HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-6-16, Page 80. �yw r - ,51Hw WANTED O t lar , ener fk1 The Big honseWork, ddt ess 11 �s. J. ' " 'tj'", i � S 1.�tx.�rs,F��.s Dx Cash Store. �Iyt dmau t11is considered early. from g a finless of ' wank picked fr hie garden greets peas. A sample was placed on v `i11 or Produce, One Price Only. the editor's table. They are well r ! , matured and of good quality. This is • ii BXBilgli t M..i'. E _ lei is "COOl Summer COrSetS." Oar new ventilator Corset is. the most comfortable Corset in the trade, only 45c . New linen -finished Organdy for cool Blouses, very stylish., perfect colors, only 15c . Very special value in Organdy Shirt Waists, separate white collars and cuffs, only 75 Special job lot of ladies' and girls, Untrimmed Stra,w Hats 3 for 25c. See our Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, perfectcolor, good quality, 10c. Ladies' full fashioned Black Cashmere Hose, regular 50c. Per Pair, our bargain Price 3pair for Fancy black figured Sicillian, lovely quality, new patterns, only 321-c Our stock of Ladies' S-ummer Umbrellas is hard to equal- -444 J. As STEWART Store closes 6,30 except 'Wednesdays and. Saturdays. Agrees for the evseseaer sea:AMA:ME COX. - PANT, or Toronto ; also for the FRCENRC FIRE INsuitiN0E COMPAYY, Of Loudon, England; the Arniescr, tessoaxerce COWAN-T. of Eng SCri Oaks WELead Pencils, OevER Rubber Erasers, SPECIAL NW:TOE:WENTZ Pens, and Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain Foolscap, • Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books Drawing Books GR TIASIS, THURSDAY, TUNE 16th, 1898. LOCK IIAPPENIOS Mrs. Emery, ef Toronto, is visiting. friends in town. Wm. Hoskin• has returned home from visiting his daughter in Wood The Exeter base bail teasel visited Luca,n on Tuesday and suffered defeat W. Harrison has removed Iris steam laundry to Goderich. George Web- ber accompanied him. 4,31 ER Its g Spec tasateEta. R HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. James Taylor has heen ill the past week. A public abattoir is being talked of for Seaforth. I. R. Carling returned home from Toronto this week: Perry Dignan, of Stratford, it visit- ing under the parental roof. Lig,htning, on Friday night struck Hoskin's fence and destroyed fifteen rods. Mrs. Spearin and dangister, of St. Marys, are visiting Mrs. Thos. Mrs. A. Motintjoye of London, and Mrs. Pike, of Thorold, are visiting Mrs. George Hill this week. Don't foreet the Ieceosse match un Friday, between the Parkhill and Exeter teams, on the Exeter grounds. W. E. Browning, a, student of ref cGill College, _Montreal, is home spending vacation with Ins father, Dr. J. We Browning. A strawberry festival will be held on Jetne 23, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of the "James st. Methodist. church. A good program is provided. The following passengers were booked by Capt. George Kemp on S. S. Parisian, on Saturday, June 18th, from Montreal: Moses Pennington, through to Bideford, Devon, Eng., and Mrs. Hawke, through to Ply- mouth, Devon, Eng. The Exeter Loyal Orange Lodge will attend divine worship in the Main street church on Sunday morning, July 10th, when the Rev. Wine Ma. Donagh, of , Stratford, former pastor, of the above church, will deliver an The house on the ferm of R Mee - thorn, Stephen, occupied hy John Hemmen, was struck by lightning on Saturday. The shaft went through the roof, but did little damage other- wise. Lightning. also struck the judge's stand in the driving park. Brnesels. Grey and lelovris municipal councils are asking:the G. T. for e better train service in snaking connec- tion with the north and L IL & B. Melville Martin. has returned borne They want the London evening train from Toronto, where he has been at- 'to run through to Palmerston instead tending -the University: of remainig at Winghsen all night. 1 Tun Peennsorrse.—At the meeting of the R. Ts of T. in Hensel], Thersday, it was decided to coil a, public meeting to be held. in Clinton, on Thursday, June 16, at 2 p. ne, to organize for the plebiscite campaign. Ail temperance supporters are invited. DEssnet on GEORGE. MOM—Word was received here .yesterday ot the death of George Moir at Ottawa, He had been ill for some time from an, inward tronble, Mr. Moir was a former resident of Exeter, having conducted the Reflector newspaper here for a few years. Posnmesante—After a delay of some six months, a postmaster has at last been appointed. for Exeter. From a list of some 30 or 40 applicants, Mr. Edward Christie has been selected for the position, his appointment having been made on Monday last. Mr. Christie will be installed into the office at once by the Inspector. Harman ve,IlEannan. --The case of Hatter vs. Herbert, tried at the Tune Sittings of the Ooenty Court, held, at Goderich this week, resulted in a verdict for the plaintiff for $125 with costs. Hatter was a lessee of &house owned by Herbert, and after several unsuccessful attempts to induce them vacate the premises, Mrs. Herbert one day visited, the house, and with •a broom handle, broke the svinclows, . as an incentive to their moving out. Hence the &tit. forttrespass. ACCIDENT.—Mrs. F. J. Knight on Saturday evening met with a painful accident. She was in the act of lower- ing the window, in wbich the glass was cracked, when it slipped, and in order to epreveut the sash falling litetvily upon some flower pots,she pat her bands against the glass. Both hands went through the pana and the window being on the descent, the glass cut the becks of both hands, al- most severing the arteries. The wounds are yery painful. .A. dog belonging to A. Walters fell A writer in the Scientific American into a Liege water tank at the electric says he has cleared his premises of power house last week, and was vermin by making whitewash yellow With copperas and covering the stones George Powell has just eompleted a might go he pnt the neer stable for 3res. Willis. The stable where a rat. copperas and scettered it in the corn - is 38x26 feet, and is fitted with all the ers of the floor ; the result was the ertodere conveniences, complete disappeoiance of sets and The Foresters will atteed divine iniese pinee that thee not 1,11,4 "mil or , service in Main Street Church. on S0-0- tnotme as been seen max the house. Rev. John Grant, of Riney. John, Smith will preach an appropriate ser - clay morning next, when Rev. Charles Men's Summer lothing WE are now showing a most complete range of inen s Summer Clothina in sinule and double brertsted styles One es b of the newest thmors in this line made of American Crash, o•uaranteed shrunk • we have complete suits made of this material and they are sive to be swift sellers ; see them, R09.D Baneziesets—The annual at- tempt to spoil the excellent roads in Huron is being made in severalsections by those who are doing road work. Where the mesas are particularly good, and on which it would ordinarily be a pleasure to delve, what, is improperly guar aties. It consists of earth that is washed away by the first rains and a few large stones which are kicked abotit by every vehicle. And. tbey call this 'statute labor." It would be infinitely better to. leave the roads alone all summer, or at least not put anything on them until. October, and then apply good,coarse gravel. .Tern Sextearresa.--Thefifth spraying exhibitiou was given in Exeter on ' Monday. last, hut, like the previous exhibitions, was pooily attended. The results of these experiments will not be known until the crop is gethered in the fall. While the externaination of the insects and fringis is necessary and desired, yet we think the government is going to unnecessary expense in employing two men—while one could, perform the work—one as an advance agent to announce the comin,g of the other, and further, it appears to be an injustice that these government offici- als, paid a good salary by the govern - men t, •should interfere with the sale of goods carried by local merchants. They sell pumps and Paris Green, from which the'y doubtless de- rive a profit. Their mission should be to give instruction and. leave legiti- mate merchants to sell the material. The government should call a halt in this matter and not permit such dis- crimination agaiest the local mer- Fitton, N. S., a delegate to the Pres - mon. byteritin Assembler, In Montreal last Messrs, Gladman and Collins are in week, was instantly killed by a street Goderich this week attending the June car. The rev. genleman was out sittings of the Comity Court. They afe biesrcling. and while passing along interested in the case of Hatter vs. Notre Dame street woe thrown og his Herbert. , wheel. Ile fell ori the car track and One day last week a, hoes° belonging a passing car struck him, killing him to Dyer er, Howard, while in the mill instantly. The deceased was 30 years yard, went too near a large tank amet of 0,,ge and unmarried. He was a fell in, head foreltIOSt, A.windlass had cousin of P. and D. A. Pass of to he secured to reacue the animal from Exetee. drowning, How shall eggs be sold? Iu Canada We omitted. last week to announce we have been in the habit of selling the date oe the. strawberty festive' to them by the dozen, thereby affording be held under the auspsces of the eppertunity for considereble specula, Ladies' Aid of the Main street Metho- tive proeeedings. In Great Britain it dist cluircie Tt will be held in the hes become a DI:Attie° tO sell eggs by basement of the church on Tuesday. the pound. This le regarded as a fairer evening, July 21st, Strawberries and Method. It certainly' gives the peeson other refreshmeets Willbe served frem with the heos which lay the biggest 6 to 8 o'clock. An Excellent, neesical eggs better value for their enterprise, and literary program will be readered, Bat it entaels somewhat greater labor, and that is robably the chief reaapn AdMiseien 10 and 15 ces. Everybody Men's fine shepherd's check coat and. vests. 1 85 Men's neat stripe Angola Flannel coat and vests, special 2 75 Men's steel gray pin stripe Alpacca Men's black. Serge, all wool, well Men's all wool navy blue Serge, double breastect coat and :vests, Men's One silk coats and vests, SOME SPECIAL AMAINS Ladies' Ribbed Cotton Vests, silk trimmed, shaped, half sleeve, Ladies' Black Maco Cotton Hose, Herrndorf's dye, good value Ladies' Black Silk lace Mitts, faney backe, special , ..*.. Fancy Ja.paneese Mattings, assorted patterns, regularly worth Men's Fancy Worsted Pants, new patterns, regular price tnade Men's Tweed Bicycle Suits, Rigby proofed and guaranteed Good pattern American Wall Papers ... . . .05 Large White Bed Spreads, good.designs, very special value .. .95 Muslins are being much worn this season ••• both for blouses*and. full dresses, and we are showing a beautiful variety ranging in price from 10c up .20 .25 .20 to 4Co a yard. Fine American printedMuslins, in various col oriegs, warrented fast .10 Fine French Muslins, nice designs Fency Organdy rnuslins in lovely The Council' wilt meet on Friday evening Mr. Orawford,of Dublin, has sold his hotel at a good figure, and purposes living private. The item of $250,000 to defray the cost of the prohibition plebiscite pass- ed the House w ithout discussion. A new epizootie has broken out among the horses in the vicinity of lei ppen, called by the vets, "hinnoblob- The Doherty organ factory, Clinton, resumed business on Monday, after several months d.ela,y on account of fire which destroyed the old factory, The little son of Torn Rawley, of Dublin, had his nose broken on Satur- day, while playing around the house He pulled the table down on himself, resniting as above steted. A successful operation was perform- ed at Seaforth on Wednesday morn - Die Gibb and a student, W. Fowler. They removed tnmor from the horse weighing 5 pounds in 8 minutes from the time the horse was chloroformed. This is but one of the many successful operatious these gentlemen heve per - W. Murphy, of the gravel road. north, who has been ill for some time, and whose recovery was not antici- pated, passed away on Friday, at the age, ~of 69 yeaes. Deceased was a native of Ireland, ancl settled in God- ericlatownship some 40 years ago, on the 16th cone remaining there until his removal, eight yeers ego, to a few ecres on the gaayel road., north of The Exeter cemetery is in a disgrace- ful state. Some lots are well kept, ewhile others are allowed to run wild with long grass and weeds. Tomb stones that have fallen are allowea to lie and become deebroyed. To a Aran - ger the sight is clisgasterig, and if plot, owners do not take enough interest it the graves' of their depereed friends to keep the surroundings none, the company should devise some scheme wily the we &ling system has tlot been tery in e respectable Shape. T E FORGET IT ) You will get them during the next two weeks. (wo take Produce and pay A.. STFAiri' C The place s G. G. Johnston's *Bankrupt Store, :Exeter Iiighest Price for it, Very best, Organdie Muslins, very latest design .40 Silver silks in various combina- tions, special. 25 designs and colormgs,. great se Flee assortment of . spot Muslins millinery Trade is bombing in this department, and no wonder; our stock is the most select and we are continually receiving the latest novelties. Our head milliner has just returned from a trip to Detroit, where she picked up all the newest ideas in kmerican styles.' If you want the correct thing in head gear be sure and see our stock. Appleton's Package Teas are the ilea! We want 150 Firkins of choice dairy butter to fill a special order; highest price will be paid. The Pic ard o., • Strawberries give promise of an stbundont crop. Mrs. Manning has returned to her home in Csomber. William Horton' left on Thursday to visit friends in Brookville. Tbe 33rd Huron Batt. go into camp at Loneon on the 21st inst. They want a few recruits for the Exeter Co n erecting a, large new barn; the frame was raised on Wednesday afternoon. Norman Creech has secured a situa- tion as book-keeper with the Vetity Plove Co., Brantford, and left for that place last week. It is well to bear in mind that letting Canadian thistles and similar noxious weeds go to seed on one s premises is a prmishable offence. James Sando, whose hand was in- ) jured in a cutting box about a year An oil well producing 1,000 barrels a JUST ARRAVElia, Ladies' hirt Waist Ammetau----AND RAPPERS! We have just received another lot of Lathes' Shirt Waists. Ladies' shirt imaists----samow Organdy iviuslin Shirt Waists floral. design at $1.40 Fancy black and white Shirt Waists, with collar and cuffs at 1.25 Organdy Muslin Shirt Waists, tare variety at 1.00 Fine Print Shiet 'Waists, large variety .. 1,00 detachable collar at We sold a lot of Wrappers last season, but more akeady this season than all last season, received the third lot. We have them in sizes from 52, to 40 at 00c. Summer Oorsets-----mareas- , We have a good line at 500. sizeS 18 to 30. - we have sold and have just< Boys' blouses. ... 40c. each Boy's duck suits - ,$1.25 CARLANG Meat Platters, Salad Trays, Butter Dishes, Cheese Dishes, Cake Plates, Biscuit Jars, Fancy Vases and Flower Epergnes, Jubilee Cups and Saucers and Teapot Stands, Gla,sseeable Setts, Hammocks, Window Screens, Glass Gems. Ice Ceeain and Ice Cold Drinks. Agent for the Parisian Stearn Laun-` dry. First-class work. Sent Etway every Thuesday evening, and returned .on Saturday everting. LEVITTS' FAIR ago, had the fore finger of his right hand amputated last 'week. The price of bread a few days ago was aavancecl by St. Thomas bakers • to seven cents per loaf. It has now dropped to the old price,six cents per day hes been struck two miles, from The Essex county council has re- fused to take over the toll roads ie the vicinity of Windsonwhich were aban- doned by the companies owning there, but has granted $200 to the townshipe Rev. T. R Geudy,the retiring pastor through which they run to put them in a proper state of repair. of the Methodist church, Windsor, was presented by his Sunday school Albert Adam, who teaches a country school in Sandsvich Weseis being sued for separation, Ins wife objecting to his boarding near the school and leav- ing her alone from Monday till Fri- day. Judge McHugh has allowed her $4 a week for sustenance till the case comes to trial. classes with a gold mounted silk um- brella. • The fruit, prospects are exceptionally good. All the orchards are looking well and if the frosts keep away for a few deys 4 large ceop of fruit of nearly all kinds is assured. Use Wina,n's Cough Balsam for coughs, colds and Bronchial tr ub Aclenowleged the best cough Mec on the merket. "Especially goti children. Manufaceured by C. 'Ore. Some Woodstock bicyclists have been developing so much speed lately that the Council is considering the question of restrieting therri to' six miles an hour. Nothing is being said about those who can t make six miles. We congratulate the Rev. Walter Rigsby, of Illyth, on his election to the important office of President of the Loedon Conference, it is a posi- tion that he is well qualified. to fill, and in which he svill do honor to the The Government bill to ainencl the Weights and Measures Act was read a third time and passed in the house of Clonernons Monday, with art amend - mete deeNring that wherever pota- toes are sold by the, bag soca bag shall contain eighty pounds. Chief Game Warden Thisley has in- structed his eerier of deputies to watch carefully the nests of plover and other birds to prevent their molestation or desteuceion. He deplores the havoc: ereatecl among these bird by eggegittla erers in times past, and calls a special censade against the install boy who robs game birds' eeste, LIF Joh Lots M Bargain Prices. morning end succeeding clays tin also] d 6 ends Dress Goods, costing 57ec pee yard, for 88c. 2pieces Black Geettadine, at 12S and 18c, for 5c per yard. 1 end Seal Brown Serge, 25 in. wide, hiilf wool, at 20c, for 8c per yard. 4 ends Steel and. Silva Grey Lnstres, 1 end Fawn Lustre, 27 in. wide, half wool, choice goods, at 25c, for 12ec. 1 end Art, eluslit ett 10e, for 50 per 5 ends Art Muslin, at 16 aria 18c, for 80 pee yaiels 1 end Art Muslite at 22c, for 12ec per P CL RICE LE Come to Us to Nave Their'Eyes Examined. If you.need Glasses let us fit them for you. We give you the best expert attention at T. FITTON'S JeWelry S. FITTO oraduato Optician. CARTE II I us VE WIRE FENCE., ir Tlinna ewe read made of bi d lard steel, spring feuce wire. It is the cheape fence o e marke • a y. farmer can build his own fence of eleven wires at ce per rod. ' ma me for doing the work costs $8 which gives the Ain a right to build a ice gazer -here. The fence is not only handsome, but tIse most durable nsade,eastfasitnyone wishing to buy a mathine or engage in the " ce business, will profit by calling on, or writing to GEO. tecefield, Agent for Huron County. The following persons, repres&te Huron Presbytery, are attendieg t General Assembly meeting at Mon - Hamilton, Londesboro ; J. Hamilton, GoSterith ; W. Graham, Bayfield ; J. A. McDonald, Varna. A tramp. was struck by the train from Sarnia due at Stratford about 9 o'clock Tuesday night while a short distance west of St. Paul's, and so badly injured that he died next morn- ing. When seen by the engineer the man was kneeling in the middle of the track in praying- attitude, but the train could not be stopped in time to prevent it running over him. His skull was badly fraetured and one leg run over. The man was taken to the hospital het nothing could be done for him. He was apparently about 33 years of age. Thete is no clue to his identity. It is supposed to be a ca,se of deliberate suicide. The Caterpillar Scourge The reports from noithere districts of the Province in regard to a plague of caterpillars and the temporary stop- page of C. P. R. trains as a result, of crushing myriads of the pests on the rails should. induce all who have any autlaority to strictly enforce the pro- visions of the law for protection of insectivorous birds, The only effect. iye means of fighting insect pests is by sparing their natural ehemy. If school teachers and school inspectors would warn their againsb robbing birds' nests of eggs or destroying the young Ana. at the same time poiet out how useful the birds are as an ally of the farmer,. they would do the cone te unity an imp . rtaet service. Certain privileges for the collection of birds' eggs foe strictly- ecientefic objects may be neared through the Game Wavelets, but it is unlawful to heve either the eggs or enung of anere bird save eagles, 116WkSt OSAYIS, wild pigeons, blackbirds, kingfishers, crows, ravens, lays and sparrows, Sanday evening last, death mese penger called away one of Blythe; 4aldest citizens, in the person of Mr. Jeremiah Lynch, He had been ailing for some time, but had never been so bed as to be laid aside till ft little over a week ago. He had been troubled with Bright's disease.. M EAT NifiRKET, The undersigned has opened up a, new ineet market one cloor South of Garlino's Store. where he will keep the choicest of meats constantil3r on hand. A CALL SOLICITED JOHN T. riANNINU. The • Fa ily Butcher For a good selection of SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, BEEP, LAMB, PORK. efITTTON, and VEAL, elso POULTRY in Season. The Family Butcher $hop One door south of Central Hotel. LOUIS BAY --DEALER IN— Hide Calf and T.amb Skins.