HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-5-12, Page 8T
Big Cash Store.
Cash or Trade, One Prxke Only*
Emphasizes the policy of the business 'methods of this
store, Baying for cash means buying to advantage,
cl:isoounts made. Selling for cash is to your advantage,
one naturally follows the other, The two go hand in, hand
for your -benefit.
. Specials lin Dress Goods ...
Last week we cleared from a Montreal wholesale house a
line of Black Sicillian which we are selling at half price
$1.00 Black S citlian for 5oc.
If you want a Black Dress .your chance is now, We
.guarantee the wearing qualities of these goods.
Fine Black Dress Serge all 46 in. all wool, black Henrietta,
wool, special, .... ; , ... , 25e, very fine finish, special.:.... 50e,
45 in, all wool,light colored Tweed
Nice light tweed effects for sum- effects, very special, regular
finer saltie;,=; very special. , 20e, 50c. for 25c, ask to see this line.
We also show over 100 dress lengthsin very fine qualities, plains
and fancies ranging from $3,00 to $5.00 the dress; We axe prepar-
ed to show you the finest Dress Goods stock in the county. Paper
description does scant justice to their elegance, • To be appreciated
they must be seen. We invite you to come and examine them at
your pleasure: We are always pleased to show our Goods, no com-
pulsion to buy. Our store and staff is at your disposal.
Selling for Cash, Buying for Cash, to your Advantage.
The credit business is unfair and unbusiness like. All customers
treated alike at this store. One price to all, showing advantages
that come from up-to-date business methods.
Agent for the Wss'rzsRN AssurcA.res CCM -
PANTY, of Toronto ; also for the PIMNIX Free
niszni,Arrrc Camra vv, of London, England ;
the .A.tr.ra;vcis. issux.orom Contra. v, of Eng
1, go
444.044., 14,444 44414444, 4 4,411.
Lead Pencils,
Rubber Erasers,
Pens, and
Pen Holders,
Ink Blotters,
Ruled, Plain
Slates & Pencils,
• Scribbling books
D"ras irig'Books
• Tablets,
Rulers, a tc.
a ger
THURSDAY, MAY 12th, 1898.
Don't forget the lacrosse concert
Monday night,
Mrs. Lee. of Lucan, es visiting her
daughter, Mrs. J. W. Blatchford,
P. Cumin shipped from this station
on Thursday Inst 8 car loads of cattle
for the old country market.
Thos. Wood, who has been visiting
his cousins, the Messrs. Wood, town,
for the past year,returned to his home
in England on Thursday last.
Friday last was obseryed as arbor
day by the Exeter public school pupils.
The play grounds were cleaned up and
the scholars then spent a few hours in
the woods picking flowers.
The authorities of the Grand Trunk
railway have decided that all advertise-
ments o€patent tn;edicines and other
noticesmust tbecleaned out of the rail-
way rooms at all stations along their
The Ontario Department' hasnow
in preparation a new textbook which
will be placed in all the schools
for pupils le the lower Ierms. It deals
with Agriculture, forestry ,and such
At the odjoctrned vestry meeting of
the Trivitt Meznoral church on Mon-
day, D. Dyer %va$ appointed Rector's
warden, in the room and stead of G.
Case, who declined the appointment
made at a previous meeting.
The Exeter district convention of
the W.M. 5. was held in the Grattan
Methodist church on Tuesday. May
10th. There were two sessions,- and a
public meeting in the evening when
ay. E. J. Hart, of Toronto, gave
address, on' John Chinaman atHotrte,"
Delegate' from each of the appoint-
ments of the several circuits of the
district were present.
Mr. 'Macy possesses the happy Mc-
ulty of being able to entertain an au-
dience for a• whole evening, and do it
so thoroughly that when the last
i7 umber is completed everybody is
both pleased and sorry ; pleased that
they did not miss it, and sorry that
the tttnepassed so quickly. Will have
a big houie1telt thee.--Stratfarci Her-
ald, Mx'. Macy has been secured by
the l Crosse club for their concert
Monday night. Don't'miss the treat
of the season, See programs,
Po'RoirASE» ;>. l+Arai — The Boyle
farm, in McGillivray, soul on Saturday
under an indenture of mortgage, was
purchased by Wm. Bawclen, of Exeter;
for $1,325. , The faun contains 50 acres
with frame buildings thereon. The
farm has since been purchased by
Farmer Bros.
STATION I OTEs.—During the past
week business around the station has
been booming, shipping operations be-
ing extensive. P. Curtin shipped 8
car loads of cattle to the old country ;
Wes. Snell two car loads of stock to
Montreal on Monday ; Prior & Arm-
strong. car load of hogs to Ingersoll ;
H. Willett, two car Loads of bogs to
Toronto, besides several car loads of
baled hay by J. J. Colwill. The grain
merchants have also been busy ship-
ping out grain.
THE WooL TRAD ,E The wool sea-
son is rapidly drawing tear, but owiug
to the Spanish trouble, and probable
disturbance of the ziinney market, no
values are given. The recent heavy
duty r,n Canadian wool going into the
United States, renders it necessary
for farmers; to exercise the greatest
care in preparing their wool for mar-
ket. All wool should be washed well
on sheep's bawk,as none other but wool
thus washed can be exported. Farmers
will do well to govern themselves ac-
Ex1Tan'S ASSESSD3ENT.—A. E.Fuke,
the assessor, has kindly handed us the
following figures from the assessment
roll of 189S:—Non-resident tax -payers,
02; children between the ages of 5 and
16, 423; male persons between the ages
of 21 and 60 years, 319; total population
1825; value of personal property $44,-
125; taxable iecolne,$3,700; total assess-
ment $498,175; No. dogs, 153.; cattle,
140; sheep 12; hogs,16i; horses, 224; No.
of births during the year, 21, deaths
Id;.18 steam boilers.
Tacks.—Some eight or ten of the
local cyclists had quite an experience
the other day while riding on the side-
walk on Huron street. Some person
who is no doubt averse to cycling on
the sidewalks had distributed a packet
of tacks along the walk, and when the
wheelmen came along the result was
nearly every tire "wen t up." Whether
there is any satisfaction in this
despicable action, there is one thing
certain, that if the guilty person is
discovered it will prove an expensive
bit of fun for him, as the tacks are
liable to injure ladies' shoes as well as
bare-footed children.
since the bicycle came into general use
it has been looked upon by horsemen,
and especially by farmers, as consider-
able of a nuisance, and as frequent
cause of accidents, Many drivers (es-
pecially ladies) apparently do not con-
sider bicyclists have a right to half the
beaten track on the road, but in the
session of 1895 an tet was passed by
the Ontario Legislature conferring upon
bicyclists about the same privileges on
the highway as were enjoyed by vehi-
cles. Bicyclists should remember that
on coming up to a vehicle from behind
before passing it be must give audible
warning of his presence, otherwise he
is liable to a heavy penalty.
As EXETER Boo's Stecoxss.—Many
of our readers -will remember Willie
Harrison, who some time Ago lived
With his grand father, the•late Richard
Harrison, on Andrew street,and all
will be pleased to learn of his marked
success. A few weeks ago he was ap-
pointed mail sergeant on the torpedo
boat destroyer,: Mayflower, of the
United States squadron blockading.
Havana,. The, position was given him
without his application, although there
were two hundred, applicants for the
posb. The young man has served five
years in the United States service,;
chiefly at the Brooklyn navy yard and
is deservedly liekl in high esteem by
his superior officers, having been pro-
rno edsuperior
t v The Mayflower
may be used as Admiral Sampson's
flagship in any naval actions which
intty :occur.
Henry Rundle, of SVoodharn, was in
town on Wednesday.
Ladies! We lime just received`sever
aal thousand calling cards, latest shape
and best imported bitiistol. It costs to
more to have the lastest, At nuns
Tag Tamp Rai ,Pei .--It wouid
appear that the proposed electric rail-
way from London to Grand Bend is
an established feet. The bill of incor-
poration was reed a third time and
passed in the 1-iouse of Commons cin
DI.MOND 1Vaspni.ra•—Many friends
in Exeter will he pleased to learn
of the continued good health of Mr.
and Mrs. Wllliau'i Case, who celebrate
ed their diamond wedding anniversary
on April 30. The venerable couple are
hale and hearty, after theirsixty years
of wedded life, their birthdays having
been in the years 1814 and 1812, respec-
tively. They lived for many years in
Exeter, Ontario, but latterly moved
to Alrna, alichigan, where they now -
Beam OoxcanT. First of the season.
The Barad will render the following
program on Friday evening next, May
lath, at eight o'clock, weather permit-
ting: -
1. The Cosznopolitan March— T. S. Taylor.
2, •U, How Delightful," Medley—E,N.Caatlin,
3, Cornet solo,"Farewell,Sweet Flower,"E,bi.:
4, Waltz, "My pad's the Engineer" -- F.
b Overture. "Haut Ton." — vandercook
6, Clarionetsolo,"Itain in Sunshine"—F. S.
7. Two atop,"MaHoney Girl" -3. H. Davis
LacnoSsac LE a .a.—Tile district
cornniittee of the Canadian Lacrosse
Association met at Toronto the other
day and arranged the leagues for the
season. The Huron. League will com-
prise Stratford, Seaforth, Mitchell, and
St. Marys, the secretary being R. E.
Jackson, of Seaforth. over one hun-
dred clubs entered the 0. L. A., and
thirteen intermediate and eight junior
districts will be established. Schedules
will be arranged on . May 13. An in-
teresting season is uutieipated for the
national game.
"Tse Wmow' TROUBLES."—The
Rev. Charles Smith, is preaching a
series of sermons on "The Widow."
His first sermon was delivered last
Sunday evening on "The Widow's
Troubles." He introduced his theme
by a picture of a beleanurecl city, and
then, showed that the good woman
spoken of in the text was literally be-
sieged by a host. Grim Death, with
skeletoned visage, was there, and she
was bereft of her husband; Grim Pov-
erty was there, with pinching poverty
and face blanched to whiteness ; Grim
Debtwas there, with his harryingcred-
i.tors. The topic, as thus expounded,
was a very pathetic one. The fore-
closure of the mortgage, as illustrated
in a celebrated picture by a Canadian
artist, was described graphically with
moving pathos. The widow's resolu-
tion to appeal her case to the Supreme
Court --to Heaven itself—was one of
the principal practical lessons from
the subject. Someone has been com-
puting that the Main street Methodist
Church has not less than eighteen
widows in its regular congregation, so
that while the brief series of sermons
will have valuable lessons for the gen-
eral hearer, yet they will have special
instruction and comfort for those in
sorrow and adversity.
`'si-33.21 EXETER. POST OFFICr—It seems
passing strange that • a postmaster has
not as yet been appointed for the of-
fice here. Itis now about five months
since the vacancy occurred through
the death of -David Johns, and just
why a successor has not been appoint-
ed is a mystery to all—both Liberals
and Conservatives. The approaching
election is no longer an excuse for de-
lay, unless, perchance a bye-electionis
expected. The M. P.., considering him-
self incapable of making a selection,
called a meeting of the Reformers of.
Exeter, here, about a month ago. Mr,
Christie was selected as the choice of
the balloting committee,'as the person
to receive the appointment yet up to
date the commission has not been is-
sued. The office is in good hands nn -
der the present deputy, still if a head
postmaster is a necessity at all, surely
five months is long enough for such an
office to remain vacant. The citizens
are hecomingindignaut over the affair,
and if Mr. Raiz, who controls the pat-
ronage, Wishes to retrieve any of his
lost prestige here, he will have the
appointment made forthwith, whether
it be Mr. Christie or one of his own
choice who receives it. The office is a
public one, and although very indulg-
ent, yet the citizens of Exeter would
like to see thismatter settled.
Mary Ann Brown, just deceased, was
horn at Whetherslack, county of
Westmoreland, England, on the 21st
of Oct., 1833. She was the child of
George and T3annarh Stonehouse, and
emigrated with them to ttiis country
in the year 184-, locating just to the
north of Hampton,
in the county of
Durham. She was uniteclin marriage
to William Brown on thelith of June,
1853. Seven children resulted from this
union : Thomas, Methodist minister
4� sboro ; George, carriage build-
er at Hensall ; Mary Elizabeth, de-
ceased wife of Alfred Bailey . Ada
Jane, wife of Thos. 'Bissett' ;Viliiam,
carriage builder at Kirkton ; Edith,
who still lives with her father ; and
Fred, agent of the York County Loan
and Savings Co. Mrs Brown's illness,
whichterminated her life, began some
five years ago in the form of internal.
cancer, and, though everything was
done that medical skill could possibly
devise, yet the disease remained and
advanced: The intense suffering pro-
duced thereby was borne with re-
markable fortitude, no word. of com-
plaint ever escaping her lips, bub her
invariable testimony was "I an in the
Lard's lanais, letRina do whatseemeth
Him good." She was an exemplary
christian lady, and the bereaved hus-
band and children have the, consoling
thought that they mourn not as those
who have no hope, for she died with:
the full assurance of an abundant en-
trance to that happy land where sick-
ness, suffering and sorrow are un-
known, Death ended her sufferings
on the 7th inst., and on the 9th her re-
mains were interred in, the Exeter
cemetery, there to await the'resur-
rection of the dead.
Mrs. Smith, of Maple Lodge, is the
hest of her daughter, Mrs, H. Smith
rin -horst" Farts.
l? g
Mrs. J. Parkinson left` for Trout
Creek on Thursday leet,where she will
spend the simmer With her Itusbaucl.
ard Co.
For variety, value and correctness of NOW W i s Your Tittle
styles our stock of Dress Goods this spring
surpasses any stock previously shown by
us, and that means that we are now show-
ing by far the most complete stock of
�--�-'4 Dress Goods ever displayed in Exeter.
There never has been any question regarding our leadership
in Dross Goods, and this seasons stock demonstrates the fact
more clearly than ever: Importing direct from the manu-
facturers m Britain and France, thus saving middlemen's
profits, gives us a great advantage over ordinary dealers..
Read this list, of prices ;--
42 inch plain black Lustres, good blacks and fine finish, splendid
44 inch plain black Shimmer. Lustres, make up like silk, very
42 inch brocaded black • Lustres, various designs, very
fashionable , : .: , , ..
42 inch black O'epons, all wool and latest designs, make up yery:.
nobby........ ....... ...... . .
d4 inch,'all wool, Yigoreux Oloths, in, allfashionable shades, very
corect styles for costumes
45 inch all wool, black Efenriettas, beautiful pearl finish, heavy
weight, a beauty
.50 0
Nave You Seen Our Up-to-date Bicycles at $35 ?
We are now showing a complete
stock of Men's • Clothing, Youths'
and Boys' Ready-to-wear Clothes,
and are making a specialty of
Shorey's Celebrated make includ-
ing Rigby proofed bicycle suits.
Men's IGnicker Bicycle Suits, Rigby
proofed, made in latest sytle... ,.. $4 50
Men's ,Blue Serge Suits, nicely
made and lined, special. 3 75
Men's new -design Tweed Suits, well made and lined, great value $5 00
Men's black Clay Worsted Suits, best linings and trimmings,
equal to best ordered clothing .. 10 00
Boys' and Youths' Suits, in great variety, at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 & 3 75
40'300 New Simples of Wall Paper Now in StoGK l�
Trade in this department is
' . C r booming and new goods being
1 continually received and placed in
---•�- - --- stock. Come and see the novelties
we. are now showing.
lie a ®�-r�"�`ickara L. 0.9
DH 8C to I iPou Ii ��'i&z
4114414412142. 4•41•146
The South Huron fall fair will be Joseph Cobbledick has purchased
held in Exeter this year. the weigh scales at the old market—
R. S. Lang has disposed of his ware -
Mrs, (Dr.) Bowerman left on Tues
day to visit friends east. rooms to his brother, W. S. Lang, for
Miss Johnston, of Stratford, is the e .
of Mrs. R. S. Lang.Mr. Fisher and iVIiss. Willies, of
guestWyoming, are visiting at Mr. Win.
L. D. Vincent has returned from a • Dauncey's, town.
business trip to Strsthroy. I
John Muir,jr.,is in Brantford this i Wheat commanded $1.15 per bushel
' on the Exeter market Tuesday, and
week, on insurance business. $1.17 yesterday, (Wednesday.)
The Curfew by-law in Clinton has ' Mrs. John Welsh and her son
received a six months, hoist. 1 Charlie Long, returned home this
Mrs. Flr.ody, of Blyth, is visiting her week after visiting friends in London.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Crocker. The death of Miss Eva Sharon, took
The Clinton night watchman receiv- place in St. Thomas, last week. She
es a salary of about $3 per week. •was a niece of Mrs. John Spackman,
Messrs. R. H. Collins and R. S. Lang town.
are in Belleville this week On bass),
i_ Mr. and Mrs. John Spackman moved
to Grand Bend on Saturday, where
nessthey will reside during the summersummerlnnAn-
M ,- and where Mr. Spackman will loop
after his famous Grand Bend summer
resort. He reports that already many
Will Smith, of Buffalo, is home applications for cottages have been
spending vacation at "Springhurst" received.
Farm. Additional locals on fifth page.
We learn that Rev. H. Bray is about
resign the rectorship of the . Trivitt WEAK AND NERVOUS
Memorial church. Too many women that way. The need
b Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Mrs. They_
Me election expenses incurredy Hagersville,Ont..says:— Milbnrns Heart and
Henry Eilber in the late election, Nerve Pills cured me of weakness and nervous -
amounted to $249. + ness. with which t have been afflicted for a
All the children of the late Mrs 'long time,e_._
....... _... ___—_ _,._ .__
Brown were home attending the ob-
sequies of deceased. •
The thunder storm yesterday was
accompanied by hail, which did slight
damage to the blossoms.
ofSt. Thomas, Miss Sharon, o , is visit-
ing her cousin, Mrs. E. J. Spackman,
and other friends in town.
Alfred Bedford,- formerly of Credi-
ton,and Mrs. Pack, formerly of Exeter,
butv both of L- ndon were married
not io r
atastonto o 1• week. •
T r
Wheelmen complain greatly of the
quantities of broken glass met with in
some parts of the town and apparently
placed there maliciously.
Exeter district ineetingofthe Metho-
dist Church was held at Granton, May
loth. There were two .sessions and in
the evening a public meeting.
Miss Charlotte Smith, daughter of
councillor S gg
o nezll.or � tnith, Logan, just pass-
ed her,
assed.her• finalexamination at the London
hospital, and is now a qualifiednurse.
The setni-annual rrreetieg of the L.
visited at the Presbyterian Manse - on
Sunday. •
rrov I
Ladies' Blouses, 3•choice lines ;
clearing prices 50c, 75c and $r.00.
Also Black figured Alpaccas,
goods superior and attractive
patterns, 39 in. at 55c, 48, in. at
$i .20.
Also Black DuChene, French
Dress Goods,atternsfrom 9oc
5P ,
to $r.5o. These are particularly
fine goods.
O. L. of the District of Biddulph, will i - Also Black Satins and Black
beheldatCoatratia, ou June 14th, 1898. ,Surrall Silks Can o0
Brethren please govern themselves 's d $t"
accordingly. W. ANDERSON, District Roman Silk Scarfs in ladies'
Sec'y.' wear, with fringe, 25c each.
J. Williams Macy h ts come and IN GENTS' 'NEAR, the latest
gone, and all. who failed to hear hitt/
missed the treat of the season,—Tor- in Colored Shirts, soft fronts.
onto Globe. Mr. Macy will appear at"
yAlso Laundried Colored- Shirts
the lacrosse club concert, Gidley's '
Opera House,May > h. with collars and cuffs attached or.
p a iL , � 1Ct
J. ni hG.T. agent, t
�" T� g t, G T R. ticket g n , detached, from 60c to $t, t0
who has heen ill for the past few The latest noveltyin Collars
rveeTts, returned to work on Friday
last. The travelling public were noand Ties. Syndicate, Aberdeen,
doubt pleased toagain see his beaming Hot Spur, Earl, Briton, Valkyrie,
countenance,behand the wicket,
The member; of the lacrosse team.
are requested to attend practice every An excellent assortment of
evet�irig.all these are stand up collars
The clufr irerkrg eannected Umbrellas, elegantly mounted
vitla the Lea tie, it is expacted thr.
' For a Suit of Cotes Cheap,
We have just received a new stock of `Ready -to -Wear.
Men's Tweed Suits, wellrmade . , .:;. , .
,cc " " .good colors . , .
.$ 5.50
$ 7.50
" " new patterns , . ... $1o.00
Blue Grey : Worsted Suits. $to.00
Black Worsted Suits (bound) , , : $10.00
Odd Vests.. , .... , , , $ Lon
Tweed pants from . $ 1.00 u 'ri.�
Boys'. Sailor Suits in Navyand Grey, t.00 a Suit.
Boys'Wash Suits made of Blue Stripe Duck With Sailor collar
Blouse and pants, $1,25.
Gent's made to order Suit,Wor sted, either in lay or venetian, bouncZ, versdecal at $15 e ��'
s N
} S•
00e to Us ft Have Their Eyes Examined
If you need Glasses let us fit them for you. We give
you the best expert attention at T. FITTON'S Jew' elry
Graduate Optician.
The Man who rides a
Wheel only half enjoys its delights e,
until he gets a
Rigby Porous
Bicycle Suit
In dry weather you would not
know the cloth was water -proof,
and in wet weather you can ride
all day without getting wet.
The Rigby cloth admits the air
but keeps out the rain. Any wheel -
matt will see the great advantage
of it at once.
Rigby Bicycle Suits
are onside only by H. SHOREY & CO., Montreal, but are sold by all
up-to-date clothing dealers.
Fon internal or external use Ha_
yard's Yellow Oil cannot be excelled
as ar.pain relieving and soothing remedy
for alt pain.
TANKS. -A number of vats, suitable
for cistern tanks, for sale cheap, et
A postoffi.ce has been opened at
Irishtown, to be known as St. Col-
umban. Mr. P. Carlin is the post-
The insolvent estate of Ohms. Smith,
Centralia, as been . wound upanda
O h w
, .
dividend sheet issued. It is paying 4e
on the dollar.
Amid the roar of the cannon and
the shrieking of shot and .shell,'. it is
hard to keep track of the latest news
from Klondike..•
Wm. Moody,of the 5th concession
of Usborne; iuffering from a. severe
attack of blood poisoning, the result
of a slight scratch on one of his
y m
Doti t l� lid
'1'o erobese Borne of our Carpet
Beaters, Dusters, Household Am-
monia, Soap, Brushes, eta., for house -.I
',\T have just opened 'out, Butter
J X ,
Pattie Prints,'•Oan-'Opcatrer arid Cork.
Screw combined, Mrs. Potts' nickel
plated Sad Imus, Pancy Cake Cutters,
Lunch Boxes, Egg Tiiners,I3rass Watch
Safes, Fancy Photo Holders in: brass
and wire, Pocket Combs and Mirrors
combined, Wild Rose Tea Setts, etc.
Butter and eggs taken in exchange.
Cur ice' cream parlor is now open to
the public. Ice cream and ice cool
' and good material. 1isleVIVIV'S FAIR.
rail for a match will lie.recei�yed at any t
time. B order of the captain M. Vin- CLARKS
' P. S. Violita instruction. A. limited
cent. 7 � R l t �. i� Fir number: of pupils taken,
Use Wi."n's Cough Balsam for
ds and Bronchial troubles.
Ackno ed the best cough medicine
on th • market. Especially good for
ehil. , : n. Manufactured by 0. LUTZ.
h. Remner, Usborne, bad the
fortune to get bis hand into a root
Iper the other day,lacerating it very
t KT _
The undersigned has opened up a
new meat market one door
South o! Carlin % Store.:
where he will keep the choicest of
meats constantly on hand.
JOAN 'l' fl ANNJ .
Th Family
n lecher
For a good l-
5c es cL-on of
tams, LARD, _ , R , BACON,
and VEAL, also POULTRY in Season:
The Family i ." '' Skop
R ���i" ..SI10
One door south el, , ntral Motel.
-•-•-•-Dl .Llll1L Ilii -•—
Hides, Calf` and Lamb Skins.