HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-5-12, Page 54 ,;aa a • gee L. essential to.. health, Every nook 00 e and curacy of the system is reached by the blood, .and en Its quality the oondttion of every organdie. ponds, Good' blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood a ssaroiu s, dyspepela,eheuma. fish, catarrh or other dieeascs. The surest way to have good blood is to take Hood's Bareaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi- talizes, and enriches the blood, end sends. h e ane s of health n the 1 nt a th a d strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates • good appetite,, gives refreshing sleep slid aures that tired feeling. Remember, N o Sarsaparilla Is the best — lalaet the One True Blood Purifier. Hood Pills euro Liver Ills; easyto take, easy to operate; 25e. Additional Locals. Mr. Reuben Grieves has left Parkhill for Winnipeg. ' John Hodgins, an ex -reeve of Bid- dulph township, is seriously ill. ' The recent rains are reported by Parkhill farmers to have done much good. Rev. A. 0. Courtice, B. D., editor of the Christian Guardian, has had the degree of P. D. (Doctor of Divinity) conferred upon him by Victoria Uni- versity, Toronto. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make you sick and then lease you constipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills• regulate the botvels and make you well. Dose one pill. Fire broke out in the building occu- pied by W. H. Cash's photo gallery, Lucknow, one day last week, and as a consequence the office and fixtures were considerably damaged, • More cases of sick headache, bilious- ness, constipation, can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other means. Miss Harriet Brooks, formerly of Seaforth, has graduated as B. A., with honors, at McGill Un iversity, Montreal, She won honors in Mathematics, and natural philosophy, securing the Anne Molson gold medal. Alex. MacLaren, M. P., of North Perth, the well-known Stratford cheesrnaii, has, through his Boston agents, contracted to supply Mac- Laren's Imperial cheese to the United States warships Columbia,Minneapolis and Lehigh. These vessels are now cruising off the Middle and Eastern States. The advance in the price of wheat is of the greatest importance to Can- ada. Should the rise of -30 cents be maintained a few months longer it will mean an increase iri the Purchas- ingpower of the farmers in Ontario and Manitoba, the two great wheat producing provinces of the Dominion, of a sum no less than $20,000,000 to $25,000,000. A slick fakir giving his name as J. A. Andrews has been doing up many people. I3e secures a loan for which he gives a pair of what be says are gold rimmed spectacles, .and promises to return and redeem the property. He does not do so, however, and the people are left with a pair of inferior glasses. A citizen of Clinton was vic- timized in this manner a few days ago. C. S. Jones, the abscondingbarrister, who sorne nineteen or so years ago, left St. Marys suddenly, bad under the nacre of C. J. McDougall this many years been residing in Portland, Ore- gon. Last week, after three weeks' ill- ness at the home of his sister, he died as pour as when he first commenced to 1'r _t inSt.Marys.x a' ice The wife and 9tnily continue to live in Toronto, while the boys are honored members of their profession. Do not suffer from sick headache a Moment longer. It is not necessary. Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure you. Dose one little pill. Small price. Small dose. Small pill. A Goderich young roan, Kenny Mc- Auley, was on the str. Servia, when she took fire in lake Superior a week ago Wednesday night and he lost everything except the clothes he had. on. Since navigation opened the str. shade one trip from Chicago toBuffalo, event to Duluth and loaded corn for Buffalo, and was off Whitefish. Point (about 100 miles from the Soo) on her way down when the misfortune took place. Coal seems to bo one of the Spani- ards, most formidable enemies at pre- sent. ERYSIPELAS CURED. "I wish to state that I used Burdock Blood Bitters for Erysipelas in my .face and a general ren' down state Ot health. The use of a few bottles cured me completely." MRS. CHAS. COOK, Belleville, Ont. yo case so slight you can afford to ', e lect.NQ case se s0 deep-seated eated tha ee S Dir. Agnew's Catarrhal Po der it not relicper ma. instantly and cure pea- zn faently. It has made marvelous cures, lulcl enjoys the esteem and high ell dorsatlotl of the 'medicalP rofession. Thou b exposure 1 oonttaoted that dread die- age—Catarrh, My ease became armee—in re minutes atter first application 1 had:tenof acid IA Ai short while I Watt completely cured. W. Livat tar, G.T,11. Brakeman, Atnondale,.OM, Air Sold by C. Ltniz, Exeter. Freemen Doiebs has returned to Lug' can from St. Joeeplx's Hospital, Lon- don, where be underwent two success- fall operations. Joseph Dobbs, of Biddulph, brie p ur- chased 50 acres of the Dobbs estate there for'1,800. The hundred -acre farm has not yet been sold. Hugh McC;tlium, Parkhill,who is 83 years old, sowed. eight acres of oats,' one of millet, and three of barley, this spying, all in one day, with one hand. A,bxabL xn Boulton has purchased the Stewart homestead on the north 1 c. from Messrs. A. of 'CTs o ri ft 0 u ar b b nd, E. and Geo, Stewart and will move to the same in the fall. This week we aunotynce the death of Jean Primrose Hartt, daughter of 0. L, Hartt, of St. Louis, formerly of Clinton, which oecurrecl at Holstein, Qnt., on April 24th, at tbe age of two caret The 1 Cininion (xover'pmenthas been purity of a small piece of business. It has removed W.H.Roberts, Stratford,. as caretaker of the post -office clock, because of his politics. John Walsh, a Grit, succeeds him, W. G. Irvine hook -keeper for the. Whyte Packing Co„ .Mitchell, was united in marriage Tuesday evening to Selina Parrot, a popular young lady, of Mitchell. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. 3. T. Kerrin. George M:eudson, formerly of Tuck ersmith, who graduated this year with a.13. A., dregree from the Kingston University, celebrated the occasion by marrying a Kingston girl. He is now off to British Columbia to teach. The 1898 crop gof hay on the grounds Y of the West illianis Agricultural So- ciety was sold by auction for $17, and was bought by Parkhill lacrosse club, who intend to use a portion of the grounds for practice and matches. Provincial Road Inspector Camp hell will address a meeting in Blyth on the 26th inst. and in Dungannon on the 27th. Mr. Campbell has clone much to boom Road Reform and no doubt large numbers will turn out to hear him in Huron: The assessment roll for Mitchell just completed, shows the total income tax to be $5,190. Real and personal, $681,- 983 ; dogs, 121; bitches,10 ; cattle, 197 ; sheep, 6; bogs, 161; horses, 223; births during the year 32; deaths same time 18 ; population, 2,133. The wife of Isaac Bezzo, of Clinton, died.very suddenly ddenl on Friday de evening, , supposedly from premature confine- ment, She leaves a delicate husband and four small children to battle With the world. Her remains were interr- ed with Salvation Army honors on Sundsy, the husband being a member of this order. This is the season of the year when the country is flooded with the altar- ing catalogues of the Big Toronto de- partmental stores. In ninety-nine cases out of ;e hundred the goods offer- ed can be purchased at Moine quite as reasotiablyand one has the satisfaction of knowing that his money will be circulated where it is earned. At the annual meeting of the Sea - forth Bowling Club the following offi- cers were elected : President, James McMichael ; vice-president, W. K. Pearce; secretary -treasurer, Alex. Wilson ; managing committee, F. Holmstead, W. O. Reid, F. C.G.Minty, and R. S. Hays; skips, J. Weir, W. K. Pearce, W. Pickard, A. Wilson, E. C. Coleman, R. S. Hays, W. Bright. Where is that vast influx of "Ameri- can" population . Where is the im- mense increase in traffic which the Canadian transportation companies were to enjoy in the event of war? Why aren't these big ocean liners coming to Halifax, as they were toclo? All that the war has done for Canada so far has been' to raise the price of bread. But perhaps the war hasn't started yet. On Tuesday evening, May 3rd, a citi- zen's meeting was held, in Hawk- shaw's hotel, Seaforth, for the purpose of discussing means to arouse enthusi- asm in the welfare of manly sports of the town. There was a large attend ince and a very enthusiastic meeting ensued. The speakers were unanimous- lyland to be ly in favor of purchasing used for a race track. A committee was appointed to examine a situable site and ascertain cost of preparing same for a good track. There died at her home on the 3rd con. of Elma, on April 23, Isabella Agnes, the wife of Wrn. M. Shearer, after an illness of about two weeks. Deceased was third daughter of Oliver Jones, Mornington, and had not com- pleted the 20th year of her age. She was married on the 23rd of February last, her death having thus taken place just two months later. About three weeks ago she became affected with St.. Vitas dance and the best medical skill was not able to check the pro- gress of the disease. The Perth county council has passed a by-law levying a tax of $50 on per- sons engaged in selling goods from door to door, over which there appears to be a good deal of indignation. The intention was no doubt to reach Jew and tea pedlars, who interfere with legitimate trade,but it goes further, and covers cases of merchants who exchange goods for farmers' produce out side of their stores. This isunfair, and it is very doubtful if each a by-law can be enforced. A grocer in Mit- chell bas already paid the license, but there are others on the road who re- fuse to comply with the measure, and in doing so they are likely acting un- der advice, This being the case, itis probable that a test ease will shortly be heard in the cuurc. • Mr. Hodgins,late of Wyoming, is a sutooth gent, and is fairly well fixed just now with money that should cheer the hearts of the bay growers of this district. They trusted him, and he bought a large quantity of hay and shipped it away frotn ,here, leaving town himself in a very' unostentatious Loner, with bet w eey $400 and $500 oo belonging to other people. He is now on a visit to the States, with no; par- ticular intention of returning, and the people who grew the hay have received another lessonnot to trust transient commission merchants. Hodgins had been dealing in hay for the ,past two r •Int in his .•years ^ and 'was altvaLys st a1 business methods before, so that there was some excuse for the farmers trusting him, Efforts are being made to track him.---Petrolia Advertiser, fl L1161111t6 LaUu Cavese i,, Gz,09 Witb,rr c fib's CQIo; y Compound. She is Rescued from .a Ter- rible Condition of Suffer- ing That Was Lead- ing to Death. a tl£lahzlilator y Rheumatism Reached the Muscles of the Heart. Paine's Celery Compound Never Disappoints the Rheumatic Sufferer. The Marvellous Spring Medi- cine Should Be Used This Month. It Drives All Poisons From the System Wells & Richardson Co., GENTLEMEN.—It is with extreme pleasure I give you a testimonial in favor of your wonderful remedy,. Paine's Celery Compound. Last Janu- ary I had la grippe, and it left xne suf- fering with that dread disease, inflam- matory rheumatism. . My hands and feet were swollen badly I also had the rheumatism in my sides and shoul- ders, and in the tnitscles of my heart. I suffered very Bunch until a 'friend advised my husband to procure Paine's Celery Compound for me. I Aril ; April cornrxien- I sed taking the compound.In have used ten bottles, and am perfectly cured. The Compound has given me a good. appetite and made a new person of me. I hear Paine's Celery Com- pound praised every day -by people who used it, and I heartily recom- mend it to all who suffer from rheu- matism. Yours sincerely, MRs. D. H. HAMMOND, Lachute, P. Q. BIRTHS. IiYDD—In Exeter North, on April' 3011', tho wife of J'onathau Kydd, of a son. WOOD—In Exeter, on April 2811', the wife of Frank Wood, of a son. STONEMAN—At Kirkton, on the 2nd ineb. Mrs. Wm. Stoneman, of a son. SMALE—In Hibbert, on the 4th inst.,' Mrs. Geo. Smolt:, of a daughter. WILSON -In Usborne,at the residence of Robt, Cann, on the 711' lust., the wife of V, Wilson, of Kincardine, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. IRw IN—PARROTT—In Mitchell, on the 3rd inst., by Rev. T. J. Kerrin, W. G. Irwin, to Mrs. Selena Parrott, both of Mitchell. SHANNON—AYERS—In Atwood, on the 20th, ult., at the home of the bride's mother, Miss Addie Ayers, to Wm. Shannon, of Elma. MORGAN—STIRLING—At Treherne, Man..on April 23, by Rev. Mr. Armstrong, Frederick Morgan to Miss Annie Stirling, granddaugh- ter of William Stirling, of Goderich town- ship. DEATHS. SMITHSON—In Clinton, on May 2, Ann wife of W. Smithson, aged 63 years. NEVIN—In Seaforth, on May 2, Hanorab, wife of the late Samos Nevin, aged 61 years. 0 OOKSON,-In Exeter, on the 711' inst., Corey Cookson, infant son oTdJohn Cookson. BROWN— in Exeter, on the 4th inst., Mary Ann Brown, wife of Wm. Brown, aged 61 years, . A MAN W110 Is TIRED All the time,owing to impoverished blood, should take Hood's Sarsap- arilla to purify and enrich his bloud and give hint vitality and vigor. This condition of weakness and lack of energy is a natured consequence of the •coming warmer weather, which finds the system debilitated and the blood impure A good spring medicine is a necessity with almost everyone. Hood's Sarsaparilla is what the millions takein the spring. Its great powers to purify and enrich the blood and build up health is one of the facts of common experience. MILBURN'S STERLING HEADACHE POWDERS cure the worst headache in from five to twenty minutes, and leave no bad after-effects. One powder 5c., 3 powders 10c., 10 powders 25c. OVER LOADED! Every incoming freight train since Last January, emptied part of its cargo on our floors, and the new things have crowded every foot of our large floor space. .We are not hurrying you to purchases, but many prefer to get as near as possible the first choice of new assortments. Out Stock oir.r. yk Furniture of allknlk 1 di s , Was never more complete, Purchaserse get from us always the lowest prices and the adtr'rent- Of the studyofstyles and allth s yI s .; nd of the mostI? erfect taste that we can eominand. CIDLEY & SON, FURNITURE AN1y UND.11, TAKI RS. kOI3, OVER FIFTY YEARS, Aly W» AND ''V( rl;iiX,"J' yap RUMBOy.--lvirr' __Ale Soothing l G Syrup has been used for hleeletitioiotestsusedn fifty teething,With pruccs.. soothes tlla child, ROAM the gun's, allays all fmagurus wind collo and is the best remedy orr Diarrhea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold.. by druggists in every part of the world, 25 eoi:its a 1Aottle. Its value is ineatculable. 13e sure and ask for Mrs, Winelow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind,; ASK YOUR Urt1.4i FQ1. ure E .„ _, BEST .,.F ORT sL .A E.D AIRY,ANp'FARM. Exeter Lumber x Hardt Dressed Pine, Siding, Floor- ing and Coiling. No. 1 Pine Lath, Pine and Cedar Shingles. Special inducements to intend • ing Builders in Hemlock Bill Stuff. 0000 Feet co scion PMO at $W 00 per M YARD EAST SIDE Jas.wines OF MAIN STREET. fY 1 FARMERS =„ .. • You will find at Brssett's Wareroom the following line of Agricul tural Implements I;GG'iEl llI`VO BIN- DERS, IN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY RAKES. Afull line of Seed Drills, Cullivators Disc and D iaxnortcl Harrows Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine STOVES.,001.. Gurney stores and furances. Waggons • Buggies • Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. 'Bale..,' Vl<<<c<4ceEEc<EEc<c<ceGE.0 l ; n ty v DONT C I Vw 410 v? t THEw 40 el te , te W V Vto V a Don't scold V the little ones if V V1 Ay, the bed is wet V Vo in the morning. W V It isn't the child's fault. Weak V W. kidneys need strengthening V Vthat's all. You can't afford to V risk delay. Neglect may entail V Wa lifetime of suffering. V ®OAK'S KIDNEY PILLS W Strengthen the Kidneys and !1' V Bladder, then all trouble V V ceases. W 1410 Mr. John Carson, employed at W °; M. S. Bradt 8c Co.'s store, Ham- V i ilton, Ont., says iy- ” My little boy seven years of age V with his 1. idne •s troubled ubled ) 1 ve has been io singe birth and could not hold his Oja 4V 'water. We spent hundreds of dol- i51 W tars doctoring and tried many ail- V , ferent remedies, but they were or no V 1;d avail. One box of Doan's Kidney tri VPills completely cured him."410 STRENGTH CAME BACK, The Anvil once mare rings with the strokes of his hammer. Mr. Thos. Porteous, the well known blacksmith of Goderich, Ont:, tells how sickness and weakness gave way to health andetrongth.' "For the past four years my servos have been very weak, any sleep fitful and disturbed by dreams, consequently I arose in the morning unrested. I was frequently very dizzy and was much troubled with a mist that dame before anew eyes, :my memory was often defective a had fluttering of the heart, together wi sharer pain through it at -tenIn Condition I Was easily worried and enervated and exhausted. Twonnox!ths ago 1 began taking lltilburn: s Heart and Nerve Pills, since that time I have boon gainingin health and strength daily. They have restored my nerves to a healthy condition renamed d all l dizziness in tlssa and heart tronble, oub l e, an nowx sleepIon 0,,,:a derive contort an test from it. That Milburn's Heart an Tervo Pills are a go od r emeda y fox Nervaus- aoe, "Weakness, Heart Trouble and Similar ,, complaints hoes 'without sayin Pings it druggists or T. Milburn 15O ata. e► box , , a gg alk Co., Toren'', e, Ont. taxa -Liver Pills curie Dyspepsia, ,Exeter, May 1ltu,11108, %%eat perbushel 1.10 tolls ailey Peas ., Batter...". Turkeys eese,,,.,.,, bickers per lb .,.,... Dudes Wool..., Dried Apples,. .. Pork eeessed r Pork live wiib gg ARO 1* 3d to '31 erne too 555k 57i ST, Px1.TR1CK. STI EET, ..,65 t 1Z to 13 +1 TTAWA, JULY 3ISt I895 9 to 9 9 to 5 To Trus PRItENOLII1E ll'IIIDICINIl Co,, 47 to A LTD., OTTAwA, OM,. 08 . x GENTLEMEN,—On. the advise of kz 2 to friend I tried one bottle o,f rota• fate- rc 4. G to 25 ous rheumaLtio rowecly. Pbretlohte, „ and to ray surprise it cured me of have, suf- fered from which 1 Xf fered fox many years. Hay per ton 500 to ,00 Olover seed ,.1,00 to $5.00 Alsiko clover ..... ..., . 4.60 to 45.00 rrm thY seed 1.00 t0 12a London, May 1 t 8. 1t1t S9 Wheat per bushe ,..;.1.05 to LOS Oats . , , .. ....31 to 31fr Paas 5,5 to 60 13atloy.....381 to 50 Buckwheat. 36 to 3.9.. Rye 39 Corn..... ..53i 10 AS Beans' .40 to 60 Butter .. .13 to 14 Eggs. ..,10 to 11 Ducks .......60 to 70 Turkeys per to .. 10 to o 12 Geese per lb.— Chickens.. .. .5C to 75 Cheese. ,. . f to 10 Potatoes per bag.,.... .'.SL toe 00 Hay per ton, $ 0.03 to a 7'50 Pork per °wt...' .. 34.50 to 65.00 Grain Markets, Toronto, Ont., May 10th,—Wheat quotations on red winter difficult to obtain, owinto the spe 1 beLvee i' buyers end .sellers, holders west asking as high as $1.20: but bnyers are not willing to give more than $1.15 ; Mani- toba grades firm ; No. 1 hard, afloat. Fort William, quoted at $1.38 . $1.40, and at $L50, Montreal freights; Flour holding firm ; cars of straight roller, in barrels west, are quoted at from $5.50 @ $5,60. Mill feed steady; cars ofshorts quoted at from $12 @ 13, and bran at $10.50 @ $11 west. Barley dull; prices nominal. Rye firm; cars west quoted at 60c. Corn steady; cars of Canada yellow west are quoted let 80e e :37e, and American at Toronto at 45e. Oats firnr;cars of white west quoted at 34!:c; Peas quoted, cars west, at 60e. A SLUMP AT CHICAGO. Chicgo,leTay 10.—A tremendous tem- porary slump in the price of wheat, oc- curred to -day. The fall amounted to 19 cents a bushel ; from $L25 the quota- tions for July, the chief option, fell. to $1.06. However, there was a big re- bound, and the closing price $L14. It was a market seldom equalled for wild- ness even in war times. When scarcity of unlet inns bad pushed the July figures up to $1.25 there appeared to conte an impulse on the part of holders to take profits The liquidation did not cease till the decline resulting from the sales bad carried the market back to $1.06. The worst of the break was in the last half hour of trading. Foreigners were said to have been among the largest takers of profits. Accelerating the break was a cable saying bakers and millers took no wheat at Liverpool and that India would increase its ship- ment. hipment. It is the dread of Britain's action that keeps the great powers of Europe from letting their dogs of war loose to trifle with the coat-tail of our Uncle Samuel. WHEN You ARE TIRED Without extra exertion, languid, dull and listless, your blood is failing to supply, to your muscles and other organs the vitalizing and strength -giv- ing properties they require. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures that tired feeling by b enriching and parifyiO n the blood: It will give you energy and vigor. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Care indigestion, biliousness. 25c. Nursery 8100 Agculs BOOK A081118 ! Agriculture! Imptemout. Agents Or anyone desiring to better their position and 'Increase their income should write us. The demand for home grown Nursery Stock is on the increase. We want more men. If you want steady, paying work, write us. WE FURNISH ALL SUPPLIES FREE. WE ,HAVE THE LARGEST NURSERIES 157 THEDOMINTOn. WE PAY BOTH SALARY AND COMMIS. SION. WE ENGAGE EITHER WHOLE OR PART TIME MEN. WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR STOCK. WEFURNISH PURCHASERS WITH CERTI- FICATE FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECT- OR, STATING OUR STOCK IS TREE FROM SAN JOSE SCALE. Our Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables us to sell at the closest possible figure. Men Succeed with us who Fail with others It will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you. Don't write unless you mean business and want profitable employment. Stone & Wellington TORONTO A Suit of clothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Vit. You look for these in an old and reliable plane, and A. J. SNILL never disappoints ha patrons in any of these. A large assortment of • 'a11 it Winter Goods In Worsteds, and Tweeds, are npw on our shelves, and we will take muchI leasure in showing F( them to you.There are many oilier fines that are s ecially at* active. ,s4 1a a. It also cured, me of dyspepsia, from ,S which I was suffering at the time, so. that I feet now like a new man. I have tried several remedies for. r'heurnatisnl, some of which did nee it certain amount of good, but nothing that"' haye taken has done so much for the bas your Phrenoline, and. I have much pleasure ie recommending t to other sufferers. (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau Canal.. A Man is always in the SWHVL If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting SUITS. He is a sure fitter. His prices a e away t'9wn. His goods are 'he best. Call and examine' his; goods before buying your ,sszte,F ' LL S U IT W. JOHNS, The 'r'evile R. N.ti _.owe We try to suit everybody. Come and sce• u'r. A look through our two story building will convince you that we carry a good assortment. Take a look at our stock before buying. Everything up-to-date in under- taking. & . N. RO W E g xv Th v Leading Spn ix'" l oq Amefloa 9,f` 20YEARS nalBETB . CURED.. y 2,1r1l ;,00n CURED. WE CUPE UP aT ic a3{,k Z.•„"' y T 'EK4 < r C Nothing eau be more de,nora,i ring tr l;rl young or middle-aged mea team tbe p e s- 7, enee of these "rightly losses." they. prednoe weakness, nervensne ss, a ` e1ir*, z"1 of dish stand a whole train oil symptoms. %}?3 They unfit a man for business, married N' •' life and social happiness. o matte', whether caused by evil habits In youth, Fit; natural weakness or sexual excesses, car New Method Treatment will positively u. euro you. NO CURE -110 PAY 'Reader, youneed help. Early abuse or .?a later excesses may have weakened you. Exposure may have diseased. you. You are not safe till eared. Our New Method will acre you. Yon run no risk. 250, 0 00 CURD Young /aan--You are pale, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- - + citable. You became forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples, sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping L form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. F VARICOCELE 20 matter er how serious your age may , be, or how long you may have had it, oar q NEW METHOD TREATMENT Will cure it. The "wormy veins' return to t o d f" their normal condition and hence the, ei sexual organs receive' proper nourish• - ` tient. The organs become viteliisd, nil unnatural drains or lessee cease and -,manly powers return. No temporary benefit. bee a ermanent euro assured. +0 CURE, NO PAY. NO OPERA- • ION NECESSARY. NO DETE1l- TTON FROM BUSINEss. 7ti4 CURES GUARANTEED 'We treat and euro SYPEIILIS, GLEET. EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, STRIOTiiRE VARICOCELE,_ LOSSES, 13LADD'Elt AND KID- NEY diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. CHARGES MODERATE. If unable to eall, write 'for gMEN I,:ON BLANK for HOME 31:sEiteate KENNET:We. KERG N 148 SHELBY STREET, DETRO0 c, MICH ,, r PERFECTION AT LAST WARRANTED EVERY TIME TRUSSES NEW IN DESIGN, NEW IN PRINCIPLE, NEW IN APPLICATION. A large assortment of the best and anost approved Trusses and Mechani- calA krances in stock pp always s y , pur- chased direct from the nutnufacturers. We guarantee every Truss to be made tvxth the finest English steel. PRICES VERY MODERATE. ;Sole Agency Do IN , M XONIAIi0i1ATOR"i'`. J. W. BROWNING Pitoiy THE IA G ,T CIE which c1 gave such thorough satisfaction last year and was ahead of all other wheels in improvements, again takes the lead this year. Our sales were large Iast 3 ear, but this year already they have been phenom- enal. This in itself speaks for the success of the wheel. In pedaling one virtually walks. In climbing a hill he sits in the same relative position over the pedals, that he would on .any other bicycle on a level street. It is not the gear so much as the position of the rider. To get a wheelbarrdw to the top of a hill, would you get in front of it and pull it up, or behind it and push it up? To sit directly over your pedals on a Racycle and push down and back, is much •easier than ic7 sit back in pour saddle, on a bicycle, and shore fo,:'vard, tre-ing to pull yourself by your handle bars. Our 84 gear can he propelled easier than other wheels at 68. To sec them is to buy. THE RA.CYCLE is a bicycle, but a bicycle is not a Racycle. In presenting the Racycle nar- row Tread, 13g8 Models, the take it for grantedthe public realize that no bicycle can be higher in grade or better in material.. If not, we guarantee it to be so. Competition on has forced manu- facturers to avail themselves of every new improvement to such an extent that the value of a wheel can no longer be hidden behind a name plate. ElIC-Y- Although we make a specialty of the "Racycle," we handle. several makes of wheels, and can supply the wants of all. We can give you a bicycle from $3.o alp, and guarantee better value for the money than any dealer in the county. We carry the largest stock in the county and sell at prices. closer glee visit s .,. At 1- to our show rooms will convince anyone of this fact. 0 r OK B Agents for Huron to LUTHER ROWARDg Agent for Exeter. s•_. TICE. STEPHEN COUNCIL,. Council will meet on Thursday, May 26, at IO a. nt. for general business as a Court of no - vision, and letting the usnal gravel contracts. C. PROUTY, 3w Clerk. D hug _.L,,. ' oe We would recommend those suffering from COUGHS, CoLD; and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM., It is also a reliable remedy for children. We inallufactlxre WINAl ', LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, A AINS, Song Tnio &T . P IIEUM 'j`1:CBIA INFLUENZA, 7 , CONDITION Also WIx\AN s, POWDER) the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches pion p 011 horses, also condition pow- der for salve BOLL AGENT POR DICKS ti SYXtI7P. NG 111►. LUTZ