Exeter Times, 1898-7-21, Page 5This is the complaint o. thousands at this fitment, at They have no appetite; food noes not relish. They need the toning up of the otomach and digefitive organs, which a course of Hood' a Sarsaparilla Will give ehena. It also purifies and enriches the blood, Cures that distress after eating and Internal misery only a dyspeptic can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and buildup and sustains the whole physical system. ItEo prompt- ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp- toms and cures nervous headache ra that it seerna to have almost "a magic touch," III- •:.-^a-la Sarsaparilla Mahe best -In fact the Ono True Blood Perinea are the best after-dinner 1100CPS 1^"1 115p111, eta digestion. '23e. Jes_irm, eresesgeeseneeeeloromi Influence of concentrated Foods on Milk Often points made by public speakers •fay to attract special attention of listen - .ors to or readers of their remarks. Mr. garris of Boston, tho expert butter judge, ,lioth at tho state dairyman's resethig of ;Vermont and last year of NeW Ramp. Aire, in each place made the point that ne of the butter was inj urfously infeeted by gluten meal, and that cotton - led Meal also injured the fierce' Of but We invite the attentiou of butter f'itkers to this point, for to this opinion bre than ordinary vaight should be at. taebed, The feeding of gluten meal is on the increase among deiryeeen, while probably more rapidly with milk pro- ittleers than with butter preducers; yet it is a popular food with butter produc- ets. We regret to note tho fact, for glu- ten meal, next to cottonseed meal, is the richest dairy food on the market in pro, teln, and therefore not to it has tho highest value for farm, fertilizers. Gluten 'Moat exceeds cottonseed meal in the amount of fat it contains, which rises oc- -iasionally to the heavy amount of 18 per tent., and generally exceeds 10 per cent. Now as oil or fat has two and ono half times tho heat producing capacity that protein has, it will be seen in this regard that its feeding value is superior to that. .of cottonseed meal, and on this account, on the whole has a .higher feeding value . than cottonseed meal. But the eery high per cont. of protein and fat combined makes it what is ,Jnown among feeders as a heavy food d ono of the dangerous foods to feed, rioept in limited amounts. Garget ared either woes to which cow flesh is heir faltoW the heaey feeding of this meal, and in giving rise to the off quality of butter from its influence on health is ananifest in texture and flavor. 'Very atty goods do not give butter fats of the Ilnest granular structure, nbr do they give the finest flavored butter. This we believe to be true not only of gluten meal Cut of eottonseea meal, linseed meal and palm nut meal. At the New Hampshire ejcperirnent station Prof. Whiecher, the investigator, found that gluten meal anade a rather softer butter than other foods. It is assumed by dairymen that a small quantity of gluten meal -a couple pounds a day -when mixed with such :foods as bran or some food that acts as a idivisor to increase its bulk, may be fed without any marked or dangeroue visible 4iftects. Cottonseed meal, objected to by Mr. Barris, atteots injuriously the -volatile acids of butter, and of course thereby its flavor. At the same time it makes a hare butter without giving it that fine granto lar structure imparted by corn meal. Its anelting point is very decidedly raised, amounting sometimes to 10 degrees. On -acouunt of tha influence of these meals on the value of'manure and their ;insoles. tioned favorable °fleet on the quantities of it, a pound or two a day, if bran, oats ler middlings enter into the ration, un- less the class of gilt-edged butter is being =ado that draws the extreme prices of the market -prices not secured and not attainable by one in a thousand. Those who -are making the finest class of goods that go into the common inarkets and that stand next to the producer of gilt - edge butter, will no doubt hesitate to use either of these meals. Exact evidence is -wanting to. determine oven in small quantities whether it 14 advisable to feed to the herds of this class of dairymen, The value of these foods for the reason stated is so great thn t they should Dot be wholly parted with wiehout closer obser- vation than we now have on these foods. ._•- • Catarrh Shackles Broken in 60 MinUtea It's arealarming fact, but statistics bear it out, that at least So in every hun- dred persons in this (eaft . country are tainted in a lesser or greater degree It 1• by that disgusting, often- ' sive and dangerous dis- 1 ease -Catarrh. If symp- I fonts appear, such as cold In the laded, dizziness _ pains in the forehead: • headache, dropping in the throat; offensive breath, loss of taste and smell, eee Catarrh shaeldes may be tightening about you - OR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER ijra the most potent Catarth.cure known to -day - Itedemmended by eminent nose andthroat special. lsts-givee relief in from lo to 6o minutes. . For yeare I was a victim of chronic Catarrh; •tile esst applieation of Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal pow- cler gave me inetant relief, and in an Incredibly abort while I was permanently mured,"-lautes Headley, Dundee, Nee -se Sold ' '',* (1. IX/ Z, Exeter. " eielMeeeeetetavas. ALWAYS KEEP ON HASID ifier THERE IS NO KIND OF PAIN OR ACHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, THAT PAIN -KILLER VaILL NOT fle- LiEVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIoNS AND Sub- ! STITerree, THE (1ENUINe BoTTLE DEARS THE aAN1E, PEIIRY CAV!S .fe 50N. oliottraelvS.445,4fitileavtice..4.4/.. daltp....14.,.,d74.10,00101,14PatA.CO=413=1101111111 ',Not to 8.)4) visited Agatn..' Senile thne ago in the State Of Miehi- gan, a yoUng and enterpriSing book agen Was in the ootmtry traVeliing from town .Itis tp town, gelling a work celled "The Early Safe to Christian MartyrS," which he sold at $5 a oir teepee delivering the hooka and collecting the xuoney as he went along. , He had been to days in a certain town and had taken a fair number of Ordere there, when a little Were noon he called in a grocery stOre,where he fennel the pro- prietor alone The old grocer asked him what he had, stiping froni bIs sample case that he was an agent of some kind. •He replied; "I'm taking orders for a work called `The Early Christian Martyrs,' and have only a few oopioS left," Tho old man's eyes beamed with delight as he said, "Is that so? Why, it was only a few nights ago my wife and I were talk- ing about that book and wondering how we oould get it She wants the book and, ,so do I." The agent delivered Mtn a copy, 'and as the old man gave him a $5 bill in payment, he said: "Now, look here, don't you go over to the house and sell a copy to my wife, because we only want one in the fam ily. "Certainly not," said the book agent, "I wouldn't think of such a thing," and biddin?the old man good morning, he left the store. It was then about 11:5, and the train which was to take him to Chicago started at 15.15 p.m, He said to (himself, "I have just time to sell a copy to the old lady and get on the train." So he entered the nearest drug store, and getting the home address of the old man from the direetory, he at once hurried there. Of course, he had no difficulty in making the sale, as she was anxious to get the work, and having received the $5, he made all haste to ()atoll the train. Tho old man came home for dinner long after the book agent had gone, His wife came toward him srnilling and (=grata- lating herself upon having secured what she had so long wished to possess, a copy of ".The Early Christian Martyrs." He didnot smile, however, but swore angrily and muttering something about that he would fix hiln, hurried (not stopping, for diener) in the hope of reaching the station before tho train started fdr Chicago,think- ing that the book agent would lm mire to leave toWn as soon as possible after this. When ho Mile within 200 yards of the station he saw from.the top of the hill which sloped down to the station that the train was on the point of starting, so, recognizing a friend of his who was nearly at the bottom of the hill and consequently close to the train, he began gesticulating and shouting to him to stop the agent. His friend could only catch the words book agent, who was smoking a cigar on the rear platform of a car, and asked him what the old man on the hill wanted. The book agent pretended to scrutinize the fig- ure in the distance, of course, knowing full well who he was and what be wanted. In a few minutes,he said,as an idea seem- ed to strike him: "I know; I know now. That is a cus- tomer of mine. He wants a copy of "The Christian Martyrs," and like a fool I never called on him I forgot him. If you want to do him a good turn," he add- ed, just as the train was going to move out, "you had better take the book from me and give it to him, so he won't be dis- appointed. The price is $5." The man gave the book agent $5 for his friend, and took the book and the train started for Chicago. As the book agent leaned back, in his seat he took a small break, containing a list of towns, and wrote opposite this town the words: "Not to be visited again." Taillring Yard Convenlences. It requires but a little time to make a shelter like that shown in the accom- panying sketch, and it certainly pro- vides a very neat and desirable place in which to set the milk until all the cows are milked. The lower shelf makes a good receptacle for the milking stools. and, by the way, milking stools ought to be mearle for the purpose intended, and. /SkilIsaftliffie(110 IIr Alte Moto not by the utilization of some old Met, keg, or pail, as many do, for milking is not such a pleasant task that the milker should have a torturous seat while per- forming the operation. This shelter keeps the rain from the mita and out of dan. gor fr0111 being upset by the cows. The stools aro kept dry, and neatness of the entire surroundings, 'convenience, and mnifort to the milker are the resula- esmetican Agriculturist. A STRONG NATION Consists of strong men and healthy women, and health and streegth de- peod upon pure, rich blood Which is given by Hood's Sarea,parilla. A na- tion which takes mulilous of ho tiles of Hood's Sarsaparilla every year is lay- ing the foundation for health, the Wisdom of which will surely show itself iu yearS to come. -- HoOd's Pills are prompt, efficien t, al- ways reliable, easy to take, easy to op- erate. 25c. BLENHE▪ IM, • ONT. "I have been suffering with heart trouble and excessive nervousneSe Since That spring and became completely debilitated and weakened, Se that I tbriught 1 Was going -to die. Milburn' Heart andlisTeelte Pills have Completely cured me, and I cannot be tee thankful for my recov- ery." Mas JAS .(.30ST, Blenheim Vitt. " CHILDREN'S RIDNEYS Are often 80 freak that they cannot retain their water. Don't feeold or punish the little ones. Give them Doan's 'Kidney Pitts and soon everything Will be all right arid the beds sweet and. dry. " SUMMER COMPLAINT Carries Mr thousrindS of children every year: blether, your thild's not safe 'unless yeti have a bottle Of Dr. FOWlet"S EXtrafit ot &rail, - beery in the house. it is always prompt and effeetive tti cheek and cure all bowel C001“ Couons vxn Col.ns are talways prereptly ettrad b Ilagyard's Pectoral Balsam.. 25e If you aro crazed With headache eend forbli1. burn'e Sterling Heade 00 PoWd ors, step it in a ininute, • 10 and 250. At all dealer8; . Bons, 00 matter how„many or Ilolv large, will all disappear When you use Berdock 13IS'cd Ifittera-the best bleed Medicine made. .0h lid Veil • 0 ry The example of the minions of wo- Men Who have made the Diamond Dyes their chosen and only dyes for domestic dyeing, The faith of all is so firmly established in the powers and excellence of the Diamond. Dyes that they would not use any other make, even if the coniruon dyes were given free of cost. Valuable and, useful goods should not be experimented on with poor and untried package dyes, Ruin and loss of goods andreoney will meet the user's of adulterated dyes, Follow the safe example of earth's millions and use the Diamond Dyes, and success, happiness and pleasure will be your reward. 4111•••••• The -writer of a recent book, of legel •anecdotes has unearthed some curious testimony as to William Shakespeare's knowledge of the English law of his time. Lord Campbell, a. former Lord Chief Justice of England, in the year 1859 miblished a book entitled "Shake- speare's Legal Acquirements,” in which he submitted three -and -twenty of the thirty-seven plays to a somewhat close ex -amination, and deduced therefrom a large number at examples illustrative of legal knowledge or acquaintance with technical terms on the part of the author. Abounding as are these law phrases, points and metaphors, the marvel is that they are always .accur- ate and appeopria.tely used. There is never a mistake. "While novelists and dramatists," says Campbell, "are con- stantly making mistakes as to the law of marriage, of wills, and of inherit- ance, to Shakespeare's lame lavishly as he propounds It, there can be no de- murrer, no bill of exception, no 'writ of error." "ril tell you the (Itii'est story yoe ever heard," said Chief Dickinson of the department of dre the other day, to a Cleveland Leader reporter, "ana It is a true story al that. In 1861, to- ward the end of the war, I was at Fort Lincoln, at Washington, the leader of the band of the 150th Ohio regiment. The war was hot, and, • of course, we were all intensely interested_ in the very latest we could get about it. NewsPapers were scarce, and when we managed to get hold of one we regard- ed it as a treasure. One clay I was fortunate enough to get hold of a copy of the Philadelphia Inquirer, Which contained a lot of war news. After I had read it I handed it around among the boys, and nnally loaned it to a man named Breymeier. Yester- day who should walk into my office but Ereymeier, who returned the paper with thanks. He was looking river his old papers to get information to assist the wido-w of an old comrade in getting, a pension, and he raM across the in- quirer. -What do you think of 1 0 000 - science of a man who Would return a paper after all that time?" Lines on the Death of Mrs. Robert McFalls. • (FORMERT41- MUSS LOUISE EMIALINE macxxsorc.) — - The beautiful flowers of the wild wood, Whose beauty seems doomed to decay, Like them, too the friends of our childhood One by one they aro passing away. Few had prospects of life any greater, And feNv cheeks had more show of bloom, And few were to friends any dearer Than her to -day laid in the tomb. Her comrades all loved the departed, For the was so cheerful and gay, And feel sad that 031C so kind-hearted Should fade in the noon of:her day. Efer cheerful and kind disposition Made her welcome Wherever she came. Cruel death now has changecl her position, Now they sigh when they mention her name. But if there's rejoicing in heaven, As some writers venture to say, And if friends them can welcome each other, There will be rejoicing to -day. Where now her two sisters and brother Welcome her to the mansions above, For a good christian father and mother Told them of a killd SaTi011r'S love. And if there is any communion In that land free from sorrow and pain, There will be a happy re -union When she meets with those loved ones again. • ADABE. VotersList, IOW MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE, COUNTY OF HURON. -- Notice is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 6 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, 1880, the copies required by said, section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said .Act, of all persons ap- pearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the Municipality at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my aloe, at, Whalen, OD the llth day of Jnly, 1808, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and, if any omission or any other °veers aro found therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have said errors corrected according to Mw. Dated this 191h clay of July, 1803. FRANCIS MORLEY, Clerk, Usborne. First=Class Farm for Sale To be solcl, by public auction by Mr. Henry Brown,auetioneer,on the 1.1 ndormentioned farm, on Tuesday, the Oth day of August, A. D., 1898, at two o'clock p. (subject to met conditions as shall then be produced.) All that parcel or tract of land containing by admeasurement one hundred acres, be the same inere' or loss, being composed of lot No. tomb:ion, in the 10th concession of the township of 'Usborne, in the county of Huron, now in the occupation of Thomas S. Clarke. Tins farm is in priem con- dition, all under cultivation, excepting 10 acres of good bush, has two orchards in full beer - lug, and LW° 00V012 failing wells. There aro a frame dwelliug. a barn 30x56, shed 14x36, stable 20x40, with fences all in a fair state of repair about 22 acres aro fit for fall wheat, possession of which Will be given for cropping tis fall. The remaining land is all seeded OW11 With tin) OthY and clever. For thrther partieulara apply to Mr. Clarke on the premises, to the auctioneer, or MESSRS. ELLIOT St' (MADMAN, Dated 6Gli July, 1808. Solicitors, Eketer , p1Cook's Cotton Boot CompOuni , 18 sueeessftilly used monthly by over . 0,000 Laellee. Safe, effectual. Ladiee folk your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take Me other, as all Mixturee, Mlle and insitatione are dmigerotis. Mae°, No, 1, 51 per box; NO. 0,10 degree§ stronger, $8 per box. No. tor 2, mailed on receipt of price and two &Cent stalking, The Cook ComprinyMindeor. One Per -Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all reSponsible Druggists in (Meade.. No. 1 and No. 2 sold in Beeler by 3, W. Bre wiling, detiggist. -........ Children Cry for LA X El T B s!-•441'w.f4,0!'",41.44'ef YSPEPSIA. "For efinie time my Stomach has troubled me end 1 tried most everything, but nothiefe dicl roe any good till I started taldne Eurdeolt 131004 Bitters. Two bottles. have made me well.' MRS. LIZZU $ANBOIN, 33a1c1whi's Mil s,112ao. TIMES 714fOre, AP?' WOOare Ph0B131:10ainef The Great Engl1!s4 Remedy. Sold and recexamended by all druggists in Canada. Only rela able medicine discovered. 'SU pachages guaranteed to cure all forms ot Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium. or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt 81;12 onere.Praaen al g apghl e$ ti six,fre-$ 5to, afmeny rdileiteser. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by J., W. Browning, druggist. • MARICET REPORTS, Exeter July 20111, 1898 Wheat per buebel ...... ... .70 to .75 Oats... ,,,, .. -.26 to 27 Barley— ...... .... -40: to e0 Peas ..... .. .... - 55 to 50 Butter „..... ...12 to 12 Eggs ^ e 9 to 9 Turkeys ... ...... to 9 4 to 6 glejoefte-iie i;er lb .. .7,7 .. , 4 to 5 Ducks .. .... 5 to 0 Wool.. 17 to 18 1).4tvdesizs: . . 5:6 210 10,,,P. Pork live weigh't 4., o 4.-0 Hay per ton ..... .,... 8 1301) to 86.00 ill'ellt?: seed 51.00 ' ' ' ' ' ' - - ' ' ' ' - 1:2 t°) Sg:g8 Timothy seed „ea.., .... ..... 1,00 to 51.23 London, July 2.0%, 1898. Wheat per bushe ,.. .... el to 81 Oats.. 32 to 314 Peas . , 54 to 60 Barley."... -AI to 50 Buckwheat • • .36 to 388 ...89 to 39 Corn .....• 33i to 48 Beane 40 to 60 Butter ... 13 to 14 Eggs 10 to 11 Dueke „,„ 60 to 70 Turkeys per 11. 10 to 12 Geese per to- ., 9 to 10 Chickens 51‘ to 75 Cheese 8 to 10 Potatoes per bag Hay per ton — .$ 6.00 to $ 7-50 Pork per ewe,. .. . .. $4.50 to $5.00 .01Z.<11o.. •WOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDT.-IVITS WillS)OW'S Soothing Syrup has been used. for over fifty years by millions of mothersfor their children while teethingwith perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Kftif1101. fgr'DAL PIASTER Weguaranteethatthese Plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other. Put up only in 25c. tin boxes an $1.00 yard rolls. The latter allows you to cut the Plaster any size. Every family should have one ready for an emer- gency. • DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LIMITED, tiONTREAL • Beware of hadrations BIRTHS, NEIL -In Exeter, on the 18th inst.. the wife of 'Wellington Neil, of a daughter. ROWE-In Exeter. OD the 14111 inst., the wife of R. N. Rowe, of a daughter. AllElr-At Sharon, Stephen, on the 14th inst., the wife of Thos. Amoy, of a daughter. MARRIAGES: EA CPETT-CAMPBELL.-At the residence of Witham Eacrett, London, on the 19th inst.. Mr. Albert Eaerett, of Port Angeles, 'We eh., son of Christopher Eacrett, of -Hay, to Miss Isabella, youngest daughter of Wm. Campbell, of Lbw. DEATHS. MILL.AR-In Exeter, on the 15th ins:t, James Millar, aged 52 years. TOWLE-In Usborne (Zion), on the 14th inst., Mary Ann, wife of John Towle, aged 02 years, 20 days. DIXON.-In Biddillph, on J'uly 13th, Clara Dixon, relict of the late Joseph Dixon, Esq., • 'aged 75 years. ITINIM10. Kf-IV.Kii.114KWKIK7 . RS. .K The Leading Specialists of America 20 Years in Detroit. 250,000 Cured. WECURESTRICTURE , Thousands of young and middle ngecl • monaretroubled with this disease -Many unconsciously. They way hay° a smart- ing sensation, small, twisting stream, sharp cutting pains at times, slight dis10 - charge, difficulty in commencing, weak e, organs, emissions, and all the symetoue of nervous debility -they have STRIC- TURE. Don't let doctors experiment on you, by cutting, stretching., or tering you. This will not cute you, as it will re- turn. Our NEVI/ METHOD TREAT- MENT absorbs the stricture tissue; hence removes the strictitro permanently. 1. It °annoyer return. No pain, no suffer- ing, no detention from business by our method. The sexualorga,us are strength- ened. The nerves are invigorated, and the bliss of manhood returns. . MUM RuEE:ir Thousands of young and middle-aged men are haying their eexual vigor and vitality continually sapped by this dis- ease. They are frequently unconscious et the cause of these Symilterns'. General Weakness, Unnatural J)isehtu gem, Fail- ing Manhood, Nervousness, Pur Meta- ory, Irritabilityot time-; Smarang Sen- sation, Sunken Eyes with dark eireleS. Mak Back, General. Depression, Leek of Ambitierr, Veritocele, •Shrunken Parts_, etc. (4LEET and STItItlfittillt maybe tho C:111:20. Doe't consult family doeters as they have no experionee theae, 'spode] discasea-doift' allow Quaekste ex:bail111m1tort you. Consult t s. whe have ninth) plico study of Diseases of en arid Women. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will poet- tiVely euro you. Ono thousand dollars for a case we scout for treatment and cannot cure. T,..,rairi moderato for 11 C11111, CURES ElJARANTEED we treat anti cure: '2dISSI0N:4 ivo VARICOCELE SYPHILIS, GLEET, STRI0THRF1 I'MPOTENCY, SECRET 110 DR.AT AINS, UNNITRAL DISCHARG- ES, KIDNEY anti DLA] )DEib Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOORS FREE. If unable to call, write) fov QtJESTtON BLANK for II0M1:1 ISBATMENT3D. KENNEDYe, KE, GAN CON Micl,!...:11 Ave. and Shelby St. DETROIT, ICH. ' VOROWINICOPliW Farms for sale gqoelfarniqLoz,f1,,,17,132ETAbkonex to -4ePPI.Y /V11-Ls4 A Men Is always. In the SWIM. If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting SUITS He is a sure fitter. His prices are away down. }Xis goods are the best. Call and examine his goods before buying your -.4tte......,FALL SUIT W. JOHNS, • Tho WANTED + More Room for my entire Stock in order to make Room for my other car Of Furniture, to be here in July. I will give Special Discount for the next 30 DAYS. RO N. IROW1B MITTIZ'S fug .$torce We wofild recommend those suffering from COUGHS, COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy for children. We manufaCtUre VVINAN'S LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, - PAINS,' SORE THROAT RHEUMATISM INFLUENZA. Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LUNG SYRUP. C LUTZ Nursery MO A001118 1 lion Agerits Auricuirol Implemein Auenis Or anyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write as. The demand for home grown NurseryStock is on the increase. We want more men. If you want steady, paying work, write us. WE FURNISH ALL SUPPLIES FREE. WE HAVE THE LARGESTNURSERIES IN DIED ommon. WE PAY BOTH SALARY AND COMMIS. SION. WE ENGAGE EITHER wiroLE -OR PA/1T TIME MEN. WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR STOOK, WEFURNISH PURCHASERS WITH CERTI- FICATE FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECT- OR, STATING 0I711 STOCK IS FREE FROM SAN JOSE SCALE. Our Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables us to sell at the closest possible figure. Men Succeed with us who Fail with others It, will cost yon nothing to learn what we can do for you. Don't -write unless you mean business and want profitable employment. • Stone & Welliigtoo TORONTO A Suit of OloLhes or a Singie Gamerit Should Combine now a Correctness of Sty -le, „„Good Workmanship, ModerateCost, Perfect Fit, 'You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A large assortMent of Fall & Winter Goodz In 'Worsteds and Tweeds, are DOW on our Shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing thern to you. There are many other lines that are specially ah. a ctive, 1111•ZilatI, 14 READY TO WEAR iShorey's —and though is made in almost as many sizes ami proportions as boys are - they are stylish, smart and up-to-date " 4 they are made for Boyish Boys for CLOTHING good hard wear and 'will. last until the'boy a a FOR BOYS1 grows out of them.. a el• • Shorey's do not ask people to buy at 1 one particular shop. That system makes the garments 1 cost more. Every good dealer sells Shorey's '"Reacly ,. ...?i1 to wear Clothing" and, guarantees it to give satisfaction, •Ei .s You will find the Guarantee Card in the pocket, .11 Strong Healthy Boys. • Ata • 31 aafcidoforfL°l 'F ‘3til ThhrPee: 8141' c°eYCi ish-L be° soT oH k S ..•••••• A delegate to the Iowa Prohibition State Conveution wanted to have the 1 party name changed to the United Christian Party, and when he failed, he and three other delegatespicked up their bats and ostentatiously departed from the convention ball. PERFECTION AT LAST. Brantford ratepayers will Oil Slily 27th vote on the question of spending $50,000 to prevent the Grand River flooding the town; also upon the ques- tion of reducing the aldermen to twelve and electing them from the city as a whole. THE PIONEER LIMITED Is the name of tbe only perfect train in the world, now ruening every nigh l betvireeu Chicago, Milwaukee 8e St, Paul and Minneap- olis via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul Railway -the pioneer road. of the West in ad- opting all improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of passengers. An illustrated pam- phlet, showing views of beautiful scenery along the route of the Pioneer Limited; will be sent free to any person upon receipt of two -cent postage stamp. Address Geo. H. Heallord, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 10. .••••••••[••=0.11•••••••• WITH SPRING FLOWERS'4., WARRANTED EVERY TIME Comes the necessity o r.1,7 SSES' SPRING GARMENTS NEW IN DESIGN, NEW IN PRINCIPLE, NEW IN APPLIOATION. A large assortment of the best and most approved Trusses and Mechani- cal Appliances always in stock, pur- chased direct from the man ufacturers. We guarantee every Truss to be made with the finest English steel. PRICES VERY MODERATE. Sole Agency r °MINION LABORATORY. J. W. BROWNING PROP A HEALTHY Weir are ni the van .withall W MAN. Nine -tenths of all the sufferitel and disease in the e .erld comes from the kid- neys. "Ie.ct how few people there are who ‘"--N takeany care of t here delicate little organs - B ackach,e, e back, headaches, I iet- lessnesseall signs Of -kidney trouble, are almost universal.,, Doan's Kidney Pills Tone and regulate the kidneys and hp them to throw cif the poisons from the system. Mrs. A. Brown, P. 0. Box 200, Dvetilen, Ont., says: For years suffered frau, dropsical trouble -which caused me 1,tucla distress. I heard of Doan's Kidney Ielle and got a box of them at Swi, zer's Drug Store Before conimeneing to take them I WaS unable 54 button my sbo. s account nf my swollen condition, i•ut by the Mine I hadfinished the firet box I eenid do this without ieconvehience. I ha ve now taken a second box and have 210 hesiraney hirecenamending Doan's Kidney Fills for any Kid nay or Dr° psieal trouble." Price r:0e. a box, 3 for 61.25, all Druegiqrs. The Doan Kidney Pin Co., Toronto, Ont. A CARRIAGE MAKER Suffered ten years from weak heart action and nervousness. Cured by Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. No trade or profession is exempt from disease or derangement of the heart and nerves. The rrossure of work and the mental worry aro bound to produce serioUS consequencee sooner or later. 717-1,1-1 'n ikp7»kif'• Mr. Donald Campbell, the well-known carriage maker of Lfarriston, Ont., said: "I lurve been troubled off and on for ten years with weak action of nay heart and nervetestese. Frequently my heart would palpitate and flutter with great violence, I/aerating Me eeceedingly, Often I had shun) pains in my heart and could not sleep well at night, got it hotel Milhura's /kart and Nerve Nils and from them de - sited almost immediate benefit. They 17•storedvigor to my nerves and. strengthened iny entire system, einovirt gevery symptom. of nerve Or heart tran ouble, d enabling the to get restful, healthy sleep." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure palpitation, throbbint,d, dizZy arid faint Elpelle, notentlsieess, sleeplessness, weak. boss, feueale teettleige, after effects of grippe, eta. Pride 50o, a box or g for $1.25, atall druggists, V. Milburn &Go., Toronto, Ont. LiiX4.1.11/E'll PILLS taire Oenet1Pn. tlen. Sick illitadkOhe and Dyspepsia. They tic cot aripeo Waken Or Weahona lEvery pin Dote perfeetly. • that is desable . the line. Let us show you our stock of $11.00 Fancy Worsteds in all - the newest colorings. Remember we put up the best suit for $10.00 that can be bought in the County. GIVE US A CALL.' J. H. -Crieve BICYCLES AN You interested In Wheals') u e ha n die some of the lead.: 1.1W OAI\TADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times: A few second lianc14 organs 5 and 5 Octave, cheap. Qt' Sewhig Machines ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S.—Selling out Dise Har- rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, iMain street, Exeter. i . 1FARME --"442147-4AISsiatav.— . 'Yon NO 11 find at Bissett's "Walei ooro the following line of AgricoI tura]. Implements BRING - DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL STYLI -Kir RAES. A.full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators I Disc and D i am mid Harrows Plows, and Turnip Drills. (SEWING MACHINES, ETO The celebrated Knoll tAraslier Raymond sewing and. wringeruarthine tt STOVES.-cato.... Gurney st0Vos and for wagirns es, 1 uggies Bicycles. Ale Chatham Wanoti Mid YA, fttll 1 line of the celebrated lVfoLaughlin Ilttggies. 4 1