HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-7-7, Page 7f NOTRS AND C011111173N7' Winality in the setUemUi Qititeeno,- tienel difficulties in Aerie% meets hard to attain. The reported Meows of the °elan mission, whieli left 4 ranee in- 1895 for the exploretion ot those parts of central North Afro a lybig "to the eoittli arid east ot Luke Tolled 'and eastward of thee water oe. either eine. of the tenth parallel of latitude, raises a Very delleate question of international right in territories about which diplomatio egreemente have been coneluded„ but oi wheel tliere has . been no oceupation or even etfeetive xploration. I The country which has been the field O f the reesearelies of the Gentil Mts- ion on behalf of the Frenali Goverm- ent, was, iu 1893, the subject of an agreement between England and Ger- Many. England abandoned to Ger- many "all the political rights it was able to exercise eastward, of a line Starting from Rio del Rey, in the Gulf of Guinea, arid ending at the southern shore of Lake Tehad, skirting the town of Yola on the soullieest," Ger- many, however, has not, it remotes, chosen to exereise her rights over the territory, which, according to this convention, would have carried her suzerainty Ogee up to the Nile basin, On the contrary, she made a, conveni tion with France, which evas tionctlude ed and signed at Berlin in 1894, by which Germany reserved to herself • only Adamana and a triangle of ter- ritory bounded by the British Niger 'possessions on the west, the Shari River, on the east, and the tenth( par- allel of latitude on the south. All to the east anct south of that were giv- en up to the French sphere of influ- enc,e. • Tim question now arises. whether England is bound to recognize the .abandonment of rights she ceded to Germany without, so far as is known, -ulterior conditions. Assuming that she does so, the next question that pre- sents itself is where are the eastern limits of the territory relinquished by -Germany 1 By a convention made in 1890 between England and Germaaay, the latter recognized the politicai rights of the former in the basin of the Upper Nile; so thee for whatever it is worth,Englancl should have the sup- port of Germany in the event of any - dispute with France over the terri- torial limits of the recognized political • rights. The fact, however, that the {British Government, while always pro- testing against the extension of French ecoupation and exploration toward the Nile from the westward, has refused, eileboug,h invited by successive French Foreign Ministers, to lay down the . limit of British political rights in the Nile valley, somewhat complicates the situation. It will not be naade clear- er if it is true, as reported; from Par- is, that one of the A.byssinian gener- ils, Ras Makonnen, accompanied by the French explorers, the Marquis de Bon Champs, and. party, and with a body of troops, has arrived. on the Nile ' and planted the Abyssinian baneter an its eastern bank, The movements going on from both sides of the Nile tow's' el that fiver would seem to render: the British. ad- vance to Khartoum imperative at an early period, as soon as the naviga- • tion •permits. 'Whether the settlement of the new difficulty in central North 'Africa will be arrived at in the same way as teat on the Niger, the activi- ty of England and France, in their col- onizing and exploring in those hither- to imperfeetly known regions, will soon deprive Africa of its title of the Dark Continent, except in as far as the terra applies to the color of its native inhabitant. HOW FAST THINGS GO. A wilittientattelates teleteletatten or the See% or Tatzions Objects. mateematician has compiled the following list of speeds a second: The snail, one-half mob.; a man walking, 4 feet; a. fast runner, 23 feat; a fly 24 feet; a fast skater, 38 feet; &car- rier pigeon, 87 feet; locomotive—sixty miles an hour -88 feet; swallows, 220 feet; the worst cyclone known, 380 feet; the lerakatoa wave—at the volcanic catastrophe of Alt. 27, 1893, in the Sunda Islands -940 feet wthe surface of the globe on sea level at the equator, 1,500 feet; the moon, 3,250 feet;. the sun 5 1-2 miles; the earth, 18 mules; Holly's oomet in the perihelion, 235 miles; electric current on telegraph wires, 7,000 miles; /eduction current, • 11,040 miles; electric carreet in cop- per wire armatures, 21,000 miles; light, 180,000 miles; discharge of a Leyden jar throughicopper wire one -sixteenth of an ineh in diaaneter, 277,100 miles, whiteh is said to have been the high- est velocity measured. • CANADA'S POPULATION. Mr. George Wohnson, Dominion sta. • tistician, Ottawa, will soon begin Pre- parations for the big task of arrang- ing for the Dominion Census of 1901 • much of the material foe which is pre- pared in the preeeding year. The ac- tual, enumeration of the population takes place in 1001. Kr, Johnson anti- elpates that the result will show an increase of population of about twenty per eent. Another netewarthy fea- ture will be the inereasing movement from the Eastern Provirioes to Mani- toba, the Worth -West anti British Col- umbia. 811.1JT OUT FROTil TIE BUN REV. DR. TALMAGE PREACHES ON THE CHRISTIA.N'S HEATH. VW% U 1 eert gnats WorIti-A, Sauter" natiawd Joy on MS *Nee -Dread or OM Age-Mbere Etienne ea %leaven Than wee -Cariosity e WW1( Is OeYend Thti Earthly Terminus. • it despatch from Washington says Dr Talmage preaohed from the toilow- text: "The time oe uy departure, is at hand..."--$ Tine iv. 6. The way out of this world is so bemired up with coffin, and hearse, and undertaker's spade, and. wow -driver, that the Christian win hardly think tie he ouglat of the most oluiereel passage in all his history. We hang black in- stead of white over the •place where the good mart gets his last victory. We stand weeping over a heap of chains whieh the freed soul has shaken off, and. we eayi "Poor man! What it pity it was he had to come to this." Come to what? By the time people have assembled at the obsequies, that man hes been three days so happy that ell the joy of earth pectin:albite& would be wretchednees beside it; and he ;night better weep over you bemuse you have to stay, than you. weep over hint he - cause he has to go. It is a fortunate thing that a good. man does not have to wait to see his own obsequies, tbey would, be so diseordant with his owe. experience. If the Israelites seould go baok to Bgypt and mourn over the brick -kilns they once left, they would not be any more silly than that Chris- tian who should forsake heaven and come down and menera because be had to leave this world,. Now, departure implies a starting - place, and a place of destination. When Paul left this world, what was the starting -point? It was a scene of great physioel distress. It eras the Tullianum, the lower dungeon i of the Marnertine prisoa. The top dungeon was bad enough—it having no means of ingress or egress but through an open- ing in the top. Through that the pri- soner evae lowered, and. through that came all the food, and air, and light received. It was a terrible place, that upper dungeon; but the Tullianura was the lower dungeon, and that was still more wretched, the only light, and the only air coming through the roof, and. that roof the floor of the upper dun- geon. That was Paul's last earthly residence. It was a dungeon just six feet and. a half high. It was a doleful place. It had the c/aill of long cen- turies of dampness. If some skillful surgeon should go into that dungeon where Paul is incarcerated, we might find out what are the prospects cte Paul's living through the rough im- prisonment. In the first place, he is an old man, only two years short of seventy. At that very time when he most needs the warmth, and the sun- light, and the fresh air, he is shut out frona the sun. What are those scars on his ankles? Why, those were gotten when he was fast, his feet in the stocks. Every time he turned, the flesh on his ankles started. What are those scars on his back? You know he was whipped five times, each time getting thirty-nine be that they have been gone so long durance depended the rescue of a race. strokes—one hundred an -dninety-five you do not care any more abont. them, All heaven will stop to listen. until the on the back, count them! made by the and you do not want their society? 0 story is done, end every harp will be Jews with rods of elm wood, each one no. There have been days when you put down and every lip closed, and all stroees—one hundred and ninety-five have felt that you couldenot endure, it eyes fixed upon the Divine narrator, another moment away from their bless- until the story is none , and then, at edeconapanionship. They have gone. You the tap of the baton, the eternal or - say you would not like to brieg them chestra. will rise up, finger on string back to this world of trouble even if of harp and lips to -the mouth of trura- you had the power. .It would not do pet, arid there shall roll forth the orat-, to trust you. God would not give you orio of the Messiah: "Worthy is the resurrection power. Before to -morrow Lamb that was slain. to receive bless - morning you would be rattling at the ing and, riches. and honour and glory gates of the cemeter,y, crying to the and power. world. witheat end!" departed: "Come back to the cradle "What He endured, 0 who can tell, where you slept! come back to the hall To save our souls from death and where you used to play! come back hell?" When there was between Paul and thet magnificent personage only the thinness of the sharp edge of the sword of the executioner. do you wond- er that he wanted to got Omy Lord Xesus, let one wawa of that glory roll over this auditory to -night. }ark, X hear the wedding bells of heaven ring - going to in e With own nor- °dation. He loo glad to go. 1 ree him looking" in the Mee of les eisecetioner, and as the grim offloial draws the sword,Paul ealirile wiee: "I eiu now ready to be offered, Add tita ittne of my departure is at bond." But I put my hand. over ray eyes, want not, to see that last struggle. One ahem keen stroke, and Peel does go to the banquet, end Paul does, dine with the King. "What a transition it was! /from the malaria of Itome to the finest climate in all the univeree—tlie zone of eter- nal beauty and. health. His ashes were pat in the cataccmebs of Rome, hut in one moment the air of heaven bath- ed. from. his steal the last. ache. From shipwreck, from dungeon, from the biting peen of the elm -wood. rods, from the sharp sword. or tee headsman, he goes into the most brilliant assemb- lage of heaven, a, king among kings, multitudes of the %anthem]. rushing out and stretching Werth hands of welcome; for I do really think that as on tee eight hand of Goa is Christ, so on the right hand of Christ is Paul, the second great in. heaven. He ehanged kings likewise, I3efore the laour ot death, and -up to the last moment, he was under Nero, the thick- neoked, the cruel -eyed, the filthy -lip- ped; the sculptured features of that man bringing down to us, to this very day, the horrible possibilities or his nature—seated es he was amid pio- Wired marbles • of Egypt, under a roof adorned with mothereepeare1. a dining -room whioh by machinery was kept whirling day and niglat with most liewitehing inegnificence; his horses standing in stalls of solid gold, and. the grounds around his palace lighted at night by his vietims, who had. been bedaubed with tar and pitch and then set on fire to illumine the darkness. That was Paul's king. But the next Moment he goes into the realm of Him witose reign is love, and whose courts axe paved with love, and. whose throne is set, on pillars of love, and. whose sceptre is adorned with jewels of love, and whose palace • is lighted with love, ene. whose lifetim.e is an eternity of love. -When Paul was leaving so much on this side of the pillar of mertyrdom to gain so ;much on the other side, do you wonder at the cheerful valedictory of the text: "The time of my departure is at hand?" Now: why cannot all the old. people of. my congregtition have the seme holy glee as that aged man had? Char- les I., when he was combing his head, found a grey hair, end he sent it to the Queen as a great joke; but old age Ls really no joke at all. For the last forty years you have been dread- ing that which ought to have been an exhilaration. You say you most fear the struggle at the moment the soul and body part, But millions have endured that moment, and why may not we as well. They got through with it, and so can we. Besides this, all medical men agree in saying that there is probably no atruggle at all at the last moment,—not so =oh pain as the prick of a pin, the seeming Signs of distress being altogether involun- tary. But you say: "It is the uncer- tainty oft he future." Now, child. of God, do not play the infidel. After God. has filled the Bible till it can hold. no more with stories of the good things aimed, better not talk about uncertainties. But you say: "1 can- not bear to think of parting from. friends here." If you are old, you heve more 1riends in heaven than here. Just take the 0671SUS. Take some large sheet of paper and begin to record the names of those who have emigrated to the other shore; the companions of your school days, your early business associates, the friends of mid-life, and those who more recently went, away. Can it T Bin lin rieked his life te find a parisage he review ivebergs, and shall we dread to find & passage to eternal summer/ Been In Switzerland travel tap the heights of the Matternienu with al- pine -stock and Policies, and rockets, and ropes, and getting half -wily up, stum- ble and fall clown in a horrible mare saore. They jerit wanted. to say they had, been on the tops of those lege Peak% And shall we tear to go out for tee ascent of the eternal bills, which start a theusand miles beyond where stop the highest peaks of lee Alps. and when in that ascent there is no peril/ A man, doomed to die, stopped on the seaffold, and said, in joy: 'Now in tea minutes I will know the great secret." • One mil:lute after the vital funetions ceas- ed, the little child teat died lest night knew more titan Jonathan Eder- axds or et. Paul himself before they died. Friends, the exit frona this world, or death, if you Pleitee to call i it, to the Christian s glorious explane- Won.' It is demonstretion. It is ilium - teatime It is sunburst. It is the opi ening of all the wiedows. It is shee- ting up the catechism of doubt, and the enrolling of all the scrolls of positive and rieeuerite infermetioxi. Instead of standing at the foot of the ladder and looking up, 11 18 standing at the top of the ladder and looking down. It is the lest mystery taken out of botany, and geology, and astronomy, and the- ology. 0, will it not be1 grand to have ell questions anssvered? The perpetu- telly recurring interrogation -point changed for the mere of excleanation, All riddles solved. Who will feax to go out on teal diseovery, when all the questions are to he decided which we have been diecussing all our lives? Who shell not elep his hands in the anticipetion ot that blessed. country, if it be no better then througe holy cur- iosity? crying: "The time of my de- l:mature is ae hand." remark again; we ought to have the joy of the text, beca.use leaving this world. we may into the best society of the universe. You see a. great crowd of people in some street, and you say: "Who is passing there? What gener- al, whet prince, is going up there?" "Well, I see iv great throng in; heaven. I say: "'Who is the focus of ell that admiration? Who ,is the centre of teat glittering corapa,nyl" It is Jesus, the champion of all worlds, the favourite of all ages. Do you know wba,t is the first question the soul will ask when it comes through the gate of heaven? I think the first question will be: "Where is Jesus,. the Saviour that pardoned my sin; that carried my sorrows; that fought my betties; that won my victories?" 0 radiant One! how I would. like to seer Thee: Thou of the manger, but without its humilia- tion; Thou of the cross, but without its pangs; thou of the grave but without its darkness. Tee Bible intimates that we will talk with Jesus in heaven just as a brother talks with a brother. Now what will you. ask Him first? I do not knows I can think what I would ask Paul first if I saw him in heaven. I think I would like to hear him, describe the storm that came upon the ship when there were two hundred and, sev- enty-five souls on the vessel, Paul, be- ing the only man on board cool enough to describe the storm. There is a fas- cination about a ship and the sea that I never sbaal get over, and I think I would like to hear hire talk about that first. But when I meet ray Lord,Tesus Christ, of 'what shall I first delight to hear Him speak? Now Ethink what it is, I shall first want to hear the tragedy of His last hours; and then Luke's account of the crucifixion, and Mark's account of the cruoifixion. and • John's accoant of the crucifixion will be nothing. while from the living lips of Christ the story shell be told of the darkness that fell, and. the devils that arose, and the fact that upon His en - strokes bringing the blood. Look at Paul's face and look at his arms. -Where did he get those bruises? 1 think it was when he was struggling ashore amid the shivered timbers of the ship- wreck. I. see a gash in Paul's side. Where did he get that? I think he got that in the tussel with highway- men, for he had been in peril of rob- bers, and he had ro.oney of his own. He was a. mechanic as well as an apostle, and. I think the tents he made were as good as his sermons. There is a wan- to the table where you used to sit!' ness about Paul's looks. What makes And there would be a great burglary that? I think a part of that came from in heaven. No, no. God will not trust the fact that he was for twenty-four you with resurrection . power; bee He hours on a plank in the Mediterranean compromises the . matter and says: Sea,.suffering terribly, before he was "You cannot; bring them where you rescued ;for he says positively: "I was are, but you can go where they are," a night and. a day in the deep." 0, They are more level now than ever. worn-out, emaciated old man, surely Were they beantifu here, they are mg now. The marrtage of the Lamb you must be 'melancholy. No constitu- more beautiful there. has come, and the bride has made her - don could endure this and be .cheerfue I remark again; all those ought to self ready. IS wish I multi take that but I press my way through the prison feel this jey ot the text who have a word "death" and grind it to pieees, until .I corns up close to where he is, holy curiosity to know what is beyond and substitute in its place "departure" and by the faint light that streams this earthly terminus. Wnd whP has —"departure." The word is just as through the opening I see on his face a not any curiosity about it'I Paul, 1 appropriate for the sinner as it is for supernatural joy, and I bow beforre su.ppose, had the most satisfactory view the Christian. 0 sinner, when do you. him, end I say : "Aged man, how can of heaxen, end he says: It cloth not go, for what will you denare? It can- youkeep cheerful runid.all this glooner appear what we shall be." It is like nee be up the way Paul went, unless His voice startles the darkness of the looking 4.hrough a broken telescope: you. have Paul's Saviour. Hove long will your journey be? At what house will you stop.? In what society will you: mingle? What will be your des- tiny/ Listen I Listen( Again I hear the bells ringing; but it is a fire -bell tolling for the eortflegra,tion that nev- er goes out. I hear the drums heating; but ie is the ;funeral march of a soul. "And there shall be weeping and wail- ing and gnashing of teeth.' A man in the street was fatally in- jured, and, was carried into the nearest house. He says: "f have often heard of people who the unprepared, but I never thoughtI would be one of them. Whet must I dot to be saved V" But be- fore the sneerer came, life was extinct. Death was departure for hirn—but 01 for what place place as he cries out: "1 11ni now ready " Now we see through e glass darkly. to be offered, and the time of my de- Can you tell me anything about that pa Ware is at hand." Hark I what is Pewee ? You ask me a thousand ques- that shuffling of feet in the dungeon? !eons about it, that 1 cannot answer. Why, Paul has an invitation to & ban- quet, and he is g'oing to dine to -day with the king. That is the tread of Lee executioners. They come and they cry down through the hole of the dungeon: "hurry up, old man. Come aow, get yourselt ready." Why, Paul was ready. He had nothing to pack up. He had no baggage to take. He I ask you a thousand questions about it that you cannot answer. And do you wonder that, Paul was so glad when martyrdom gave him a chance to go d over anmake discoveries in that bless- ed country? I hops some day, by the genre of God, to go over and see fox -myself., but not now. No well man, no prospered man, had been ready a good while. I see 1 thank, wants to go now. But the hint rising up, and straightening his ' time will come, I think, evaien I shall stiffened limbs, and pushing back his go over. I want to see what they do white hair Wore, his creviced forehead, there, and I want to see how they do an41 see him looking up through the hole in the roof of the dungeon into the face of his execution- er, and hear him say: "I am now ready to be offeredWand the time 'of my departure is at hand." Then they litt; him out of the dungeon, and, they start with him to the lateen of execu- tion. They say: "Hurry along old man, or you will feel the weight of our spear, Hurry along," "Hew- far is says Paul, "we have to travel?" "Three miles," 0, three maim is a good. way for en old man to trowel after he has been whipped. and crip- pled with maltreatment, But they soon get to the piece of exeeetion— Amities Salvia—and he is fastened to the pillar of martyrdom It does not take any strength to tie hint fast,. He makes no resistarme. 0 Paul, why not, now strike for youx lite / You have a great Many frierids here. With that withered heed just launch the thiniderbolt o± the people upon those infamous soldiers, Nol Paul was not it. Edo not want to be looking through the gates ajer for ever. I want them to swing wide open. There are ten thousand things I want explained; about you, about myself, about the SWEDISH STEEL. .government of this world, about Goa, about everything. We start in a plain Some remarkable specimens of Swed - path of what we know, and in a min- ish steel bove been shown in the Stook - 'ate some up against a high wall of itcdm. exhibition One was a ribbon of what we do not know. wonder how it looks over there? Somebody tells me steel, extremely thin, and over 4,000 it is like a pawed eity—prived with feet long. It wee so thin as to weigh gold; and auother raan tells me it is only 43 pounds. The sample was pro - dewed at Sandvik works, whereit very large proportion of the paragon urn- brella, ribit of the world ere produeed. The. steel is so valuable that, in order to maintain its standard, every piece what, they wear and whet tlaeir eat; and is examined, and workmen out out any 1 ta,ve an immeasureable curiosity to parte that are hurond, and remove tee know what it is, and how it is, and where it is, Columbus risked his lite to find this continent, and shall We shudder to go oat oe a voyage of dis- envoy which ithael reveal a vaster and like Et fountain, and It is like a tree, and it is like a teitiro.phal procession; and the next Men meet tells me that it is all figarative. I really want to know, after the body is resurrected, lest part:tole o scale. AS YOU 1111AWB tT. Tile svorld is topsy-turvy or calm, more brilliant country ? Sohn Prittik- jtist as you make te WE SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JULY 10. "0100 the teepee" Woes 17, 1-16" Ogden. Text, 1 leIngs 17, tre •• PRACTICAL NOTES. Verse 1. Elijah. 'Hie name meate "Xele-wah is eay God." reed the name expressed his charaeleir, whieh was un- oorefiromising and radical in fidelity to the God of Israel. We know very little of his history and notelag of eis ancestry. (1) Net "who" a man is, but " whet " he is, is the irapertant quee- eon. Tee Tiehbite. Perhope bdicaihig that he was a native of a place called Tishbi, or Tisheek , of Nstich nothing is known. Gilead,. The country on the ea,st side of the dordan, it lofty table- land, stretohing tri the Syrian desert, the home of a rough, uneultivated peo- ple. It is noteworthy that the great- est; prophets of the past and the great- est Preachers of the present began life in the free Ufe of the country. Said un- to Ahab. For once the wicked king heard the voles of it man, and. not of. flattering courtiers. As the, Lord God of Israel liveth, His missioa was to pro- claiM Jehovah as against Data, it liv- ing God against deed idols, Before whom X stand, He stood before God es his serva,nt, and in an age of per- secution made it bold, confession, (2) Wey seould ally follower of the living God. be ashamed to own les service? There shall riot be dew nor rain. Per- haps not absolutely none, for then the country would become a. desert, but O drought; sufficient to convince king and people that it came directly from the hand of God. But accordin.g to my word. This woeld prove that he spoke by a divine authority. "How big cloth be speak when he speaks in. God's name." -.-Bishop Hall. (3) See in this the fidelity, courage, faith and obe- dience of God's prophet. 2. The word, of the Lord.. How it emnie we know not. 3. Turn thee to eastward. From Samaria, weere he had. met the king. Hide thyself.. (4) There are times when God's servants 'must stand aud Wines when. they may fly. The brook Cberith. An unknown torrent run- ning into the river Jordan from the mountain region.. It has been suppos- ed by some to be the Wady Kelt, near Jericho. 4. Thou shalt drink of the brook. Kept running longer than others to supply his needs. 1 leave commanded the ravens, Birds of prey were to bring food to God's servant. Some would. change the Hebrew orebim into arabin, "Arabians," and say that he was fed. by wandering Arabs; but if we believe in miracles at all, why not accept the plain statement of Scrip- ture here? (5) See how precisely God directs the ways of a servant wbo trusts him. 5. So he went and did, With absolute, unquestioning obedience. According unto the word of the Lord. This was the rule of Elijah's actions. He had no elaborate creed, no national consti- tution, no social proprieties to fence his daily conduct, but in all things sought to adjust bis life to "the word of the Lord.' Dwelt by the brook Cherith. How long we know not. The tempta- tion, doubtless came to him that the time there spent was uselessly spent, but he must learn thee B. There are times for patient waiting as well es for actual working. 6. The raerens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening. Where they got this food, in what condition of pre- servation it was, in what quantities, and. with what regularity it came none of these things are recorded for us. The simple fact is given by the historian that such food as Elijah ha,d, including both flesh meet ancl other food, was brought by these liirds of prey. 7. After a while. Some breve suppos- ed this "while" to have been about a year; we do not know. The brook dried up. Little by little. 7. To observe mediate- resources steadily diminish and retain undiminished faith in God—this is the height, a Christian heroism. Be- cause there had been no rain. It was Elijah's God that had withheld therein and it was Elijah's votes that had foretold the drought, so that the very - test a his faith became an inspiration of faith. 8, 9. The word of the Lord, •It came to him from above; it comes to us from the written word, and ours is the more sure word of prophecy. Get thee to Zarephath. tien ancient city midway between Tyre and Zidon, in the New Te.staraent called &teepee, now called Surafend. Bebe/teeth to Zidon. Zidon, on the seacoast, was the, very headquar- ters of Baal worship, and the home of Jezebel. 8. God's commands are not Don't yell at a man in danger of to be measured by worldly stand- drowning; the beat swimmer will ards of expediency. Dwell there. Note drown if subject to any sudden fright. how directly under Baal's shadow God Don't get frightened if you have a eramp; a cramp alwaye comes in an arm or a leg, so simply rise the crantp- ed part out of the water, float easilY and. rub the orate:pert part for a few moments, when you. will be all right (Riveted hi d spoke to her Wet. ocrupla.atatirelswill:eba!rvddeoptilit Goisitraaas41:tsh:setl::Alt" selenin of male inyocations, Thet that she knew that RUA was a devotie etilleverio God—thet is, Jehovah. She treed tee 'words Chet would be most bele pressive leinal it 'Sloes not -foliate that, she herself worshipped Jehovah - hese not a cake, Or, as we might say, alybisbaCrallety' , tAlseharinli(eiteuple:tf Miertin. tl'oold.6. barrel. An earthenware jar. Oil. Olive oil, sweet oil, 'wed in Southern Europe and Asia Minor as we use butter. A crus%webottIe. Two stiolte, eouple ot stieke; not meaning eicaetlyi two, but a very few. Dress it. Cook iteeriant we may eat it, cold. ate. Words, of the most pathetic; clespair. 13. Fear not. It would, be a helpful task to set tb.e seholare ort a search for repetitions of this little sentenee in the Bible, lt and Ile equivalents are re - repeated more frequeutly than ene other injenotion, except, Per- mhaePsthe, Zifairle litttblee clialtoerd.'firat. MAakse- tonishing as this demand is to us, it was in accordance with oriental feel - 'bag& To -day in India a. fakir or boly man ratebt make asimilar demand a a starving Hindu, and, stranger still, -meld probably reeeive the food. In the case ,of Elijah and the widow woman the prevalent superstition, and rover - moo for tee hay orders are ennobled into an act of living faith in the pro- Pliet's God. e 14, The Lord God of Israel. lire weals to the same power to whieh she iia.d re- verently alluded. Shall not waste. The stock s/aall not be lessened. The Lord seudete rain, Here is a lesson, often ig- nored, that we should impress on our Pule's; whenever the ram falls it is the Lord tba.t sends it; we:weever the stock of provisions at home is'renew- ed it is the Lew!. that renews it. <11) sent in times of prosperity as in ex- Ratrenedmgiitovtieess tibues dtaryulbyy ddayevoouutr dailyheer tb rtliaide thought should be as constantly pre - 15, She went and, did. And reeeived the reward of her faith. If men and ivomen were made of the same stuff in those days as in these there were many others who had as elear belief in the Lord God of Israel as she, but dared not go and do. The Lord Jesus found no scarcity of people to ap- plaud the story of the Good Samar- itan, but when he said, "Go thou and do likewise," not many obeyed him. One seeret of Christian effec- tiveness is to do as well as we know. According to the sawieg of Elijah. Elijah went according to the word of the Lord; this woman goes according to the word of the Lord's servant. 1,Vhether Christians will or not they are treated. in the same way now, (12) We are God's epistles, read and knowu of all men. Many days. Very likely more than two years. Our a.uthorities for the three and a half years' dura- tion of the famine are Luke 4, 25, James 5. 17. DON'T'S FOR ,BATHING SEASON. Don't go in. swimming if you are tired out froni bicycle -riding or a long walk. Don't go out further than a depth equal to your own height if you are liable to heart failure. . Don't swim away from the crowd if you are not certain you are an adept swimmer. Don't ,stay in the water it minute after you have become fatigued or Don't let your friends dare you. to swim much further than you have swam before. Don't attempt to rescue another per- son from drowning unless you are a, good swimmer yourself. Don't feel that your duty demands that you plunge in after every person who is liable to be drowned; remember that a drowning Manisa lunatic gen- erally, and. is, liable to drag you to your own death unless you are capable of floating with a heavy load under ad circumstances. Don't plunge into the water to save a, drowning person without fiest shout- ing, loudly for help. Don't lose your equilibrium because Don't yell at a roan in danger of drowning; confused heads cause more drownings than inability to swim. Don't throw yourself into the water to rescue another if a -rope or a boat is within reasonable reach. Don't lose your courage or your head! if you happen to find yourself too fax out to swim back yourself; simply tuee on your back, place your hands under your back; paddle with your feet, and, above all, breathe naturally. svas reusing up and preserving Saab's destroyer! A widow woman. The condition of the, widows in the East is helpless in the extreme, so that to re- ceive support from sixth it source was another trial to Elijah's faith. But then Abab would ne.ver search for the Dowt standon the bank titer it profit in such quarters. To sestale sivira until you have had yourself dried thee. Yet in so doing she was herself off with a tosvel. sustainedand blessed, 9. They who Don't go in stviroming within three contribute to God's cause receive more ouis after eating. than they give. • 10. Hs arose and went., Notice throughout Elijah's history the prompt- ness with which he obeyed, the com- mands of God's Spied. The gate o the city. .An old tradition locates the water, gredually going a little the very spot; of this meeting south deeper. of the city. The widow woman Don't come in front of a drowning Den't push another person into, the water, with the foolish but popular no- tion that you can thus teach him to ewim; the best waar is to let a per- son first get accustomed. to being in was there. An unpropitious prospect not encouraging to the fleshly natuee— a support from a, starving widow! But Elijah knew that the thread of God's purpose, hosysotiver'frall it seerns, ie a cable thee human strength can never break-. A. little water. • He was thirsty frau his journey; she was famished with hunger. 10, Two atoms with om- nipotenee behine them are mightier thez two kingdoms in Battes name. 11. She Was going. Ia her ONVII need she was mindful of enother'sneede end was reaay to help to the limit of her power. A merseI of breads It was riot zit selfish request, but was made under divine direction, to show the widow's want and (waken her faith. Peeliews, also, Melee was not quite euro ivite- ther she was the one, to whom God had person. to reseue him.; approach him from the rear and grasp him by both biceps, and the more he struggles the more aid does he unknowingly give you to help him ashore. Don't strike it man on the head to make biro, uneonscioue if he resents your aid while drew/ling; such a plan, though comMon, is as foolish as it is (steel and daegerou.S. LIVE LOBSTERS. The largest shipro.ent of lobsters ever sent from Halifax, X. S., went, forward by the last oteamer to Roston. The ethipmett amounted to 1,301/ orates, weighing 91 tons, every fish being at leaet: 101-2 inehes long. RIFLES AND 1311L El0tsIrrentleest by Shots ere)14 tite les leletrern Gum. Of etiriotis wounds, IlIr. Thomson telle how an ambulanee bearer, squattin relieve fashion, bee both lege and 054110 pertorated by it bellot. After bbs wounds were dreswel, lie at. up an1t wanted ix; sing 4 song. From these instanees it is evideat that the bullet lised had not sufficient stopping Pewee; an enemy might receive see eralwouude and yet be able to izi±liot injury. So eleax was this, that the Pathans pree rerred to face European troops armed with the Lee-1VIetford, rather than naive infantry armed with. th.e Mar- tini -Henry. Tee, result scareely rei quires interpridation—ite meaning le plain ; the more, expeosise clasit of sot, diers were exposed to greater wear and tear; wh:cia is financially uesoland ; while of far graver import is thet fact that such lesions must tepee ibe sot- dier distrust of his arms, and tend te diminish his prestige. In this matter, heirever, it tvas the bullet, not tee rifle, wheel failed, and the IndiareGovernment set about find- ing a remedy. After experiment with» in the provisions of the St, Petersburg, declaration of 3.80, *which prohibited the use cif explosive bullets, or bullets eltarged with fulminatieg or inflani- mabis subslaneera„ a modificetion in the outer ease of the projectile was adop tied . IIULLET, The result known as the dum-dum bullet, has beea tried in the 1897 cam- paigns, agaiest the elohnrands, Swells, et., ta tee north, and the Afridis to the south of the Kabul river. The re- sults, as far as we know tb,em, are satisfactory, and we have experienee both ways; we have seen the effect on our enemies and have tended some of their weunded; we have also been sub- jected, to Lee-Metford fire with dum- dum bullets, our adversaries having in more ways than one possessed them- selves of the weapon. We do not desire, nor is there any necessity, to contravene even the spir- it of the St. Petersburg declaratithe but we do require from those responsible teat the ammunition issued to our sol- diers seen be serviceable, and such as to command their confidence. In the present state of oor relations -with neighbouring nations it is surely not too much to expect that this essential matter may receive prompt and earn- est attention. RIFLES AND BULLETS. It is true that by filing or grinding the thick hard points of the bullets their stopping power is increased; but it is undesirbale to allow soldiers to tamper with their ammunition, which should manifestly be supplied to them in serviceable condition. The rifles used by the chief Euro- pean nations are similar in general principle, though they -differ in detail. the Mannlicher being a favorite pat- tern and the bullets, as may be ex- pected, are much alike. They vary slightly in size, but the shape is won- derfully uniform, save in, that used by the French, whieh has a flat pose, whereby the shack on impant is prob- ably increased. The Americans have adopted a very small bore magazine rifle for their navy, and possibly before long, they may have practical experi- ence of its efficiency; but with the pow- erful guns now used in men-of-war it is difficult to conceive of small arms playing an important part in a sea fight.—Blackwoods. • THREE QUEER CITIES. tat Bunt en Islands Connected by Maw nridges. The city of Ghent, in Belgium, is built ozi twenty-six islands. These is- lands are connected with each other by .eighty bridges. The city has 300 streets end thirty public squares. It Is noted for being the birthplace of Charles V. and of John of Gaunt, whera Shalespeare called "time-honored Lan- caster ;" and as the scene of the paci- fication of Ghent 'November 8, 1570, and of several.insurrections, sieges and ex- eoutions of svoll-known personages. It is associated with American history by the treaty merle there December 24, 1814. terminating the seem() war be- tween England and the United Stetes known as the War of 1812, Ameterdain, in Holland, is built on piles driven far below the water into the earth. The city is intersected by many canals, which are spanne(l by nearly 300 bridges, and resembles Ven- ice in the mingling of land and water, though it is considerably larger thin that eity The canals divide tl:u, city, which se about ten miles in circum- ferenee, into ninety islands. The city of Venice is built on eighty islets, which are connected by nearly 400 bridges. Canals serve for streets in Venice, and boats, called gondolas, for carriages. The bridges are, as a. rule, very steep, rising considerably in the middle, but have easy steps. The ter- curaference of the city is about eight miles. The Venetians joined the Lom- bard League against, the. German em- peror, said, in 11.77, gained a great vie - in defence of Pope Alexander III., over the fleet of war vessels headed by Otto, son of Frederic Barbarossa, in gratitude for this victory the Pope gave the Doge Ziani, a ring, and insti- tuted the world famous ceremony or " V'enice WI:wry/rig the Adriatic, Sea." In this ceremony,"the clogeees the ohief ruler ef Ve.nice used to be termed, with appropriate ceremonies., dropped a ring into the sea every year, in rec- ognition -of the wealth and trade car,. tied. to Venice by the Adriatio. NEW PROJIlleTILE, Experiments have retently been tried in England. with e projectile tor ran - non. It is provided with a ring at the bees whirl completely °loses the bore so thet no gases ean escape pee the ball. This not ioely prevents ero- sion, but it enables good results to be attained with eroded gnus. A. new 6 - Inch !P.M Was ree.ently tried thew whieh fired 8 shots in 50 seconds.