignment comprised some of the
finest horses that have ever left this
station. A. McDonell accompanied the.
Trinity Church, at Birr, was the
scene of a very charming wedding re-
cently, when Miss Maud Ferguson, the
beautiful and accomplished daughter
of J. Ferguson,was united in niarriage
to Dr, Arthur Grigg professor in rite
Saginaw Medical College.
Every boy `e ndirl should be taught
to swirn, it is one of the easiest things
to learn aiid never forgotten. One ,.
may never teed it, but one never
knows when it comes in handy. It eat,
be learned in half an hour and would
prove a great deal more good than
much of the ornamental studies now
taught,iri the schools.
It isrett evident that no matter
p y
how the transcontinental rate war is
settled the two great railway corripane
les do not propose to continue the de-
moralisation that at present exists in
tocol rates in Canada, and particularly
in Ontario. It would surprise no otie
railway circles if the old rates,
which in sotno cases are more than
double the present rates, were put into
efleet again ittinedietely.
in North Dakota des-
troyed 25,000 acres of grain.
W. Atkinson's team ran away Wed-
nesday, but did little damage.
Quail are reported more plentiful
this year than for several seasons.
Penny postage will go into force on
Nov. pth, the Prince of Wales' birth
A. common complaint with the far-
mers is that their barns are two small
to hold the crop.
Programmes have been issued for the
EpworthLeagne convention;atKirkton
on August 80th.
Parkhill being oat of the lacrosse
league., there will be no more thatches
with that team.
Mr. F, Patterson, of Wingham, has
a large hen's egg which measures S
inches by 6I inches.
R. A. O'Neil, of Lucan, won first
money in the2.20 trot at the Win ham
races last week, with his "Sir Allan."
Time, 2.16.
Quarterly service will be conducted
in the James street Methodist churcb
next Sabbath. Love Feast will com-
mence at 9.30
The choir and Christian Endeavor
society of the .haven Presbyterian
church, picuiced at icuice Grand d
n Bend
Harvesting operations are about
completed in this section, the earliest
harvest in the history of the oldest
inhabitant. it is remarkably early.
Coal is selling now- in Toronto at $4.
50 for the best and $4.00 for pea. The
coal dealers say that there is likely to
be no change in prices for some time.
A London man lost a $7 set of teeth
while bathing at Port Stanley a few
days ago. A wave struck him in the
mouth and he has not since seen bis
The Postoffice Department will
shortly issue the new postal note to
accountingpostmasters in
allt three
denominations,. 25 cents, 50 cents, and
75 cents.
The voters' lists already issued and
sent to Judge Masson,will
not bere-
printed. hile His onor prefers the
small pamphlet form,he will not reject'
those already- issued in the large form.
Local anglers must remember that
bass under 10 inches must be thrown
back into the stream under a fine of
less than $20. Several strings of not
more than eight inches have been
visible on the streets lately..
An exciting and closely .contested
game of Iacrosse was played at Exeter
Friday evening Clinton Juniors vs.
Exeter Juniors resulting in favor of
the home team. Score, 3 to 2 It was
one of the best games of the season.
A very successful garden party was
given on the lawn of E. Christie,. on
Tuesday evening, The attendance was
large, the receipts amounting to over
$32. The order of proceedings was
well carriedout, and a pleasant even-
ing was spent by all present.
A new set of Canadian stamps has
been issued to supersede those which
were issued last December. The .dif-
feretice between the two issued is that
the new stamps have figures in the low-
er corners to shorn the denomination
of the stamp. They are also a shade
A. genius claims to have discovered
that mosquitoes can be destroyed by
pouring oil on the stagnant pools and
ponds in which they breed. There is
nothing unreasonable abatit the idea,
and although it may not be possible
to find all thebreeding-I a s 1
p a e of the
pest, the tortures of the mosquito sea-
son might be mitigated.
Collectors of customs have receiv-
ed a circular from the custom depart-
ment, reminding appraisers; sand codec-
torsthat medicinal preparations,winein
bottles, chewing gum, perfume, and
cosmetics, are subleet to a war revenue
tax when, purchased in the 'United
States, and that the tax must be con-
sidered part of the value of such goods
when shipped to Canada,
Slhiili,kurpIx TO() YE.•A„'#Is,-*J. e,
calendar for the present year exactly
reproduces that of 1887. Loch year
commenced on Saturday, has a 28 -clay
February, andira both years Easter fell
on April 10,
ER ¶ 1 J
LOTS oto WILD Dome. -Everything
points to a great duck season thisyear,
The brooding grounds in the far north
are swarnJng, and the food supply
there is very great. No doubt we will
have ducks by the million in October
and November..
DiSGov1nRSi' AT LAST. -We have of.
recent years hems in doubt about the
existence of a hell, but our doubts are
now removed 'since we learn that it re-
allyvrtists at Hamilton, that is if we
are to believe the following paragraph
in Tuesday's Herald
The regular meeting of the Hamil-
ton Presbytery' was hell in the Knox
church this morning.
OGIDENT,-•- bliss Nina. Carling,
daughter of Reeve Calling, met wall
a painful accident on Sunday. While
on the street, near J, N. 'Howard's,
she slipped on the grass, and in reach-
ing for the fence to save himself, her
arm came in contact with a barb wire,
making a cut near the wrist several
inches long. Several stitches werere-
quir•ed to close the wound.
A POST 03,, ric17
Coulter, Deputy Postmaster General
has issued a notice to the public, call-
ing particular attention to the impor-
tance of putting the name and address
of the sender of any mail matter in the
upper left corner of the envelopeor
wrapper and he also showed that ,by
thismeans the return of undelivered
articles or communication will be
UNCLA.i urn BANK BAT.ANcEs.-in
the Government returns of money left
by persons in several places in the
county, At Wingham there • are a
lsarge number of small balances un-
claimed, but there are also some consid-
erable sums fOr instance $600 b.
Samuel Coulter, St. Helens: $200 by
W. Ferguson, Gorrie; $400 by John
Marten. Wingbam; $182 by Mrs. S. J.
Clegg, Sunshine, and $100 by John.
Mason, Belgrave.
TRE G3 s.TEvAEIISTs.-Fourteen
years ago the 12th July,. Hunter and
Crossley began their evangelistic
work. During the past year they
travelled 4,000 utiles, conducted 12
campaigns, held 500 services and 5000
people professed conversion. They
have invitations for the next year's
work from Marion, Ohio, Boston, Min-
neapolis. Toronto, St. George, Ux-
bridge, Sutton,Markdale, and numbers
of other places. At present they are
holidaying in Muskoka.
DIED AT LONDON. -Mrs. Williams,
wife of E. Williams, of the 6th con.
Usborne, died in the London hospital
on Saturday night last. Mrs. Williams
has been a sufferer during the , past
two years frond internal cancer, and
about two weeks ago went to the
hospital to undergo an operation.
The operation was performed on
Wednesday last, from the effects of
which she died. There maths were
brougbt home on Monday, and on
Tuesday interred in the Elimville
Howe, of Toronto, Inspector for the.
Underwriters' Association, *as in
town yesterday, and gave the Fire
Brigade a test. The alarm rang at 7
o'clock and the brigade were at work
in a very Eery minutes, and from the
first sound of the bell until a large
stream was thrown, only eight ulul-
ates elapsed. The test was
by the hose breaking in three differ-
entplaces, when the Inspector thought
it better to shun down and defer the
test until better hose can be procured.
The hose is new and guaranteed to
stand300pounds pressure,while on this
occasion the pressure was about fifty
pounds only. It was a fortunate thing
to discover the imperfect hose at a test
instead•of a fire. The Inspector sug-
gests the placing of two large tanks
1,000 feet apart, in the business port-
ion of the town,each sufficiently large
to keep the engine working for two
hourst With this addition and the
securing of reliable hose, our
' appli-
ances arezeconsideredsufficient
for class
E. ; otherwise we will remain in class
F. We suggest that the Council take
immediate action to carry ' out the
above requirements. •
ing refers to a former Exeterite, the
erstwhile Miss Annie Elston. -- "A.
number of the musical compositions
of Mrs. J. M. Gerrish, the talented
Muskegon vocalist,were placed on sale
in the music stores in this city Fri-
day. Mrs. Gerrish is rapidly winning.
an enviable standing among the.
writers of instrumental music. She is
well known as a vocalist and promises
to be none the less so as composer.
One of her productions is a waltz en-
titled "E Viva Cuba." It is Oriental
in its style and possessed of a peculiar-
ly pleasant swift, gliding movement.
One two-step composed byMrs,Gerrisli
bids fair to become extremely popular,
It is called "The American Boys of TS"
and is as thrillingly martial as it is
possible for any air to be. Another is
the "Lake Harbor Hotel two-step."
This pretty air is just the nature and
has just the movement to make it fill
all the requirements of a tune to.ac-
company a dance upon the 'veranda of
a summer hotel, Professor Wellen -
stein speaks very highly' of the merits
of Mrs. Gerrish's works." -- Grand
Rapids Democrat,
Madam Jabarr, the Greatest Living
t ,ader of Phrenologyand Palmistry,
is now' in the Villae by special re-
quest. This lady ishere for e, short
time only. Conies highly recommend,
ed. from Hamilton and surrounding
towns. Can show .many valuable
testimonials from leading citizens,
Can he consulted at the Central Hotel,
of li ,sot]; fr
J. C. elks, of 5e f r x, a o raer
resident of this lace ' happened with
rather o, ai ul mishap other
evening.He had just finished shaving
himself, and was about toapply some
of the soothiri�� balm, whei
take he picked x abottle containing
carbolic acid,
and had ruhbsd on con-
siderable before he noticed his mistake.
His face is considerably burned and
We are offering a number of lanes of seasonable goods
at very lowest prices and soall be pleased to have you cone
and judge of the value for yourselves --
Good weight, 36 inch plain sheeting, very special
value, per yard .05
82 inch Flannelettes, various patterns, good ueight,
a bargain, 16 yards for $1.00
Heavy Feather Ticking, made fine, with .assorted
patterns, per yard .20
Ladies' fast. black Cotton Hose. all sizes, special at .12i
Extra heavy Maca Cotton Ladies' Hose in fast black
special, •.5
Ladies' Parasols, gloria covers, assorted, fancy
handles, special value for $1.00
Ladies' Collar and Cuffs, setts, pure• linen, newest
style, per sett .25
Men's t.
summer Coats and Vex s,00l and comfortableo
for hot weather, for
Fancy cut glass Nappies, new design special per
dozen .40.
Fancy glass pitchers, 3 pint size, good value, each .25
Large size Royal yeast per box .05
Best Clothes Pins per dozen .01
Fine quality, uncolored Japan Tea per pound • .25
Complexion Soap, 3 cakes in a box for .10
Fine mixed Pickles, 2 bottles for .25
White Wine Vinegar, per gallon -25.
Fine canned Salmon per tin : .10
97 piece fine printed dinner . sets, various -shades,
very special, per set $6.25
We are making ;a general clearing of our Blouse
Silks, now is the time to secure a big bargain. See thein.
The o Rickard Co
DIE.3CT Eviupowriaas
Purely Persona ( Mies Alma Brooks is visiting friends
Miss Vosper is visiting' friends in in Trowbridge,
Coboxirg. Peter Gardiner spent the past week
Ivisiting in London.
The Gould families are camping .at `` Miss Susie Weekes,niilliner,returned
the Bend. - I from Waterloo Tuesday.
J. C. White has returned to his home Mrs. Mason, of Toronto is the guest
in Windsor_ 1 of her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Peart.
Nelson Sheere, of Petrone, is visiting iVliss Annie Levett,of Parkhill, is the
his parents in town. guest of her brother, W. H. Levert.
Rev. W. H. Butt called on friends i
in town last week'. Mrs. Richard Seldomof Ingersoll, is
Mr. Holloway,of Clinton,is the guest'; Rev. J. A. Turnbull, of Toronto, vis -
of R. N. Rowe. ited his sister,Mrs. Gardiner this week.
] raxwell Wilson son of the Rev. 1 The Misses Hanson, of Fullerton,
JasperWilson ofiGoderichlis visiting at are the guests of their aunt, Mrs. D.
James Willis. ,,w I Mill. :
Miss Cahill, of" London, who has 14Irs. J. R. Iuksater, of Paris, is visit -
been visiting friends in town returned ing her parents, Mr. and Airs, `Vin.
home Wednesday. i Welsh.
W. A. Gregory, of Brantford,visitedMrs. W. J. Clarke, of London, spent
his parents here this Week. a few days of rhos week visiting friends
Miss Addie Witwer, of Zurich, is in town. .
visiting friends in town. , Mrs,'D. Tait, after a short visit with
isiting friends in St. Marys, returned here
Miss Lily May Acheson is v
Mrs. G. Knight at Ilderton, Tuesday.
Harold Willow hby has returned Mr. and Mrs. George Mawhinney,
from a cycling trip to Aekonaand other •:of Lucan, visited friends in town on
places. si' Monday.
5.. A Po lestone ose to" Galt on Miss Fitzthenry, of Detroit, spent a
Tuesday to attend Odd -Fellow's Grand few days of last week theguest of Mrs.
John Farmer.
H. Hooper returned on friday from : Mrs. R. McIntyre and daughter, of
, to Ingersoll, Brantford
Detroit, are visiting friends in Exeter
a wheeling trip
and other places. and Hensali,
Mrs. Elliott, of London,is the guest Miss Clara Hot am of
London, n, who
of ribs. D. Spicer and other friends inhas been visiting the Misses Levitt, has
the country. returned home.
Mrs. '.eloorebouse, of Detroit, and
Mrs. Shirra, of Iiensall, visited Mrs.
in Lansing and Detroit. R. H. Collins yesterday.
Mrs. Toho Fuke and two dap Iters. 'Miss Annie Mill, after a pleasant
. • > g visit with friends in London' St Thom
of Chicago, )1]„ are here visiting tela- ,
as and elsewhere, returned home Tues-
tives fora few weeks, da evening
Miss Fannie Bowden teflon Mondayy
foithe Qid'• Country, where she wiRev. Ramsay, wife and family, left
on Monday for their home in Ottawa,
visit friends fora few months. after several; weeks' visit in and
around Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston, of St.
1 visiting friends and relatives in town.
Mrs. Popplestone and Mrs. C. W.
Welsh are this week visiting friends
Harry Witton, of Hamilton, spent.
a day at Capt. George Kemp's last
week, on his return home from Gode-
rich. " Marys, Balled on friends in town on
1 Monday' They leave next week for a
A Miss Wurin, of Zurich, has been bra to Scotland.
somedas at
e resi a ce of
ill ford n
John Foss Exeter north, of typhoid loid R,Farmer,
of the firm of
. Bro.,
Exeter, was the guest ° of his
Miss Hannah Parsons, after a few sister, Mrs. Hobbins,.last week. Lon-
weeks' visit with friends and relatives don Free Press,
returned to London 7`l ursdav morn.Mr. and Mrs. John Vasey, of T3affalo,
N. Y., former residents of this place,
are visiting the latter's parents, Mr.
ing in Au Sable, Mich„ left yesterday and birs,John McMahon,of the 2nd con.
fora tri upthe lakes on the of Hay.
°Alpena." Dr. Hackney, of whore mention was
Rev. J. P. Westman has returned to made in these eoiminne ii few' weeks
Granton from a two months' visit in
ago, as corning to Exeter, has pur
o l after chased the practice of Dr. Armstrong
.He is looking tivel £ er g
uting. of Fnllarton,
o g'
e : While all htin froth the train oils:
'lie Misses Afabel and Gerrie Keine !� gg , e
other da I. R. Cls iirt s rained o
returned on Tuesday .from a tcvo �', r g p , ne
weeks' ts' visit with Mrs. Re Steele 'of his ankles, His many friends are
w 1 ,
Port Stanley
f t
eno it ells of help rd '
i 1 o t tie limb.
7y g J ,
Messrs. L. Day, A. Q. Bobier, E.
Elliott and D. Dyeras a deputation
from the Trivia Memorial church
waited on the Bishop ' of Herron on
Mondayregardin church matters, The
interview proved satisfactory to the
Mrs, Purdy left an fondayniorning
for Grand Bend, Where she will melt
Master Gordo/00m wheeled out a few
rl.tianl .the
v.lsitingseasere wewill bedays before. Mrs. Purdyintends s
.alear&t tta receive a note of seem for etopping a euu:ple of weeks visiting
the e s
o i
al colatrus,cola, friends at Parkhill, tll,
Exeter, l ns
Mrs Brewer and neice, wtio are visit -
We areleased to note tly t Rev. C.
Fletc tiof Thames Road 1 as recover-
ed frons his recent illness, fess,
, c , and is' able
to resume his ministerial: charges,
E. J. Spackman attends' ,Grand En-
cainpmerit of Odd-F'ellows'next week.
He is Grand Auditor of the society
this year and attends Galt on Satur-
day. •
If you are entertainiagviisitors from
a distance, or rnaking atm) from home
New Fall Dress Goods
We have received our first shipment of Fall Dress Goods,
among them are black Crespons, figured, black rep
Cloths, fancy rough effects in colors,
New Flannelettes
27 itch Flannelette, 5 cents a yard,
32 inch heavy Flannelette, 15 yards for $1.00.
36 inch extra heavy Flannelette, 10 cents a yard.
Turkish Towelins in white and colored, 15o,20e and 250
a yard.
Turkish Towels, ready for use, 20 cents 'each;
Roller Towels readyfor use. 3 yards long,30c each,
16 oz Grain Bags, 1.50 a dozen.
4 spools Linen Thread for 10 cents.
Single width Dress Goods, 8 and 10 cents a yard.
Groceries, Crockery, Boot and Shoe department com-
Try ourTeas. It's a noted fact that we are the leading
Tea house iii the ,village. Get .a sample of our 25c Tea.
Come to U$ to Have Their Eyes Examined.
If you need Glasses let us fit. them for you. We give
you the best expert attention at T. FITTON'S Jewelry
Graduate Optician.
`VANTnD.-.A. good smart hay to
' learn tailoring. Apply to J. 'H.
John Watson, of Sb. Marys, suffered:
a slight sunstroke while working for
lex. Hobson, of Downie, last Sat-
If you wish Fresh Groceries, call
A large stock of Flour & Feed, cheap,
Cash or trade for Butter and Eggs and
other produce
Everything new and fresh, bright and
One door north of post office, Exeter
and Thedford.-SL•.Marys Journal
William Gould is seriously ll
Thos. Boyle clerk,in the store of the
R. Pickard Co. is holidaying at Cen-
John Baker, Goderieh township,
who underwent an operation last
week, is improvjng,
Money to Loan.
We have unlimited private funds for invest-
ment upon farm or village property at lowest
rates of interest.
Children Cry for
The Family Butcher Shop
Claude Mitchell, of BenrnilIer, .had
nolikely , to forget for some time. Skins
While cuttingsome fall wheat he
drove ver s
o a swarm ofhad
w bees that
One doorsouth nth of CentralHotel.
t .
settled. on the field. - immsdiately the
horses were attaekedby hundreds of
them, and, maddened .by the stings,
took Claude and binder through the
field at rate that threatened destruc-
tion to both, However, heeventually
succeeded in getting free from them,
strangge, to say, without receiving a
stingh.hnself. The canvass was liter-
all black with
dead bees,and Y
ination of the spot afterwards reveal-
ed the fact that the driving wheel -had"
gone directly over the swarm.
an experience the other day thathe is Calf, Lamb and Sheep
No Sign of Ceasing
We are using the knife for
the month of August. All our
12z prints, rintsi b light colors, Car-
� l
dizncl s Blues, in fact every
color. Weill
w offer them . to
ourm ny us
a customers r
s ome s a,t 1.0e
per yard, from 5 to 10 yard
A. 1 Butter 1
Eggs... 10:
The undersigned has opened up a
new meat market one door
South of Gariln 's store.
where he will keep the choicest of
treats constantly on hand.
JOl-I N. T. 11ANN!NG
We have just received a fine stock
of Toilet Setts, Lemonade' and Water
Setts, Fruit Setts, Wine Setts, fancy
Photo. and Whisk Holders, nice glass
Spoon Holders and Futter dishes to
sell at 100 each, Jelley Glasses ; also a
handsome line of Delfware, which: we
make into Dinner or Tea Setts, or sell
by piece or doz. These goods can be
replaced when broken as we keep a full
stock always on hand.
Just the thing for" i �:o Meat season.
COMP Cl-1AlfS, 2S Cts.,
3ust few left•
'Ice r
C . coni anti Ic of drinks.
e ca
A ent far Par Laun�
a axiti
Oa., of London, scan ate Y