HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-5-12, Page 1LVWENT FIETH YEAR NO 37..
Vrrrrrrtrrtrrtrrrtrttrtrtrtrtrrtrr rrrrltITPrMMVPr t, rr Mrrritr
s.. Must admit the intelligence of the buying public, 1
honorable means to `establish E
rid endeavor, by Query
I-- The buyiz must be right and the selling just.
E We handle honest goods ; trash is dear at auy price
C toall concerned:
' shBail
- The steadily increasingnumber of buyers whoy
+~ y argument lel nt we' want in
F p ttron e this steno is the best algt. e
favor of ourtoocls and pr.ces, and when backed up
" g r moneynnded" the
- with "satisfaction rautead o 1.efa
business is bound to grow, whether or no.
. Lace Curtains and Art Mustlns Y.
:= The prices of. these goods are so low as seem almost
'"`' unreal, but they're:.here for all comers. These'show how
fthey run.
..- -27 inch wide, 26 yds. long, bound edges, very neat patterns,
.T.= special at • Zoe pail'
a -36 inch wide, 3 yds. long with taped edges, very goodmake,
IA= a bargain, at 50c pair
..- -40 inch wide by 3i yds, long, made, of Nottinghatn Lace.
very special, at 75e pair
..- -40 inch wide by 3e qds. long, made of very fine net, not dear
- - at $1.00 per pair, for .. 35c pair
..- -51 inch wide by 31 yds. long, made of Nottingham Lace, $1 pair
1 extra special, at
- -56 inch wide 'by 31_, yds. long, real Nottingham Lace, very
.r fine net centre, with fancy border, taped edges, special.
:C . at $1.40 pair
•.,.-- --63 inch wide, fine Nottingham, 8. yds. long, veryfinecentre,
F with heavy border, extra well finished, at $1.75
Jr- -52 inch Nottingham Lace, yds. long, very fine net in
. a"".- floral designs, best value ever shown, at .. .. , . $2.00
.123 inch Art Muslin, real new patterns, special, at per yd. 100
f -46 inch Art Muslin, in white and cream ground, very pretty
Edesigns, extra good value, per yd. .... 18c
A g FO ii.. D . & CO. Woodham,
confidence between itself and that public,
• "The Cheapest Store in Perth"
r N. B. -We have decided to keep oar store open each evening of the
.s week during the busy season,
--- BP
' l I bl l u b la ,ti, ll j♦1 1 i1i?` l l b ilbb li 1
Exeter. Municipal Uounoll
The council metpursuant to adjourn-
-merit at the Town Hall, Exeter, May
,6th. All present. Minutes of previous
meeting read and conftrrned..
Christie -Evans -Orders as follows :
N. D. Hurdon, $39.29, Public Library.
Board : H. Parsons, $22.50, services to
list May; El. Light Co $78.7.7, lighting
to lst May ; as. Creech, $85 part
salary, 1898. Carried.
The Chief ;Engineer asked for a tank
at the Town Hall grounds.
Bissett -Evans -That the matter be
laid over for further consideration.
Bissett -Christie -That the rate per
frontage be 15 cents for street water-
ing. Carried.
;!3y law No. 6, 1898, to provide for
street watering was duly read and
passed on motion of W. G. Bissett,
seconded by E. Christie.
The council adjourned until call of
the Reeve.
M. EACRETT, Clerk.
WORMS cannot exist either in child-
ren or adults when Dr. Low's Worm
:Syrup is used. 25c. All dealers.
The Exeter Turf Club
Will hold their Spring meeting on
'TUESDAY,. MAY 24th, '98
When the following prograan°will be
.carried out :--
3 minute trot, $150
2:30 trot,.. •.. •$200 of Morrison, has arrived and took Free-ForAll.:.. .. •$100 charge ea Sunday. At a meetin o
,• Ruunrng race, open... .$100
SZUSRED2,000Eons.. ThomasKest-
le, of Beliymote, formerly of Stephen
township, drove into London Monday
morning with a spirited team and
took about 150 dozen eggs. He
stopped in front of W. D. Thomas'
grocery store at the corner of Picca-
dilly and Colborne streets, and after
coming out of the store, was in the
act of mounting the vehicle, when the
horses bolted, throwing him on to the
tongue of the wagon, directly behind
the infuriated beasts. His was a per-
ilous position, but the wagon was
soon overturned. throwing him clear
of the wreck. The eggs were strewn
broadcast over the road.. It occurred
shortly before nine o'clock, and many
small boys on their way to school
amused themselves by pelting one
another with everything in the shape
of eggs they could handle.
v _
BICYCLES—Ten second-hand bicycles for.
sale from $16 up. Also now wheels sold cheap.
Wo handle the best makes. Bicycles for hire.
C. rem,
BRrngs.-D. D. Willed, of ()araon-
ville, Mich., has opened a photograph
gallery in Dashwood. Mr. Willert
has had some eight or ten year's ex-
perience at the business, and being
aware of the latest styles and finishes
for photographs, is in a position to give
satisfaction. A trial will convince you
of his artistic accomplishment. Rev.
Eby moved his family to Plattsville on
Friday. They went by train, but the
goods were driven. -Rev. Mr. Saeur,
Aro now ready to do business with the pub-
lie generally, All ltincls of
For sale at close prices; . Leave your orders
at the mill. We deliver every day, to any part
of the tovi+n free. We: hope you will help us to
melte a sncee88 of the business, which means a
success for the town.,
I-Tighest' Prices Paid for Wheat
At all times,
Tnxxvii0NI, No. 86.
The Cyclonee
James aa A t'on
been appointed selling agent for
has pp
the County of Harem for this cele-
brated feltce. The ordinary farm
.fence consists of 10 cables of reversible
twisted wire, but a fcnceof any height
can be, erected. It is ;v strong and
handsome fence and a rapid seller.
From 27 to SO npohes.
From 7 to l4 Cabled
band Your Fence Oheapa •
' OO nods Per bay.
.r- •^.+^.v•- /. ice... -_.
TOwiashi nights for Sales,
I will sell n, limited number of town-
•ship rights on' reasonable terms,
. ri. tits 1tir. ittes., For paartictilars,
:Also ,
'i etc.,
imply tt7
t :V'
{,. f
m h f p 1? ,l •.'iX]±L`f8 JOHNSTON',O
ILS x.,
the Junior Alliance of the Evange ical
church last week, Miss Laurinda Eby
was presented with a beautiful peice
of chinaware, by the members. -H.
Willett shipped a carload of hogs from
Exeter station on Moaclay.-Donald,
the Great, came to town one day last
week and, allowing the "fire water" to
get the better of leis reason, he became
te nuisance to those about. A stalwart
of the village, who loves peace took
Donald in hand, and with Levi, the
Conqueror, acting as timekeeper, soon
laid him out.
T E.
G. T. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convoy
sneer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent
and Issurer of Marriage "Licenses. Legal doeu
meets carefully drawn at reasonable rates
Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in
Wrest. °$%o at the Post office. iieneall.
TL a. D. COMM.
(Late with Garrow St Proudfoot) Barrister
Solicitor, Notary Public. Hensall. Ont.
A. Sellory, L. D S., D. D. s,. Honor Gradu-
ate of Toronto University, Dentists, Teeth
extracted without 1miu or bad. effect% Office
M Petty's Block, Hensall, '
Beams - The report that F. R.
Beattie had disposed of his gents'
furnishings business to gentlemen from
Mitchell, is unfounded. Mr. B, is still
at the old stand, -Miss Bertha Hodgins
has returned from a visit with her
uncle, James Berry, near Seaforth.
-Geo, McEwen, our most enterprising
citizen, is starting a mill for the manu-
facture of linseed oil; the necessary
machinery is being made by Robt.
Bell, jr., of the Rennet machine shops.
--The council is considering the advisa-
bility of purchasing the present race
traok•and grounds from Mr. McEwen
for a fall fair ground; they have an
offer from the Riding Association to
hold the riding fair permanently here,
the association agreeing to erect the
necessary buildings, etc., if thecouncil
will furnish the ground; a by-Iaw to
this effect would be carried unanim-
ously if submitted to the people. -The
12th of July'will be Hensall's big day
this year as a grand Orange demon-
stration is being arranged for. -
Miss Vance, who has been visiting
friends in the village for some time,
returned to her home in Toronto on
Monday. -F. R. Beattie visited friends
in Clinton on Sunday. --Mr. and Mrs.
George Brown were in Exeter on Mon-
day attending the feneral of Mr.
Brown's mother, who died on Satur-
day. Deceased had been ill for some
time. -News has been scarce during
the past two weeks, no doubt owing to
the ladies being confined to their
homes, house cleaning.A meeting of
the South Huron Agricultural Society
was held here on Saturday,. when it
was decided to hold the county fair in
Exeter. • An effort : was made to bold
the .show in Hensall, but Exeter out-
bid us. - W. Westcott, • of Seaforth,
was in the village on Tuesday. -W.
Stanley, of Lucan, paid a business trip
to Hensall on Tuesday. -3.O. Klausen
wax in Detroit last week on business. -
T. E. Taylor visited friends in Toronto
the forepart of this week. -Some of
our grain merchants have made a big
pile owing to the sharp advances in
wheat values. -Most of the pleasure
seekers intend going to Exeter,on May
24th to witness the races. -Messrs.
CornelljandKnappton, of Parkhill, visit-
ed at Andrew Johnston's on Sunday.
-Wheat was $1.14 per bushel on the
Hensall narket on Tuesday'. -Joseph
Norris, who has been attending the
Dental College, in Detroit, and who
passed a successful examination, is at
present visiting his sisters, Mrs. Mur-
dock and Mrs. Harold. -J. W.Ortwein
preached at Hills Green on Sunday
evening. --Rev. Edge, of Godericb,
lectured at Bethesda on Monday even-
ing, en the topic, "Bring back what
you borrow." -Messrs. Frank Lutz and
R. Kinsman, of Exeter, spent Monday
with friends in the village. -Miss Gib-
son, of Galt, who has been visitingat
Wm. Moir's, left for home on Tuescay
morning. -Work has been commenced
on''the re-arrangementofthe interior of
the Carmel church, and will be rushed
through with all expediency.- The
Frost & Wood Co., through their local
agent, W. Elder, made a large delivery
of implements here on Tuesday.
Several general and local agents took
-part in the work. -The sacrament of
the Lord's supper will be dispensed in
Carmel church on Sunday, ori ter the
morning service. -Rev. W. E. Kerr
delivered an interesting andinstructive
sermon in the Methodist church Sun-
day evening, his subject being, "Enoch
walked with God." -The council during
the past week have unproved the road
considerably by the • use of a road
grader, owned and operated by Geo.
Murray, of Seaforth.---Messrs. Petty
and McCloy intend putting down a
fine granolithic walk in front of their
new [flock, which will improve their
property very unucb. We have now a
number of stretches of this walk, and
it will only be a short time before we
will see it from one end of King street
to the other. The council aid any who
put down this walk. -Miss Cameron,
of Chicago, who has been visiting
relatives in Staffee is now the guest of
Mrs. A. Murdock, of this village. C.
A. MoDonell has improved the street
in front, of his residence by tilling it
with dirt and levelling thesinne.-lilts.
David .Anderson, of. Minneapolis,
Minn.second eldest daughter of Win.
Bell, o,f this village, together with her
children, intend spending the slimmer
months with her parents and other
friends here. -John Gilchrist, of. Seas
Forth, was in the village this week. -
Chas, Chapman and Ogle Johnston
wheeled to Wingliam and Teeswater
on Saturday and spent Sunday with
relatives. --• Geo. Walker, relieving
agent or the ., is in neve village
Kii kaon
I Brown is convales-
cent. -Will Dawson has a new bike.-
Mrs. Wni. Kirk is very sick at present.
Oltief Constable, E. Vickers, has a
daughter. -Mrs. Alex.Ross is very sick
atepresent with la grippe. -Will Jame-
son has a Massey -Harris bicycle. -The
wives'of the following gentlemen pre-
sented their res eceive usbands with
a fine bab` "g.irl each, on May 1st Will
Stouexnan,Richard Hoskins, ILVickers
and Robert Doupe.--Isla Brethour has
a "silent steed." --The junidr "football
club have organized T.
president, David
.Kirk sec. -treats., T. T. Hollingshead.--
David Hazelwood is, busy these days
with the erection of: his ui w bat°n.•-
Rnmor will have it that something is
to happen soon, Joe ie going to join
the bencdicts.---H.. l3ryans, of Sttiff;a,
was the guest eef his brother,'':. A.
Bryan's, tailor, on Suncdaylast.-R, E
Elliott and Will Kirk spent Sunday at
Staffa.Miss. Sarah Hazelwood gave a
number of her friends a birthday party
on Thursday' of • last week. --- Wm.
Melville, of Mitchell, is helping 'Wm.
Moore this week with 'his new shop. -
1I. F. Northgreves, St. Marys, wee the
guest of John. Nixon, Sunday last, --
SW>r:oor Rsl?ortT.---Thefollowing is
the April monthly report for S. S. No.
2, Hay. Names are in order of merit.
Y,: J'. W. 'Todd, Flora Northcott, M.
M. Russell ; Sr. IV, Sarao Northeott,
Victor Runiialls, Carrie Gould; Jr IV,
W. R. Dougall, 11. F. Johnston, Gertie
Harvey ; III, J. E. Gould, Cora Mann,
W. E. O'Brien ; Sr. II, R. F. North-
cott, J. R. Munn, Maggie Sutherby ;
Jr, II, A. W. Johnston, NT. J. Russell,
Mabel Dougall ; Sr. Pb. Percy Clark,
Wilfrid Munn, Roy Todd ; Pt. I, Wes-
ley Coleman, 'Willie Northcott, Bella
Carroll. The best spellers in the
monthly spelling matches were :- V,.
T. W. Todd ; IV, Alice Dougall ; III,
Cora Munn' ; Sr, II, J. R. Munn ; Jr.
II, Mabel Dougall; Pt. II, Mary John-
ston ; Pt. 1, Wesley Coleman,
W. H. J0HNSTox, Teacher.
Burrs: -We are sorry to learn that
Katie McKaig is still very ill, -Mrs.
Boyce was confined to bed for a few
days last week with e. severe cold, but
is able to be around again. -Robert
Graham is having his baruraisedand
a stone foundation put under it. J.
Izzard has the contract for the stone-
work.-. Geo. Miller has put a coat of
paint on the teacher's residence which
greatly improves it in appearance.-
Jas.Hyslop has secured the services of
Mr. Stewart, of Mitchell, as clerk. ---
The topic for Sunday in the C. E.,
"What has my denomination aecont-
plished," was taken by the pastor, and
a very instructive address was given,
giving a short history of the Presby-
terian church from its start till the
present time. -Mrs. W. R. Bell has
arrived home after a week's visit with
her parents: -Ewart Kinner is spend-
ing afew days with his sister,Mrs. W.
R. Bell.
BisiEFs.—Friday was Arbor Day
with the school, but the citizens took
advantage of the fine weather and set
out a number of shade trees in front of
their respective businessplaces.-Chas.
Greb has cut down the large poplar
trees in front of his hotel. They afford-
ed excellent shade, but created a mess
on the street every summer from the
falling blossoms: -J. Merner's two
Horses are doing good work, and we
expect them to bring home from the
Exeter raees a fair sized prize on May
24th. -Miss Alice Johnston visited at
her uncle's,Oliver Johnston, for several
days last week.--Zellar's new hardware
store is booming. The very large
stock put on the shelves should ensure
a big business, besides Mr. Zellar's
winning and affable manner, will draw
large patronage. Butchers complain
of cattle being scarce and hard to buy.
THE WooL SE.A.sox.—As the wool
season will soon open we give the
duty collected by Uncle Sam on the
different grades entering his .domain,
namely :--Washed combing fleece,
12 cts., per lb.; unwashed, 12 cts. per
lb. ; tub washed, all grades, 36 els. per
ib.; unwashed clothing, 11 cts. per lb. ;
washed clothing, 22 cts. per lb.; cotted,
burry, seedy and black, 12'cts. per lb..
From this list it will be seen that tub
washed wool cannot enter the States,
and some of the coarser kinds are
almost prohibited. It seems the only
grades that can cross the lines are
those well washed while on the sheep's
BRIEFS. — Robert Edwards still re-
mains very poorly. -Mrs. Jas. Stephens
returned from her visit in Toronto on
Friday last, accompanied by her
daughter and grand -daughter.- The LC
grist mill has been very busy lately `di
and has been running 18 hours daily.-
Woodhan is bound to grow. Wesley J ie
Mills has purchased a lot from Mr. 1;, e
Sawyer, opposite the grist mill, and 1 se.
intends erecting is dwelling house as eee
well as a butcher shop.this season. I f
John Swallow has purchased a lot from ; ek
J. Shier, opposite the schbul house, si
and intends buildingin the nearfuture. i .
-We can't but help notice the continu- i k
ed progress of our school, under the : e e
management of our able teacher, N. B. ; i
Doupe. At the recent promotion ex- I ert
amination, ninety-nine per cent.' of the In.
pupils who wrote were succesful and !t
none were refused the privilege of ,ere
trying the exam. -As , usual good pre- 1to
partitions are being made for the Sun- `rel
clay School Anniversary on the 22nd e. .
and 211th inst., and no doubt this will • ✓9i'
be the most successful anniversary Ks,
ever held in the history of our school, at+.
providing we have fine weather. Het-, 'en,
1VIr. McDonagh, of Stratford, has been ' eti
engaged for Sunday, the 22nd, anti no 'el
doubt will do justice to the occasion. d
On the 2lth the picnic will be held in v4
13. Beaver's grove, about half a mile elf
west of the village. , A splendid pro- 'e
grant has been provided for the after.-. }i
noon and. evening. Addresses will be tee -
f 1 as tl it delivered by the Rev. W. 13. Hobbs, of tee
London, Dr. 3'. kI. Riyers, of Crediton, Pt i
tbfs week visiting friencis.- -Mrs. and the neighboring ministers. :llie. J,
Jarrett, of Hills Green, formerly of Orecditon Brass Band will enliven the Tip,
Hemet, veal in the village last week proceedings wig'their choicest music, 0.14.
renewing acquaintances. A lecture. will also •be, given hi the til;
Irs.•iohn llxiillin of Belle Thwart conn -
Methodist church at 8 o'clock by the etc
hbs.---The lecture given •°:•
nutted suicide re rte sing me.t eel; by the Bev. A. O. (rens, on Monday i.
St, Marys creamery rttaniifaetaired et i nfiig ltist was vvc11attcynducl o;ii<laall iii
Presbytery of Huron.
Publishers and p,reprletors
'This Presbytery ;net in Willis'
church, Clinton, on the lOtla inst. The
following are the items of business of
public importance : Rev, Mr. Acheson
Blj,ns s.—A. Ricks and P. Hanlon
are grading their lots opposite the
post office, preparatory to building
this summer. , .A.bout 300 toads of
was re -appointed cenvener of H. earth have already been drawn. - Mrs.
missions. Students reported within Grafton and Mrs. T. Handford are on
the sick list. They are both a little
better -The election of officers on
Tuesday night in connection'with the
Epworth League resulted as follows
Hon. Pres., Be'. S. Salton ; Pres.,'
Westtniuister. This paper was corn Wr.Anderson;lst vice,M.Colwill; 2nd
mended to congregations. Rev: Mr, vice,» Grace Oke ; 3rd.vice, Mrs, T.
Fletcher reported in behalf of the 0. Coiwill ; 4th vice, Carry (dicks ; rec.-
Endeavor committee, that the annual sec., R. Colwill ; coresec., Ida Abbott ;
convention be held in the .Chanes load Treas., : Thos. Neil ; organist, Miss
church on the 81st hist, This was Levies ; stewards, W. Hepburn and
agreed to. Bev. le A. Hamilton: re- Thos: Boyes. The , League donated
ported for the Finance committee, $25 towards the funds of the circuit
giving an interesting statement of the and $30 to the new shed: Membership
statistical and financial' returns from of the League, 86 active members and.
congregationce The Average giving 18 :associate. Twelve or fourteen
per; member towards the missions of leaguers joined the church during the
the church was shown to be $1.60 and year. Next Tuesday nightthe League
per family for all purposes, $20, Re'v.
James Hamilton was appointed a
member of the asembley's committee
on bills and overtures. Mr. R. W.
Dickie was examined on the various
college studies with a view to license.
He afterwards read a sermon before
the Presbytery, all of which was sus-
tained, The Presbytery then adjourn -
the bound of the Inesbytery are R. H.
Dickie, who is assisting the Rev. Dr.
McDonald W. D. ' Bell, and Mr.
Matheson. Rev. R. Fraser addressed
the Presbytery in the interests of the
will !give a first-class concert in the
church. Exeter and' Crediton wilI be Always
represented on'the program by their Y
best singing talent. Admission, 15 pure.
cents, children, 10 cents. John Essery
was appointed delegate to the district
meeting in Hensall next week. Re
will report the Centralia circuit paid
A nice new stock
Goods opened.
of Spring
The latest patterns and best
up in everything, right' up to date. -A
ed to, meet in Goclerich on the 12th of , meeting was held in the Methodist
July, `church on Wednesday night to make
arrangements for the annual festival
on the 1st of July. • This is the great
event of the year and every effort will
be made to make it the first and the
BRIErs.—T. Orme, an old resident
of this place, received severe injuries
on Sunday "evening. While crossing
the streets on his way home from church
be was knocked down by a horse and
trampled under foot. • He was taken
to his home in an unconscious condi-
tion,but is now doing as well as could be
expected. -Mr. Oolquhoun, of Huron.
College, occixpied the pulpit of Holy
Trinity church on Sunday last. --Russel
Hodgins, of London, spent. Sunday at
home here with his parents. - The Montague, 73.78.
wheat market wentwilcl here on Mon- g $
day, reaching as high as $1.21.. Mrs. JohnMullen, the wife of a farm
laborer, near Barrie, connmftted
A serious epidemic of measles is rag- suicide cted st a,ne1 taking the isast two weeks,
ing at Tweed. reen. She had
a g y p
Court Revision for township and had, seyeral tunes threatened to Those who sustained injury to their
of Biddulph offli Rewilvision
iobe held theon May 28th, .drown herself, She leaves a family of wheels by tacks being thrown on the.
and the next Council meeting will be seven children.' sidewalks, intend offering a reward
held same day, for the conviction of the guilty party.
Two St. Thomas doctors were called '"sons
to an accident and started at the same ' Corey James, the a.fant son of John
time, one on horseback and the other . Cookson, died on Saturday last, after
on a bicycle. The wheelman of there a brief illness.
y g
first.' "The Widow's Tributes" is the topic
The election expenses of Andrew announced by Rev Chas. Smith for
PattuIlo, M: P., in North Orford were his next Sunday evening's discourse.
$352;2x. Louis taufmanu,tlie defeated Thos. Ramsay. of `Duluth,' is visiting
candidates, spent $429.02, and Abe ani his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' James
Ramsay, after many years' absence.
An excursion under the auspices of
North Middlesex Farmer's Institute is
being arranged for Tune3,totheeaper-
imental farm, Guelph.
fresh and guaranteed
J. p._ Ross
T. W. Broderick is in town on busi-
Miss 011ie Quance is sufferi ng from
an attack of appendicitis.
Mrs, Finkbiner, of Crediton, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Par -
Ann, wife of Wm. Smithson, of Clin-
ton, died on Monday of last week as a
result of paralysis which seized her
some eleven days previously. The lady
was a. devout member of the Baptist
church and well known. She leaves
an aged husband to mourn his severe
loss. Her age was 63.
Among the soldiers called out to de-
fend the' UnitedSbates against Spanish
attacks is George Buchanan, of Sault
Ste. Marie, son of James Buchanan,
of Goderich. When last heard from
George was at Island Lake, below
Detroit, drilling with his company,
No. G., Michigan Guards.
John Twohey, who attempted to kill
Police Magistrate Houston, of Chat-
ham,. on Monday, May 2, came up for
trial Wednesday morning before
Judge Bell. He was found guilty and
sentenced to twenty yeers in :Kingston
The Directors of the London and
Lake Huron Railway Co. having se-
cured a charter, will now endeavor to
secure a subsidy from the'Govern-
ment '
Penitentiary.' Twohey turned death- s
1 ale when the sentence was pro- Messrs. Alex. Dow & E. Hewitt have
Hamilton Times : The wardens and
lay delegates of S`t. Thomas' church
had a conference with Bishop Dumou-
lin, regarding the recommendation of
the vestry, that Rev. Canon Dann, of
London, he asked to accept the .rector
ship of the church. The bishop ap-
proved of the recommendation.
gone into partnership in the horse
business, being the owners of the
celebrated stallions "Scottish " Hero"
and "Royal Fred."
Rev. Waddell, of Hensall. preached
hi the James street Church Sunday
evening last, with much acceptance.'
The reverend gentleman is an eloquent
speaker and convincing exhorter.
Iry wis ea..0.::pi7.►:p.f r ei`c. . iv IA\ ►Y.:pso.iiii►ks 1,.11%, -invP4»
(' it: iii *Tip Op. 1i rte cilli 44 di, dl4' 4 rt dA dt', dk1 dt1 di/ 1 '. rte etc die die di1 q/ etc d1/ d11 di1 dje ep d{ <u
i .d.
FYIr+, is 'fie •d ' i,+' T q, ,.,y;F' y Vpti : r s L 1
elm' o- ?4.,` ,. , ; ' . Ile
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d11 Ile die err > t 1
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The UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS we offer have proved a
ii re
1 d ` 1 ` P ` Rev. W. 13. I•in N die
over •x0,000 lbs. of butter last month. report having ,spent a pleasant autd' i«
J.Sell, St. Marys, Tuesday
jinnpecl from as profitaa.ble.evening. We hope this will
a not ` • inhe store ou'1 cess ,i on.ahave the. A
Chau twhich pierced the nt 1)0 the , 1, time wemay a, .a.;,,
board with a mdl, wh a. pie 8w c' of hearing Mi. {li•.ews.-•-- .tr.. a/
sole of his shoe and entered into, the A.lextincier, ri£ "Strattorrl, was in the i Az,
foot. l;Ie is going around by the aitl nt village the first, of the week tryingto ; vt*
a cane. I tv 1
Death has removed one of the must
popular hotel -keepers of Mitchell in
the person of Mr. Oliver 'lodges. The
deceased, together with Mr, Sautes
Vii'^ .y Tra ,° ' • l , ^ : t '
.i se r, .a - wenn/ Kao
1 I 1 be surprised if it were otherwise, because it means a saving of
ewaJ1C d
from 25 to 40 Per Cent on every dollar's worth of goods purchased.
hasnot been slow in itself of this opportunity of buying .i.
The public availing pp r,1
Good Goods at I13ar ki pt Prices. BIG PARCELS con- }
tailing equally BIG BARGAINS leave our store every day in possession of well- .:a
satisfied customers. Herein lies the secret of our success, for a satisfied customer 4
is the most convincing advertisement any business could have zaATA
ometh n we ,,R ould Like Every Lady to See is at,
,•_ ant
OU 1N BIN PE CAl .dES •- vi
a nificent patterns, exquisite colorings (guaranteed absolutely fast) or money : «►
111 g Ip . g g t •1
anyY c
print in the
cloth, equal
(t e a
, heavy(.lo
refunded, full 36 in. wide, extra ,. , P ;.
cts. a
market. BANKRUPT SALE 1yard. .;
Arieth,:o. is our mozaubique ®ssues for hot weather wear, equally uall fast A%
_ „, iii. color, L marvel of beauty, and ,.
h some in style. Regular price 25o , BANKRUPT SALE PRICE, 'S 1`2c '.
tli ,acme of perfectiony g 1 rrs
per yard. w:Ava
` ns --°exceedingly pretty patterns and just
> ,!lt still !i I1 r is Our Violet haw Y . ,
the thing for hot weather, giving the wearer' that CooL, Colt'ri' onTAI3LL appearance,
r alai' ,rice :?0o , BA.NKTUJP`E SALT' PRI:lyl
so much desired by 'well-clre5sccl fatales: Re ,LI price ,
12 1-2 cts. a yard.
., t
rL MOIti, IS U t6 and OIII'#jiff i' 11 •
AND YET O Ilcil IilPi X111 ( O 1 ,
'1S r Pula,
. :r their colors,. BANKRUPT i..11,. '
warranted to cc,..11 ancl. keep ya °d.
k). worth $1.50. .ly,tlll.l'Il )t
b111 (:(1110a .VE7 ribs, A.'Parasol with steel handle l
. 1 ,ll cll.es I: 11,1 SLyCI
sale lice ,1,2) 3.
1 -
' • • z c 2 ;ale }rice :)5c,
AA ExC11tlE.lTlfils 5 1i17Ji (,11ri•, worth ,,wl..... >, Bankrupt l
e - ) ..e,. , d'1 :) a 11kiti t.l sale price 22t a yard,
line (r of 1.}l ,,5 Goods worth . c, Ba l
,.be ,' `°..' few days' tri•
Remember ° , .loll e it i our 4,0
'' prices can only obtained f(.)1 a fi,tti 11CV `
organize ar (Thain ofCores ens, e , a1f 1i1C,lllbt,l t11C,5E, 1) 1L 4qy / j y. c. i
g rt1 - ', . Y. art. of t rills t'14o at -*
hope his wort has not been in. v+tin, s drt days ;laic161-14,s-the- . .*
Gloignholtn, had charge of the Royal
Itenleinber the sale of Dairy cows at Hotel there for a lou term of years.
Ilirkton on May 20th,
Duncan liteGregor,of Forest; Station,
Man youngest sot or Iputlean Me-
tare),`oi', of Glencoe, has sold his farm
i n` orait ,a for 4 a oa0yincluding stock
and buildings, and pm ohassd nether
farm near by.
About aa, week ago IV.tr, Xiocdges, who
wasapparelitlyat very hcal thy. ituiii
VMS takcin" to beet with pleurisy and
pneumonia,. front which he never re
c five of
a, wife aft d ii ,
1, IIE:I('aLVC+ 't G
c•ovcrc t
a family. The deceased was in his
forty-tlival year.
--- --•ter-.••-•.,
i/.r . i1ttOT'"; x1.11
v1W i Eggs taken as cash, and highest ra1'ki i. lice allowed for them.
f. i
Mr. J. 'W. Laird, foriilerly prinei ptai d 1 ,.
of the St." Marys Pi1lSlic Schools;. las
sold his store at, Albertan and is going F
to &Well f7ailuinbia. a.
aV iioii 1)r, Lbw's Pleasant 'Worm Syrup is 1 ^rte
ro t. t9 .OLD T. . .e
worms, ons n the . 4 t d 1 l ` i `a
'sod, It's death to fil,ie i y ri.,
r Y
•l . 1
It M 4 t 4 t t
2 tailleient, t
} Contra* ii Y Y Y stat
t Ana ii ee ( tai ♦ 1 t
1 1
t tot t4
1 !
♦ t
ei z n '7;4;1, l
l 4 t ! . F b,• w w
Yp 4YA AYO >Yt. t 4 t 4 t t 1 -..•yah•• nr« w f ✓
4Yt 't, . 'f11 . K• Ins+,. ..YM iY-•hM. 1d.' 1d1d1r1d /d 1d1r1e l d1l1.d1#,
,7,'Z 2$ i1ZY heed. cf-' f iii •dr•a,-•w.K•..gaar-.+Yr -. •+, /-d /1. 1a 1 df, 11:v't ! A. t t t .1 t i
iL aLCir o so tli ,L at v B' r. .w.-nr.-.ti`+a*
wb ' 111 d /+rt1 ,rev se* a , A t
.. ,. rvrldwrxdk/gtrt/ 'to t, t t ... ...
rzn,stor Oil or a:rtloa....LCloitvririlt. .rt1 r dt1 d11 die t 1 1 1