HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-5-5, Page 8.._ AcoltaisNT -Last week while '•W'rn. T .. • � Cann. was working at fixe sazv mill, l; �'� ■ . cutting fixe bindle off stave nxatetla 111, I'�J #IJ e Big Cas the lnife slipped end -ran into his left erne severing a small artery. + h or Trade, Ono P"ric Ong. sELLin FOR BUYINN, d S of this methods t110 Emphasizes the policy of the business 11 store. Buying for cash. means buyingto advantage, y bfor cash is to your advantage . discounts made.Selling one naturally follows the other. The two go hand in hand for your benefit, 11. Specials in Dress Goods ... Last week we cleared from a Montreal wholesale house a line of Black Sicillian which we are selling at half price, Shoo Black Sicillian for. ........soc. Ifou want a Black Dress. your chance is now. We guarantee the wearing qualities of these goods. 45 in. all, wool, black` Henrietta, Fine Black Dress Serge all 20-e, I very fine finish, special..:... 50c. wool, special I45in.all wool,lightcolored Tweed Nice light tweed effects for sum- effects, very special, regular mer suiting, very special20c. 50c. for 25c. ask to see this line. We also show over 100 dress lengths in very fine qualities, plains and fancies ranging from$3.00 to $s,00 the dress; We are prepar- ed to show you the finest Dress Goods stock in the county. Paper description does scant justice to their elegance. To be appreciated - they must be seen. We invite you to come and examine them at your pleasure. We are always pleased to show our Goods, no com- pulsion to buy. Our store and staff is at your disposal. Selling for Cash, Buying for Cash, to your Advantage. The credit business is unfair and unbusiness like. All customers treated alike at this store. One price to all, showing advantages that come from up-to-date business methods. J. An STEWART INSLT] ANCE. Tel 12I.li;ST i,LLIOT, Agent for the WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- PANY, of Toronto ; also for the PrEznx PLRE INSURANCE Qo1IPANY, of Loudon, England; the ALLIANCE INSURANCE CU.MrPANY, of Eng and. 1.001.19111121:=1.1., .0902•61.1:111=SAMIltitlant SC 4 WE SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS INS Lead Pencils,_ ..• Rubber Erasers, Pens, and Pen Holders, Ink, Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books Drawing Books Tablets, Rulers, g tc. P11/0 11 T EXETER Oiltt g0 - THURSDAY, MAY 5th, 1898. LOCAL HAPPENINGS Milk is sold at three cents a quart in Clinton. . W. Coats, of Clinton, recently re- ceived nearly 200 rose bushes that had been imported. from Irelancl. The members of the Clinton Cricket Club tendered Rev. F. W. Terry a farewell supper on Monday evening. Last week Wm. Clegg, of Clinton, shipped five carloads of wheat to Port- land, Maine, for export to the old country markets. The final statement and dividend G. G. Johnston is visiting his parents in Palmerstou. J. A. Streith was in London Tues- day, on business. R. N. Rowe received a car load of furniture last week. Division Court was held here on Wednesday, Judge Doyle presiding:" Abe 1Walper, of Berlin, was in town on Saturday renewing acquaintances. Mrs.' Geo. Sam well is in Ingersoll, having been called there owing to the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Seldon, Mrs. J. P. McLaren, of Seaforth, spent Monday visiting her brother, A. E. Stewart, and other friends in town A twenty days' sale is going -On at the Shipka post - office store. The stock- consists of General Dry goods. Mr. and IIrs. Gilbert White and family, who moved to Detroit some time ago, have returned to St. Marys. The spraying exhibition in R. S. Lang's orchard yesterday afternoon - proved interesting and instructive to those who witnessed it. Tlie Listowel xnercbants have decid- 1 ed to close their respective places of business at 7 o'clock each evening of the week, Saturdays excepted. W. G. Bissett has purchased' from T. & J. Kelly, a,young thoro'bred car- riage stallion. He is a "Clear Grit," 16 hands high, and is a handsome looking beast. A petition with some 200 signatures of St. Marys business men has been sent to the government praying that the post office be not removed franc the present building. Wm. Jameson and Wm. Dawson, Kirkton, who are working near Clan- deboye, had nearly all their tools stol- en on Thursday evening last. The ols are all new and their loss is $40` r. Macy, of the Lyceum Bureau, will appear and give a first class con- cert in Gidley's Hall on. Monday, May 16th. The Concert is in the interests of the Lacrosse team. See small bilis or particulars. •' Citizens of St. Marys will regret l o Iearn that Mr. Robert Guest contem- plates eventually locating in the west. Mr. Guest has sold his farm of 50 acres just east of that town to WVna. Walks, of Bruce, for $4,500. Kemp, on.Mr, .hemp's :head, z made a deep giash,sevexrng 4nartery. The wound led so profusely that his friends for a tinxcswere anxious, t t eply. HBe Norman Tufts left Kirk ton last week for Moosimin, N. W. T., where he has secured a situation as a teacher. Nor- man is a young man of moral' `north and L'is many friends around home. wish him success in the far west. Mr. Hodgins. of the Windsor Hotel, Stratford, has already received appli- cations from two fantiliirs in Brooklyn, N. Y., for rates for board by the month. These are nervous people who want to get %way from what•is likely to be the scene of strife. 'ickard Co. For variety, 'value and oorreotuess of styles our stock of Dress Goods this spring ress surpasses any stook previously shown by ' oods lis and that means that we are now show - mg by fal the most complete )lete stocl of Dress Goods ever displayed . in Exeter, has been anyquestion regarding our leadership There never a in Dress Goods, and this season's stock demonstrates the fact more clearly filen ever. Importing orting direct from the mann- facture' s in Britain and France, - thus saving middlemen's P gives ives us a great advantage over ordinary dealers. Read this list of prices :-- 42 black Lustres, good blacks and fine finish, splendid 42 inch plain........................................................25 44 inch plain black Shimmer Lustros, 'make up like ;silk, very JO fashionable:.. , • . ' . . 42 inch brocaded black Lustres, various designs, very. fashionable 42 inch black Crepons, all wool and latest designs, make up very nobby •,., 44 inch, all wool, Vigoreux Cloths, in all fashionable shades, very corect styles for costumes 45 inch all wool, black Henriettas, beautiful pearl finish, heavy weight, a beauty • CHANGE IN BusINEss.—It will be remembered that some time ago A. E. Stewart purchased a half in- terest in the Exeter flouring mill, Messrs Rollins and Williams retain- ing a quarter interest each. -,'his week George Stewart, of the north boundary, Usborne, brother of A. E. Stewart,- peirchased Mr. Rollins' share, the members of the company now are : A. E. and George Stewart and J. A. Williams. Mr. Stewart also pur- chased Mr. Rollins'residence on Huron. street, and will niove to town. Mr. Rollins has not yet definitely decided. on his future course. COUNTY STATIST es --The fo:lowing is a copy of County Clerk Lane's re- turn to the Education Department, dated April lst, 1898, showing the pop- ulation of the county, as taken from the last revised.lassessment rolls. TOWNSHIPS. Ashfield 3449. Colborne 1794 Goderich 2480 Grey • 3487 Hay 3391 Howick 4219 Hallett 2832 McKillop, " 2842 Morris 2606 Stanley '2220 Stephen 4123 Tnckersmith 2588 Turnherry 2273 Us borne 2411 E. Wawanosh1862 W..Wawanosh2094 TOWNS AND Z`II.LA,GES. Goderich 4017Clinton 2472 Seaforth 2474 W inghana 2142 Exeter 1815 Brussels 1136 Wroxeter • 449 sheet in the J. Cornyn estate, Wing- At present St. Marys is passing ham, has been issued. The final diva-' throughan exciting stage. The post deed is seven cents on the dollar. 1 office removal. fight is still goingp on. A monster petition has been signed There is more demand at Goderich for :hotel and boarding accommoda- tion this year than ever, especially from the American cities upon the At- lantic coast. The other day- a little daughter of Jaynes Finch, of Clinton, was patting a dog on the head when the animal her at throwing her down, and putting its teeth through her cheek. Peter McGregor left Clinton en route for Liverpool, England, taking with him two car loads of heavy draught horses. They were pronounced by good judges to be as fine a lot of horses as ever left Huron, Robert McCartney, who has been visiting his uncle, Wm. Scott, of :brucefleld, has received a summons to return to his home in Kansas in artier to be ready to take up arms indefense of his country in the Spanish-American w.ar.. ham brake- man r ° e11 -of Win , James 1VIn. k Jai , Wing ham, afternoon G. T. R train raaxx on A frond Palmerston, received an injury while shunting cars at Brussels on 5 aterda h which his finger were Y y badly squashed, and amputation may s' cads when a cessar . and gone to the horse 1a , be ne Y , se aper blown b the wind rete of loose the barn befog - paper by 'the forenoon g p this week by the Mayor „and Council and a majority of the -people of town to have the post office remain where it goldthe South brick swindle,1 but. %s. The . of ex - Chief lection and the threat o Perthe f h II to sue the a le Mtc e Constable b salary,war- news and, the town for a year's stne town hum- ming. the o have kept ming. The two new constables,of St Marys, Frank Young and Daniel Ross, are both members of the Citizen's TBand and they will be much nnissed. Chief Young is a fine strapping fellow, a butcher by trade, and is, possessed of good nerve, a most essential part of the making of a good constable. Night Constable Ross is also a' butcher by trade, and it nary he said that it is not his firsteEperienceas a night constable, as he was a night attendant in London asylum for two years, and as Den is possessed of e military gait, the com- bination of oin-binationof these two essentialpoints should hake him a first-class officer. John Holmes, of Goderich township, met with rather a severe accident a few days ago by his team running :away ; lie had got ottt ofthe waggon Blyth 954 Hensall' 7'71 Bayfield 724 OtFARLING. E3R,b8. Now is Your Ti '16"'" -For Suit � of Clothes Cheap We have just received a new stock of Ready-to-wear Clothing. . AMONG THEM WE QUOTE A FEW OF THE LEADING LINES Men's Tweed Suits, well made . , . 4, er good colors " new patterns . Blue Grey Worsted Suits., Black Worsted Suits (bound): cc $550 $ 7.50 $10.00' $10 00 $Io,00: " Odd Vests . . , . , . , $ 1:.00 rr 'TweedP ants from , . . . . . . . :. :....: . . . $. 1,40 up. ALSO A FULt RANGE 'OF I3OYS' TWEED SUITS. 25 Boys' Sailor Suits in Navy and Grey, $1.00 a Suit. Boys' Wash Suits made of Blue Stripe ,Duck with Sailor collar' .50 Blouse and pants, $I.25. .50 Gent's made to order Suit,Worsted, either in 00®�p� 0 or Venetian, bound �clecial at...... . Clay , vers .50 Nave Yea Seen OW Up-to-date .Bicycles: at $3 ? PIInLIC SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL, YXAMINATION$.—Entrance and Public chool Leaving : 28th June, 8.45 a. m., t Goderich, Exeter, Zurich, Bayfield, Hensall, Kintail, Dmiganiion, St. Helens, and Crediton for West Huron, and at Clinton, Seaforth, Winghani, Brussels, Wroxeter, Fordwich and Blyth for East Huron. High School Primaryexaminetion (form I) Tuly 4th, 8.45 a, m., at Goderich, Clinton and Seaforth. High School (form II and commercial diploma) July 6th ; Form III and Form IV, July 8th, 8.45 a. ni., at Goderich, Clinton and 'Seaforth. Form II, Jnly 6th, at Wingham,Brus- selsand Exeter. Applications for En- trance and Public School Leaving ex- aminations must be sent to the In- spectors on or before April 26th. The fee is $1, to be paid 28th June. Appli- cations for Primary, Junior Leaving, Senior Leaving and Matriculation (High School Forms I, II, III and IV) must be sent to the Inspector before 24th May, accompanied by the neces- sary fee. No applications can he con- siderecl by the Inspectors after that date. Those who intend to write at any examination centre iia the West- ern Inspectoral Division of Huron must send their application, ` giving iTom,Inspec- tor in full to J. Elgin n name g p d rich end ani Public Schools, of :Go e , those who intend to write in the East- ern Division to D. Robb, Inspector Publie Sehools, Clinton. For Entrance Drawing Book NA. 5, and the Senior Fourth Olass Copy, Book, and for Pub- lic School Leaving, Drawing Book No, 6. The work in these books must be completed and certified to by the. teacher, to be the work of the candi- date presenting the book. The En- trance Drawing and Copy Books, also the Public ,School Leaving Book Keep- ing'and Drawingg Book, if presented, will be exaxninecl as in former years. lug to 7oe.Goldthorpe, Saltford, next the brickyard WAS bua,'tied to the ground, .A. spark from the saw mill engine is supposed to have started the bout Orth a bl'u'e The building was w team which then took started the , fright and -ran away ,; Mr. Holmee Was thrown to the round, the waggon g passing .over him, braising him con- eiderahlt' ; We are glad to state, how - 'insurance, ever, that he has recoveredsufciently how - $1,00, no <... onde, evening After an illness of rouge xnonilie, to he out again, On M y g John Clarke:be the Lake shore road, h towns 1i , y last, ag va=ry highly re three brothers' d was not married, Goderic l " assed away on ears, Deceas- edSa,tuxd�t y was very and was ono of residing on the fatni en of last week as Mr, 0, Spence was workingupon the scaffold in his barn p o through he had tlie.iiiisfoitclne tofall l �o g to the floor, alighting heavily upon a in. ' has hip, which in7ixry will lay t � for sore tltxte, Rea a c7).t We are now showing a complete stock of Men's Clothing, Youths' and : Boys' Ready-to-wear Clothes, and are making a specialty of Shorey's Celebrated make, includ- ing Rigby proofed bicycle suits. Men's Knicker Bicycle Suits, Rigby a� proofed, made in latestsytle...... $h 50 Men's Blue Serge Suits, nicely made and lined, special 3 75 Men's new -design Tweed Suits, well made and lined, great value '$5 00 Men's black Clay Worsted Suits, best linings and 'trimmings, 10 00 eclualto hest ordered clothing Boys' and Youths' Suits, in great variety, at $L50, $2.00, $2.50 & 3 75 '300- New Samples oM fall Papor Mow ra Sto6K of Trade in , this department is 1 a 5® 1 booming and new goods being 1 r ctU,,, 5 Yontinually received and placed in 3 stock. Come and see the novelties we are now showing. Picka D BC L4 IMP' ii E So S. C. Hersey of London, spent the forepart of this week in town. Mrs. Geo Mace, of Toronto, visited her many Exeter friends last week. D. F. Stewart has sold his fine farm west of Ailsa Crtiig to E. Rawlinson. - Richard Crocker is, we are glad to learn, recovering from his serious ill- ness. Posters are out announcing the races here on May 24th. $ 700 will be hung up in prizes. Arthur Kemp and the Misses Smith and Mabel Kemp visited friends in Seaforth on Sunday. R. J. Switzer, of Blaushard, left on Friday to resume his position in the Paisley butter factory. Postmaster -general Mulock has de- cided not to press his Bill for newspa- per postage this session. The Exeter base ball boys intend giving a concert in the near • future. Look out for particulars later. Mrs. Bowerman (nee Miss Laura Tom), of Menonixnee, Mich., has beep visiting friends in Exeter' this week. According to the assessment roll just completed, the population of Goderich is 4,044,' ,•27 in excess of:the previous ear. Real estate is down for $1,051,- 380; 380; personal property, $52,125, and in- come $,80,000, a total•. of $1,132,505, a little more than tenthousand over the previous year. Word was received hi Exeter the other day of the death in California, of the wife of the late John Buckingham, son of S'am'l Bcte:kinghan, of Exeter. Deceased had been ill for some time, `hes Shock ` ve ed.fromt and liad>.ii;ver roto r , sustained owing to her husband's death a little over a year ago:. 'W, UV`, Harris ro � rietor of Brussels �, p i' inion. a§tn p taken �has cheese; factory,_, with T,Dalian tyne&Sons, of Stratford, 'fie hes as.clieese buyer for this seatiscrrr, en a ed the services of Sohn $kalizky, g g •te t `ii;aker to of Atwood, „a competent , manage the factory anhieabsence. To -morrow (Friday) will be Arbor day. R. E. Pickard ,was in' London this week, Wm. Lewis is confined to his room through illness. Lack offunds has caused theListowel band to disband; T. P. Ross returned to Chatham on Monday to resuine insurance work. Don't forget to come to Exeter, on May 24th. See colored posters for pro- ; gram. ' The respective residences of W. J. ' Carlmba and Saxon Fitton, are fast nearing completion. The Listowel Benner says:that Win. Fisher has sold l's store and dwelling in that town and intends removing to - i Exeter. Geo. McTaggart, „Seaforth, left last week for Arkona, in Lambton county, to take charge of a large cheese factory during the coming summer. Miss,,Maggie McLarexi, of Mitchell, whohas been- spending some time in England foithe benefit of her health, The London butchers have . raised N Dr. G. P. IIyndmaxi, wiiotn we leen the price of the besfcn i of gloat to fit; men- tioned last week,' intended going to teen cents per pound, with the rougher Mich. has decided to grades increased in proportion. Brown.City, , St. lo- cate in --North Dakota, and left on The St. Marys constables supplied a , Tuesday for that place. It appears bottle of whiskey to a prisoner in the lock-up. The councillors got wind of it; and the protectors of the peace lost their jobs. Quarterly meeting services were held in the Main street Methodist church last Sunday. Those of the James street church will be `held nextiyi.0burn's Heart and nerve Pitts., Mrs. ow Sunday, April 8th. Rogersville, Ont.. says:—"Milburn's Heart and affable ticket Nerve Pills cured. inc of weakness and nervous-. Tohn J. Knight, tlR. <gess, with which l have been afilictect for a anent at the G, 7'. R. station here, ion � Lune return home about the end of May. that since arranging to go to Brown Oily, he received better and more en- couraging reports from Rolla, and has ,decided to locate in the latter place. WEAK AND . NERVOUS Too many women that way. The need CA -!LANG SEN b .(, during a ' room to his o 'L been confinedg ...„ h,sh the past week, 'suffering from an -at- tack to la grippe. Weare tack ofpleased g pp ace isr coverin . His 1< note that he e g p is being filled, by a company supply. Mrs. Carroll. Exeter, died at the House of Refuge recently. This is the 2 st death since the opening of the in- stitution. Her husband. is an inmate also. Deceased was a perfect lady, well liked by allelic inmates, and came from a well-to-do English family, but reverses overtook them. , The Rev. Chas. Smith announces he Will (D. V.) preach a series of three sermons, the next three Sunday even- ings on -"The Widow." These topics will be discussed in • the following order: — April 8th "The Wid'ow's p !['roubles" a; April 15th, � " The 'Widow's Tributes." April 22nd, "The Widow's . Trium hsHis first subject of this P series viz.—"The Widow's Troubles" willbe discussed- on Sunday eYening next. The underwriters wrote to the clerk s of Clinton, saying that i f: the heater y g` used to keep'the water in the fire engine waren, was sufdoient'to e'tzable the engine to retake 100 'patinas of s £ steam in five minutes, from n thetime the: engine; was run out, that the heater would he satisfactory to the requirements, The other night e teat' Was trade, Onc.person timing it found a record of 75 pounds of steam in five minutes, while another found 105 p ounisls in 5 minutes, IIP Wc .t ,l ,11 LE Come to Us to Have Their Eyes Examined. If you need Glasses let us fit them for you. We give you the best expert attention at T. FITTON'S Jewelry Establishment. There is a striking reduction in the price .of Wall Papers, and to. keep pace with the values shown in our new samples, we have made a wonderful cut in, prices of those in stock reVibf.IS't0 spring' p arriv- als.More now goods are on the are from roc w's,Y, and our prices to hocper double roll and Rollers -find n Window Blinds , I Window Poles and Fixtures, Lace Chenille Curtains, Carpets pets and Vatts ;Floor Oil Cloths / yds. c 'de coed 75 w1 5 r llz hest prices Pakd for fartn produce a No, r .arttdle, KA S. FITTON, Graduate Optician. 1 S 'S KEY'S Ready to Wear Rigby Waterpoofed , prhig Overcoats Are made by tailors, stayed in every vent, and keep their stylish shape to the end. ILK FACINGS ET LININGS They cost much less than coats made by the best,custom tailors and cainnot be equalled in style by the smaller tailors. Shorey's Guarantee Card in the Pocket is the wearer's -certificate of pernanent shape and highest tailoring excellence. Ask for Shorey's "Ready to Wear" Clothing. 0 o-ao-o-0o'o-o'ao•o$ E AND THE Fora internal or external use Hag yard's Yellow Oil cannot be excelled as a pain relieving and soothing remedy for all pain. Dr. West Reid, of Godericb, left on Friday for Detroit, where he will visit while looking for some place in which to locate. Before he left town he had an offer from theAnaerican authorities to go to the front with the ;surgeon 1 corps, but the wages ($40 per month) were not quite large enough. While Dan Davis was killing a lamb one dayin- juries which in - last week, he sustained , ich have caused him to con- sult a doctor and remain in bed. Fre killed, but ,iny ;;i had the la l thought he, itx k ieked vigor- ously, u t when hepicked p g ously, striking Dan, with the above result, inflammation having set in. TANKS.—A member of vats, suitable for cistern tanks, for sale cheap, at H. LEvETT S. ,; 9 FAIR LEVITT'S � Pa 'ill q s iI To purchase some of our Carpet lh Am - Seaters,' Dusters;: xiotrselio c nionia, Soap, Brushes, et i., for house- � cleaning, ut ,Butt ,r "Wh have just opened 0 e Pattie Prints, Can Opener and Cork Screw combined, Mrs..Potte' nickel plated . Sad Irons, .l+ ancy Cake Critters, Lu chBoxes TE Timers; Brass Watch L n ,. gg Safes, Farley Photo Holders in brass and wire;, Pocket Combs and Mirrors combined, Wild Rose Tea: Setts, etc. Butter and eggs taken in exchange, i, gg Ottr ice cream parlor is-nOW open to the public.. Ice cream enol .ice cool drinks. ; 'V T If~`tAi o Aal`, �`I{ i 1'. S. --Violin instruction., A limited number of pupils taken. Use Winau's Cough Balsam for coughs, colds and. Bronchial troubles. Acknowleged the best cough medicine on the market. Especially good for, • children. Manufactured by C. Luiz. A Cow ion. SALE.—Apply to Mrs. William Southcott, Exeter. John Mellis, of the Expositor staff, Seaforth, spent Sunday in Exeter. amaremeasmonarawrameinemo EfiT MIIRKtT The undersigned has opened up a new heat market one door wl me+ , South[ of Gorlin n W' 0 (f. ere he will keep the choicest of s constantly on hand, A CALL SOLICITED. , JOHN T. MANNING. For - .� L a goodselection f 0of HAMS, LARD, BACON: N, �� SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, BLI]I', LAMB, POR1t. MUTTON, and VEAL, also POULTRY in Season. —CA?1.1L AT— The Family 7� t Il��` Shop � One door south , A Central Hotel. LOUIS OAT --W-I A 11 I •- -J Rides Calf : s and Lamb Skins,a d ;1