HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-7-21, Page 1II LIMON
zt)sesescsacszseszszs zsits'es
Now is your chance to buy in Crockery what you never
did before with the sarne money in this county.
The fact is we're overloaded and we've decided to clear
it all out at prices just a wee bit over cost.
There are plain white dishes—full sets and odd pieces --
plain decorated Dinner and Tea Sets and Odd pieces.
There are many different kinds of Glassware--enbugh
to stock all the sideboards in the township.
Au assortnoent of Crystal Glassware including Cream ,Tugs Spoon
Holders, Sugar Bowls, Butter Dishes, Etc. Your choice for 10 cents.
Covered Fruit Dishes, imitation cut glass in assorted sizes, regala,r
00 and 75 cents, now 38 cents.
Plain white Cups and Saucers, in yery serviceable ware, regular
cents a dozen for 55 cents. •
Plain white Tea Plates in 7 and 8 inch size, regular 60 and 65 cents
a dozen for 10 and 50 cents a dozen.
Plain white 0 and 10 inch size Dinner Plates, regular 75 and. 90 cents
a dozen for 60 and 75 cents adozen.
Plain white Butter Nappies, regular 35 emits a clqaen for 18. cents.
5 inch Prieit Nappies, in plain white, regu1are35 cents a, dozen for
28 cents. '
7 piece Toilet Sets in plain evhite,regular $2.25 a, set, now selling for
4a piece Tea Sets, M velar good. ware, with pretty floral decorations,
regular $3.00 a set for $2.10. .
97 piece diliner sets, decorated with pretty blue flower, were sold
readily at $7.50, present sale price only $125.
1 only, 114 piece Dinner Set, with very pretty floral decorations,
pink, and. blue colorings, also neatly scalloped and striped with gold,
good. value at $13.00, a genuine bargain at $11.00.
Space will nob permit us to quote more Pekes,- but these are only
a few samples conapared to what we have on sale now.
A. J. FORD &CO Woodharn.
,A Sunday Fatallity Near the
' Village of Contlne.
• A. sad. drowning, accident occurred in
ff,a,ke Huron four miles west of Zurich.
• _About three l o'clock saunday after-
noon Jacob Howald, 23 years of •age.
•with his men went? into the lake to
shave a bath. At this point there is a
.shallow sand -bar which leads out into
ethe lake about twenty rods. This step
,Howald =tithe others followed, when
suddenly the unfortunate young man
.was seen to struggle and sink from
.,view. It is supposed he took cramps.
Mr. Rimmie Durand attempted to res -
..cue him and. in so doing nearly lost his
`."own life, being grabbed round the legs
by Howald. After the body had been
:under water fully fifteen minutes it
was brought up by Daniel Rau, of St.
.Josephs. Doctors Buchanale-And Orme
.of Zurich, were quickly on the scene
.and worked sometime trying to revive
the poor fellow, but life was extinct.
No inquest was held. The drowned
anan is a son of Bertol Eowald, brick-
Bniaas.-Haying is over and harv-
esting fall wheat is now the order of
.the day. -John Baer had a valuable
horse badly cut by being caught in a
mire fence. -George Martin got badly
kicked with a horse in Dublin on Fri -1
.day last. -He was taken home on I
:Sunday, and it will take some time for
him to recover. -John Bro syn is back
„again to D. Parks'. -Will Barr spent
a few days last week around. the old
alome.-Thomas Stacey has sold his
-farm, on the 125h con., to Anthony
Allen. -Master Kenneth McKellar is
holiclayrng at his grandfather's.
BRISFS.-During a recent thunder-
storm the school -house Was struck by
'lightning, and. considerably damaged.
The bell tower was almost demolished
• the roof injured, and one of the door
posts was shattered. The same day
lightning sbruck several trees in the
neighborhood, one very close to John
Morley's house, also a, drive shed be-
longing to Mr. McLaughlin, but no
serious damage was done. - Quite a
number took in the excursion to Sarnia
..on the lathe -Dennis McGee has his
threshingmachine in order and expects
-to commence business very shortly, -
Thomas Kinsela bas rented his 100
acre farm in Bidclulph. to Wan. Brook,
.of Vsborne, and his 50 acre farrn in
Usborne to D, O'Meara. Mr. Kinsela
retires from farming at the end of this
Dn. Low's Wolter SYTtuP is a safe,
..sure and reliable worm expeller, Acts
, equally well on children or adults. 13e
sure you get Low's.
St Marys.
• FREE AGAIN. -J. D. Moore has re-
turned frohs his trip a very much dis-
eausted man. He bad been in Sioux
City, Iowa, where he went to identify
two men arrested there under the
names of J. C. Brown and. C. Mettle,
on a charge of having worked the gold
brick game on him at Sarnia some
menthe ago. He says he positively
identified the men in the presence of
the Chief of Police, three officers and
Brown's lawyers. The chief left the
office for a few minutes, and during
his ‘absence Brown escaped.
.01 .1{
suoclassorts TO •
Aro now ready to do business with the pub-
. tic generally. All kinds Of
For sale at closo prices, L021VC year orders
at tho mill, We deliver ovory day to any part
Sof the town free, Wo hope yon wathele us to
mitke a 81100088 of the business, whieh moans a
, success for tho town;
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat
• At all dam.
'Num/milk No. 36.
BRIEFS. — The plebiscite meeting,
held in the McGillivray town hall on
Ihursday, llth inst., was well attend. -
ed, and report says the temperance
people feel confident of success in that
locality. -The fall wheat in the vicin-
ity of Mooresville looks fine, and the
most of it is harvested. The grain is
large and plump. Oats are also a fine
crop. -There died at the family resi-
dence, Biddulph, on the 13th inst.,
Clara Dixon, relict of the late Joseph
Dixon, Esq, aged. 75 years Her re-
mains were interred in Nursery cem-
etery on Friday, July 155h.
Wi none! sea.
BRIEFS.—.T. C. Bell, .butter maker
for the Winchelsea Butter and ®ream
Associatien, who had one of his
thumbs injured recently, and which
developed blood poisoning, is improv-
ing rapidly, although he is unable to
use either of his hands. -Mary Ann,
wife of John Towle, died on Thursday
last after a brief illness, of typhoid
fever. She was 62 years, 20 days of
age, and leaves a husband and family
to mourn her loss. She was a sister
of Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Batton. -Mr.
Gardiner is assisting Messrs. Jones &
Halls, during the holidays. -- The
creamery is doing a very large busi
ness.-P. Flails and wife are camping
at Grand Bend.
• Herisall.
G. X. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convoy
(Lacer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent
and Issurer a lVfarriage Licenses. Legal dean
meats carefully drawn at reasonable xates
Money to loan on real estate at low rates of la
terestj.. ri,:;.flacc000nKtEth.e Post office. nensall-
.a(Late with Garrow -,Sc-Froudfoot) Darilster
Solicitor, Notary Public, 'Henson Ont.
"fi-, Seliery,L D 8., ja a, se gonor Gra4a-
-4- -ate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth
extracted -without pain or bed effects. °face
in Potty's inoek, Honseal. At Zurich et:pry
Monday, commencing May ma
.Bneaas.-Mrs. R. Eacrett, and fam-
ily, of Brantford, are visiting at T.
ltfurdock's.--The mill was shut down
on Monday and Tuesday, being,unable
to get 'wheat. They had a simply suf-
ficient only for local consumption: -
Misses Higgins. and Mal, Wright, of
Loudon, who have be arisiting Mrs.
Davis, returned borne en Monday. -
The Supt. of Carmel Sunday School on
Tuesday entertained thcateachers and
scholars to ice cream andfetat on WM.
Moir'sdawn. A. very pleasant time was
spent. -Mrs. Pearce, who spent the
past two weeks visiting Mrs. James
Sutherland, has returned to her home
in Forest. -Mr. Hathawaar, of Forest,
was the guest of Mr. Haskett, for a
few clays during the past week.-Qaite
nunaber pf citizens iiitend rusticat-
ing at Grand Bend during the wenn
weather.--Ohas. Cook, bookkeeper for
the Pinkerton Detective Agency, Chic-
ago, is visiting his parents 'Mr. and
Mrs. IL Cook. He has been absent
for some. years. -Master Loyd Davis,
son of W. C. Davis, while cleaning bis
bicycle on Monday, had tbe top taken
off 'one of his fingers. His hand caught
between the chain and sprockets with
the above result. --.Mrs. J. B. Shortkof
Parkhillavho was visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mr. A. Johnston, north of the
village, returned to her home Friday,
having received wordby telegram of
the fire in Phippin's photo Gallery,and
the immediate danger to their premises
adjoining. -John Finlayson is erectiog
a handsome brick residence o.a the
property he purchased of Mr. Patter-
sonan theavestern limits of the village.
-Mr. Doherty, horse tralnee has left
She village. -The friends of Dirs. john
alousso, will regret to learn that she
continues very ill. -Dr. Henderson and
wife of Detroit,. are visiting the doc-
tor's naother, on the 2ncl cert. Hay.
The doctor some years ago taught
school in Zurich. The Misses Stein-
bach, of Zurich, called on friends here,
Monday, on their way to Exeter and
Londou,evhere they will visit for a few
weeks. -Miss \Villa!, of Exeter, is the
guest of Mrs.' Hoplark.-Mr. Gales, of
Oshawa, visited at Mr. Warren's this
week. -A movement was on foot this
week to have the streets watered, but
after being well d.evelopedfell through,
some of those along the beat consider-
ing the sum -25 cents per week, too
high. The better plan would have
been to petition the council to water
She streets from given points on the
streets desired to be watered. Solicit
tenders for the work, and then levy a
frontage tax on the properties concern.
ed. This would prove less expensive and
give better results. -G. F. Arnold
in.oyes into his new store, August 1st.
-Robt. Bell has leased one of the large
stores of his new block to a Mr. Mc-
Kim, of Dresden, who will open a dry
goods business here on October lst.-
E. Sheffer, who has conducted a suc-
cessful confectionery and restaurant
business here during the past six or
eight years, has disposed. of the busi-
ness to George Greenslade, a farmer,
of the township of Hay. Mr. Green-
slade takes possession in September.
'We have not learned Mr. S's inten-
tions as to future business relations.
Mr. Greenslade is a young, energetic
man and will doubtless maintain, the
good reputation this business has hith-
erto.borne.-Rev. J. S. Henderson and
J. E. 11/cDonell have returned from
Nashvitle, Tenn., where they spent
the past few weeks. S. E. visited. the
Mammoth cave in Kentucky, and says
should he again go south he will re-
visit the wonderful sight. They en-
joyed the trip immensely, Mr. Mc-
Donell s health being benefited there-
by. -Berry picking and flax pulling
occupy the time of many citizens. The
berry yield is good, as is also the flax
crop. -The flax men have 200 acres of
flax to haryest this year, a rnach less
acreage than last year. -The recent
rains have revivecl vegetation, which
was much needed. -Dr. Ferguson, Dr.
Logie, Rev. 3. S. Henderson and Wm.
Elder anclfarnilies picnicecl at Taylor's
BRIEFS.—The E. L. elected. their
officers for the six coming months on
Thursday last, as follows: President,
Robert Dalton ; first Tice, Mrs. Neth-
ercott; second vice, Sohn Scott; third
vice, Mrs. F. 43. Hutchison ;. fourth
'vice, Mrs. McVey; organist, May But-
son ; secretary, Frederick Harburn;
treasurer, S. Webb; treasurer of the
forward movement, Miss 11a,mbley.-
The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs.
Orn Butson is at present very sick,
saffering With inflammation. -Dan
McDougall wears a smiling face, being
the proncl father of a baby girl. -We
are glad to see Mrs. S. D. Walker out
again after being confined to the house
for some months.*
The most recent estimate of the
worlds wheat crops places the total
at 245144,000,000 bushels, waich is 320,
090,000 brishels in excess of lest year,
but reserves are placed at 56,090,000
bushels smaller than last year's narrow
carried -over supplies, which Were the
smallest in five years. The American
crop is estimated at 675,000,000 bushels
or about one-fourth of the total output.
0ni futon prices Bradstreet's
oncet ng
says: “Est limited cons m p tive require-
ments for 1898 leave little more of a
world's reserve than was heli July 1,
and the conclusion is drawn thakgiven
present estimates of yield arid demand,
there exists little reason for holders
of wheat sacrificing their orodoet, In
other words,whine there will be enough
Wheat to go aroumait is unlikely to go
at much lower pekes than now ruling
iwhich, it is admitted, are fairly satis-
taetera to American growers."
• Woodharn. • Perth Co u nty,11\10 teS.
Belaes,--Miss Antlie Ford has re- taitchela& civic holiday will be on
turoed from visitingher brother, in August 11.
olia, and friends n Blytheswoocl. ear, and ears. W. D. ma:wowed, of
-We are pleased to see our friend, J. Britton, left recently for Rat Portage,
Shier, about again, after being laid ni) where they intend to take up house -
up for several weeks. -Robert Ed- ke •
wards, of the sawmill, is able to take es
a drive out once in a while, but is not p "ra4`8±1avy'r of A4re
arringon, is
very strong yet. -We are sorry that
seriously ill, the result of an injury to our respected friend, A. Wreford, who the spine caused by a fall, which hap-
pened about a year ago,
has worked for Mr. McKernan for the
last two years as woodworker in con- Fred Wiles, son of George Wiles,St.
nection with his factory, has seen his Marys,fellffrom a chesteuttree in front,
way cleat to remove to hid home in of F. E. Retailer's residence on Mon -
Stratford. He will be missed here in day and. broke his ;erne.
. •
the churcle as he took a great mtereet Mrs. Vickers and family, who went
in her welfare. -The wheat in these to Michigan, a few months ago with
parts is looking well and an old settler the iuteetiou of making their borne
said. in my heartng that he never saw there, have moved back to Mitchell.
it looking better between this place Moses Ruston, an old and much -es -
end St.Marys.-The Orangemen took teemed resident of the township of
in the excursion to Pert Huron on
of July this year. -Sawyer has come home to stayyear.-Rev.T.
an_ til Eniliecceeo;nol.fiehsisbda,nrgoetrhoeurslyyrilainecis,the rtehsie-
the 12tthe fall, as he as going tasght a lotfrom College this
year.- Mr. Mills has touEdith,a little daughter of Arnos
Mr, sawyer, an a,nd butcher shop this which he is going
a Snael, won at operated oat the Strat-
build a house i
fordhospital on Friday, fon a_insendial-
fall. .Also John Swallow has bought
as and has good. prospects tor recov-
a lot from J. Shier and intends to ery.
build a, house. Donald Hay, of North Easthope, is
confined to the house, as the result of
Huron County Notes. a load of hay toppling over on him.
Re was 'fortunately not seriously in -
Mr. Taylor, of Kippen, has returned jared-
from. the Old Couritry, whither he had Jacob Erb, lath line East Zorra,wa,s
gone with cattlestricken with paralysis recently. The
Mr. and Mrs Eli Birtch, of Down- old gentleman, who is over 70 years of
ington, Michare visitingRobt Birtch, age, was walking along the road when
South Boundary, 131itneha,rd. he became dizzy andfell.
A son of Peter Elgie, West Nissouri, Leonard Stanley, of Listowel, died
had his arm broken by a load of hay on Monday. The funeral took place
upsetting with him on Saturday. from the residence of the son Robert,
G. Acheson, of goclerich, was called
to Staples on Saturday, owing to one
of the stave mills, of which he is part
owner, being destroyed by fire.
John Box, an Old and respected
resident of St. Marys, died on Sunday.
The deceased. was a, brother of W. Boxi
bailiff, the late pkthard Box, J. P.,
and Mrs. J, Billings He was in the
7551), year of his age.
We regret to learn that John Baker
of the Maitland. concession Goderich
township, is litidtfp with symptoms of
paralysis ; we hope his illness may be
of short duration and that his restor-
ation to his usual health and strength
be speedy.
The Clinton New Era is fiisappoint-
ed because it has only eeceived two
government advertiseMents in two
years. There area couple years left
yet, in which we may see brother
Holines beingaused more liberally by
his Ottawa friends.
• The farm on thapeterfield concession,
Goderich township, belonging to the
estate of the late Min .Eagleson, and
containing 71 acres,was put up by auc-
tion on the 6511, but was not sold. It
has since been sold privately eo John
Middleton for the sum of $2100.
The other day while a son of
Porter, Rattenberry St., Clinton, wass
riding on a hay rake, on the farm of
James Cornish, Hallett, a sudden start
of the horse threw him backward,
breaking the small bone of the riglat
arm, and dislocating it at the elbow.
• J. C. Bell, who had his thumb injur-
ed some time ago, while working bathe
Winchelsea Creamery, and who after-
wards became affected with blood poi-
soning, had returned. to work last
week, only to be compelled to again
lay off on account of the return of the
former complaint.
• A young man named. Charles Stock-
Goderich,whose parents reside
in Manchester, England, went out for
a sail last Wednesday evening in a
small boat, and he has not been seen
or heard of since. He was in business
in a small way as a machinist, and was
very generally known there.
}fere is an odd thing. J*. U. Patter-
son, , Conservative, ran against M. a of 'Woodst.ock, for calling Dr. Ross, of
Cameron, Liberal, in West iluron in re._ 1 $2000 was destroyed, while . his Insur-
e "cod," while the doctor in
1890 and defeated. him. Then Mr. -a're --- ance amouuted to abont $600.
Patterson became Lieutenant-Gover- •
nor of Manitoba. At the next election •
Mr. Cameron was chosen, and is uow McIntosh bo s.
Publianers and Proprietors
West fit4ren.
An order has been taken out at To-
ronto for the inspection of the ballots
cast in West Huron election. There
is in this case a protest against J. T.
Gamow, evho holds the seat by a ma-
jority of one -the casting vote of Re-
turning Officer A. L. Gibson, and a
counter protest against Joseph Beck,
She Conservative candidate. The scru-
tiny of the ballots in the North Essex
case has not yet been completed.
MrS. Alexis Larocque andher daugh-
ter Olara,of Montreal were drowned in
She Lachine Canal.
Official notification has been received
at Kingston of the protest against the
election of Hon. Wm. Hardy.
Mr. Wm. Saunders, of the Eapera ticket" will receive a beautiful.
Here's Your Chance
• A' Granite • Kettle given
away with every pound of
Art Baking Powder at 1.50
Gents per pound..
Try Our Excellent Soap
A ticket with each bar, and
the person getting the "lucky
mental Farms, reports the crops male
Maritime Provinces as very proinising. 1 °met Stand.
Louis Cerrzanie, a horse -thief, just!
Special va lue in. Prints.
liberated from jail, committed the
same felony Tuesday at Montreal and
was re -arrested. .
Lient. Sutton, of Winnipeg, • for
some years connected with the Royal
Canadian dragoons, has been' trans-
ferred to Toronto.
The Barrie town council bas deeided
to submit a by-law to the property
holders for the purchase of a carte el-
ectric light plant. Canada's Great Exposition..
Private advices from the Klondike
saythat the gold yield from the spring
clean-up in the Yukon will exceed
twenty millions of Dollars. -
kJ IP. Ross
• Sir Wm. Van Horne has gone to
Minneapolis on a business trip, and
while there will probably discuss the
rate war with President Hill, of the
in Lucan, to St. James' cemetery, GreatNorthern.
Biddulph. The deceased had. reaeliedi The doctors fear that the accident to
the ripe age of 86 years . the Prince of Wales may result in per
The name of Miss Margaret Norris, mama Iarueness, and frequent mo-
ot Staffa, is given as having passed ferences of the medical men are held
her third year examinations m meal- on the case
cane, clinical medunne, surgery, clun-
cal surgery, and obstetrics • at the
Ontario Medical College for women,
Carmichael Ballantyne's farm, lot
20, con. 2, Downie, consisting of 85
acres was sold last Nveek by auction
to Sohn Herman, of tbe same town-
ship, the -price paid being 85,525. Mr.
Ilermau has since sold it to K. Erb,
M. P.
At Mitchell the C. L. A. Huron dis-
trict lacrosse match, between Mitchell
and Seaforth Juniors. Tuesday after-
noon resulted in a victory of 25o 1
for the home team. This game was
tbe fastest played in tile district this
season, and leaves the district a tie.
We regret to chronicle the death of
James A. Ferguson, of Wellesley, who
died. on Jaly 6tli from cancer of the
spleen.' ]le was the youngest son of
the late David Ferguson, and. was only
28 years old. He leaves a wife and one
child to mourn his demise.
In Wellesley the other day a stal-
lion and his pony mate broke through
She Royal hotel stable floor into the
cellar, and about 20 feet square o1. the
fioor space had. to be taken up in order
to let the poor brutes out of their
prison cells. Fortunately neither was
hurt. •
Much sympathy i9 extended to Mr.
and Mrs. A. Druneruond, of Logan, in
She loss of their eldest daughter,
Agnes, who died. of that dreadful
disease,- consumption. Deceased. was
a 'bright young girl who had. just
attained the age of thirteen years.
While at work in the carpenter shop
at D. Maxwell azSon's'Sa Marys Wed-
nesday about noon,Thos. Mosel:iv:had
three 'fingers taken off his left hand,
leaving but the thumb and the little
finger. He was working with a pattern
and in reaching for the pattern the
band came upon the saw.
George McIntosh, of Embro,was fin-
ed $5 and costs by Magistrate 'Field,
Have *know no equal as a prompt,
positive cure for sick headache, bilious-
ness, constipation, pain in ,the side,
and all liver troubles. Caster's Little
Liver Pills. Try them.
W. W .Buchanan, late editor of the
Templar, has left for the Maritime
provinces. He will spend several
months lecturing there under the aus-
pices of the Royal Templar grand
council, his first engagement being at
She city of Fredericton.
The Ontario Fruit Grower& As-
sociation has made an investigation
into the state of the fruit crop through-
out Onta,rio, and in Essex, Kent and
Lambton. While apples are pronoun-
ced poor, pears are said to be excell-
ent, and peachesplums and raspberries
very good. r
Wheat was firmer in Chicago yester-
do,y, and September closed 1 1-4c higher
at 68 1-2c; provisions 100 to 15c lower.
Ontario wheat steady, and Manitoba
*beat easier. Consols firmer. Loudon
stocks easier. Spattish fours lower.
United States bonds steady. • New
York stocks weaker. Canadian secur-
ities steady.
A farm hand named. John Tamlyn,
working on tbe farm of Allan Duns -
more, Embro road, near Stratford,
met with a painful mishap Monday.
He was on top of a load of hay when
the horses unexpectedly started for-
ward, and he was thrown off at the
rear end. His right wrist was severe-
ly sprained, several of the small bones
being broken. •
The other day S. Herron, ittarmer
residing near Highland Creek, was
putting hay in the mow of his barn.
While engaged in the work he came
across a wasps' nest on the cornice.
'Wishing to get rid of the wasps, he
sprayed the nest with water and then
lighting a hunch of rags,soaked in coal
oil and fetstened to the end of a stick,
• he thrust the fire into She nest. Be-
fore be knew it the whole building was
on fire. Property to the extent of
turn was fined a similar amount and
bound over to keep the peace by the
Embro magistrate for assaultipg the
Lieutenant -Governor of the North -Some . months ago the DOIllint011
west Territories, Mr. Patterson's near jas. Bloomfield's house in Logan was
Bank in Napanee was robbed of $33,-
neighbor. West Huron seems to grow I burned to the grout001 The tellerPontonwas arrested
d on ' Saturday,
Lieutenant -Governors. along with niost a his household e- on
, ,
the charge of stealing the 'money.
The brilliant defeat of the Seaforth i fects. He had gone to a, raising at
' d tl fi. 1.1 1 He was tried and acquitted. Detec-
Hurons by the Norwich football team i Dan Hennicke a, au lea re, w 1.0 at
tives have since beeline work apon the
at Norwich Friday night by a -score of started in the troniveran alia was.not
case, and on Saturday last . arrested.
2 goals to 0 leaves the Berlin Rangers noticed by rrs. lomaidelc, tonal. 1
a man nained Pare, a professional
undisputed champions of the W. F. A. wes well aro er way. •How he fire,
robber, svho subsequently told bow the
with only one defeat against them this otiginajeu is a mystery.
robbery was planned, and divulged
grove on Monday. They report. having, year. The Rangers have bad a very Mrs C. Dragerof the south ward, the names of those implicated in i5.
spent an enjoyable tini%-alessrs. Ale successful season and richly earned the, Mitchell, passed away on Thursday Since then Pate's sister, Mrs. Sancier,
beet mid Richard Eacrett, of Port An W. F. A. trophy. Last year the team last at the ripe age of 76 years, 7, mos. Ponton and Mackiehave been arrested.
also won the champtonship and. were and 16 ;deers. Deeth wa,s a, happy re -
vies, Wash., who have been visiting
their uncle, Mr. Chrietopher Eactett,
of the and cone Hay, and other friends over by a trolley' car ou Richmond ste
weeks, left on Wednesday for theit daughter of John Galt, the well-known dist cemetery on sunday by a large The Spanish Cabinet has decided foe For the first three Months of last
on .Tune 25.
in this section, during the past few . remains were followed to the Methoa
of the late .fiee.Galt,of Goderich,grand -- ----
in the person of Isabella Campbell, of
a bride, novelist, and niece of the late Sir Alex- concourse of friends. He husband, the peace.
ander Galt, K. O. M. G., and of Sir late Charles Drager; died in the The first detachment of the military Canada was about 1,000. This year for
.home, Albert takieg with bine year the arrivals of immigrants to
Thomas,Galt, of Toronto, took. place
at Elm Ridge,. Dorval, the residence of
ber sister, Mrs. sobil Savage, Toronto,
The bridegroom was Robert Clark,
Manager of the Bank of Montreal, of
Moncton, N. B. rais% fat and sell from December last
have few good words to say foe then.
The result of the examinations at to December next just,100 hogs. These
the Toronto Conservatory of Music will average in weight ebout 200 lbs. beA-civilized allies.
shows the standing of the pupils from each, reeking 50,000 lbs. of pork pro- The uederstetriding between Ger-
year. alas as a good '1,0_ many and the Milted States regarding
Huron : -.second year : scholarship, duced in one
Miss jean Martin, Exeter ; Miss Lena cord bet Mr, Whetstaine seers if he bad the Philippines Itnd all Maim! matters
Doherty, Clinton, second class honors, acconiModation he would like to raise is repartedafrom Washington to be of
nest year, aliss D. Sperling, Wing- doable that number. He is going to the inc'st friendlY ch"aeter'
first class honors ; Miss Idanie Roes- yeer we atonal pot be .surprised
ham and Miss A. McOorvie, Clinton, 'build more pens and before enrollee
to ere wa,s forced to sarrender with 5,000
men t ti rl
The stmaisti commendee at CM -man-
es see _emend of the Areericens.
Lon, Clinton, second eines honors. In learn that he had marketed the 200.
GIP 1PraliShafter has now about 23, -
organ department --1st year,' Miss ' -' T -
Leila Doherty took first class honors. XL is gene rally known that bees when 000 Spanish prisoners on his heeds,
swarming will Alight on almost Any end the number exceeds that of the
Last week the grim reaper deatb thing,' but who ever hefted of them available taoops at his commaud.
visited atomic and caeried off an esti- roosting on a dog's tea P Yet that A large number of German WAX-
luable and highly esteemed -young elan is just whet a swarm belonging to ships is still hovering about the MITT)
in the person of George NV. Perkins, Wne Cepling, a Mile -erten; did the pine: Weeds. , t I ' .'
not defeated once. ' lease, as deceased had been a great
The marriage of 1Vliss Galt, daughter Potterer for six weeks or more. Her War u m mei y.
Many new and anteresting features
tvill be offered. at the Toronto Exhibi-
tion this year, which is to be held from
the 29th August to the 10th September.
The haevest throughout the Dominion
is good, and with the return ot better
times and the unusually low fares now
being given by the railwaysenany will
be induced to visit th is great exhibition
who perhaps would not otherwise do
so. The entries in all departments
will be great, and the attractions offer-
ed will be of &character to draw. Am-
ong them will be realistic representa-
tions of the present Ouban-A.merican
War, the blockade, bombardment and
battles of Santiago, or Havana, firing
and explosion of shells, explosion of
sub -marine mines and blowing up of
fessels on the lake hi front of the ea-
hibition grounds, exhibitions by
Maxime and Gatling machine gans,
etc., all of a specially interesting na-
ture at thw present time. The pro-
gramme of attractions promises to far
excel that of last year, which is saying
a good. deal. •The exhibits will include
many from Great Britain, France and
the 'United States, whilst almost every
section of the Dominion will be repre-
The Latest News.
It is stated in a Reagan& despatch
that the Great Northern has purchas-
ed the Corbin Railway system.
Alex. Ramsay, a young farm labor-
er, of Galt, went to bed apparently in
robust health and died in the night.
Arthur Harris, a young man, em-
ployed in the plough works at Brant- .
ford, was drowned in the Grand River.
For repairing a railway bridge near
Ottawa on Sunday, a number of labor-
ers were summoned. One was fined $10,
and the case will be appealed.
A hea,vy freiglit train was smashed
on the Buffalo & Goderich division of
She Grand Trunk Railway between
Paris station and the Grand River
Now, in Hamilton there is a booro
in wife desertion. So the Mayor says,
teed he is visited by all the widows -de -
grace in search of their departed hus-
bands. •
• Coboura loses an old and bighly re-
spected citizen by the death of Dr.
John Beatty on Saturday night. Be
was Mayor of the city in 1.860, and for
ma,ny years took an active interest in
muuici pal affairs.
A proposal to tax the departmental
stores in Montreal to the eatent of
$1,000 per annum will be presented to
the eceincil shortly. The move is said
to be apopular one among the majority
of the alderman.
Dr. Robert D. Moffat, son of Rev.
Dr. Moffat, secretary of the Upper
Canada Religious Book and Tract
.Society, Toronto, died in a chair while
baying teeth extracted at 12 o'clock,
Tuesday, in the dental offices of Dr.
1Vliss Millie, daughter of Postmaster
Dawson, of London,has taken proceed-
ings against the Street Railway. (Jona
pany to recover damages for the loss
of her limb and other permanent in-
juries. The amount is not stated, but
is believed to be considerable. Miss
Dawson was knocked down and run
the and con. They were married in spring.
London. -Fred Beex, son of S. H. To give some idea of the extent that
Beek, of St. Paul, Minn., is home some of the farmers are going into the
spending vacation. -Tenders for the hog business we mention the fact that
construction of a drain along Rich- Wm. Whetstone, near Lakeside, will
moncl street arsbeing called for. -J.
McDonell, while in Port Tampa,
met the youngest brother of W. R
Elodgins, who has enlisted in the 1.1'.
S. army for two years. He looks well,
and was pleased to see some one from
lieusall, It is twelve years since lie
was here. -Dentiis Beintnell, principal
of the Dash wood public.) school, has
resigned that position to take a similar
one neer Toronto, at an Advance in
salary. Mr. Brintnell is a first-class
teacher, and an energetic. young man,
and will make his niark tbe world.
-Master Louis Vance, of TOronto, is
visiting in ama around the village. -0.
A. McDonell, with his Cuban bicycle
hat and steamboat whistle, emotes a
sens;ttion whetever he goes. The
expedition to Porto Rico has left the
United States and is expected to land
on the island. in about seven days.
• The relations betweeti the American
troops at Santiago and the Cubans are throughout the Western States, such
very much stra,ined,and the A.m eri can s as has brought over mealy la and tads
of competent, fanners, whom bad crops
and various other causes have driven
almost to the wain the United States
of the border.
She same period there have beeu more
than 15,000 souls leaded in the Oajma-
diau nmrethan this an in tee -
est has been awakened in Canada '
son of Mr. Henry Perkins, postmaster other clay, sa,ys the ann. A hound was The departure of Commodore Wat-
whistle is especially useful in securing of tb#tviltage. Deceased young men chained op to hie kennel when a hive son's squadron for the coast of Smart
half the road, as one toot from it had just reached the prime of mane overflowed, and the queen bee looking has been postponed on account of the
would scare the mostdocile nag out of hood, being only BO years of Age. He • for a luxerieas throne, settled cloWn Maas in fitting up the coaling vessels
a week's growth The &Wee who Is was a lei eler by trade and for the past upon his clogehip. The deereeing 1,1110 aCCOMpRIZY the squadron,
prone to keep ell the reed cannot run
over Mr, MeDbnell, if he has e chance
' blow his whistle. It is the attrite-
tion of ell wheehrien who visit, the
riber of yeers had been a resident
of Toronto, Ile at one time was le the
conploy of Prank Metcalf, of tlyth.
The cause of Ids death Wag lung
New Babes in The Woods.
Kingston, illy 19. - News is, receiv-
ed from Lansdowne that on Saturday
two children, aged 8 years and six
months respectively, were lost on the
blue mountains.
They are the deughtees of Isaac. La
Rose, who, with seam.' others, were
ca m ping on the mountains on a berra-
picki n g expedition. The children were
not to be found. A searching part
wee emit out, and have eontinued on
the honk but so fiti• tvith fruitlese
Boars have been seen in the moons
• tains, and 1111 eight.,vesr.old child
• howls that rent the ale showed very The tariff foe Santiago was swelled carrying ;t baby would have much
plainly that be resented that, mode of ; by president McKinley,Tuesday. trouble in saving her life. to .k,ny ease.
! settlernente Thc swarm was captured Extreme inisery„ slickness end desti- the childree would likely starve to
assoon as possible, but not before the tution prevail in Havana, according to death, since the time they were misee
dog had suffered severely. Associated Pros reports.