HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-6-23, Page 5K`'IV.Beit -KJ* The Leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS IN DETROIT, 250,000 CURED. WE CURE EMISSIONS Nothing can be more demoralizing to young or middle-aged men than the pres- ence of these "nightly losses" They produce weakness, nervousness, a feeling of disgust and a whole train of symptoms. They unfit a man for business, manied life and social happiness, Np matter whether caused by bvil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses., our New Method Treatment will positively OUTS you. NO CURE,— NO PAT Reader, you need help. Early ablise or later OX00880S may hove weakened you. Exposure may have diseased you. You ,are not safe till cured. Our New Method will cure you. You run no risk. 2,50,000 CU ED Young Man -Yon are pale, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and nimPles, Sunken eyes, wrinkled fade, stoning form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existenee. WECUREVAR1COCELE No matter how serious your case May bet or how long You may have had it, our NEW METHOD TREATMENT 1,111 cure it. The "wormy veins" return to their normal condition and hence ,the sexual organs receive proper nourish., ment, The ergatiS bedotne vitalized, all unnatural drains Or losses cease anti manly powerti return. No temporary benefit., but a, permanent ;dare assured. iiPON°U1R6ENSgA RP. laNO° TION PROM BUSINESS. , CURES GUARAIITEEb i'Ve treat and cure SYnlitiaS, GUM`, EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, SEMI- NAL LOSSES, BLABBIllt AND RID- NEY &Ceases 00 N SUL TA TI 0 REE. BOORS FREE. CIIARGES °BERATE. If unable to call, write for ft. QUESTION BLANIC for 110MB TREATMENT30. lato. KENNEDY& KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, berizot, micH. "Merit talks" the intra insic value of iood'e Sarsaparilla. , S Merit in medicine means the power to our). alood'e Sarsaparilla possesses aetual and unequalled curative power and there- fore it Mu; true raerit. When you buy Hood's Sarsaparilla,and take it according to ciiieetiona, to purify your blood, or euro any of the many blood diseases, you are morally certain to receive benefit. * The power to cure is there. You are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen / the nerves and build up the whole system Sarsaparilla tho best, in fact -the One True Blood Purifier. Prepared oniy by 0,1. Hood &Co ,Loe11,ivies% flood's Pills rp:`,11)&404?2,4Z oweereaseneseasaieeaa-aaassarleaaemaaaat.„,,,„4 Additional Locals. Exeter Municipal Council. The Council met by order of the Reeve at the Town Hall, Exeter, 17th Jame, 98. All present. Minutes of pre- vious meeting read and confirnied. •Christie-Harding•--Order,as follows: —The Electric Light Co., $70.79, light- ing to Jame let; Woodstock Motor Clo., $1.95 repairs for windmill ; Jas. 1Dreech,$1.81, charity to Mrs. Muttart ; H. Parsons,$28.25,seryices to ast June; jas. Creech,$4,charity to Mrs. Sutton; T. We1sla$2.50,1abor ; S. Gidley,$2.25, table for Fire Hall -Carried A. Petition numerously signed, pray- ing the council to prohibit riding Way - 'des on the side -walks, was read. Roved by W. G. Bissett, seconded by J. Evans, that the petition be Raid ever for consideration at next meeting of the Council. Armen d men t -Christie - Harding - that the prayer of tbe petition be granted. The motion was declared carried. Bissett -Harding -That the Electric .Light Co., be notified that no furthur payment for electric lighting will be imacle until the directions of the coun- cil regarding the removal of the arc lights is carried out. -Carried. Evans -Christie -That the council adjournorntil tbe call of the reeve.-- . Carried. • M. EACRETT, clerk. The old inn, St. Marys, narrowly escaped destruction by fire one day lest week. Over one thousand passengers -went en the excursion to the Model Farm from. West Huron last week. . HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL is prompt to relieve and sure to cure coughs, colds, sore throat, pain in the chest, hoarseness, quinsy, etc. Price 25c. H. Wagner, one of the most prosper - us young farmers in Godericb town- ship, was on Wednesday united in 3maimiage to Miss Bertha J. Sprung, 63aughter of M. Sprung, of Clinton. A pleasant event took place at the vesidence of Jas. -Wiltse, McKillop, on Wednesday evening last, being the' onarriage of his third daughter, Miss Julia, to John Dennison. We wish the young couplepauch joy and happi- mess. School Inspector Robb will in the course of a feTv weeks be leaving Clin- ton for Brussels where he will take up his residence. He does sobecauseof the geography of the Inspectorate, Brus- eels being ahnost, in the centre, while -Clinton is in one corner. W. Doherty, of Clinton is a, great admirer of good horses and in addition r tO famous "Guideless Tommy," and his family driver, generally has one or snore trotters or pacers possessed of a good burst of speed. Alortnight ago he bought Marco, a spirited chestnut inare, in London, and last week sold her to a party in Moneton, N. B., but on Friday bought Tommy H., a bay gelding with a still better record. SICK HEADACHE, however annoying and distressing, is positively cured by Laxa-Liver Pills. They are easy to take and never gripe. Mr. Beattie and others, of Brussels, were last. week the victims of a man said to hail from the direction of Jamestown. His name is Jas. McDon- ald, tOrmerly of Bayfield. It appears that he borrowed a horse from a far- aner in McKillop on Saturday and, accompanied by his wife, drove to town, putting up at the Central Hotel. ,After having the horse shod on tick, by Mr. Wismer, be sold it to Mr. .0 Burke, but before paying the money if ever," the purchaser was made aware of ' the real owner of the animal. Mr. Zia hex was secured by retaining my gen ileman's watch. On Monday he hired a horse and rig from the Beattie Liv- ery Barn and nothing more was seen of them until Wedeesday,when it MIS returned by a boy, --------- Children Cry for veac.aonorzoofooesetoosotatee Heart Sioasins OR. AGNEW'S ORRE FOR TiigIEARi A'WONDERFUL LIFE-SAVER. .. No organ ia the hareailineteiny ,tasetley whose dieelisee eau be Ore Portal* de' tectecl than those of be hearti4,,alld medical Iscoaery has made ,Illienl amenable , a proper treettnerits if itil have psapl kitten or flii teringsh rt- ness of breath, weak o irregalar ptu4, left old . Relating ste t roPsioel taP• i swellinkof feet or ao lee Pain in ail° dew:tete. y Or tiles° in ee 0 heett u4S- ease. No matter of hi a 111 titenaing De, ,agnewa aureola tile Heart. It1,1 ae4 eusaaltis heart slide ao-rats quie y ' trrg :11 0146 4 /0, olik9, AtilP: ; rifiti slire --sittitstga eepa I tIX rig 1-99 Id 441 o iN ye soft 6 Ilea f 1 9 0 s II area Audi , , .L, II LE . 000411datetne, relief in."80 intlittites. Sold by P. LuTz, Exeter. 147M"*44741r424 . ma! ..a..**aolea.awfos- ve eir yes he en n. Huron Countotes --- John Budge, of 13e1grave, is dead, 80 years of age. Messrs. Doan & Son, Clinton, ha practically deckled not to rebuild th tannery.; Sid Snaith, jeweler, of Clinton,lea this week for NaPiata, Man., where will open up a shala. The G. T. R. authorities have tak all the advertising cards out of t general waiting rooms. W. M. Anderson has sold lot 87, oe is, East Wawanosh, to Thos. Walker, of Wingahm, for $1100. John Proctor, of 13elgrave, after a long illness, passed away the other day. He was 47 years cif age. The Blyth cheese factory has dis- posed of the May make of cheese to Mr. Steinhoff, of Stratford, foe 6a cents per lb, The Stavel3r coranaittee, Clinton, met on Friday morning and decided that work on the building should be proceeded with at once, Miss H. J, Turnbull, who has taught S. S. No. 4, Hullett, for the past two years and a half, has resigned and in- tends going te the Normal. Joo Currie, ef the Sth con., Goderich tOWnship, had a heifer killed during a recent thunder etorm eucl 8, Switzer .lost a ewe in the Seme Matter, The victory rests with ,Arpericas Greatest Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla when it enters the battle against ina- pure blood. H. T. Hill,Hullett, whose hammed its contents were recently destroyed by lightning, has let the contract for the erection of a new one, to be 50x70. Rey. Tas.Wilson,of Drummondville, brother of Councillor John Wilson, of Hallett, was recently presented with a purse of $50, by raernbers of the con- gregatien. Miss McCall has tendered her resig- nation as organist of Knox church, Goderich, for the purpose of proceed- ing to Germany to study music -under that country's celebrated masters. At the regular meetiog of Maitland Lodge No. 3$, A. F. and A. M. God- erich, an Tuesday evening, Immediate Past Master Alex. Chrystal was pre- sented with a solid gold past master's jewel. Lieut. -Governor Cameron, accom- panied by his daughter, Miss Grace, left Wednesday last for Regina. A complinsentary banquet was tendered him by the citizens of Goderich before his departure. D. Shay,orte of theprosperousyoung farmers of St. Martin, Minn.,was mar- ried on :Tune 7, to Miss Norah A. Mc- Gowan, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. McGowan, of St. Martin, for-. moray of Hullett. IT'S so pleasant to take that children cry for it; but it is death to worms of all kinds. Dr. Low's worm syrup. Price 25c. All dealers. Mrs. Thamburn, of Goderich, was a passenger to Chicago, by the south- bound train, on Saturday. She is oyer 60 years of age, has resided in Huron all her life, and her trip on Saturday was her first ride on a railroad train. Fred.Eilber, of Elkton, Mich. son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eiliper, of Orediton, died very suddenly of pneu- monia, last Wednesday. Be leaves to mourn his loss a loving avife,two child- ren, a father, mother, two sisters a,na two brothers and a large number of friends. The Bishop of Huron held ordina- tion services at London on Saturday, and amongst those ordained to the priesthood was E. B. Smith, (son of Rev. Mr. Smith Bayfield), who has been supplying for some time at $t. James Church, Middleton, Goderich township. A happy event occurred in St. Joseph's church, Kingsbridge, on the 7th inst., being the marriage of Miss Mary, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan, to Mr. Stephen Mar- tin, an enterprising young man of the parish, by our respected pastor, Rev. Father Dixon. On Tuesday last, at mass in St. Peter's church, Goderich, James Mc- Namara and Miss Charlottee E. Ker- ney, both of Seaforth, were married by Rev. Father West. The groom was supported by W. -McGrath, of Seafortb, while Miss Beatrice Ramey, .of Goderich, assisted her sister. Joseph Tewsley, of Carlow, passed away on Monday afternoon, at the age of 62 years and 7 months. Deceased had been ill for sorne time, but just before his death was apparently getting better, and bad so far recoyered as to be able to sit up in a chair. He took a atange for the worse,and passed away very suddenly. Mr. James Thompson, one of Bay - fields' councillors,met with asevere loss on Friday morning through having his sawmill burned in Goclerich town- ship: Mr. Thompson's loss will be severe, as he had. several cars of wood and about 10,000 feet of lumber burn, ecl in Goderich township. There is no insurance, 'Cause unknown. INSTA.NT Rim= gaaranteecl by using lVfilburn's Sterling Headache Powders. No depressing after effect. In the death of F. C. Rogers, at the age of 72 years, Brussels lost one of its most prominent citizens. Born in 1826, at Red Lodge, Southampton, England, be came to this countrYawith his wife 88 years ago arid en tereclVeto partner- ship with his brother in Delaware,Onts He removed to Brussels in 1874 and purchased the business of Neil Laying - stem which he carried on for many years at the premises sioce burnt down, pear the bridge, on the West side of Turnberry St. In 1879 Mr. Rodgers Was elected Reeve, which position he held continuously until 1884. During his Reeveship he found- ed the salt block, still in successful operation by Coleman Bros., and the bell, formerly on the Town Hall, now on the school, bears testimony to bis generosity, Cool* Cotton Boot Compound 4 Is atteeessfrilly, used menthly by ovek 10,000 Ladlea. Safe, effectual. LadieS itSk your druggiSt for (mks Catkin Root (lark posed. Take no Oilier, as all MlittureS, pille arid. imitatiens aro darigerotill, Friee,NO, 1, 81 pr box1146. 2,10 &growl SNOt1ger,$8 per ilex. No. 1 Or 2, Mailed On receipt OS pride aticl tw011.bent Stamne, Tito (look ettinpanYiNinditer, Orit, larNot. 1 and 2 sold and reedimritendedbY • regp011eiblO DniggiStafn Clettada. No, 1 6,11C1 NO, 2 som In latter Browning. druggist, 4XETBR TIMES Women:..of .Every, Age Who Suffer From Weakness, Nervousness And Dyspep‘ia Should Use Paine's Celery Compound. It is Nature's True Medicine for All Suffering Women. Perth County Note DIX'S. Thos. Arinstroug, Blansher has been ill for some days, lint le covering. George Sinclair, clerk at White May's store, St, Marys, had his ar badly hurt while playing basebell la week, The Orangemen of North Hero will bold the official 12(11 of July eel bration in Blyth this year. It is e pected that there will be 15,000 visitor Blyth that day. A prettily arranged home weddin took place at high noon at Hespele on Wednesday, June 8th, at the bola of S. B. Schmidt, when Miss Netti Dominion Mennig, daughter of P. L Mennig, of St. Marys, and formeely o Sebringyille, was united in maariag to W. U. Ilanlilton, of Hamilton Ont., travelling agent of the Sun Lif Insurance Company. • . Ruth Ritchie, a resident of the Pert House of Refuge from the township o Blanshard,"died on Mon iay evening June 13, exid her remains were remov- ed to StUarys next day for interment. She had attained the age of 75 years andwas a native of Ireland. Illanshercl had beep her place of residence for about thitty years. She was never d, rn St e- x- • Ills goods are the best, ICall and examine his goods before obuying your -.401.,...„F A S U IT W, JOIHINS, • The Tesilcst- vx,,,,,,,,-14160MAWOMA0eMFOlhn,...nmalip$41114001i000.,#. Farms for sale A few good farina for Rale cheapr-Money to Is Apply to JOHN SPACEMAN A Man is always in the SWM.If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting SUITS Re is a sure fitter. Ris prices are away down. AVOID WORTHLESS married, SUBSTITUTES. The Man killed by the train hear St. IPaul's station last week has been fully obeli, Ont. He lettMitchell on Monday identified as John Redmend, of Mit- money enough o pay is fare hewasput off the train Paine's Celery Compound is Your Only Hope. Wells & Richardson Co. GENTLEMEN: --I feel it my duty to let the public know whatPairre's Cel- ery Compound 'did for me, and trust it will be a benefit to other sufferers. I was much reduced in flesh and in a thoroughly broken-down condition, resulting from dyspepsia and nervous- ness. I was recommended to try the Compound; I did so, and three bottles have made ma a different woman. Previous to taking your Compound I had taken medicine from some of the best doctors in the city, but with no good. results- Therefore I have every reason to be thankful for Paine's Cel- ery Compound, and ta,kegreatpleasure in recomraending it to others. Yours truly, Mns. M. THomosoor, 610 Eastern Ave., Toronto. MARKET REPORTS . Exeter June 22nd 1898 Wheat per bushel Oats .25 to 25 Barley. ...... Peas . 52 to 62 Butter..... ..... -12 to 12 Eggs • ..... 9 to 9 Turkeys ... fi to 9 Geese. ..... 4 to 5 Chickens er lb Ducks...... Wool Dried Apples.. .. Pork dressea..... . Pork live weight Hay per ton ......... 5 00 to 6.00 Alsiko clover ................450 to $5.00 Clover seed .... .... .... .... 4.00 to $5.00 Timothy seed .... .... . . $1.00 to $1.25 .... 5 to 9 17 to 18 n to 21 $5.50 to $5.60 4.40 to 34.28 London. l'rine 22nd 1898. Wheat per bushe Peas . Barley Buckwheat Rye Corn Beans ...... Butter Eggs Ducks Turkeys per lb.. Geese per Chickens.. Cheese Potatoes.per bag Hay per ton Pork per cwt.. 1.05. to 1.08 .34 to 341 ......55 to 60 .381 to 50 ....SS to 381 89 to 39 331 to 48 40 to 60 13 to lit 10 to 13 60 to 70 10 to 12 9 to 10 50 to 75 to 10 .2.80 tol 00 .$ 6.00 to $ 7'50 .. $4.50 to 95.00 'WE.Alt HEART "For years I suffered from weak action of tho heart, dizziness and a watery_condition of the blood, Milburn's Heart and. Nerve Pills have made nay heart strong and enriched my blood so that now I am free frern the troubles that formerly distressed me." 13. A. ROSS, Ails)! Ont. for St. Marys, whereexpected t get work. Not having he at Sebringville, and it is supposed had wandered to where he was found on his way to St, Marys. Deceased lis,d been drinking heavily of late, and was out of work. BIRTHS. GLAVIN-In leloGilliVraY, June 15th, the wile of Thos. Glavin, of a daughter. COATS. -In Usborne, on the 15th inst., the wife of Richard Coats, of a son. DISSETT.-In Exeter, on the 15th inst., the wife of E. R. Bissett of a son. MARRIAGES. HUXTABLE-BOYES-On the 15th inst., by the Rev. S. Salton, at the residence of the bride's parents, Stephen, W. F. Huxtable, to Priscella Boyes, all of Stephen. WEfITSON-MeALPINE-On the 8th inst., at Toronto, by the father of the bride, James '. Whitson, 0. E., Crown Lands Department to Annie, only daughter of Rev. 3, 1VIcAlpino, late of St. Marys. HARRISON-HALSTEAD-At Goderich, on June 15th, by the Rev. M. McKay, James H. Harrison to Ida, daughter of John Halstead, all of Goderich township. ALLEN-JACRSON-At tho residence of W. B. Laing, Evanston, UL, on June 14, by Rev. Dr. Boyd, J. A. .Allen, of Clinton, to Maggie,. youngest daughter of Thos. Jackson, of Clin- ton. LEVER -MANNING -At the residence of the bride's father, Morris. on June 8, by Rev. R. Paul, Jacob A. Lever, of Flesherton, Grey county, to Niles Tessa. B. Manning. DONNELLY-'110DGINS-In Mooresville, on the 16th inst., by Rev. Brownlee, of Granton, J. Donnelly, of London township, to Miss Goorgia,youngest daughter of MosesHodgins, of Mooresville. DOWNS -WALKER -At tbe rcedende of the bride's parents,,lst con. Usborne, on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. Mr. Salton, Mr. W. Downs, of Grand Bend, to Miss Ida, eldest daughter of James Walker. SNELL-LEE-In London, on the 22nd inst., at tho residence of the bride's mother, by Rey. J. A. Snell, of Rodney, brother of the groom, Dlr. Warren Snell, of Toronto, son of maJes- Snell. of Exeter, to Miss Ida; youngest daughterof the late JamesLee. DEATHS. MeRAIG.-In Ribbert, on the 19th inst., Donald McKaig, aged 72 years. EXFORD-In Turnberry, on June 10, Maria Exford, aged 78 years. AVERY -In London, on June 18, William .Avery, aged 70 years. MOIR-At Ottawa, on June 14th, George Meir, aged 51 years, 10 months. BARRY -In Blanshard, on 14th inst., Patrick Barry, aged 80 years, 3 mos. HORNEY-In Usborne, on Juno 17tn, Walter a. Homey, aged 22 years, 6 months. TEWSLE Y -In Colborne, on june 13, Joseph Tewsley, sr., aged 61 years. 7 months. FAIIIIIALL-At Centralia, on June 11, Samp son, son of Mr. and Mrs. WM, Fairhall.. McRAIG.-In Hibbert, on the 10th inst. , Cath- arine 1VIcKaig, aged 22 years, 10 rnonths. CHOWEN-In Downie, on June 131h. Sarah Isabella, wife of H. G. Chowen, aged 37 years, 6 months. RIGNE Y -In Exeter, on June 11, Otto Lorenzo, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rigney, aged 4 months, 6 days. TAME IME Only the Best Goods Give Satisfaction. Diamond Dyes, the 'World's Leaders, Do the Best Work. When you bake you must use the best brand of baking powder when making a jelly or custard pudding you must make use of the best flavoring extracts ; when You have home dye- ing to clo you should also bear in mind that your success and the safety of your materials and garments depend upon tb e brand of dye yon employ. When the Diamond Dyes are used you achieve marvellous successes. Your old, faded and dingy goods after a bath in the Diamond Dyes are made as good as new. The colors are always brilliant, fast, rich and full. If you unfortunately made use of some one of the many weak, muddy and worthless dyes sold by some deal- er for the sake of long profits-Welayou must he 'Prepared for cruel disappoint- ments and losses. The Diamond Dyes save time and money, and are solid guarantees of success and good work, Book of directioos and card of 48 colors free to any address, Write to & Richardson Co.. Montreal P .Q. Children Cry for 'ASTOR I.Ait hoe°. Aftee, vooaos rhopplOdlito, The Ortht Roirlecith Sold and redonlinatided by ell delegate in Canade, Only reil. able mediebie disdiavered. dd7arz#0 prictranteicl to ChM all fortis Of SettleliVeakneSs,, all effeets of abtril0 er excess, Mental Wort, nxoeserve use of To, bilebo, opium Or Stlintilentii. Mailed on reteipt Of price, one package SI, Mt, $5i, OSS SSW pipasso euVe: 1100 00 ittY, itddrege. Thio 1: 1+d Ciendlpany, Windsor, One, aootla,Pliosoliodine saki in Exeter Ilby ;LW. BrOt9Iling, drUggiet, JUST Having bought two car loads of Furniture before the advance in price, I am able to sell at old prices. One car has arrived, and is going fast. The style and quality ofgoods ev- erybody admires. Call early and secure a bar- gain. Largest stock ever shown in Exeter, Com- plete stock of Caskets and Coffins always on hand. Headquarters for Funeral Supplies. R. N. ROWE icrrz bfug Stot`e We would recommend those suffering from COUGHS, COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WIN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy for children. We manufacture WINAN's LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy- for NEURALGIA, AINS, SORE THROAT. RHEUMATISM INFLUENZA. Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LUNG SYRUP. LUTZ Nursery Stock ferns ! BOOR 1100111S ! wain Impiemen! Run 1 Or anyone desiring to better their position and nicrease their income should write us The demand for home grown Nursery; Stock is on the increase. We want more men.. If you want steady, paying work, write us. WE FURNISH ALL suraHaEs FREE. WE HAVE THE LARGESTNURsERIES XN THE DOMINIOn. WE PAY BOTH SALARY' AND COOTMIS. SION. WE ENGAGIJ EITHER WHOLE OR PART TIME MEN. WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR STOCK. WDFURNISH PUROHASERSWeITF1 CERTI- FICATE FR031 GOVERNMENT INSPECT- OR, STATING OUR STOOK IS FREE FRO31 SAN JOSE SCALE. Our Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables us to sell at the closest possible figure. Men Succeed with us who Fail with others It will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you. Don't write unless you mean business and want profitable employmeut. Stone & Wellington TORONTO Suit oj Wothes or a Single Garment Should Combine 110W a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable olaoe, and A. SNELL never disappoints hi patrons in ally of these. A large assortment of ran Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we wil/ take 111110/1 pleasure in showing them to you, There are Trimly oilier lines that are spetiany tf aettee, Asa Zis ell4reetaL1a ot.eakeiAtbataleaeeitta 4,1,42.14 ealiataelettooto# Strong Healthy Buys should ntvdr he put lute WE A gl •iLL-FITTEIO CLcTIEs Bad for the ttrys Bad for the c-Ittes Bad for the rocktt-bools Shorey's . is made in almort as many FiZCS and „ proportions as boys are—and though F:.,- HEADY TO WEAR uLOTRINO a h rd, we a n they are made for Boyish boys, for } they are stylish, smart and up-to-date ; .?. FOR BOYS. goo a wear rtd, will last until the boy grows out of them. .., : Shorey's do not ask people to buy at one particular shop. That system makes the garments • 4 cost more. Every, good dealer sells Shorey's 'Ready 1 to wear Clothing" and guaraitees it to give satisfaction. .c - You will find the Guarantee Card in the pocket. P*4"eVVT.i.q.*TvV*PV,YTTTTPI"ITIP,V,VVTVV.M4i,ii, JM1a r- OraIrOMINOWO .ASK YOURDe...a...Lea I= 0 r2 BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY.AND FARM Bad od Will Out Can't help but come to the surface in the form of Ulcers, Sores, Boils, Pimples and Rashes of one kind and another. Especially is this so in the SPRING. At this time of the year the Blood needs purifying, the Sys- tem needs cleansing. Nothing will do it with such perfect success as Jessie Johnston Rockwood, Ont., writes : "I had boils very bad and a friend ad- vised me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, so I got a bottle, The effect was won- derful -the boils began to disappear, and before the bottle was done I was 1.c:tally cured. As an effectual and rapid cure ' for Impure Blood B. B. B. cannot be equalled." PERFECTION AT LAST. WARRANTED EVERY TIME TRITE;S4 S NEW IN DESIGN, NEW IN PRINCIPLE, NEW IN APPLICATION,. A large assortmeut of the best and most approved Trusses and Mechani- cal Appliances always in stock, pur- chased direct from the manufacturers. We guarantee every Truss to be made with the finest English steel. PRICES VERY MODERATE. Sole .Agency. DOMINION LABORATORY. J. W. BROWNING PROP PAIN IN THE HEART. Too serious a condition to neglect. A Guelph harn.ess maker tells how he waa cured. Mr. Wm. Dyson, the well known saddler and harness maker of Guelph, Ont., snakes the following statement: "I heartily re. oeunnerid Milloorn's Heart and Nerve Pine to anyone suffering from nervousness an heart trouble. They are a splendid medicine far such complainte. For a long time I was ahlioted with tervomeless and pain in my heart, which was espeobill ilevere at night, otert destroying In Them pills &Med me tIlld itivigOrated nervet113 system which bi now etrong kod healthy. They restored restful eleepheeidge reraavilig the distreseing heart peins whielf formerly, gaao me So Much anxietyaaI trouble.' Bfilburn's Heart and Nerve Ville 50 ets, hox 3 for $1.25, sola by druggiets tient by Moil. T. afilbern & Co., Teroeto, Oot, Laxa-LIvetPilis euto ConstlOatfOtt1 a el • THE PIONEER LIMITED Is the name of the only perfect train in the world, now running every night between Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul and Min/lean- o118 via the Chicago, Milwaukee &Paul Railway -the pioneer road of the West in ad- opting all improved facilities for the safety and emoyment of passengers. An illustrated pam- phlet, showing views of beautiful scenery along the route of the Pioneer Limited, will be sent free to any person upon receipt of two-eent postage stamp. Address Geo. H. Heattord, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111, HAGYARD'S PECTORAL BALSAM. Is the standard remedy of the world for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis and all Inn°, and throat troubles. Price 25o. at all dealers. DIARRPICS A Is too dangerous to neglect. Have it prompt- ly elieckedby Dr. Fowler's Exsraet of Wald Strawberry, Cures Diarrhcea, Colic, Cramps andall bowel complaints. BICYCLES arafaV, aat lire You Interested- ' In Wheels? it We I macre some of the d- m G. CANADIAN and AMERICAN ; makes at Faces to suit the times. I A few second hand organs )5 and 6 Octave, cheap. S6 14 -* 0- Ma te. es 111 I ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S. ---Selling out Dise Hai,- ' rows at cost. PERKINS Si MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. ?JT N SPRIfitl FLOWERS4z,.._ Comes the necessity of SHUN eaRETS We are in the van with all that is desirable in the. line. Let us show you our stock of $17.00 Fancy Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember we put up :the best suit for $10.00 that can be bought in the county. GIVE ITS A CALL. J. it reve FARM E S ..alerfssree-a. on wifl find at Bassett's Wareroom the following lie of Agrieul towel Implements BB ENG BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, TS EEL STYLE Y. RAKES. Minim of Seed Diil, Cult ivators Dise ao d D hnlond Harrows Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES. ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers 'machine STOVES. -40600,-, Gerney stovesand fu flees, Waggons uggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and etfuli line of tbe eoiobtated McLaughlin lInggiee.