HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-5-12, Page 7PURELY CANADIAN NEWS
Offered front Various Pointe from Vire
Atteretto to the Pacific.
Ceralab bas ten epidemic of measles.
The aew C.P.R, station Lit It is to
be started, at once,
, Wymniag lias hopes of another bank
nPanitta in that town.
Ori] lie ataelum has a brass band eon
lama of inmates and attendants,
Brantford Council will not entertain
petitions for damages from floods.
A tea -tab's run of the ;51ikado 20-
etaxte mill gave 730 ounces of gold.
Asavor fox -kin sold by Winnieess
dealer sae a London firm tbought
• JVQ75 e 'P' *
Nearly a thousand. Mere. Galicians
are oo their way to the. North-west ter-
• Government officers have burned 40
Plum tree e in :Flemleere'Towaship. San
Joao aeale,
The Mayor of Guelph is in favour
of the propoeed trolley line from
• Guelph to Hamilton.
New Iliemburg has joined, the long
list eif Ontario towns reaching out for
new indnstries.
Between Jenunry 1st and April 18th
27,100 people have left coast ports for,
the Klondike.
The reporte4 big washings of gold
O3 the Salmon Rivers are now saia to
be snow stories.
' St. Thomas Counell is being petition-
ed to build a bridge aeross the ravine
•on Railway etree.
Three millionwhitefish fry from, the
• Sanawich Heil hatchery axe being
placed, in Lake Huron.
Counterfeit five cant pieces are be-
ing floated at Rangston. They are a
good imitation but too light.
Colin Beaton, an Ontario man, was
killed while trying to board a freight
,treip in Vancouver, /3.0.
A Newmarket dentist amuses his
patients with a greinophone, while he
operates on their teeth.
Kest° Board of Trade has sent a dele-
gate to Ottawa, to present Lhe question
of' an import duty an lead.
Olive Barker, a, Brantford young
woman, has been arrested, charged with
•stealing a bioyele from a livery.
'The Montreal Beard of Trade ere
' working for a reduction in telegraph
rates to New. York and Chicago.
Montreal last year collected a rev-
enue of $8,9'78, derived from the taxa-
tion of 4,489 bicycles at $2 each.
Chatbaxn wheelmen asked the Coun-
cil for permission to ride on the side-
-Welke, but. their requ.est, was refused.
Merritton is feeling Lhe effects of
the good. roads movement, and -will
spend el2,000 in laying a model road-
A lacrosse league is being, formed
In the Kootenay country, taking in
Kase) Sandon, Nelson, Roseland and
Strange, says the Revelstolce Herald,
that • the inspector of weights and
measures never gets after the San
jese Scale.
.Fakir e are working , the country
town's. One passeda painted copper
en a Hamilton girl for a quarter the
Other day.
• Five hundred men are employed in
the C.P. R. sheps at Winnipeg at
present, the largest number in the his-
tory of the works.
The ..keeient Order of United. White -
•caps is the somewhat reckless name
of: a new fraternal organization form-
• ed at 1V4joon,store.
Two Bratilf.ord women were charged
• in the Police Courtwith neglecting
their children. The said children were
eauglit stealing fruit.
Brantfora water 'commissioners have
rejected the scheme of the Ilorticul-
•Curet Soctiety. to have the boulevards
watered free of charge.
• Mr. Louis Dauphishais, of St. Fly-a-
eirithe, Quebec:, was enjoying a quiet
smoke after dinner when he suddenly
expired. Syncope of the heart.
Manitoba's farmer Legislature, are
said to heee simplified legal affairs
sve that lawyers are poor and sheriffs
• eall hardly make a decent living.
Dr. Bandy McLellan, the well known
Cornwall lecrorme player, who recently
left, for the 'Klondike is reported dying
ef consumption in *British Columbia.
13ellevale boys who don't behave
• themselves and come before the Police
Magistrate, are being senteneed to a
whipping at the hands of the police.
Bowlby, of Brantford, lias been
complaining before the Coancil that
the G. T. Elt. is discriminating against
the eity in its passenger and freight
After a eigorous discussion the MeM-
b.ers of, the Woodstock Amateur Atb-
1tiO Association voted, ba a consider-
able majority, against tr, prettosi Lion
to open their cleb rooms on Sunday.
A shooting preserve of 200 acres near
Hamilton will le stecked with
grouse, plate sauts, and quail, and.
every care win be given to the game
in an fItterapt, La acelimatize them,
Murdock S. McIver, late Cita Clerk
of Kamloops, has been committed. for
trial on a charge of having omitted
front his books, with intent to defraud
the eity, the mane of $273,97 and/ a250.
TAM rather, of two attractiveyoung
ladies in Newark, ar, J., has a eude way
of hinting te yettrne mesa visitors evhen
it. le Lime tor I:hem. to bring their vita its
i elose. At preeieely ten o'cloe,k, he
entree the parlor and says, "Aattinda,
NMI Ettelle, you will please assemble in
,'au' no hr's room, ae the hour 1(8 ar-
rived for family prayers." ,As the
• youree men grab their het, it is not
tintywei 'wheal scouy their' need%
What Would Happen if fele Should lees
junt ae the magnet aiwaye turne to
the pole, so huantlesendeLeVOr for ewe.
Juries peat Las been similarly diveeted.
Whether at any future tinm it will
he voucheafect to nioatals to reacth the
pole is a matter as to whicae, for vari-
ous tree:emus eonsiaerable aoubit loay be
entertained. Bett would such an achi-
evement be desirable. We assert
the emetaary quite seriously.
If any one really got to the pole he
would., in common parlance, bie ubterly
"ret sea." simely beceaste at the pole
%sere is no possibility of ascertaining
one'e wlhereabouts. A person arriving
;there would Sind an altogether differ-
ent woirld before him, Like a blind
men be, would grope about arid vainlar
endeavor to get baelc svihenee he eame,
Tbis by no means enviable situation is
calculated to deseroy the illusions
svaieb he may have cherished
when starting on his polar expedition.
His eompletely eltangeci situation would
be emanated for by She faot that when
stationea at the pole the dErection of
the norith would be found to eoineide
with the line of the zenith—that is to
say, the 'point
alhe opposite poiuta-viz., the nadir—
woala eoineide with the • direction to
the South. The longitu4ina,1 cirdes,and
hence also the meridian of the local-
ity would coincide with the circles of
latitude; an equator would coincide
witlh, the horeizon, Hence an astrono-
mical determination of uha 100filitr, ac-
cording to lati bade and loegitude, is al-
togetfaer precluded.. .
Tlhe same may be said as edgardsde-
termining one's bearings in any dir-
ection. The compass, too, will fail
there, because its horizontal intensity
se so slight as to preclude bhe possibil-
ity of its action. 'Ilse ouly criterion
for judging that one 'has arrived at the
pole is that the observed latitude of
the sun, after Slaving been corrected to
altitude above the truehorizon, is
founci to coincide with the value of the
declination of the sun for the day in
INIoxeover, in ltlhose regions there is
scarcely a day on Which dense fogs do
not prevail, and or more degrees, C.
of cold, such as mostly exist there, will
enhance the difficulties of observation
to suclh an extent that it oan only be
a question of approximate estimates..
Stuck conditions are by no means envi-
able, andare scarcely catoulated to
induce us to long for them with all
our hearts.
But these are not the only things
which are likely to make a sojourn at
the pole a never-ending torment.
Worse than all the rest, one cannot
count tae passing timers there; in oth-
er words, there is no criterion for det-
ermining Me time of day. Daring a
period of six months the sun will
but during itree wihole of the time will
always :remain either above ..or below
the Ittonizon. As the. earth revolves
around. 'its axis is 24 hours, tine sun
apparently describes, during the same
interval, a cirettit of 300 degrees around
the sky, being visible at an altitude
equal to the declination. Ivthenevel: de-
clination is 'of She same name as the
pole at ifeach the observer is stationed.
Ile numerous attempts hitherto
'made to reach Ike pole, heve, as a mat-
ter of course, been by water—that is
to say, by ehips, and sledges. The idea
tlhat one might get there by an aerial
passage (has not gained. ground until
recently, but' if we coasider that bal-
loons are not navigable. and. 'hum are
liable to be cagried away in any dir-
ection by air ourrente that, may accid-
entally prevail, and in the most unlike-
ly event only to the pole, no one 'posses-
sed. of but a moderate allowance of
common sense will comprehend bow
success would have been expected. Crone
such anenterprise. atoreover, deter-
minations of locality, canna possibly
be made from a balloon with, any ap-
proximate degree of acearaey.
At Driffield, in the East Riding of
Yorkshire, the harvest bell is still rung
at 5 o'clock in the morning to rouse
the laborers from their slumbers, and'
at 7 in the evening the welcome sound
of the bell intimates the time for dos-
ing work for the clay.
Winning race bortes are generally
bays, chestnuts or browns; and for
everyhandred bays timong them there
are fifty chestnuts and thirty browns.
There is no record of an imported race
being won by a pie -balsa
The widowed Princess of Naze) is the
only upper elass woman in Egypt who
is allowed to see men, and lias this
privilege through the special order of
t,he Sultan.
A soientist: has found microbes of
various Weide in 77 samples of ink—
red, blue and black—supplied to schools
and, eitaitie of the microbes were deadly
e,aOugh to kil mice inoculated with
Dear Charlie, it I marry you, will you
get up and make the fires in the morn -
lag ?
Darling girl, we will get married le
the summer. Before wieter you will
get used to the idea ot Making the
fires yourself.
Before we were matried you used to
write me three let 1,er,s a day?
Did 1really '1
Yes, you did ; ,arot Amy you ant UtP
Axel, because aek you to write Yee ft
little bit oe a check,
Ten fee
MacUettzto or the selifortii
end ,Stewsiet tor the Consetons, L0Jflee
CIPINVO nt AtbOr5*:011allejtO1iZ00'S VIOttliOg
JO Tateere by testiest s-- :Menem', 'wee
Soon lamed.
Amid the ssvieh of the leaden hail,
the Scotch pipers in tbe teat great Sdo-
dan battle, In which Captain Urquaart
lost hie life, nobly upheld the honor of
Sootlancre record,. •
Finer Andrew afackenzio, of the Sea, -
forth Highlanders, is 310W IleTlered by
the whole British empire as one of
the bravest survivors of the late battle
of Atbare. •
The pipers of the Scottish regiments
in the British army have 'within a fliSY
maths performea deeds of valor 'which
are the admiration of the svhole World.
They had. a &alarms reputation, and.
they have added new glory to it.
On the heights of Dargai, in India,
last year, Pipers Findlater, and 'Milne
kept on piping after their legs were
shot througn and through. They aent
the British people wild with applause.
Now comes the, news of similar deeds
of heroism, in the Soudan. The piper is,
the beet) of the day in %gland. 'Tests.
upon theraagpipes are no longer tol-
erated. •
At the charge- on Athara, the Sea -
forth and the Cameron Highlanders,
two battalions of two Scottish regi-
ments, loci against the zeribe in apiece
where, the fire was heaviest. A.nclrests
Maekenzie, one of the pipers of the Sea-
forths, marched ahead of his comrades,
playing, "Bonnie Dundee" with weird
energy. When the first men reached
the Dervish earthworks they were
checked for a moment. Mackenzie,
blowing his pipes, stood on a little
knoll, so that he was the mosi conspic-
u.ous fagure to his own side, and the
enemy as well, He was in the
and the eneray's fire seemed concen-
trated on him. His gay uniform, his
kilt and hie helmet were shot through
and through. The official report ant
a dozen independent witnesses say that
hie clothing was torn to tatters by
bullets. Still he kept on piping "Bonnie
Dundee." Every bullet that struck him
only made him pipe the louder. Then
the Seaforths swarmed over the earth-
Side by side by them were the Care-
eren Highlanders, Alan Stewart, piper
of Company F, charged with the sol-
diers, playing The March of the Cam-
eron Men." Like Mackenzie, he took his
stand in the most exposed position
when the earthworks were reached. Bat
he Was less fortunate. Several bullets
struck him, but he camtinue(1 to pipe.
The Dervishes were clearly aiming at
hien, and several officers and men beg-
ged him to come down, but he still
Ihk4ereettna liteadiug menet attentive en all
Peieffs or nee World.
flaWaii L without' a irninp, a beggar,
Or a poorhouse.
T'wo-thirds of all the lettere which
paps, through the post-officee of the
world, sire weitten, by or seutoto people
who speak Engliell.
The average est of an outfit for the
Alarikan gold kields is about e250. To
this menet be added the fare end the
Stun to be paid for freight.
fresbayeter well on Sanibel 'stead,
Florida, war about to be used for it-
eigating purposes, when it inysterieue-
ly ehenged to sulphur water.
• A tricyde eekt is in use 1.9 Berlin, The
passenger sits in freet, on a seatt OVOr
the two wheels. The driver eits over
the rear.wheel, tuid works the pedals,
Every Peinee of Wales is considered
of age immediately %flee birth, and a
Welty is placed for him on the „right of
the throne in the House of Lords,
A. law. of New Zealand award e a
pension of aa38 anaually to every re-
spectable person who bas attaleedethe
age of eixty-five, and hasgesicIed twen-
ty years in the eolony.
Frozen melt is exported in laege
quantities from New Zealand to Eur-
ope, In the former country there are
twenty-two "establishments in which
• the meet is artifielelly frozen.
A ton of Atlanta) water, when evap-
orated, yields 81 pounds of salt; a ton
of Pacific ava,ter, 79 pounds; a tee of
Arctic or Antarctic water, 85 pounds;
a ton of Water from the Dead Sea, 187
In a beer -drinking politest, for $20 at
Union Hill, N. J. Mathias Sommer -
mann drank eighty-eight glasses of
lager, six more then his competitor,
George Bertrand. T'he contest lasted
three hours.
,Since the .nresMat German Emperor
began his reign, 4,1,05 persons have been
punished for disrespectful utterances
agauast his majesty. , (Among them
'were seven children under fifteen
years of age.
Tbe storekeepers in Ponca, Oklahoma,
are not allowed ta sell intoxicants to
Indians. The red men have. discover-
ed that they can get comfortably drunk
on lemon extract. One fifty (lent bot-
tle proaucee a quiet jag.
The fifth marriage of Edward Dor-
sey, a colored min, Was recently wit-
nessed at Indianapolis, when he wedded
Mrs. Harriet Jefferson. His age is
nearly one hundred years, and by his
previous wives he had forty children.
The few policemen required -to keep
the peace in-Plainfiald, N. J., think of
resigning since one of the force was
suspended because he had flirted with
servant girl. This is the worst form
of tyranny, they assert.
• A painting reacbine is in use in a
West. Superior, Wis., shipyard. It is
worked by pneumatic power, and de-
posits the paint in a fine spray on the
played on. Once be fell, but arose ships, the operator anerely direeting
bleeding from the forehead, and still the nozzle through which the paint
he played on. Again hp fell, this time issues.
to rise no more. Privates Angus and e'ot preventing a railoard disaster
Maelaren ran to bis rescue. He died
in their arms, crying "Scotland for
ever,' as his mantas -Men poured into
the, enemy's fortifications.On the
following day the bodies of Pipe's. Stew-
art, three British officers, and eigh-
teen men were buried in front of the
Zariba; where they fell, The Highland
pipers and the Soudanese band played
a lament. It was an indeseribably
weird and, impressive cereinoney. There
is no doubt that the pipers in the Sou-
da,nese battle were tremendously de-
sirous of gaining a treputation like
that of the Gordon pipers at Bargee.
They succeeded.
who is`now in the Netley Hospital in
England, told how he piped at Dargai.
The wounding of Findlater took place
three parts across the belt which the
Gordons were rushing with fixed bay-
onets. "1 had got on a little bit," he
recalled, " when I felt a touch on one
of my left toes. Thatwas the glance
of a bullet, but no harm had been done.
A 'second bullet bit my chanter, but
fortuea,tely did not do sufficient dam-
age toprevent it !from being used.
Suddenly ,my right leg gave way un-
der me, and I slid down into a heap,
There was no pain, there had. been no
shockesimply my leg was aseless." The
btood ran from las ankle and dyed. his
kilt red; the kilt which is now in his
knapeack, anti still has its splotches of
amulet. He saw- that stream; bet his
single thought Wee "The tune, the
lone; it means the charge and. must be
kept up if we're to take the hill." Here
was a state of Ituman affairs worth in-
quirieg into, and 1 asked Findleter
what trainof thoughts he had on fall -
big down. He confessed that he could.
not help me, eould not even reasen out
why he should have continued to play
—simply he, did, " Well," he put it
--quietly, arid this was all—e well, .1
Nvas there to play. Tbat was my duty
and I: suppose anybody would have done
.the same. My pipes slid tether off my
shoulder as 1 fell, lad; I managed to
get My back against a stone, and, thus
could play. The hist I remember, I
was still getting out the tune, thee
fainted.' This tweet loss of blood
and eabsequently, the woubd caused,
him' tioute suffering. The tullet had
gone through the ankle at adownward
slant, 'breaking the main bones in its
have heard a good deal about peo-
ple who borrow trouble, but 1 think my
wife is a champion in that Bee.
Why, I thought she was alvveys
eheertul and contented with her lot
' She was until our baby was born eix
Weeks ago. Now she le tvorrying be-
cause he ine,y marry some girl that we
may not like,
A Freibehmen estimates that there
ate in the World about 10,000 lihreriee
Worthy of the. nerne, '
The male ositioll et; Ueran utters
Cry w1iih sounds like an effort to
epeak meth the Ilantitb Blatt leght.
by the timely discovery of a broken
rail and the stopping of an approaching
train, a locomotive engineer at (Halle
on the Seale received,a reward of two
marks, 50 cents, from the railroad com-
When John, Shanophy a lazy Jersey -
man, tries to prolong his life by theft
bastead of labor, he steals big things.
Be once stole an. anchor in Perth Am-
boy, forevhich crime he was sent to jail:
Now he is in jail again for running off
with a locomotive. --
A Brooklyn young rna,n, engaged to
an heiress, had the misfortune to kiss
her while he had a tell-tale clove in his
mouth. She terminated the engage-
ment, and now the discarded suitor has
taken to drink, and does not attempt
to bide his bad hebits under the MrOnla
of cloves.
The Police justice in El Reno, Okla-
homa.. discriminates in the fines he in-
flicts for intoxication. For llain drunks
which he denominates "herinless jags"
he lets off Democrats and Populists itt
$1 eaoh ; bat, Republicans, who are sup-
posed to be high -license advooates, he
fines $20.
"Year hind wheel needs air," said a
well-dressed gentleman- to a young
American female cyclist le a Parisian
park. Ile was permitted to assist her
in inflating the tire. "Now I will see
1114.,r Have `/ever Dere Excetzediae Fignt c.v.!
•tinder lipregular Tactics -net Tnetv
• - :notch. ta thein
cabinet tit That Style
F•"ia'ahr'tniinir; in the open, has never b'een
• Spain's strong point, So that when
hostilities begin in Cuba the dons vvill
not stand. 'a show DI snocess with the
'United States regulars against thera
in line of battle and the insurgents am-
bascadina them in the ebapparel.
The Sparkish tendency, le irregular
warfare is largely hereditary. For
• 800 years the Spaniards were in con-
stant strife with the Moors, `Nil=
they conquered. at last.. During those
eight centuries there Were no regu-
lar campaigns, but both sides, as a
1:huloeesrside. ,ssilosini only
uolb)cttw aInto sseptaor separate ir aaun
harass and eventually exterminate the
One of the great disadvantages en-
der which the Spaniards will fight will
consist of the feet that they will meet
their superiors ill their favorite mode
of wa.rfare. Spaniards have invariably
succeeded as guerrillas up to the pres-
ent time. If they Iron no great bat-
tles. they at least held their own
ground or prevented the enemy from
oceupying it.
In Caba, however, things have been
different, The Spaniards met their
equals, if not their superiors in tae
insurgents. They have uniformly
been driven back, 1.1.nd in all the bush
fighting have been regularly whip-
The physicial features of Lhe coun-
try are in the highest degree favor-
able to the operations ol guerrillas.
The land is traversed by great moun-
tain ranges, the slopes of which are
covered with dense forests. Therein
a whole army corps may securely con-
ceal itself from an enemy only a few
• feet away. 'The roads are so rugged
and universally had that regular mili-
tary operations can be, carried on only
with the atm.ost difficulty. The rough
country, roads generally follow tor-
tuous mountain streams and are conse-
quently so full of bends, turns and
windings that the making of an am-
buscade is easy at almost any point,
and in every mile many almost insur-
inountable obstacles to the marching
of troops may be pat up.
Napoleon learned this to his cost
when he deposed Ferdinand and set
up Joseph Bonaparte as king. The
people rebelled, and. between 1808 and
1813 the French had only the cities;
the country was in the hands of the
Spaniards, and they could not be dis-
lodged. Slovvly and by force of su-
perior numbers Napoleon pacified Spain
ranch the same as Weyler pacified
The people were repressed, but not
subduea. In a desultory way they
continued the warfare, even when the
nation had been declared to ,be paci-
• fied, and tlosses they inflicted ap-
on the 'French at this time were ire -
Bonaparte seated securely on bis
throne. Posseasing the cities and
ports, he could collect the revenues
and maintain the government, but to
do it he bad to employ the methods
recently adopted in Cu.ba, by the
Spaniards—a campaign of starvation
and unrelenting pursuit. His reign
might have continued indefinitely had
it not been for this rebellion against
his power, a rebellion he could not
check or repress. The country, in a
constant state of insarrection, offered
a tempting field for the allied powers,
which found here an opportunity to
strike Napoleon in the rear. No won-
der, therefore, that Wellington and bis
Englishmen landed on Spanish soil and
gave the French emperor a blow from
which he never recovered. Joseph
was driven from the throne and Ferd-
inand was recalled.
It is recerded that during this war
for Spanish independence, me,n arm-
ed themselves with straightened
scythes, heving no other weapons.
They fought with anything that came
to hand. The French, by superior
streegth. and by themselves adopting
guerrilla tactics, attained brief suc-
cesses until the women took to fight-
ing, They could not withstand the
onslaught of women, and when the
.English came, too, they suffered signal
Thies, Spain threw off the Fx•ench
yoke because its people refused to be
eonquerea, though forced to flee to the
if jt is all right," he remarked, as he woods and the mountains. Guerrilla
mounted the wheel and rode off. He warfare was the =alias of procuring
has not yet returned.
The brains of a dozen persons, near-
ly all of whom ranked, when alive, as
individuals oC inore than average in-
tellectual power, are in one of the mu-
aeunse 6f Cornell Unive rsity. There
are about fifty people now living who
have expressed their intention to be-
qtteat h their brains to that institu-
tion. "
.A. bill providing for a thirteenth jur-
or in all judicial trials, has been. intro-
duced In the Me eyland legislature, Be
is to sit with the °there, listeni to the
evidence; but will take no further pe.rt
iinlees one of the other jurors becoraes
ill or otheriViSe ineapaci tated ' 'then
he will occupy the place of the absent
A ,protnipent /Actress itt aMbitioh
thee tee has sued the manager for her
salary. In defense he exhibited, a, eon..
traett, 'wherein it wa,s stipulated that "t.
meniber of the theatre whoinarries
without permission of the Pietinget for -
alt Olefin to salary.'
mereled the manager,she contends that
she had his permission:
1?otner, Said Willie, Why did, yen buy
a gel E eoat
TO tday grill in, My, soia said ilfr.
Di(E :soil heed. it
Of course
,Teien, I, need a tell. (lent to PlaY
in, sen .reei; adirertified. •
their independence.
Ardideacon Farrar in recent rem-
iniscence says that when a young man
he heard Macauley name every wom-
an Who had been executed in England.
He 'was then asked if he could name
all oS the arcbbishops, "Oh, yes,' he
replie.d, " any schoolboy cou1t do
that." The Archcleticot says that Ma-
woncierfully informed nian that ever
lciavuelde's memory made him the most
It is a mdstake to suppose that stone
houses are the moat: durable, A well -
constructed brick house will outlast
Ond built of granite.
to Take
asy to Operate
Are feittufes peeellar to lloode Pills. Small hi
size, tasteless, efficient, thorough As ohe news
stied: " You rieverinuet'yeti
have taken a pin 011 it le WI
evely, 9.13e. flood & Co.,
Proprietor*, 14.0011, Mass.• ,
thee pitit tottekeeeith iloodestarsaattrillk
ittother Reetiree Vibe at Cavite
\Timid End it.
!rfnn Madrid eorrespondent of the
1,onclop Daley Telegraph says :--"Those
who are beet infermed ee to the Gave
ernrnentee view, allege that iE tbe
LAI arms suner another reverse like
that at Cavite, the Gomm -orient woulttl
informally request the great powers to
lend their services tu arrange the best
possible terms cif pewee Many Liberate.
consider -thet Spain„ having main tabled
bier honor and einellied her chiveley,
impt iitiffiser(dto
ion weued approve Mai line of action,
am ltsoutrest that the GoVernmeat,
1,. n(' Loeeld x
tfriitey 10 j4 ti
d emrk ty, la-raw:0 on a b ie. Wel 1 -in-
formed politicia,ns here regard. the war
as practically terminated, and that to-
ward the end of, Mo y it well beeoine
"All the elements of a. long etvil war
in Spain are unfortunately beiienainee
visible. The Government and. the Lib-
eral party are popularly hated as be-
ing responsible for the war. The Re-
publicans possess no durable chances
of success. The Oonservatives and
Carlis.ts are the great parties of the
fulture, and some of the Conservative
groats are gravitating toward Cartisre.
The economic question, however, will
cotne to the I rent first, for hunger can-.' Firicsto cents pot Box, or 6 lor $2.so. At
net wait."
• Se i en rite 1111(1 °Metals Stoned
--A Nob Shot Down.
1111 despatch from Madrid, says :—The
situation in. the provinees £sunchanged,,
and everywhere the dissatisfaction is
growing, especially over the prices of
In the thwn of Aguitaa, the Province
of Murcia, a mob, mostly ecunposed of
women, burned the store. -houses and.
• The tisherwomen who broke out
against the Octorio dues at Gijon, re-
ceived the most determined assistance
from the tobacco gerls. Together they
saeked several bakeries, and burned
all the entree offeces, with all. the Pap-
ers belonging to the foeeign ships load-
ing• in the herbour. The civil guard
was botly storied. at the prison, and the
nion marcheu off with the iron bars of
the gaol. When the troops appeared.
they were hotly stoned, replying with
fire and wounding many. The mob
then attacked. the Government build-
ings a,nd smashed the windows. The
troops again fired, this time from the
balconies„ and, wounded many; but the
women kept on throwing stones.
Rear-Aamitral Camara has been ap-
pointed corronand.er-ba-clief of the re -
Serve fled. at Cathie., •
Alarniliqr Report.; at Gibraltar or ..a4sass-
mead/. or members or the cones.
A despatch from Gibraltar, says
Most alarming rumours are prevalent
here regarding the situation in Mad-
rid. Is reported that Campos Moret
has beexr assassinated, and that Prem-
ier Sagasta hes sought refuge in the
British Embassy from tbe fury of the
From a high official source here a
have information that the, situation in
Madrid is exceedingly, serious. Not
only is the city in a state of siege but
there has been rioting and firing in
the streets, I have no means oC veri-
fying the news. The Carlists are ex-
ceedingly itetive, and are sending ou.t
eirculars to excite the Spanish people
to revolution. I have just seen. a caa-
ou,lar received by a Spaniard here. It,
holds Don Carlos up as being the only
true patriot in Spainand freely
attacks the Government for treachery,.
It says that the moment for revolation
has come.
31144)011s - or the repaint IOU et nirvana Sahl
to be itPosaii4iett.
A despatch from Key West, says :—
Captain -General Blanco is beginning to
feet the desperation of hisposition. 'so-
alted lrom and practically abandoned
by Spain, he is concentreting meek re. -
sources as he has in Cube for et least
one desperate battle „before he hauls
down the yellow emblem. ot Castile.
Captain Fernandez, of I,he sChnoner
Antonio y Pock which was captosed
off Ita,varveon Monday by the gun hot
Newport, brings the latesi reports of
the coaditions oin beleaguered Ha-
vana. He says that eareadyr a great
majority of tbe poeulation have become
dissatisfied to the, verge of open re-
• 5OMPS011. li, itteiript to Seize lite
deSigach to the London Daily Anil!,
from Key West, seat by war of Tampa order to emcee* cetidorship, asserts
of nositive knowledge that Iteitr-Ad-
snivel Satenson's. fleet Nvill steeen at hilt
epee(' to Port.° Rate, either eo destroy
or to occaey the coalitig sta tam as
iteVei base befere'. the Spanish sguade
eon arrives, and then pea to :sea and
try to engage the Cape Verde fleet.
The riehoolier (*Own feed otir
A despatch front St. ,Tolktk'S
, N11d1
says: The schootiee Crown, Captain
1,Mehere wee loot of here ou
day, and and her entire tokripany, 11 .men,
all married, perished, ,The dieroster has
areated inteerse serrow deem The cettee
of the diseeter le not known.;
The; sealieg steirmer Terra Nova hite
arrived here with ,,20,000 settle,
A Chinaittat eats tM,ice at! nmehmeat
08 a Japaneeta
Druggists, or Moiled on Receipt of Price, by
T. miLBURN ifc CO., Toronto.
OF Art
The Lategt Devlees for Throwing slim
Leaded With High Explostree.
The newest type of dynamite gun
consists of two tubes placed directly
one above the other, whereas in the old.
type there are three tubes plaeed sid�
by side in the same horizontal plane.
The elimination of the third tube
means a great saving in the weight
of the gun and a,t the samle time it
is claimed its effectiveness is increas-
ed. It is said thee, the gem can be
fired at least five times in two min-
utes. •
Of the two tithes the upper is several
feet the longer and is smooth bore
It receives the projectile and the Nal-
terial used in its construction, is eita-
er brass or steel, the latter beingl Pre-
ferable. Within the lower tube there
is an inner tube in wbich the blank
eartridge containing seven ounces of
• smokeless powder is placed. The Innen
tube opens into the lower tube, which
in turn opens into the upper tube
through a port immediately behind the
projectile. When the projectile is plac-
ed in the upper tube and the blank
• cartridge in the lower, the breeches
are closed and the gun is ready for
firing. The pulling of the lanyard ex-
plodes the smokeless powder, 'whicli
compresses tbe air in the tube,. and
this, passing into the 'tipper tube
though the port, exerts there a pres-
sure of 3,000 pounds to the square inch.
This pressure expels the projectile. The
air forms a cushion that protects from
shock the walls of the shell, arad,ll it is
claimed, obviates the tlanger w-hich
would. follow from the concussion of
• the powder wereet 'exploded directly,
behind the projectile.
The entire length of the projectile
used is thirty -lour inches, This in-
cludes it tall piece about ten inches in'
length and fitted with a vane set at -
an angle that insures slow rotation.
The body of the shell is it brass cylin-
der having a conical heati containing
a tuse. The main body of the shell con-
tains usually a eharge of explosive go -
inline, although guncotton or any oth-
er explosive may be used. The ignition
is effected by means of li. mechanical
fuse, and is so arranged that the ex-
plosion can follow- immediately upon
impact or 'nay be delayed for ite much
as six seconds the,reafter. When the
shell strikes the water or any other
object, a small steel ball, acting as a
hammer, is driven forward by the sud-
den retardation of th,e flight of the
shell and strikes one or mote percus-
sion caps, eausing a detonatiot. This
ignites a tube of powder communicat-
ing with the fulminate of mereury,
and so explodee suceessively the gun -
embodies a deviee which renders the
shell ineeLive until it has trarellecl at
least 300 feet from the gun, This de,.
viee is very ingenious. There is attach-
ed:to the head of the fuse a little vene
or windmill, which is fastened to a
threaded rod running bade into the
heell of the fuse far enengh to press
on the smell steel hall mentiosiecl, and
hold it in place. As the projeetile
passes through the air the blades re-
volve, and, in revolving, tinSfittiNV the
threaded rod, and thus release the
email steel ball, whieh is now reedy,
to, een forive,rd and expititie the prim'.
cenneetion with the tiring at the
gun there is neither smoke not noise.
31 eannot be heard at the distance of
one-half Mile, nor eau any smoke be
seen. Thus it eNotild be nearly impose
slide for sha,rpabootees of rapid-fire
gunners to lecate the get,
POT tufautit aua Ohilaren.
The 404
DUNt'co- That'2 Qv*. ot
Da civice to eveY
Nire,,A„,.._y, sky,
ailing woman and girl, and
there's nothing equal to
forspurifying tile blooar eA
'toning op the nerves and
building up the health.
• Se i en rite 1111(1 °Metals Stoned
--A Nob Shot Down.
1111 despatch from Madrid, says :—The
situation in. the provinees £sunchanged,,
and everywhere the dissatisfaction is
growing, especially over the prices of
In the thwn of Aguitaa, the Province
of Murcia, a mob, mostly ecunposed of
women, burned the store. -houses and.
• The tisherwomen who broke out
against the Octorio dues at Gijon, re-
ceived the most determined assistance
from the tobacco gerls. Together they
saeked several bakeries, and burned
all the entree offeces, with all. the Pap-
ers belonging to the foeeign ships load-
ing• in the herbour. The civil guard
was botly storied. at the prison, and the
nion marcheu off with the iron bars of
the gaol. When the troops appeared.
they were hotly stoned, replying with
fire and wounding many. The mob
then attacked. the Government build-
ings a,nd smashed the windows. The
troops again fired, this time from the
balconies„ and, wounded many; but the
women kept on throwing stones.
Rear-Aamitral Camara has been ap-
pointed corronand.er-ba-clief of the re -
Serve fled. at Cathie., •
Alarniliqr Report.; at Gibraltar or ..a4sass-
mead/. or members or the cones.
A despatch from Gibraltar, says
Most alarming rumours are prevalent
here regarding the situation in Mad-
rid. Is reported that Campos Moret
has beexr assassinated, and that Prem-
ier Sagasta hes sought refuge in the
British Embassy from tbe fury of the
From a high official source here a
have information that the, situation in
Madrid is exceedingly, serious. Not
only is the city in a state of siege but
there has been rioting and firing in
the streets, I have no means oC veri-
fying the news. The Carlists are ex-
ceedingly itetive, and are sending ou.t
eirculars to excite the Spanish people
to revolution. I have just seen. a caa-
ou,lar received by a Spaniard here. It,
holds Don Carlos up as being the only
true patriot in Spainand freely
attacks the Government for treachery,.
It says that the moment for revolation
has come.
31144)011s - or the repaint IOU et nirvana Sahl
to be itPosaii4iett.
A despatch from Key West, says :—
Captain -General Blanco is beginning to
feet the desperation of hisposition. 'so-
alted lrom and practically abandoned
by Spain, he is concentreting meek re. -
sources as he has in Cube for et least
one desperate battle „before he hauls
down the yellow emblem. ot Castile.
Captain Fernandez, of I,he sChnoner
Antonio y Pock which was captosed
off Ita,varveon Monday by the gun hot
Newport, brings the latesi reports of
the coaditions oin beleaguered Ha-
vana. He says that eareadyr a great
majority of tbe poeulation have become
dissatisfied to the, verge of open re-
• 5OMPS011. li, itteiript to Seize lite
deSigach to the London Daily Anil!,
from Key West, seat by war of Tampa order to emcee* cetidorship, asserts
of nositive knowledge that Iteitr-Ad-
snivel Satenson's. fleet Nvill steeen at hilt
epee(' to Port.° Rate, either eo destroy
or to occaey the coalitig sta tam as
iteVei base befere'. the Spanish sguade
eon arrives, and then pea to :sea and
try to engage the Cape Verde fleet.
The riehoolier (*Own feed otir
A despatch front St. ,Tolktk'S
, N11d1
says: The schootiee Crown, Captain
1,Mehere wee loot of here ou
day, and and her entire tokripany, 11 .men,
all married, perished, ,The dieroster has
areated inteerse serrow deem The cettee
of the diseeter le not known.;
The; sealieg steirmer Terra Nova hite
arrived here with ,,20,000 settle,
A Chinaittat eats tM,ice at! nmehmeat
08 a Japaneeta
Druggists, or Moiled on Receipt of Price, by
T. miLBURN ifc CO., Toronto.
OF Art
The Lategt Devlees for Throwing slim
Leaded With High Explostree.
The newest type of dynamite gun
consists of two tubes placed directly
one above the other, whereas in the old.
type there are three tubes plaeed sid�
by side in the same horizontal plane.
The elimination of the third tube
means a great saving in the weight
of the gun and a,t the samle time it
is claimed its effectiveness is increas-
ed. It is said thee, the gem can be
fired at least five times in two min-
utes. •
Of the two tithes the upper is several
feet the longer and is smooth bore
It receives the projectile and the Nal-
terial used in its construction, is eita-
er brass or steel, the latter beingl Pre-
ferable. Within the lower tube there
is an inner tube in wbich the blank
eartridge containing seven ounces of
• smokeless powder is placed. The Innen
tube opens into the lower tube, which
in turn opens into the upper tube
through a port immediately behind the
projectile. When the projectile is plac-
ed in the upper tube and the blank
• cartridge in the lower, the breeches
are closed and the gun is ready for
firing. The pulling of the lanyard ex-
plodes the smokeless powder, 'whicli
compresses tbe air in the tube,. and
this, passing into the 'tipper tube
though the port, exerts there a pres-
sure of 3,000 pounds to the square inch.
This pressure expels the projectile. The
air forms a cushion that protects from
shock the walls of the shell, arad,ll it is
claimed, obviates the tlanger w-hich
would. follow from the concussion of
• the powder wereet 'exploded directly,
behind the projectile.
The entire length of the projectile
used is thirty -lour inches, This in-
cludes it tall piece about ten inches in'
length and fitted with a vane set at -
an angle that insures slow rotation.
The body of the shell is it brass cylin-
der having a conical heati containing
a tuse. The main body of the shell con-
tains usually a eharge of explosive go -
inline, although guncotton or any oth-
er explosive may be used. The ignition
is effected by means of li. mechanical
fuse, and is so arranged that the ex-
plosion can follow- immediately upon
impact or 'nay be delayed for ite much
as six seconds the,reafter. When the
shell strikes the water or any other
object, a small steel ball, acting as a
hammer, is driven forward by the sud-
den retardation of th,e flight of the
shell and strikes one or mote percus-
sion caps, eausing a detonatiot. This
ignites a tube of powder communicat-
ing with the fulminate of mereury,
and so explodee suceessively the gun -
embodies a deviee which renders the
shell ineeLive until it has trarellecl at
least 300 feet from the gun, This de,.
viee is very ingenious. There is attach-
ed:to the head of the fuse a little vene
or windmill, which is fastened to a
threaded rod running bade into the
heell of the fuse far enengh to press
on the smell steel hall mentiosiecl, and
hold it in place. As the projeetile
passes through the air the blades re-
volve, and, in revolving, tinSfittiNV the
threaded rod, and thus release the
email steel ball, whieh is now reedy,
to, een forive,rd and expititie the prim'.
cenneetion with the tiring at the
gun there is neither smoke not noise.
31 eannot be heard at the distance of
one-half Mile, nor eau any smoke be
seen. Thus it eNotild be nearly impose
slide for sha,rpabootees of rapid-fire
gunners to lecate the get,
POT tufautit aua Ohilaren.
The 404