HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-6-16, Page 5umnotxosuanuerwtora Is essential to B LasIth.Every nook et ft and' corner of the Nor Nleir 'yam is reached by the blood, and on •ita quality the condition of every organ do - Fends. Good blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood mean e Borefula, dyspepsiarheune titan, caterrh or ether diseases. The sorest way to have good blood is to take Hood's illarsaparilla. This 'medicine purifies, .v1. - i ..talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends '-`•the elements of health and strength to Avery nerve, organ and tissue. It creates AI good appetite, gives refreshing sleep end cures that tired feeling. Remember, e` . ........eaeet, Sarsaparilla Its the best-- in fact the One True Blood Pulliam A , oure Liver Ills; easy to t100u s Pilis take, easy tooperate. 260. areinsesoutannettneutwenentowasesatmer,.n.wamn....wl.e.c Additional Locals, Wm. Butson, Hibbert, and Wm. • Pavvcett, Fullerton, sailed for Liyer• - pool lately via Allen line. H.A.G1r.s.ito's YinLow Om is prompt torelieve and sure to cure coughs, scolds, soro throat, pain in the chest, • Imarseriess, quinsy, eta. Price 25c. IT's so pleasant to take that children •, -cry for it; but w it is death to 'worms of •all kinds. Dr. Low's worm syrup. Price 25c. AU dealers. It is said that about 021,000 acres of xiew land will be surveyed this sum- mer and thrown open for settlement along the Dauphin and Northern Pact- • Se Railway extensions. Cameras are not necessarily mightier than cannon, but so far the American •side of this war has been productive of • xoore group photographs than 'gunshot • wounds. One of the most offensive products o!this war is the crop of windyheroes who fill the columns of admiring news- papers with smart remarks when they • should be filling Spanish bides with • bullets. A short time ago George Oliver, of • Ilibbert, lost a valnabie mare, tendon Saturday one of W. Colquhoun's fine team died from some poisonous weed supposed to have been eaten. e Old time printers will be interested • to know that George Pi the last of the •ancient order of 'Tramp Printers of " Canada, has gone to his reward: He died in a Toronto hospital the others • day from the effecb of burns receiyecl while building a fire near Milton to keep himself warm. George was e born -tramp. On. one occasion he iuherited •$50,000 and it cost $500 in advertising •an find bin). When found away down in Louisiana he came home signed the anecessarypapers,got $5 from a lawyer in the case, and started off on the tramp again. HURON COUNTY 00!.)NO TUE ;Mein sgsfirmv The June Session of the county council opened on Tuesday of last week. 4. eommonteation froxn the county council of Halton, reqnestieg Huron County to co-operate in asking the • Dominion Government to increase the pay of our militia force, was received with favor, the council to join with lialt:011 County in petitiouiog the Do- minion government for au increase of 2e)c, peg day to thevolunteers when out at drill. Letter from D. H. Martin, of White- church, to be appointed couuty stud- ent at the agricnitural college, was accepted end his appoint:no:lb macle. Copy of will of Elias Dickson, be- queathing$1000 to the County of Huron for the support of his sister, K. Dick- son, in the county House of Refuge, was read, The Committee repoinmend- ed that the terms of 01f:will be accept- ed by this council and that the clerk notify the executrix of the will that upon payment to the county treas. of the $1000 mentioned in the will Keret-thee:pude Dickson be admitted to the House of Refuge. The appeal from the Trustees of S.S. No, 9, Tuckersmith, asking for the ap- pointment of an arbitrator to consider the result of petition to the township • column of Tuckersmith respecting lots 17, 18, 10 and part of 20, con. 4, L. R. S. in the township of Tuckersmith ; also the appeal from S. S. No. 2, township of Hay, asking that an aebitrator be appointed to consider a by-law that was passed by Ray township council, setting o tit anew school section to be known es No. 10 in said townshipewere heard but no action taken. Letter signed by the mayor of the town of eoderich, re sewer on Vic- toria at. in the town of Goderich, was read and ordered to be filed. • Cooncil adjourned to meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday. The council resumed parsuant to ad- journment. Letter from F. Narlow read, claitniug damages for accident at Golley's bridge between E. Wamanosh and Morris. No aetiou taken; insufficient proof of daniages. Commitment of Lottie and Flossy Durnin of the town of Goderich to the care of the Children's Aid Society of the county Of Huron, and charging the county $1.50 per week for.their main- tenance. The order was reduced to $1.00 and the county agreed to pa e this amount. Report of the clerk re the purchase of a type writer was adopted. $75 was granted for the purchase of a ma- chine. County auditors' report was read and adopted. Report of county commissioner was read and adopted. The gaoler's report was read and adopted. Thirty-seven accounts were read and sent to finance committee. As requested at last meeting, the clerk reported respecting the consoli- dation of the by-laws of the county. 100 copies were ordered to be printed., Moved by Robt. McLean, seconded by Mr.Snell,that this council at 2 p.m. Wednesday drive to the Manchester bridge. -Carried. Moved by Mr. Cook that inthe event ,, yr I r 1 V r ofeannt agtpettifsroeinnunIye,elraltizgeastlasi ere 1 t i • equalization be left in the ha,nds of the county judge. -Carried. e, Council adjourned till 2 o'clock. 2 P. ee. _ Council met pursnant to adjotrea- •z.".1 Thrown on the Subject . of inelt'etter from the secretary of the _ - - Home Dyeing. There are dyes-ethe world -famed Diamond Dyes -that crown our labors and home Dyeing work -with perfeet success, and there pee imitations and worthless dyes that bring ruin and dis- (aster wherever they are tesed. There nee d.yeseethe chemically pure and scientifically prepared Diamond Dyes ---that beve brought blessings to millions of homes for long years, and there are the vile prepartious and mix-. • tures of imitators who, as far as style ofpackage is concerned, 'get as near the "Diamond" -as they dare go. But • What shall be said of the contents -the ingredien te-that the women of Canada are asked to dye with ? Little more ;can he; added to what has So often. ap- peared in the press of the country. • These irniLntiffll dyes ate simply decep- • tions ; they are adulterated and dan- • gerous preparations, hurtful to the • user, and destroyers of valuable gar- ments and materials. The manufacture of Diamond Dyes is reduced to a Science, and to -day they are the only dyes that dare guar- antee their work -that dare pro,ilitim certain victoey for every user who will fo1io:v.01e plait). directions. Diamond. XitYeS haVe a wide -spread popularity; other brands of dyes are hardly known outside of the greedy, long -profit deal - ars who sell them to the nususpecting public; Avoid all imitation package dyes as you would avoid spurious coins, . Sioi HEADACHE, hoWever annoying and distreeeing, is positively cured by taxa -Liver Pills. They are easy to take and neVer gripe. PROSTRATED, EXIIAUSTED. NO SLEEP -MO REST. LL do not appreciate the words of aoho G. Saxe, who sang, "God bless tbo man who first invented sleep!" Rut appreciation is not wanting to those Zs' who have suffered as •Mrs. Wbitei of Mara • 4.. • Township one, who • became • so ill with aervote trebbles that, to (mote her bro- ther, Mr. Donald l‘leitite, a Well-known re- ltddent of that illustrious seeders a North • Ontario: "My sister had not slept a night for over three triontlaS. She conld not have sitood thia ranch longer, and it was only Itolutn death' seemed irinninent that South Albertan Nervine bedtime the good phy- etiolate, After taking the Dig dOse a the ttervine She slept all night, and tatOob fiesh until perfeetly,,well, and has how • MO sign of nOrvOusnesS, This Is a wonder - rut Moditine in the severest cases of nen, Tbilanesk and the greatest flesh-litilder to be timid ithawbere in the world. -25. lgold by 0, LOTz Ex:eter, Seeforth Agricultural Society, asking for the county grant was read; laid over till next meeting. A communication from Hy. Arm- strong,referring to FinchPreservative. The letter wasaccompaniedbyso,mples of wood pieserved by the paint. No action taken. A letter from the Provincial auditor, in answer to a communication from the county clerk regardiug the cost of an audit of the acconnts of the county for Cleve years. •The letter was sent to finance committee. • The council adjdurned to meet at 10 a. ne Thursday. • The council met at 10 a. in. pursuant to adjournment. , Letter froze D. French, asking for an iucrease of salary for himself and Mrs. French, was read and sent to the execubive committee. The clerk was recommended to inquire as to the salariei paid caretaker and matron at other Houses of Refugein the Province and aleo to what duties they perform and the quantity of land in connectiou with such Houses of Refuge and also evhat amount is paid for hired help, and. lay the same before Allis conncil at its meeting in December. Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded by Mr. Patterson,th at the nominating officere for the several districts for the next election for county councillors be as follows No. 1, WT. Stotbers, Belfast. • No. 2, Jas. Ofunpbell, Londesboro, No. 3, Fred Hess, Zurich. No. 4, Chester Prouty, Hay. No, 5, A. J. Smillie, Hertsall. No. 6, F. S. Scott, Brussels. No. 7, P, Porterfield, Marnoch. No. 8, Jos, Oowan, Weoxeter. Ad- opted. Moved by Dr. Rollins, 'seconded by jas. Snell, that the House of Refuge committee be asked to report on the advisability of raising the physician's salary, or the allowance, ie any, for drugs used by the physician, and the adyisability of changing the physiciao periodically. No action was taken in the uxatter of increase to salary of physician. It was not considered ad- visable to change physician periodicel- ly at present. The eounciI adjourned till 4p. in. Council met pursuant to adjout•n- t. The Education tome, was read and taken up in committee, Me. Patterson iri the chair. The conineittee arose when the re- port was adopted in council. Letter from rnest Heaton, asking for a grant $50 for the Children's Aid Soeiety was read and referred to Ex- ecutive committee. $25 was granted; The cOuncil adjoiwned till 10 o'clock a. en. on Friday. , FRIDAY. ,• Connell met porsuant, to adjourn- ment at 10 tt. tn., the YVarden in the chair mad members all present. Min ace of 'Theveclay's meeting yet d 1 and adopted. The council on motion adjourned to meet again at 2 p. ne, The oonttell resumed according to IIIQ14411, of adjounMent, the warden presiding. The report of the equalization cone- Mittee Was read and council went, into committee, Me. Hays in the chair. The committee rose and reported that the report be amended by raising the assessment of the toweship of Mc- Killop $100,and the report as amended was adopeed. Report of road and bridge committee was read, passed through committee and adopted. Report of Executive committee was read, passed through committee and adopted. • Report of Special cot:an:Mee read, • went to committee of the whole, and was then adopted in council Report of Finance committee was react from clause 1 to 43, referred to couniiittee of the whole and adopted in council. A statement read by the clerk, showing that the appropriations to the several Collegiate Institutes were satisfactory, was ordered to be filed, • On motion of 'Alessi s. McLean and Rollins the council acljouened to meet The coancil ' assembled accordingto adjournment,: the warden in the chair. Report of county property commit- tee read; eouncil resolved itself into cornmittee of the whole. Committee rose andreported that clause 2 be amended by adding the folioWing words, int:hiding all plumping and ether words connected therewith,after the Ward goal in second line, and the ciente extended to read; and the warden to have' tbe work proceeded with at once. That the words under the supervision of councillors of NO. 1, be added to clause 5. In clause 6, that the words:, thework be done, but we leave it for your consideration, be atilt& out. The report as ametided,was adopted. • The balance of finance committee's report was read and adopted. On motion of councillors Torrance and Holt, the clerk was directed to notify the clerks of the several munici- palities of the county to levy tne rate for the comity and to send statements of the amount so levied, not leter than December 1st, 1898.. On motion of councillors Snell and J. R McLetuathe engineer was direct- ed to see that people who bad dumped refuse tin on the embankinent near the Clinton bridge remove tbe sante, and in default prosecute them. • Minions were xuade to bold next session of council in Hensel), Seaforth and. Goderietethe final tote being in favor of the county town. The council then adjonrned to meet in Goderich on the 1st Tuesday in December. REPORT OP COMMITTEES. Report of House of Refuge com- mittee :- Gentlemen, -Your committee met at the House of Refuge on March 23rd, and examined the house and farm,and consulted the keeper as to the best way to cultivate the farin. 1. It was decided to purchase a seed agrieultural boiler for boiling clothes, a root pulper and a disinfect- ant apparatus. 2. The halls and hospital ward were ordered to be kalsomined. Mr. Coates' was asked to attend to the purchases and employ some per- son to do work ordered. 3. On the Oth of this month your committee again ruet and found that directions given at previous meeting had been caleied out satisfactorily. 4. We heVe to report that on beth visits the house and farm appeared to he Well managed. ' The trees planted last year and the few ordered to be planted this year are doing well and the farm stock and crops are in good condition 6. Tlie iospector was asked* to pur- chase wire gauze to make screen doors andwindows, a lawn mower and a spray pump. 7. The accouas of the House 'for this year up to the end or May, cow menu- iug with account No. 401 up to 451 were ucl tett and. -le u nd correet. We bave referred. account 422 of 3. E. Hovey to you for consideration. From the inspector's books we find the total expense account is $1286.26 and credited frorn sale of farm produce 1.'HE PIONEER LIMITED Is the name ot the only perfect train in the world, now running every night between Chietto,n, Milwaukee & St, Paul and Minneap- olis via the Chicago, ,Milwaukee & St. Paul liallway-the pioneer road of the West in ad- opting all improved facilities for the safety and emoyment of peeteengers. An illustrated pam- phlet, showing views of beautiful scenery along tie:route of the Pioneer Limited, will be sent free to any porSon *upon receipt of two -cent postage stamp. Address Goo. H. Heaflord, General Passenger Agent, 'Chicago, 111. 11'kc.'RTii Exeter June 15 1898 Wheat per bushel .85 Oats .25 Barley........ .. 35 Peas.- - - 52 It atter. Eggs.- • . 0 Turkeys ... Goose. ,.. - ' 4 Chickens per lb Ducks- - . Wool, . . .. 17 Dried AppleS.. . 21 Pork dressed . . . .... „$5.50 to 25.50 Pork live weight .... .... .$4.40 to 4.25 Hay per ton.... ... .. .......$ 500 to 56.011 Clover seed ... Alsike clover - - , .. ,... .... . 4.60 to 5n0 . , ... ,. .... 14.00 to 5.00 Timothy seed . : . . .. - .... ........1 00 to 1.25 to .8.5 to 25 to 38 to 52 ., 12 to 12 to 9 to 9 to 6 to '5 to 9 to 18 London, June a 1898. Wheat per bushe , LOB to LOS Oats.. , to 341 ......5a to CO • ....38i to 50 -36 to 884. -59 to 39 831 to 48 to (10 .... -13 to 14 10 to 11 ' 50 to 70 10 to 12 0 to 10 50 to 75 • 8 (0 10 Pons . Barley.. 13uck whet; t Rye Cern ' &NIS ........ Butter .... Eggs Ducks ..... Turkeys per It, • 000.913 per 15 Chickens 01100$0 Potatoes per bag ...80 tol 00 Hay per ton . „ .$ 6.00 to $ 759 Pork per cwt.. .. $4,60 to 85.00 Cook o Cotton Boot Compountt suceessfally used monthly by over 0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectital. Ladies ask • your druggist for &stint Cedes ROO Cain!' peed, Take no other, its all Mikturesi, pills and itnitationS aro dangerona. Pride, No. 1, $1 per box t NO. 2,15 degreert stronger, $3 per box. No. ter 2, Mailed on reeeipt of price and two 8,cent ittaniptl, The Cook Coinpatay.VVindifor, Ont. Or Noe. 1 and 2 Seld and reeintithendedbY all reSpOnsibleDruggistS is Canada. • No. 1 and No. 2 sold in Exam by ...T. W. "frowning, climg„gist. $27$40, showing a not expenditure for the five months of $1011.11, Vorni of Application for the admis- sion of D, Brialy to the asylum at Orillia has been filled up as fully AS possible aud forwarded some days ago, Your committee expect the removal to be made soon, .A.LEX. STEWART. Chnilnnafl, EQUALIZRD ASSESSMENT. After several long sittings the equal- ized assessment of 1808 was adopted with the addition of Otte dollar per acre added to Grey, $25,000 edded to Hensel], and a redeetion of otte dollar per aore in West Wawanosh, the re- sult being that Grey is 864,762 more than last year, HenSall $25,000 more and West Wawanosh $41,725 less. The assessed value for 1308, is $32,283,- 119, as against $32,235,082 for '97. At the Afternoon sitting McKillop was raised $1.00 per acre. PROPERT Your committee beg to report as follows : That tbe question of connection,: with the sewer from the gaol be left in the hands of Mr. Ainsley, Mr. Lane and the ommcillorsof No, 1 division. The number Of prisoners in geol (2) agrees with the g•aoler's report. We visited the poi and found everything clean and in good order. We found everything satisfactory at the registry office, We recommend that the office for- merly occupied by Judge Doyle be kalsoniimed a.nd painted, so that it • may be used as a jury robin in future We have much pleasure in stating that the Court House is kept in excel- lent order by the caretaker, Mr, Mc- Creath. Tenders for painting outside wood- work and brickwork of Court House were received, and we sent them to the conncil, J. J. Fisher, of Clinton, ($437) being the lowest. D. MelfuwEs, Chairman. noAD AND BRIDGE, Your committee beg leave to report as follows: L That we examined three tenders for erecting abutments for • the Dyer bridge, and we reeommend the tender of F. Gut teridge for $5.50 per yard' be eccepted, it berng the lowest. 2. Regaroing the Manchester bridge, we recommand that the span on the west end he made 100 feet long and • the commissioner ask for tenders at once, for building the abutment and new iron superstructure, and the part of the bridge not required, be removed to Dyer's on the boundary between Flullett and Wawatiosh, and that the warden and D. Patterson act with the Road Commissioner in aceepting ten- ders. • 3. Re the twosinall bridgea mention- ed in the commissioners report, we recommendthat the commissioner have them ieliuilt as soon as possible, provided the county of Bruce pay half the cost. Respectfully submitted. D. PATTERSON, Chairman. Result of Kidney and Female Complaints. Paine's Celety Compound Gives Mrs. Stone a.' New Life. She Strongly Recommends the Medicine that Banished Her Troubles: Paine's Celery Compound the Only True Cure for Kid- ney Disease. Wells & Richardson Co. OENTLEMEN.-For more than twelve years I was afflicted with kidney, fe- male and stomach troubles. and had been attended by five doctors, and tried medicine.after medicine, without any good results. My sufferings a year no from the kidneys and stomach were dreadful. I was in such a state that I could not live., and concluded there was no use trying other medi- cines. However, I was advised to try Paine's Celery Compound. Before I had finished the first bottle I had im- proved very much, and after the 1155 02 a few more bottles I had not been so well for many years, and am now alto- gether a different person. The use of Paine's Celery Compound also ban- ished my nervousness. I can therefore teconnnend Paine's Celery Compound to any one suffering from kidney, fe- male and stoinach troubles. Yours truly, Mns. GRORGE STONE, •Bg•anville, Ont. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND WVLL-TIMID REMSDI:.-MTS WinsloW's Soothing Syrup hos been used for over fifty years by minions ot enothersfor tame children while teething. with perfect success. It Soothes the ch1it1so2tOnS tho gums, allaysali pain, raves wind Colic, andia the best remedy or Diarrlicett. 1158 pleasant to the taste. Sold by clinggists in every part of the world. 25 boots a bottle, Its value is incalculable. Be Sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. , Afite. 1#00aYS 1110BP11081110, The Great .engligh RentedY. Seld and reconlinended by all druggists in Catiade. Only rolt. ttble medieine diteovered. Blx pakages padranteect to etre all forms Of Sextet' WealtnesS, all effects of abuse or 510580, Menial Worry, EXeessive nse of, To haricot Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price,,one pno'loage $1, six, $6. One will ptease, tf.Zrill Cure. Ps. ::111.1etS free to any addreas. Theo Weed Citimpany, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phospeodine is sold in lexotee by a. W. Browning. druggist. Farms for sate A few good, farina for sale ohea&-Meney 11. Apply to talisse eisa.ogeaAN A Man is always la the sw if he wears. one of JOHYS 'neatly fitting SUVA'S He is a sore fitter. His priees are away &WO. • Ms geode are the best. Calland examine his goods before baying your SUIT W. JOHNS, Thite JUST IN Ti Having bought two car loads of Furniture before the advance in price, lam able to sell at old prices. One car has arrived, and is going fast. The style .and quality of goods ev- erybody 'admires. Call early and secure a bar- gain. Largest stock ever shown in Exeter. Com- plete stock of Caskets and Coffins always on hand. Headquarters for Funeral SupplieF. R. N. RowE Dfug We would recommend those suffering from Couoits, COLDS, and BitoxemAl„troubles' to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy for children. We manufacture WINAN'S LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, .AINS, SORE THROAT RHEUMATISM INFLUENZA. , • Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses; also condition pow- der for same soLE 'AGENT FOR DICKS LUNG SYRUP. 0 LUTZ Nursery Stock Age1118 ! RR ARDIS 1 ANS Or anyone desiring to better their position and increase their ineorno should write us The demand for hoix.e °Town Nursery Stock ism) the Mere:lee. "t'w'e want more men. If yon want steady, paying work, write US. WE FURNISH ALL SUPPLIES FREE. WE HAVE THE LAnonsa.NunsEnfEs THEDOMINIOn. WE PAY BOnli SALARY AND cOMMIS. MON. WE ENGAGE LaTHErt WHOLE on FART TIME MEN. . WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR STOOK. WE FURNISH PURCHASERS WITH CERTI- FICATE PROIVI GOVERNMENT INSPECT- OR, STATING OUR STOCK IS FREE PROM SAN JOSE SCALE. Our Nurseries con)prise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables as. to sell at the closest possible figure. Ion Succeed with as who Fail with others 11 will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for yea. Don'twrite unless you mean business and want profitable ,employment. Stone & Wellington TORONTO ,4 Suit of Wothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. 3, SNELL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A .large assortment of Pall & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and We will take much pleasure in showing them to you, There are many otherlines that are specially at, active. "1..31 E130 MU, • 1311111.11111MIREESSMIONWERagagaszi, ha Castoria is Dr, Samuel Pitcher's prescription. for Tufauts and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It ls a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Sootb.ing Syrups and. Castm. Oil, It is Pleasan.t. Its guarantee .is thirty years' use by Millions of Notburs. Castoria destroys Wornas and. allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vorni'ting Sour cures Diarrhoea and. Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the) Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castorin is an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told inc of its good effect upon their children." no, G. C. Os000n, Lowell, Mass. Castoria. "Castor's is so well adapted to eitildretX • that 1 recommend it as superior to any pre- seriptiou known to nte," 23. A. ARcatn, M. D. Brooklyn, N. THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. T147 ,r..,4-rp etT5PAr y. 1,1-L,VIRRY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. EigNgerktilViin;'Vi 41.4 7...—.170.s.,^11-, es.:531,-,VVI. 4/1141M0101•111111111111 "pt..t..Mt.f...".4,,4.4.4,:!..444,..±ditlAiknn.n.1=4..1..1'..i.,tni.. oto.olninfooloo*CFi.4.00to 4.4. 41/4 .1`.‘44'L. ii'• N: 4 i• 4 2- 4 . 4 . .. f... .,, 44` it R: k.4• & r. ..„. ... ..q. L..4.- 76- . g ta. i3. r ...i. .1. ,i. e e. al Shorey's make ail have a guarantee card in the pocket.. • a aTeee e•F4.77e'liveseee .4V'.-'-eleteisese”.ieteecioeis'eeleieeseetoinieteeseteteeveeeeolevieelok The Beams tared Rafters are to a building just what the staying is to 4 4 .4 4 4 3 4 Shore- Ready-to-vc,„ /- Clothes. The inside of one of Shorey 's mats i3 here illus- trated 1..y a drawing made from a photograph. The great advantage cf a coat properly stayed is that it keeps its shape until it is worn out, and docs not look- like an old garment after a few weeks wear. An ordinary ready-made garment may look well at first, but it is made to sell not to wear. BILIOUSNESS. "For the past two yel.rs I suffered a ,great deal from bilious attooks, but after using two bottles of Hurd 7;rk Blond Bittms I was com- pletely cured. I occisIder B. B. B. an invalu- able remedy." DANIEL FCHWAHNT,Newdale. Man. Angus McDonald, of Hibbert, has been a: commended to the positim t cf deputy gat i wztrd en of Pe eth. • - • .1031! 14, , 1.42.a Tim Leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 CURED. WE CURE. EMISSIONS Nothing can be more demoralizing to young or middle-aged men than the pres- ence of these "nightly losses." They produce weakness, nervousness, steeling of disgustand a whole train of symptoms. They unfit a man for bustles ,s married life and social happiness, No matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses, our euro yMouctliod Treatment will Doitively u NO CURE- N.0 PAT '.11eitcler, you nod help. Early aim's° or later exeosses may have weakened von. Exposure may have diseased you. 'You are not safe till cured. Our New Method will cure you. Yon run no Tisk. 2.50,000 CURED Young Mu -You are pale, feeble and haggard.; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, and despondent; potehes and pimples, sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. WE CUREVARICOCELE No matter how serious your case taaY be, or how long you may havo had it, our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure it. The "wormy veins" return to their nortnal condition and henee tbu sexual organs receive prober netitish- stmt. The organs boonto vitalized, all unnatural drains or losses ;Mese and manly powers return. No temporary benefit but a permanent tore tutstred. NO obit% NO PAY. NO OPERA,. TION NECESSARY. NO DETER - TION FROM BITSINESS. CURESGUARANTEED Ikn treat and cure SYPHILIS, GLEET, EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, STRICTURE, VARICOOELE, SEMI- NAL LOSSES, BIADDElt AND KID- NEY diseases. CONSULTATION TREE. BOOISS FREE. CHARGES MODERATE. If unable to call, writo for a. QUESTION BLANK fot HOME TRaA'rranriT, ir:saw0, 'KENNEDY A [(EAGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DEnt011r, lk&K K&K Icatk. 8. 1. iT BEST FOR rABLE.De RY AND FARM • YOUR. PULSE. la it regular in its beat. or is it , weak urtd intermItent. A weak pulse indicates a weak heart, IVIinntrins Heart and Nerve Pills is tho great remedy for weak, palpitating heart.— Makes then t strung and Amoy. Tbe 'Wing,hant council has accepted tenders for grim:el:tete walke itt 10 c. per square toot, NURSE'S STORY. Tells how she was cured of Heart and Nerve Troubles. I The onerous duties that fall to the lot of a nurse, the worry, care, loss of sleep, irregularity of meals soon tell on the nervous system and undermine the health. Mrs, 11. L. Menzies, a professional tune • living at the Corner of Wellington and King Streets, Brantford, Ont., states her case as follows : "Por the past three years I have suffered from weakness, shortnese of breath end palpitation of the heart. The least excitement would make ray lieerli flutter, and at night I even founditai/outt to sleep. Atter X got Milburt's Heart and. NerVe rills X experienced gres) relief, and On continuing their use the improve. rout has been =Irked until now all the old symptoms are gone and I am completely cored." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure Anaemia, Xervousness, WealuieSe, Sleep- lessness, Palpitatiore Throbbing, Paint Spells, bigginOSIS Or ally eondition align from Impoverished Bleed, bisoraere Nerves or Weak Heart, Laxa-LiVerPillsclaariCoated Tongue.