HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-6-16, Page 1irr , HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE'. TWENTY—FIFTH YEAR NO 42. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING JUNE ISith, 1E398. cd4czkeizscoszsA..)qkrsesiz,sese,F,Astc Did You Ever Consider How neatness and taste in dress have helped many a man on the road to fortune? A well dressed man carries his own recommendation with him. He is received with respect because his appearance demands it. We are showing a line of Blue Wool Tweed Suiting.s consisting of the very newest colorings and patterns in plain, or fancy, which we make to your order for the very moderate price of,. $14.00 We have cheaper lines, consisting of the -popular ehacies , of Browns, Greens, and Greys, which we can make to your order for , .$10 00, $11,00 and 12.00 $15.00 and $16.00 are the next prices and you save a 'fifth on every euit by leaving your order with us. Our stock of Black Worsteds is complete. Compare our $18.50 line with others at $20.00, and no doubt you will order here. • Ready.TozWear Clothing. Clothing honestly made of holiest stuff keeps its 'Shape and style ; proves its quality the longer you wear it. That's economy. Boys' Blouse Suits, made of Halifax Tweed, very strong and durable, fit boys from 4 toS years old, special at . . $ 1.25 Boys' Navy Blue Blouse Suits in good quality serge, trimmed -with fancy braid, pants lined throughout, very servicable fit b oya frone.4 to 10 years Old,. extra good 2,50 Boys' 3 piece Salts, in Light Grey, well lined throughout, very suitable for Simmer wear, for boys from 10 tO 14 years old, special at3:90 Mens'1 Outten, single breaeted, *SaCque Suits, in shades of Brown, and. Green, Light Grey and Light Blue, strong linings and trimmings, well made, good wear, special value at $5.00, . $8.00 and $10.00. Boys' odd pants, in good quality Navy Blue Serge, lined throughout, cheap at 40 and 50 cents per pair. A. J. FORD & CO., Woodham, "The Cheapest Store in Perth." sses4...wiA,,qkszserveszszszsasz/9 Dashwood. Winchelsea. BRIEFs.-On.e day last week Hart- leib's block narrowly escaped, destruc- tion by fire. A gasoline stave in Pope's tailor shop, exploded, .setting fire to the room, damaging several suits of clothes. Assistance was called and the blaze promptly extinguished by means of old rugs, etc. The eacape was a name)* one. -The Glass family gave a first class concert on Monday night to a crowded house. -Mrs. Snell and, son, Oscar, have returned. home from a visit with friends in Berlin and Plabtsville. They left home on the tandem, but owing to the wet weather, were forced to return by train. -Miss Kibler, Milliner for J. Kellerman, has returned home to Zurich. -Our village contains three .boob and shoe shops, and. is better pre- pared to boot the people than any 'village of its size in Ontario. -H. lert and wife spent Sunday in Eg- triondville, visiting friends. -Fred Ginter, jr., has returned. home after an absence of two weeks down east. - Henry Hoffman was the guest of James Hannan, Shipka, Sunday. -O. Fritz has disposed of forty-oneibicycles this season. Charlie must sell at a olose margin. -J: Kellerman was in London Wednesday on businees.- Reuben Goetz, who was kicked by a Mese last week, is able to get around again. -Messrs. Rev. Sauer, J. Keller- man, E. M. Brokenshire and Wm. Ehlers, attended the Evangelical Sun- day school convention at Lisbon, last week. --The L. 0. T. M. picnic which ( was held on Saturday was .not very lergely. attended from here, owing to the ram. -Our public school intend holding their annual picnic at Grand Bend, on Friday. --The young people's; Alliance intend holding a Strawberry ' Festival in the near future. -Mrs. r. Snell is visiting relatives in Elmira. SCHOOL REPORT.-- The following, is the monthly report for S. S. No, 6, Us - borne. V, Ella tla,mtn, Ethel Godboit; Sr. IV, Leslie Robinson, Wilbur Hun- ter, Linda Hunter; Jr. IV,Eddieffohns, May Hawkins; Alice Berryhill ; Sr. III, Teria. Miners, Pearl Spicer, Gertie Miller; Jr. III, May Jones. Spray White, Ernest Rovreliffe ; Sr. II, Elia, Berrvhill, Cecil Oamun,May Delbridge; Jr. II, Flossie Francis, Darwin Bayes, Myrtle Levine; Pb. II, Willie Vail, Wilson Hawkins, Edwin Coward ; Sr. Pt. I, Clarence Fletcher, Jackson Woods, Luella Ewe; 3m. Pb. 1, Hattie Hnnter, Clarence Miners, Laura Woods. PETER GARDINER, ELL. E. HALLS, j Teachers. ••—• 19. Luosee. Baemes.-Rev. H. A. Thomas, of Warwick, who has latelybeen appoint- -ed. by Bishop Baldwin to Holy Trinity Church in this village, will fill thepul- \pit on Jane 10. He cornea to this piece highly recommended. -F. Downing, butcher, has purchased the fraane store formerly belonging to J.11. McConnell, of Windsor, and removed it to a va- oant, lot on Main street, and iutends to convert it into a butcher shop and residence. -Miss Pearl Ellis, of St. Oath &eines, is visiting at the home of her parents on Frank street. -Salesman Stanley, of the North Middlesex cheese Company, macle his first sale for the -season a few clays ago, the price real- ized being 6e c. --The crops in this 'locality are >eking well. The pros- pects for another season are geed. - The Irish nine ahead twain. The .Exeter base ball teeine'playe.d the Irish Nine of this place on Tuesday last, the game in favor of Lucan, -Mrs. R. Horne is confined to her bed, having undergone an operation.-Brcad. sells here for seven cents per loaf, while in Greaten it sells for fit/0 cents retail. A :great distatisfaetioe. is felt he w eh raVes the Want of opposition.. ..eareetereerees EXETER MAR CO. SUCCESSORS TO Illi NHS AND INILLNifig MILLING 60,, Arc now ready to .do business with the pub- -lie generally, All kinds of protJR FEED AND MILL STUFF V01.` sale ab 01000 111L001. Lear° your orders • at the mill. We deliver every day to ally Dart .of tio town free. Wo hope you win leap ue to melte aSt1.0e086 of the business, which moans a success for the toWn. „ • , Righest Prices for Wlicat At all times.' TzlitiirnOtIn No; 20. ISTnWART BROS. 'iS6 WILLIAMS, 0- G Grand Bend Baru's. -The Maccabees held their picnic on Saturday and it proved quite successful. -The Glass Family concert Co.hted a concert in the hall,which was packed, and every person appeared to be highly pleased with the tnrograin. They will be back again and give an- other concert on Friday night, June 17th. -Mrs. J. Dalziel, orPort Huron, is at present visiting Mrs. R. Hared - ton. -.Mr. Roundtree, of London,is the first to camp this season. He came last Thurscley.--Mr. Bishop, of Exeter, was in town last week repairing his cottage. -Min. A. W. litunphries, of Park ill has returned home after spending a, few days with Mrs. Speakman. Zurich. Bninhs.-George Schoellig who has been. attending the Dental college, in fefenreall G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey timer, Commissioner, hire Insurance agent and Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal demi milts carefully drawn at reasonable rates Mouey to Minion real estate at low rates of in Wrest. Office at the Post office. Howell. H J. D. COOICE. --- (Late with Garrow 8r. Proudfoot) Barrister Senator, Notary Public, Rensall. Ont. Vs A. Sellery, L. D S., D. D. Honor Gracia- -`• A. of Toronto university, Dentists. Teeth extraoted without pain or bad effects. Office in Petty's Block, Hensel'. At Zurich every Monday, ecennienoing May 30th. RETURNED- The several wedding parties have returned home after pleasant boney-moon trips. Thomas Bell and bride returned on Monday and will take up their residence in W. Moore's fine brick house. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas returned on Tuesday and will make their home in Blake. Mr. Campbell a,nd bride returned on Wed- nesday and will settle down to the sterner realities of life at Contine City. May all experience happy evedcled lives. STRUM Br. LIGHTNING. - During Saturday afternoon last a heavy elec • tricsal storm passed over this section. The rain, fell in torrents while the lightning was eivid and ,close. The dwelling at Rodgerville, lately vacated by.Mr. Bontlaron and family, now oc- cupied by Mr. McColl, was struck by lightning. The shaft entered the gothic, where it shattered several large boards, and passing along the roof, removing several rows of shingles, exhausted itself in the air. no trace of it passing into the ground being discernible, The inmates sus- tained but a slight shock. DISAPPBARED.- About two weeks ago the 13 -year-old daughter of Wm. Cook, disappeared, and has not since been heard of. The night she is sup-. posed. to, have left was a wet and stormy one. The yoang girl was raise ed bya gentleman and lady who adopt- ed her, but upon their death, Mr. Cook brought her home. As her return is novv being looked upon as doubtful, some anxiety is felt as to her where- abouts. There are letters in the post office for her, and should this item come to her notice, the girl may pro- fit by claiming them. Tan Casa WrreconeewereTwoof our local merchants Were last week sum- moned by, T. T. Westcott, of Exeter, to appear before Squire Snell, of that town, to answer to a charge of selling goods throughout the country without a hawker's license. • The, naercha,nts faced the beak and owing te there be- ing no evidence the case was with- drawn, after several unsuccessful at- tempts by the complainant to effect a 'cash. settlement.. The 'merchants have simply sent out rigs and men to buy produce,not to sellgoods, and the fact of honest business men being subjectecl to such trouble aud annoy- ance by anyone, be he constable or civilian, without the first vestige of substantiation, is a flagrant. violation of British fair play. • TEMPLARS.-Huron District Royal Templars met in Hensall last Thurs- day. There were present sixty dele- gates from different parts of the county. Reports of the various com- mittees were preseated and discussed. The -report on the state of the order showed a good increase since last meeting; in both Royal and Select Degrees, and that the finances are in a very satisfactory state. Dominion Manager Featherston was present, and in the course of the day took.part in the discussions, showing from the government reports' that the order all over' was flourishing. The members promise to take an active part in the plebiscite vote, doing all they cae to ensure its success. * The order will be largely eepresented at the conaentioe to be held in Clinton on. the 16th. SBVERE ACCIDENT. - On Monday evening John Macarther banker, teth- ered his fine driving horse on the side of the road to eat the long. grass which had grown in front of his residence. The animal broke the tether, and Data:not, is home for his vacation. We chased. by a dog, ran down one .of the trust he ma,y be as successful in his back streets. In its fright the horse examinations as our other boys. -Mr. rau against a strong barbed wire fence and Mrs. Chas.. Greb left on Thursday with such force as to throw itself over for Stratford and Milverton to visit the fence onto its bead. Luckily the relatives and friends. - Miss Ettie incident was witnessed by some neigh- Munnock, of London, is the guest of bore, who, realizing that the animal Miss Beatrice Steinbach. - Mrs, ea would sustain injury, gave prompt as- Deichert end children also Mrs. D. sistance. It was discovered that the Geiger left for Cavalier, N. D. to visit horse had received many bad cuts on their children. We wish them a pleas. the breast as well as havingsome main ant visit and, safe return. -The Giese arteries in its forelegs( severed. Blood Familygave a very iateresting concert oozed from the cuts in such 'profusion here, in the town hall on Tuesday that the horse would soon have bled evening. --Last Friday afternoon while to death but for the presence of mind attending a sick colt Mrs. Baeker, of the of „some of the bystanders who clapped town line,Stenley,.hacl theotisfortune their hands over the wounds: The to have the colt fall on her, 'breaking beast is a fine one, and was lately pin , - her leg between the knee and anklecliased. from Mr. Dickson, of Bxeter. Being all alone, she crawled. into the house and endeavored lusileto set the brok- en . Considering her age,73 years, the grit and pluck she exhibited would put many a younger woman to shame. -We most heartily congratulate Geo. and Milton Buchanan on their success at their recent examinations. George, who has been attending law school in 1111111111111111 Oilikitumiromoups'eurook,.11MM controlling it, It wag some time be- Theron 001.113.ty Notes The wife of Rev, E. A, Shaw, Bay - fore the excitement sabsided and. the Who has been in delicate health for some time, left by train en Friday for her former home et Lehelet, where she hopes to recruit. unfortunate ones vvere able to pro- ceed on their journey, but we are pleased to state no one was injured, and but little damage resulted, /3alars-"King Stanton" won 3rd. place in the 2:27 pace at Stratford races last week. --Miss Mare. Jane Me- Qualy is visiting friends in 'Jensen,- Chapman, 4th con„ Sta,nley, died. T. W. Palmer has sold out his con- fectionery business to W.L. Ouimette, Louclesboro, and has taken a situation in the dere. The great majority of the Conserve,- tive protests will be fought to the bitter end, the Conservative party uniting for this purpose. At Benmiller, A. Heddel, while getting 0, load. of straw, had the mis- fortune to upset the load and break his leg just above the knee. Dr. W. N. Wood, who had charge of De. Rutherford's practice Listowel during the latbea's absence in New Tvvexty seveo hogs were sold off the House of Refuge farm last vveek, The seven-year-old daughter of George Penny was fatally burned at Windsor, • After a short illness of a, weels,Anne Belle, the youngest daughter of John Fred Learish, of Londesboro, has re- turned to town.-Oarniel church was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday afternoon last, the con- tracting parties being Geo. Campbell, of St. Joseph, son of Wm. Campbell, of Hay, avid Miss Elms, Mack,daugleter of David Mack, of 1VIcGillivray, and sister of David Mack, of Hay. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. S. Henderson, at 2:30 p. m., and was witnessed not only by the relatives of the contracting parties, but a very large assemblage, principally. made up of ladies, which nearly filled the spaci- Pus church. The svedding march was York, lute gone to Bayfield. played by Miss Fraser, of McGillivray, I On Wednesday of last week Mrs. W. and the scene throughout was a very Treleaven, of Lecknow, died very sud- pleasing one. The beide was very denly from heart failure. She was handsomely attired, as was also the widely known and greatly respected. bridesmaid, Miss Campbell, sister of J. A. Allen, of Alien & Wilson, Clin- the groom. The church was nicely ton, has left that town for Toronto. decorated .for the occasion. The He was also married in Ohicago, ete groomsman was Mr. Fraser, of Mc- Wednesday-, to Miss Maggie Jackson, Gillivray. After the eerenniny, the daughter of T. Jackson. happy couple, ahem/monied by the We have the sad clay to report the guests, drove to the residence of David death of John Eggleson, of Bayfield. Mack, of Hay, where a sumptuous din- He had been sickly and not able to go ner was in waiting, andatfter spending about for some time. Lately he got a social hour or so the wedding party gradually worse until death relieved drove to the depot here, where Mr. his sufferings, and Mrs. Oampbell took the train for The death of John. Nicholson, of the Toronto. We join with -their many 2nd con„rem eves art oldand well-known friends in wishing them all happiness. settler of the township. of Kinloss. De- -.-Tom Murdock's pacing stallion cea,seclewho was born in the Highlands "King Stanton" is coming to tb.e front of Scotland, was 69 years of age, and fast. In the 2:27 pace at Stratford, in came to Kinloss 46 years ago. a field of 10 horses,. starting outside, A very pretty, but quiet wedding, he drove the winner in 2:21e, and that was solemnized at the residence of in the face of a gale. Competent Mrs. McGregor, of Seaforth, on Tues - judges say that in passing that num- day afternoon, when her eldest daugh- ber of horses, he must have went the ter, Annie Robertson, was united in mile in 2:18. He is in Woodstock for marriage to Michael Steele, M. D., of to -day's races. -The Misses Harvey, of Tayistock. Stanley, were in the village on Tues- day visiting Mrs. Beek. -The SelledaY lady, of Goderich, very simply broke Mrs. Edward Hopper, an elderly school teachers and scholars of Fans- her leg above the ankle on Tuesday ville Methodist church pic-niced at Bayfield yesterday. The weather was somewhat cool, but a pleasant time was spent. -Rural Dean Hodgins, of Seaforth , preached in St. Paul's church on Sunday evening last. The dis- course was an able and quteresting one, and those who heard it could not help profiting thereby. -G. D. Arnold has been very ill, but at time of writ- ing is convalescing. --Bread sells for 7c per leaf in Hensall.-The following persons from Zurich left this station Tuesday for Dakota :-Mrs: Nicholas Deichert and threo. elniclardie and ..Yes. Daniel Geiger. -Arthur E1 Wright, druggist, of Oxford, „Mich., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wright. -- Mrs. Mowbray, who has been in Mani- toba visiting her daughter for the past year, returned to town last week, and is the guest of her brother-in-law, Ber- nard -Thompson.-Miss Hodgins, of Luca,n, visited Miss Haskett the past week. -Miss Jane Ross, who has been in Toronto for several months past, returned to town last week, and is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. B. Mc- Lean. -Miss Bertha Hodgins has re- turned home from Toronto, where she visited friends during the past few weeks. -A. new board sidewalk has been laid between Bell's block and the post office. It not only improves the appearance of the street, but lends pleasure and comfort to pedestrians. - Mrs. Shirra and daughter, Miss Nellie, visited Wends in London the past week. -Misses Rollins and Hia,vekshaev, of Exeter: visited. Mrs. F. O. McDonell Tuesday evening. -Miss Maggie Mur- ray, of Clinton, who has been visiting Miss Sutherland for some time,retuan- ed. honie yesterday. -Mrs. Bowey, of Exeter, visited at Adam Rickert's on Tuesday.. -Mrs. F. Williams is at pre- sent seriously ill, with but little hope of her recovery. -Mrs. Jos. Cese visit- ed friends near Exeter on Tuesday. - O. E. Orabb, was in Goclerich, his for- mer home, this week on business. - Miss Wary Gilchrist WAS in Seaforth the past week visiting her mother. Miss Martha took charge of the store here in her absence. -Rev. A.Y. Hart- ley, of McLennan, Algoma., accompan- ied by his daughter, Mrs. Sharp of Varna, visited at-. j'as. Sutherla,nd s lase week. -Miss Aggie Buchanan, visited her brother, John Buchauan of the Agricultural College, Guelph, last week. -Alex. Miller and Miss Loviva Kerr also visited friends in Guelph. - Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. McDonell visited friends in Toronto the past week. Cow By -Law. Mn. EDITOR. -I understand. that there is an agitation going on at pees - Then Oeesn-Hawsznes' PloNio.-The •ent to prohibit bicycle riders the vise of Oase and . Hawkins' families, of the sidewalks. Now we have a bigger London Road, south, picniced at Grand nuisance on the sidewalks of Exeter Bend un. Saturday last. NoteVith- than bicycles, and that, is cows. It is standing that the weather *as luck- all "eery well to kick up 'a row because merit, a pleasant time Was spent at a bicycle runs over some person, Dash the lake. But the return journey in off to the conneil and ask them to pro - the evemeg counterbalanced the day's hibit them running on sidewalks. peoceeedin s. 'While driving along Why not get them fined P Bue you TorOnto,pasSed with honors and walla the Lake iload, between Dashwood can't fine the cow that destroys your scholarship of $p, This is Milton's ist and ticeter, owing to the intense dark-. fence, eats up the gardeu MAL and year at the University and he eatne ness and the rain heavily; most artistically paints your gate, Achim Case'horse left the road and Wert and walk, and all tbe symathy you got from owner of cow is "you ought to look out for them." The same applies to bicycle riders,"yeu ought to look out for them." Some, people in this town leek On the streets as a place to run n dairy farm; they keep from two to Six e0Ws mit, where one is quite. enough. The majority of the people, especially those with com- mon sense, evill agree with no that this town would be better, deaner and lees herd feelings if our Town Fathers would pass a by-law compelling all cows to he kept off the street. They mit first, winning honors and a Schol•- arship of $60. Zurich nia,y well be proud to own euch ihtelligent young item ' Do You REAM What people tive ;saying. about Hood's Sarsaparilla? Itt is curnag the WOrSt CMOS of scrofula, dyspepsia, rheumatism and all forms of 'Ado& disease, eimptions, sores boils and pimples. Xt is giving strength to weak and tired women. Why' should you hesitate to take it when it, is doing ets touch for others? Hood's Pills Are the best catharbie ancl liver tonic, gentle, reliable %ire1 pluu ge into iihn ditch, upsetting Inc buggy and throwing one of the oc- Haat no equal as a, prompt and posi- cupants, George Hawkins, out of the tive cUre for sick headache, biliousness, rig. George, with his eustoraary cohstipation, pain in the side, and all alacrity and. presence of mind, grabbed liver treelike. Ottrtee's Little Liver the horse by the head. and aftet beli?g trivet tho'beggy into a deep MP. and Mrs. Case and two children were in the rig at, the time and became pinioned to the ground by the buggy turning over an top of them. Ma Case maringed tti; '.1rawl out and seize the horse by the head before it Could. get away. .He hem on. to the beast, !and in response to the Call for help,Mr. Peter (hese, eifae following in enothee rig, rendered assiseance in ex- tricating .the discomfited wayfeeers. It the same time ;mother home,. tak- ing fright at the el in the diteh, jumped into Sohn awfsins, . boggy, if 10)1110re sidewtilke end it is not sale preceding ib, aiming his horse Mao to for any person to walk oat of anhave even, lag after desk they got a deeent pate °Meet& on or a rcepedablo skirt; they are SUce to be ruined before you get baCk. Treating that, steps will be taken to a abate 'Hits nuisance., „ Pills. `1.'rm y the, draggen iortOnte distance eueceeded in am Yours, A Orminsr. 8t. Ataxy s. evening. She was passing from an outer to an inner room and had to not lost its point yea ascend a couple of steps. The bell of Fire broke out at about 5 o'clock the foot and her .weight was on the Thursday afternoon in the residence first step, when she lost her balance of James Moore, Qu.een street west,St. with the above serious result. Marys, doing. considerable damage be - A. Mitchell correspondent says : Last fore it was extinguished., It was caused week A. 13urritt took back the girls by the proximity of rags to burning that sbruck three weeks ago for an sulphur, which -was being used for advaine in wages. Besides he is giving disinfecting purposes. Loss $100, them steam poseer to run their ma- which is covered. by insurance in the chines, as he has large orders to fin Waterloo Mutual. and the factory has-been practically closed. The girls now feel happy, as they have gained their point. . Alexander L. Weir died at his home, Godericb, on Saturday, after an illness extending. over two years. Deceased Was born ea Dundee 52 years ago, and soon afterwards he moved to Goderich Tp., and. afterwards to town. About seven or eight years ago he kept store in Stratford, moved to Goderich, and about two years ago went to Parkhill, returni ing to town n May last year. Robert McHardy, of Bluevale, cited the other clay of heart disease. He was a native of Aberdeenshire, Scot- land, where he was born in 1825. After his marriage to Sarah Petrie, he went on a voyage to Australia, and remained there five years. In 1857 Mr. and Mrs. McHardy came to Canada and settled. in Colborne town- ship. The next move was to Goderich, and twenty-seven years ago they reeved to Bluevale. Malcolm Mawan, of the 3rd con. of Stanley, who went to Liverpool five weeks ago with 60 head of cattle, re- turned home on Monda,y, being • ac- companied by Messrs D. McLean, Kip - pen, and Murdock, Brucefield, both of whom had been -over on a similar errand. While in Liverpool he met PeterMaGregor, Brucefield, who had gone over with horses. Mr. McEwan had the good fortune to strike a pay- ing market; and made an enjoyable trip, as the ocean was quite calm, bah going and coming. On Wednesday, June let, the home of James Esler, Gosh.en line, Stanley, was the scene of a very pretty wed - W. D. lrlatt, of Hamilton, has sold to Hen. Thomas Greenwey, I.ireraier of Manitoba, Crimson Knight, a nine - months' Shorthorn calf; price $300. Harsh purgative remedies are fast giving way to the gentle action, and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver I Pills. If you try them, they will, cer- tainly please you. 1 The first senior C. L. A. champion - I ship match of the season WaS pla,yed PRINTS! PRIN'Tar Seaforth, Saturdey, between the quaTibiteiesi,atest patterns 'arid ,be JOHN WHITE k SONS Publishers and Frolnietors STDIZZINT6- 0-001D8 'ram A nice new stock of Spring Goods opened, SPECIAL VALUES, Batons, of Georgetown, area Beavers, of Seaforth. Score, I to 3 in favor of the Beavers. The License Board of South Perth net in Mitchell on Monday when the license of the Hicks House, Doersinion hotel, Dublin, andan hotel in Tavistock, were transferred to their new proprietors. At Peterboro' the Town Connell has refused to make a, grant to entertain the Grand Lodge of „Good Templars. The soreheads threaten to contest the legality of the grant to the Wheel - men's Meet Committee. Alfred Foader was arraigned before Clauselhurst Justices of the Peace F. Suet aud J. McCa,usland at St. Thomas Thursday, RIE-.Nichola.s Horton has sold_ charged with an offence under the his f&emPs'containing fifty aeres, to his AT BARGAIN PRICES. ' GROCERIES.' Always fresh and guaranteed pure. tit, Re rlnoss Chaeton Act, the coroplaanant being Etta. Dexter, not yet sixteen years of age, an inmate of the Elgin House of ndustr A quiet weddingtook place at the residence of the bride's mother, East Wawanosh, on Wednesday, June let, brother John for a good fig-nre.-The masons are now laying the foundation for the new Presbyterian church here. This promises to be •a handsome church when completed. -The masons have the cellar of Wm Kinsman's new d.welling completed. being that of Miss Helen, fourth daughter of Mrs. Gregor McGowan, INSTANT RBLIEF guaranteed by to Mr. J. Archie Shipley, second son using Milburn's Sterling Headache of John B. Shipley, of Denfield, Mid- Powders: No dekessing after effect. dlesex county. James Keogh, of Seaforth, xeceived The shirtmakers of Canada, will cut rather a severe gash in the knee while down the wages of their employes 3.0 working with a, dra,whig knife, ore per cent., begiening on July 1. They Tuesday evening. do this, they say, to meet the compe- Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia,. titian of the United States, the Gov- and too hearty eating, is relieved at eminent, having refuseclio restore the once by taking one a Carter's Little tariff in force previous to last session. Liver Pills immediately after dinner. Thomas Hood's "Song of the shirt" has Don't forget this: Fred. Hammet, Seaforth, who works with F. Gutteridge, met with a pain. ful accident while at work one day last week. He was working with some heavy stones when one of them fell on his finger, crushing it badly, It is now announced that the British will this year lose $75,000,000 in tour- ists traffic because of the war. The sellers of the old world novelties and hotel accommodation will leave fellow - After a protracted illness, Johtt sufferers m the United States seaside Eagleson, one ef the old settlers of the resort neenevhosebusiness has all gone Deerfield line, Godetielntownship,pass- to ,smash this -season from th e war arid ted away on Saturcleleehet the age of 71 its excitement. ' years Deceased. was well known and highly respeeted, and had ' resided there for a groat many years. He was unmarried,and kept much to him- self, taking only a general interest, in public affairs. He leaves tIV3 brothers -one in Lucknove and one in Bayfield, and two sisters -one in Stanley and the other at the Soo. Frank Oliver, of Mitchell, who: is 79 years of age, can hold his own with most; riders. He rode his running mare over the track the other day, at a gait that neither Lilly B. or Bella J. ever attained, and .in going up the home stretch the little mare and her rider surprised all onlookers. Mr, Oliver can do a good day's work, too. Last weck- he assisted his son plowing ou his farm in Hibbert, and was quite fresh when he got through in the evening. On Thursday last one of °the most highly respected andh on ored residents of Stanley passed away, in theperson of Mrs. johnston, wife of Thomas John- ston, both of whom were pioneer settlers in this fine townshipeend came to it when it was literally a howling. wilderness. Some time agolirs.john- ston ha,d the misfortune to break her leg above the knee, and. although the doctors sot it, her extreme a,ge pre - George Harcourt, a graduate of the Ontario Agricultural College, has been appointed rnana,ging editor of The Northwest Farmer at Winnipeg. Mr. Harcourt hashed extensive experience in Farmers' InStitete work and on the agricultural press, having been. for some time one of the editors of Farm- ing: The present financial difficulties of Beoadway Tabernacle, New York, seem to be in a fair way of being ad- jasted for the time at least. The Trus- tees need $10,000 immediately, and to the $500 already put in 'by. I, W. Fla.velle, 0. D. Massey, who. is Presi- dent of the Toronto Methodist Social Union, has added $1,000, provided the other 0,000 needed is raised. The annual convention of the Huron Oounty Sabbath School Association will be held in Wingharn on Tuesda,y and Wednesclay,June 21-22. Addresses will be given bere J. P. Ross, Exeter; C. W. .Andrewe, Wroxeter ; Israel -- Taylor Clinton; Rev, J. W. McRae, Torodo ; Rs Holmes Clinton ; Miss J. Murray, Winghatn ; Rev. B. °lenient .and D. McTavish Clinton; R. J. Ellerington, Lumley A. S. Mc- Dowell, Westfield ; W. H. Kerr, 13rus- Is A. T. Cooper, Clinton; vented it knitting properly, and after se- ; Stoddart, Goderich ; Mrs. Pentland, Dunganncm ; Mr. Dickie, Seaforth; Rev. W. Rigsby, Blyth: Miss NVash- ington, Clinton ; Mrs. I?. J. McKay, Woodstock ; Rev. W. F. Wilson, Hana i 'toe. eight weeks' illness and seffering, borne with great fortitude, she passed to her eternal home, at the age of 83 years. She lived in Stanley for over 50 years, and ha.d been married for over 60 years. ding, the Rev. J. S. Henderson, of Her aged partner survives henhe being Hensall, officiating. The contracting bale and hearty at the age of 80 years parties were Miss Agnes, the charming and 2 months, and estima,ble daughter of Mr. and The report of the secretary-trea.surer Mrs James Esler, and Alexander of the South Perth Farmers' Institute, McOonnel, son of the late Rev, James showed receipts of $139.75, and An ex- penditure of $131.46, A resolution was passed that directors and members melte a special effort to add still fur- ther to the membership. Regular ineet- lugs will be held for the coming year at /thtchell and St. Marys; simplemen- tary . meetings at Sebringville, Born- holm, Woodham, Russeldale and Staffa. Love, of the town line, Stanley, elle Directors were elected as follows ; St. sill broke and fell to the ground, strik- Marys-DreGibb, Legge, P. Wheli- T. Cochleae fearfulblow on the head han ; Blanshard-Wm. Johnston, .1. and wounding a few others, hut not Sutherland, J. A. Donald ; Dosvnie-. seriouslyo There was very little hope of N. Monteith, J. Arbpgash George Mr. Cochrane's recovery but he is pro • Frame ; Fallarton,-Joseph Jackson, gressing notwithstanding that J. D. Stewart, George Bald; llibbert- his teeth were knocked out and hiS White, Hamilton,A. Walker; jaw broken. It seems. the barn had Logan --Wm. 1VIcKenzie,D.DeCoursey, bean neglected and thewee had caused W. Harvey; South Easthope- Dr. the sill to rot, so that' it Was not able Steele, A. Bell, J. Doig; to bear the strain of being raised. ,AIrbite, in, J. Forrester, T. H. Race. Much sympathy is egpressecl for Me. At an after meeting of directors F. Cochrane in, his sad Misfortune. Whelihan was elected president ; Dr. At a meeting of the Horse Commit- Gibb, vice president; P. S. Armstrong, tee of the Western Fait ou Saturdey secretary -treasurer; .0. Chalmers and afternoon, the following judges were L. Hareem, auditors. sel ec bed i -Th orcmgle heed ten p on i es - 3e Fife, Palmerstme , reserve; Fred., Row, Bele:mat, Hackneys, saddle !mut- A. IVIeConnel, formerly pastor of Bay- field road and Blake congregations. The bride was ably assisted by her sister, Miss Zella, ot Chicago, and J. H. McConnel acted as groomsman. A few days ago while A. McBeth was raising a barn preparatory to put- ting a stone fouadatiou under it for R. Sale Register. ere arid high steppers -J, H. Reid, --- . Geelph, reserve; eV, Stevens, St. TUgSDAY, SUNIll 28th. -- Valuable Maces. Coach ancl carriage me line-. farm And crop, in the township of David Mointosb, Brneefield, reserve; Wilbert, county of perth. 20 acres in 5,. Hendley, St. Mary's, on harness, hitY and 50 loves in spring grain. Two acres orchard. The property roust W. Murray, Toronto; R. W. Jackson, Toronto. Roadsters, on iii,„,..4, be sold. Robt. Kellam), prop ; Thos. LowrY. Montreal, reserve; H. D. Ken- °emcee°. Auct. . . "may, Ilderton, on hartives, 0, Jobe- Ni, other preparation has ever done stOn, Clinton, W. SteVelts, $t. Miley's. en many people so mucib good as Olycleedales and English Shires -john Hood's Sarsaparilla, AMOViCA'S 'Great- Itict/Airnaidf.Lneltn ow, reserve; Samuel est Medicine, Smiley,. flensall. Heavy draughts-- Ar Thomas Green, Dublin, eeserv et 3, n. sram jOINTS genera) pvieposo-s. A'Afg!klaililitlityd'itlo (11:0d; Aro roadtiv ihotorod o 0 by tilt optical:ion 13Iackall, Clinton. 1 of leagyerd's Yellow Oil, ' The best meetly Ilighfield, reserve - Thomas Bvitiist sr., rondo for Sprains, bruises, cuts, 'Mena, ota • Takes out pain in a iiirr. BIRTHS. WICKIE-In Mitchell, on the ith hod. Mrs - August Wiekie, of ca. son. WATSON-In Hibbert, on tb.e Oth inst.. Mrs. Josiah Watson, of a daughter. JOHNSTON--In Clinton, on ,Tuno 8, the wife of Mr, Oliver Johnston. of a son. .. MAR1tIAGES. • BROWX-BAKER-At tho manse, Clinton, on June dtb, by Rev. A. Stewart, W. Brown, to Miss A. Baker, both of .BaYlield. • CAMPBELL-MAOK-At CarmelPresbyteriau church, Hansel], on ;Juno 81h. by Rev. J. S. Henderson, C. Campbell, of st,Josopb, to Miss Mack, of Honsall. McCO.N-NEL- ESLER-Atthe residence of the bride's father, Stanley, on ,Tunel IM, by Bor. j. S. Henderson, Alex. ItteConnel, to Mi 4s Agnes Esler. -VANSTONE-HAMILTON---At the Manse, Goderieb. on Jima 4, by Rev. J. A. Anderson, R A... George mVamttono, of Colborne, to Minulo Huilten. of West Wawanosh. TA.YLOII-ATIDDLEMISS-Th Mitchell, an the 8th lust., at the resMence of Jas. Pliddlemiss, by Roy. T. j. Kollin, Walter Edgar Taylor, of Paris, to Mabel Ifithlleinia, of the same place, ST1ELE-MeGaBG011.--411 Seaforth, cm June 7th, at tho residence of the bride's mother, Mi.ohaol Steele,. M.,.D., of Tavistock, VI Annie Robertson,eldest daughter of the inlet 1)011010 McGregor, of IVIelCillop. DEATHS.' IIVNCI-t-in Myth, on Jim() 3111, Jeremiah Lynch nod GO veers. EAGLESON-1'n 14otlorie1t township, on Atha lth, 3 oh() Eagleson, aged 71 years. 3DITN8T0N-I0 Varna, on June 2a0, Sarah, wife 08 Thos. Johnston. aged. 83 years. 14tTIRPHY )3oocilWOOd, 011 Juno 7th, Michael Unrphy, aged 78 years. scorr--In IVfotikton, on t ho 21a1 inst„ om as Seat, aged 01 years. DOI:DORT V -in Logan, on Juno 0111, Mrs. Alex Doherty, aged 72 years. W1011. -In tiodoricb, on June 311h A lexander. Weir, agotl 52 years. .Goderieh, on 31111e Pah, .14mm/e1 Fisher, late of elneago, Aged Alt years, 3 months. 3OHNSIVNE--TU "Varna, on June tIntl, Sarah stephenson, Iran of Mn Thomas aolmatone. &ma85 on.pt and 1 month. MARTIN -1n Goderieb, on 31100 71h, ,lielintla Staitord, widow of the late Henry Mart in, aged 02 year and 5 months. Doan's Kidney PHIS ettro Bright's Diseaso. Diabetes, Dropay, Bitekache, Rheumatism nal ail Wino?' and tritutrV disorders, Send for free 110511 to orohte Out,