HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-5-12, Page 4he Molsons Bank tOlinelan'llatnla BY nAntnAMSOIT, istin 1Paidop Capita _ papaw nes nund 1,40%000 Bead On1ee, Montreal. NisonnEftennie natOMAS,Esee Gerenant alanaenat *otter advanced to gee& farmers on their PIT/1)100 with• one or more endorser at 7 per eninnet atomon Exeter Branch, pon. every lasvtal day, from aos. to tam fin'ISITAD4P,10 al , tell% m Oarseet tattni lamest ieseaa ..„ isT. DJ.tuIDQ1T, Manager. The Latest.14Erime- A.bout .year ano President 'M' T 1L war Summary. Khaley was matiguated, This year he 1114-X The most interesting eelebrated it bn declarieg war with Spain. A. megica's greatest inedieine He Destroyed the Entire Spanish is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which euses when Fleet of Eleven Vessels. all other preparations. fail to do any good wbatever. The Port Ifuron Times siva that 'nes suone foreign hierlinge ore wanted the Vnited StAtes navy." They would laave a real inapy empty 1,T,rA4 en sane hien of war if the foreign h ierlings quit. A. handsome nugget, of pure gold bee development of the annotnaceoieut that the Spanish Cape Verde fleet, Which. Admiral Sampson liad expect- ed tO encounter before this in Poeti Rican netters, is back at Cadiz. There is much, conjecture at Washington as to whot this means and as to the plans of Spate. The result will ptehably be that the movenieut of t,he army on Cuba will be immediately, though eome stp.Itegist still counsel delay until the Spanish fit has been Sought eta and defeated. Meantime thd army sions are being concentrated rapidly ones, Tile nugget was taken front the Captaao-Genetal Blanco is evidently •Athabasce river, near Edmonton, b findinla his aifficulties increased, He egt 0E94, By!uhetin party bound leg har4 tirgt4.1.0y appealed foi/ip- the kionalia. plies. 'the Presiciea has cleCepted the gift The Carlists are very active and evi- of Mist Helen Goold, of New Yerk, to dently conepiring to overturn the dyn- the Government of $100,000 for vetta a,sty. Don Conlos himself in an inter - purposes, and her cheque for that vie-ve scathingly. condemns the .Admin - amount has been received at the istration in Spain, and saysthe Queen - Treasury Department. x tr Ti—KO •r1.16..esl.. • • A been received by one of 131enheun's fair p ester, lese.e7tit as• • • tittot THUUSDAY, MAY 12th, 189$. People who doubt whether the Milt- ed. States is an Anglo-Saxon nation or 11,0t had better watch the immediate future of the Philippine Islands and find out. Uncle Sam has enough of John Bull in him to take everything that comes his way, and hold on to pretty much everything he takes. If the great victory of Commodore Dewey has been completed by tbe cap- ture of the Philippines, and the Stars and Stripes have been once hoisted over those far distant isles of the sea, the 'United States has just about enough earth hunger to live up to the motto, "WhatWe Have We Hold." X When the Liberals -were in Opposi- tion they were unsparing in their con- demnation of the practice which per- mitted Clonservative members of Par- liament to receive promises of Govesn- =mat employment, to sit in the House with those promises in their pockets, and. to vote solidly with tbe Govern- ment. It was quite proper that tbe practice should have been condemned; for it constituted a virtual, if not an .a.ctual, breach of the independance of Parliament. But, since the arriyal of the Liberals in office they bave shown themselves neglectful, if not forgetful, of this principle on more than one oc- ca,sion. At least two conspicuous members of the party are now laid open to the charge that they are no longer in a -position to cast an inde- pendent vote on any geestion that may be brought before them. M. C. Otuneron, who is to be appointed to the Lieutenant Governorship of the •territories, and D. C. Fraser, wbo is to be made Chief Justice of British Columbia, are, if the reports be true, in exactly a similar position to that •avhieh the Liberals when in opposition complained of. Defeat has overtaken the Spanish , navy, but not the Spanish war corre- "n-pondent. The American navy contains quite a few men of mark, judging by the way their shots told. Rear Adiniral Dewey is 61 years of • age, Fame came late to him, but it inade up for lost time. W. B. McMurrich has been appoint- ed to enforce the alien labor law at Toronto. A young Irishman, known. only as "Arthur,"attempted suicide in Lon clots, • where he is a stranger. Sarnia's population increased by 429 during 1898, the total being 6,863. The increase of taxable property is $66,630. Essex county has secured possession of six miles more of toll roads, the proprietors having failed to keep them in proper repair. If wheat prices remain as they are till harvest a wheat farm in Ontario or the west will be better than aclaim on Bonanza Creek. Jno. Butler, of Motherwell, met with a painful accident on Monday. His nand was catight by tbe kniyes of a, turnip cutter and badly cut. The Chathaan Presbytery met at Bothwell Tuesday, when the call of Rev. Gustayns Monroe from Harriston to Ridgetown was considered and sus- tained. Parliament will be called upon at next session to deal with the whole subject of mutual benefit society in- suranee, and a material increase in rates is probable. The House of Commons approyed of the new contract between the Govern- ment and.Messrs. Peterson, Tate & Co. for the establishment of a fast Atlan- tic serviee. Ridley & Co., clothiers, of Cbatharn, have assigned to C. B. Armstrong, of London. The firm was one of the largest of its kind in Western Ontario, and it is understood that the liabilities will be heavy. Uncle Sarn has a sweet tooth. If he secures Hawaii, Cuba and the Philip- irxee he will have the three greatest cane -sugar producing islands on the earth. The Louisiana, planters can hardly be expected to fearer annexa- tion. A veey painful accident befel Mr. John C. Gunn, of London, on Tuesday inooning at about 8 o'clock. He was at work at the London box factory, • arid was standing ge a ladder in the act of replacing a belt, when be fell setae ten feet, alighting on the handle of a planer, Which pierced his leg and held him suspended until remo-ved by one of his fellow employes. Professor Sohn A. Nicholls., who has championed the peohibitiois cause in all patts of Canada, does not believe the liquor interest made any great eftort in Ontario iring the campaign Of 1808, but he says they will go into the national coritest for all they are rth, and the 288,606 impollecl votes 4893 will this time be arl unknown commodity, RoWever, Mr. Nicholls thinks the prohibitionists will carry Ontario by at least 60,000. Regent has been but, a poppet, that she is a, fond mother but a feeble Mrs. May, an old lady, was killed Queen. Au ent of Carlos is at the sor o e , on rea , at Peterboro. s She attempted to leave while walking along the railroad track w —. d Ht 1 M t 1 talkd the tract when the tratu approached, confidently of Carlos being soolion knit her foot caught in a wethe throne of Spain, plant . tinue i mots con n Spaand ...in .. and held her fast. She was struck anBread d are lik.ely to grow raoreserieus. Madrid instantly killed. itself is threatened with ale -mine, the A few hundred years ego the Queen various proyinces which have a surplus of Spain pledged her jewels to send of grain refusing to allow it to pass forth Columbus. Today the Queen of their borders. Spain and her people are assailed by In Italy, too, large sections of the the people of the countrywhich the ad- country have been placed under mill- venturousColurabusdiscovered. Such tary rule ; several other riots with are the changes wrought by time. bloody fights have oceurred,and a revo- A dollar a barrel on beer, a stamp • lution is among possibilities. act, new taxes on tea, coffee and ; july Wheat rouged from$1.03 to $1.25 tobacco, etc.'are proposed as war mea- • in Chicago yesterday and closed with a sures by tbe United States Congress. netloss for the day of 6c. Cash wheat The big drinkers will now be able to closed 10c. higher at $1.10. Provisions plume themselves on their superior were weaker. Ontario wheat was 5c t9 patriotism, 60. lower. Consols were * firmer. New Christian Ernst, postmaster at New York stocks weaker. Hamburg, died. Tuesday morning, in his 66th year. He had been ill for some time past, and his demise was not entirely unlooked for. Mr. Ernst occupied the position of postmaster for a great many years and was also at one time one of the leading inerchants of the town. London is losing in Mn A. B. Powell a resident who has for very many years been a. prominent figure in busi- ness affairs, in the church to which be belongs and. in :public management. He leaves with Insfataily to take up his residence in the thriving town of William Thompson, of New York City, son df Robert Thompson, egg and butter merchant, St. Marys, is visiting his father at present. He represents the wholesale millinery business of 0. E. Potter & Co., of New York City. He reports traile good and not affected by the war. A protest was flied by the Liberals Tuesday against the return of Finlay F. 5.1a,cDarmid, the Conservatine mem- ber -elect in West Elgin, who won the seat by one vote by the decision of Justice MacLennan, in the court of Appeal. This makes a total of 69 peti- tions, three of which have been drop- ped. because tbe requisite deposit was not made. Mr. DSAlton 'McCarthy, Q. C., was being driven by his coachman on Queen street, Toronto, near Beverley, Satur- day evening, when his horse took fright and dashed to the sidewalk. The carriage was upset and Mr. Mc- Carthy thrown out and alighted on his head, sustaining yery serious injuries, He was picked up unconscious. The coachman was hurt, but not seriously. Mr. McCarthy regained. consciousness, but is still in a critical condition. Reports from all Over Western On- tario point to a heavy crop of fruit, especially plums, peaches and apples: At a meeting of the Perth Ilumane Society at Stratford, John Read was elected president, to succeed ex-Ald. Mayer, who has been removed to Lon- don. Wm. Gordon has been electedAlder- man of Hamlet Ward, Stratford, by 46 majority over Mr. Savage, to fill the unexpired term of ex -alderman Mayer, rethoved to London. The -vestry of Trinity Churcb, Lucan, have requested the Bishop of Huron to appoint Rev. McCauley Holmes, of Leamington, to the rectorship of that church in the place of Rev. R. H. Slum, removed to Woodstock. • A west -bound. trolley struck- the rig of a farmer named Wilson on Wednes- day afternoon at the corner of *William street and the Hamilton Road,London. The force of the collision badly smash ed the rig and threw Mr. Wilson some distance to the roadbed. The injured roan was carried into Brooks' butcher shop and a physician summoned. Be- yond being badly bruised and slightly cut, Mr. Wilson • was not severely in- jured. On Saturday last Joe Goldthorpe and Martin Connell purchased at the auction talein Goclerich 40 acres of la,ncl between Benmiller road and the river Maitland, on which are very valuable lime stone quarries. Jacob Kuntz pnrchased about three acres of lana, extending along the river flats from the bridge to about the slaughted house. The former gentlemen pair $715 for their lancl, while Mr, Kuntz paid $135 for his. A. Sands purchased the 15 acres adjoining his farm on the 13enmiller road for $270, and part of lot 3 for $60. We are sorry to learn of the death of the valuable Olyclesclele stallion "Dalmuir" the property of Mr. John Rutledge, of Tuckersmitb. Mr. Rut- ledge was travelling this horse himself and was on his route avben be died on Tuesday of last week. He called at his noon stand ab lames Cooper's, on the London Road, near Kippen, The horse ate his noon meal as 'usual. In the afternoon he started off, Leaking one or two calls by theWay., and when he ataived at Robert Srailhe's, the animal commenced to show signs of disease and rapidly grew worse and died in about taro hours. Dr. 1VIelotosh, of Brucefield, was promptly in atten 'lance but could do nothing to save the animal's life Gas ma the st0Matth Was the Ulnae. This ie Mr, RatIedge's first season with him, and he was on his first roundsand had excellentprospects for it large patronage, as the horse was much admired • by the farming community, A NARROW ESCAPE A. AVI.A.RTON LAI.)Y WII0 WAS NEAR TI -IE DARK VALLEY, Her Trouble Ilegan With Swelling of the Glands—This was Followed by Three Hundred Spaniards General Collapse and Heart WeakKifled - Hong Kong, May 7:--(Speela1)—The vietory of Commodore Dewey at Manila ewleaVs ici°1-VilePel:elli wTahs etltStiletr1171$aheSfitereetP1 Three bundred Spanateds were killed auct four halasired wounded. Commo- dore Dewey did not lose a man and none of his ships were injured. Six Ana- ericau sailors svero slightly injured. This, the first official news of the triumph of America -n arms in the Philippines, was brought here to -day by the U. S.revenue cutter McOnlloch. The. McCulloch was with the American fleet when Commodore Dewey steam- ed into Manila harbour to eogage the Spanish ships. The triumph of Dewey willra,nk with the most remarkable achievements in naval warfare. Seven American war- ships were in the cohilict, making a total of eighteen his engaged. The American ships were subjected also to the fire of the shore batteries for several hours, and yet lost not a man. The defeat of the Spanish force was overwhelming. Mrs. Sternaman Free. Cayuga, Ont., May 7.—Mrs. Sterna - man was to -night declared to be aunt - less of the death of her husband, and was released from custody. The scene in court when the verdict of the jury was given was an unusual one. The room, which had been crowd- ed all day, was packed to suffocation with an expectant mass of humanity A WHEAT FLURRY. at the hour the judge had fixed for • • Wheatroade another jump Tuedsay, Ontario red selling at $1.19—three cents over Saturday's price. Ontario straight roller flour rose to $5.50 a bbl. but the figure was almost too higb, far sales. .....01.1111•1.1.1••••••••10.0.• MR. GLADSTONE. --- London, May llth.—A letter written by a member of Mr. Gladstone's family says the patient has not left his morn for a fortnight. It adds: "It had been boped lie might have some sense of en- joyment as the warm weather return- ed, and turned the whole earth into a garden but the truth is he has taken leave of all portions of the earth. He is possessed with a sense of departure. His body, mind and soul ask for no food of any kind. His one desire is for peace. He has longer times of quiet sleep, oe rest with closed eyes, than when the morphia torment began, but though he has considerable physical strength, he is unable to listen to any- thing but a short message of one or twn sentences. Even this is often an effort. He has seen three or four friends outside of the family, but no conversation occurred. Nothing but a farewell blessing for each of them." Annual Convention of S.S. & O.E. From the reports given us by the officers'the coming County Conven- tion of the Sunday School Association and Christian Endeavor Union, to be held. in Wingbam on June 21st and 22nd will be a grand. success. The Wingham people are making elaborate preparations foa these days and are doing all in their power to have the meetings of interest and pro- fit to the large number who may attend, The Rev. W. F. Wilson, of Hamil- ton,formerly of Toronto, will be pre- sent and give one of his practical' ad- dresses on Young People's work. The Rev. J. J. Rae, of Toronto, one of the most scholarly men in the Pres- byterian ministry, will talk on Sun- day School work and the relations of the County to the Provincial Associa- tion. Mrs. P. J. McKay, of NV oodstock,an enthusiatic worker among the Juniors,. will also be present. Below we give a brief outline of the programme as far as completed: Tuesday—The Teacher's Opportuni- ties. The Faithful Teacher—D. E. Munro, Auburn. Responsibility of Teacher and Super- intendent Tne S. S., Association, its aim, place and requirements—Rev. J, Rae, Parkdale. S. S. Literature. Primary Class Les- son for July 3, to be taught by Miss Murray, NVingharo. Bfble Olass, same lesson as above, to be taught by Rev J. J. Rae. Temperance—Mayor Holmes, Clin- ton. The Financial Obligations of the Sunday School—Dr. Fowler, Wing - ham. Evening—The relation of the parent to the S. S.—Rev. element, Clinton. Address—Rev. 3. 3. Rae, Parkelale. Wednesday Mornhag—"Our 13ack- bone," (The P1edge.).4A. S. McDowell, Westfield. "Yesterday," (Experiences,i—D, Mc- Tavisb, Clitton. "Toglay,"(TheDuties) —IVIiss Mnrray, Wingham. "Forever." (The Rope of th e Young People)—Miss M. Robb, Clinton. • Open Parliaarient—"The Work of the Committees," Ied by W. R. Kerr, of Brussels. Wednesday afternoon--"Alissionary Insphation," "What kind of Personal Work can Young People do in the Church"—Wm. Stoddart, Goderich. "The Quiet TIours"—Mrs. Pentland, Dungannon. Open Parliament—"The Social Life of the Young People," led by Rev.S.S. Henderson, Bonsai]. The Value of the Junior Work, 1VIrs. McKay, of Woodstock, to be followed by that interesting, exeteise called "The junior Garden' given by 75 of the 'Wingbaan Suniois in the town With the exception of the children's mass meeting on Tuesday evening and the junior Carden on Wednesday evening the other sessions of the Con- vention Will be held in the Presby- terian church. All Sunday- Schools and Yoting Peo- ple's Societies of the county rite entitl- ed to send delegates. seceiving the decision of the jury. For three hours they remaiued without showing -signs of impatience at the protracted session which the . jurors were holdin,a and when finally it was announcedthat a conclusion had been reached, a death -like stillness pervad- ed. the court The prisoner svas sent for road placed in the dock, the Judge resumed his seat on the bench, and the members of the jury were brought in betvveeu the usual files of constables. Aftee they had been polled the clerk asked. the foreman if they had arrived at a verdict. He replied in the affirns- ative and when he pronounced the words "not guily" a shout which is rarely heard it a Canadian court room rent the air. Hundreds of voices swelled the chotus of hurrahs which went up and the court officials were poaverless to stop ,thenoisy but heart- felt exultation of the crowd. No Uncertain Verdict The Ladies are Continually Praising Diamond .1)yes. The strong assertion can be made, without fear of contradiction, that no other package dyes for home dyeing ever commanded the praise and ad- miration of the millions as have the wonderful and. popul ar Diamond Dyes., Mrs. W. F. Curtis, Albany, P. E. I., says: "Have used Diamond Dyes for seven years, and have always had success with them." Mrs. T. H. Johnston, Manitoulin Is- land,Ont,says: "I have used your Dia- mond Dyes for many years with great- est success, and like them better than any other make of dyes," Mrs. Jas. McClelland, SUarey Centre, B. 0„ says: "I have bought your Dia- mond Dyes for a great many years, and they have proved good and true." Mrs. Chas. Leask, Arden Station, Man., says: "1 a,m a farmer's wife and have used lots of the Diamond Dyes in my time; they always make old clothes look as good as Mrs. W. J. Porter, Peterboto, Ont., says, “I . have been using your Dia- mond Dyes for years, and they do all that is claiinecl for them." Mrs. Atibin, Shefford. Vale, P. Q., says: "Hays used Diamond Dyes for many years and think they are tbe best; do not wish to try aay other mak e." Mrs. Chas. Gagne, St. Chrysostome, P. Q., says : "Your Diamond dyes are splendid and should be -kept in every home." Mrs. Chas. Lewis, Hamilton, (bit., says : "The Diamond Dyes are far ahead of other Dyes I have tried; they give the cleanest and brightest colors. No wonder your Dyes are the most Popular." • ness —Doctors said She Could Not Recover, But To -Day She is Belay- ing Good health, From the Eelio, Wiartoo, Ont. Mrs, jas Oinerand, Who lives in WI.S.Ston, makes tbe following state - Meat in regard to a remarkable cure effected by tbe use of Dr, -Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peoples—"I ana 30 years of acte and have lived in VViarton for the past 6 years, PreviOttS to this Lsvith my husband,who is itSt011e mason, were residents of Ohesley. About four years ago there came a swelling on the right side of my peck which grew as the time went on instil in about six mOnths it had grown as large as a goose egg. I consulted a physician and he laneed it. This phy- sician diagnosed my case as enlarge- ment of the glands, and said 1 would eet well after it was lanced. Tbis operation gave me temporary relief, but it was only a short tine before the lamp again began to avow and in six months I was worse than ever. In the meantime I had been prescribed for by different physicians and taken several patent medicines, but none of them gave me more than temporary relief. About three years ago 1 left Wiartonfor Chesley,tbinking probably a change would improve iny health. I consulted a physician there and he said the trouble was incurable and might end fatally. Discouraged I re- turned to my home in Wiarton, much worse than I was when I left, and be- lieving I had come home to die. Be- fore I left for Chesley I had been at- tacked • occasionally with • fainting spells ; on my return these occurred inore frequently and were of longer duration. With the least excitment I would faint dead away, I had become very weak and could scarcely walk across the floor and felt mysela grow- ing worse every day. I enable consult- ed the local physician and this time he said it was spasms of the heart and that I would not liye more than a couple of days. While lying in lied a lady of the town visited me and ad- vised me strongly to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I thought it useless, but was ready to grasp at any means of promised relief, and so counnenced to use them. Before the second box was completed I felt myself getting better and. before I had finished ray se-venth box I was able to go about and. do my own work. I continued them until I used fourteen boxes, when I was cora- pletely cured. The swelling has left my neck and. I am now as well a, woma,n as I ever was -in my life. I make the above statement voluntarily, believing it my duty to that which has saved my life and will if necessary make an affidavit to the above facts at any time. A depraved condition of the blood or a shattered nervous system is the sec- ret of most ills that afflint mankind, and. by restoring the blood and rebuild- ing the nerves, Dr. Williams' Pink „Pills strike ab the root of the disease, driving it from the system and restor- ing the patient to health andstrength. In oases of paralysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheuma- tism, erysipelas, scrofulous troubles, etc., these pills are superior toall other treatment. They are also a specific for the troubles -which make the lives of so many women a burden and speedily restore the rich glow of health to sallow cheeks, Beware of imita- tions and substitutes alleged to be "just as good." Sold by all dealers or sent by mail, postpaid, at 50 cents a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50, by ad.dress- ing the Dr. Williams' Xeclicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Ed, €d, Modern Treatment of onsumph The latest work on the treatment of diseases, written by forty eminent American physns, says: "Cod-liver oil has done more for the con- sumptive than all other reme- dies put together!' It also says t, The hypophosphites of lime and soda are regarded by many. English observers as specifics for consumption!' Scott's Emulsion contains the best cod-liver oil in a partially digested form, combined with the Ifoophos, phites of Lime and Soda. This remedy, a standard for a quarter Of a century, is in exact accord ,vith the latest views of the, meCticatproft.ssiO4. Be sure you get SC ,":TT'S Etttdsin AU detiggistt ; $6t, ard SCOTT te DOWNS, Chertiiii$, Toronto. ' • itetientate0411.00404140g044 "PHYSICIAN, HEAL THYSELF." Nurse, Nurse Yourself—Six Years of Rheuroa.tic Pains. Mrs. Fletcher, professional nurse, Cornwallis St, Halifax, N. S., says: "For six years I was • a :great sufferer from rheumatism. Doctors treated me and I tried almost everything, but got very little relief. I took a friend's advice and tried South American Rheumatic Cure. I bave proved it a grand medicine, for before I had fin- ished the second bottle my sufferings had ceased. I was completely cared, and have had no return of the pains." Sold by 0. LuTz. • N. Lynn has tresigned his position as bagga,geman for the G. T. R. at Glen- coe, • Joe Martin, of Windsor, has made a declaration that his expenses at last election were only $1. Con: missioner; Eva, Bootlai ac- companied by eight members of the Salvation Army, has arrived at Van- couver en route to the Klondike. LIVER TROUBLES, biliousness, sallow complexion, yellow eyes,j a undies, etc., yield to the curative powers of Lana - Liver Pills. They are sure to cure. CRICK IN THE RACK. Doan's Kidney Pills vvill take it out quicker than anything you know of. Mr. George Dur- an d., Hamilton ,On t.,strys--"Doan's Kidney Pills have made me stronger, removed. the tired fool- ing and curecl my weak kidneys and aching back." Theusande Sef Live. Pour years ago ;tracoh. Dewitta, of Oa/. Island, was dragged to the verge of death by dreadful heart dtseso. Ile Wes given up to ale. . Prom, vigorous method he had gone to a broken- deapeodeat wreck, /le procitred Dr, ligueverS Cure for the Ireartk 'used it' faitlitully, to.day weIghs 218, pounder. and 'livery to bletis the day the great remedY *kb recoranianded to hlta.. It ralletelt is 80 Sold by Cf, Ltrrz, Eteter, Not worth paying attention to, you say. erhaps you have had It for weeks. • It's annoying because you have a constant desire to cough,. It annoys you also because you remember that weak lungs is a family failing. • At first it is a slight cough. At last it is a bemorrhage, At first it is easy to cure. At last? extremely difficult. Cr8 fiery CiOni quickly conquers your little.. backing cough. There is no doubt about the cure now. Doubt comes from neglect. For over half a century Ayer's Cherry Pectoral bas been curing colds and coughs and preventing consumption. It cures Consumption also if taken in time. KM NC 01,11Th. Ager'S clierrg Pectoral Plager3 over gni' MSS 111 gm cough. Shall we send you a book on this subject, free? UF Medical °pavement. If you have any complaint what- ever and desire the best medical advice you can possibly obtainovrite the doctor freely. You villreceive a prompt reply, without cost. Address, DR. J 0. AYER. Lowell, 1.1ass, W. H. Ziegler, of Guelph, had his leg broken on Friday wbile endeavor- ing to mount a young and fiery saddle horse. The accident happened at his gate, about a inile out on the Formosa road. The Americans have taken all the prizes so far, but it will go hard if the Spaniards do not get some later on. There are 760 Auierican vessels at sea, many of them on the eastern :coast of South Americaand in thePacific. Few, if any, of them know that war exists between the United States and Spain, and they can easily be surprised and taken by a Spanish cruiser. But there is no evidence that up to the present time Spain has captured a single one. Sale Register. THURSDAY, MAY 12Tn—Farm stock, implements, etc., the property of G. B. Glanville, 1ot 14, con 4, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. W. Holt, Auct •Tinirenn MAY 20nB.-30 dairy Cows, at Kirkton. 15 with calves at feet and 15 about to calve. Sale at one o'clock, Thos. Camevon auct. • John Sturgan, prop. A COMPLETE MEDICINE CHEST Takeminternally or applied externally Yellow 011 is equally efficacious, It cures croup, quinsy sore chest, cuts, burns, bruises„ sprains, cak- ed breasts, stiffjoints and dozens of other Coin - plaints. No household should be without it. It costs only. 25 centsand is it whole medicine ohestiu itse1f•E:=31C=F=113 =3= HOUSE AND LOTiF011 SALE A frame house in Kirkton with flve rooms, in good repair, together with fifth of an acre of land, good location. Will bo sold at a bargain. For further particulars apnly to MIS, S. ROtItlaY, Kirkton. ..ress........mArawArr•saewer*urn TT KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate 4, of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain or bad atter effects. Office in Fan - son's Block, 'West side of lVlain st.. Exeter. DR. AM8811,(D D- • DENTIST. Honors graduate of .the Toronto Uni- versity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons )5 Ontario, All Bridge work, crowns and Plato work_ done in the neatest possible manner„ .A. narmless anuesthetie for painless extraction. rhe striokost attentiou given to the proservat. len of the natural teeth. Office opposite Oen- teal Hotel Exeter, Ont PASTURAGE A tiumbM: of head of stock taken for pasture during the coining season, on lot 28, con. 2, Usborno, by She month or season. For terms apply to Win. Illatchforcl, on the premises, or Em.tet .P. 0. Farms for sale AfoxgodfarairiaAiltgakoney to n.ylytollath,A MONEY Private funds to lean on improved farms at live and live and elleT1.,ista;filpiceiatrociG,esrinotioD2vrEAmbitor Apply to ist December, 1827, Bull for Service A therobrecl Durham Dull for service on lob 18, eon. 1, Stephen. First class Strain. Terms: $1, to insure. SAMUEL PARSONS, Exeter P. 0. Boar For Service The undersigned will keen fOr service on lot eencession 1, Cebernc, Imported Chester White and large tnglish Berkshire boars, 'whit* tan he registered it required. Terms as natal. MAY, rineV A IrA Exeter, Artt,g). OA ofr ett 4,v,i 444*, 4,r4 44**,1,9.4 -ITt:WriVe4.4";"nsr NeN '41 tiertfbv Headquarters FOR PLAIN AND BARB WIRE NETTIN6, CORN PLANTERS', GARDEN TOOLS,, HORSE POKES,' CLOTHES WRINGERS:: A new assortment,. CHEAP. Sole agents for' THE CLATISS' SCISSORS AND RAZORS, See our new assortment. fi Bishop & 5011. WITH SPRING FLOWERS-_. Comes the necessity SPRING GARMENTS We are in the van with alk that is desirable in the line. Let us. show you our stock of $17.00 Fancy liVorsteds,:in the newest colorings. Remember wgput, up-Zirte best suit for $10.00 that rent - be bought in the county. GIVE 17S A CALL. J. H. Criev FLOUR & Ft STORE ^ To the, House Keepers of Exeter and vicinity. About Feb'y ist, the undersigned will open a Flour & Feed busines ,s in the store three doors south of Post - office, where FLOUR, FEED, tPOTATOES, and other vegetables in season will be - kept on hand. All orders delivered promptly. I respectfully, solicit a share of you esteemed patronage. D. PI ER., IGYOLES Are You interested In Wheels?: We handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AlVIERICAN makes at prices to suit the times: A few second 'hand organs. 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewing /Via cllithiel5, ALWAYS' ON HAND. P., S.—Selling out Dise Har. rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, , Main. street, Exeter, •4f, 0