HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-8-4, Page 2•
-I II,DIORSON,13arriater, Boll.
,...a..,41, clitov ot an -promo tiourt, llottsra
Peblie, oonveyeueets thatimilseiouors 44
money to Doan(
Oteoein atoton'enloole Fleeter,
R H. (50ILIN-87
Barrister Solicitort Bonveyaneer Etc.
, I
ihaeleTEn, - oivr.
00F104 : Over O'Neire Bunico
I '4
Barristers, Q1ioitars, Notaries ?cite,
Conveyances ez.e 64e.
.Isrmousy to Loan at 5% And 5)e've
L V. meteor. ''.tre W. oreDenesee
. memo.
iff VERSITY„ M. D. 0.11. Taniby Uuiver
eity. 011iee--Crediton, Ont..
1) 110. ROLLIN$& AMOS.
Separate Oilleee. Residence same as Partner.
iy, Andrew at. Offices: S. pack:liana building,
Nein at Dr Rollins' saint) 0,4 formerle, north
dear:Th.-Anne" 80.1110 building. south dooe _
J,.11., ROLI,INS, M.D.. T. a, AMOS, Bf- LP
Exeter. One
ir w. BROWNING 'M. D., M. 0
ei • P.0, Greduzte Vietoria Delivers ty
office and reeidence, Dominion Tete° a
toe), ,Ileeter,
DR. IlYNDMAN, coroner for tat
County Of Huron. 011ioe, opposite
BOSBEN13E1RY, General Li-
• eensed auctioneer Selee (3%11(1m:bed
in 3 uparts. Satisractionguarenteed. Manages
'moderate. HensallP 0, Out:
TTENEY EILBER Litt n sad A.tol.
.a...1- tioneer for the oeuuties of Euree
and miedlesex • Wee oondatited at mod -
mate rates. °Ingo. at Poet-odlee tared.
on Ont.
Tennent & Tennent :
EN_HTE R., oern
........ease. ----
erodeaterolthe ontr.rio vete:leery 0 m
OPPlen : one dew. South ofTovrn Fle.11.
...L. FIRE INS'enelioE a o .
Estalgashed in isee.
This Company hes heert over 'Untentv.eish
years in successful oper3tion in Western
oneario,andeontinues to insureamanst loss or
damage by. Fire. Buildings, elerohandise
Manufactories and 3311 other eleseriptioas of
insurable pro,perea Intending :usurers hate
the option of insurin a on the eremiam oleo
0803 System.
Define the past ten years this company has
issued sr .oeti Policies, coveriog. property to the
femme of $4.0,872,018: and paid in losses alone
Viteeb2.00. •
assees'01:6,100.00, consisting of Cash
iellank (levernment Deposi tend ate el -lasses -
s ed Premium Votes on bend and in force
J St .11. A LI)ITE3 M.D.. 1 "res i de a t; 0 M. TA TEO R
S t ( re WIT ; J• 13. II conics, Inspector . 01.1&S
11111, afigen 1 for Exeter and vicinity
- • • -
tolutely cures the most
TREATMENTS hires failed
gists at SI per package,
veceipt of price by addressing
s'o.. Toronto. Ont.
Sold at Browning's
NERVE BElkils aro a now am-
covery that euro the worstuases of
Nervous Debility, Test vigor and
Falling Illanhogd; restores the
weakness of body or mind caused ,
by over -work, or the errors or exv
ceases of youth: This Remedy ab- .
obstinate cases when all othez 1
eVen to relieve. Zold bYdrUE• ,
or six for $0, or sent by mail on '
THE J_A:NIES .mi nrcusat 1
Write rer ,,,ewehl,•t. Snia in— i
Drug Store Exeter 1
• 3
.4,--• Jeff
in Spring Time
by using
No other remedy
fect cleansing,
properties as
It not only cleanses
heals, when
sores ulcers, abscesses,
blotches, eruptions,
skin clean and
Taken internally
effete or waste
and thoroughly
of the body,
her, bowels
t* GateraziA
r 4- r i
, .3-• tr. i
,,t-• 1
get Pe Blood i
possesses such per-
healing and purifying
Burdock Blood Bitters.
internally, but it
applied externally, all 11
scrofulous sores, ii
etc., leaving the c
pure as a babe's. i,
it removes all morbid -
matter from the system, S
regulates all the organs $3
restoring the stomach, VG
and blood to healthy 8
' .111111111ei , Nv
., 1:.:f"' 4.6l-00, '., - ..e41T 141
...........„—...--......,.....- h, READ-IVIAKEWS le
3f Mk/51.15%* w
Isr.,:s ;man el -,,,,, 414 •rg;.4,1 v. pl
Is published every Thursday morning at Pl
rimes Steam Printing House w
llftsn street, nearly opposite Pitton'ejewelry ti
store, Exeter, One., by w
JOHNWHITE 8a BONS, Proprietors. lit
qrst insertion, per Hue.. .... . . .. - ...10 cents el
Pinch subsequent insertion, per 1ine., 3 cents ht
To insure lasertion, advertisements should es
be sent in notlater than Wednesday morning. —
a the largeat and best equipped in the County u4
of Huron. All work entrusted to ue willre w
ceive our prompt attention. g
Itecieione Itegarding Nevvepapers.
1 -Any person who takes a, paper regular, 'LLA
Irons the post office, vithether throated in his In
wee er anothere, or wbether be hat* sub- la
wilted or not, is responsible for pave Pg. le
2, --If a person orders hie paper dieeontinued r „
to mutt pay all avreare or the publisher mny "
tontinue to eerie it lintel the payment le mode, v't
ind then eoleact the whole immune vvhethet tr
le paper ie taken Iroin the office or not al
3 -le stuns for subseriptions, tee Rule mee be ,.
netitubed in flie Place %here the paper is pub- sl.
bleed, although the subseriber may regale in
wuntireds of mile e awe?. la
4 -The clothes have decided that retesting to ,„„
ake newspapere or periodicals hem the post es••
tine°, or removing and leaving them uneallefl
or. St prima fame evidenee of intentionelle
c and, e•
On the Farm.
leetteeltvetellevesele•les- liellitelkeete4P
`As a business prinoiple a merchant
vrho woold habitually pay more foit
his goods then he could get tor them
would, be on th,e direot road to bank-
ruptoy. If this paper and its adver-
tising space were sold, from year to
year for less Money than it costs to
make it, it woald, slot be long until we
would have to quit talking with our
friends in this department from week
to week. These are ideas, says Live
Stock Indioator, with whioh all are
familiar, and in which all agree. Never-
theless there are a good many People
who engage in d.airying and who seem
to say, or at least to act as though
they thought that the 'business of milk
produotiott was somehow an exception,
to the principles which roe recognized.
as prevailing in other callings. The
proportion of cows of the non -paying -
kind that are u.sed in dairying is very
large. We do not say that there is not
growing improvement in this respect,
for there is, but still much remains to
be desired. We do not ignore tht fact
either, that the improvement hoped for
must be gradual. Dairy cows must be
brect and developed in order to do well,
and, this is a work of time. It is,therei-
fore, in no complaining- vein that we
write, but rather with a view of urg-
ing persistence in the work of improv-
ing dairy herds, No CAW should be kept
or dairy purposes unless she pays, and
till a great many of this kind are kept.
he fact is productive of serious in-
ury in two directions: One is that it
akes the bueiness of dairying unre-
unera.tive to the man who thus per -
its himself to work at a loss, and, the
ther is that it is a positive injury to
he business at large by increasing the
utter production of the couialry, and
thus lowering the rctarkg price, If all
WS that yielded. leas than WO pounds
f butter per year were taken out of
he dairy and devoted to other purposes
he price of butter would probably in-
rease 50 per Cent. Of course it is not
passible to make this general clearance
f indifferent cows. To do so would
require the active co-operation of too
any persons, and a large proportion
f them do not realize how great would
e the advantage, both to themselves
nd to the industry, to make the clear -
nee. They thin.k they will get along
somehow, and. that it is better to get
hat milk they can from the indiffer-
ent cow than not to attempt to get
ny. This is not the fact. The cow that
will not produce a paying quantity of
milk nevertheless has a nsefulness of
her own, although it is not in dairy
lines. To this usefulness she should be
devoted, even though it mean send her
to the butcher. Every dairyman should
take steps to ascertain just what each
now in his herd is doing, and what it
costs her to do it. If she is not paying
her way, and making some profit be-
ide for her owner, she should not be
kept in the dairy. She should go to
e block if need be and be replaced as
rapidly as possible by something better.
Et is not easy to buy good. COWS, be -
use those who have them do not care
to sell them. Good. dairy herds mast,
s a rule, be bred for rather than pur-
hazed, but even though this condi-
ion of affairs Irequires the dairyman
o keep fewer cows than he would. like
o keep, a small number of whieh all
• individualss will pa.y a profit, will
a.ke more clear money for the dairy -
an than twice as many, of which one-
alf pay a profit and the other half are
ilked at a loss. The poorer cows
re not only eating their own heads off
ut they are eating up the profits made
y the better ones. Every dairyman
hould adopt as a fundamental princi-
le in his dairy work the idea of hay -
g good cows or none. On no other
asis will the work of dairying be
und remunerative. •
Give the harness a good oiling at
ast once a year, says a Waiter: Take
apart so that every portion ca,n be
eaned and well oiled. If the harness
badly soiled, wash before tilling.
ak in soapsuds made by dissolving a
all quantity of hard. soap 'in enough
ater to cover the harness perfectly.
ak, then usea stiff brush a,nd care-
Ily .remove every particle of dirt.
en rinse thoroughly in lukewarm
ater. Always dry the harness in a
ady place so that the leather will
t become stiff and. hard. After the
ater has dried all perfectly, but while
e leather is still, soft, apply Some
od harness all. After a couple of
ors, if there be any superfluous oil
ft that did not penetrate the leather
ipe it off or it will become sticky
d accumulate dust which will not
me off except by scraping.
See that every part of the harness
made strong enougb for the &mei-
pulling. If any part is weak have
repaired immediately. Be very par-
ular to have good, strong lines sop-
ied with strong snaps which work
ll. Have the collar welt fitted. to
e horse before commencing heavy
ork. The shoulders 6f the horseena.y
ve changed since last fail, espeeially
it be 6, young horse. In order to
we a collar fit well, ee.ch horse must
ve its own separate coll•ttre wbich
ould, not be worn by any other horse.
e that the collar is always kept
eat and properly fitted and with the
e of a little common sense the harse
11 not be likely to have sore
If caugnt in a rain and the harness
comes wet, it should not be removed
modiateIy. Cover the horse 'with a
ht blanket after being put into the
en and let the harne,ss remain on
✓ a couple of hours, Thies will pre -
int 12 becoming stiff and bard, This
eatment may seem ereel to the horse
t it is far more oruel to put on the
iff. Unyielding harness in the morn -
g end make the horse work in it.
hen the weathek is very warm in
menet 12 will not be necessary or
en desirable to blanket, the horse,
t eiretply reeve, the harness on hint
0211 the water has dried 022
The latenese should never be kept in
a damn Plaoe, as, the bits, buckles, etc,
will become rusty, 'while the leather
will mold, and rot. As an example of
what good. oare at the,hatentass will do,
atate that I have usedj a pain of
harness for 16 years, and, they are still
good, for several teasons, I have also
usect one pair of leather fly nete for
1(1 seasons.
One of the sureet ways of coutrelling
these pests is by diggingf them out.
This sotinde diseouraging. but it is not
sct laborious after one has become a
little skilful in lochting thenear the
plants. The more agreeable artd, possi-
bly just as effeetive raethod. Is the use
of poisoned, baits, the abet being to of-
fer something deadly to tbe caterpil-
lar, whioh it will eat in preference to
Ike labor of outting it,c own provender.
Green elover dipped in Paris green we -
ter and. laid in bunches near the plants
has beexP found successful, A. bran
mash composed. of four parts of bran,
one and ane -half parts of arsenic, orte
part of sugar, mixed and well moisten-
ed with water, is highly Arecozamerided.
Sirrine, has found. that even dry
bran or sniddlings mixed with, Paris
green, equal parts by weight in the
case of the former, or thirty to one of
poison in the latter, has afforded al-
most Perfect protection to the infested.
fields. Whiehever bait is used., it
should be distributed near the plants,
late in the afternoon or early in the
evening, so far as possib/e, in order to
offer the greatest attraction to the
The best farm. has its weeds.
-A turnip will grow in a season, but
to grow a. tree. takes time.
The moth always chooses the Sun-
day ooat.
Were men better, times would. be
A visit to a shiftless farmer some-
times teaches more than a call on a
wise one.
Who would live without work must
needs have a sniart wife.
Sweetest kernel comes from hard-
est shall.
The cow that finds hard living never
excels in milk giving.
Shorthorns thrive not in short pas-
tures, neither do other cattle.
Peet:mar Remus I.' oil:swing Their rels-
charge and Depiosion.
An object lesson as to the horrors
of war' is afforded by the diagnosis of
Assistant Surgeon. Raymond Spear, of
the American flagship New York, of
the effect of shell wounds upon mem-
berg of tbe crew of that vessel who
were hit during the bombardment of
San Juan. The shell struck the ship
it a distance of 5,500 yards and burst.
One fragment struck a man named
Weidemartt tan the left side of the
n.eck, near the angle of the jaw, sev-
ered the blood vessels, proceeded up-
ward. and backward into the brain. He
lost consciousness at once, and died
in five minutes. Another fregment
struck one• Fettraan on the inner sur-
face of the left thigh, about three
inches above the. knee, and. went
through the limb. The femur was shat-
tered into numerous fragments, and
the 'muscles Ware c.onsiderably then in
the track of the wound. The effect of
the missile on the bone was peculiar
in that the bone was not only splin-
tered for about three inches of its
length, but was also pulverized, hun-
dreds of minute pieges of bone • being
embedded in the muscles. At the point
of exit there ware shaecle of tissue
protruding from the wound, showing
that the re.gged piece of steel drew
muscular fibres and fascia along with
it. Other men were also injured. It
was noted. that the fragments of the
shells were all hot. The men injured
Said they felt a burning, stinging sen-
sation about, their wounds, and in
some cases th'e clothing was smirched.
The shell receives a great deal of heat
from the friction it incurs in leaving
the gun. Some of this heat is lost
through radiation in the flight through
the air, but raore heat is developed
on the impag of the shell, and still
more energy takes the form of heat
when the missile explodes, making the
fragraents hot enough to set fire to
wood. Thus a boat on the New York
and its canvas cover were both sot
on fire.
At Rangoon is aituated the famous
golden pagoda of aBuddhist temple,
the whole of the exterior Of which is
One mass of shimmering gold This
generous coating of the metal is the
result of years and years of votive of-
ferings to Buddha, for devotes frorn
all parts of the world go to Rangoon
and take packete of gold leaf,which
they plasm on the pagoda. During the
last century, Tshewlayo-Yen, the King
of Burtnab, gave his weight in gold to
the walls of the pagoda, an offering
worth A0,000 sterling.
Am, 1 the first man you ever loved
Yes, you are; not one of the others
was to soldier.
LiCh H1 Little
is espeelally true of Hood's Pills, for no niedi•
eine ever coetained so great curative power In
se °steel space, They era a whole medielee
chest, always ready, al -
Ways ettelent, alweys set-
isfaetory; prevent a cold
or fever, euro all liver Ilia
sick headache, etundlee, ainstipraion, etc. eee
Tlie ouly PlUs -to take with afood's i3arsee arilix
Stsallelielie 0
he Home
The het dap: are upon as and it
should be the aim f etery housewife
to prepare cool, refreshing drinks that
will prevent her family from deink-
stiott quantities of ice water 'as
they are apeto do, Too many of the
severe ettenner diseases may be traced
(Tiredly to the drinking of ice water.
rf the water from the faucet, or
well is not cool enough' to quench: the
thirst, place a bottle of water on the
ice, but do not put the ice in the
Lemons are very valtuible during the
summer months and a supply should be
kept constantly' on hand. For one who
is inclined. to be bilious or troubled
with insrannia, a. glass of lemonade not
too eweet, taken just before retiring,
will be found very beneficial.'
Try this recipe for nactitime lemon-
ade and see if ibis not delicious, For
one quart, take the juice of three lem-
ons, using the rind of one of them. Peel
the rind very thin, getting jug the
yellow outside. Cut this into pieces
a,nd put with the juice ansi two ounces
of powdered sugar, in a jug or jar
With a cover. Have the water boiling
and just about right for making tea;
pour it over the lemon and sugar, cov-
er at once and let it stand until cool.
While preparing the morning meal
make a pitcher of coffee, add milk and
sugar and place in a cool place. This
will be found very refreshing for the
dinner or luncheon. Tea may be pre-
pared. in the same way and ls Pro -
'erred. by some.
A drink made from spiced currants
es, especially grateful on hot days and.
is rcta,de by taking seven pounds .of ripe
currants and adding to them, four
pounds of sugar, one pint of vinegar,
one tablespoonful ground cloves, one of
cinnamon and one of allspice. Boil
slowly for two hours or more. Putt in
cans or it will keep well in crocks, with
thick paper covers fastened over. Two
dessert spoonfals in a tumbler filled
with water, and stirred well makes a
very refreshing drink.
The syrup left from canned. fruits of
different kinds may be sweetened and
wed in the same way.
Many advocate the use of hot drinks
in warmweather and consider it ‘amis-
taken idea, that cold drinks are neces-
sary to relieve thirst. Be that as it
may it is certain that very -cold drinks
frequently increase the feverish condi-
tion of the mouth and stomach, and so,
producethe very condition that is
sought tc?' be alleviated.
Experience has shown that hot drinks
relieve the -thirst and cool the body,
when it is unduly heated, in amore
effectual manner than ice-cold. drinks.
This will, of course, not be acceptod
by all, but those who are troubled
with much thirst raieht do worse than
try the advantages to be derived from
hotr rather than cold, drinks.
Hot drinks have the additional ad-
vantage of aidina digestion instead of
injuriously affeeting the stomach and
In this country the few varieties of
clematis that are used are greatly ad. -
mired„ but to the majority of people
the family seems to be regarded as
among the tender aristocrats of the
garden and to be used only where there
is the professional gardener to iiurse
and. care for it. This is a mistakeuidea.
The uses.of the; clematis are many. As
a porch shade it will weave its leaf
stems about a coarse mesh "Wire net
and afford a beautiful thick screen. „as
a, wall plant, a wire net badking is
more easily trained to than is the
wall to which the stems must be fas-
tened. This backing should be pegged
to the earth and fastened at the top,
or a regular screen can be made and
hung from books. The early spring
varieties are all best used on: northern
or western exposures, as the late frosts
are apt to catch the flowers when in
bloom. The frost itself will do no harm
if the thawing can: be in the shade, as
it would be on the north or west side,
but south or east would catch the ear-
ly morning sun that shines so bright-
ly after a frost, and which would be
sure to do injury. On a southern ex-
posure there should. be trees or other
shades to intercept the sun's rays. The
requisites for growing the spring flow-
ering clematis successfully, are deep,
rich, light soil; good feeding; free de-
velopment of summer shoots and re-
taining them so far as they are devel-
oped over winter. The summer and
fall varieties, on the contrary, in
blooming on new wood should be prun-
ed. back canes every autumn, the young
shoots being trimmed up to their full
extent in early summer and until the
flowers begin to appear, when, as the
lateral growths develop bloom, it is
well to let the fall in their natural
wreaths, first of flowers and later of
the feathery phirdes,
The clematis, as a bedding pla,nt, peg-
ged down, as are verbenas, will, in light
soil, give a mass of the richest bloom
from .fulyetintil frosts make an end of
it For bedding, plants should be placed
permanently so the roots may not be
disturbed. A. heavy soil should be
lightened with sated or coal ashes, and
very light soil should have loam wad-
ed. Too miatush moisture will prove in-
jurious, and good feeding with well -
rotted manure is necessary. The plants,
of course, should rise above the level
of the surrounding ground. Some to
get this make a Mound 02 the soil, but
thle, on account of drainage, is Wit ad-
•visable. A better way is to bona a
mound -shaped trellis over or to heap
LO fine twigs or small brush. For such
beds the plants should be set two feet
apart- and the growth be kept in place
closely at. first until the epace ie cov-
ered -as desired, evhen the leaf stems
will begin to clasp about each abet
and foxin a Mat
To relieve tbe barrennees of these
al/(1:1: wolinetepri,arxvittisi: otfhudswamefaietomneitetit'se,
ho'llY or rhododendron are placed
spot ettraotive the year around Xn
some gardens about Philaclelphie the
pillar method is used. For this the
ground is prepared to tt good dept
aanbognutiatrwtoprfrueet a,apnadr„toinazitssquaarx: acseet
and three or four poles are set to be
tween eaeli two, The rule of the dem-
atis LB plenty of room at the top, and
it is for the top it starts. The pillar
meet be high if at the end the eeee
son there is not, with established
Plants, a waving name of bloom fron1
the top. Summer blooming varieties
are find, and each 3reor the growth is
severely out back. For one teller
MOrIlieg glories share the spoof), with
the clematis. Another has tbe bright
orange flowers of the nasturtium min-
gled with the green and purple of the
As a porch or roof garden shade,
Mr. Xna.pper, the clematis enthusiast.
prepares boxee about co foot square. In
the center its a yucca. filamentosa, at
each corner an eehigeria and at each
end a clematis is planted. to grow over
the trellis nailed fast to the outside,
and arching some four feet high above.
Boxes three or four times as long could
have the trellis at the back and the
clematifsolfaeeanstoerdtniu:ough the length
These boxes, having done duty for
tb.e summer, can bet buried in the gar -
dee in the autumn or left standing out
they will be ready for a new start in
the early spring.
The worst, enemy of the clematis is
the cutworm, but this may be gotten
rid of by giving the earth to the chick-
ens, ,for a little while to scratch over
and then adding powdered m.ustard to
it before giving to the clematis..
lase Soup of Split Peas Wahl one
pint split peas. Put thern with two
quarts of oold water in a saucepan over
the fire. Add half a tablespoonful salt.
As soon as it boils add halt a cupful
finely cut celery and one large peel-
ed potato cut into pieces. Fry in one
tablespoonful butter or drippings two
fine chopped onions for five minutes.
Add them to the soup with one fine
out carrot, cover the saucepan ansi
boil till done. Then rub the soup
through a.sieve. Season to taste 'with
salt and a little white pepper. Serve
oyster erck
enicarlalsgerusa.res of toasted bread Or
Asparagus with' Peas. - Peel one
bunch asparagus and cut the tender
parts into one -inch: pieces; place itt a
saucepan, cover with boiling water,
add one teaspoon salt and boil until
done. At the same time put one pint
green peas in a saucepan over the, fire,
add one teaspoon sugar, cover with
boiling water and, boil until tender
and nearly dry. Melt in another sauces -
pan twee ounces butter, add one table-
spoonful flour, stir and. eook three
minutes; add one and a half cups as-
paragus water, cook and stir a few
minutes. Mix the yolks of two eggs
with' one half cup cream, add it to the
sauce, stir until hot, not allowing it
to boil. Dramn. the asparegus,on a sieve,
drain also tbe peas; Place in a hot dish,
pour over the sauce and. serve,
Buns. -One-third. cupful hot milk,two
tablespoonfuls sugar,' one-third egg,
one-half teaspoonful salt, one-half yeast
cake, two-thirds cupful flour. Make a
sponge with the above ingredients.
Beat it. Let it rise until light, add
flour to make a dough, knead it, and
let it else again to double its bulk,
then a.dd one tableepoonful of soften-
ed butter, one-eighth teaspoonful cin-
namon or nutmeg, ansi one-sixth cupful
currants, Let it rise again. Shape
into small round cakes and place in
muffin pans to rise. When light, bake
ill a moderate oven. When they have
baked for fifteen minutes, gla,ze them
with a mixture of milk and sugar (one-
fourth tablespoonful sugar, oue table-
spoonful milk), and repeat every five
minutes until they are don,e. Bake
about .forty minutes.
Crumpets - One-quarter tablespoon-
ful butter, one-third teaspoonful salt,
one-fourth yeast cake, one-half oup-
fill flour. Pour th'e hot milk over the
salt and. batter. When lukewarm add
the beaten: eggs.,„and the yeast, which
has been dissolved in lukewarm water.
Add the flour end beat the mixture
until smooth. Let it mise until liglat,
then bake on a hot griddle in buttered
m.uffin rings for twenty minutes.
Spiced Gooseberries. - Six quarts
gooseberries, nine pounds sugar, cook
one and. one-half hours, then add one
pint vinegar, one tablespoonful each
cloves, cinnamon and allspice. Boil a
few minutes. When cold they should
be like jam. Boil longer if not thiek
Spiced Curranias. - Three pounds
white sugar, five pounds ripe currants,
one tablespoonful each cinnamon, nut-
meg, cloves, and allspice. Boil currants
0110 hour, then a,dd auger, spices and
one-half pint vinegar, boil ene-halt
hour longer.
When the rubber rolls of your
wringer get discolored arid cov,ered
with lint from flannel, etc., dip a bit
of cloth in kerosene and. rub them.
They will look like new. Very little
oil is suffieient, merely enough to
raosten the cloth.
You cart make gone own fly paper'
by adding to melted' resin sanouglt
sweet oil or lard. to make it of tha
oonsistency of molasses, Spread on
sheets of cheep writing paper.
Those foolish people who have endea-
vored to rob the metaphor of ite harm-
ful qualities by' letting the slices stand
itt salt end water' and have succe,ecled
III eliminating it flavor, the only
thing that, maket it appetizing, are
hereby informed that their attempts
to get rid of its eolicy propensities
have really intetteified. them by mak-
ing it more is:digestible. Ileet salt and
tile water, vinegar, etea wilts the fibrt
and makes it tough. Cuourahers are di-
gestible if eaten fresh, before the
seeds Mae, barderied.
Don't cook oalnasaal itt tot weather.
Matt 00.11111
WWII URI 0 1114 RUf( Id1111M1011011 1101010101111;111111UUU
similating therood andRegula-
tirt thestoinachsandBoweis af
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opunti,Morphine nor Ifineral.
.27eave ar0f€1.711^.0,1172ZPIRMI
Pimphr:s Seer
rarliala Serie -
debase Sera q,
ilk; iced -
144awirgirr •
Aperfect Remedy for Cons tipa7
tion, Sour Skiroach,Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Convutsions,fhverish-
iess Cind LOSS OF SLEEP.
Oasts& is put up itt ono-sizo bottles only. It
is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell
yon anything else on the plea or promise that it
is "jut as good" and "will answer every per -
pose," Mr Boo titht yon get 0 -A -8 -T -0 -B -I -A:
Who fac-
simile is on
signature gator ovary
'ot mapper,.
iVeYaillatateliWrelettliateM4Rel'ac I televaelearettlesete.
,Rzteeleieffit. elialle'lleati",•.1" •
Su.bstitute rice, cracked wbetat, and
other wheat preparations for oatmeal,
which is too heat -producing. Oatmeal
contains three times as much fat as
,The small ornexamatal windows with
broad, sill between two rooms lend.
themselves well to decorative effects.
A sash curtain is indispensable. Strip-
ecl ltfadras in flower effeots of delicate
India silk are pretty effects for these.
A silk scarf draped gracefully over a
gilt rosi is uncommon and effective. A
jardiniere with a. small plant put nn
the sill is good. A ligure in plaster,
brass candlestick or a Moorish lamp
are other suggestions that look well.
Something- Of the Climate In the island-
Reatis leery oppressive.
Meteorological data regarding Cuba
is very scant. The average - summer
temperature at Havana for june, anly
and August is 82 degrees, while the
highest temperature recorded in. the
laat ten years was 101 degrees. The
average rainfall at Havana is 51.73
inches. During the last thirty years
five occasions have happened. Nviaen as
ranch oX more rain fell in the usual
"dry season" as in tthe "rainy season,"
The average araount of rainfall in the
"rainy season," which extends from
May to October, is 92.37 inches.
The warmest month is July, with
an average temperature of 83 degrees.
Santiago apparently bas a slightly
higher average mean temperature
than Havana; but observations are
Very meagre from this place. The aver-
age diurnal range of temperature is
about 10 degrees. The relative humid-
ity of the atmosphere is fairly constant
and about 75 per cent., of saturation.
The prevailing winds are the "North-
east Trades," and .the average velocity
of wind in Havana is 7.5 miles an hour.
Notwithstanding the frequency of
rain during the summer months, they
do not present the greatest number
of cloudy days. The rains although
copious, are of short duration, and
those-, cleys on which showers do fall
are, in general, perfectly cloudless.
During these months no clouds are to
be seen in the atnaosphere except while
the showers are falling; while in other
months cloudy days occur without rain.
Thunderstorms with much electrical
display are of frequent or almost daily
occurrence, but little daanage results
from them.
The following is a tablet of 77 7t261
February, - .
Janre.ary. . , . . 72:0
mean tenaperature for Havanafor the
ien years 1888 to 1897 inclusive-
• . . 7 77888158:1:
April. .
Mr. De Blank (10 pret)-Il you don't
want, Clara to see that thing you are
Making for her,, you'd better put it
out a sight, for elle% be up pretty
soon. I hear her in the front ball,
--Mrs, De Thank -She won't be up for
an hour et leaet. She's bidding good-
night to Mr. Nicefello.
The deeters itt Sweden Inver send The Sietmette have a great horror of
bills to their patients, the amount of
odd numbers, rind were never known, to
remtineration being left entirely to the ' put five, seven, nine or elevet win.
generoe4 of th'e latter. down in a house or female-
STelt Headache and rel eve all the troubles Incl.
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, dm. While their most
remarkable success has been shown In curlug
Headache, yet CARTER'S Terme LIVER PILLS
are equally valuable in Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying conaplaint, while •
they also correct all disorders of the stomaoh,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they would be almost prieelesa to those
Who suffer from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable In eo many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
But after all sick head
IS the bane of so many lives that here ta where
we make our great boast. Our pais cure It
while.others do not.
anCdezmyeee v nPetecTi.? two
slis mnittitrl!
a dose. They are sirictly vegetabli and do
VtrrfN)17tgirfeltaa Zhi11.Ilasg actlon
nve for $1. Sold everywnere, or sent by mad.
OAIIT22 LISDIOINE 00., dew York.
hall Paia11Pao, Zmall Pa&
Is packed under the supervision of the Tea growers,
and is advertised and sold by tbcm as a sample of
the best qualities of Indian and Ceylon Teas. For
that reason they see that none but the very fresh
leaves go into Monsoon packages.
That is why "Monsoon," the perfect Tea, can
be sold at the same price as inferior tea.
It is put up in sealed caddies of 54 lb. 1 Ib. arid
5 lbs., ahd sold In three flavours at 40c,, .50C. and 60c,
STEEL, ElAYTER 84 CO., Front St, Toronto.
P AtOr