Exeter Times, 1898-7-14, Page 1LTB,ON & M1DDL L'SEX GAZETTE. rWENTY-FIFTH YEAR NO 46. EXETER, ONT,, CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING JULY 14th, 1898. (i..McZt.WPc.41?eftWiZfiZSZSZ,R.Z ODDS am? ENDS ce•--.1abo•stiwo~gsfr-ss 0.--^asv'etsesib,we,sa..-4e The easiest way to 31ean out leavings is to lump them, or get rid of them all together, slash the profits of the price and give your friends a chance. That is what we are doing here just now in Millinery, Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Silks Ginghams, Prints, Muslins, Wall Papers, Window Shades and Poles, Summer Hats and Caps, Cotton Hosi- erylbves and Underwear. The leavings of a season's big sales rounded up to be rid. of before the Fall Goods begin to arrive. Price Positively Cuts no Figure. Don't miss this chance these few days. Stocks are being adjusted and preparations made in advance for Fall Trade. It will pay you to investigate. •A. J. FORD & coo, Woodham. isd SZSZr'e.4As'c.Atcw<.A.SkSZSZSZSZS ZSZ Brucefield. • • Bneners.-John Dunkin, formerly of -this place, visited in this vicinity last week. -Miss Maud Chrysler,Hensll,is visiting at the home of B. R. Higgins. -Sas. McDonald raised his barn last 'week ; it was a large one with stone foundation. -Miss Goodie ,Marks is visiting Wends in Goderich---Messrs. .J. Ketchen and Wm. Simpson, return - ,ed from London, England, on Friday last, where they had taken two car loads of fat cattle; their voyage was an unusually long one,being 17 days; they were obliged to give the cattle half rations for a few days, owing to the scarcity of provender foi them ; they remained a week in London see- ing the sights ; their return trip was also 17 days on the ocea,n,whichis slow •sailing for theseadvancedtimes.-John .Swann lost four sheep on Thursday last by being struck by lightning while they were under a tree; they were insured. All easel ot weak or lame back,back- _ache, rheumatisna, will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed ,and Belladona, Backache Plasters. Price 25 cents. Try them. DA. Low's WORM SYRUP is a safe, sure and reliable worm expeller. Acts eequally well on children or adults. Be sure you get Low's. 'First.Clas Farm for Sale To be sold by public auction be Mr. Henry • Brown,auctioneer,on the undermentionedfarm, .on Tuesday, the Oth day of August, A. D.,.1898, ' • at two o'clock p. m. (subject to such conditions ' as shall then be produced.) All that parcel or tract of land containing by admeasurement one hundred acres, be the smile more or less, being composed of lot No. fourteen, in the 10th .concession of the township of Usborne, in the county of Huron, now in the occupation of Thomas S. Clarke. This farm is in prime con- dition, all under cultivation, excepting 10 acres of good bush, has two orchards in full bear- ing, and two never failing wells. There are a frame dwelling, a barn 36x56, shod 14x36, a stable 20xl0, with fences all in a fair state of repair ,• about 22 acres are fie for fall wheat, possession of which will be given for cropping this fall. The remaining land is all seeded •down with timothy and clover. For further particulars apply to Mr. Clarke on the premises, to the auctioneer, or MESSRS. ELLIOT 85 GLAD1VIAT, Dated 6th July, 1898. Solicitors, Exeter. Voters' List, 1898. 'MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, COUNTY OF HURON. -- Notice is hereby given that I have trans- , ,Mitted or delivered to the persona mentioned in sections 6 and 6 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, 1889, the copies required bysaid section .:to bo so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons ap- pearing by the last revised assessment roll of •,the said Municipality to be entitled to. vote in the Municipality at elections for Members of . the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections. and that said list Was first posted up , at my office, at Crediton, on the fifth day of July, 1803, and remains there for inspection. Electors aro called upon to examine the said list, and, if any omission or any other errors ,are found therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have said errors corrected according to tt• law, Dated this 5th day of July, 1308. CHESTER PROUTY , Exeter Municipal Council. The council met pursuant to adjourn- inent at the To svnliall,Exeter,8th july, 1898. All present. The minutes of the previous ineetingread and confirm- ed. Bissett -Evans -That tenders be ask- ed for gra,vel,to be received up ro 22nd July. -Carried. Christie -Evans -that Thos. Yellow's taxes be reduced $6; and 'Alex. Dow's $3 on account of electric light. - Carried. HardingeBissett-that tenders be ask- ed for raising the windmill derrick 20 ft. higher. -Carried. The council adjourned until 22nd July at 8 o'clock. M. EA.CRETT, Clerk. Exeter Public School Exams. The following pupils of Exeter pub- lic school have passed the recent pro- motion examinations :- Sarum II To Jimmie III. -Martha, Carling, Roy Farmer, Harold Webber, Edna Dow, Edna Bissett, Hazel Browning, Hazel Dignan, 011ie Jones, Olive Prior, Charlie Dyer, John Jones, Joe Vosper, Bertie Manning, Willie Towle, Ida Armstrong, Elmore Senior, Viola, Davidson Gladys McNevin, Mary ()pence, Winnie Ford, Gertie Gould, A.delia, Willis, Martha, Snell, Charlie Loug,Fred Treve th Mc, Herbert Southcott Fred Walters, Frank Knight, Fred Smith, Willie Knight, Nettie Moore, Mary' Murray., Olive Gould, Jennie Taylor, Mary Hatter, Walden Crews, Lillie Acheson, Gertie Anderson, John Boss, Jimmie Ba,wden, Garnet Welsh, Mary Brock, John Trot,t, Mabel Williams, Mary New- combe, Louie Heideman. SENIOR III To .7meitcat Martin, Winnie Howard, Annie Jones, Vera, Snell, Percy Westaway. Lucretia Werry, Annie McAnsh, Orville South- cott, Dollie Dickson, Ruby Werry, Olive Westcott, Laura Elliott, Ettie Kerslake, Beatrice Luker, Winnie Carling, Wilbur Martin, Ella Hey- wood, Ruth Rollins, Ruby Treble, Maud Taylof, Annie Brimacombe, Artie Wood, Harry Bissett, 3ackson Smith, Sandy Bawden, Jennie Murray, Ruby Davidson. T. J. LOCKHART, Prin. High School Entrance And Public School Leaving Ex- aminations.. ST, MARYs. Essie Gillies 801, John Bell 794, Mab- el Cum nain,gs 785, Annie McIntosh 785, Jennie Rodgers 755, Bertram' Walks 773, Charley Riley 764, Lindsay Sparks 751, Roland Browne 739, Fred Moore 727, Milner D. Mathieson 725, Nettie Kirkby 720, Ida Standeaven 716, Nor. mats Armstrong 708, Annie Walton 706, Olive Moorsehead 700, AnnieClade 680, Jas. Win. Brown 668, Aggie Mc- Intosh 661, Grace Maxwell 654, George Conley 652, Melville Fulcher 650,Frank Lancaster 649,- Josephine Walsh 045, Alex. Harris 639, Wilson Kennedy 635, Alfred Ford 633, Ernest lindsoti 631, t,r • Stophen Madge Kele 625, Willie Andrews 616, AlfredMoves 613, Lorance Kerr 607, EXETER MILLING 00. suacussons TO UE ROLLINS AND WILLIAMS MILLING GO., Are now ready to do business with the pub - lie generally. All kinds of ,notrn, rEVD AND MILT, STUFF For. sale at, Close prices. LeaVo your orders atthe mill. We deliver every day to any part .of the town free. We hopo you will help te; Lo mak° a success Of the business, which moans a 4116COSS for the teWn, Prices Paid rOr Wheat At all times. TimmenoNe. N. 36, :STEWART BROS, Se WILLIAMS. _ Florence Teeslie 604, Jennie Routlev 890, Bertha Switzer 508, Celia Riddell 597, Pearl Squire 595, Helen Anderson 595, Mowet Driver 592, Ada Clyde 501, Willinen Doyle 590, Walter Logan 590, Nellie Thompson 581, Lizzie Elliott 570, Charles Bragg 504, Ellen Switzer 560, John Teavlin 557, Mysie Bell 551,Lithi Rea 551, lerc,•11ie Skinner 551, Archie Nairn 551, Arnold Robiuson 551, Beat- rice McGolrick 550. PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAVING. Phoebe Tufts 602, Clifford Shier 680, Oscar Johnston 607, Clara Bates 656, 'red Marshall 656, Annie Webster 6160 Jane Morrison 613. Obtained Entetune Cerbificates on P. S. Le tying Papeete Serena Atkinson, Lottie Brown, Gertrude White, G, J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey antler, Commissioner, • Fire Insurance agent and Usurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal doeu ments carefully drawn ab reasonable rats IVIonoy to loan on real estate allow rates of in toroEit. Office at, tho Post office. Hensel!. H I.COOL (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public. Homan, Oat. A. Sellery, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graclu- J-, *ate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extracted without_pain or bad effects. Office in Petty's Block, Henson At Zurlcia every Monday, commencing May 30th. Tan ClA.RTA.TA.-The sacred, cantata Esther, was giveti in the Methodist church on Tuesday evening under the direction of George W. Cline, of Wingham. The church was filled to the door, and all ,present seemed to thoroughly enjoy tinexcellent render- ing of this beautiful cantata,:The lead- ing roles were taken as follows : Esther, the queen, Miss Grace Me - Fall; the king, Mr. Ausbury ; Haman, the king's conncelor, Mr. Mullen ; Zeresh, Fela,man's wife, Miss Bertha Daily ; Mordecai, Mr. James Scott; Prophetess, Miss McQuaid. Each of these parts were 'exceedingly well taken, the solo parts being well renderedand th.e acting out of the characters exceedingly good. Miss McFaul, in her charcter as the queen, filled her difficult part admirably, while Mr. Mullen's interpretation of the character of Ila,man was except- ionally clever. The choruses were good'and their excellent rendering aid- ed not a little in making the cantata thoroughly appreciable. It was a most gratifying success, and displayed fully the musical and dramatic talents of the young people as well as the able conducting of Mr. Cline. It aboanded in pretty effeets and pleasing music and many charming tableaux. THE BICYCLE RACES, --The bicycle races here on July 12th, were the most successful ever held in the county. The attendance was large, and competition in the .various races as keen as could. be. In the one itle epen, the contest was exceedingly i.ose,iCook winning oe a Recycle by a very slight margin. The races were conducted in a fair and impartial manner, and should Hensall again have another meet, the attendance of both.evheelmen and spectators will be much greater. Following is the list of prize winners :-One mile amateur. A. MeIvor, Goderich; Fred. Kycicl, Hen - sail ; J. H. Williams, Gciderich. Time 2.26 2-5. One mile open, C. Cook, Bengal, (on a Recycle); F. Dunbar, Goderich ; A. Taylor, Bensall; 3rd for pacing. Time 2.28. Half -mile, boys, Bell, of Seaforth • Hartleib, Spawn. Time 1.171-5. Half -mile, amateur, A. McIvor, Goderich ; E: Belcher,. Gode- rich ; T. B. Rouston,. Seaforth. 'Time 1.214-5. Half -mile Open, F. 'Dunbar, Goderich'; C. Cook, Hensall; Jewitt, Bayfield, Time 1.17. Five mile road race, J. H. Williams, Gode= rich ; Mr. Power, Wallacebueg •, Fred Kydd, Efensall. Time 13 minutes 59 seconds. Messrs. Emerson, Goderich, and Winters, Seaforth, acted as judges. BRIEFS. -Mrs. R. Eacrett, of Brant- ford, and the Misses Hawkshave and MCFalls, of Lucan, were the guests of Mrs A. and Mrs. T. Murdock, this week. -J. E. McDonell has reached Nashville, Tenn., in due course. He reports a pleasant trip, and is enjoying his sojourn there. -The Murdock and Hunter families picniced at Grand. Bend, last week. -Charles Eacrett, of Sarnia visited his brother Christopher Eacrett, this week. -D. Urquhart, and family picniced at Grand Bend' one day last week. -One day recently as Messrs. Adam Rickert and J. Carmic- hael were drawing tow to the station for shipment, theiahorses took fright when near Miller's blacksmith shop, and ran away. They upset the load and ran intolth e Comm ercial hotel shed, where they were stopped. No danigeee resulted beyond breaking a few boards in the encl.-Jas. Coxworth was in London last week on business. -George Chapman, of Caledonia, is visiting rel- atives and friends here. -Dr. Sellery visited his parents in Kincardine over Sunday. -Christopher Eacrett, of Vic- toria:Park, who has been ill for some time, is able to be around again. -Mr. and Mrs. Samuel White,of Detroit,are visiting at James White's this Aveek. -Kr. and Mrs. F. C. McDonell, have returned home 'from Detroit where they,visited triends.-Miss Mitchell, of Mt. Forest, is visiting her sister, Mrs. • Wm. White, London road. -Dr. D. C. Bell and bride, of McBride, Mich., who have been visiting friends here, for some time, returned home last week.- Dan'l McColl,is in the oldbountry with stock. -T. J. Berry on Friday last re turned home from the old country, whither he had gone with a shipment of horses. He met with ready sales and good prices, having selcl one horse for £74. He brought with him ce, fine two-year-old draught stallions:if dark roan color, purchased in Dumfries, Scotland, which gives promise of be- ing the best of the meuer horses from time to time owned by Mr. Berry. --T. Jarrott, principal of Courtwright pub- lic school, is visitiug friends in and around the village.- Dr. Campbell, of Zurich, was in the village on Monday enroute to Montreal, where he intends spending a few weeks visiting.- Geo Ingram is improving the appearance of his shop bythe application of a coat of paint. -Mrs. Gilchrist, of Seaforth is visiting friends in the village. - Mrs. B. Pearce, of Forest, is the guest Of Mrs. 3. Sutherland. -Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh, of Exeter, on Sunday ' last visited their nephew, Thomas Welsh. -Mrs. Crabb, of Goderich, ac- companied by her daughter, Mrs . Mahon, is visiting her soh Charles Crabb, town. -Mr. and Mrs. J. T O'Bx•ien„ of Centralia, spent the fore - art of this week visititig at A. Ms herson's. - Mrs, Hannan and Mrs Sweitzer, of Shipkae visited friends here this week. --Miss Mary Johnston has returned home from Godeeich.- Rev, W. E. Kerr preached a, epecial I sermon on Sunday evening last on %line n Esther" from lessons taker •; from . the book of Esther. The dis coarse Was an elequent, practical and impressive one, -Rev. G. Isogie, of Zurich. Toronto, preashed in Carmel ehurele * _- on Sunday last to a large and a,p- Mrs, Gus. Demmith. and Mrs. Young- preciative audience. The reverend er, of Ashland, Wisconsin, are visit - gentleman is a flueat speaker and his ing their parents, Mr. and Mee. Fischer arguments bear greet weight -Mise and other friends. -Miss Maud Tor - Johnston, of Winglwan, sister of Ogle ranee is visiting her grand -parents in Johnston,rendered afine solo in Carmel Varna. -Miss Edith Steinbach left for church on Sunday evening last, en- Toronto on the 4th inst. where she in - titled "The Holy City.". She sang with tends taking up a Normal coarse of much effect, her efforts being highly ironic. We with her success. -Mr. and appreciated. -J. MeNaughton,of Bay- Mrs, John Hill of Wellesley, were the field, was in the village this week.- guests of John Deichert last week. - Miss Well is home at present.- . Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fritz, of Crediton, spent Sunday in the village the guests M:M BRI. -Mrs, Vice and children, of (dies. Rau. -Mr. anclMrs. Chas.Hart- Berlin„are visiting her sister, Mrs. Will leib have gone to Sebringvale to visit Oliver. -Mrs. R. Pollock has for some friends. -Mrs. Simon lYlotter of Dash - time past been seriously ill, bab we are wood is at C. Hartleib's, at present, -. pleased to say, is recovering. -The Some six- of the Z. P. S. pupils attend - campers still continue to come to ed the recent exam's. in Exeter last Grand Bend, the hot weather makes week,viz:-Misses Clara Buchanan and them seek the cool rippling waters of Mina. Doan and Messrs. Leslie and lake Huron. -Harvesting is nowin full Calvin Williams, Melvin Torrance and blast, and on every side you can hear Wesley Kibler. We hope they way the song of the reaper. -The 12th was a very quiet day here, almost every person went to either Hensel or For- est. -Miss Ounninghaneof PortAlbert, has been engaged to teach the Grand Bend school for the corning year. -The Rev. Mr. Baird preached his first ser- mon in the Methodist church on Sun- day and was highly appreciatedby all. We wish him every saccess in his new field of labor. -The Parkhill Methodist Sunday school held their picnic on Wednesday. Greenway. BRIEFS. --The Orangemen of 519 met at their lodge room last Sabbath, and marched to Grace church, where Rev. Mr Gunn preached a very acceptable sermon from Galatia.ns 1st chapter, 8th verse. Mr. Gunn is a fluent speaker, and his words were listened to with marked attention. On Tuesday they celebrated the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne at Hensall.-Mrs. Mary E. Wilson has gone to Orange, Mass., on a visit to her sister. She in- tends to go on to Boston in a few months and Make her home in that vicinity -We noticed the other day in driving to Parkhill that several have neglected to cut the thistles, as directed by law. We also saw several thistles and other weeds in the town. We noted with pleasure several im- provements oxi the way, especially the home of A. W. Humphries, with the cresting-. and new paint. If we want to hold our best peopde and at- tract others, to our concessions, towns and villages we must get a hustle on, .cut all weeds, level off the unsightly places -take some spending money to fix up and beautify our homes. - Miss Laura Bei:ere-Who has taught in school section. No. 10 for over seven years, with satisfaction to the inspec- tor and the trustees; sent in her resig- nation last week, and at a trustee meeting held in W. 3. Wilson's office last Friday evening the resignation was accepted, with regret that she could not see her way clear to finish out the year. Miss Baker has been a devoted teacher, taking very little in- terest in anything except the advance- ment of her scholars.A large number have passed into the High School dur- ing the past few years. We wish. her suceess wherever she goes. She is an excellent teacher and a young lady of strict integrity. The trustees have advertised for a second class profes- sional teacher. -A. Pollard and fam- ily, of Grand. Bend, visited at R. Eng- lish's last Saturday and remained over Sunday. Ki rkton. BRIEFS. -Miss Clara Shier, who has been spending the last few months in London, has returned home. Miss Sainantha Shier,teacher in Toronto, is spending a few weeks visiting her friends in this vicinity. -A reception was given to the Rev. Sohn Ball upon his arrival here by the ladies of the Methodist churcle-A lively runaway occurred here last week, when Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson's horse ran away, but lankily it was caught before serious damage was done. -Miss M. L. Shier, who hes been teaching school in the Linwood. Public School, has returned home, accompariiecl by Miss L. Lack - ver, of Hawkesville, to spend her all be successful, -Miss Laura Williann is entertaining friends from Seaforth. -Dr. Orme, of London, is ta,king care of Dr. Campbell's practice while he takes a pleasure trip to Ottawa, Mon- treal, etc. -Miss Nora Wing, of Dun- dee, is visiting her Grandmother, Mrs. Hauch. -On Sunday the annual Kitt- dertag (children's day) services were held in the Evangelical church here. d. The speaking ansinging were in.both the English and German languages, and highly appreciated. -The collec- tions amounted to something over $37. -Miss Laura Williams is entertaining one of her old school mates, Miss Ella Paxton, of Otterville.-J. A. Williams took advantage of the excursion to Montreal, and has gone to see his parents. -Andrew Hey died at the residence of his son, Ohms. Hey, on the Babylon line, on Monday, at 5 o'clock. He was about 80 years of age, and was one of the oldest settlers. He was a great sufferer and to him death was a happy release. -Mr. and Mrs. E. Appel returned 'home the 12th hist:, after spending, two weeks' visiting in and around Hamburg. -The village was almost deserted on Tuesday, 12th, all that could taking in the celebra- tion at Hensall.-Miss Pearl Taylor, of Taylor's Grove is spending her holi- days with Miss Cora Heyenaker. PROM ANOTHER SOURCE. BRIEFS. -Many of our citizens spent the glorious twelfth in Hensall.,-Bert Kline, of Zeller's hardware, recently nut in a furnace for our popular baker, 0,fEilber, and is also laying a steel roof for John Geiger. Bert is a hustler and a good. mechanic. Writ- ing. about hustler reminds us of a certain notoriously slow man, who ad- vertised himself as the hustler, to the great amusement of his fellow towns- men, who regarded it as a, very good joke. It is too bad that such a good word should be abused in such e manner. -Our town is growing and trade is flourishing. All we want is good railway connection, and which we expect to have in the near future.- F. W. Hess, jeweler, has moved to his new shop, which is one of the finest in the west. -We are sorry to hear of the departure of our neighbor, John Fuss, who is this week moving to Exeter to take charge of the fax mill there. Johns a member of the Jubilee Band, and will be missed by the boys. -Park- hill band kindly gave us a selection on • Tueeday morning on their way to Hensall. They are a fine looking' lot of boys, and splendid musicia,ns.-Sun- day was Children's Day at the Metho- • dist ' church, and each of the three services were overcrowded. The con- gregation will soon have to look for roomier querterse Anderson. BRIBES. -Joseph Pearn has sold bis 100 acrefarm on the 3rd line,Blanshard, to Jas. Stephen, of Anderson, for $5,- 500. --David Walks, of the town line, has soldhis fine 100 acrefarm to James Moore, of Kirkton, for about $7,000. This is a fine farm and contains splen- did buildings. -W. Robinson, of Denver, CoL, spent the past week vis- iting his father, John Robinson, and looking after legal beisiness in Toronto. W. F. looks as though Denver agreed with hfin.-James Robinson is erect - summer vacation. -- Samuel Donee ing a barn 125 feet long, one of the raised au addition to his barn on Sat- finest in tb township. -The new min- urdey last. The captains wereNathan ister, Rev. Mr. Ball, has already made Doane and Samuel A. Doupe, jr. a favorable impression upon his con - After a very exciting race N. Doupe's gregatious. side came off victoriouse-Rev. Stout preached a sermon in St. Paul's Centralia. church on Sunday evening last to the f Orangemen. -A number from this place went to Port Huron on July 12. -Haying operations will be wound up this week. Some farmers Will have wheat cut. --Win. EI Hazlewood has had an attack of fever. MratotasT - The annual Methodist S. S. pic-nic was held 'on Dominion Day, as usual. Tea, was served in A. .Kirk's grove, after which a platform meeting was held. J. Pearn occupied the chair, and ad- dresses were delivered by Revs. S. Knott, Woodham, and J. Ball, Kirk - ton. Proceeds $100, The brass band was in attendance. A program of athletic games was well contested in the evening. Following are the mimes • of' the prize -winners : -100 reed race -1st H. Spearin, 2nd H. Robinson ; boys' race, under 12 years--lst F. , Derr, 2nd F. Mills ; ronning long 11 feet, fq inches; 2nd 10 feet v., in. running hop step and jump -lsb 11 Robinson, 38 ft., 2nd H. Spearin, 37 ft 10 in. ; vaulting with pele--ist P. Spearin, 0 ft,. 0 in., 2nd IL Spearin, 9 feet ; hurdle race-- , 1st Spearin, 2nd IT. Robinson ; egg race-lst F. Spearin, *id II:Robinson ; . putting stone-lst R. Bryans, 20 fb. inches, 2nd W Jamieson, 20 ft, 1 in. ; " tossing. caber -1st W. Jamieson, 2nd • D. Foster. E. N. Shier, Amos Doupp and Wm. Moore conducted the games to the satisfaction of all. A gains .of base.: ball wound up the day's ,proeeed• ings. ,PA 1c nf nilkluds_tinickly relieved by the D „ use of agyard tl 011. Nothing to Ilkal It for Spr, 13rnisea, 11,46111nal1401, 6tof Joints, Sore AL.L.;cles, oto. JOHN gaz SONS Putliahera awl PrOPrietora Huron County Notes, Thomas Mason, of Goderich town- ship, intends moving to London. The citizens of Wroxeter have pre- sented to Miss Appleby, of that place, an invalid's carriage. Miss Appleby has been iavalideci for about seven years. August Zizerrnan, who left Mitchell in the spring for 1VIanitoba,1ies serious- ly ill in 'Winnipeg hospital with con- sumption. If able to stand the joure ney he will be sent home at once. John Bell, of Lendesboro, started for Manitoba on Thursday with a number of horses. He took them, to Seaforth and from. there he was accome panied by John Fowler with some more to make up at arload. J. W. Carter, of Goderich, who for a, number of years past has been fore- man in one of the departments of the organ factory, left for Clinton Monday last, where, we understand, he has purchasedrestaurant business. A quiet but happy event took place ab the Rattenbury St. parsonage,Oiln- ton, on Wednesday evening, it being the marriage of Miss Annie E. Hog- gart, dagghter of D. Hoggart,Hullett, to John G. Gibbons,of Goderich town- ship. On Wednesday what might have proved a fatal accident, happened at Mrs. X. Manning's farm, Hullett. Mr. Manning was having a barn raised and Jas. McNeil, who was at the top of the building, lost his balance and fell 30 feet, lighting on his head. When picked up it was found that his spine was injured., At first but slight hopes were entertained for his recovery. On Wednesday evening of last week W. Edwards, of the 5th eon. Goderich township, haci the fraine work of his new barn raised, when everything pas- sed off nicely. Sides were chosen and captained by Messrs. John Sturdy and Robb. Elliott, the former winning by a, couple of rafters. About midnight a stoma arose and completely wrecked the framework, lying every stick flat on the ground, and splintering all but the sills. The news of the death of Marion, beloved. wife of Mr. John Robertson, formerly of Seaforth, reached there on Thursday morning and came like. a sudden blow to the 'deceased lady's numeroas friends. Some months ago the deceased, with her three small children, in company with Mr. Albert Robertson, went to Dakota, to join her husband. who had -preceded. her. Although at that time Mrs. Robertson was ailing nothing Serious was antici- pated. Her demise took place on Saturday evening, and was due to cane cer of the liver. '1 festival in Centralia On the 1st of July in counectdon with the Methodist church, was truly the biggest and the best held for several years. Everybody was delighted with the speak ing, and with the amusements for the young people. Some were sorry afisrwards, who went elsewhere :that they missed alt the sports. Prof. Taylor, .violinist, and 'Prof. McDonald, delighted the audience in the evening and gave the best concert ever held in the place. The proceeds for the day am:minted $180, ••• Jas. Degety and family have gone foe their holidays up the great lakes. -Mrs. W. Hinton still keeps very ille-Russell Jones has gone to Ingersoll as relieving agent. -Rs Hicks 0,11(161m:fly and R. Elston and femily picniced at Grand Bend on Wednesday last. -Our perm* ' Fife and drum hand went tn the great Orange dernonstretion in Hensall on the ef Exeter; overwind bwo excellent serino08 in the Methodist ehoreb last Sunclay,' Rev, S. Salton tasking his work in Ex- etet.-Mr. and Mrs. 3ohn Orbistem, of Darliegten, and 'Mie and Mes. J. E. Copeland, of Ruthven, were guests et the Methodist Parsonege last week, - Mrs. Hooper is on the mende-eBailding operations will begin at once on the two beentifal residences to be built by Messrs. Hicks and Heiden. DCLATIf TO 'WORMS, tAly little giri 7yoare, old used to OM ho teeth at night and had pain in her atoirianh. 1,0Vo hat Dr. Lows Pleasant Worm syrov gd it acted pr,omptly and with 0104 circa' Mag. /0.16 DOI Y, Pert (Albert, V. 8, A couple of rather serious accidents happened on the 7th con. of Ashfield, on Toesday, whereby two welleknown residents, who reside close to each other, will be laid up for some Lime, even if nothing else should be the re - suit. While Thos. Blake was loading hay he fell off by an unexpected jolt of the waggon, and broke his collar bone. The second accident was of a roach worse character; T. Murphy had been using his mower and got down behind the machine to fix something-, when the horses started to back and before they were stopped, keeping hien beheath it in such a way that it was Mrs. Thos. Armstrong has sold her impossible for him to call out for help; brick house and two acres on the Mit- chell Road, near St. Marys, to Jas. Barnett, who has leased. his farm to Alex. Ross, of near Kirkton. Our teacher, Eldon C. Irvine, who has taught in Rannoch school during the past four years has sent in his resignation to take effect on the 1st of October. He purposes attending the Normal College at Hamilton. J. S. Hamilton, science master of Brantford Collegiate Institute, son of T. D. Hamilton, St. 1VIarysavas married on Wednesday to Miss Adelina Day, of Langford, and formerly an esteeni- ed. teacher in the 04 street school, Brantford. Reports from Zorra, say that the wheat crop is going to be a failure. A disease seems to have formed, and breaks. off at the joint, some places becoining a complete net work. This was noticed more after the wind storm. on Sunday last. While Mr. Reith, of Blanshard, Was driving along the road one evening last week, his horse becatite unman- ageable and dashed into the fence, breaking the shafts and otherwise chunagiug the buggy. The occupants escaped unhurt. "Daddy" Pierson, of Rannoch, who had his leg broken a year ago was able, with the aid of a crutch and cane to go to the Township Hall when the council had their lest meeting. This is sometvhat remarkable, as the old man is in his 87th year. Dr. Arrxestroeg, the esteemed physi- cian of Fullerton, has gone to New York to spend Arew weeks there in thee Nv excellent hospitals of that city. Ile 'Here's Your Chance! A. Granite Kettle given away with every pounds of Art Baking Powder at 50 cents per pound. Try Our Excellent Soap A ticket with each bar, and the person getting. the 'lucky ticket' will receive a beaatiful Cruet Stand. Special value in Prints. J. P. Resm Perth County Notes. A field of wheat on the farm of John Castle, Downie, is half eaten with sparrows. Richard Babb, jr., and Percy Baker have returned from the States with a view,it is rumored,of starting business in Mitchell. The Stratford baseball tearn added another to their series of victories Saturday, when they defeated Galt by a score of 12 to 6. Authority has been issued from Otta- wa for the changing of the headquar- ters of No. 4. Co. 28th Batt. from. St. Marys tri Mitchell. Reuben Reynard, MitchellRoad, has rented his two farms, 150 acres, for seven years to Sohn G. Smith, of Downie, at $400 a year. J. S. Coppin, Mitchell, has pur- chased the lerick building on which an attempt was Made last week to des- troy by fire. Price $1000. Miss Hotham has joined Trinity church choir, Mitchell. The lady: has a fine voice and received her training in the Toronto Conservatory of Music. I. M. Levan, Principal of the Paris High School, formerly of St. Marys, has been appointed to the vacant' Principalship of the Woodstock Col- legiate Institute. The friends of Mrs. R. 'W. Birtcle• St. Marys, will regret to learn she has ad to undergo an operation at St. Joseph's Elospital, London. She ie provessing nicely. Herbert Scott, dental studentson. of Rev. Mr. Scott, formerly of St. Marys, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Near the past week, has return ed to Philadelphia. There are many forms of nervous debility in men that yield to bhe use of Carter's Iron Pills. Those who are troubled with nervous weakness, night sweats, etc., should try them. he was discovered in thiscondition few minutes later, sufferiCg. intensely from a collar boue so badly fractured that it protruded from his breastwhile he had other internal injuries; he has been under the coustant ca,re of two doctors since, who hope to pull him through all right. Stanley.• MARRIED. On Wednesdity last, Ditvid McNaughton, a erosperous young farmer oc this township, was married at Moosejaw, N. W. T., to Miss Mary Moffatt, of that place, an • erstwhile resident of this township. The young couple are expected home in a few days. Your correspondent, joinso, host of friends in extending congratulations. , Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsepa.rillit. Be sure to get Hood's, The Ontario Gazette announces the incorporation of the People'sTelephone of London (limited). The new company will have a capital stock of $100,000, in $100 shares, and is composed of Messrs. R. H. Evans and Henry 'Walt- ers, of Detroit, end R. A. Bayly, T. H. Pardon), Moses itlasaret, Robert Fox, F. B. Leys, T. II. Sinallma,n, 3. Milne and J. R. Minhinnick, of London, Ont. It will carry on in London and the county of Middlesex a gen eral telephone business. ' • Charles Boughner, while engaged. working ivith a beef at the slaughter house of A. Gibson, on the London road, near Sarnia, on Tharsday even- ing, met with an unfortunate accident. He was attempting to place a pritch in has left his practice in charge of Dr. position in the beef carcase when be Hackney, a capable young man, svho slipped and fell. In falling tile pritch is well known 111 Fullerton. Mrs. Arna- Wes drawn into his side for t consid- steong will remain at home ,duting the doctor's absence. erable distance. He was brought to toWn. Says the 'Observes' and medical aid was summoned. Later he was re- moved to the General Hospital, where be now is. The physicians in charge consider the injury of aeserious nature as the sheep instrument made internal injuries, the exact extent of which are tot yet known. The Gold Brick Mn; Detectives garn pan end Mahoney., of Windsor, have teceived word of the arrest in Sioux City, Iowa, of two men who give their names as Charles Mott and G. Brown, and Who ere be- lieved to be the men wanted on -a chat ge of hievi 13 g evotked the gold brick . garno on D. Moore, of St. Mary's, while he was in Sarma. Moore. peed $0,000 for le hoes Tho inen httv„ Renal; failure was the name of his valved eitritaltiOn, alai Will be death. Deceased Was mo his 63rd year.' brItglit back to Canada, for trial. atid no hIpltried. John Parte the Mitchell man charg- ed with attempting to set fire on the night of June 28 to m building owned. by him, appeared hefore His Honor judge Barron, at Stretford, the other day, to elect aa to the manlier of his . Having heard the 'Charge, Parr told the court that, be preferred to be hied by the °minty judge. The date tor the trial has not been fixed. A suddeb death oeceux•ed at Wood- bridge Friday evening, Aboet 8 o'clock Wo m. Doherty, of Steettord; Who was Visiting his brother, J. - Dehette, of Oastlemove, drove down from there to consult it dOet01' (D1". MCL6/111) AS he had not been well foe some time, lie had been iii the office only e few vain Utea when be expired.