HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-6-9, Page 5Tide is the complaint of thOusailla st thie season. at They have no appetite; food does not relish. They need the toning up of the stomach arid digestive organs which a course of Roodill 's Sarsapara 411I give them. •It also purifiee and enricaes the blood, cures that distress after eating and Internal misery only a derepeptio can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and build e up and sustains the whole physical system. It no prompt- ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp- toms and cures nervous headaches, that it seems to have almost "a magic touch." Hoo Sarsaparilla hi the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. im.tare the best after-dlnner 1100(1 rliviS pills, aid digestion. 250, 4191110:61100153ES Additional Locals. CAN•T KILL Dean. —The Hanover • youngsters must, be a surprisingly • hardy class of the Anglo-Saxonand Show how the race makes such ex- cellent soldiers. The Post of last week tells of one of their babies 18 months old falling from a sidewalk to the ground eighteen feet below, and When it was picked up was found not only 'uninjured but smiling at the fun of • the occurrence. A oop Loogener.—This spring has been one after the farmer's own heart. Had he the ordering of the weather he could hardly have arranged it to suit purposes better. The ground was in the very best of shape for cultivation in the spring, and as a result the grain went into a model seed bed. The past two weekshave witnesseda,phenomenal growth in the fields. The appearance of the country. is a sight for sore eyes. Everything indicates a very- heavy crop of hay—in fact nothing but frost would prevent that now,as it has made such growth that drought would hard- ly now prevent a heavy yield. BICYCLE BULES.—Now that there are so many wheels, accidents are liable to occur unless all who ride observe the common rules of the read. Always keep to the right, and. one very fertile source of accidents may, be avoided. Always slow up at a corner. Slow up when you sneet a wheel, for the other fellow may be an idiot, and turn to the left; don't scorch in town, it's unsafe and ungentlemanly. Always treat pedestrianawith respect —even if they don't reciprocate. Give horses and carriages the right of way usually; you have as much right on the road as they, but drivers don'b appear to think so, and you mighe better waive your right than sma.sh your wheel and perhaps your head. How To Disatonerr. — All women ride gracefully but few can dismorint in any but an awkward manner. A woman's wheel is an awkward machine even for the mostsgraceful to dismount from. There is a right and. a wrong way to dismount, so far as grace is concerned. The awkward way, though the one usually taught,is tosiow down, and. as the left pedal reaches the lowest points to slip to the ground with the right foot. The graceful 'Svay, some- times called the "French dismount," is to stand on the left pedal after the wheel has slowed up, and then step to • the ground on the left side of the wheel with the right foot. All worn en should adopt this method. THE POST (lemma—We have been requested by the recipient, to publish in the TIMES the following letter, one of many received by prominent Liberals in E 'ter: Huron ()aunty Notes Ex -Sheriff Gibbons is very ill. Mrs. Hugh 'Via:atrial ey, of BrucefieIcl, bas been very ill duriag the past week. R. ld, McLean, of Kippen, left a feev days ago for the old country with his fat cattle. L. Wettlitufer, of Aelburn, has sold his general store business and stock to Thos. Riddell, of Londesboro, 'who took possession Moaday, Wettlaufer expects to go on the road, Thomas Ward, of Varna, plucked from a field on his farm on Monday last etalks of peas which were fun of bloom, These peas were sown in the second week in .April. Dupcan McTavish, of Chiselhurst, met with a bad loss last week by los- ing a valtia,ble mare, The beast in some manner got down in the stall ancl entangled in the halter and died. from the effects. The junior foot ball clabs of Galtand Seaforth met at Stratford Saturday afternoon, and played the final game in the Western Foot. Ball Association series. Seaforth won 8 goals to 1, thus vviuniug the series and cup. A one inning -cricket match was played at Clintombetween Forest and the home team. Score: — Clinton, 89; Forest, 59. The visiting team having to leave by trait before the second inn - bag could be completed, this score was ,inade the game. On Saturday, while Mr. Charles Betts •Was working at T. R. F. Case's meat emporium, Seaforth, he met with a painful accident. He had a knife in his hand and was in the act of sticking a pig when the knife slipped and made a deep gash in his band, almost sever- ing his thumb. jas..Thornpson (son-in-law of A. Swan) of 1VIoosejava Mane with two others have lately gone to the Mon - dyke with three car loads of fat cattle; Mr. Thompson rented his farm for 3 years and will probably prospect there; his friends in Brucefield wishhim suc- cess in the land of gold. When Geo. Chesney was going into the town hall, Seaforth, on Thursday evening last, he had a narfow escape froni a serious accident. As the drains were being repaired the sidewalk had been removed and planks placed across the opening. He was crossing on one of these when it slipped and he was thrown down, receiving slight injury to his foot On Saturday last Richard Heywood, of Clinton, who had been in poor health for considerable time (although able to be around), passed tp the great beyond. His aihnent wee lungtrouble, for which he was treated some mouthe since at Gravenhurst Sanitarium and received much relief. The deceas- ed was a bricklayer by calling, an old resident of Clinton and highly respect- ed by the people. His age was 55 years. Robert Logan. and Sohn 0. Steele arrived in Seaforth, from Carberry, Manitoba, on Tuesday. Mr. Logan says that the Prairie Province is pros- perous. The good crops of the past two years and the high prices for wheat this year have put farmers there on their feet, and the large influx of immigrants this year is causing an active demand for farming lands. As an example of this, a farm of half a section, near Carberry, 'Which was offered for $2,500 two years ago, was sold this spring for $6,000. In McKillop, on May 80th, James Ilastie, one of the pioneers of that township,passed to the silentmajority in the perfect hope of a glorious re- surrection. Some time ago Mr. Rastie met with an accident from which be never thoroughly recovered and which indirectly caused his death, although hemorrhage of the bowels was the direct cause. The deceasedwas born in Falkirk, Sterlingshire, Scotland, in 1819, and came to this country in 1851, settling first in Hamilton where be worked as a cabinet ma:ker for one year. The following spring, he moved McKillop and settled on con. 6, here he resided until bhe time of his death: SICK rfnADA0101, however annoying and, distressing., is positively cured by Lexa-Liver Pills. They are easy to take and never griPe. Saliva 'ThostaaanttiO of LIVOS. 'our years ego Iaceb Dowitta, of ire9 leuesel> Was •drafted' to the ‘erge of death by dreadful heart diseese, IIwae gen up to die. Erem vlgoigrus manhood he had gone to a broken despondent Wreck. Ere Procured Da Afuetios our6, for the ateert, toed It fa tiffany, atid to -day Weighs 218 pounds, and lives to blea$ the ithim- It o relieves In e aininteteaseee24, Ay the great rotnedy Wats' teconllilerided &Act by C. Lon, Tileaster. The other evening a horse attached to a, buggy hadjust stopped in front of the Hotel Bedford, Goderich, and while the driver was geteing out the Salve, - tion Army drummer struck the drum and frightened the animal. The horse xnade a sudden start for the centre of the road, helping the driver out, then made for the square and rem between the fenee and the chestestits, barking two of the latter. The buggy turned over and was badly injured, but the horse was unlatert,as he was stopped by W. Dahn, who ran across the road from Lee & Shepparci's,seized him and • held him until he was landed in the stable. Robert McHardy, of Bluevale, was taken suddenly ill while drawing wood to his home, on Wednesday morning of last week. He was carried into the house of his son-in-law, James Aitchesou, and a doctor sent for, but in spite of all that could be clone for him, he passed away in a few minutes. He complained of a pain in the region of the heart the Sunday before, but on Monday he was better. • Mr. McHardy bad never been ill in his life until that clay, and whether death was caused by heart disease or an epileptic fit, is not clearly known, The funeral took place on Friday afternoon and was attended by a very large num- ber of people. Mr. 1VI,clitercly was born near Balmoral, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in 1825, and when quite young moved with his parents to Forfarshire, • where he afterwards married Agnes Petrie, Mr. Eagle, McKillop, passed peace- fully away about eight o'clock Monday night. His death was very Sudden and unexpected at the last. He had been confined to hie bed for some clays bat no immediate danger was anti- cipated. Ile got out, of bed, and before he conla be got in again he died. 4 post-mortem examination revealed the cause of death to be an internal can- eer, aggravated by the fell whieh he received some days previously. efr. Hastie was a native of Falkirk, Seot- land, He came to Canada in 1851, and • worked for a while at his trade as a eabin et maker in Hain i Iton an et S treats- ville. 1Ie wee an expert) workman. He came to McKillop in 1852, taking up the farm on the Stei con., on wilith he continued to reside entil his death. Re had reaaliecl the good age of 70 years and 2 months, 1Wontlerial Leitor From a Grateful man. Paine's Celery Compound Saved iis Life Physicians, Medicines and Mineral Springs Failed Him in His Time of Need. A Prominent Druggist Vouches for the Truth of Every Statement. Wells & Richardson 0o. GENTLEMISN: —I think it my duty, without solicitation from any one,. to write in the interests of other suffer- ers, and give you a testimonialin favor of your (to me) almost miraculous remedy, Paine's Celery. Compound. For more than a year I was suffering from theagonizing pains of sciatica, and after trying all that medical skill could devise, and using many remedies patent and otherwise, I concluded to try the Hot Springs at Banff. I took the treatment thoroughly and care- fully for six weeks, and came home at the end of th.at time racked with pain and weighing43 pounds less. At this juncture, when hope was almost fled, I heard of Paine's Celery Compound. It seemed suited to my case, and I sent to my druggist, Mr. J.W. Higgin- botham, of this place, and asked about it. He recomic.endecl it to me, and I took a bottle. I soon began to feel better, and after taking the second bottle I was a cured man and threw away my crutches. I keepa bottle on hand in case of any return of the complaint. I am now 58 years old,and I feel as spry and healthy and free from pain as I ever did in my life. I was born in Norfolk, England, and came to Canada when only three years old. I was brought up in the township of Cornwall, Ont- ario,and came to Manitoba eight years ago. Have always been a farmer, and am as able to do hard work now as ever I was. With a heart full of gratude for the benefits derived from the use of your remedy, and a wish to infleence others who may suffer, I gladly and freely write this letter. Yours gratefully, JAMES LEVERINGTON, Virden Man. Mr. J. W. Higginbotham, the suc- cessful and extremely popular druggist of Virden, vouches for Mr. Levering - ton's statements, as follows ; I have known Mn. Leverington for two year or more, and. can confirm what he says in regard to his cure. by Paine's Celery Compound. Ever since his cure he has been sounding its praises, and he is a perfect enthus- iast on the subject of Paine's Celery Compound. I believe him to be thor- oughly reliable. J. W. HIGGINBOTHAM, Druggist. -THE PIONEER LIMITED Is the name of tbe only perfect train in the world, now running every night between Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul and Minneap- olis via tbe Chicago, Milwaukee as St, Paul Railway—the pioneer road of the West in ad- opting all improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of passengers. .An illustrated pam- phlet, showing views of beautiful scenery along the route of the Pioneer Limited, will bo sent free to any person upon receipt of two -cent postage stamp. Address Geo. H. Heaftord, General Passenger .Agent, Chicago, 111. AAA feKla REPORTS Exeter June 8th, 1895 Wheat per bushel .90 to .90 Oats... .. - . .29 to 29 Barley. ...... ... .. ...55 to 38 Peas. .... . .. .. 54 to 54 Butter .. ..„ ..... ...12 to 12 Eggs 9 to 9 Turkeys ... 9 to 9 Geese... ... 4 to 5 Chickensper 0,4 to 5 Ducks ...... .... 5 to 9 Wool.. 17 to 18 Dried Apples.. .. .. 21 to si Pork dressed—. . .. 5.50 to 15.50 Pork live weight .10 to 4.26 Hay per ton ... . ...... .. .. 000 to 6.00 Clover seed .... .... .... .... 4.00 to $5.00 Alsikc clover 4.50 to $5.00 Thnothy seed ... ... . .... ...... 1 00 to 31.20 —..... Emden, June 8th, 1898. Wheat per bushe ,.. ..... —.1.05 to 1.08 Oats...., ..— ......31 to 341.- Peas . 5 to GO Barley.. ... . .... 38fr to 50 Buckwheat ....36 to 34 Rye . , .... —89 to 39 Corn ......34 to 48 Beans 40 to 60 Butter .... ...... 13 to 14 Eggs 10 to 11 Ducks 60 to 70 Turkeys per lb.... . .. . .. 10 to 12 Geese per in 9 to 10 Chickens.. 50 to 75 Cheese, .. , . 2 to 10 Potatoes per bag _85 tol 00 Hay per ton ...... ...... ..$ 6.01 to $ 7'50 Pork per cwt.. •.. .. $4.50 to 86.00 The merit of Rood's Sarsaparilla Is literally written in bloed. It is traced in the vital fluid Of millions of the human race. Its positive medicinal merit And curative power is written. Upon the hearts, and graven upon The minds of thoueireds Of people whom it has cured And giver.) good health When there seemed nothing before Them but darkness and despair. It cures all diseases arising From or pi:or/lobed by impure Blood by its intrinsic merit as The One Teen Blood purifier 'Cook's Cotton Boot Conaponni. Is eueceSsfully usec1 monthly by over 10,000LadieS. Safe, effeetual, Ladies aalf ysur druggist for Cook's Coffee Reef Com - &add. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations aro dangerous. PACs, No. 1, 51 per box; No, sof) degrees strongor,$3 per box, Isto, 101 2, mailed on reeeipt of price and two 11-eent etininGe, The Cook OompanyMindsor, Ont. Vir*NOS. I and 5 sold and meosemeudedbestIb reentonsibleneuggeas in Canada. No., 1 and No, 2 sold in Exeter by Je W. Ilrownieg„ druggist, T Vertie 001.11ItY Notes. Wm, Hawn, Hibbert, and wm. Fawcett,. Eallarton, bailed for Liver- pool lately via Alien Angue McDonald, of Hilbert, has been recommended to the, position or deputy game warden of Perth. The famous $9,000 gold bricks palm- ed off on 3. D. lVfoore, of $t. Marys, were on exhi biti on at the Rimless held in. Sarnia recently. YuLLow OIL is prompt to relieve and sure to cure coughs, cplds, sore throat, pain in the chest, hoarseness, quinsy, etc:, Price 25c. jacob Bald, of lot 24, Con. 2, Downie, oae of the best known and highly re- spected men betweeu Stratford and 1‘10 2,1atefrnin ht:il'adielloetsofr1 iSunndeaay11,°01;nrei year'sg'lVllY duration. •• A by-law to raise by way of loan the sum of $19,700 for purposeof eleetriC light and waterworks will be voted upon by the ratepayers of Listowel on July 6, and in the event of the by-law passing, a special naeeting of the town council will be held on the 70. The many friends of Robert, Lyon,St. Marys, who bad his ankle broken OD the 24113., will be pleased to know he is doing nicely, but cannot be brought home for a week or so yet from John Hobbs, residence, Se. Ives, where 110 10 under the best of care and treatment. Dadley, the tramp who shot Bagg- ageraan IdeKeough, of St, Mays, has been sent im for trial on the charge of shooting with intent to kill. The bullet has not as yet been located, al- though Mr. McKeough is doing well, and no serious consequences are ex- pected. A few evenings since a foot race of one -hundred yards, for $5 aside, was run by a drug clerk and a hardware clerk of Mitchell. The hardware clerk downed the pill man. A. half mile race between a harness maker and a hotel man followed, but neither of them reached the wire, both of them having got winded soon after the start was made. Members of the MitchellW. C. T. V. have been busy of late preparing and sending comfort bags xo the lumber- men in the Canadian woods. These comfort bags are filled with all kinds of useful articles, such as Bibles soap, • pins, needles, thread, scissors, cotton bandages, darning yarn and handker- chiefs. They are forwarded for distri- bution to the evangelist employed by the Dominion W. 0, T. U. John Somers a few weeks ago cele- brated his 90ila birthday.. He is living with his On, Frank Somers, Myer road, and is still bale and hearty. In- deed, very few men of his age can accomplish the amount of work be does. Ile assists in milking and car- ing fox. the stock and does much other work on the farm. Occasionally he visits his daughter, Mrs. ICeats, Wel- lington street, but only remains a few days, because be says there is nothing to do, and he must be busy. May his good health continue for many a year yet. ---St. Marys Argus. A sequel to a recent case in the police court in which V. Weis,proprie- tor of an hotel in Shakespeare, was found guilty of supplying liquor to a Min oro;bas just developed. It appears that a young ma.n named Fred Bueh- ler was a witness against Weis in the case. When they eext met Weis be- gan to use abusive language towards Baechler,who promptly went to Strat- ford and consulted a local legal firm as to the best course to pursue. The lawyers wrote to Mr. Weis demanding an apology, which was recently hand- ed in by the irate hotelkeeper, togeth- er with costs, and accepted by Mn. Baechler. Iles so pleasant to take that children cry for it; but, it is death to worms of all kinds. Dr. Low's worm syrup. Price 25c. All dealers. County Clerk Wm. Davidson, Strat- ford, while on the second story of My- ers' hardware store, stepped backward. through the elevator shaft, falling a distance of several feet, striking his head against the stone wall, inflieting an ugly gash. This is the spot where a young lad named Edward. Clancy was killed some ten years ago. BIRTHS. DAY—In Exeter, on the 3rd. the wife of Louis Day, of a &tighter. DOUP10-- On May 28th,the wife of Amos Doupe Blanshard, of a daught•er. HAND FORD—In Contralia,on the 5th inst.,the wife of Thos. Handford, of a daughter. UNTZ—In Exeter, on the 8th inst.'the wife of Wm. Kuntz, of twins, son and. daughter. MARRIAGES. BISHOP—WOLFE—On May. 301h, by. the Rev. J. T. Roy, P. L. Bishop, of Exeter, to Bertha L., youngest daughter,of Mr, and. Mrs.Joseph Wolfe, of IN innipeg. BELL—DICK—At the residence of the bride's parents, on tho 81h inst., Thomas Bell, of Hensall, to Miss Bertha, daughter of Thomas Dick, Hay township. DOUGLAS—DICK—At the residence of the bride's parents, on the 8th inat,, Robert Douglas,to Miss Mary Ellen,seconddaughter of Thonms Dick, all of the township of -Flay. BAYLEY—CAMERON—In Knox church on Wednesday, June 1st, by Rev. Jas. A. Ander- son, B. A., Richard Bayley, Barrister in Lon- don, to Mabel Victoria, daughter of X. C. Cameron, M. P. • DEATHS. DANT-TAM—In Biddulph, on the 3rd, Ida, in fent daughter of Wm. Denham. HAST1E—In McKillop, on May 30th, jarnes Hastie, aged 79 years and 2 months. HEYWOOD—In Clinton, on May 28th,Riehard Ileyitood, aged. 56 years. BONIS—On East IVIitcholl Read, Blatishard, on Jiine' 1st, Gordon Driver, Son Of David and Sarah Bonie, aged 9 months. KLIDDY—In lIshorne, on the 6th, inst. ,Elizaboth Koddy, bolOved wife Of the late Robert Keddy, aged 88 years, 6 months. . FOIL OVER FIFTY YEARS. .AN OLD AND WDLL-TrUDD tienexneee—Mrs WhislOw's Soothing Syrup has boon usccl for over fifty years by millions of mothorster their children while teething. With perfect suceess. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain, Mires wind colic, midis the best remedy for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of tlio world, 25 oents a bottle. Its Value is incalculable. Be sure and ask far Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take ne Other kind. .rdb?'. 'Moat P11,011P116a1110, Vzo Groat EnsVare Rentrary. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only tell. able medicine discovered. ,A••, ••• pailkages gtiaranteea to cure all forms of Setitai Wcakimas, all effects of abuse or eireess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of V). baoco, Opitimor Stimulanti, Mailed on receipt Of price, one pticifaitc 51, sit, 55. Ono tufhPlease, sizteitt cure. Flets free to isny liddreas. The VOc,-, OompanY, W1nd5o4o11te, Wood's Phesphodilio is sold in Beater by 3. W.13rownitg, druggist. 'Akiiat" ".777.7,777,',777, Filleaees Or ;Ole 4. tew good tares for sale oheapr,gotioy to 0. Apply to .TORN $14.0102AN A Mao is always in t SWIM, If he wears one of W. J'OHN'S neatly fitting SUIT'S He is a sum fitter, His prices are away down. His goods are the best. Call and examine his goods befove buying your -FALL SUIT W JOHNS, 31-te JUSf IN TIME-4Plava Having bought two car loads of Furniture before the advance in price, I am able to sell at old prices. One car has arrived, and is going fast. The style and quality ofgoods ev- erybody admires. Call, early and secure a bar- gain. Largest stock ever shown in Exeter, Com- plete stock of Caskets and Coffins always on hand. Headquarters for Funeral Supplies. 4sr—FZ. N. ROWE fug • We would recoinmend those suffering from COUGHS, COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WIN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is • also a reliable remedy for children. We manufacture WINAN'S LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, AINS, SORE THROAT RHEUMATISM INFLUENZA. Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches •on horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LUNG SYRUP. C. LUTZ Nursery 810C1( ARM 1 8001{ 11001118 110110E111111I1 1010E111 AU01118 Or anyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write us. The demand for home grown Nursery S tock is on the increase. We want more men. If you want steady, paying work, write us. WE FURNISH ALL SUPPLIES FREE. WE HAVE THE LARGESTNURSERIES IN THEDommon. WE PAY BOTH SALARY AND COMMIS. SION. WE ENGAGE EITHER WHOLE OR PART TIME MEN. WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR STOCK. • WEPURNISII PURCHASERS WITH CERTI- FICATE PROIVI GO VERNMENT INSPECT- OR, STATING OUR STOCK IS FREE -FROM SAN sosn SCALE. Our Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables as to sell at the closest possible figure. Men Succeed with us who Fail with others It will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you. Don't write unless you mean beisiness and want profitable employment. Stone & Wellington TORONTO A Suit of Olothes or a Single Garment Should Combine n.ow a davs, Correctness of Style, • Good Workmanship, . Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable Place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A large assortment of ran :to 'Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, age now on our shelves, and we will take muoh pleasure in showing them to you, There are many eiherlines that are specially atJi, active. gagniarpla 7 be Drossy Young Man who a few years ago boast to his friends of the high prices he paid his tailor, has seen the error of his way aud now delights iu showing how well he can dress upon. half the amount he used to spend. He is able to get Sfctre 's y ReacdlyotthoinWg ear h in every Fabric, Style and Trim- ming that the, so called, swell tailor gave him, but costing very much less because tailored id advance of t his order. In quality, make, finish • 1 and fashion just as good, In short, everything the same hut the price, * In the pocket he finds Slaoreees Guarentee Card which means diet if his clothes are not satisfactory la every way he may have his money refunded, ;44304:,4.4)•<>4.4P -844:344:60.04.)•••••060044.4t4.414.404004+4•000.4041. ASK easeteeOR 1CCS* re*SaI, BEST FORTABLE,DAIRY.AND FARM. UR OCK L 0 ED BATTEr4S MRS. THOS. MCCANN, MoOrev.rfle, Ont., writes : "1 was troubled we e biliousness, headache, and lost ep- nelite.1 could not rest at n'sehe, .4.04.1 was very weak, but after usind hree bottles of B.B.D. my appeCee ;las returned, and am better than ! have been for years. I would not • a without Burdock Blood Bitters. •- is such a safe and good remedy •eet I am giving it to my children," BICYCLES riumosszessw he You interested Wheels? We handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices , to suit the times. ; A few second hand organs 15 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewititg Mo.citshies ALWAYS ON BAND. P. S.—Selling out Dise Har - PERFECTION AT LAST. rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN Main street. Exeter. WARRANTED EVERY TIME TRUSSES NEW IN DESIGN, NEW IN PRINCIPLE, NEW IN APPLICATION. A large aSsOrtnaeat of the best and most approved Trusses and Mechani- cal Appliances always in stock, pur- chased direct, from the manufacturers. We guarantee every Truss to be made with the finest English steel. PRICES VERY MODERATE, Sole Agency DOMINION LABORATORY. J. W. BROWNING PROP Ktat$1. :46 „eSsz The Loading Specialists of America 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 CURED. WECURE EMISSIONS Nothing an be more demoralizing to young or middle-aged men than the pres- ence of these "nightly losses." They produce weakness, nervousness, a feeling of disgust arid a whole train of symptoms. They unfit a man for business, married life and social happiness. No matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses; our New Method. Treatment will positively cure you!' NO CURE—NO PAY 'Reader, you need help. Early alanse or later excesses may have weakened you. Erposure may have diseased you. You are not safe till oared. Our New Method will cure you. You run no risk. 250,000 CURED Young Man—you are pale, feeblo and haggard; nervous, irritable and. ex- citable. Yon become forgetful, morose, and despondent; hie -Wiles and pimples, sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. WECUREVARICOCELE No matter how serious your case may be. or how long you nuty_have bad it, our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will euro it. The ''wormy voins" rattan to their normal condition and hence the sem:al organs receive proper nourish- ment. The organs become vitalized, all unnatural drains or losseS eease .and manly powers return. No teraporary benefi,O_„_REt but tt_ permanent euro assured. NO U, NO PAY. NO OPERA- TION NECESSARY. DETEN- TION ]?ROM BUSINESS. ••• CURES GUARANTEED' We treat and vino SYPRILIS, GLEET EMXS,SIONS, IMPOTENCY. STRIORTRE, VARICOOELE, SEMI- NAL LOSSES, BLADDER AND KID- NEY diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. MADAM MODERATE. If tumble to esilawrite for e QUESTION ELANIc for ROME TREATMENT. , /olite•tg.. KENNEDYA KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, betitoo.,,, mica, 11 11' FAR You will find at Bisseties Waeeroom the following line of Agricul tural Implements EIBRING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY R Mull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators Disc and D ian Mid ilariows Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETC The celebrated 1 Knoll Washer Raymond sewing I and wringers machine 1 STOVES. Gurney stoyes and furances. Wag ons h.. uggies Icycles. en' Jar The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. STRENGTH CAME BACK. The Anvil onoo more rings with tho strokes of his haminer. Mr. Thos. Porteous, the well known blacksmith of Goderich, Ont., tells keee Wakeless and weakness gave way to health and strength. "For the pastfohr years at horyes! have been very weak, my sleep fitful and disturbed by dreams, consequeatle I arose itt the morning unrested. 'I wail frequently very, dizzy ana was inuck troubled witli a mid thee came 'before me eye% my Memory wag often, def eetive had fiutteting of the heart, together wi sheep pain through it at times. In conditiot 1 wets easily worried ata nervatee andexhausted. Twoniontlis ago Isegerd taltieg Milburn's ISItiort and Nerve PflIS,sinee that tiMeelliave '1)4441e/eft een health and (Strength daily, They hem reetbred my nerves to a healthy oolicl1tt6a, removed ail drezioess eacl heart trouble, eve nevi, X sleep well and derioe cromfort 04.4,4 rest frorn It. That Milbara's•gottt rti)a ikleVve Pills are a gpaa rerneey for ketiteuri- mese, Wealsnessi, 'Heart Trouble atte Coinplairita goes Without so,yinge"' Piece 50 ets. a boat all druggists or t11. Malaita & Co., Toronto, Ont. TAXA-U.47er Pills tare Dyspepsia,