Exeter Times, 1898-8-4, Page 5T ItMerit talk" the intrinsic value of• a s Word's Saestiearfilm • Merit in medicine'eueans the eower to pure. Hood's Sareaparilla poesesses actual and nequalled eueative power and them - fore it has true inerite When you buy elood's Sarsaparilla, and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or euro any of the many blood diseases, yoe *re morally certain toe receive benefit. The power to cure le there. Yoe are not trying an experiment. xt ,iii make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, aud thee drive out the germs of diseaee, strengthen the nerves and build up the wlioleelyetem. arsapariila lathe best, in fact the One True Blood Purifier. TeePared only by C. t Heoe tOo , Lowell, Mass; Do not ur Dein oz Hood's Pills gripe. AddrIgkfste. 2e9, gqieq tige5, 171.11:7RSDAY, ATIGUST 4th, 1898. Additional Locals. Thursday, August 4th, has been rroclainied as Seaforth's civic holiday. Jas. McKie, Varme's popular black- smith fell from his bicycle the other day and broke his collar bone. You will not know how much good idood's Sarsaparilla will do you until Ton try it. Buy a bottle to day and .begin to take it. • Owing to continued ill health, Mrs.. 13utt, of Clinton, b,as taken up he t empotaty residence with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Idellvane, .of Stanley. 31arsh purgative remedies are fast lying way to the gentle • action and Taim effects of Carter's Little Liver illS, If you try there, will certainly please you. Charlee Raker of London, an, ex -con- ductor on the street rail wayewas killed last eyening by falling under a car be as attempting to board while it was lei motion. Nelson iKing,generally supposed to he implicated. n the Blair poisoning oase,was found hanging te, a tree on the outskirts of Carleton. Place Tues- day afternoon. Mr. Meyer, of Toronto, was in Clin- ton on Monday. He has been on a pros- pecting tour of Huron and may de- cide to locate in Exeter in the dry goods business. -Clinton Record. • On July 15th, one of the earlysettlers of the north part of McKillopdepat- ed in the person of Anthony Boyd. De- ceased was a good man in thefidlest sense oEthe term. He was a native of Ireland. • A peculiar disease is afilictingmany • of the cattle throughout this district. While the animals are apparently h,ealthy in all respects, a scale grows -over the eye or eyes,in the majority of eases causing the loss of sight in one eyeeisually the left,and in many cases total blindness. Many of the herdin end near the town are afElicted,and re- ports from other points in the district state • tient the disease is widespread. —Thamesville Herald. reeeTemei,"di3S 1-161145 Alt ire Clareied ;t Devolve): ana Attemettel to Vse et. 131It ranee, Ingereoll, Jule eee-eFor game weeks Peet a anysterions individuel heti been living in the woods in the vielnity of Ingereoll. $o Many petty thefts haye been eePerted to Chief SU/vying thet he stespeoted the „Myeterious tramp and decided te arreet Jim. The Chief was. werued that he had a revolver, and had threetenea peaeeable citizens, In cam- perlY vdth cloustable Cook, Dendy MeCartY end George Uren, he proceeded to a peteh, of Farmer Tfren's woods, end, on the Grand Trunk lin0WaY (3S3Dallk meat lurked, the hobo in the sun. Whi/e ler, 'Oren peed Mr, McCarty attracted Ids attention in front, Chief. Skirving and Oenstable Cook. etepped uii to biin front behind, Instantly his hand xeaclied fee hie hip pocket, and he drew 'Qiet revelyer and tried te press it against Cook's aide. The Chief, however, quickly seized hie hand, and he Was innetedlatelY disermed, and handeuffed. The reVe?eree Wes leaded, and he ha1 nine spare certidges„ also a razor and, jaele.knife. These tramps area menace to the country IA large. The writer of a recent book of legal anecdotes has unearthed some curious testimony as to Witham Shaleespeare's knowledge- of the Englien law of his *Ile, Lord Campbell, a former Lord Chief .litetice of England, in the year 1869 plidlnlallad b00',t entitled "eelialze- epeares Legit' Acquiremente," in. Wilma he submitted three -and -twenty oe the 'Early Saturday morning Mrs. Wen. _Potts, an old and highly esteemed re- sident, of Mitchell, passed away in the • 0th year of her age. She had. been for some time, but had taken a turn gor the better, and strong hopes were entertained for her recovery, sothat her death, when It came was a surprise to many. Deceased was born ab Ulson, Scotland, Sept. 120, 1818. With her 3ausband, she came to Canada in 1856, settling in Brampton, where they re - =Mined for six years, and then , rem ov- ted to Mitchell. SIINARY WON INN elltiE A ItlitAte 091rIltAMORICIAISI EiltlIAPS he .WaS eyele, but ate One ' hes eale thatla tale aga there ere ne healthy women. The eire hae AtianY NyO, Men, strene and 4.0101(140 PalricraidelItideita no reoralle; but It Is true nevertheleee, that a large pees tentage of the We - men gif the Country eniTer fromnervous- billeirtya.114 TglroyeraldraZ' Get a weary exieteuee, and eaeli day 14 a day qf pain and stifeering, Tide was the ease with Miss allele rettertion, of; Saeleville, N. B, She suffered terribly tern %digestion and neevousliese. She Irael- lialueneed by 'Home one, somehow, to try South American Norville. Of course, it was like eoele,g against hope -another patent ,inedielne. Rut slie had taken only one leettle wheP her ElYateni began to take en the health a earliest years, ane after usleg three bottles stbe was completely cured. NO wonder she is atren in ber conviction that there is no remedy like South ,Anacira caa Nervine. -29.• . Sold by C. LUTZ, Exeter. thirty-seven plays to a eemewhat °Wee • examination, and deduced therefrem large number of examples illuatratla-e of legal' knowledge or acquaintance with technical turns on the part of, the author. Abounding as are these law •phrases, points and metapbers, • the marvel is that they are always accur- ate and appropriately used. There is never a mistake. "'While novelists and dramatists," says Caanpbell, "are con- stantly making mistakes as to the law of marriage, of wins, and of Inherit- ance, to Sbalreepeare'e law, lavishly as he propounds la there can be no de- murrer, no bill of exception, no writ of error." lowecromalebree.mq Well 0'1014. The points of the perfect bulldog as established by the judges of the pres- ent day may be noted. The •noee is tilted upward and there are numerous wrinkles on top of the nose, between the eyes and on, the forehead. The lower ja•W projects slightly -Le is un- dershut. The two jaws and the nos- trils present an exeensive flat and rect- angular surface. The lower teeth are properly even, but lovers of the pic- turesque often prefer inaevenness. The bead is large and round, thus contri- buting to the general air of solidity-. The ears are thin and neatly bent over at t'he top. The eliest is very deep and broad. The f orelegs are short and straight, not bowed, but the fact that the shoulders point outward in the aer- feet dog conveys a suggestion of bow- leggedness. The feet are round and t well proportioned size. The body is short from the shoulders to the begin- ning, of tbe hindquarters, and rather thin, or fine, so that there is lightness where there cannot be much strength, The hindquarters are laa:ge and strong, the line of the back and haunches be- ing a bold curve. The hind feet are rcund in shape. The tail is straignt and gracefully pointed, and symbeliaes the direct and Incisive temperainent of its owner. The stibscriber is prepared to do all kinds of digging'. Dry wells deepened. with brick ehs. Satisfaction guaranteed. 298 • W. H. Canmboll, Ilay, P. 0. DICKSON & CA.E.LING, Rarristere, Senators, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Etc. Money to Loan at 44% and 5% IDFFICE, FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. L rt. (last:XING, n. A. n. rr. rtTonsos. member of the firm will be at Masan on 'Thursday of each week. Voters' List,I090. SHINICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF OSBORNE, COUNTY OF HURON. . Notice is heyeby given that I have trails - Milted or deTiveted to the persons mentioned In sections 5 and. 6 of the Ontario Voters' .Lists _sank 1880, the copies required by said section -to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said. Act, of all persons aer caring by the last eevised assessment roll of 'the saic1 Municipality to be entitled to vote in the Municipality at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Muniapal Riectious, and that said list was first posted up •it my office, at, Wlenon, on the 10th day of sally, 1898, and remains there for inspection. Electore aro called upoa to examine the said list, and, if COW omission or any other errors are toned therein, to take imniediate proceed- ings to have meal errors corrected according to Dated this liab clay of July, 1$95. FRANCIS MORLEY, • Mork, Osborne, First -Class Patin for Sale BIRTHS. OKE -In Toronto, on July 20tb, the wife of • Frank Oke, of a son. BROWN. -In Stephen on the 27th ult., the wife of Albert Brown. of a son. RENNIE.-In, Exeter on the 280hult., the wife of ea. B. Rennie, of a daughter. MAWHINNEY.-In Stephen on the 2n10 inst., the wife of Robt. Mawhinney, of a. daughter. --- Tole" sold by peblie; auction by Mr. Henry Brownetetioreseeen the undermentiened farm, tm Trionday, the Oth clay of' August, A., D., 1808; at two o'clock p. in. (stibled to sueli condigens as shell then be produced.) All that parcel or erect of lend eontaining by aeineetearernent asse headeed acres, be the sable more or lees, being composed i of lot No. fourteen, n the 10011 coneeseion of the toevnship ot Osborne, in the vounty of Huron, • now in the occupetion of Thomas S. Clarke. Thie farm is in prime con- dition; ell eerier cultivation, excepting le acres of good bneh, has two orcluires in fun bear. Inge and, two never felling wells. Thera eve a .f.mme dwelling,. a -barn 36x50, shed 14x86, ' etable 20x4.0, with fences all in a fair state of tApau'1 about 22 sores aro iit for fall wheat, mosseemon of which -will be given foe cropping thla fall, The romeining, lend is ell -seeded /love with timothy .aod clover. ,For further perticulars apply te Ma Clarke entire promisees ta the anctioneer,_er MESSRS. "E,LLTOT & GLATjMAX., Otte 61113111y, 1808. Solicitors, EXeter MARRIAGES. BOVLE-NBIL-In Lamm on July 20, by the Rev. H. A. Thomas, W esley Boyle, of Kin - lough. to Miss Sarah Neil, of McGillivray, daughter of the late Richaed Neil, of the 2nd concession. DEATHS. TROYER. - In Hills Gieen, on the 30010 ult., John Troyer, ;wed. 78 years. 10 months. gteetford, on Tuesday, July 26- th inst., 0. L. Schmidt, aged. 88 years. WILLIAMS.-11 London on 300h JulyeHelen Conley, wile of E.PWllliams, of Osborne, aged 59 years 9 months. LEATHERLAND-In &Worth, on Monday, July 250h, UM Amy A.. Towesend, wife of James Leatherland, aged 63 years. FIILLER.-In Osborne, on the 2nd inst., Mar- garet Fletcher„ wife of Abner Fuller, eged 35 years, .e months. A verdict of ie1,000 . with costs was awarded by .1 usti( e Fergileon to the plaintiff in the suit Atkinson vs. city of Chat ham. Witile out for a sleigh drive last wiuter, the sleigh struck ta telephone pole and upset, the accident resulting in the lneaking of Miss At- kinson's leg. The judge funnel that the pole eves not planted in a proper place and the city authorities were co,nee- quently guilty ot the negligence. When the Honest Physician Is called upou tO prescribe for a weak debilitated, nervous and rim elowiOnan or wotnan in the hot weatber,he never hesitates to recommend Paine's Celery Compound, that extraordinary and, popular medicine. Past years fif truly astonishing 'work in life saving has Allemn the attention of the best medi- cal men to Paine's Celery Compound and they have not been slow in recog- nizing its powevs and virtues for the banishment of nervousness, sleepless- ness; debility, dyspepsia, rheumatism and all diseases of the kidneys and liver. Are you seeking health? Are you sighing for freedom from disease and suffering? If you are, nee Paine's Cel- ery Compound, a medicine, that will give you prompt and cheering results after your long experiences of failures with other medicines. MARKET REPORTS, Exeter August 3rd, le% Wheal, porImehel .1)0 to ,e5 $ —40 to 41 Peat; ...52 to 53 Butter,. - , . 12 to 10 Eggs.... - 01,0 00 0 to 9 Toreees , • • , 0 to 9 Geese• .., 4 to 0 Chickees per a 4 to 5 Ducks, . , . , . . .._ 5 to e Dried A,pplee.. .., 17 to 11 21 to 2 Wool. - . • • • . Pork dressedea . • 5.'5'0 to e Pork live weiget...... ....,„ 4.40 to 1.25 Ray per tort 501) to 0.00 0 0 i Clever seed , _ „ .. .99• to 5.0 Aienee alover , .„ . .. , .„ „ . 1,e0 to t.5.IJ Timothy seed .. . 1,09 to 1,2 London. Angust 3r5, 1890. Wheat per %mho ".. , ..$1 E0 8 Oats.' „. -.02 to 31 eel to 6 Barley.14 to 5 13uokwheat Corn Limns , - ... Better . - •- ..... .. . „ , Eggs • 10 to 11 Turkeys ee'r lb-- • ..... .,., 7.18 t4c)) P2 DtieltS •••• • - Chickens...-. . .. -- - - - -5g t: 12 Geese per ib...... Cheese Potatoes Per hag• • • • • • s .80 tol 00 Hay per ton .... ..... . .$ 6.0c; to S V40 Perk per ciwt.. .. . .. 84.50 to Sage .eb 00 38 • 59 to 3 „ a.33I to 4 ... AO to 6 0 t i buying your 891 I FOEHIS for sale et. few good, Wins for sale amen -Mono APples te OfIN SPAOKKAN to A Nan is always In the SWiNL, If he wears One of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting • SUITS, Ie is a sure fitter. His prices are away down. His goods are e the best, Call and examine his goods before I,• FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. ' ALT OM AND Wrgee-Teeen Reienny.-Mrs i.Wirislow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of inothersfor their children While teethina, with perfect success. 1• It soothes the Child, softenethegams, allays all Pebimrcs,''..nitef,lii%'Ia'rga fol,hbeetial.gligc1C1 by druggists in every part ef the world. 25 cents a bottle, Ite value is incalculable, Be sure and asit for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no ether kind. LIVER COMPLAINT. "1 have great faith inI3urdock Blood Bitters for Liver complaint and Constipation, as it cured nie. I consider there is notbing equal to it." Mrs. Wm, Johnson, Balmoral, Man, . DIZZY SPELLS And feelings of faintness that come over you are only- Nature warning you of the weak con- dition of yourheart. Millyurna Heart and Nerve Pills make the heart strong, then all feelings of faintness disappear. . • A BAPTIST MINISTER. Rev. X. P. Campbell, the bighly esteemed Pastor of the Baptist ChurclatEssex, Ont. says: "Fromapy personal use of Dean's Kidney Pills I can say they are an excellent remedy for all Kiduey troubles.' • , • Do "1 -Orf READ What people are saying aboutHood's Sarsaparilla? It is curing the worst cases of scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma- tism and all forms of blood disease, eruptions, sores, boils and pimples. It is giving strength to weak and tired Women.. Why shotaa you hesitate to take it when it is doitig so much for others? Hood's Pills are the hest family cathartic; and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable, sure. •-ea; The one- legged tramparrested by the Dundee police on suspicion of being Constable Toohey's assassin Will • be liberated, as he is not the Man. Win. Fawcett, Fullarton, has just returned from Scotland with two fine entire colts. The 1130. Se L. EMULSION The D. •St L. EMULSION Id the beetand Most palmate preparation of Cod Liver Oil, agreeingmit the most delicate itemacbs. The D. a L.. PMULSION Is pieseribed by alio leading physiolane of Canada, The D. L. EMULSION Is a marvellous flesh producer and will give You an appetite, 50e, ae $t per Bottle. 130 snroyou get I DAVIS Sc LAWRENCE the genuine CO., Limited, gontroal Children Cry Tor S Children Cry for STORIA. Robert Simpson's win. Toronto Jelly 07. -The will of the late Robert Simpson of the Robert Simpson Company was probated yesterday morn- ing. The net value of the estate is $847,- 671.02. Of this sum $6,106 is in household effects, furniture, horses' and carriages, $100 in book debts and notes, $1,200 in mortgages, $40,000 iu bank and other stooks, $150 in clash on hand, $115.02 in cash in •bank, $456,000, less a mortgage of $150,000, in real estate. Mrs. Mary Ann Simpeott and Mrs. Hamilton Merrit are trustees and executrix, and Mr, George Ritchie executor and trustee. Mrs. Simpson, the widow, receives all the household furniture, horses, carriages and contents of stables. The balance of the estate is left to the trustees to invest at their discretion, the inconie from such investments to be paid the widow during her lifetime and on her deoease to bee daughter, Mrs. Hamilton Xenia. Should the daughter predecease her mother, leaving issue'then the trusteee are to support, niaintain and educate such ism& WAN . . -• • • •--.^ Cook's- Cotton Root Compound I e successfully nsed monthly by over 4.0,000 Ladies, Safe, effectual. Ladies ask as, your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per. box; No. 2,10 digress stronger,$3 per box, No.' 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent staples The Cook Oomptvny Windsor, Ont. ItarNes. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in Co.nade. No. 1 ancl No. 2 sold in Exeter by J. W tcrowning, druggist. I Ile Mr. Maliaek, Postmaster -General of Canada, has gone to Paris on a visit. Mrs. E. Miller, Milhaven, near King- storearose early Friday morning, went outside to milk., And was engaged at the work when she was suddenly mit off by lieart disease. Her husband had concluded milking and gone to an adjoining farm to do business. On bis return be found bis wife dead in the barn yard. She was 30 years of age. While some workmen were excava- ting for alterations at the Woodstock gaol,they accidenatlly struck the coffin in which Bhchall, who was exe- cuted there in 1,800 for the murder of Benevell, and who was buried near where he was hung hi the north-east corner of the west yard. Tbe remains were in a remarkably good state of preservation, but the admission of air soon caused a change. The hole was closed vp and the remains were once more bidden, probably never to be seen again, at least for many years. „ A ,k,tg• IhECLIPE EMISSIONS Nothiug can be morederneraliz* ing to young or middlei-aged men than the pres- ent() of these "nightly lases." They produee weelmess, nervetimiesa, a feeling of diesustand.awbole train of symptoms. They unfit a man for basioess, married life and social happiness. No matter whether mused by evil habits in youth, natural wersknese or sexual excesses, our New Method Treatment will positiaela glare you. NO CURE— IMO P Y -Reactor, you need help. Early abuse or later excuses limy have rrealtened you. Exposure may have diseased yea. Yoe are not safe till cured. Our Now Method. will cure you. You run ro risk. 250,000 CURED young Man. -You are pale, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, and destemdent; .bletches and pimples, sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping form and downcast aountenanee reveal the blight of your existence. WECURENARICOCELE, No matter how oriole; your ease may be, or how long you may have had it, our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will euro it. The "wormy 'veins" return to their normal cottlition and hence the sexual organs receive proper nourish - matt. The organs become vitalized, all unnatural draits or lessee mato and manly powers velem. No temperer, bcnefitabut a permanent etre awned, 0 'Cult% NO PAY. NO OPERA- LON NECESSARY. NO .DETEN- TION FROM BUSINESS. CURIES GUARANTEED We treat end mire BYPIlet;IS, GLEET EMISSIONS. iMPOTENCY, I STBICItURB, VARICOOBLE SEMI- NAL 'LOSSES, BLADDER ..A.*D KID- NEY diSeattes. CONSULT ATIO PBJIE 1100KS PltnrS. CRA}tES MODERATE. 1 uaable to call, write fel. QUIMION BLANK for ROME TREATMENT13, xeo. essaieta gr/ 0- "4 a Tio Leading Speciailes of America 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 MEI KENNEDYKERGAN t48 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT', MICH. :ae.elesee-ael 3as,..e'seseeteeiesek (4) Pyny-Pectoral ta A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Very valuable Remedy in all affections of the THROAT' or LUNGS • Large Bottles, 2.5c. DAVIS FC.LAWRENCE CO., Limited Propls. of Perry Davis' Pain -Killer Kidney Trouble FOR YEARS. Nothing did Mr. R. E. 1Ditt any good until he got Doan's Kidney Pills. Throughout the County of Leeds and the Town of Brockville there is no medi- cine spoken so highly of for all kinds of Kidney Diseases as Doan's Kidney Pills. As Cariada.'s pi oneerkidneypill, introduced by Mr. James Doan, of Kingsville, Ont., in x885, they stand to -day far superior to all the imitations and substitutes that have been offered the public in their stead. Mr. R. E. Pitt, the well-known con- tractor and builder, voices these senti- ments when he says, "1 have had kidney trouble for years: I had tried numerous remedies without much relief, and had given up ray back as gone for good, but asince using Doan's Kidaey Pills the result has been marvellous The pain is all gone. feel like a new man, and can highly testify to the virtues of Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's Kidney Pills are sold by all dealers or sent by mail on receipt of price, 50 cente a box or 3 boxes for $e. es. The Doan'Kidney Pill Co., Toronto' Ont, A Cieat:Event ••••111.16014111.120.011•10111100.111.101111.16111.11=2101MMIMPO CANADA S GREAT 0 0 • EXPOSITION • and Industrial ...41,,,FALL SUIT W. JOHNS, 'The Tailor- WANTE More Room for my entire Stock in order to make • Room for my other car of Furniture, to be here ill July. will give Special Discount • for the next 30 DAYS. 0 ---Fr. N. !ROWE LIT.TrZO'S Dictig $tofe We would recommend those s-uffering from COUGHS, COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use' WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is also a reliable reraedy for children. We manufacture WILLN's LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, SORE THROAT. BeiEUMATISIVI INFLUENZA. Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LUNG SYRUP. Fair C LUTZ Nursery stock Auenig 13001{ I1001118 1010010111 NeR18 trI When appearance is a consideration! SliOREY S eady to Wea Clothing • becomes a necessity. Who nen afford to ignore his personal appearance? 'A large manufacturer who studies the want of the people, and whose business depend $ upon supplying those wants, will give better results than a tailor whose opportunities are limited and, trade local. If your local dealer does not keel) Shorey's Clothing-' Remember there are others '-'Write to a larger and nioee enterprising merchant elsewhere. See that Shoreyes Guarantee Card is In the pocket of each garment. Leteuesseeeeeeeseeeeseeetteeeeee OUR SILVER JUBILEE. Western Fair, London. • SEPTEMBER 8th to 17th, 1598. Entries close 7th September. Space allotted On receipt of eetry. • Our attractions will he grand, and exhibits unsurpassed. You can see all that others can show and to better edya.ntage. Royal Dragoons, Prince G'Kabe's Taps, Sie Hassan Ben Ali's Ruffins and many other specials, the best in the country. Fireworks each evening, "Blowing up the Mame," assisted by all the ring and stage attractions. Special excursion trains leave London at 10 p.m. and after,so you can stay to the ffreworks. •' Auction sale of Booths and Privileges, Wednesday, August 17th, on the grounds at 2 p. tri, Prize Lists, Programmes, etc., apply to LT. -COL. W. M GARTSHORE, President. THOS. BROWNE, Secretary. THE PIONEER‘,ITED Is the name 02 1120 only perfect train in the world, now running every night between Chicago, Milwaukee & F•it, Paul and Ignneap- MINEMEINEMBE • ohs via the Chicago, Uilwaukee Pani Railway -the pioneer road of the West in ad- °I4ing an ilnYr eyed fte""ie8f 01' the saMY a fmci Are You Interested enjoyment es. passengers. An illustrated penl pblet, showing views of beautiful scenery along W e handle the route of the Pioneer Limited, will Ile seut free to any imrson upon reecipt of two -emit In Wheels? postage stamp. Address teee. H. Healtord, e Oeneral Passenger Agent, Chicago, EL some of the lead - To A dvertisers. ing CANADIAN The benefit derived. from an adver- and AMERICAN tisereent depends altogether upon the makes at prices number of persons who rend it. To . reach the greatest number of readers to tnetimes. at the least possible expense, is a A few second hand organs question that should be et nsidered very carefully by business men. A 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. thousand small bills priated in Tor- onto or London, and distributed in Sewirag Machhies tahs iisf steheet ito) iwiaoduild) e ebtel isnt ientl (Lc twivne. ALWAYS ON HAND. There is not a doubt about that, but if you want to Teach the people in their homes newspepee advertising is the only successful way. To get the best rows at cost. results use the paper with the largest circulation, and thegreatest amount of PERKINS & MARTIN local news. Circulation is the proper basis upon -which prices all oulcl befixed. Main street, Exeter. If a, newspaper with it cireulation of :1,000 charges $100 per year, then one with a circ ulat,i on o MOO would be en titl- ed to $30. An advertiser shonld take these faets into' careful ennsideration, !CYCLES Or anyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write us The demand for home grown Nursery Stock ison the increase. We want mote mein If you want steady, paying work, write us. WE FURNISH ALL StTELIES FREE. NVE Ef.A.TE THE LARGESTNUESERIES IN THEDomnstIon. WE PAT BOTH SALASTE AND covens. SION. WE ENGAGE EITHER WHOLE OR PART TIME ;MEN. WE GI7ARANTEE ALL OUR STOCE. WEe' uetNISII PrIRCITA.SERS WITH CERTI- EXCATE FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECT - '01t, STATING 01710 STOCK IS FREE FROM SAN JOSE SCAT:R. Our Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables us to sell at the closest possible figure. Eli Succeed with us who Fail with others It, will cost yon nothing to learn. what we cam do for you. Don't write unless you mean business and want profitable employment. Tororsto AUG. 29th to Sept. 10, 1898 New and Wonderful attractions Excelling ell previous years. , The Cuban -American War Exciting Naval end Military Illepleys. The latest Inventione & Novelties Prom all parts of the world. Ettries of V•hibite close Augeth. Cheep excuraione fel everewhere. 1 r prize list% entry forms, a gramme% and alt Vactimilat% address .4..1. WITHROW, RILL, Presideete Manager, Toronto. Stone & Wellington TORONTO P. S.—Selling out Dise Har 1FAR ER when making contracts. Another fre- quent loss to advertisers is in the use of several papers when one covers the ground. THE Tares is read by more people hi Exeter, Usborne, Stephen,' Hay, the northern paet of Biddulph and 3.1cGillivra,y than all other county papers combined, and an advertise- ment placed in it be found the . most effectual way in which to reach • STEEL SULK! RAKES. he people. • A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators THE WEELMAN'S FRIEND. Disc and Dianiond Barrows No bleyelist should be without a bottle of • Plows, and Turnip Drills. laliremedysNttoiri. a,7211n5ipeornai eee ,.......leTlessYarpr_edani'siel and takes down swelling% an cstytihuapt nasty cougb. Dr. Woods The celebrated 1 anKcinoullringleIL:sasher E -ii- S WING MACHINES, ETC machine ymane. sewing STO VGEu rSu2ey--42tzimstoves and urances. oan onto it. Best cough - -a A' Suit of tiloams or a Single Garfreot should Oonibine now a .1 14vs, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit, You look for these in an old and reliable olaee, and A. J. SNEXIL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A • large assortment of ran a Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at, a tt Iva. 02414Zat. eailSeeee-- will find at Bissett's Warewoom the following line of Agricel • tural Implements BERING B I N - DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BT41A RINGS, A CARRIAGE MAKER Suffered. ten years from weak heart action and. newousness. Cured by Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. No trade or profession is exempt from disee,se or derangerneut of the heart and nerves. The pressure ,of work and the merital woery aro bound to produce serious conseqeences sooner or later, ttl, A waggons Buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a, fell line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. SAUL' WITH SPRING FLOWERS -kb._ Comes the necessity of SKIING GARMENTS •tt Mr. Donald Campbelll the wellatiown esxriage maker of Harriston, Ont., geld kit lieve been troubled off and on for ten years with weak aetion of my heert end nervousness. Evecitiently my heart would palpitate rted Metter With great Violenee, alarming nee exceedingly. Often 1 had siiitrp pelts in iny heat end could not sleep *ell tot night. 1 got a box of llifithArted Heart and Nerve Ping and irtnia them de- rived alinost immediate benefit. Thigy re- stored vigor to ray nerves and strengthened my entire system , rernovingeyeey eymptont of nerve or heart teoeble, end ettablhig rae to get restful, heattliy sleep." Milburn's Heart and Nerve POW cute palpitation, throbbieg, dizzy and taint Span% neevouseees, sleeplessnesS, weak. /11010,10S10.10 troubles, alter efeetts (Agrippa, eta. Price 80o. a box or 8 foe $1.25, et all druggists. T. Milbutti&Oo., Toroeto,Ont. LA1(441011E01 PILLS Ogee, Illientetipee tiOdo Slitok IhgdOh�end oyoptstoow. They do Odt 1101106, idOk011 itir weaken. Every pin let* perfeetly, We are m the van with all that is desirable in the line. Let us show you our stock of $17.00 Fancy Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember we put up the best suit for 810.00 that can be bought in the couity, • GIVE US A CALL, J. H. Grieve 1