HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-5-19, Page 2f 1) OH lidtrrieter,
ettei or eepraele Lieut. Notary
p e to.tectvencer, Onneostelouer,
t t, \to Leal.
snot u 11.t1`01/ilt.ek. yeomen,.
14,1TiSt61', Solicitor, Goosoya,ncor, Etc.
1RXWI'1,11t, • aNT.
OFFICE t Over 0.1\Teil'et 130,nk,
1:111r1rIOT Lir GLAPMAF,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries P
Couveyancerg Sze., &a.
fa-mooey to Loan at 5% and 51%
OFF10111, -13AU S'rR1U3T E X
5, 101..1.10T, P. W. GLADMAN.
an01. J. B. ennEtle, M. 13. TORONTO Inn
j. V enterrY, M P0. M. Tanity Univer
any, OttiaanCrediton, Oct.
'11) ate.ROLIONts & A anae.
'4..:.enttrate Olken RusitIMMO same is CODIDO)D•
14, Andrew at. Onions: Spaclentan's
Mein ett .1)r 11"c,ilins' ,aine as formerly, north
d tor ; Dr. Amos' 81101e building, ionth door,
Rainer, Oat
u • P. 8, Graduate Viotoria. Univers ty
Once and residence, oonittuloe Lebo a
WY 'linters].
T)R. RYN LYMAN , Ooroner for tae
L n. °aunty of Reven. Oaioe, opeaeite
Carling Bras. store, Exeter.
BOSSE14.13ERRY, General Li-
-a-40 commit Anotioneer Sales conducted
fio airports. Satisfactioagitaranteed. ()barges
inederate. n misfit) 1' 0, Oat:
1.,TENRY EIL13ER Licensed Ant.
tioueer for the Counties a Unroll
and Middlesex • Sales conducted at mod.
*rate rates. °Moe, itt Post.ulTme (free.
Ian Ont.
Tennent & Torment
IOLItThilt. •()NT,
Crstireiti ofthe Outario Veterlia‘reQit
Orc: One door South ofTown Balt.
lietablished in (863,
Iles Company besbeen over 'Owenty-ehrh
years in successful eller xtion in Western
Ontario, mid continues to insitreagainst loss or
dainage by Fire. Buildings,
etelatactones and all other ileseriutioas of
insurable property; Intending insurers have
the option of mattringon the Premium Noteor
cavil tiysteni.
During thoptist ten years this company has
' issued 57,094 Policies, covering ereperty to the
amount of $40,872539; android lid oases alone
Assets, $l76,100.0o , consistinr of co,sh
inBanit Government Devosi tend the unasses-
m ed Premium Notes on hand and in force
-1VALIIHN, Presi dent; 0 M. TAri.ort
fcretiiry .1. E. II unlink Inspector . OilAn
'le 11), Agii.t lot Exeter and vicinity
NER yE BEA Nb are a new
covery tnat are the vromt ease: of
Nervous Debility, Lost, Vigor and
Failing Manhood; restores the
weaknese of body or mind caused
by over -work, or the errors or es.
ceases or youth. This Remedy ab-
aMutely cures the most obstinate eases when all other
eamoaTbiENTS have failed event° relieve. Sold hydras,.
-gists at si per package, or six or $5, or sent by mail OD
cecipt of price by odarezapir.TFIF, 3A1ES MEnjern
eo.. Toronto. Ont. Writ c. ier roi gold a-.
Sold at Browniee's Drug Store Exeter
Pleasant and Perfect Cure
for Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
'Bronchitis, Hoarseness,'
Sore Throat, Croup, Whoop.
big Cough, Quinsy, Pain in
the Chest and all Throat,
1 4 Bronchial and Lung Diseases.
The healing anti -consumptive virtues
of the Norway Pine are combined
1 in this medicine with Wild Cherry
and other pectoral Herbs and Bal -
Sams to make a true specific for all
forms of disease originatingfrora colds.
*Price - 250. and 50c;
Vet.' d 1,1 VrWt.#
Ts published every Thursday morning at
'limes Steam Pilinting House
Man street, nearly opPoefte Fitton'sjeweles
store, Exeter, Ont.. by
WeITTO, Sc. SONS, Proprietors,
Fir,4 insertion, per lthe 10 cent
Bach eubseetteet insertion, per line3 0011t
to insure infiertion, advertisements should
ee rent in not later than Werinerdoty morning
Our 3013 PTIlwri NG DEPARTMENT is one
of the largest, and best equipped 15 the Count \-
of Tivron. An work entrusted to 58 will ro
eel vie Mir prompt attfmtion,
Pannone negarding Newspapers,
1 --Any per)on who takes a paper regularly
from the poet. °fere, whether directed in tit.
na al or anOtis er' or hot,tior he has Rub.
eel ilec1 or not, is responsible for payment.
2—If a person orders his vapor (bacon ti n nell
beefiest pay ell fermate or the publinher nal
eontieve o Scold it»f11 the worm en f, Is made
end thQr. 09liont the Whole fonourat wheelie'
the never is ittiten from the ollice or not,
g—fn sof t,s for subscription, te talit Thee' ife'
by:Muted in the piano t. here the paper lapel
/Abed, anhough thr eubseriber maa rends
hundreele of aft Ito nway.
1—Tho Mettrtfi lune cleaned that refirdng to
take ziowspatiers tir periodicals freer the vo
Oleo, or rotrleting and lea,ving them uncallea
for It prime facie 'hvidence of intentiOna
jhe lionie
As tne best of furniture will groa
oM aneehtebby in apeearance, earful
housekeepers are eoustantly fighting
the aPeroech of age and dirt from their
bousehold goods in the way of chairs
ad tables.
All rurnitaxe, no matter how care-
ful iee may be, is likely in time to
assume te greasy appearance, whiole
sbould be removecl during the annual
bousecleauing. In the following arti-
cle we shall endeavor to give some hints
that, may be of assistance.
If furniture is very dirty it should
be washed in water end vinegar -equal
parts -using a flannel rag, and then,
after perfect drying, rubbed with a
elean flannel and a little linseed oil
before using any liquid or cream pol-
If tbe table bears the'telltale naerks
Left by a, hot Plate, rub it well with a
fleunel cloth and kerosene, finishing
off with& clean cloth slightly wet with
turpentine. ,Anotleer notable house-
wife restores the original polish, when
it has been removed by a warm. dish,
with linseed oil rubbed in with a piece
of linen, changing the linen until the
table is perfectly dry.
Unsightly linger marks disappear
from varnished furniture when rub-
bed with sweet ail, and from oiledwood
if kerosene is rubbed. im the spots.
A bruise should be treated with a
piece of brown paper foaled several
time and soaked in hat water,. Over
this hold a moderately warm iron un-
til all steaming ceases; if riettessery
repeat the process, remembering that
one application does not always earn
out a, success.
Always apoly aloohol sparingly up-
on lurniture, it at all, or itwill aestroy
the polish. an rubbing wind, follow the
grain, and do not rub against it any
more than yon would in people if wish-
ing a happy result.
All upliolstered furnieure must be
beaten with a cane and then wiped
with a, cheesecloth duster. A grease
spot on upholstery is removed with eq-
ual parts of ether and. chloroform. Cane
seated chairs require a vigorous scrub-
bing with soapsuds in which drop a
little ammonia; serub both sides of the
seat, rinse and dry in the air.
Among the many liquid and eream•
polishes given by excellexte authorities
her are a few that are simple and ef-
fectual, but remember the vigorous
rubbing is the main ingredient of ev-
ery recipe given:
Iwo parts of linseed oil, the stone
of alcohol and one part of turpentine;
to a quart. of this add an ounce, of the
spirits of ether. A polishing cream is
made of equal quantities of linseed oil,
turpentine and beeswax melted togeth-
er and used cold.
Yor very old furniture an especial
polish is recommendecl of half an ounce
of gum &rabic a,nd two ounces each
oI eopal gum and powdered shellac gum;
dissolve in a. quart of spirits of 'wine,
set, in a warm place and shake the bobo
tie well every twenty-four hours un-
til the gums are thoroughly dissolved;
strain through a woolen cloth and. rub
on with a soft piece of flannel. •
Equal parts of linseed oil, spirits of
wine, turpentine ancl vinegar form a
well -tried polish but some prefer &mix-
ture of one pint of linseed oil, two
ounces of alkanet root and a pinch of
rose pink; let it stand for twelve hours
then rub on the furniture and do not
polish it cif for an hour.
An excellent furniture varnish may
be made of eight ounees of white wax
m.elted and gradually mixed with one
pint a oil of turpentine. When wil-
IOW chairs lose their natural color et
is said that a solution of chlorine will
restore it. , •
liard-wood floors after laying aro
usually waxed carefully and polished,
or they are coated with shellac, and,
after drying, are varnished; either of
these methods render them quite im-
pervious to grease or water. Where,
for one reason or another, the hard-
woocl floor is unattainable, the existing
floor is planed smooth, the creeks and
joininge filled with putty and wood -
filling, and stained to harmonize with
the surrounding woodwork. Two or
three coats of stain and one of shellao
will be found to woucterfully improve
an almost hopeless floor.
The furniture for the dining -room
includes'a buffet or sideboard, as large
as may be, with a drawer. velvet or
cbamois lined, for the small table sil-
ver, with c.losets for the week's supply
a linen, and shelves or an enclosed
space for treasured bits of glass and
china; two large arm -chairs, with side
ehaixs to match them -six or more, ac-
cording to the size of the room and
the number in the family; a firm ex-
tension, table with as many extra
leaves as the room will permit; a side -
table to hold accessories during meal-
time; a screen to shoe ribbon and
Hashes matching the color a ofe,
draughts nod undesirable glimpses 15-
0 the pantry ; closets with glass sides
and doors to hold china, and not in
daily use; and, lastly, a safe, beilt in
the wall, 12 possible, or eoncealed in
a corner of the wainecaing, for thepro-
Lection of the silver.
felJOGESTIONS TO no cisEKEE.,,,Reals.
New wooden pails sometimes "taste
:It the wood." To remove it, fill the
all with boiling wate.r and let staid
till eold. Dissolve som.e soda in luke-
warm water, athliug a little lime to it,
end wash the inside a the 'pail with
it, &ant again with boiling water.
The Soapstone griddle bakes the pan-
eakee, se the cooks Say, instead ad fry-
ing them. It talent heeler, no, never,
raider any eircumsteticee, be greased.
One a the progressive houeekeeper'e
elief cares is to keep the hired. girl
-from ruinieg her soapstone griddle by
greasing it. Irieep it clettel, let it beat.
Tt E
up slowly and keep gtsase ftWay front
A mixture-balf and half -of lard and
teef suet makes an excellent pie cruet.
It is aiS0 better c)a' frying -purposes
than all lard, as Owen is less ditogen of
artieles eried in it het:inning fat soak -
Nearly ell puddings made by (Urea<
tion e that require tlietn to be boilet
natty be baked exactly as well owl are
just as good. The time for baking is
about half that required for boiling.
Apple dumplings are far Vetter bak-
ed Ulan. biIed,oot to mention being
more (Investable.
As the berry season le 'coming, it
may not be amiss to remind house-
keepers that the fumes from an old
fashioned Wolfer tuatch, hellt under
stained fingers, will remove the col-
or, if used before tee hands are wash-
ed with soap. little vinegar or lem-
on juice rubbed or the hands will re-
store the color and condition after
washing, or waslaing dishes.
Marty people who find they cannot
drink coffee would soon find themselves
enjoying a nice cup of cocoa, It is for
general use, a milder, less stimulating
and more nutritioue beverage than
coffee. It contains fifty per cent, of
fat taut twelve per cent of albuminoids.
To make it, rub a teaspoonful of the
cocoa -scant or generous, accOrding to
the size of your cup -with a teaspoon-
ful of sugar, fill up the out> with scald -
bot milk slightly diluted with hot
water and. serve ha with a lump of
out loaf sugar in the saucer.
If you have a hand grist mill or a
nice new coffee mill that hat not been
used for anything else you. can re -grind
the oatmeal as it comes from the store
into a, flour that makes oatmeal pan-
cakes that are said to be " delicious."
To three cups of flour.allow three tea-
spoonfuls of baking powder and wet
to a. thin batter with sweet milk, add-
ing a little salt. Or buttermilk and soda
can be used. •
Make very fine sand, wash it perfect-
ly clean, and when dry sift it through
a fine sieve into a pan. When the sand.
is deep.. enough to hold the flowers in
an upright position take some more
sifted. sand and carefully cover them.
A spoon is a good thing to take for
this, as it fills in every chink and icran-
ny without breaking or bending the
leaves. When the pan is lilted solidly,
leave the flowers to dry for several
days It is a gond pilan to warm the
sand in the °went before using it, as
the flowers will then dry more thor-
oughly. In taking the sand af, great
care must be taken not to break the
leaves, as they are now dry and brittle.
Pansies preserved in this 'way will keep
their shape and brilliancy of color all'
winter, and many other flowers (tan be
equally suecessfully treated,-ann-
thirug, in facteevhere the full pressure'
of the said comes on bah sides, of the
leaf otherwise they wilt &Jaren To
fill in flowers with cup -like shaves it
is better to lay them on the sancl „ rid
with a email spoon fill in and. around
each flower_ Ferns wben preserved in
this way have a more natural look than
when pressed, and the ratuctenbair fern
looks almost as well as when it is fresh-
ly gathered.
Pieplant Fritters. -Peel young, ten-
der pie -plant and out the stalks two
and a half inehes long. Make .a batter
of one cup of milk, one cup of flour, in
which you. have sifted a half teaspoon-
ful of baking powder and a pinch of
clan, and one egg and the white of
another. Beat the egg well, stir into
the milk, add the flour, then the beat -
white of the other egg, with a little
grated lemon peel. Dip each piece of
pie -plant in the batter andl fry in boil-
ing lard till a bright golden brown.
Dust with powdered sugar, and serve
with a liquid sauce.
Raised Doughnuts. -One egg; one
cake of compressed yeast; one cup of
sugar; one-half cup of butter; one pint
of new milk. Mix all together at night,
with flour sufficient to make the bat-
ter about the same as for bread sponge.
In the morning mix up, keeping the'
dough as soft as possible. Let rise till
light, roll lightly and cut in rings. Let
them rise again about 15 minutes in
awarm place; fry in hot lard. till done,
then sift powdered sugar over them.
Fried. Rice. -Now spring is here, and.
one has grown tired of the thingsi eat-
en all Winter, Dice and hominy, pre-
pared. in differing ways, will be found
very acceptable. To prepare rice for
frying, boil it and when done put it
in a clieh with a cover, and weight the
latter. When perfectly Cold cut in
slices, roll in egg and cracker crumbs
and fry in hot fat as you would. dough -
Auto. Eat with maple or sugar syrup.
Cocoanut Pie. -Whip threes eggs Jight,
with tour tablespoonfals of sugar;
pour two cape of hot milk on tbem and
stir well. Flavor with vanilla or nut-
meg. While still hot stir in half 0, cup
of grated cocoanut, Sweeten it \vith two
tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar.
Heat over the fire for three minutes,
line a pie tin with pante, brush over
with white of egg and bake.
Rice, Pancakes. -Rub it cup of eold
boiled ries smooth with a tablespoon -
al melted hutter and a teaspoon-
ful of salt. Beat into it three well
beaten eggs, then stir in a quart of
milk with three even cups of flour
in which you have sifted a rounded tea-
apoonful of baking powder. Do not get
the hatter too stiff.
tt is the tumbling about on chairs
and bedposts that ruins quitntitiee of
clothes, and thus dresses are often
" worn out" \stale hot tieing worn in
the aetual sense. An authority advis-
es women to hang ell rirerat waists and
skirt's, 'but stiopend. them on " eoat
honors," not ern hooks or nails. The
way shopkeepers na.re for ready-made
garments is an excellent object lesson.
rr you Can't get the readyanade, article
manufacture it. Half a barrel hoop,
With re loop of string in the middle,
makes a satisfactory substitute. Hang-
ing' only serves for heavy febrite, not
vlien they are af thin goqds. In that
ease garmeots ere apt to become
stringy. Light materials must he. fold-
ed, sleeveand bowe stuffed nut with
tiseue paper, and all gven pleney" 6f
room. Skirts should be brziehed whim
taken off and thee put away at mice,
ttINTS: • FOR • —1
`MP .F..AR.214E.R.. .1
XneexPerienee woold t,
lead me to hunt
the cause, making sure that there is no
deoeying matter from which the milk
could absorb the odor, I would look te
the cement floor. if there ie One 1 once
had troublesays a writer, that arose
from such a floor, and I never knew
the cause. The bottom of the cellar was
pure, white saad, open which was plac-
ed a layer of gravel, then cement. I
noticed in skimming, the milk was not
in a healthy condition. I had every
eow Milked separately and the milk set
in shallow .pans, Found the milk al)
right when fresh. Had entire cellar
Noor scrubbed every day. It was used
for milk and butter &lone. Still tbe
cream was not right. The walls and
ceiling were well wbitewashed, I felt
sure nothing lurked there, If 15 went
on, I knew it must spoil a good butter
trade. Thinking it raignt be the floor,
whieh hadlieen laid only a few months,
down 1 went on my hands and knees
hunting that peculiar odor. At about
the height or a milk pan I noticedit
slightly, riglit down on the floor it
was more preceptible, yet not so numb
58 in a pan of milk. 'Fret the. milk at-
traeted that odor add absorbing it, act -
NI as a reservoir? T at once went to
work on that floor with a strong so-
lution of white lime ana water and
with a broom made every inch oC thet
cement floor as white as a new ceiling.
This repeated several times made the
tank all right. Not beirfg a scientist I
cannot. explain what species of bacteria
was killed by the lime. Can some one
explain? At another tim.e it was -found
by setting the milk in separate, pans
thet one cow spoiled the millr of seven
others. The COW was a full -blood Jer-
sey of a noted butter herd and consid-
ered a•good one. The cream was thick
ana yellow, but the skim milk looked
like water with a small amount of in-
digo and skim milk mixed in, The
taste was worse than the smell. *That
cOW was given a long leave of absence.
Have known of other instanoes where
results were tbe some: Once the
cream of onedn.v's milk of sixteen good
butter cows. running in summer time
or red top blue grass and white clover
pasture, with spring water to drink,
n rut fed a little, bran night and' morn-
ing. ,properly tempered, refused to turn
off bin ter at all although it waschurn-
ed for six hours, All that could be ga-
thered frona it was a little white.
greasy foam. giving off the, worst smell
f ever found. Before and after < this
the cream yielded the usual amount of
gooa butter. Nothing in the surround:
gS Was changed. 'Now. will some sci-
entist tell us what became of that but-
ter fat anti what ca,used this deconn
position of the cream?
Experienee is one of the most pot-
ent factors in our development. It
brings facts ana causes to our view
better than possibly anything else.
Tbie Point is Well illustrated in my
mini by an illustration of practical va-
lue. An orchard on my 'father's farm,
and not an old orchard either. says a
writer in Farmers' Advocate. seemed to
be. fallingand produced but little mer-
chantable fruit. There was something
wrong. This failure, or partial failure,
Was not due to insects or laok of care
in the usual sense. It never occurred
to us that perhape there was a lacking
fertility in the eon. At the same time,
eve \vele growing wheat, adding. man -
urs and even. eornmereial fertilizers to
get a maximum crop. We bed used
every method in the development of
the field crops. but perfectly neglected
the orchard. NOt intentionally Tither,
but because we thought that it lees not
necessary and that an orchard had an
easy time of it anyway. But soon. alter
I went to, college, I studied plant
growth., chemistry, etc. My eYes were
soon opened. 1 soon realized that the
depletion of tbe land by the fruit trees
is more sevious than by annual CrOtia.
for this feet: Plant foodare locked
up for many years in the. tvunks and
branches of the trees, while a large
pa rt, of the fertilizing elements in the
common crops is returned to the soil
each year. Beeides the fruit taken off
removes plant -food tbat is seldom if
ever returnea. - It has been estimated
that an acre of apples during the bear-
ing season will remove about forty-nine
pounds of nitrogen, thirty-eight pounds
of pliosphorie acid, and seventy-two
pounds of potash, the value of which
would be $12, at the average Priaes Paid
for fertilizing material furnishing
these ingredients on the market, is it
any \vender, then, that the orehards are
faUing ? Taking from the soil that
amount of plant food each year, it is
only natural that the time soon comes
when one gets but a partial' crop, in
ten yeaas the amount of plant food re-
moved. from the, soil will amount to
:020. Now, for the orchard land to
be kept in parfect, bearing dondition,
these fertilizing elements must be re-
turned in some form. We know the
value of clover, cow peas, vetches, crim-
son (stoner, etc., in adding xiitrogen to
the soil Frei t trees require humus.
Plow up tbe orchard and SOW clover
then keep the orchard clean and clear
of weeds and insects. 'Humus is aadecl,
and at the seine time an abundance of
nitrogen is supplied. to the soil, for the
use of the trees. It remains then only
,o use phosphoric acid and potasb.
which can be 'readily obtained in the
forro of acid phoephate and muriate of
potash; an average dose of these would.
be about 800 pounds of the former arid
(10 pounds of tha lanes'. It would be
better to apply the potash,, etta Owe-
d:late before the clover is sown, as they
All assist itt Making a full crop cif
cleiter, which meatis the absorption of
argot. quantities of hitrogen, and the
\thole mass turned under will itnprove
both the physical and ehereical conda
aof the soli.
Provide a sharp hand -saw, prunieg
leatife, or stroug poeket knife, a mall
et, a two-inch ehisel, helf-ineb cold
Ansel, or a streng, blunt, heir -inch
ft Spade, strong, well ripened,
three or four-eyed cuttings of liset
ea -
con growth of the varieties te
grafted, and a flat basket or berry,
Pioleer's eaneyinn ease, in witoie .to eon-
ra the small' tools and cuttings. With
the evade says T. V. Munson, Clear
awry the soil around. the dbilar of the
vine, two to three inohes below the MIT -
face, Saw off the vine horizontally
about one inch below the surface. With
the knife, or the broad chisel, if sharp,
pare away the rough surface left by
the saw. then with the broad chisel,
bit with the mallet, split the stock in
the centre, and where it wit/ split down,
the straightest, until the chisel, has en-
tered an inch or thereabouts. With
the knife cut the lower end of the cut-
ting to a uniformly tapering edge, to
match the taper of the cleft when op-
ened with the ehisel, leaving a bud at
the base a the wedge, and tba,t side
of the wedge slightly thicker than the
ether. Insert the wedge of tlae eating
Into the cleft so that the bud will stand
on a level with the top of the stock,
and the s(ion should lean a little out-
ward on the side or the stock in which
te was insertet, so the growing layer
between the bark and wood comes op -
poste to the growing layett. in stock
end. nearly Parallel with it, the slant-
ing outward making it sure that the
two growing layers cross, and thus co:-
tainly secure cqtact. If the stock is
small, one graft will do, but if one and
one -hale inchesor more in diameter,
then two -one on either side --should
be inserted. Sometimes, three or four
scions are inserted in a very large stook
by making cross clefts. The cleft in
stook is held open with the narrow
blunt chisel as a, lever inserted, in the
cleft in the centre of the stock. After
the scions are accurately and firmly
set, press clean, damp soil carefully and
firmly with the hands, all around and
over the junction of the SOIOTIS with
the stock, so as to exolude the air. I
never tie or wax my grating of, this
kind., and succeed with about 90 per
cent. The wax is not nearly so congen-
ial to the vine, as is the damp soil, and
much less liable to start decay. Finally
heap loose soil about the eel -on until only
top eye of each is left at the top of
the mound of soil. This grafting in
place „should be done just as the buds
begin to push in etoek in spring. and
when bleeding has about stopped. The
scione should have 'been taken entaier•
before bleedtne began, and kept dorm-
ant in oolcl soil.
This is it fungous disease which af-
fects the heads of wheat and is qtfite
prevalent eertala, seasons.. ' It takes the
form of mold and oaitses the wheat to
ripen prematurely, the kernels being
shriveled and woethless. Late -sown
fields and those which lack vigor suf-
fer most. Vigorous growth and early
blossoming are the chief safeguards
against the disease. -
Sorel Eleeirloal koplirtintssti 111 Oho illoohe
of st ltuffalo Illfnu.
An electrical engineer be Buffalo has
recently fitted up his house with a
great variety of. novel electrical ar-
rangements. If he weaves home in the
night after the usual tights have been
turned out he has no trouble in finding
the key ,hole in the front door, for as
soon as he steps on the porch floor at
the top of the front steps,' lights on
'e poroh and in the vestibule are aut-
omatically lightee3. After he gets he
and closes the door these lights are ex-
tinguished and those on the first land-
ing of the main stairway are lighted.
If he desires to light the hall,the bath-
room or ani of the bedchambers before
going further, he °Pens a secret panel
sinwitoh. hevestibule' and turns the liroper
'When a caller arrives and rings the
bemembers of the family who may
be in any part of the house can speak
to him without leaving the room where
they ane, and it they wish to admit
him can do so by .merely pushing a but-
Should burglars try to enter the
house their efforts will not only ring
an alarm bell, but at the same time
the electric lights on the porch a54 in
the vestdinie flare up and expose him
to the gaze of the occupants of the
h.ouse and the police. The temperature
of each room in the house is controlled
by electric devises which can be set to
any degree wanted. Theuse of elec-
tricity has done away with a stable and
in Its stead.. provided himself. with MU
electric criariage, which he keeps ready
Lor USO in the basement of his house.
An inelined cement pavement leads to
th is carriage room from Life street, and
when the carriage is not in use it is
conneeted to the wires in the house and
le autermaitsany recharged ready for
service again. In the kitchen all the
cooking is done by electricity,' and
there is besides an eleetrioally driven
knife sharpener and coffee grinder, . 15
the dining room the tea or coffee is
kept hot by an electric heater, and Cor
midnight suppers there is an electric
c,hafing dish.
In the bathroom there is an electric
shaving water heater d ana big electric
heater for furnishing hot, wa ter, for the
bath. The Current for this is turned'
on by the turning of the, spigot and
shut off when this is closed, OW may
use as mueh het water, as may be de-
sired vvithoult exhauseing the supply for
lb° next person, In the sewing room a
pressure of the root upon the treadle
of a sewing maehine sets an electric
motor at work driving the machine, in
the melting room an eleotrie, cigar
lighter is at hand and the women's
rooms are provided with electric curl-
ing irate heaters. The laundry has ite
share of elettric applianees in tbs farm
of electrical 1 y heated. sad -irons.
Biekers.-Did You, drav- a, prize
inmtlaer4, Tmittur.r-iffigeoe ,Lottoteertooy wise.
nplunumsurm 111 000 monummi mu
so k
niumuliwintnwilummunn lftLiIh11hlI0hIUhlllII1lIIl 1 111111111
..Arege table Preparation forAs -
siotating theioodanciReguta-
ting theStamaclisandBc•wasce
Promote siNges tion,Cheerful-
fleas and Rest,Contains neither
ppludyforphine nor Mineral.
• #
Jiist;o te ZhrtINIZALFITrarB
• Seri
Adak; &Its -
Asia Ire v
IWannuIt -
/A fivionatedle&o
Norgearl -
Aperfect Remedy for Cons tipa-
doll, Sour Stomach,Diarrtioea,
Worms ,Convulsions,Feverish-
mess and Loss or SLEEP,
TaeSimite Signature of
aa- OF --
130TTLE or
thatoria Is put up in one-slso bottles only, -4.
is not sold in bulk. Donn allow anyine to eon.
you anything
pose." ..War See that you get
isam0inost as
The fee- goelosaonoguntahe,, vplielal 0oarlpr-wrieroinisez.e0v,.enrtyli-Ittp4tuir:t.
trearfeee aalitoe- eta.: nee.
Its the EIghling Ton or a Big Battleship.
There are some men who will have
an interesting and exciting time in the
next naval battle. They are the fol-
lows who will, be perched. up in the
fighting tops, looking down upon the
hell of crashing steel and mangled
limbs below and doing their best to re-
preduce it on nee decks of the enemy.
The landsman would find an hour in
a fighting top a rather thrieling experi-
ence even in time of peace. After
crawling up a little iron ladder on the
inside of a steel shaft like e hollow
tree he would. emerge in a. huge drum
with the top off. Looking over the
side he would find himself suspended
at the heightof a church steeple, with
nothing visible beneath him to break
his fall. Re would bane the sensation
of hanging in the car of a lialloon. •
It would be a little dizzy even at chor in a friendly barbor. But send
the ship to sea, with every roll of her,
hall multiplied. by .three or foux, the
I L$.
Sick Headache and rel eve ali the troubles in f.
dent to a Wilma state of the system, such ma
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the -Side, dec. NiThile their most.
remarkable auccess has been shown in curing
Headache, yet CARTER'S Limn Lxvna Pits*
are equally.valuable in Constipation, curing.
and preventing this annoyingoomplaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach.
f-itivinienuilt'tft4thetyheonilivyocruanred4 regulate the boWels.
Ache they would be almost priceless toems..
Who suffer from this distressing complaint;
fortunately113agehs.the: ow,md t d
tv_ fretlieT. will frui
tiles; little pills valuable In so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without therm
But after all sick head
ADan -
bop describing arcs of huge circles in
the swing of the swellOand'set another
ship to shooting at her from a distance
of 1,000 yards' at the rate of 5,000 shots
a minute and the landsman might be
excused. if his heart should crowd Into
his mouth.
The fighting man in the fighting top,
intently training his machine gun on
any group of combatants he may see
exposed on the enemy's deeks, may not
be troubled by the landsman's qualms,
bui. even his seassned nerves cannot be
expected to ignore the meteoric shower
of p.ojectiles big and little, that hurtle
by him, the smallest of which would.
terminate his earthly existence. A
single one of the larger shells striking
the meet 'below him would. bring it
down like a tree under the ax of the
woodman, and plunge the man in the
top a hunared feet to his death. In the
absence of such a catastrophe the top
itself must inevitably be riddled by the
smaller bolts, and, if it remain stand-
ing wben the battle Ls over, it is likely
to contain a crew of corpses.
thleught you said it was a case of
Love at first sight.
did; hut she soon got her second
sight and weakened on me.
- C.A.,SEPPC:e3FLI.41...
eiviature "Zete, ever7
711 fie. i
of a On
, Wrapper.
. ....
19 the bane of so many levee that here -Welters,
we make our great boast. Our pills euro lit
while others do not.
(Warm's lTLE TAVE111.1.2 are IV,' 82111;tg
and very easyto take, Otto or two pins max
a dose, They are strictly vegetable and da
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents
five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by main
0AllTalt elEDI0INI1 Co., New York. 7
all El hat Bra. Sr!Iii „if t.
yo:ft:e4Da SpL
1;00ER es
Is packed under the supervision of the Tea growers,
and is advertised and sold by thein as a sample of
the hese qualities of Indian and Ceylon Teas. rot
that reason they see that none but the very frost,
leaves go into Monsoon packages. iff
That is why " Monsoon, the perfect ea, ma
be sold at the same price as inferior tea.
It is put up in sealed caddies of 34 lb., 11h. and
6 lbs., and sold in three flavours at tee., 50c. and 60e.
STEEL, HAYTER. & CO., Front St, Toronto.
Is about as near perfection as 50 yeers
of Lamp -Making can attain to, It
burns keroseneand gives a powerful
eicar,white light, and will neither blow
nor lar out. When out driving with
it the darknese easily keeps about two
hundred feet ahead of your smartest
hotse. Whet you want the very best
Driving Lamp to be hadask your
dealer tor the "Dietz',
We issue a spedial Catalogue of this
Lamp andif yeti ever prow) abound
atter' night-fallit will Interest you
'Tis mailed free
R. n. DIvrg CO.,
6o taight St.) New York.
Special tome to Canadian enamors,
eilvs,:?-crliva0044)Cire4+ tv1114W
urcti all Blood Disesseti. from a ftinalOn
PhOplo to the worst Screittlbus Sere. I.
The mosquitoes of the 'Yukon are
more bloodthirsty than any other all
the species. 'Carom May ulna! SAitene ben
they are engaged in perpetual pienici
bleeding men and animals, Tv i few
hours a Yukon 'mosquito wi 1 1 tPrtare
EL dog to death, and fort* te 660: to
eesk relief by plunging into it ettreela
of water., "