HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-5-26, Page 8't
I , dal .iyi .: ,,,,,,,,,,„„ Cool Ventilated Summer Corsets.
al -'01,1,1116..' Som.ething very special, very comfort-
able, very durable and very cheap.—Come and see this new
Jh',—You'll want them.
faig,i eNt--16 For our great leader in a black Parasol..
46.171.‘•-•4' `,-0` Its a beauty for a dollar. Yes the best
dollars worth we know of.
Cash or
1CANED MIL—At the District
g Uash Stor meet -
mg of the Strathrey District of the
e. chairmanVI, Rev. jasper Wilson, a,
1 1etheclist Church, held last wek
e, the
fernier pastor of Main street Metho-
dist church, Exeter, was presented
Produce, One Price Only isters of the district a,s a token of
with a gold -headed cane by the Min -
their apprebiatien of his valuable
services as chairmaaa
50cApair for Ladies' kid faced ventilated
• Bicycle Gloves—just the thing for wheeling.
New Green Kid Gloves. Just the latest fade out, full stock,
special values.
Now is your time for bargains in
Wall Papers and Lace Curtains
Stock must be reduced. Come and see our big stock and
big values.
ie Store closes 6.30 except Wednesdays and. Saturdays.
• Agent for the WESTERN ASSURANCE Com,
; PANY, of Toronto - also for the FERENIX FIRE
ixstrRawcE COMYANY, of London, England;
+ Books
WELead Pencils,
OFFER Rubber Erasers,
• • • • . • • • • • • . • •
. . .
Pens, and
Pen Holders,
Ink Blotters,
.. Ruled, Plain
Slates & Pencils,
Scribbling books
Drawing Books
. Tablets,
... Rulers, a tc.
-• • - •
THURSDA.Y MAY 26th, 1898.
• Dr, Cunnington, of Parkhill, visit -
ea John Taylor's this week.
, rs, A. Sheere visited her husband
• in Brantford. over 24th of May.
• Mrs. W. Evans, of Ailsa Craig, is
• visiting her sister, Mrs. Quance.
• The conference of the Methodist,
Church meets at Chatham next week,
•Wni. Datmcey, of Exeter, and. Mr.
• Mieheraof Wy o min g, arevisitiegfrien ds
in Grey township this week.
It is an admitted fact that Exeter
• hes the most beautiful and smooth
streets .in Canada, a paradise for
•, pedestrians and bicyclists.
A newspaper down in Maine, in tell-
•• ing of the death of a roan through
being struck by a railroad train, adds
that "it will be remembered that he
met with a similar accident a year
Dr. Rivers, of Crediton, preached in
• the Methodist church, Staffa, on Sun-
day, the 22nd inst. In the morning he
addressed the parents and children,
and spoke to the young people at
The heelth officer is on his rounds
and citizens will do well to see that the
•Public Reeibb. Act requiring all decay-
ing matter to be removed from cellars,
•outbeiklings and yards, is duly
McOlocklin,has secured a situa,
gore with the Waterous Engine Co. at
•Brantford, • and leaves this week for
IL that place, Mr. McOlocklin is a clever
young in= and will no doubt rapidly
• be promoted.
The fourth spraying application will
be given in R. S; Lang's orchard, Exe-
e ter, On Wednesday, junelst, at2 p. m.
These spraying exhibitions should he
'WittieSSed by all who own fruit or
other trees,
• A very pretty wedding took place at
"; the residence of Mr. John Livingstone
Itirkton, when his daughter, Annie M.,
•;•wae united fli the holy bonds of marl -
Molly to Mr. Thos. McCurdy, a pro.
tninent young farmer, ot the Thames
you want to appeal against your
assessment, you mttst do so before May
Take partiettlar notice as to
tether yott are assessed for a, dog
dOsen't belong to yeti, mid by aet-
g in time save yourself and other
!oldt Jet of trouble.
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rirsgs,
Watch e s, Cla c fes,
Spectacles, Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Mr. Thos. Sweet is haying new brick
walls put under his barns.
The Public school summer vacation
will extend from June 30 to September
Harold Willoughby, a student of
Huron. College, London, is home
spending vacation.
The webs of the tent caterpillar have
1 already appeared in orchard trees, and
they should be at once burned out.
Rev. Charles Smith tooklpart in the
re -opening ceremonies of the Parkhill
Methodist church on May 24th.
W. J. Carling last week disposed of
some farm lands in Manitoba for $8
per acre. This is considered a good
While two youths were scuffling on
Main street on Tuesday evening, one
fell through a large window in Carling
Bros' store.
Dr. Willoughby was in Parkhill on
Monday, taking partin the re -opening
ceremeniesin connection- with the
Methodist church.
Mr. William Fisher and family have
moved here from Listowel, and are re-
siding in Mrs. Isaac Bawden's house
on the corner of William and Waterloo
"Kit," of the Mail and Empire, has
been despatched to Cuba as War cor-
respondent. This is the first time a
woman has ever been chosen to fill
such a position.
Gunpowder 'and the art of printing
were invented about the same period ;
but who can blame gunpowder for the
War Extras, which are the wildest
horror of a modern campaign ?
Appearances now indicate another
very prolific crop of hay in this district
this season. Within a radius of ten
miles of Exeter there are some as fine
fields of clover as a person would de-
sire to see.
Aaron Sutton, London Road, has
purchased from Nathaniel Corbett.
Stephen, the land and premises situat-
ed on the west side of the London
Road, between the - properties of
Francis Anderson and rhos. Heaman.
Miss Addie Holland returned home
Thursday last from St. Catharines,
where she has been stadying in the
Mack Training School for nurses. We
are pleased to learn that she has been
successful in the examinations,
gaining medal and diploma.
A set of swindlers are said. to be
sending out circulars promising "in
order to introducetheir goods" to send
to any address, postage prepaid, ten
yards of red, brown or green silk for
$L The eager victims receive ten
yards of silk thread cut from the
Arrangements are being rnade for
a game of lacrosse in Exeter, on Tues-
day evening, May 31st, between Sea -
forth and Exeter teams. Both teams
are in good practice, and having last
yearput up exciting*games,a keencon-
testis looked for. Game at 6.30. See
The Front Street Methodist Church,
Strathroy, has taken hold of its debt.
Four years ago the debt was $7,000,
During three years of Rev. Jasper
Wilsoh's pastorate, it was reduced to
$5,000, and his reappointment for a
fourth year has been crowned with a
noble effort by the people, which pro-
vides for the whole debt.
The E. B. Eddy, Co., of Hull, have
issued a all ealendar covering from
April, 1898, to December, 1899, which is
not only neat and convenient in its
arrangements of dates, but it is hand-
some and unique in its heading, which
contains a seriee of views in different
Canadian Cities and other pointe of
general interest.
A young man named Norman Lloyd,
who imbibed too freely of liquor, on
Tuesday, undertook to conteolExeter
North, He struck several ladies whom
he niet, with the result that he was
knoaked down, several teeth knoeked
out and otherwise injured by an irate
husband. He was taken before Squire
Snell and committed, Wednesday
morning he settled the case by paying
darnageor and cost&
24vi Mat VIsrroRs,—Among for-
mer Exeterites who spent the holiday
in Exeter, we noticed the following
persons:—W, Carley, and P. Follick,
Brantford ; James Clarke, London ;
W. Stewart and wife, Detroit; Chas.
Verity, Brantford ; A. MeNa.11y,13lyth;
Aquillae Snell, London; Frank Snell,
Forest ; W. Bee, H. Levett, W. Baw-
den and sister, J. B. Shortt, of
hill; F, Oke, Toronto ; John Snell, St.
Thomas.—Robert Sweet and wife of
Dunville, are visiting at T. Prier's,
A NEW Reeen—Oanadiaris who con-
template making bicycle trips to the
United States will be interested to
know that the United States Treasury
Department has recently made a new
ruling whereby bicycles are not free to
enter the United States as personal or
emigrant's effects, bat are dutiable at
45 per cent., and. also that bicycles may
be takenacross the border by tire owner
for temporary use, not exceeding three
days, free of duty, upon filing a notice
and giving maker's name, number and
description of the wheel. Canadians
visiting the 'United States temporarily
with their bicycles should also leave a
similar description with the Canadian
customs officer at the port of departure
in order that no trouble may be ex-
perienced in getting the wheel back to
Fanners' Institutes are ‚increasing in
popularity in the country districts, as
the anunal report of the superintend-
ent, F. W. Hodson, shows. On De-
cember 31sre 1895, the total institute
membership in the province was 11,-
020; June 30th, 1896, the membership
had increased to 12,384; May 1st, 1897,
to 14,228; and on May 10th, -1898, to
15,507. During the last year there has
been a great demand for supplemep-
tary tneeti-ngs. it has been found
necessary to limit the number of the
extra meetings to four for each insti-
tute, when assistance will be allowed.
Superintendent Hodson says that the
institutes are progressing fa,vorably,
and that had it not been for the elec-
tions corning on the time they did,
there would have been hundreds of
new members added to the roll.
TEE RACES.—The races here on 24th
were the best in the history of Exeter,
notwithstanding the •heavy ram of
Monday and the threatening weather
of Tuesday. Some twenty-seven
horses entered for the yarious events,
and the ,racing in each contest was
very keen and exciting. The attend-
ance was also very large, nearly $500
being taken at the gate. Following is
a summary of the several events::
Marguerite. J. Merner Zurich 1 1 1
Della Bell. Capt Robson, Ilderton ,.3 2 2
L W. P., D. 1VIeEwen, Ailsa Craig 2 0 4
Fern Leaf. Brock & Horn. Wincbelsea4 4 3
Negro Jack, Geo. Essery. Centralia 5 5 5
Time, 2.40; 2.40; 2.40.
' 2.30 CLASS.
Roy Golddust. D. McEwan, Ailsa Craig 6 1 11
Alice, N. Pearce, Strathroy .1 3 3 3
Melba, T. W. Hawkehaw, Exeter.........3 2 2 4
Sir Allan, A. O'Neil, Lucan 2 4 5 5
Black Patti, A. McDonell, Exeter 5 6 4 2
Time, 2.33; 2.341; 2.35; 2,341.
Kh..g Stanton, T. Murdock, Hensall....2 1 1 5 1
Tom Appleby. M. Porter 1 3 2 1 4
Pilot D., B. McCarthy, Tha mesford4 2 3 3 3
Robert I , F. Jarvis, London 3 4 5 4 2
Dixie Van, B. S, Van Tuel, Petrolia,5 5 4 2 5
Time, 2.28: 2,281-2 ; 2.30 ; 2,33 ; 2,34.
Splint, R Thompson, Goderich 1 1
Norine, J'. Merner. Zurith.. ... ....... 2 2
Woodcraft. H. F. Gordon, Winglam 3 0
Little Joker, Thos. Patterson. Strathroy0 3
Time, 55: 541-2.
• Judges, G. A Routdedge, Lambeth
and U. Miller, St. Thomas; starter, G.
E. Henderson, Seaforth ; Timer, A.
McKenzie, St, Thomas.
Notes.—There were several" run-
aways on the track, but no serious
damage resulted.
TRIM:MEL—This word was the key-
note of Rey. Charles Smith's discourse
last Sunday evening. He showed that
the widow's triumph was won in that
instance by imposing a specific test
upon her faith. It needed faith in
God for anyone to borrow themselves
out of debt as she did. Some discrimi-
native counsels were spoken concern-
ing both the folly and wisdom, the
dangers and advantages of borrowing.
Usually he who goes a borrowing goes
a sorrowing. It was further shown
that the widow won her triumph by
conjoining works with faith. It is
only the man or woman of work, of
great personal energy and devotion
who can steer their way out of de-
pressing financial obligations by as-
suming new liabilities, and they can
only do so when they have the bless-
ing of God co-operating with and
crowning their efforts. This woman
was no idle day dreamer, no indolent
fatalist resting in the sophistical fal-
lacy, what is to be will be. Those
who profess such nonsense as bhat
should be consistent, and when the
roast lamb and mint sauce and green
peas diffuse their appetizing aroma, in
the dining room, they should sit down
in the corner away from the table, and
never make an effort to eat, for what
is to be will be. This woman borrowed
then she poured oil out of her own
little flagon and filled to the brim all
the large empty vessels. Her faith
and works triumphed when science
and reason said, it could not be. Scep-
tical scientists and philosophic ration-
alists might sneer and laugh, and. say
it is impossible and absurd bet they
were answered and put to silence, and
the laugh was alt on the widow's side
and against them, as she pointed tri-
umphantly and said, there Is the oil;
it was the voice of nature—no sowing,
no growing; of Providence—no mill,
no meal; of grace—no pains, no gains.
The final sermon of this instructive
series will be given next Sunday even-
ing en "The Widow's Wealth and
Song." •
Excursion to Guelph Ontario Agri-
cultural Farm on Monday, June 20.
Return fare from Brussels, good for
two days, $1,00 for adults,and 80 eente
for children. The Wingharn and.
Brussels Agricultural Societies have
the matter in hand.
Miss COXof London is the guest of
the Misses Elliot,
••••W•••••••••• P••••f••••••'••'
Three Chances in Wall Papers
You may wonder bow or whyit is done—making such
attractive pr
ices in Wall Papers just when Wall papers are
biggest in demand. Don't waste your time trying to figure it
out. The fact that we are doing it ought to interest you more
than the reasons we might give. These prices go into effect
at once. Those who are thinking of Wall Papers should not
miss this opportunity :—
Glimmer Wail Papers with match ceilings and borders, latest
designs, in all popular colorings, regular price 8 C
and 10e per roll for
American Gilt Wall Papers complete combinations, Wall
Border and ceiling, sc roll and conventional patterns
all shades, suitable for any room regular price 1.94
and 15cts. per yard for
Embossed Gilt Wall Papers, Empire, Louis XV., Flemish
and Renaissance designs, pink, dark, green, fawn
Iand blue colors tor drawing rooms, parlors and halls, 7C
regular price 20 to 25cts. per roll for
We are also showing in this department a very fine range
of Curtain Poles and Curtain Pole Trimmings. It will pay
big to examine our stock before making your purchases.
Men's Clothing Needs
• Men's Clothing
Men's single breasted Sacque Suits, in
brown and grey tweeds, farmers'
satin linings, well made and 4 so
trimmed, all sizes
Men's Rigby Waterproof Bicycle Suits,
in light and dark grey and brown
shades, unlined coats, strap 00
and buckle at knee
Boy's Clothing
Boys' Three-piece Suits, single and
doulale breasted. short pants, good
Italian. cloth linings from 4 50
3 00 to
Boys' Navy-blue All -wool Serge Suits,
brass buttons, from 1 26
to 75
Hats and Caps
English Fur Felt Feclores, in browns,
fawns, pearls and blacks..... 50
Men's Linen Hats, correct styles,
specially good value.....„ .• .. 50
Men's and Youths Scotch Tweed and
Men's ventilated Crash Bicycle Caps,
Gents' Furnishings
Serge Caps,
special .. . ..
very cool and comfortable....
Men's Fine Imported Merino Under-
wear, shirts and drawers, overlock
seams, spring weight, spec-
Men's All -wool Sweaters, very fine
quality, white, navy, cardinal and
green shades, fast colors,
Men's Imported Scotch Bicycle Hose,
heather mix legs, fancy pat- 75
tern roll, very correet style
Men's Leather Bicycle Belts, hip rings
and leather buckles special
The best way to be convinced of our special values is to
come and examine Goocls yourself.
Just opened up a full line of Ladies' high cut Bicycle
Boots. See them.
The R. Pickard Co.,
Mr. and Mrs. A. O'Neil, of Lucan,
spent the 24th 'at B. S. O'Neil's.
A. Walters and Miss E. Dyer were
married yesterday (Wednesday.)
Miss T. White spent the 24th holi-
days with friends in Windsor.
J. F. Fox, of Lucan, was the guest
of Harold Willoughby on Tuesday.
Mrs. Straith and family, of Windsor
spent the holidays with J. A. Straith,
Alex. Davie, of Brantford, formerly
of Exeter, was married in that city the.
other day to a Miss Berkett•
The "Lucan Irish Nine" and the
Exeter "Spaldings" played a game of
base ball here on May 24th, the score
standing 15 to 6 in favor of the visit-
ing team.
• There died'at Sunny Brae, N. S. on
May 24th, Christina, beloved wife of
William Ross, aged 72 years, and
mother of J. P. and D. A. Ross of this
The rumor to the effect that the pro-
test against the election of H. Eilber,
member -elect for South Huron, had
been withdrawn seems unfounded, as
far as we can learn.
Last week Win. Hoskin left Exeter
for Woodstock to visit his daughter,
Mrs. Louis Walper. He drove his
horse, and after leaving St. Marys the
horse took sick and died.
The concert given in esidley's Opera
House on 24th of May evening was
very satisfactory to those who attend-
ed. The company merited a better
patronage than was accorded it.
Reports from all parts of the prov-
ince are rife concerning large numbers
of caterpillars and. other insects which
destroy fruit. The explanation given
is that the winter was so mildthat the
germs were not killed.
Mrs. Manning, of -Comber, spent
Sunday and Monday with her husband
here,. and on Sunday evening sang a
solo m the Main street church choir.
She possesses a sweet, clear and cul-
tivated voice, and her singing was
much appreciated.
Dr. Harris, of Manitoba, went to
Windsor to stay with his sister while
being treated for a throat trouble. He
died Wednesday morning of last week,
and the restrains were taien to Inger-
soll for interment.
A meeting of the creditors of Messrs.
• Dauncey & Brown, gram merchants'
who last week made an assignment,
was held in Elliot & Gladman's
office, on Wednesday, when arrange-
inente were made for the disposal of
the estate, Liabilities, $2,900 ; assets,
1 500.
We had a girl in Exeter named
Mary at her birth. When she grew
up she dropped the "r" and itwas May.
When she began to shine socially she
changed the "y" to an "e" and her
name was Mae. About a year ago
she married and now she has dropped
the final letter and spells its plain 'ma.'
We ere pleased to notice that L. L.
Folliek hatt been successful in passing
his examination iu chemistry and an-
atomy, wilich partially entitles him to
the degree of D. D. S., which degree is
granted by the 'University of Toronto,
not the Dental College. ETa will take
other subjects for this degree next
ii/fareh, •
Mrs. John Leathern, of London,
visited friends in town this week.
Post Office Inspector Fisher, of
London, was in town on Monday on
official business.
Messrs. George Jermyn, of Wiarton,
and Will Foster, of Granton, spent the
24th with Miss Levitt.
Ernest Manning, of Parkhill, and
Albert Taylor,son of Mr. Taylor, spent
24th at J. T. Manning's.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron, of
Toronto, spent the forepart of this
week yisiting at R. H. Collins'.
The sale of dairy cows at Kirkton
last week was a success. Mr. Sturgan
will hold a sale at Motherwell on June
Rev. Jewitt, of Elimville, preached
in the Main street church on Sunday
morning last, delivering an interesting
and instructive sermon.
• A number of Arabs,with performing
bears and monkeys passed through
town yesterday. They met with little
encouragement and passed on. •
Richard Farmer, while walking
along one of the backstreet sidewalks,
on May 21th, was run into by a
cyclist. Mr. Farmer was pitched upon
the wheel, while the rider was forcibly
dismounted, Neither was very much
hurt, but the wheel was damaged.
) Also Black figured Alpaccas,
superior goods and attractive
patterns, 39 in. at 55C, 48 in. at
$r .20.
Also Black DuChene, •French
Dress Goods, 5 patterns, from. 9oc
to $1.5o. These are particularly
fine goods.
Also Black Satins and Black
Surrah Silks, 65c and $1.00,
Roma.0 Silk pcarfs in ladies'
wear, with fringe, 2 5c each.
IN GENTS' WEAR, the latest
in Colored Shirts, soft fronts,
Also Laundried Colored Shirts,
with collars and cuffs attached or
detached, from 60c to Sr.ro,
The latest novelty in Collars
and Ties. Syndicate, Aberdeen,
Hot Spur, Earl, Briton, 'Valkyrie,
all these are stand up collars.
An excellent assortment of
Umbrellas, elegantly mounted ,
and good material.
Ladies' Blouses, 3 choice lines ;
clearing prices 50c, 75c and $1.0o.
• 4,11 P. CLARKE
Ladies' Shirt Waists
41000 ----AND WRAPPERS!
We have just received another lot of Ladies' Shirt Waists'.
Ladies' Shirt Waists—mammoth-
Organdy 1Muslin Shirt Waists floral design • • .8130
,, trimmed with lace at. .... : 1.40
Fancy black and white Shirt Waists, with collar and cuffs at 1.25
Organdy Muslin Shirt Waists, large variety at 1.00
Fine Print Shirt Waists, large variety at. .... 1,00
e e detachable collar at ...... .75 •
,, te et o .60
If attached s e .50
We sold a lot of Wrappers last season, but we have sold
more already this season than all last season, and have just.
received the third lot.
We have them in sizes from 82 to 40 at 90c., $1.25, $1.40,
$1,65 and $1.75 each.
Summer Corsets—moao&
We have it good line at 50c. sizes 18 to 30.
Boys' blouses 40c. each.
Boy's duck suits.........$1.25
Come to Us)o Have Their Eyes Examined.
If you need Glasses let us fit them for you. We' give
you the best expert attention .at T. FITTON'S Jewelry
Graduate Optician.
A bicycle club has been formed a-
mong the members and adherents of
the First Congregational Church, Lon -
Cook's Cotton Root CompouW.
Is successfully used monthly by oyez
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
don with the pa,stor, Rev. I. W. Ped- your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com -
ley, as honorary president. pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and.
imitations are dangerous. Prise, No. 1, siker
Last week the by-law for the con-
struction of sewers and sidewalks was 1 or 2, mailed en receipt of price and two stent
Ism; ,Nse. 2,10 degrees stronger,83 per box. No.
nv lOatieodr jot; inof 86,Brusselsthere abeing
a rr onlyied givryo ta.
°responsible Druggists in Canada.
ing against it, and at the council meet-
ing on Monday night it received the
third reading and was finally passed.
Hag -
yard's Yellow Oil cannot be excelled
Fon internal or external use Additional locals on fifth page.
as a pain relievin g and soothing remedy
pmoainr.e head of cattle infected
with tuberculosis have been slaugh
tered at Rockwood Hospital for the In-
sane, making fourteen in all. The en-
tire herd will be exterminated, the
stalls fumigated and tho roughly cleans-
ed and made ready for a new herd.
The cattle being killed off are mixed,
some coming from the west and others
being picked up locally.
An elderly man who gave his name
as Pearson K. Marfleet, of West Chi-
cago, has come to live in Windsor till
the war is over. He said he disapprov-
ed of the war so much that he sold out
his business and left the country eath-
er than countenance it. He called up-
on the chief of police and asked leave
to settle in Canada, promising to main-
tain the strictest neutrality between
the waring nations. He was told that
he would be quite safe in Windsor.
The followitig is the entire schedule
adopted for the season of 1898 by the
western district of the C. L. A.
June 3, St. Marys at Parkhill.
June 9, Exeter at St. Marys.
June 17, Parkhill at Exeter.
June 24, Exeter at Parkhill.
June 28, St. Marys at Exeter.
July 7, Parkhill at St. Marys.
July 15, Exeter at Parkhill.
July 22, St. Mary at Exeter.
July 28, Parkhill at St. Marys.
August 5, Parkhill at Exeter.
August 12, St. Marys at Parkhill.
August 15, Exeter at St. Marys.
It was decided that each club keep
its own gate receipts and pay its own
expenses. The home team were given
the privilege of billeting the visiting The undersigned has opened up a
team wherever they see fit. Two new meat market one door
referees from each club were appointed,
the Exeter officials being James IL SOUI1 Ot cariino store.
Greive and . The referees' expenses arenot to exceed $3and •where be will keep the choicest of
are to be paid by the home team. In. meats constantly on hand.
case of any disputes as to the referees,
J. A. McFadden, of Stratford, or R. A CALL SOLICITED.
E. Jackson, of Seaforth, will be decided JOHN T. MANN! NO.
on, when the expenseS will be evenly
divided. The meeting was unanimous
in adopting :the double schedule e
sYsteril' 'The Family Butcher
Oa the first and third Tuesdays in June, 1898, For a good selection of
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway krAms, LARD, BACON,
will sell roundarip exmirsion tickets (good for
21 days) to a great many points in South and SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, BEEF,
North Dakota and Other western and south-
western states, at practically one fare for the LAMB, PORK. MUTTON,
round trip. Take a trip west ancl see What an and VEAL, also POULTRY in Season,
amonnt of good Ia),y1 can be purchased tor
very little moneY, Further intormatien as to
rates, routet, prices of farm lands, ate., maybe
cjobn:itiod On aPpliottbiOn to any coupon ticket
Passenger Agent, 2 King street, East, Toronto,
agent or by addressing A. J. Taylor, Canadian The Family ither Shop
• One door south of Central Rotel.
TRE oyaars FRIEND,
o cyclist's kit is ebinplote llwithotit a bottle LOUIS BAT
aollygrgyosc,ytogawllos„11.1,010raonilbtso bait oesi ,ii3iiritttei sr ons,- _mama IN_
Spleens, oin (rug a, mo Tin oat.
Pains in the chest, Ote. it is alwayS effeetua'
No. 1 and No. 2 sold in Exeter by J. W -
Browning, druggist.
Rev. J. A. Clark, of Toronto, has a,
been called to the pastorate of Knox
Church, Walkerton.
Use Winan's Cough Balsam for
coughs, colds and eBronchial troubles. •
Acknowleged th .est cough medicine
on the mar, Especially good for
children. a factured by C. Lem.
one to Levitt's Fair for Vire
Works, Rockets, Pin Wheels, Crack-
ers, Triangles, Serpents, Japanese
Lanterns,: Croquet Setts, Eureka
Lemon Squeezers, Belt Pins,Watering
;Cans, Manicure Files, Double Egg
Cups, Wire Egg Lifters, Electric Light
Shades, Fancy -Scissors, Toy Brooms,
Shaving Mugs.
Lunches will be served all day'
24th May. Ice cream and ice cool
AGENT FOR the Parisian
Laundry Co., of London.
---NT-MEDW 0°7
Hides Calf and Lamb Skins.
Hag nb eetel aa an'all, round remedy, •