HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-6-2, Page 3EXETER TIMES --a- LEGAL. .4seiga-- -404•11111.0,40100 Quilt a well -rotted, ateble manure 'te 4.4441.401140.41040.***********0.• • ... ' Strawberry Tapisetae-Te. 1 OP pearl tepioee, • • secure the desiredleriliy, comreerolal : . , put 1 qt. water 444 bon iu, 0. .1 A 1-1.DICKSON,Derriater, SOU; .1 . oitoy 0/ S119)70140 ()court, Netary atielie, ogo1yeyatioor, Oorumissioner, cke 1VIoney t.o faotte: °facet n ansou'amotoo, Exeter, • 7.., ''I ° ' ''. 4 , ' On the Farm ,..vt.:4,,, VP. ' „..,......;,,,' a 00,1e1.04%,,,ele- "-"www•I•r""' fe3tLieers may often be pui.'clia.sed and, oiled to a. good advantage. When tills . 1", used the soil can be made ready for tte seea, then the ceeareereial ferriez er as a top dressing end. mixed . A the Buse ' •: • 4. , ... , ... bout• lt• , • .. Zaao-44040.4aaaaaaaa.aa.aaaaa; • .' - - ' doable boiler until eleer. Through o, fine 'wire sieve rub 1 pint etreevber- ries, add 1 cup Angar 0.04:13t1X IlatO tate tapieee. Cook all together Waal smooth and clear. ' Let stand until IlfillilluillOitifill110111111t1,1111111111IIIIIIIIIMMUIPIMPII . , 5 e la . — ID, 14. coLLIN% GR,OWIN.C4- 'POTATOES IN ,DRaeaare. applied with' the SOIL., with a Care Ot BobY lo• Stirn,go.Prt nearly cold and the poor it ever' •a ; it • n, $1118 or , o ioi or, .011Tra11681., fit,C, IS ' t SI -t g y . all of the new varieties a, POtatClp'. . that 'attain popularity grew their croPs' or meorporetee . goof( 01,4M rake, or, if in the field, with x light harrow. , to it is mall \wader mat so many ba- re eroso d'ug vile tot, sultry . bte,e., a • , ... quart of wholo berms. :filat with Cream. flavored with. atrawberrY juice. ill 1. ) frr 11.9Pty ' • ' owe. in bunches thee oan be easily It afIwN8 PaYs .t°' talFe :Um° get • , ' ' to wend- one ,A. nice icing for little cakes is made „nem...um inuieeneminliuri milieu , , , , , , INSIAIDE, . , ,,, , 33gtn1;... compact ., thrust the soil in a 'good tilth, fine end metiow, suramea days; when stops ' 're lack it that , °Y.'Pl0;ing 14. cup fres4 straWherrY . -... . --a- ---.,---. - - ---..- OFF,LOE : Over O'NeirS, tweed eet hy a, .sinele of too . to use 1 nt f s 41 Ad to aet it die- p e , • y Q ee a, .. . Ith or ratbar of ea , e ea , , . , • • • , Juice into a bowl and, stirring into it ,, .....-. -, _.........— ----a. — "ie.1 ELTAte9 & GLADM4N, .. . , , . flat -tined Potato ai,ger; SualL 'a vara ' . otY as •the' old. -fashioned Pe. aOhblow po- to. in . trt,hutee eaorkg the drill rowe as evenlY LtaaP.rhstil)::0.8tgad't tin° nb'seivneg, tihtecetatfaeawts,_ is given Vial helPless little beinge. Of e,o-uase babies are eresS siamatuneS, no fed.„ well teisfir..eeet confeetioner's suger to malre it thas.k. enough to spread, Other fault Juices may be used. in the --.,-..a• • 9 •-- FAC-8111/11LE Barristers, $olioitors Notaries. Pabho, tato, whose .toots spread so, es or it can, be worked. as elosely as ,Pos- Mattel' illovir carefully . and. Cool 'drinks, ----------a----- ., . • ' terlace with those of hills three feet sible to tlie plants, and in 'Wale way the, tended, but a [healthy child manner. are always - . 41w ac . Ha -iirr--- „,„„,,, •,, •,•,,,,,,,I, k‘ •• • •,, • ., i ii nue ' Conveyameer,s &c, &43. 110rMoney to Loan ata v apart, ' and with raore. or less Potatoes a tile work a hand weeding may be naateri- ally reduced. _n.eafoctly spends, meet ef, its time- in blisSful " eonterit. ceptalae in summer aaad a pleasant one. is, eaetablePreparationforAo- Ay ..; ', SIGNATURE 5e• end 5i70 even in the inicline xowsb.would r L: Onions requite cIeari, thorough a1. - dream s or .perfeet Olean, ----- HOW TO DUST FURNITURE. similating kiltiltOdattdRegula- Dall'IOE; - MAIN- STREET, 1.0ILETEB. net he •grown by anybody neer. Ameri0aU Cul- tivation, and it wilaeally to take .con- to so ,A baby Ohonjd elweys be and ' • i exceptionsho , Nil . Dust is always a grief of mind to. Ring the Stomachs aratBowas of 13. V. 131OT. ' r w GLADMAN can, well remember, says beater, When $8 per, acre was the usu- siderable pains colemence early, as to kill ont the weeds before the elhis is a :role witboat • • • euei help loving aeoleen, white, sweet the careful housewife, who, like the e, _. .• X111.0.,',4 " , • fueelem...emeleeexemiemeafteeneeeeeeetee• IVIEDICAL - al price'for digging PeachbloW potatoes sseowounreate, Ethooedt.r.stsatrtia:vOonralobnies' eniellin.g baby and whet other ditties virtuous wife of holy writ* looketh well ,eeellIVAVE ••- . ' the 'Eerie 'lose yielding oeiplpouerldtebnYe. , . , • are 'more inaportent than proper atten- to tae ways or her household. --................,--- 11 - ly• I H. RINTERS, M. a3, TORONTO UNI VERsPPY, M. D. CI, M. Trinity Unlyer tY. Oftlee-Ormliton, Ont... while potato, . as many buSlaels would. be dug, for $5 • • . • per acre. And the man who got the . Hy in the spring. ,, • • __-_-. FEEDING POULTRY. . tion to • the infant's Physical welfere? Nothing should interfere with he It hath all seasons for its own,' and . the only way to eoUquer it itI to par-- Ile.0 ,PromotesiDigestion,C rful- a illeSS andRest.contains neither 0 itgriNforptilne nor NIIIIPMI. ' ' ' - ' IS ON THE 'IA Ile.1101.biNe 84 e.M08. X./ 68 per acre earned bia money, even if he did inies some potatoes on the outer Give ha winter all the cut elover your baby's daily bathi if be is able to have it, and olean clothes should be Put. on sue it sfaaaily. A feather duster. is an abomination, except for the tops OTNAIICOTIC. ,NP • , . jaV 4. • • . Separate Offices. Residence same as former. /a, Andrew se,. Mims: Spacknitut's buildin. Wain at; Dr Rollins' same as formerly, north door; Dr..A.moe" same building, south door, a, A. ROLLINS, III, D., T. A. AIVIOS, M. I) - Exeter, Ont • • the rows' edges of the hill or between . . . It was the necesSity ..ef confining the Peachblow • to reasonable bounds , that . . billing p justified the practice of heteng 1,11) e henS will eat -and they'll eat a deal of it -end make the na scratch •for the grain in big heaps of litter and my , word for it, you'll get eggs says a , him ever day. Great care should be taken" in 7g.uarding ahe little one from drauellits an,(1- c°148; His tiny , shirts should be 'of the softest white wool, . '• . . t ,•',,k i h• and lit is safest o keep Woo on ? ira of pietures, eto., since it oply stir up the,•aust from. one spot in order to al- , ow it to settle oti another, while' wip- • • ing with a ,damp cloth,' which in any -..a-a—,....-. ,yeejeeet0fri.&•-rrWOMEMER, Xadt" i . . •I oriaOadalaa-• ,,all "I'• ',••1 ...., L L W KAPPER OF EVERY . . lr . W,1311OWNING 1VL D., M. 0 J P. S Graduate Victoria 'Culvert' t S, office and rosideuoe, ocneniou Lebo a toi, ,s..tei,.. , potatoes so as to Confine the tober,s 1.11- side the ridged -up hill: , Most of the.. . • • f , h new kinds ot potatoes occupy ex eac ,iiv:::,.:. Ihave been surpitisedto find' largely green grass en ers into egg production. My Bearlasnas go oat. and graze iriuch like a floca of fiheep and , . winter and aummer until iihree or feUr , y'a. ars old at least. If his dresses ate &Grit, sot Woolen stociaings are necesa sary, long enougth. to reach well above .• they. hut judicious hands is at to be a wet one, is too 'apt to sneer the, furniture. , „ . . •ati furniture should be dusted regular- ly the" „efaidiSifla # 7 milt ., ea geee.ree.a NaSaaccoa- . ' ri r .frto*. • K. It?, 130TTI-4171 oirt - hill net more than a. square feet of , , , . the ;knee, and. pinned so will not with due regard to corners, Ailarigvan, T1Ii. FiYND1VIAN coroner for. toe 1! ' 1 °"'"3' af Flur". ° 'II"' °PP'81'f's parling Eros. store, Exeter, surface. It • is necessery that there . ' ' should be rows, three f eet apart,. or two come in with crOPs distended, and that, too, 'almost -wholly with the gree grass • • .' slid -e down. . . It is positively pititui to see helpless .. . for. a . little ones neProPerly elov- where' most the dust 'accumele,tes.' . The best thing for carved furniture . Id 1 ''-'''' Aperfegtilefnedy for COnStIpa- Sour Stomach,Diarrhoca. vi a . AUCTIONEERS. - . feet ten incbes, in whicb to run the • • h ric th.ey have eaten a very little grainOWL . , . -is pa addition keeps the,m. laying finely. ,eare.a. enly nurses slip clean dresses over soil. uederclothang. They. . . . a soft, thick •paint brush, which will get into all the interstieeS of the' 1 - l' - • • " a Worms ,tonvutsions,Feverisa. ee e, CAST •---- General Li. cultivator one way, But on good, of all the Rose fere_ , , . Second -crop clover, or lawn cuppings, ed and crumpled neglect the baby's bath and allow the pat- tern. When these are clogged take an- ines.s urn 14 0 ss OF oLEEP. • Ecure'BOSSEINBEBBY, ' 1 eensed Auctioneer. Sales cendacted ir imparts, 'Sae:310,0110u guarauteoa. Chargest soil more potatoes . . least. can be grown ily of potatoes a the d in a, green state, as secend crop ha. b • • at j, ' Y can e curecl,.., answers f y in tiny finger nails to be unsightly. There is also mach •ca,relessness in feeding in- 'think other brush,wet 'tat k -1 t kerosene oil, o - Wl. A clean them outa:after using the oil rub TacSimile Signatpre of . moderate. Hansen? .0,Outi in drills three feet a,part, and, sets ,e. winter a, for fants. Some motlhers that the dry with a • soft %cloth,. :Flannelette a/Vief:47ffril4' . . , ...a TT E NEY HILBER Licensed Axe ,, d fift '• to eighteen inches in. the plante een ,. in hills so •as as substitute green grass. Run 't •th ' ''' at ' - ' '1 the i , rou Ir cut -et ti, ice i e g a , y baliy is able to digest any and all kinds - • ' d d • of. foo s, at any and all times, an ilt. v 8- • makes the best dust . cloths, and NEW -YORK, r , • Castor's is pit np in one-siza bottles only. It .4-.A.- tloneer for the Comities or Huron and Micullesex ., Stiles conducted at mod-,• prate rates. • uln e o , a t pegg-efune,,, pewee Jon On t. ,--,, 103)"th rows, than to plant them' t '' - lti t '6 tb 'ways 'Wlien this plan , o ea ' ve,,,,,e.,, o • , . , aaasafilist aadeote;d, the eircing objectionOr , . ,. .. • , , .••.., . cutter is of the ,size esed.fin rardinary , stock, steak 1 ht d. let th f wls- ' over. n g , anthefowls . help emselvee. -Cabbage mey -be. . feed., him .eve•ry :tone he cries.. • Me sumnaer heat Is annoying and eneiyating to grown up people so it . . a ; .a squares of it are now sold. ready? here - med for the purpose in our largestores a . a •". highly polished surfaces . use chamois skin. And be sure to',keep i ''''elp'e " •..-4, .. , .. ., is not sad in ,bn1k. Duet allow canna to sell anything else on the pies or promise that it gr. .., ' is just as good" and "will answer. every par- ' ik.4,- Bp that 04.43 -1T70 -I.1.„ P imia.ssom..... VETERINARY. r..,.,„ , , to it wcua that tb run the pultivatca - -'• '''' • ' tiie 1 b 'only one way, greatla mereased e a - useful as a fool' - t but :. green,in wtn. et., .. "to- my raind it is not i'in it" with,c,kre. .- • is ,not. at all stran:ge that the ittle one b ' • - ' ' "sS, -Ne er let a mornin .9°Ome." or.° -. -,. V, . g th-e' little your chamois clean. It can be washed with! very little trouble, only be sure o Pm." you, get -B The ha- is on . . •', ' Tennent & - nnent th • It also •maa -oaaaaveeaing in e.-eowsa . , - 8 „ .. -. ---. . - A s Work.: bi- • saed, a. ex an "the reduetion of ggs . p ,- , . 8 . .. : : /With Brahmas very little if any ,_ pass with rut giving one a re- a -...• , frestlanag ,bath. In very hot ' weather. mothers have tried., their tee hang 't I 11 t dry, • g i up care u y o y, wring- bag well and then pulling it into shape ' a '' EXACT COPY OT WRAP.PER. as giallo ,-•' canal:ire 14:4( "9'7 ' . ' ZXVIIIIIC, 0 NT,• more ,planang,the, " . ' "t ' drop th ' •re'avicea,satsily hale. o • we- ,o6r . r _ , ., . ...,, n can. be asset., for taloa/al-via ,\VLU . , . , , f • , -• • • ''' ' • suiely fa. laying corn . 1228,ny giving. a Les Sponge- a s e ore ,pa ing b b' " " " b all la f ' putting ' , '• , , , Th . • - e bamboo beater is the best thing for rungs and but it is use- •••ra•aii.a., "......,a...„0-ai-ealaa ., , • -aataa'ara, - ';',..,•-a'f•-•• ••• ‘' , . eta , , . . .ii,:c.i,r,,,,..z.-.13iit"_ if :the .rows • are 'ma . straight :anil a potato covarer Aroma.. get and_ stop if is used. In winter. Whea,t is; useful. • e pte„,eent low ptiee -o ,oats, hjghlT ,., , _, , , . . • them o bed fpr he, night Thee. say' that the little. ones reet„mate 'quietlY : . . I-• • "b tt for' ah• •'• ' • •• sh. an s ee e er le evening aa . 11, ' portieres, less to heat upholstered. furnitute. A s be used; and all are -a tiff whiskshould • he ......, . La- , 1 , - by horaes asaised to coyer them, a ridge, . ' am PleaSed with the latter rain. .. , , . . . . . a a olvever, likely to • . .. ,• - . , Do 'not .pict: too many clothes. on the " MOS should well brushed out and • the lint and dust brushed after this tan analorcathe outs.rio vetintaiara a Pa tsf• • . ,,,- rricn : Onacloor South ()Mown =ail: ',- . 1•11111111M1•11. Off, . ' "--• - ' - the ork Ls piled. oaeia theaseeda acang e w. , . tanch faster:, than. it can be, aooe . bY la '" d ' dal ' la tt " One of. the ad; . an , aro. ,, so e. er. , , . vantages Of:this method of covering p o-, ' oats . axe .. cause trouala with 'some bens ' The laella" - - ' . seem to- irritate the crop arid oaeee in- digestion, To avoid. this. ant the pats for use th folio - ' d -' 't' ' '1 t . a al a e wing „AY Ina p., , night, 'boiling, Water' • ' ' ho '' ' ilia' ' If a 1"ta babies• in , ,t week., etr.. . le 1 e sthirts anclatockinas are of •woca With.' - '• ' • ' probably a flannel elara for eon" aataria-' ings, the babies •ayal be warm enough with theit. aotton'aiiesses. Even' tinyjoyfully off is . done I' is wonderful how much ' ' dust- a tufted chair •ean' hold -no won- -'der Maid aed mistress alike wonder • ' tbe dust •c e 'for sum- where. om s from, raer,. it blows in at GOOD SERVICE. • • - 9 !Although it. ine,y be true that' the ! I i CARTERS best service is that which we render • , , , ' e• • • • with -our hearts, and because . ITTLE . -., • -,,,,,,T.,.. rrinE WATERLOO 1110TUAL . -IL FIRE INSTIBANCIAC 0 . . gstabii.hadin1863. . flEAD'OFFIOE - WATERLOO, ONT tatoes J.s tbfa net -OalY is eeitieetten possible before :Nee ' tatoes are up but it is needed. The 'Etat rain iVili-start• • be- weeds to growing in tbe hollows tween the ridges, Oultivatin.g. , ese the is • to hat:tow the pour on :Mid:co-WT. The hulls will be quite soft neat -Morn- . ;Mg. and Whatris more, the fowls. will -latish the-awolle •ga ' • 'ue , mote _ n - grain na h than they tio in itelorainaryastate. It' le nineki .raDre''.;'satiefactOry r to ..,feact . f nt d ' ' ote -mire. ill the ehtt Is m a - w • aiaa blankets Wilih, which' they are gen'-' 11 b LI ' d 11 illa • e' • — era, .y. ur ene , le en e dar is warm. Mange 'the babyta elothes daily for Cleanlinesa Will 'clb• niutib.. toward keep- .., • ,. , : ,„ , , Pa winter, .whather °Pell win:lbws Or siftS 'up through fur- • . 1 nace f lies alike -the -grass of tbe poem, it a - , a - • • e Onleb creeping everywhere, and. 'finds a lodgna.ent in every inch of space exposed. • . k d 't b' •t t we love our wor an ISOJeC, ye • there is a grandeur in the work of a al t • • - man w 0! does wha. he dislikes, and what is abhorrent•to his na,tur.e, from .I. • - i that it is his duty : . 1 I VER :. o • . PILLS , • aa : This Company bris been over Tvirenty-eigh . years in successful Oper Ilion in 1Vestern Ontario, and con i 19 ues to hiattrottgainst loss or rinutble,thin dqc by kilB o, uildin' gsMerchandise 11Innutnetories mid all other d aurablo Neiman,. Intending insurers have " lire option of insuring on the Premium. Nine or Cash aystem. ' During the past ten years this company has Issued 57.40 Policies, covering- property to the amount a $40.672,038; and paid in losses alone $70!,,752.0a. • ' • - Affeets, S , consisting Of oash ' Jerald( 0 overn t Dopes' out, next work tin " ' • ' and taking ridges, going leng vise . most• Ofthem down. This leaves &very% deap mellow bed between the rows, ' 'ttl hill •ound the 'potato. i th very. li e aa. d b - Unly one harrowing Will be needed e fore the Ootato is up, and thereafter 4•1 - all .... le Vert will be on the sur- e cu IVE1 1 t. the 0- face. This method of plan ling P tato fits the ground. much oetter than it is usuallY fitted. by hand labor. Great ' • • the foavls in this way, for one of' the disa olgreee. , ,. • gs a out ,poeltry eeping b , ', ' k • " ha-S.:been the "feeding of soft•foodw and tthe gauttonous seramblioag; and:albeit,- ing" of the ill-bred nab of 'th me ers. . • e flock 1 W't lah soft food, too,..Btatraas,• and. Plymouth Books. for that matter, vvill get fat, even. if the soft fooa has . 1 • 't • ' not c.oroaanea an 1 , • - .aalg acma• g°°'''''' ' a ''' ` " • Ydang, babies shbuld be fed aegular- 1 e 'a • • Yetr two (hews: As the . 7 .:.7... • , . ,.. . .. 7 grow . . . old- er tae algae nete een reeding periods • May. geadriially be lenathened. An; in -days fent 'Should', be 'giVen 'no fOod but milk. IttS 'stonlaCal ' can digest nothing else - - - ' and when it does conamenee to eat, eat-. meal or other prepared. grains and . bread are, given it as the first solids. Tthe distes, bobtles and other utensils Now that bookcaseS with glass defers e no onger as lona le books are usually open to the dust and need sys- tematic and catefol attention to •pre- se th i d ' should rve em from . amage. They •a be .taken from tlae slaelves at least once or twice a month, willed with a soft, dry cloth, which shoula be' shaken out of th "' ' d ' 4.. . e wan OW repea.edly during the work always at in of dust'ng. Remember- that ' b ashen' la dust fromsa objectyou seat- conviction a "e-11 • . - te do it. . It is easy to work . when we love out and niahts of toi work. We bear a, 1 Li rivation with patience when We o P ,,. are 'doing *hat we wish to do. We - f la f 111 t f d • - flunk_ o t e u i men ..o oar esire, and with that end, in view our hearts ' • ' ' go oat towards ith•accomolishment and. h ra that hel ' . us to bring U - • Slat Headache and relieve dent to a bilious state Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness . eating, Pain in the Side, remarkable success has ni 1 a all of the &c. been L . ' the troubles system, such ati Distress after While theirrnost ' s.hown in curing , in en tan d the imasses- 0 ed Premium Notes on hand :mil in force J.11.11' ALDEN, 111.D.,-Presideut; 0 M. Tiyhort a eactury.; .1.13. II dunks,. Inspector . 01.1,13 B LI 7 • algebt forExeter and vioinity ,..„,„ dr ing '''''''''" should be taken M. opp . , potato sets. They. should be In a straight . line and at regular die- tances. To keep the seed from being t •• SEX AND POPULATION. a • ""--• • used, fox feedinge the, baby • should be kept sornpulously .clean and. sweet. No .. . one ce.n afferd to risLk injuring +.'h --e health of the little one by neglect in taf --• "aa . . . . . • r it, but wiping it off with a cloth you ga er 1 up an remove i alto- tla 't ' d 't' aetber. - . nothingis a . Ps it abut. ' ' ' ' ' . Or ab we are working for one we love, the task may be hard. and unpleas- ant, but we labor joyfully, happy that Headache, yet CARTER'S TATTL,C twist Pius are equally valuable in Consti ati Urin and preventin this ` p on, c . g g is annoying comniaint. while they also correct, all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bewail). • . NERVE . BEANS a. " ' 1113DVD DEA:i ,,,,,, i,, L, ‘,...,... covery that care the worst cans of Xervoui Debility, Lost Vigor and ,,acilini), ManhoOd; restores the a• ak ets of body or mind caused by over -work, or the errors or es. displaced by the coverer, each ea should. be pressed with the foot in re loose soil. So far as possible, leave he eves on the under side artd• the cut sin'- ••• d 1.11 th as face on top. The see w en, WW1 as the eyes put forth roots, come . Egypt lii et the Osity Country In the Wurli4. u t umber the lte it where qt, Araks _urn maxes. ' a . Wale stateraent has been made that Egypt is to enjoy the singular distinc-extravagance this- aa,rticular. It is always best if the baby is so well cared. far that no medicines are necessary, but there may •But be ?times when they ' awe imperative. Xeep tlhe infant's geneial health good ys em in peir ee order; this andhisst ' ft ' . , ------ Tara, HOUSE IN SUNEVIER, • is The housekeeper of th'enlightened day does not have to decide' between and tomb -like effects. ate are making tb,e corafort of the ley.- ed. alle' when none of %hese elements enter into our labor; when the work is u.ncongenial, and the 'object one do as mpathize • Even ff they Ache they who suffer would from only cured - . .. , be almost priceless to ttose this distressing complaint; Laces of youth- This Remedy &b. solutely cures the most obstinate cases when ail °Liner 171CATMENTra have failed even to relieve. Zola bydrug., gists at gl. per package, or six for 8.5, or sent by mail on receipt or pnce hy addressing TEE JAMES MEDICINk 00.. Toronto. One, Write for morbid. Soto. it,- Sold at Browning's Drug Store Exeter . • the will m earifact with firm.soil, and y . at once begin to nourish the .shoot. It Aworia - 11 'f th •shoot has to row does no a.rm i e g .up from. tbe under side of "the potato before it can grow up. The single eye thus planted will put forth more roots, forth one or two I • . .with taon of being the one country in the • - ._ . where men exceed women in inuraber. By. the latest census the ro.ale sex "in 'the dominions of the Khedive exceeds- the females by 160,000. This will prove nost 'satisfactory. If. Li. cool, comfortable place is pro- yided• for the little one to sleep in las will rest better and longer than when heat and flies are permitted to annoy. Darken the room and. ite possible let Her home is even more charming in . ummer than in Win- many instances in s t er and her family does not dread, the days when awnings will charitably screen froth a critical public the bar- which we not - Y .' when there is no. love anywhere to soft- en the pain, and. no interest to make - • the time pass quicker; when nothing upholds -the spirit but the stern de- raand of the daily duty, and nothing eases the tired.. mind. bat the grim; but fortunately their goodness here and those vrho once these iittleellayaiusaie they will not be willing a alutatter all sick head g , . 1 - a- - does not end try them will find insomanywa sthat to do without the.. ' . ..... ..4 E and. May also send new shoots: Growers of sweet potatoes • alleged 41'. t' tio of Egypt 1 ek 18 inC n — a S' how- it be one away aro= the sunthe cool- est in the house. Daring the hot wea- r horrors of • en o e suramei.interior. thought tha.t one mare day's work is • is•lthe bane lives that here fti DE!Woob's 0 RWA ti know that this crop is often made y planting shoots, which put forth Teas •and grow a crop just as if a seed po- tato was. planted. The common white potato can be equally well grown in the same way. As the numloer of square feet in an nate is 43.560, it followathat ever, the important featute of being ac- curate. Egypt is not the only coun- try in which women are outnumbered. b • • th ' t ' ' • y men, ere are o hers -severe' oth- ees-and in the number of these are tbe United States. By the census of eller flies keep rtila e babies restlss, and a few. yards of nettine thrown over thi e bed Oir crib will ralke ihim comfort- able. Arrange it so that the baby will not beconae entangled. in it if be kieke or throws his tin arms' abonat. A ha 37.' in mock makes a .cool bed for the .baby When lace and velvet curtains are packed. away in the well ordered 'house oa' to -day, airy. muslin or beaded por- tierestaae their place, sbades of dark blue linen shut out the glare of June sunlight, and cool, sweet smelling Jap- anese matting is placed under foot. Cushions oaerwhat then? Is such service as that worth nothing? May God's pity rest on such a life! Fax harder than to face. cannon, by which one's life may go out quickly, is it to live throu,gh such a living death. ' of so many wh we mak ' ' ell e our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do CARTER'S angovsee7 wzytoatr-k " LITTLE LIVES Pius are very small e seit•Igite •':.er twogetb1)"1:nrlaCII not gripe or purge, but bytheirgentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cerita; five for Si. Sold everywhere, or sent by mad. CARTED ammonia 00., law Took. : a L ' if planted three by three feet ea,ch way there will be 4,840 hills per ware.. If every twenty4our hills averaged a, trifle more, 1890 there Were' in that country 1 513 . f . . , 10 more maIe than female inhabit- 5 - .. ants. In Australie, the disparity be- - in summer. 'Do not overload hini witli . blankets or comiorters or envelop him • in feathetr pillows or bolsters. and pillows with slip cov- • ' ems of line or wash silk are laced in n , , e P the wicker arms and cane reclining e°11eh' na give an air of conafort de- a ' so - ,• CAI)IZ TEE WHITE CITY. • There•aeula. not possibly be a, wbiter 'I ball hl: grial Don. hallincei •-• bushel, it would make a as if such a yield. might be made on , tw • - eels. the sexes is even greater,, or Never .let a pleasant day go by with- oat giving a tihe baby n outing. Babies .a • void of any suggestion of heat. a- • eity. then Cadiz, unless it were built ' - CURES good. land with good cultivation all the season. Yet the average potato crop of the country is less than one hundred bushels per acre. If the potatoes are planted in' rows fifteen to eighteen in- cbes a.paat there will be not far front fifty hills ClIn n this preponderance of men be as- ibed to the comparative' r e nt - cr . y e e set tlement of the United States and of Australia, for -in Italy men outnumber' Women and b the last Itali • , y an census e • t he &Tab sweet air. Shelter e s r a,an a -• them from tat t ona sunlight d 1 ways protect their eyes. Do not tie veils about their faces unless it is very' cold or windy, wilien a close yell keep' paeticles of dust out of their B ut the greatest improvement has • been in the covert= of upholstered a - • furniture or polished. furniture highly - ' • These are now made of charming ere- 00 . 1 ens or denim, tonnes and c 1 -anted lin ' and are ofte.n far prettier than , tlae winter covenngs of . gaudy brocades. ,.s.c snow. near the coast you As you ' ' - .. 0 you a. •w• 1 e mass which. front 1 h t see in. appears to be•floating upon the water, you are. e first eu.g o jut Th f"' • t th ht f eas Et foreiigner is that he is in sight of an iceberg. The white Maas. glittering . r RAG RANT, \ DELICIOUS. \ COUGHS, COLDS, H OA RS EN ESS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, AND ALL 10,000 hills per awe. If every gave a bushel. of Merchantable . pota- toes it will be only a little more than a pound of seed per hill, and will make 200 bushels per acre. A there are sorae new varieties of good quality that grow 'potatoes one each. or - there was an. excess ef male over female inhabitents in the proportion of 50.20 to - 49.80. NOT ie 'Italy the only Europea,n . . . . .. . . country in. which this diapanty is to be found. In Greece the percentage of ,may ogee.. If a baby is thealthrhe should be good if properly taken care of. But who vvould laspae a, little one if Drat- fat and restless when heat, alies and . =Cleanliness combine to make him: so .a, - , • ' aa'e n a grown-up peison would beo•nd A set of covers recently made .at a, big shop was of. cream tinted linen, striped .with. delicate blue, and scat- tered with oink roses. The cbairs were - as carefully "fitted" as their well e se ownereac. cover was dr s d own was,and I • iI1 the sun and. rendered more dazzling by the blue sea, and sky, looks exactly Eke a. monster ice naountain partly on. uses o • s es am lt d, tat t ' tl* f ca tl - I pen i ,v or a sec- Jill ear u t. but only I hilis - .. .for- - • does.the allusion la.st, you,know ieebergs that - ea ' 0 • . r , 0 • . DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. , .25c. weighing pound. even more, it is clear that the limits of tato growing are far beaend. what 11° • • a • otdinary .farmers have attained. Vali d the g cod. cultivation, on good groun , 1 • h ht t ' Ina' eiinia 1 an s ishigher even than it is in to- a, and so it is, too, in Servia; and Roumania. • In all' the South American countries e . , , , 'Vane- areas under •similar circumetnees.. -' . , ------ THP STRAWBERRY IN NEW FORIYIS " - • - Strawberey Float -Beat up the yolks the •two buttoned down the hack, with small • • • peen Iiuttons. The piano was ease fit- bed with a slip of the same material, and the numerous very gorgeous sofa individual there aro no in pait, ano. you are quickly informed, that it is Oa- • . Nother 't • ' th Id diz. o teen ea. e world ore- Sents such a. nes& a,ppearance. ., 0 IN SEALED CAD bytiDill IKE SuPERVISION OF el. /. / PRIDE ()RS FOR $1.00 FOR SALE BY ALL.dRBOGISTS ' '11 ' t t potato .crop, even In hi S,. met • no in ordinary years to go less thn 200 with the exception Of Chili. and . zueLe.,, men outnumber the women, and of four and whites of eggs - cup granulated sugar and with .1-2 there 1 pillows were sueplied with ' •linen. covers of , ' 'taellefEllTC:703ETLX.&,... . tA p 1, txliA bushels per..acre. in a dry season it this is Particalarly the case in Brazil over pour qt. scalded milk. _ __ The fee. " is claimed by the advoca.tes of hill cul-. and in the Argentine Republic. in . • 'African-. Turn into a double boiler and stir over the fire the thickens AN ACTIVE EMPEROR. simile • 1"8 ovary MONSOON " TEA .... - tivation that the harrowinge of the England's South c-elonies in ntil custard e u. • aisnatnro .I.z-4, winter. " Is packed under the supervision of the Tea growers, terersoank.siekscrsTax.,,,o,,,_ .....rearametroff,rals. esomen......., .. ' face both ways:help to preserve the Where long droaghts Iladia and in Canada, as well as inEgypt the number of male inhabitants •exceeds Add a pinch of salt, and when nearly cold, flavor with aanilla. lathe bot- . The German. emperor. and. the empress are the earlieat risers of all European of • "" ""'"----- - - -"- -- - --aa------ and is advertised and. sold by them as a sample of the best qualities of Indian and Ceylon Teas. • For .11EAD-MAKER'S r0 . . ,- "nlali,ea,IST' ' r NEV6P rdit$1C0 OW SMISKi011014 atta aeaa "" au "aal Taal moisture better. prevail we should. 'prefer to plant po- tatoes in hills,- rather. than in drills. ., -....— ' GROWING ONIONS% 'to, •s- and the nurinber 'of female inhabi ni, a 11, is not.eaey, therefore, to• see how such- an error 'should have been inade as to say EgyPt Wa,g entitled to the distinc- tion el:tin:Led fer it, provided always, that an'excees of tom of a. pretty glass diah erten e a . . g layer of strawberries that have been hulled and. washed. Pour over tbera half the custard. Then put in another layer of berries and, the reinainder of the custard. Whip up the reraaining . sovereigns, but with them it is a ease of. following out the rule of "early to bed. and early to rise," for they. retire ao early as 10, o'clock. At 5 o'clock in the sumraer and 6 to'clook in the winter Ic„,19-4-De.../0,41ll i • .,..,,,--- • a P ti ar • a ' that reason they see that sone but the very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. i• a That is why " Monsoon:. the perfect Tea, can be sold at the sone price as inferior tea. 6 lbs., an so;sr ue in sealed radio of X lb., I, lb. and ld in throe flavours at 40c.,60c. and 60c. STEEL, HAYTER & CO., Front St., Toronto, , EXETER TIMES 'With male population may be regarded, ,as a distinction, which. 'Ma two table- whites of -the two eggs wi. . . •• ' • • ' • - the enaperox is 'up and about, and the g '....t. -, a TIIE • Is published every Thursday morning at TOMOS Steal)" Pailatill v 11 . ;,., , Rouse avrivn street, nearly 'opposite Eitton'siewelri store, Exeter, Ont., by . • JOHN WHITE a aONS, Proprictore. •TI.ATES ON' ADIMUTISTN01. ' larstinsertion, perline.,,, ..... ... _10 eentg Erich subsequent iusertion, per Thiel .. 3 cents. To insure itsertion, advertisements . a, rich sail thoroughly prepar- • ed- jo a geed tilth, with good seed sown - good season' and with thorough eel- in • ' tivation (Miens give a good yield and are usually- a profitable crop to • grew. • - .-- They e,re gross feeders and on this ' ' ; , acoeunt It is usually difficult to get the • -1 ' h Theb' t" t ' oo rIC ., a jec Ions o using ani. . . •'• most certainly every -gallant and chiy- Larous man mast unqualifiedly den Y.' Pgy t'S I • t • 1; 1 . . • '-- 1) c aim O. any paa mu aa prom- • inente in. this Matter is based on a very slender foundation at best, By the 'census previous to the last 'one, it was • . . . shown that the total number of male lehabitants was 3,402,000, and the man- b' f I • I ' 'II 1 "t' is 4 6 ' er o ,• eras. e in a a an was 3, 1 ,000. . ' '' ' ,,, spoons powered, sugar, until they are very stiff. Flavor this meringiuo also with a little vanilla and heap over the . , . ' • fruit. Sprinkle a few berries on top aeld Serve. Those atlas; have plenty • of rich crearn W11/ anJOY• Strawberry Sarabande. -Whip - • well one eu thick a eet cream. Then ' P • " wr with a silver knife ca aw- t 1 pint eta' ' •• '• • ' empress rises only a little later, that she may be ready herself to prepare her lord mad. master his first map of coffee. The children of the imperial family ate btelight,„up to, fellow. their parents' example in' this as in every way. The Emperor of Austria is anoth- ex- monarch who breakfasts with the lark. ' a , ; ja ' , Nor ,, r • a 7) ,I w, : 1 . co ) pt' Tliit' DIETZ 'DRIVING LAMP. , , • a ' a, 1, ,. ,. . , c, , 4 ,. , . • 11 •,. , -,!. should beaera in riot late*, than 'Wednesday teeming,. . '-' - ' fresh, c,oarse manure is the weed seed that it usually couteinas. On this ac- 1 1 tiO• th.0 f f . n a popu a n, re La e,. o nearly 7,- 000 030,, the exce88 of female inhabitanta berries into small pieces,- aad stir in - to the whip. IVIeanwhile 1 tribleepoon le about dancer perfection at 50 years of' Lamp -Making can attain to. it , 2 Our :T013 PRINTING DEPARTMENT is one of the largest end. bat equipped in the 0ounta Of Huron. .All woric entrusted to us Will re ceive our prompt attention. laceinioncrItegariling Newspapers: 1 -Any person ,who. takes a paper regularly from the post office, Whether directed in his or onotheas, or whether he has „,, a-unt. where stable manure .is Wed. it should' be thoroughly rotted. So that it , can be tnorougbly incetporatea with the soil. 0,ntens feed near the surface, 8/ that the fertilizer 'should, be 'worked : ° I,. „„,,„' ' ' . • Oa ne107 bua 113".°Laue• at Taal; time was 14,000,, and if =cal then the scale has beeai turned slight- isi and now shows a small r - 1 p eponc ex- atae.e of nien, there is certainly, nothing - Ln it which particalarly dells far any :metre ion . ' great dean • t of sueprise. • gelatine should capful of (fold t tal WS er un i little at a time, beating well table -spoons mold and Set on ice' have been soaked in h water and set over hot • also ye .. d' 1 d • Add this, , a to the cream and fruit, in, and. sweeten. with three. palverized sugar. Wet s , petit the mixture into It. to harden, end. when well iteLt METAL LAMPS NOW.. " ' The DOW lamlie of the- season of 1898 are darker •in metal and background, heaVier it decottation, and solider in L a - • • • eonspruc ton than in any maywas year. , • • . , The eases are heavier and Wore squat, burns kerosene, and givet e poWerful clear' 'White light, and will neither blow tor Jar out When out driving with a the derkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead ef your Smartest horse, When you want the very best Driving Lamp to be had, ask yeur • i• e . THE EtEST. SPRINO' IIIEBIOINS c • ' ' • •uree all Bleed Diseases, trent a common Phupleto the nnine stib• sallied or not, is reSponsible for pay mon t. . A . .001 1 -- e . very g c pan o.. management is aet turn out ()A a flat dish. A quick- in metal eone•truotion, and so fax as dealer tor the "Dietz,' worst Scrofulous Sore. g.. -If a person orders MS paper discon tinned lie must pay rill arteilts Or tho pita alai, inly continee to send ft nn HUM payment is Made, and then eolloet, the whele amount, whether the paper is taken from the °Moe or not. 3-10 suits for subscriptions, the snit may be instituted in the place 1,., here tho paper.ispub. Iishrd, alteoriee the subscriber may reside iri„,, rod El of Milo t aWast. , " 4-Thee:mins hEIVO decided that ,refusitig to -Post to( plow' the- grOtind: deep ite• thorough- ly, it good, semon, arta.' then a.opty the manure Or fertiliser on the sutfa,ce ,and k 't '' t th a 'th ' a ' t work 1 in o e so' wi a cul iva or or barrow, and then 'the seed may be SOW 1:1 . Wood ashes are a good fertille- et tea'. ' OntenS ana can often be used, to , , an'. good advantage a,a a top' dressing ADOPTING (EfIS OWN METHOD. . . Could yoa leild me an X? inquired the airy citizen, ,,,, •lolo- A V then, . I'm afrocia not. Yoe'!" have to go eta]. further back it the alphabet. . . ,. ly gotten up dessert in erx emergency IS--. . . arty rue a- - ice a, p am ca e anti B C h Sl* I ' • k ., . . cat the slase8 into equares, circles DT othea• fancy ' shapee. Arrange et platea eta On each piece of celre put ,: .. f I' f • • • h 4 t, '1 ' - ' we. Spoon at 8 o extol e s raw %tries. Pour' all whiPPed. oreom slightia I geess lamps ate toncerned this eeaSeiVe , ' ' " ' • ' dedly egaanst them, since fashion , is (lea. tat. broad baaes requite eueli a; leage gathering of glees that there noist of necessity lie light shoulders' anti con- see:tient week spots in "glass, base lampS. ''• This year'sestyles are 48:A41641)A ill fay- lamps,' baoad We issue a special Catalogue of this Lamp end; 0 yoti ever prowl around fter night f 11 it ill ' t 4 - a . W in erbSt you . l'is mailed, free R-.E.DIETZ CO., do igtight. Stq Vevo VOtlE. •HIS PROGRESS. • w.“.,.. , - d. t i• along at tine noW• ill yo 1 ge , Sehool to-dasr ? very. well, NOM', Willie, his Mother •wentt on se,- Verely ; don't t811 stories. I hued. you Lake nowtsPaners or perkalicals from the office, or removing n.nd Mating tbeni finance! tor, 18 prima facie ev..idente of intentional fraud. -.. , ,. „ ' .- ta — rflY,Ing Just nefore or jest atter ee Seed is sown, . ,Whore , there .is not it Sufficient lion- lath t d erti • • V . a- o y . Mean ' My capatitiee for aecainmeaation are limited to the letter O. over sweetened. ' Anatter dainty awl &sr?. or of all Metal and, theie ± , '11 ' av-, da niettets a fine ,. chance ' to eeting• themselve.s ' had te be -pithisattl. 'Special 'Ornate Canadian ;enamors. ' . „ _,., , , , _ „ , . Ws, tut 'it ambit hurt art tench Me 4-1,4,104111r4.0.411r4.14.011rokflLeare•teerA esuee,