HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-7-7, Page 85'. 41A 4�A AIA APA 4:f orA 4PA 4 A APA APA 41A 440 A AAP! 41 41 4P♦ PA,• IA Alit,4PA 4PA 4PA41A APA . +q► -.,a-•lP•.rr . r►w►,.,4:V14, . ,- ,► eoRStI ► r► r► It •'O - ,.4r+.• 11.4X► r #4 rr- , �v r�� � �'d®�r� �r ev dap aTw i� � �,I`^ � � t� i� dXv rR' .r#� rl� �� �i4 �$ �►R '1'lie•Big Cash..8.tOr0..• . Cash or Produce, Only ,One Price. • R TIES. Farmers say that wheat is rustin g,. J. Ready, St, Marys;, wasin town on Tuesday. The cherry crop is heavy in this section, this year. Miss •,poan, of Zurich, is 'visiting friends in the village, T. J. Lockhart intends spending his vacation in Kingston.. The volunteers returned home from London on Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Anderson and family are. visiting friends: in Fingal. Mrs. Surridge, of Chicago, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. Pickard. R. O'Neil, of Lucan, is the .guest of his son, B. S. O'Neil, town. Mrs. A.. Hastings is improving in health, and is able to sit up, Miss Urquhart has returned to her homein Oshawa for holidays,. The date has not 'yet been fixed for the taking of the plebiscite vote. Some of the newspaper puns on the war would make a sick Man -ill -a. Miss Aggie Gleed, of South London, is on a two months' visit to friends in Exeter. Frank Ross is in Niagara, Nvhere he will spend a month with his grand- father. Melvin Martin has gone to Toronto, where he is engaged in the Education Department. Miss Hyndman left Wednesday for Goderich, where she will visit friends and relatives. Garfield Sheere spent the latter part of last week visiting relatives and friends in London.. Mrs. Bawden, of Exeter, is the guest of her sons, Peter and John Bawden. —Ridgetown Standard. James Miller was taken suddenly ill on Friday and is confined to his bed. He was quite bad Sunday. Miss McDonald, daughter of Dr. McDonald, Wingham, has been visit- ing Mrs. .I. P. Ross this week. E. Christie is one of the busiest men in town. He runs the postoffice,keeps a livery stable and works a farm. John Dauncey has rented the store adjoining the post oMce and will opeu a grocery, flour, feed and seed store. The members of the Royal Templars of Exeter picniced at Grand Bend. yesterday, and report a pleasant day. Rev. B. Clement, of Clinton, was called to Burford, on Monday, owing to the serious illness of his only sister. Mrs.(Dr. )Irving and daughter Katie, of St. Marys, are rusticating this week at her brother's, Rev. Mir. Fletcher, Thames Road. Ladies ! Hem's Your Chance eYour choice of any Muslin, Print or Organdy Shirt Waist in THE BIG CASH STORE for 65 cents. First come, first pick. Hundreds of choice Waists to select from, the regular value of these Waists has been 75 cents, $1.00 and $1.25. Come quick if you want a . real genuine bargain in a new stylish Shirt Waist. Remember you. take your choice of the whole lot for only.... , e J. A. STEWART Store closes 6,30 except Wednesdays and Saturdays. ate eye ere epees tter rgee ge ATA �1iiTT PA 4 4 fr►�srLAiit* i:�ir 4, ►P..i.1iAi,i1i ♦I� ati i�� r1.a� lee �ti eh •A a� rti ft iv��10ti iso./i` ii h 1D qs INSURANCE. ' {"t:KNES'I' ELLIOT, 4 Agent or the WE$PinN ASSURANCE COM- PANY, OM,P ANY, of Toronto ; piso for the Paw= FIRE merits erect Co .n T, of London, England; the Ars,rANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Eng and. Ma I t* - WE OFFER SPECIAL NDUCEMEi`1TS For Marriage ' ; yse '9 Wecldiiig R1rigs Waitciec ee!ocks Jewelry Spec tee cos Etc CALL ON4dib R HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Wheat is ripening fast. The Dominion is 31 years old. 00 S The grain fields are turning color. Growing crops are making a record. 1,1•••••••••••••• These are the longest days of the Lead Pencils, Rubber Erasers, Pens, and Pen Holders, Ink Blotters,. Ruled;: Plain Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books Drawing Books Tablets, Rulers, .a tc. J. G fl' `U U T 3EMFTER THURSDAY, JULY 7th, 1898. LOCAL HAPPENIt7C3'€.lTS year. Miss Lille Johns is visitingfriends in Parkhill. Miss Jennie Gould is visiting friends in Stratford. There is a general advance in the price of thread. The recent rains have retarded hay- ing operations. Miss Mabel Walters is visitin• riends in London. Pure Paris Green and. Insect Powde at 0. Lutz's drug store. , -, The public schools are closed for the long mid-sumnierholidays. Cider wiil be contraband after the plebiscite carries next fall. A peat fuel company is being formed to work the big Ellice swamp. Fred Rollins, of Detroit, visited his father, A. J. Rollins, this week. Mrs. T. D. Stanley and son, Douglas, of St. Marys, visited friends in Exeter last week. Miss Maud. Christie has returned home from a visit among friends in Toronto. The milliners have quit work for the season, and returned to their respec- tive homes. Only one out of every. thousand married couples live to celebrate their golden wedding. Miss Addie Holland has returned home from a. yisit with friends in God- ericb and Hensall. a J. E. McDonell, of Hensall, left on Additional locals ou 1st page. raoniay for Nashville, Tenn., for the The Epworth League convention benefit of his health. next year will be held -at Exeter on There will be a meeting of the nietn- June 20 and 21. hers of the turf club this week to finish the business of the year. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McFaul and Mr. J. McTavish, of Seaforth, visited at Wm. Grigg's on July 1st. It is many yeas s—in fact no one can remember when the harvest comtnenc- Mrs. Jno. Abell, of Seaforth, is, we ed as early as it has this year. are sorry to learn, suffering from a Thos. Simple, of Elimville, left us a severe .attack of erysipelas. Wilbert Lambrooke, son of Joseph Lambrooke, of Chatham, accompanied by John Kerr, wheeled. to Exeter this week on a tandem, and visited at H. home last week to visit his parents. Lambrooke's. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper, of Port Hope, spent the holidays with Mrs. iooper's sister, Mrs. WM. Grigg. Fred Hess. sr., of Zurich, clerk of Hay township, favored THE TIMES with a call on Tuesday. sample of newpotatoes on July 1st, which are as large as goose eggs. John 14lallott, who has been living in St. Paul for the past year, returned. The many friends of N. J. Clarke, of First July was spent quietly in town, California, will be pleased to learn that the majority of citizens going else- he is mending raPidI ,and his ultimate, recovery is assured. Haying is progressing nicely, and while the crop is not so heavy as in some former years, it is notiodged and where to spend the day,some to the Bend, while others attended the straw- berry festivals ab Centralia and Elim: vide. Why do not the path -masters, who therefore much easier to handle. have the oversight of our highways, see that those thistles and other Robt. Garner, of London, and Will noxious weeds, which are a terror to Lyon, of Toronto, both former resi- all good farmers, are cut before they dents of Exeter, spent the latter part go to seed? The new postmaster,'EdwardChristie, was installed into bis new office on of last week renewing acquaintance in town. Binder twine has gone up 5c. 'Farm - Thursday Last by the post office eel ers who have bought are lucky. The sector. Mr, Christie is havingseveral prices now range from 10c to 131ic cyan es made in the officeamongrewith the probability of le rinse this is which theintroduction of more lightt week. . into the waiting room. Dr. S. Kirk, Chumah, Man., who Ratev. Wrza, McDonagh will deliver a has just completed his course in the special sermon to the Oranrzennen in Medical College, returned to that place Main street cburch next Sunday morn- on Monday last and is now looking for ing ,' at •11 o'clock; Visiting Orangemen a place to locate. are invited to meet with the Exeter W. Hackney, of Usborne, near Far - lodge passed i l,• .a i i in their lodge room, and accom- q,ullar,lias pa,.. ,d his fres ,en, in rest on pirnthein to the church, before the College of Physicians and On Friday evening h G Kemp, o£ Surgeons, Ontario, and is now a full - k accom aniedb o fledged doctor. II. P. floss, of Exeter, thelvLolson s Ban p ytw young ladies of Exeter, drove to Sea- has passed the primary examination you g forth, and took in the Cantata Esther. While returning' in the inky darkness, the horse left the road and went into the ditch opposite the recreation grounds. Fortunately the occupants of the rig escaped uninjured, but on chin g , the horn; acid ri on the before the same body.. A huge dazzling meteor shot across the eastern sky on Tuesdsiy evening., which illuminated the heavens and caused citizens to gaze and marvel. The brilliant visitor travelled at a rap- id rate, though much slower than th e "shooting" „ , , sl ootin stat and left a average i be, were f t g to roan the slia;;"ts w o indg broken. The unfortunate' trio were ' milkyglowin its wake to mark its brief forced to return to Seaforth, and wait career across the heavens, It appear - till morning �, when new shaftswere ed to observers to be the size of a foot= `- wined and they proceeded home.-- ball andcrossed from the east towards 41 Sun. the northwest. Mrs. T. H. McCallum and daughter, Edna, have gone to visit in Barrie and other - places. They will be absent about a month. Miss Robertson has returbed to her home in Goderich, ' and Mis May to Mitchell. They are both of the public .school teaching staff. Dr. Amos continues i11 at the home of his parents in McGillivray, where he and Mrs. Amos had gone to spend a few weeks' visit. The Senior and Junior Epworth League societies of Main st. Metb.odist Church, will hold a garden party' on the public School grounds shortly. I. R. Carling has returned from To- ronto. He has been admitted to the bar, and is now licensed to hang out his shingle as barrister and solicitor. P. W. Quinn, of Detroit, Mich., has taken a position in the Molsons Bank, here as junior clerk, while A.Kemp has been advanced to that of ledger keeper. The village council will have their annual outing tomorrow, when they will take a trip around town to ascer- tain where street repairs are necessary to be done. The store vacated by J. A.. Straith & Co., is not to be idle long, as already there are three applicants for it. The object of each is to start a - general store. The Exeter L. 0. L. will celebrate Julyl2th in Hensall, notwithstanding the rumor to the contrary. The mo- tion to this effect was carried more than a month ago. John Mitchell has purchased ten acres of land from Wm. Bawden, near the G. T. R. station, paying therefor $45 per acre. Samuel Bradt also pur- chased five acres at same price. While crossing the track during the. progress of the Lucan races ou the 1st inst..Charles Stanley, of that place, was kicked by the racing mare Miss Delmarch, and had his arrn broken.. A in McGillivray last week ad- vertised some lost sheep in TELE TIKES, and after the first issue, found them in Usborne township. It pays to ad- vertise in a widely circulated paper, J. A. Straith has moved the John- ston stock to Harrow, where Mr.Man- ning will conducta general store busi- ness on his own account. The store occupied by Mr. Straith is now Va- cant. Narcisse ?vL Cantin,the proprietor of the new town of St. Joseph, in Huron county, is in London to day, en route to Montreal. Mr. Oantin goes to Mon- treal to secure plans for a mammoth new summer hotel at St. Joseph. -Lon- don Free Press. L. Hardy last week sold a quarter section of land, near Minnedosa, Man., for $1,760. Hon, Thomas Greenway, some years ago, sold a quarter section for $800, and this surnrner re -purch- ased the same for $1,600. This would indicate an advance in the price of fart i land in the prairie province,_ and will no doubt increase the price of land here. During Conservative rule at Ottawe the Clinton New Era and Seaforth Expositor were continually finding fault because some of the Tory papers occasionally contained a government advertisernent. We now almost weekly notice sirniliar advertisements in the papers above mentioned. Of course it all depends upon who is re- ceiving the pap. Campers and those engaged where mosquitos are troublesome will beinter- ested in knowing that "Outiig" says a 'doe" of one pint of Sweet oil, one half pint of Xorwegian pine tar, and. one half ounce of carbolicacid wilt keep the pests in a respectful distance as no other concoctions will, and that it easily removed with soap and water and does not injure the skin. • H E Pickard Co.' ' GREAT SUMMER SALE! During this month we will sell the balance of our summer stock at greatly reduced prices, This will be a money saving opportunity. A number of the lines below quoted cannot be repeated at the same prise, and we would early. advise everybody to buy rl a y Dress Goods Fancy black Grenadine, as- sorted designs, very popular, regular price per yard 25c, sale price .. 42. inch plainblack Lustres, fine finish and good black, regular price 35c for 42 inch fancy pattern black Lustres in various .patterns, Yery great value ..., 45 inch wide black Hen- rietta Cashmere, beautiful finish in blue and jet black, regularly sold at 65c per yd., special price Bicycle Caps We are showing an elegant range of Bicycle Caps at 25. and...,..... ..... •.. iiitinery Everything in summer Mil- linery must be cleared. Now is the time to purchase these goods at your own price .. 8 25 25 0 -35 Prints 1,000 yards of regular 12rzc Prints will be sold 12 yards for • . ., 1.00 500 yards of fancy Prints and Challies to be cleared at . Shirt Waists The balance, of Shirt Waists in stock to be cleared at once. See our line at ... . -3' Men's Summer Clothing Men's Angola Flannel Coats and Vests, regular price $2.75, for .. .... 1.75 Men's fine stripe Mohair coats and vests, special value 3.25 Groceries Clothes Pins per doz..... 1 c Finan _Haddies per tin Royal Yeast per box.. . 5c Fine red Salmon.,... •. .10 Fine uncolored Japan Tea 25 Appleton's Package Teas are the best. 'The e P is and Co., DICT IMP'CNE `ll`EF S. TRIFLES. We arenow on the last New potatoes sell for 50c a peck. halfof1398.—Now for the fall business. Kay is worth $:1 per ton off the —It's picnic season. --The days grow field. shorter now. — Cyclists keep off .the sidewalks. --New potatoes are being Mr, Pttul, of Woodstock, spent Sun - marketed. day in town. LACROSSETEA.Iv1 Cwere prom- are in town on Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. Rivers, of Crediton, enade concert will be given in the skating rink on Monday evening next, i Rev. Bray, will be absent from his under the auspices of the lacrosse pulpit for several Sunday. team. A good program, andhandin ' The Misses Bertrand, Kunz. of Crediton, attendance. There will he a game a. are the guests lacrosse between the Clinton and Exe- I Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand, of Crediton, ter teams in the afternoon. See pos- visited friends in town on Sunday. ters for further particulars. I Will Davis, of London, visited his INSURANCE- RATES. — Several Luer-, parents in Exeter north on July 1st. chants here have received notice from the Underwriters' Association of a pro- posed incre'i.se in. the rates, as applied to Exeter. This seems strange, owing holidays with friends in Exeter and to the fact that last year the council Crediton. expended several thousand dollars. equipping the fire -fighting appliances! Rev. Coulter,. of Eiinrville, preached of the village, for the purpose of com- , in the James st. church Suni.ay morn- plying with the conditions which ing last. would place us in a certain class, and Wilbur Oudmore goes to Harrow give us lower rates or retain for us the l with Mr. Manning, with whom he has class to which for years we previously - engaged as clerk. belonged. This . matter should be R. H. Collins has had a wind -mill looked into. erected near .his residence, to be used OFF, THE SIDEWALKS.—The council for pumping water. on Saturday evening passed a by-law Miss Ethel Sweet, milliner for W. prohibiting bicycle riding on the side- Pickard & Co., Seaforth, has returned walks of any street in town. During home for vacation. the past two years it was the privilege Pickard and family,. to ether of cyclists to run on the back streets, y, g with a number of friends, picniced at but owing to that privilege being Grand Bend en Wednesday. Nelson Prier was poisoned'by poison ivy at Grand Bend on July lst, and is confined to his bed in consequence. Lockart is conductingdepart- mental e T. J. Part mental examinations in the Exeter public school building this week. roads. The first mentioned petition J. A. Stewart has invented a new carried the greatest weight. gas generator, which he uses in his CONTAGIOUS DISBAsES.—The Provin- store. It is the most economical in cial Board of Health of Ontario have use. issueda reportshowing the deaths from A storm at Kelley's Cross, Prince contagious diseases in. the province for Edward. Island, resulted in the death the months of March, April and May, from lightning of Thomas Monaghan as reported to theRegistrarGeneral,hy and Owen Trainor. the Division registrars throughout the The Brussels Clippers .defeated the nprovince.hesThe total number of deaths. Unions of Wroxeter at baseball Tues - lir these months is given as follows : day by 13 to 6. The Clippers have won March, 197; April, 219 ; May, 238.They 12 out of 16 games this season. are classified as follows : Scarlitena,— March, 26 ; April, 14 ; May, 17. Diph- Every person entitled to vote in the theria,—March, 27 ; April, 12; May,16. township of Stephen should examine Measles,—March, 4 ; April, 7 ; May,15. the voters' list recently issued, and see Whooping cough, March, l; April, 4 ; that their names appear therein. May,9.. T hooid —March, 10 ; April, , yp �' George W. McVittie, 18'years of 0 ; May, 13. Tuberculosis, - March, i .a a died at Hamilton from oek`aw. 120; April, 173; May, 168, In the threeJ p A. nail ran into his foot on Wednes- months of the previous year, there day. were reported 708 deaths,as compared Rev. Mr, Godwin 'and family, of Goderich, passed through Exeter on. Tuosday enroute for Kingsville, where they will spend a few weeksrusticat- ing. Mrs. Barnes. of London, is visiting ting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Evans. Simon Stahl, of Berlin, spent the .k� �•'LING FOR JULY BARGAINS. During this month we will sell Summer Goods at greatly reduced prices, below we quote a few of the lines that we are reducing. ‘z. LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS All 60c 'Waists reduced to 45c „ 75e „ „ ' ,, 600 !, 1.00 „ „ „ 75e 1.25 ,, 1,00 LADIES' WRAPPERS abused by some of the more reckless riders, the council was petitioned to stop the practice. Two largely signed petitions were presented, one to pro- hibit riding on the sidewalks, and one to prevent, it only during the months from May 1st to October let and allow cyclists the walks during the muddy All 90o wrappers redoM1 to 2 G l,V ,, ,, „ 1:00 „ 1.65 „ ,: „ 1.35 a 1.75 ` u a ,r 1,50 Gi l&Strew Bats at reduced prices' Men's Summer Coats and Vests at reduced prices Buggy Dusters at reduced prices. 1 yard wide heavy Flannelette 10c a yard. Summer Corsets 50c a pair 16 oz. Grain Bags,. 1.50 a doz Boys' Flannelette Shirts, .25c each Odd lot of Geuts'Neck Ties 20c It Odd lot of Cotton Hose...5c a pair Odd lot of Drers Goods $ and 10 a yard, Ovid lot of Ribbons 10c a yard Watered Marine Skirting 17c a yd Check Apron Gingham 5 and 10c a yard. Ladies' white Collars and Cuffs` 25c a sett. Ladies' Kid Gloves slightly damage ed 25 and 50e. A quantity of,Ltdies' and .Girls' Shoes with only a few pairs of each line will be cleared at reduced prices. Choice lot of Groceries always on hand. We keep the best 25 cent Tea in town. Try it. CARLINC BRCS with 654 for this year, taking the same months and the saui,e diseases. This year only 604 of the 745 municipalities reported, and the number, last year was somewhat, smaller. Levitt's Fair announces bigbargains in various lines. Mr. and Mrs. Robb Hicks; spent the past week visiting in Montreal. Little Miss Elliott, of Mitchell, is the guest, of her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Ander- son. Mrs. Eilber, of Crediton, visited her daughters, Mrs. Kuntz and Mrs•Smith, town, this week. A new iron bridge is to be Built over eteetM0Rcams Wood's Norway rine vrup. Pleasant . to At Seaforth on July lst,the Seaforth junior lacrosse team, defeated Stmt. ford d'gniors, and he Seaforth Seniors Catharine Seniors, 7 theSt 'i h >r defeatedt goals t4 3, a middle-aged nxan At Montrealg named Edward Burns jumped trona the third -story window of his board - in house in a fit of delirium tremens g , and died from the effects, e. gable river on Thames Road Ate often hardest to et rid of. 'ivy Dr. near the Presbyterian church, fake. Always effective. Oriole). lac. r 33, y',.b31 T '�^ ''i..tlLE Come to Us to Have Their Eyes Examined. If you need Glasses let us fit thein for you. We give you the best expert attention at T. FITTON'S Jewelry Establishment. S. FITTON, Graduate Optician. CARTER WOVEN WIRE FENCE. t i • • • The above fence is made of coiled hard steel, spring fence wire. It is the cheapest fence on the market,and any farmer can build his own fence of eleven. wires at 30 cents per rod. The machine for doing the work costs fR8, which. gives the man a right to build a fence anywhere. The fence is not only handsome, but the most durable made, and anyone wishing to buy a machine or engage in the fence business, will profit by calling on, or writing to GEO. TURNER, Brtecefield, Agent for Huron County. The Family Dutcher Shop —FOR— BEEF, BEEF, LAMB, VEAL, PORK, BOLOGNA. CORNED BEEF. Albert Beatson, who has been living, on the Granton line, has moved back to the 10th con. Rev. Salton will occupy the pulpit of James street church next Sunday, in the absence of the pastor at Cen- tralia. DOAN CURES BACKACHE. " I have been troubled for several' yearn Nrith kidney disease pains in the back, dizzi- i uses and sleeplessness, so that at times I could, notwork. Donn's Kidney Pills which I started takingabout two months ago, have made me all O.K. P. J. Mo GFINNIS, Belleville, Ont. CASH PAIIO FOR HIDES Calf, Lamb and Sheep Skins. One door south of Central Hotel. LOUIS DAY P. CLARKE. Summer Fabrics tee• M BW !M[fIT MARKET. Thus far Summer Muslins and Challie fabriques have been in demand. We take into stock this week some new lines, the latest and most attractive goods in the market. These goods will be found of a superior quality, fast colors and washing goods, ALSO COLORED SATE ENS as foundation linings, giving effect to above goods. They will he in mauve, skyblue buttercup and p orange OUR BARGAIN TABLE has additional attractions and goods • are drives for the thereon great bargain -hunter, We want our g customers to take advantage of these. i The d has undersigned opened gup a- new meat market one door Soon of Darling's wore. where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED JOHN T. MANNING., REDUCTION iD PRICES !. Window Screens, regular price 25 and 30c, for 20 and 25e. School Bags, regular price 25 and 35e, for 20 and 29c. Butter Prints, 1 lbs, lbs and k lbs, regular price 25, 23, 18 and 10c,. for 20, 18, 14 and 7c. Chopping Knives, regular price 10c, for sc. Skipping Ropes,uprice 2 for 5regular 5t, Skipping Ropes, regular :,rice 10c 2 for 15cP 1 +. Lunch Boxes, regular price 230, for 1sc, Lunch Boxes, regu'.ee price 18c, for 12c. Lunch Boxes, regi ,. •• .price 15c, for 10c. Sealers, quarts, i alar price per doz. 75c, for COc. ai Se ors half gal., regular price per dos, $1, for OOc, 1 second-liand bike and 1 secotid- hand freezer for sale. J P. CILARKE ( LEVITTS' FAIR