HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-6-2, Page 8e Big Cash S Cash or Produce, One Pride Only. We will place on. sale SA"TURDA' The biggest lot of Ladies' Blouses that we have ever shown. We have just closed a deal for a big part of the over make of one of the largest factories in Canada. On Saturday we will offer your choice of hundreds of lovely Organdy Shirt Waists for 75 cts. each ; regular value $1.25 Ladies, this is an opportunity you should not miss. Come and see the big show, whether you want to buy or not. Remember, cm Saturday! $1.25 Organdy Shirt Waists for 75 cents. Separate collars and cuffs. New yoke, new sleeve, new back -latest styles in the trade -you'll be sorry if you miss this snap. -Come. J. A. STEWART Store closes 6.30 except Wednesdays and Saturdays. I1suf,ANClr. ERNEST f L.LI OT, Agent for the'Wm:Tana AssonaNCE Com - PANS', animate • also for the Paces= Fate INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, England : the A7.TSA.\OE IN6yna ice COMPANY, of Eng and. Sch 4I WE OFFER SPECIAL NDUC E M ENerS IN es,,." • Lead Pencils, Rubber Erasers, Pens, and Pen Holders, Ink, Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books Drawing Books Tablets, Rulers, a tc. (I, GRIGG THE MART EXRTER fliqfvte ) THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1898. LOCAL HAPPENINS Mrs. Manning sang a solo in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday evening last. Miss Ida Johns, of Exeter, is receiv- ing vocal training and musical iuseruc- tion in London. Mr. and Mrs. Essery, of Palm erstua, were the guests of Mr. and Airs. A. Hastings on. Monday. J. E. Dignan has moved his waggon and carriage business back to the old premises, next to Ross & Taylor's fac- tory. Revs. Dr. Willoughby and Chas. Smith are attending the conference of the Methodist Church in Chatham thisweek. eek . A flag on the Trivitt Memorial Church was flying at half mast last weep during the burial of the late Wm. E. Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. X, McLeod. left Monday evening for Tor�oQnto to take the boat for a trip: to Montreal. They will also visit friends in Carleton Place before returning home. E. X. Fortner, of London, will oc- cupy the pulpit of Main St. Church on Sunday next, in the absence of the pastor at Conference. Mr. Fortner comes highly ' recommended. For years he olid good work in the King - et on penitentiary. Herbert Hutton, of the Verity plow Company, of Brantford, form- erly of Exeter, while wheeling to the Take on Tuesday afternoon with his uncle Mr, W. E. Gundy, of Ridge- town, web with a serious. accident. It appears . that two elderly gentlemen nanied Froggart and Robinson, were driving through Morpeth, and came in collision with )1'r. Hatton. Mr. Rut - ton was thrown from his wheel, sus- taining severe bruises, especially ta. one of his ears, Dr. Wright put in four stitches to the wounded ear. A London paper referring to the marriage of Me. Walters and Miss Dyor, remarks :--Mr. and Mrs. Wal-_ tees a;rl'isved in this city to -clay and visited the cant al fire hall, where Mr. Waiters was always popular. After they, had inspected everything, and were about to depart, the firemen pre- sented the newly married couple with a beautiful Bunch of flowers, accompan- fed by an address, attesting the esteem in which Mr. Walters was hold by his comrades when he was one of thein, They also wished Mr. and Mrs, W tl.lter's lofig life, atm every happiness. FOS' Marriage Mcatises, Wedding IR :mgs, Wa.tciaes, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles„ Etc GALL ONS R HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. A. J. Rollins ]eaves in a few days to look after his oil interests near Sarnia Miss Martene, of Detroit, Mich. is visiting her parents in Stephen town- ship. The wool season has opened, though only a small amount has been brought in as yet. The June session of the county council opens at Goderich on Tuesday, June 7th. Miss McFall,of Exeter,was this week visiting her father, Mr. E. McFall, of Seaforth. Spring crops have been sown under most favorable conditions iu •Ontario and the agricultural outlook for the province was never better. A deputation of the Sons of England Society visited Clin ton on Sunday Last and attended divine service with the brethren there. Rev. B. Clement preached an eloqnent sermon. A. Walters and bride returned home from London on Thursday last, and have taken up their residence in the house opposite the Metropolitan, late- ly vacated by Mr. Mc:Nevin. Mrs. 1. Brewer, accompanied by her niece, Miss Della Hill, left yesterday (Wednesday) for Aux Sauble, Michi- gan, and other points. She will visit her nephew, W. H. Brokenshire. Thomas Brown has commenced up- on his duties as engineer eer for the g Stewart & Williams Milling Co. An electrician from Toronto has taken his place in the electric power house. Mr. R. A. Bayly, barrister, of Lon- don, was married in Goderich on Wednesday to the daughter of Mr. M. 0.. Cameron, M. P., the new Lieuten- ant -Governor of the Northwest Terri- tories. The Huron constabulary have been warned of the approach of three burg- lars, one of whom is a boy of about 18 years of age, who hawks about from house to house, presumably spying out the land. We notice that the name of W. E. Browning, son of Dr. J. W. Browning,. Exeter,. appears in the list of those who passed (with honors) the third year examination in practical bacteri- ology at McGill University, 3lorrtreal, where the youngmanisstudying medi- cine. The Bijou Comedy Co. will give a week's entertainment in the Opera House,here,commencing ern June 6. The g Preston Times says the company is one of the best on the road, and the hall was filled each night with an ap- preciative and delighted audience when they visited Preston. In its report, of therecent event eelebrati p celebration bythe Delta Contrnan er a • C d y t Clayton on Ascension day, the Enterprise has this to say of a well known resident of Mt. Sterling, 111., formerly of Exeter. "Sir Int. H. M. Cowen was the orator of the evening. His address was forceful and eloquent, poetical and historical: The young doctor is pleasant and eloquenband a valuable young. o Delta Commandery for many graces of char- acter. He was frequently interrupted by Ioud and prolonged applause. During the formal part of the service.tho Commandery wasseated in the sen ter of the room, their chairs forming a cross.' The Enterprise adds that the doctor is rapidly acquiring a reputation as a well informed and eloquent speaker on questions of interest to Masons anclhis uccess at Clayton is no sur . riise to the fraternity there. The Grand Rapids (Mich.)} Herald, has this to say of a niece of Mrs. Pick- ard and Mrs. I. Hooper, of this place, who visited Exeter last summer :-- llirs..7. M. Gerrish,of this city,who has won a rnoeb enviable reputation as a voealist, has re- cently added to her musical laurels by cam- , posing a numbe r of instrumental selections. One c these, wa waltz, is pronounced as . a most radia le reduction, It o •ion • lin t e a p l i to is style,' and its swift gliding movement is partienlarly. J 1casant. Itis entitled 19 Viva Cuba." She also ora mpostcl a two-step which she h e filed. Lake Harbor lIntol Two -S te,'�. honor of Mnskogon's beautiful summer resort, which will doubtless prove oxeeedfngle popular et the resort this season. The two-stop,which tviIl strike the popular chord,. is ono wch oho has cltosett to call ^`The American Boys o '98," in honor of �bo brave boys who have enlisted itdefense otheiremirate's h . Its stirring uiartial.airs fro the heart of all Who hoar thorny and it is bound to •become a popular soloetictr. These ccinpcsftrons aro note in thelirinds of the l;ulriihliors, acrd will soon ire ready for rircul a tion, `e,l ki EXETER, TIKES A Goon plume -Hon. Thos. Green- way, Premier of Manitoba, spent the i forepart of the week visiting his sister, Mrs. (l,)r.) Rollins, While here he purchased from H. and W. Smith, of "Sprinehurst" stock forma fine thorn'- bred Durham heifer, paying therefor the handsome sum of $250. He had the animal sent to his farm near Crys- tal City, Man. A FAKIR. --A slick jewelry peddler is "doing" the towns. He is a fakir of the first water, audhe works the game by means of spectacles, of which he has a -large assortment. lie has sev- eral good pair and offers these at low prices. While talking to the purch- aser he substitutes:a cheap pair for the. good ones, and takes the money with- out a blush, • BAND CONCERT. -The following pro- gram will be rendered by the and this (Thursday) evening , at eight o'clock: 1. Two Stop, "La Fiesta" A,Roneovieni 2. Oyer.'Ps the Barn house 3, Serenade Dreams of Youth Theo. Fair 4. Thinking,of$er,"Waltzes" L.Fr'ederick 5. Over: "The Champion" Geo. Wirgand 6. Trombone Solo "itomaneo" O.W.Bennett 7. March "Off to Crimp" N. D. Mann MR. BOwsLAUGH's RETURN. -A. Bowslaugh, of Centralia, who last week left for Uncle Sam's domain, in company with a Miss Pym, of Cen- tralia, returned to Exeter on Wednes- day, in charge of Chief Gill, at whose instance he was arrested in Toledo, Ohio, on Monday. Miss Pym. also re- turned to Canada, but remained. in London. -..The matter was finally amic- ably settledarnong theparties concern- ed, and Bowslaugh given his .liberty. PUBLIC LIBRARY. -The following is a statement of the business transacted in connection with the public library during the past year: No. of persons who have taken hooksout is 285 ; amt. spent in books, $149; in magazines and papers. $500 ; total receipts, $391: total expendittfre, $367; balance, $24. Talue of books, $3,150 ; liabilities up to lst of Maar, $40.75 ; No. of new hooks pur- chased during the year, 198 ; total number of books in library, 3,112 ; total number issued, 4,721. No. of cards sold in two n,onths,154,for wluctx $13.35 were received. To BE PROHIBITED. -A petition is being circulated, for presentation to the council, praying that bicycle rid- ing be prohibited on the sidewalks in the village. Of late several children have been knocked down and injured by careless cyclists. Another petition is in circulation asking that riding on the sidewalks be prohibited from lst May to 15th September,. the object of the latter petition being to allow cy- clists the use of the gravel walks on the back streets during: the muddy season, when the roads are unfit for wheeling. Both are being the signed, but the latter seems the most commendable. It should also be ad- ded that scorching be made pctnish- able whether on road or sidewalk. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR CONVENTION. -The C. E. Union of the Huron Pres- bytery held its annual convention in the Thames Road Presbyterian church on the 31st ult. There was a large at- tendance of delegates from all the so- cieties in the Presbytery, which covers the south half of the county. The key- word of the program was "loyalty." This was discussed in its various branches, b2ginning with the founda- tion of all, "Loyalty to Christ," and tracing it in its effects -loyalty to the local society, to the congregation, and to the church. Excellent papers and addresses on these and kindred topics were given by Miss Wilson, of Goder- ich, and Miss McLean, of Seaforth, and by Messrs. McTavish, Muldrew, McKenzie, Davidson, Stewart, Dr. Ferguson, of Hensall ; Rev. Mr. Dickie, of Seaforth ; and Messrs. Gardiner and Gladman, of Exeter. The Thames Road Society er deserves great credit for the arrangements made for the en- tertainment of the delegates and providing an excellent tea in the base- ment in the evening, when the dele- gates enjoyed two social hours to- gether. Rev. Mr. Fletcher, the presi- dent, presided over the three sessions with his usual aptness and good humor. Mr. Tindale, of Manchester, contributed a solo, and Caven Church (Exeter) male quartette two selections at the evening meeting. A FAT:S.L ACCIDENT. - Mr. Joseph Holman, sen., of London, met with an accident at Springbank Park, Friday evening,which resulted in his death in the City Hospital a few hours later. He had several ribs broken, two very severe scalp wounds, a fracture of the skull, and a compound fracture of the left wrist, t, b esrdes internal injuries, which produced hemorrhage. The ac- cident happened in a very peculiar way. For several days past Mr. Hol- man had been compelled to quit work, owing to an injury to his back, and Friday he decided to spend a short time at Springbank. Between five and six o'clock he was coming down •the bill, just south of the purnp house, to take a car for the city, and as a trolly approached when he was a consider. able distance from the tracks, he began to run in order to catch it. In doing so, however, he tripped and fell, anti rolled down the hill some twenty or thirty feet until he reached an old box drain, in which his head and shoulders became fast. Dr, Thompson, who was called to Springbank, slid everything possible to relieve the sufferings of the. injured man prior to having him re- moved in the ambulance to the City Hospital. The efforts of the medical men, however, Were futile, the shock to the system being very severe, anis Mr, Holman gradually sank. The de- ceased was one of the oldest, employes of the McClary Company, having been continuously with thorn forupwarcls of forty years. He was born near Exeter 56 years ago, and was one of a family of twelve children -seven boysandfive girls --in which his death causes the first break. His wife died eight years ago. Five children survive him -Mrs. I~1. Sweet of Decetvsville, Ont, ;'Lewis J,, of 'Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Miss Jennie A., Richard B. and Joseph T., at home. George Holnnan,of .Bayfield; is a brother andlMIrs.W Drewis a sister of the deceased. The other `members. of the family reside itt the Western States, Mr. Holman was a prominent. Liberal, and his sad death will be learned with regret by is large circle of friends. Owing to a breakage in the machin- ery of the.. electric light plant, the lights were turned off on 7+ ridgy night, H E Pickard Co Men's Summer Clothing W E are now showing a most complete range of Men's Summer Clothing, in single and double breasted styles, One of the newest things in ,this line made of . American Crash, guaranteed shrunk ; we have complete suits made of this mato ial and they are sure to be swift sellers ; see them, ,Men's fine shepherd's check coat and vests..,..,. 185. Men's neat stripe Angola Flannel coat and vests, special ..2.75 Men's steel gray pin stripe Alpacca. coat and vests........ ........... 3.50 Men"s black Serge, all wool, well made • 4 25 Men's all wool navy blue Serge, double breasted coat and vests, very new., .. ..,..5.25 Men's fine silk • coats and vests, very light weight 5.00 SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS Ladies' Ribbed Cotton Vests, silk trimmed, shaped, half sleeve, special . . . . . .. ... , , .15. Ladies' Black Maco Cotton Hose, Hermdorf's dye, good value at 25c, special price..,t20 Ladies' Black Silk lace Mitts, fancy backs, special .25 Fancy Japaneese Mattings, assorted patterns, regularly worth 28c yard for 20 Men's Fancy Worsted Pants, new patterns, regulari - to order $5,00 for. 4.00 Men's Tweed Bicycle Suits, Rigby proofed and guaranteed waterproof • . , 4..50 Good pattern American Wall Papers ..... , ... ... , , .05 Large White Bed Spreads, good designs, very special value.95 • Muslins are being much worn this seaso n both for blouses and full dresses, and we are showing, a beautiful variety ranging in price from 10c up to 4Ce a yard'. Fine American printed Muslins, in Very hest Organdie Muslins, varkmscolorings, warrauted fast .10 very latest design 40 Silver silks in various cornbina- Faucy Organdy muslins in lovely tions, special 25 designs and colorings, great Fine assortment of spot Muslins value.... 25 at 12e, 15, 20, .25 fieryTrade is booming in this department, and no wonder; our stock is the most select and we are continually receiving the latest novelties. Our head milliner has just returned from a trip to Detroit, where she picked up all the newest ideas in American styles. If you want the correct thing in head gear be sure and see our stock. Fine French Muslins, nice designs in all crew shades .12} • Appletou's Package Teas are the fest t We want 150 Firkins of choice dairy butter to fill a special order; highest price will be paid. `The. © `rickar Co., DICT IMPOIRTBFES Miss Pringle spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Staffs. Mrs. F. C. McDonell, of Hensall, visited friends in town on Sunday. Ed. Bishop, student at Toronto Uni- yersity, is house spending vacation. A meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held in Main St. Church this (Thursday) afternoon. J. W. Broderick has been appointed leader of the Victoria St. Methodist choir, Goderich. Mrs. P. Andrews, of Pontiac, Mich., is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Gould, 'for a few weeks. Miss Gladmau, of+Peterboro', is the guest of her brother, F. W. Gladman, barrister, town. J. H. Crocker, of ,Buffalo, N. Y., spent the past weekvisitingbis mother, Mrs. J. V. Crock er, Mrs. Powell, of Woodstock, spent the past week the guesb of her sister, Mrs. E. J. Spackman. The subject of Rev. Mr. Martin's sermon next Sunday evening will be "Abraham as a Business Man." The Hamilton Templar Publishing Company is to be wound up and the paper sold. Mr. W. W. Buchanan, it is reported, will soon leave to settle in British Columbia. A despatch from Toronto says that Premier Hardy gives an unqualified denial to the rumor circulated that he intended to leave public life and be er go on the Supreme Cour bench. rom p tb c Mr. Salter moves froth Crediton this week, to the property south of Exeter, recently purchased of Mrs. Manning, the latter having purchased a prop- erty in town, as stated last week. Thos. Heaton, nd• a n Monday evening, raised the framework of a new barn which he is having erected ori his farm, north of the village. A number of Exeterites assisted in the work. Tt seems probable now theta settle- went of the rate war which has been going on for the past three months be- tween the Canadian Pacific, the Grand Ti unk and some of the western lines is in sight. Baseball wilt likely boom in Blyth, this summer. Blyth could always put forward a fairly good team, bat the one that will appear on the diatnond this season will eclipse them all. Many good players have taken up their residence'theie. during the past few months, Fred itwer, who, for a number of years, has engaged as foreman iu McCallum' s tannery here, moved, with his family, to- Zurich this -week, where he will engage in a similar busi- ness. Mr. Witwer a g has been cod citizen of Exeter, raid We are sorry to lose the family, We wish them pros- perity in their new home. A few minutes before 11 o'clock Tuesday night a comet, or what is supposed '#� seen to be v comet,w'as in theast, It appealed to be, about four or five inches in diameter, and had v tail of 20 or 2' feet in length, Its course was from the north, direct- ly south. It Was wary bright, and. olid not appear to he ,travelling fast. Mr. John Cudinore is ou the sick list. • W. McLaughlin left for Brantford this week to take a. situation. Thos. Hartnoll and A. Hooper will take the services in James St. Church next Sunday, in the absence of the pastor at Conference. During the month of May 519 books have been issued from the Public, Li- brary, as compared with 228 Last year. Amount of money o e re 'v Y cel ed for cards for the month was $3.35; fines, 62 cts.; sale of magazines, $L00. . Berlin clay-goods:clerks have engaged a lawyer to prosecute ! storekeepers who exceed the by-law closing time of 7 o'clock. A practice game of lacrosse was played in Exeter, Tuesday evening between the Seaforth and Exeter. teams. The score resulted in 5 to 1 in favor of Seaforth. A number of the Exeter team were out of town. George Simpson, Parkhill, was agreeably surprised on Tuesday, May 21, the anniversary of his birthday, by being made the recipient, of several presents, among them being a .hand- some gold watch and chain from his son in Winnipeg. r Fri IP NEW GOODS, THE LATEST STYLES IN LADIES' AND ,, GENTS' WEAR. . Ladies' Blouses, 3 choice olce lines ,• l clearing prices 50c, 95c and $I.oa. I Also Black figured Alpaccas,. superior goods and attractive patterns, 39 in. at 55c, 48 in. at Also Black DuChene, French Dress Goods, 5 patterns, from 90c to $r.5o. These are particularly fine .goods. Also Black Satins and Black Surrah. Silks65c and $1.00, Roman Silk Scarfs in ladies' wear. with fringe, 25c each. IN GENTS' WEAR, the latest in Colored Shirts,' soft fronts. Also Laundried Colored Shirts with collars and cuffs 'attached , e or detached from 6oc to$ r.10 The latest novelty in Collars and Ties. Syndicate, .Aberdeen, Slot Spur, Earl, Briton, Valkyrie, all these arc stand up collars Ari excellent assortment of Ladies' Short Waists WRAPPERS! We have just received another lot of Ladies' Shirt Waists. Ladies' Shirt Waists Organdy Muslin Shirt Waists floral design at $1.40 e e trimmed with ]ace at,......... 1.40. Fancy black and white Shirt Waists, with collet'and tuffs at 1,25 Organdy Muslin Shirt Waists, large variety at......... ,... ; . 1.00 Fine Print Shirt Waists, large variety at 1.00 If ,r „ ' ,,_ detachable collar at • .75( 11 ' ,/ ,! A H ,, „ .••••“••, .00 it n „ attached ,r n ........ .50 We sold a lot of Wrappers last season, but we have sold more already this season than all last season, and have just received the third lot. We have them in sizes from 32 to 40 nt 000., $1.25, $1.40, $1.65 and $1.75 each. Summer Corsets We have a good line at 50c. sizes 18 to 30. Boys' blouses.... . . , , . 40c. each Boy's duck suits - . $1.25 S CA P LE PIE IN Come to Us to Have Their Eyes Examined. If you needGlasses let us fit them for yon. We give you the best expert attention at T. FITTON'S J'ewehy Establishment. S. FITTO`\ , arad,ate Optician. CA �` ir TER IN' Y•GVEN WORE FENCE. _• . �.... ._.. q1: ni .14 ma, it i t} • t•pp py nue moi;L� a ,. soma rag ..+ JY^ mea:+.in,+:n¢SY_i--eot"xw.,ram.4w+'+_:_�L+c':"ahra.:-..:s,�..w`^¢. .-_r..±.s�,:4i The above fence is made of coiled hard steel,spring lance wire. It is the cheapestfence on the market,and any farmer can build his own fence of eleven wires at 30 cents per rod. The machine for doing the work costs 58, which gives the man a right to build a fence anywhere. The fence is not only handsome, but the most durable made, and anyone wishing to buy a machine or engage in the fence business, will profit by calling on, or writing to GEO. TURNER, Brucefiefl ,i, Agent for Huron County. Mrs. Dobler and family left her yesterday for Iowa, to visit Mrs. Bo- bier's brother and sister. The Misses Brawn, of Wroxeter, are the guests of their grand -mother, Mrs. Brawn, Main street. A plebiscite convention for the pur- pose of organizing North Middlesex will be held at Parkhill on June 21s The name of the Duke of Lee ,'"is the latest mentioned in con ion with the Governor -Genera rp of Canada Bro. John Scarlett, of adbury,will represent South Huror County at the British American /Grand Orange Lodge meeting at Ottawa, which Tuesday. con- venes on The Hampton County (South Caro- lina) Review thus refers to a former Exeterite,son of thelate David Johns:- "This is one of the most inviting and attractive Jewelery houses in this sec- tion of the country, and the stock of fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver- ware and OpticaTGoods is of the latest and most approved design. Special attention is paid to the repairing of fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelery. Mr. Johns also conducts a Photograph Gallery and does all kinds of Photo work in the neatest possible manner at the veru lowest prices, and all work executed by him is guaranteed to give satisfaction in every respect. Mr, Johns has been established four years, and is polite and courteous to his customers and a• pleasant'gentlernan with whom to establish business rela- tions, Mr. .Johns is also agent for Talking Machines and Records." 'LCS I LIMN Jacks for Pedesetc. Gera Muffin Tins, Tin and Granite Ladles, Fish Scalers, Granite Coffee Pots, Perforated Ohair Seats, Toilet Setts, Fancy Cuspidors, . i'aney Belts, Baking Powder, Starch and Soap. Tee cream and ice' cool drinks. Umbrellas, elegantly mounted AGENT Folt the Parisian Stean, andg god material. Laundry Co., of London. J. P. CLA RKE L V FF S . lid Additional locals on fifth page. Rev. J. A. Clark, of Toronto, has been called to the pastorate of Knox Church, Walkerton. U ya+ inan's Cough Balsam for c•;' s, colds and Bronchial troubles. cknowleged the best cough medicine the market. Especially good for cI 'ldren. Mauufactured by 0. LUTz. A O' MPLET +' MEDICINE CHEST Taken internally or applied externally Yellow Oil is equally efficacious. it cures croutr,quiney sore chest, cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, oak- ed breasts stiff Joints and dozens of other com- plaints. 14.o household should be without it. It costs only 25 cents, and is a whole medicine chest in itself. BW ear MflRKJ-T1 The undersigned has opened up a new meat market one door I South of Gariin '$ shore. where he will keepthe choicest of meats constantly on and. A CALL SOLICITED JOJ1N' T. l'1A. NN i NCli. • The Family Butcher j { 1 good6 I'or a �,eIection of ti HAMS,LARD, i BACON, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, BEEF, LA11113, PORK.. MUTTON, and VEAL, also POULTRY its Season. e ---CA. ..A`t'- .. Th. �' Fliar Shop One door south al entral Hotel, LOWS Y -- DEALB IN•----- `, Calf Calf and Lamb Skins.