HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-6-9, Page 31 IIIINT5 FOR
Profitable leog-raising in this year of
grace, 1898, is not done in the pen.
There axe tevo reasons against pen
feeding,either equally strong:First Pen
feeding at present prices, is not pro-
fitable; secondly, pen feeding makes
tco iamb at, for the reason that it
precludes exercise, the desideratum for
leen bacon and hams. The requesites
therefore, and the needs of to -day, are
a lean but fleshy hog, raised as then),
ly as possible. Two things, them are
nece.ssary to this end—unlimited pas -
tura crops and the rig.ht breed of hog
With regerd to tee first, anybody
knows that hogs on be raised about
one-third cheaper on good pasture
than in a. close pen, and that from Ap-
ril to November is the most profitable
period for growing and fattening and,
further, this is the period of the erow-
ing seasou when it is possible to heve
green passe crops growing during
all this time.
With regard to the kind of bacon
hogs, a great change has come over
the palates a the consumers a hog
producte lei the la.at few years. Fee
porle is no longer wanted, not even in
the lumber camps. What Is wanted is
mild cured bacon, with not more than
one Red one-half inches of fat on the
bank, In order to get this kind of
ba.00n, the lazy, quiet, and easy -keep-
ing Poland -China, Berkshire, and Dur -
cc -Jersey must stand aside, and the
more nervous and. irritable, and natur-
ally "harder keeping," improved York-
shire and Ta.mworth take their place.
;Farmers are naturally loth to make
thie ohange. This is not to be wonder-
ed at; but the laws of the rnarkets,are
as stringent as those of the Medea and
But the liog-taisers, particularly
those of the corn states, may make
this change very gradually and in-
exPensivelY, and this is done by strap-
ly crossing the Poland -China, Berk-
shire and Duenajeressty with males of
the bacon breeds, aa Improved York-
shires or Tamworth.
No horticulturist should ignore
gooseberries, for under good oulture
tbey will succeed on a. variety of soils
albeit, as in the cane of the currant,
the best results are obtained on a -
strong, rather moist, well -drained
clay Mara. As to 'the cultivation, it
should be thoreugh, but shallow. Ow-
ing to tlet: fact that they do fairly well
in partial shade, says a writer, the
gooseberry bu:shes can often be cult
tivated advantageously between young
onbard trees, When set in a regular
field, however, theyneould be located
about five feet apart each way, or in
TOWS six feet apart and toter or five
feet distant in the row. , There are
several different way's' of training
them, but, generally speaking, the
bush form is by far preferable. As a
rule, however, little pruning is re-
quired during the first „three or four
years, excepting to head. back the
strong new shoots and. remove a few
of the less vigorous ones for the pur-
pose of developing fruit spars all along
the canes. In other words, all that
is required. is to remove superfluous
branches and check growth sufficient
to keep the bushes within bounds —
a neetelf larger Itember of fine roots on
the plant tat the water smelted ottt,
Now these two plants are eat of the
eon le thefali, one with ell its roots
with it, tee other with part of them
Left behind; we inuist get them bale
again in the ground somewhere, with
tbe little roots all separated throneh
the soil so emelt better than they
wee before—so made better then God
or Nature could do it—that they will
glee ue so much better yield than
what they would, if left wheel: they
were seaugh to more then to pay for
all this expense of moviug them. How
many of my readers the* they are
equal to thist task?
Theo birdmust be .well known to
be appreciated. From childhood we
have bed them, on tbe farm, from 5 to
250 in a flock, says a writer. They
are no trouble whatever, lay their
eggs in nests which they naa,ke in the
greas and. wheat fields, we often find-
ing nests with from three to seventy-
five eggs piled. on top of each other.
Vrora some of the note we take part
of the eggs, and leave some far them
to raise their yoinage They sit,
hatch, and raise their broods, and we
ofteu do not see them until late in the
fall, when they bring their chicks
home, sometimes as many as twenty
in e flock. Such chirping, such flying
up trees I The little keets look rnuoh
like partridges when about that size.
They are eplendid meat to fry or roast
or for potpie; and to enjoy a'breast
of fowl, one should eat a guinea fowl.
The eggs are considered the riebest of
all eggs, and keep well. We put them
up tct use in winter; and two years
ago, when illness and. death in the
family made me forget the eggs until
June, we found them just as good as
when put away. If you try guinea
fowls, you are sure to have eggs and.
fowls for your table, and no trouble
to get them
newParagrapes wideit May Prove •Worth
The swiftest elevator in the world
is at the Oneida Mine in Axnador Poen-
tY, Cal. The ascent of 1500 feet was
lately made in twenty seconds. This
was at the speed of a mile he seventy
A tank steamier with a capacity of
720,000 gallons will soon be launched
from the Roach shipyard irk Chester,
Pa. It is for the Standard Oil Com-
pany, and. is said to be the largest m
the world.
The city tax on property in Guay-
aquil is only three -tenths of one per
cent., but tire insurance rates are
about seven per cent, T� insure 045,-
000 house costs e350 a year. The city
tax on the same house is only 15.
A clergyman who recently led divine
services in ties jai/ at Glaastone, Aus-
tralia, unreflectively gave out tide
hymn to the worshipping prisoners:
" We'll never leave this safe abode, a
refuge in the time of storm."
A London phrenologist has opened
a matrimonial bureau. The object, he
pompously announces, is "to secure the
Introduction of persons desiring to be
married to partners with suitable or
harmonious phrenologibal endowments.
A• contest between a bull and a lion,
in a °aged arena, in the City of Mex-
ico, resulted in an easy victory for
the bull. A second lion was then pro-
duced, and this the bull also vanquish-
ed to the great delight of thousands
of speotators.
Larks and other singing birds are
"civilized," you raight say, Like the sheet for the table in Italy, Upon which
ourrant, the gooseberry may be start, fact Wm. A. Alden thus comments: "1
ed from cattitigs, or by mound layer- ani convinced that there is far too
bag. By the latter method the old much singing of all sores in Itchy, and
plants are headed back to in.duce the the killing of superfluous larks and
formation of strong new shoots neer amateur drawing -room sopranos may
the surface of the ground. Then, late not be wholly without justification."
) in June or july, when the new wood
has become somewhat hardened, a has years ago, the Rev. Edward
mound of earth is built about the Allen, of Tiverton, England, was given
"stool," the earth being heaped up up by the doctor, who said hef had an
fear or five inches deep above the base inclinable disease of the heart. He was
es of the shoots. When fall arrives then sixty years of 'age. He lived to
this is removed, the rooted shoots cue see each of the, doctors pass away, and
off and planted at once in well-prepar- attended their funerals. He has just
ed soil, or, if preferable, they may be • died at the age of one hundred and
tied in bundles and treated as cut- ante
tinge, until the following sprittg. Pro-
vided care is exercised in removing For 385 years the rulers of Denmark
shoots during the winter, • however, have been alternately a Frederick and
propagation from the same plants a Christian. This is the law, that a King
may proceed indefinitely from year to
year. In regard to the best varieties. Christian must be succeeded by King
Downing, Smith's Improved and Pale Frederick, and then comes a King
Red are the most valuable of our na- Christian again. In view of this law,
hives, the Downing being much super- every Danish prince has among his oth-
ior to the other two in size and uale er names both Frederick and. Christian.
ity. There are also some excellent The caving in of a sand -bank in Long
European varieties, most noticeable of Island City led to a /startling tableau.
which are the Industry and White -
smith; and were it not for their being
so susceptible to mildew, these woeld
be very valuable, in that they have the
advantage of a great variety of col-
oring. As it is, however, one will be
on the safest side to uSe natives only,
and especially if km is growing goose-
berries for market,
I think all prominent berry growers
will agree on this: That a. straw
berry plant to do its best in fruiting,
must have a root' system reaching at
least a foot in every direction through
tbe soil from the plant. These little
hair-like roots, says a writer, reach
meth further from the body of the
plant than one thinks. It is impossible
to take up such plants and shake out
the earth Without destroying a great-
er part of these little rootlets which
he are tile food and tire* gatherers for
tbe plant. To prove this to be true,
select two moll large plants which A clergyman from Hackensack, N.J„
appear to be about equal, and from stopped at a Ilsllew York hotel fox' din -
one wash the earth all away Seem the mer, and with it drank three Metall glass.
roots by forcing a jet of water again- es of claret. The wino Mat have been
g tile Soil around tete plarn, and the very exhiterating, for he became so up -
other take up as carefully as yes:. Can roarously jolly under its influence that
and Shake out the earth, Now care- he aWoke the text morning in a police
fully note the difference hi ,the con- cell. Hie conghegatioo has disraissed
dition oe the rots. Vett will eiod ell him; awl tele lest blew &wine& him
the tnain roots and the lisagest late yew that heeeafter his ter es. lets teceoneteliehedthe splendid total
ernes oa beth Plante; but you will tied enige will be Weak tea. I a g,4051 -g Wins in the ellotted thne.
A thirteen -year-old boy was buried un-
der the sand, and Fred Bere,ss, with
several other men, tried to rescue the
lad. When the lifelees body was found,
Mr. Beress was shockedi by the dismay-
ery that it wee thet of hie own son.
A mismated couple recently return-
ed to Oxford, Mich, from California,
where they had spent the winter. A
neighbor esioad the wife if she had
heard an earthquake while there. She
answered; "Yes, I herd one, and
rather enjoyed it; for it was the first
thing that happened since john and
I have been raarxiecl that be did not
think / was to blaane for I"
• A deaf and dumb couple were mak-
ing love in a lighted; parlor in Cincin-
nati, and the young raan had begun, to
exprese a marriage proposal in the
sign langliage when the maiden sudden -
arose and shut off the gas. Now as
he could hot continue his proposal an
the dark, he is perplexed to know wile -
Hier tate but oft the gm to encour-
age him, or to fora!: him to drop the
subject. •
A. Man Who Waited 1400 MEWS 1,000
«oars- weishmen are IMO Hoiden of
These 'Waltham Defends,
At midniget, on, the let of Jute, in
the year 1809, a Scotehman named Cale
wteminptRothoeratc013004arpoilisa,y4 ettilaertehdituoenrteon un
heard of task of walking one thous-
and miles in the same number of hoers.
As might have been expeeted at that
time, his proposition was received with
every glen of incredulity, and many
were the uncompletnentary remarka
and comments thee were passed eround
as to the state of the gallant captain's
raental equilibriutn.
Despite them all, however, the plucky
sportsmen started on his aeduots task
on the dete mentioned above, the scene
selected. for his exploit being a, corne
er of the Heath at Newmarket, and the
result• Proved to be a glorious trium-
ph' for the pedestrian, who completed
the distene,e in the allotted time at
four o'clock in the afternoon of July
12, with his physical and mental fame.
ties apparently unimpaired,
As is often the case in such events
nowadays, this provedto be but a
forerunner a innumerable other ef-
forts of a sineilar character, and two
years later one of them was su,ccessful
In putting the above performance into
the cold shades of obscurity.
The hero in this instance was aman
named. Thomas Standen, who walked
no fewer than 1100 miles in 11,00 con-
secutive hours, and this despite the
fact that he was more than
After an interval of twenty-four
years, during which tirne several oth-
er would-be record breakers raa,de
strelauotes efforts to add their names
to the seroIl of honor by emulating
the above feats, but without success,
we find a member of the weaker sex
stepping forwerd and putting down
her toot In no funcertein manner.
In feet', she continued to step far -
ward and and put down her feet with each
persistency thet she eventually achiev-
ed the same result' as Captain Bar-
lWrs. Emma Sharp, who, by -the -bye,
is still living. near the Quarry Gap
Grounds, Laisterdyke, near Bradford,
the scene. 01 her reraerkable walk may
thus lay claim to the honor of being the
first lady to walk 1000 miles in 1000
hours. This is truly a, marvellons feat
for a raan—not to mention a Woman;
yet soon after thie a second lady, nam-
ed. Miss Richards, also sueceeded in a,e-
complishing a like performance.
However, excellent though the above
feats of pedestrianism undoubtedly are,
they were completely overshadowed in
the year 1877 by the exploits of a
littIe Welshman, named "William Gale,
who was only 5 ft. 3 in. in height, and
weighed but 116 lbs. He walked 1500
miles in 1000 hours.
Gale who was 42 years of age, start-
ed on his journey, full • of hope and
confidence, on Sunday morning., the
26th of August, and during a portion
tot every hour, day and night, for gel'
weeks, he "plodded along his weary
way" around the incloeure at Lillie
Bridge Grounds, Brompton, and. on Sat-
urday, the 6tif of October, he had the
satisfaction of seeing his efforts
To reelize. the indomitable will and
strength of the man, it • should be
known that during the tatter part of
his tramp he suffered great pain from
?varicose veins in his legs. He was sev-
erel times overcome for want of sleep
and dropped to the ground, but the
contact with mother earth seemed to
reeive him a,gain, and thus he teenaged
to struggle on to the finish.
s A few weeks atter this, and ere he
had barely recovered from his pre-
vious exertions, this human marvel
amazed. everybody in the world of
sport by entering into an engagement
to appear at the Agricultural Hall, Is-
lington, and walk 4,000 quarter-nailes
under the astounding condition that it
was to be done in 4,000 consecutive per-
iods of ten minutes.
Wonderful to relate, Gale succeeded
in accomplishing this amazing feat aft-
er a. dreary walk extending over four
weeks. Daring a great part of this
time the athlete was in a, state of
aomnoleney-ea, state in which, to use
his own words, he wan • as one in a
dream, unconscious of all that was tak-
ing taut: around hien, and believing
bineself to be walking in thick forests
able amid beautiful aoenery; in fact,
whilst in this state he would have oft-
en exceeded the limit of his walk had
not the voice of his attendant aroused
him out of his stupor, •
Immediately upon the completion of
the wonderful task, the late Sir John
•Astey stepped forward, and amid a
scene of areat enthusiasm, he pre-
sented the indefatigable Welshman
with a silver belt, ,value.
bearing the following inscription:
"This belt wee presented to William
Gale, of Cardiff, on the 17411 November,
1877, by some of the nobility and gen-
try of Great Britain, in eunememora-
tion of his hitherto unpreodented
feet, narctely, ewalking 1,500 miles in
1,000 hours, et Lillie Bridge Grounds,
August 26611 to October 6tii, 1877; and
4,000 quarter milea in 4,000 conseeutive
periods of ten minutes, et the Agrieule
terse Hall, London, October 21,s4 to No-
neraber 17611, 1877."
The feet, which was made from the
skin of a, lion, was monnt,ect on velvet
coed contained no leas than one hal:tared
guineas worth of sterling eitver.
Apparently earriea away by reason
of bie woaderful and repeated success -
ea Gale once again attracted to him-
self the attention of hero -Worshippers
by an attempt to walk theehrediennet
total a 2,40 miles in 1,000 :Nears. Here,
however, he beet with hie first reverse,
even his powereul constitution beteg
unable to cope with Nettle to such
Six extent es thite hut, like the man
who aims et the, lemon and juse nuiss
Since theft time another sty hoe are
leen on the horizou of thin particular
branch of sPorft, e perste), knowe by the
name of Bueleler, also a Welshman,
ethane from Newport, who eeteelly
walked tbe
same diatanee as Gale —
1,0o nano in 1,000 contatieutive 9,1-2
ileinatee. Ana then, in September last,
he went to the well-known sporting
anktelezvotes—Peel's Greueds, Leeds --
end madeap almot superhuman effort
to eo the dietence uuder the tortur-
ous condition of 1,000 coneecutiee 9j.4
neinatee; but, after plocleirtg along for
jug over a, couple 01 weeks, during
which time he had repeated, atta,ces of
extutusted Nature gave way,
axle leudeler wee compelled to retire.
It is worth noting, however, that he
hes announcel his intention of accom-
plishingtbe feat, and as a matter of
face he hs even now getting himself
into condition preparatory to the
event beteg decided.
now a rrorostor or Astronomy (mined a,
Name for mason
Some good, men are naturally such
teachers, and so full of benevolence,
opt:daily towerd the young, that they
cannot help spreading wisdom, wher-
ever they go. Nevertheless, a. certain
amount of peeparatory instruction la
necessary to make it possible for
some of the wisdom tleus scattered
abroad to ta.ke root. That the seed
may fall on stony ground is proved
by a story which a gentleman, who
went hunting far into the interior of
/lova, Scotia, tells in a letter to the
Connery Gentleman, ,
• The hunter was carried sixteen miles
at night by a boy sixteen years old
and a horse fifteen years old. • The
ride was tedious, and the boy -driver
was inclined to fall asleep. The hunt-
er therefore thought to interest him
in something.
"I see we are going due west," he
"How do youknow that ?" asked the
boy. "Were youever here before 9"
"No, but there is the North Star ov-
er there."
"How do you know it's the North
Star e"
"Why there are the Pointers point-
ing to it."
"WItat Pointers?"
The hunter explained, and told the
boy bow to find the North Star. Then
he pointed out two of the planets. The
boy seenaed. wide-awake now, and the
hunter wene on to give him his first
lesson in astronomy, telling hen how
Jupiter was thirteen hundred times as
large as the earth, • and how Mars
showed changes of seasons—how it
had bays and apparent canals and so
forth, and. how it was supposed by
many to have intelligent inhabitants.
• He diseoursed a long time on the wond-
ers of astronomy.
When, after his hunting, the strang-
er returned to the town where he had
hired the conveyance and the boy, he
found tat the people seemed to have
a certain humorous interest in him. It
was so evident that he was the object
of some curiosity or joke that he made
Inquiries, toed finally found a. man
who could tell him.
"Why," said this informant, "you've
made a great reputation tor yourself
around here."
"In whet vttaye"
"Oh, the kid that drove you over to
----the other night came back the next
day and told all the 'setters' at the
hotel that of all the liars he ever heard
you were the slickest."
"What lie did 1 tell him f"
"The boy said that you pretended to
know the number of miles to the sun,
and that you pointed to a star that
you said was called Jumpter, and that
you seed it was thirteen hundred times
bigger than this world, and that you
pointed to another star that you said
was one where folks lived like we be.
"'Oh' says that boy, 'you, just ought
to hear hen 1 He's a peach! Old Has-
kins aitnt in it with that feller for
lyin.' I tell you he's the biggest liar
in Nova Scotia. Pll point him out to
you when he comes back.' "
The by had pointed him out, and
he was at that moment enjoying the
reputation of. the champion of all the
liars who had. ever come • to Nova
The greatest sea depth known to
Man is in the Soilth Atlantic Ocean,
midway between the island. of Tristian
da Cunha and the mouth of tha Rio
de Ia. Plata the bottora being there
reached, at a depth of 40,230 feet, or
eight axed three-quarter miles.
Patron, in a Western railroad sta-
tion—Gimme a ticket to Gulehtown.
Ticket Clerk—Yessir. Seven an' a
Patron—Seven dollars apd a half to
Gulaktown? Why, that's only a few
stations from here.
Ticket Clerk„'slearply Sevenahalf,
Lively now. -
Patren—Don't want it. Giv-e me a
ticket foe China by way of Gulch -
Ticket Clerk, briskly—Here you are,
air. Five dollen.
George and Laara have been married
twn years, and, they are still billing
and cooing.
Yes. She eoos anri. he pays the bills.
IVILAch in Little
Is etpeolaily true of Ilbod's Plile, for no modl.
eine ever co:nailed es great eurgete Poiret In
Se sma/1 sixt0e. They are 4 Whole medicine
(Sheet, always resq, M-
inty% Wilde*. avraYi
Istseieryl prevent a Vold
or Bette eine an trey Ills,
eaeheatlatilse,ittendleet eopethettiele tte
the totake tete .1tetecleetearseparlila,
The Case of Vincent Pyrwhite
The death of Viacent Pyrwhie 3.2.,
of Ellerdon Holten Ellerdou, in the
Coeuty of alteltinghantshire, would in
the ordinary way have received no more
attention than the death of an other
simple coentey gentleman, The dreamt -
stenos of his, 1,,e4h, however, though
now long since forgotten, were sensa-
tional, and, attracted some eotice at
the time, Tt wae cete of those cases
evetieh Is easily toreotten within a year,
except just in the locality where it
occureed,The most sensatiool circuan
atenoes of tee case never oa,me before
the public at all. 1 give them here sim-
PlY and plainly, The peychical people
neah Make what they like of them.
Pyrveleit himself was a very ordinary
country gentleman, a good fel
ID no way brilliant. Ile was de
his wife, who was Some lefts
younger, than himself, and rem
beautiful. She was quite a g
maa, but she end he faults.
fond of adroiretion, and. she wa
aminable flirt. ahe misled ne
clev,erly, and. was teen sincerel
with them for having been, naisled. Her
husband never troubled his head about
these flirtations, being assured quite
rightly thet she was a good woman.
lee was not jealous; she, on the other
hand, was possessed of a jealousy am-
ouneing alenot to insanity. This might
have eaused trouble if he had. ever pro-
vided her *witb the slightest basis on
which her jealousy could work, but he
never did. With the exception of hi$ e°
wife, women bored hint. I believe she
aid once or twice try to m,ake a scene ,
fox. some preposterous reason, which I
was no reason at all, but nothing ser-
ious came of et, arict there was never A
a real cpiarrel between them. a
On the death of his wife, after a pro-
longed illnees, Pyrwhit wrote and ask-, °
edaae to coma down to Ellerdon for the
funeral wed to remein at least a f ew a
days with him. He would be quite et,
alone, and I was his oldest friend, I
hate attending funerals, but I was his
oldest friend, and. was, moreover, a
distant relative of his wife. I lead no ail
choice and I went down.• al
Them 'were many viaitors in the b
house for the funeral, which took place w
in the village churchyard, but they le
left immediately afteeward. The air of th
heavy gloom which had hung over the
house s/eerned to lift a little. The ser- ve
vents, servants are always *ery etact- ne
tional, continued to break down. at in- set
tervals, noticeably Pyrwhit's man, Wilt Ir
liams, but Pyrwhit himself was self- gr
possessed. He spoke of his wife with
great affection and regret, but still an
he could •speak oe her, and not Un- ena
steadily. At dinner he also spoke of e.a
one or, two othex subjects, of politics ric
and of hia duties as a magistrate, and are
of course he mode the. requisite fuss or
about his gretitude to ate for coming for
down to Ellerdon at that limo. After re -r
dinner. we sae in the library, a room Pc'e
well and expensively furnished, but nue
without the least attempt at
taste. Tbere were a few oil paintings
on the walls—a presentation portrait
of biraself, and a landscape or two—
all more or less bad. as far as I remem-
ber. He had eaten next to nothing
at dinner, but he had, drunk a good
deal; the wine, however, did not seem
to have the least effect upon him. I
had got the conversation definitely off
the subject of his wife( when I made a
blund(er. I noticed an Erichsen's ex-
tension standing on his writing table,
I said:
"I didn't know that telephones had.
penetrated into the villages yet'.
" Yes," he said, "I believe they are
common enough now. I had thta, one
fitted up during my wife's illness to
paramunicate with her bedroom on the
oflfoottheahboouvese.tus on the other side
At that moment the bell of the tele-.
phone rang sharply.
We both looked an each other. 1
se.id with the stu,pid affection of ohne
nese one cilways puts on when one is
a. little bit frightened:
"Proba.bly a. servant in that room
wishes to speak to you."
He got up, walked over to the nea,ch-
ine and sevueg the green oord toward
me. The end of it was loose.
"I had it disconnected this morning,"
he said; "also, the door of that room ts
locked. and no one can possibly be in
'aite Three Krupes and the wendere Thee
Dave wrought tit ordnance.
The city of Itseen is located be tbe
leneact:arl0a1n°CtIltitgalni voariele, yanmd't the d11;eogliaiedgs
LOP both and the retelling of the ore
and castieg the metal Into ingots and
roiling it into bars have beee the one -
patent of the itiliebitants for centur-
ies pate. Friedrich Krupp, the found-
er of the great work.s beetle:eels name,
wae born in 1787, and, when crueible
east steel was firet being introduced in-
to England • and first importation
from there ineo Gereneny had been
Wade imPassible through the edict of
Napoleon( called( "the contenentan
low, but 2. Krupp began to produce eruciele
00 y ear files, stamps, rolls for coins and shears,
itkeivaitoys: pbse,atert5e,alo,n2ttfyei r asitaa,:ivreL ya (s,a;auxual, acl nu,fetameaa oonnttavilti:ine;s: and
$ an ea. use hie cast steei, and after a life full
en very of diseppoinements and hardships he
y angry died in 1826, after a, long and Severe
d. little
works, anat
d the secret of his :n:3:flea-
leavieg to his son, Alfre
eleat than the old homestead,
still stands in the midst of the
lAlfredl Itrupp's energy and enter-
prise soon' canquered • ills first suc-
cess was to be able to furnish east
te.el of various degrees a ha,rdness,
hereby iticrea,sing its 'a.datettsbility for
many' new 'tarpons. INext came the
nvention of the weldless carriag.e
ix•es, which were patented in 1853 in
11 countries, and furnished him capit-
1 for enlarging his plant. In 1865, lie
terested him.self in coal mines iron
re mines and furnaces, which should
meeisla the maierial for his own works,
nd 'in 1867 he began to reap the hare
est from his experiraents inaugurs.-
cllong since: with .
Since then tbe suecess of these works
d their growth have been plienomen-
, and when A.1fred Krupp dosed the
usy and successful and philanthropic
ork of his life, in 1887, at Villa Huegel
is princely home on the side hills of
e valley of the Behr, the city of
Essen, in, recognition of this great
ork erected in his memory a great
Mentraent on. the most prominent
om many nations mourned at his
au:37 of the, city, and deputa,tions
Easett is a city of 96,000 inhabitants,
d over 20,000 of this population are
ployed. in the works of the able and
ergetic eon of .Alfred Krupp, Fried -
Is Alfred. Over 1,2,00 acres of ground
covered with buildings and machine
. Many: coal Mines furnish fuel
the works, over 400 iron are mines
rash the metal, and large ore de
its in Spain, near ha,ve been
chased, in addition a,nd a ' 1
He had. Maned the color of gray blote
ting paper. So probably had I. •
The bell rang again—a prolonged,
rattling ring.
"Are you going to answer it?" I
"I am not," be answered, firmly.
"Then," I said, "I Saari answer it
myself. It is some stupid trick—a joke
not ia the best of taste, for which you
will probably base to sack one or oth-
er of your servants."
• "My servants," he answered, "would
not have done that. Besides, don't you
see it is impossible 1 The nistrument
is disconnected
"The belt rang all the same. I shall
try it."
I peeked up the reeeiver.
"Are you there'?" I called.
The voice which ensweeed me was un-
mistakably the rather high staccato
yoke of Mrs. Pyrwhit.
"I want you," it said, "to tell my
husband. that he will be with me to-
I still listened, Nothing more was
1 repeated "Are you there 1" and
still there was no answer.
I turned. to Pyrwhite
"There is no one there,' I said. "Pos-
sibly there is Weeder in the air affect-
ing the bell ia some mysterious way,
There mug be some simple explanation
and I'll fina it all out to -morrow,"
Ba • • • •
went to bed eagle, that night. All
the fallowing day I was with him, We
rode together, and I expeeted n acted-
ent every minute, bat none happened.
All the evening I expected him to turn
suddenly f.aint and all, but that also
did not happen. When, at about 10
oalook, he excused hemeelf and said
"good. night" I felt dietinetly relieved.
He went up to his room and Valle for
The rest is; ef course, well kriewst.
The man's reason had broken down,
poestbly the immediate eaten being the
death of Mrs. Pyrwhit. On entering
his master's room, without the least
heettattan, be raised a leaded revolver
whinh be carried, in his hand and shot
Pyrwhit through the heart:. I behove
the eon is neentieeied in some of the
ineteheolts oix hetuteidal mania.
fleet of steamers have been built w
bring over 300,000 tons of this Spa
ore! from Spain to the German c
Makes theinerels of wetnett seftee
in silence, raNier than toll their
troubles to seryone„ To teeth
Indian Woreene Balm a. per-
fect hoot:, It cures all wore')
troubles, corrects motley irregte
taritiee, ebolithes the agoetee of'
ohikhbirth, makes week„wercen
strong, and rendere life worth
) living.
podia, cents per Box, or 45 tor $4.50. at
Druggists, or Maned on Receipt of Piece On
1'. MILBURN CO., Toronto.
TIM ES vao
eturisona Tried to Sell Cubit and the
Philippines nor $1,000,000.
Manila was built irt 1581, and has
for over three centetriee 'been the seat
011Spanish, government. Bttt tenac4.
auto as her hold upon the Philippines
and Cuba, has been, last reties, almost, '
of her once world -empire, Spain came
neer pareing with both these possess-
ions• during this very century. Queen
Christina—not the present wid-
ow of Alfonso X11., but the wife of
Perditea,nd VII., was noted fax her
greed. On • her succession to the
threne she found the Spanish treasury
so depleted' th.a,t she •schemed to sell
both the Philippines and Cuba to
France. She forced Senor Carapazano
to undertake a raission, that was ex-
tremely diataateful to his Spanish
pride. When he opened Christina's
propasitien to Louis Philippe, the proud
don struck the table a heavy blow and
rau.ttered a curse. The Queen pro -
jawed to ha,nd over to the French King
the Island of Cuba for 80,000,000 reals,
about $3,000,000, and the Phil' i
and Puerto Rico fox. 10,000,000 reale,
hien about $1,000,000, or some04,000,0= in
nish all. Louis Philippe willing
oast enough to pay the price for Cuba., but
objected to the sum asked foe the
Philippines. "Several millions of Teals
is my offer," he remarked, "or else the
contract must be thrown, into the lira°
Tallyrand, who was present, was about
to remonstrate; but as he streteixed
forth leis hand to take the Queen's pa-
per, Campazano learied to his feet,
•seized the contract, cramp/ea it in his
hands, and exclaimed: "Your Majesty
is right. The contract is worthless,
only fit to be thrown into the fire.'
And with these words he flung the
paper down upon the fire and beat
the flaming document with the tongs
into blackened fragments.
' et the Rhine. Twenty furnaces
at Deisberg and. Neuwied-oratbe-Rhine
are reducing this ore for the Krupp
works, and are owned Or controlled
by them.
The main stieet of Essen divides the
Krupp works into two parte, connected
overhead, with innumerable maramotia
steam pipes, and. bridges, and parralel
witn it, running east and west, the
tracks of the Rhenish railway pass the
works iix the north, while in the south
tbe railroad leading from. Dusseldorf
to Bremen, Hamburg and. Berlin, ekirt
the raill. Innumerable treeks connect
these two main lines of railroad, -sur-
rounding in an extricable network the
buildings and crossing the street lead-
ing to Muelheim below its level.
Poeverful railroads bring trainloads
et raw material into the yards and
leave the works with valuable pro-
ducts, finished and ready for shipment
to all parts of the globe. Miniature
engines and oars move about between
the buildings on narrow gauge tracks,
bringing material of smaller size from
one building to another until it is fin-
ished and ready for the raarket.
A touchieg little incident of the
Queen's Jubilee last summer was seen
by a few people ouly. A half dozen
years ago the Baroness Burdett Coutts,
while driving one day near Covent Gar-
den, where the costermongers of Lon-
don buy most of their supplies, notic-
ed tbe wretebed condition of their don-
keys, that were, as a xule, half-starved
and brutally beaten.
• The next day she publicly offered
prizes to be given yearly to the cost-
ers whose horses or donkeys were in
the best condition. Since then an an-
neal inspection of them is held Re-
gent Square, and the arizes awarded.
Hundreds of costers wearing their
quaint holiday costume, long-tailed.
eoats with huge silver buttons, ante ac-
companied by their " dowels "—as they
eall their stveethearts or wives—in high
plumed eats, lead their donkeys and
cartnaxound Regent Square before the
venerable baroness, who has a kind
word of Advice and sympathy fox. each
• one of therm
• During the jubilee, without any
warning to the authorities, the same
strangs procession formed in the Strand
and marched tip Piccadilly, singieg the
caster songs, which a.re in e dialect of
their owe. They surrounded the pal-
ace of the banneees in a solid mass, the
donkeys and carts covered with rib-
bons, men and woneet joining in the
chorus with pleasing meloay and pre-
They called for their friend and
would hot be content until the white -
halted lady came out upon the baleone,
and received their greeting.
• "She is the kindest woman in Beg
teed I" the crowd said, and having sat-
isfied theantelves with e, eight of her
fate, thee quietly dispereed.
No other woman, perhaPs, has ever
had the moats and the trill to ahow
soh kited/less as this aged lady whotte
Wise benefantiolis have reached almost
erre country in the world, On the day
when the sovereign xecelved, tribete
from all Italians, it wan a beantieul
thought it the melt °oaten to come
with the donkeys whoxa she had be-
trieeded to pay homage to this me
crowned queen oe the poor.
When Wars Are 'Known by the Names ot
the Nations Involved.
• Itrars are commonly known among
nations involved, and it is a • serious
fact that the name of the losing na-
tion usually precedes that of the vie -
tor, Conaiderations of euphony and
not sentiment obtain. In the war be-
tween France and Prussia., France was
completely crushed in a short time,but
the contest, by general consent, is
known as the Franco-Prassian war.
The recent wax in the fax Bast, which
led to the partition of China, now ac-
tively in progress, was known as the
Chineseerapanese, or in European
phraseology, the Sino-ja,panese war, A
still more recent example is the
Gra,eco-Tueerisla wax, in which Greece
was badly whipped.
To the superstitious the name cur-
rently given to the United States con-
flict with Spain may, by analogy seem
an augury of suceess for tae United
States arms. Europe calls it the Span-
ish-American war, An objection to
this name is that it gives rise to am-
biguities, as the term Spanish-A.raeri-
can is commonly used to designate the
various °entries of South America, Per-
haps for this reason there is a growing
tendency in Earope to cell •the war
Ilispeno-American. Another objection
in the eyes of Europa to either of these
tames is the jealousy with whish it
regards the United States assumption
of the name America,. America, it is
contended, applies to the whole North
and South. Atnerica, and the United
States is more often referred to as
"the States" even by England.
Par Infants and Children,
no fai.
Mrs. Ile Sette, moingly—Three 'of
the girlie I went to sehool with Itave
siopoa from their huebands,
hilra The sato-, suspiceously—Hure I
Perhaps you would like to he the fotteth.
(Mrs. Le Sotto, asearedly-011, no, /
couldn't leave the children.
Tea toe
,4 -