HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-4-28, Page 8T +j! B X ,A.; T .. f El Sotrrn Hui -Loss Coeleri i«'V'ATIV s,_ e Big Store.t Cask h or Produce, One Price Only,. .. , ,. rte .. ........... .......m,,.,,...,,.,.,,, m, ,<...,,.,..,,,.,.,,,., .,....,,,..,., .,.,,.,,..,,,,. e would like to talk to readers of THE TDi s. quite ` seriously 'about one thing, and that one thing is our leadership in fine Dress Goods. Our new stock is large enough, our styles prices new enough, our p11G low enough to suit the most refined taste Yes, We tIave Quality, Lattice' New Spring ()tepee for style, for• quality* fess velem. a . O--Ror DUI' great lead- en black velvet trimmed with lace ribbon, and jet. This is the best velvet cape for the price that we know of. Reinember only $3.50.. Yes, we have others, Quantity and. Val rte. 20 ets. the yard for very stylish shot tweed, two-tone effect, very special value 25 ets. the yard for pure wool, snow flake effects, in fawns and greys, only. $1,75 the dress "7 yards" fancy black, 'figured goods, a real good looker. $2 10 the dress "7 yards" black bro- caded goods, this is one of our great leaders, askto see our $2,10 bl'k dress, 30 cts, the yard for the new shot Bradlee mixtures, all the latest shadings. 38 ets. the yard for very special new fancy two toue effects in. the new greens and new blues, very stylish. 50 ets. the yarcl for your choice of a beautiful range of all the latest novelties, T2.95 the dress "7 yawls" fancy black, silk finish, very new and very effective, $3.50 the dress "7 yards" ; your choice of a lovely range of fancy fig- ured blackoods, some very new and stylish goods at $3.50 the dress. In plain black serges, black henrietta, and black rain proof dress good s our stock is right up-to-date and values look your way. *$1.00 the dress "6 yards"; here's your chance. We took the full range, all that was in stock in order to get the low price,two tone, shot effects. Just think of it, a whole dress "6 yards" for $1.00. MILL1NNERY i MILLINERY! Our stock is new, nobby and artistic• Our styles are the latest. Our trim- mers can't be beat,so the ladies all say, and we think the ladies kuow stylish hats when they tee them. Let's have your orders early, as our trimmers are very busy. "SEEDS" Mangold, Carrot and Turnip Seed, the very best and nothing but tbebest. Get our prices; they will please you. All kinds of Garden Seeds,including the small silver skin pickling onion seed, try it, grows beaut°ful onions for pickling. MeeR NCE,. R rv' BST rite TOT, Agent for the WESTERN Assorwx en COX - PANT, of Toronto; also for. the Pxlasvix FIRE rxsrri2A.\CE CouRa-*:v, of Loudon,. England; the Arca Isstnu. cE COMPANY, of Eng and. WE OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ok IN "e -- Lead Pencils, Rubber Erasers, Pens, and Pen. Holders, Ink, .... Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books Drawing Books Tablets, ........ Rulers, a tc. df. . •Gf1ftJU TaEXETEI',, THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1808. LOCAL PE UN MILITIA+ CHANGE. -- Thirty-third Huron Infantry—Lieut.-Col. John G. Wilson is permitted to resign his ap- J A STEWART BROKE His Lica—On Monday, Alfred, the youngest son of Mrs. 'Phomas Coates, while over et his ,brother's, Richard, fell down cellar and broke one of his legs. The fracture was re- duced and the young man is doing_ nicely- PASSED,.—The many friends of Leon- ard Follick, Who has hero attending the Dental College in Tutonto, will he pleased to learn that h,. tuts twee suc- cessful in liras iog nes second ,sear ex ,ruination in dentistry. Vo con- gratulatethe young roan no ht"s suc- cess.. GRADUATED. We are pleased: to learn that Clinton, son of T. H. Mc- Callum, of Exeter, has successfully passed his final examination in dent- istry, at the Dental College in Buffalo, and is now A full-fledged dentist. Mr. McCallum possesses all the essential qualities to ensure success in his chos- en professio CZ. BEWARE OF PRESERVATIVES. --A cir- cular has been issued by Hon. John Dryden. Minister ofAgricniture,• warn- ing butter producers of Canada to be- ware of the use of preservatives other than common salt in the preparation of their produce for the markets of Great Britain. Butter from several countries, and especially from Austra- lia, has excited such attention in Great Britain on account of the ingredients as to exclude all butter in which such preservative materials are found. NORTH Rene NoTEs.—Thorn asYellow has purchased the property on the Thames Road formerly owned. by the late John Anderson.—Wm. Bawden has broken up a portion of the com- mons north of the river.—The electric light at the North End should receive more attention, It rarely burns well and the light given is very deficient.— The government frait tree sprayer, owing to the wet weather, did not give an exhibition of Spraying on Fri- day last, as announced. Arrangements have been made forfurther exhibitions, and Mr. Lang's orchard will be visited May 4. DEA.TH OF WILLIAM SLEE.— The death of William SIee, on Monday, at• poiutment as commanding oifier, No. the age of 79 years removes another 8 company—To be second lieutenant, of the pioneers of this section. Of provisionally,John McArter, vice Doig, English birth, Mr. Slee emigrated to retired. • this country in his early days, and o— settled in the township of Usborne, SFR:1.' INE. Owing to the wet weather of. last week, the following additional elates have been selected for spraying. Seaforth -- Monday, May 2nd, 2 p. m., R. Gowenlock's orchard ; Goderioh-Tuesday, May 3rd, 2 p. m,, H. Curwin's orchard ; Exeter—Wed- nesday, May 4th, 2 p. m., R. S. Lang's orchard. For the preservation of Honey Bees, spraying while trees are in full bloom is prohibited by law. Penalty, $1.00 to $5.00. Any one wishing a 16 page Bulletin, "Instructions in Spraying, g, can obtain n just west of Elirnyille, on what is known as the St. Marys road. Here he cleared a fine farm, on which he lived prior to moving to Exeter some ten years ago. Possessed of an un- assumingmanner,Mr,Slee was respect- ed by a large circle of friends. He had been a sufferer from asthma for years, but a severe attack of la grippe was the direct cause of death. He was a member of the Methodist church. The funeral on Wednesday was large- ly attended. D. & A. Corsets ! We have the D. & a copy free by applying to the Ontario A. Corsets, numbers 285, 400, or Crest Department of Agriculture, Toronto. and the Corrinee. These are excellent _se*. - goods. For sale at J. P. Clarke's, Succcassrur; CANDIDATES. FoIlow- Mr. and Mrs. Janes Wood, of ing are the successful. pr obationers and Hurondale, cade, were last Friday called candidates inthe recent Conference f suddenly to the bedside of William examinations, and their 'respective ,Wood, of Dutton, whn is sufferin percentages:--- from a severe stroke of paralysis, an Probationers. -- Third year—E. 3. Mullyard, Nile, 88 per cent., Jos. Coul- ter, Elimville, 83 ; .r. E. Sawyer, Lon- don, 82 3. McKelvey, Hensall, 77 W. S. Ashton, Morpeth, 71; A. C. Jones, Tnpperville, 09 A. G. Lloyd, London, 60; J. F. Sutcliffe, Dorchester, 67; A. W. Dever, Bernie, 66 T.A, Steadman, Shedden, 57. Second year—W. A. Smith, S. T. L., Lambeth; 85; W. 3. Mortimore, Fergu- son, 84; A. Rapson, Catnlacihe,• 55, First year --J, F. Knight, Ruther- ford, 10. Candidates --A. Bond, Glencoe, 68 ;' Wilfrid: 'C lioon Biir,G.c> o 66; W. Mahon, Rodney, . 65 ; Ralph Steele,; Lyons, 03. One third year probationer, one' second year and nine first year pro- bationers aand two candidates fade . TAtn s,• -A number of vats, suitable `fax cistern tanks, for sale cheap, at W, fl. 1.1;v3ETT'8. A COW relit SALt.--Apply to Mrs. William SouttiWt tbb Exeter. who is not expected to recover. The directors • of the Tuckersmith Branch Agrietilttiral Society have decided not to hold any show in con- nection with their society next fall. This was the year for amalgamating with the South Riding society. This determination on the part of the Tnekerstnith Branch will leave an opportunity for some other society to unite with the riding to hold a -anion exhibition, $3 for $1r b a clearing' line -of Ladies' Black Cashmere Bose regular value 50c. the pair, our snap price 3 17air for The Biu Cash Store, Our Dress. Goods have never mei With betterapproval. New arrivals". next week ii fancy'black and brocad- r ,ed alp tee ts. Ttirn rtings in full supply_ At S. P. Glarke's. The anneal meeting of the South Hur- ou Oonser votive Assoeiatian, was held in Hensall, en Tuesday. There was. a let.rge representation from vatlaus pparts of the Riding, many new faces ireiug among the number, There was. intieh enthusiasm, all expressing nfihin ptirerrotestselves enterin ed faagvoainsroft M:gr.tEgfiberthe's election, with all power necessary, and provision was made for the required sum to defend the action. Stirring speeches were made by prominent members of the party, The election of officers resulted in the old staff be- ingre-appointed, ,as follows:—Pres. J. A. Williams, Zurich; let vice pres. 5., McNaughton, Varna; 2ad vice,Phineas Hunter, Usborne; 3rd vice, Dr, Beth - nue, Seaforth ; Trees., T. B. Carling, Exeter; sect'., M. J. White; organizer - in -chief, L. IL Dickson, Exeter. Sub - organizers were appointed for the vari- ous polling subdivisions, LOCAL BRIEFS. —Messrs. Parrish & Glanville, intend going into . business at Shipka, in the post office store.—A horse driven by Thos. Bissett sr., ran away on Friday last, The bit broke, leaving Mr. Bissett without control of the animal. Mr. B. jumped from the cart before the horse hadtlgone far and avoided injury. The horse was captur- ed opposite the Central hotel, where it was turnedonto the sidewalk.—Mrs. Alex. Tait is visiting friends in Lon- don.—Miss Effie Carter, of Hullett, is visiting friends in Exeter, -- Spring gardeners are hard at work.—Dr. G.P. Hyndnran, son of Dr. John Ryndman, of this place, has decided to locate in Brown City, Mich., where he will open apractice. The Dr. is a clever, ener- getic end euterprisingyouug man, and will make a valuable acquisition to Brown City. The best wishes of a very large circle of friends go with him to his new field.—E. E. Hodgson, 0. P. R. station agent at Smith's Falls, is at'present visiting his cousins, J. W. and A. E. Hodgson, of Usborne -- -5.. H. Alexander, of Strathroy, is in town this week, trying to increase the membership of the local court of the Canadian Order of Foresters.— E Follick, of Brantford, is spending a few days with friends in Exeter.— There will be a meeting in Elliot & Gladmau's office, on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of organ- izing a cricket club for this season.— The lacrosse team will give an exhi- bition match on the grounds Friday evening.—All members: are requested to attend,—A. E. Stewart has gone into the twill.—The track • committee are preparingthegrounds for the forthcoming 1h of ay celebration. —Dr. Willoughby will occupy bis pulpit next Sunday. -Rev. W. E. Kerr preached two instructive sermons on Sunday last to large congregations. —A number of citizens are suffering from la grippe. --Alfred Coffin is on the sick list.—Jos. Snell, of Dashwood, was in the village on Wednesday.— W. Southcott, who left for Manitoba a few weeks ago, has secured a situation at his trade, tailor, in Brandon, Ilan. —Frank Gill, Andrew street, has im- proved the appearance of his residence by the erection of a fine portico.— Wheat has taken a sudden advance in price. $1 Was paid on the Exeter market Monday. -The Canadian Order of Foresters have greatly increased their membership in Exeter through the efforts of Mr. Alexander, assisted by local members. —George Easterbrook's children, Clarence and Velma, are quite ill at present.—Several members of the Royal. Templars 'of Exeter, in- tend visiting Hensel' this (Thursday) evening, to take part in an open meet- ing there. —The Board of Health has issued their annual circular to the householders regarding sanitary. mat- ters,—Rev. R. Douglas Fraser, late of Bowmanville, but now connected with the "Westminster." will preach in the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. In the evening the Rev. W. Martin will commence a series of ser- mons on "Bible characters" beginning with Adam, -Thos. Hartnoll is confin- ed to his room through .illness.—John Heywood, while baling hay on his farm in Usborne recently, lost a valu- able watch, which no doubt passed in- to one of the bales.—Silas Stanlake,jr., of. Sodom, was united in marriage to Miss Jessie Agnes Bailey, of Nissottre a former teacher at Sodom, one day recently. We wish the young couple a happy and prosperous wedded life.— Miss Lottie Dennis, has accepted a sit- uation as milliner in Aylmer.—L. H. Dickson was in Toronto the forepart of this week on business.—WJdnesday was a very busy day in town.—Dr. and Mrs. Rivers, of Crediton, were in town yesterday.—Clinton will pass a curfew by-law.—The Exeter baseball team in- tend to commence practice the begin- ing of next week ---Ed. Bissett is in Port Huron on business. Additional locals on fifth page. Ladies! We have just received sever- al thousand calling cards, latest shape and best imported bristol. It costs no more to have the latest. At TIMES office. A very pretty wedding took place in Fullerton last Wednesday evening at the residence, of Jas. Ward, when his daughter Alma was uniteclinmarriage to James McEwen, of Ingersoll. A pretty wedding took place at the residence of John Whyte, sr,,Mitchell, Tuesday Luesday, at noon, when his eldest dauNl ghter, aggie, was united in mar- riage to W. Henderson, now of Mit °hell, tint formerly of Fergus. We have again heard from Harry Matthews. His manyKriendsinHibbert will be glad to hear that the party es- caped death and are in good spirits making good speed towards the Klon- dike, overtaking many who left hero in January, and were at the summit of the Chilkoot at the time of writing. The day after the deatll•deeling ava- lanche ab the time of the slide they had a part of their outfit at the top cif the mountain, and the remainder at the foot where they camped for the 'night. Thirteen bodies hadbeen Non out before they left. '441A '.great big clearing line. - one 1 all. whole- saleeandA. whoe m sale stockof Fancy Black Sieillian, 45 inches wide, regu- lar value $1.00 per yard, our snap price only 50 cents the 5t 131 y ., v yard. Come quick. Big Cash Slore. ickard Co. tiess Qoods For variety, value and correctness of styles our stock of Dress Goods this spring. surpasses any stook previously shown by >.ls l that we are now show- ingn and that means a by far the most complete stock of --� Dress Goods ever displayed in Exeter. There never has been any question regarding our leadership in Dress Goods, and this season's stock demonstrates the fact more clearly than ever. Importing direct from the manu- facturers in Britain and France thus saving Middlemen's ,profits, gives us a great advantage over or divary' clealers.' Read this list of prices ;.— ' 42 inch plain black Lustres, good blacks and fine finish, splendid value ,25 44 inch plain black Shimmer Lustres, make up like silk, very fashionable. 50; 42 inch brocaded black , Lustres, various designs, .very fashionable .25 42 inch black Crepons, all wool and latest designs, make up yery nobby , .50 44 •inch, all wool, Vigor•etix Cloths, in all fashionable shades, very corecb styles for costumes .50 45 inch all wool, black Henriettas, beautiful pearlfinish, heavy weight, a beauty .50 Nave YelD San Oir lt-te-date Bicycles at 836 We are now showing a complete stock of Men's Clothing, Youths' and Boys' Ready-to-wear Clothes, and are making a specialty of Shorey's Celebrated make, .includ- ing Rigby proofed bicycle. suits. O° Men's Knicker Bicycle Suits, Rigby proofed,, made in latestsytle. .., $4 50 Men's: Blue Serge Suits, nicely made and lined, special 3 75 Men's new -design Tweecl Suits,Iwell made and lined, great value $5 00 Men's black Clay Worsted Suits, best linings and trimmings, equal to best ordered clothing 10 00 Boys' and Youths' Suits, in great variety, at $1.50, $2.00, $2,50 & 3 75 ' 0'300 New Samples of Wall Paper Now in Stock T Trade in this department is booming and new goods being continually received and placed in stock. Come and see the novelties we are now showing.. e &, lcand o DIERECT nmit-)onpErRs. LICENSES GRANTED. -A meeting of. the license commissioners of South Huron was held in the Commercial hotel, Hensall, on Tuesday, when the following hotel and shop licenses were granted in the riding for the coining year: Seaforth—Hotels, Jaynes Weir, M. Purcell, Ellis & Kam, W. Hawk- shaw, James Dick, G. E. Henderson ; Shops, H. L. Jackson & Son, Edward Dawson. Tuckersmith—Hotels, Geo. Strong,C. R. Snell. Usborne—Hotels Joseph Stephens. Stephen—Hotels George Grafton, Wm. Moffatt, August Hill, Walter Clark, B. Cunniu gham, Patrick Hall, Jatnes Hannon, Joseph Brenner, C. L. Moser. Hay -Hotels, Philip Murray, Charles. Grebe, Daniel McCormick. Stanley—Hotels, An- drew Schaefer, Rueben Graham, Wil- son Cook. Exeter -Hotels, Charles Wilson, T. W. Hawkshaw, W. T. Acheson, Wm. Zinger; Shops, Farmer Bros., F. J. Knight. Reuse ll :Hotels, A. Goetz, . James . Coxworth. The granting of licenses in Bayfield was left over until the next meeting of the board to be held in Hensall, on April 80th. The License Commissioners for West Hawn, Messrs. Jas. Stephens, H. Mc-,. Quarrie and S. Sloane,metatInspector Paisleys office, Clinton, on Thursday, for the issue of licenses for the Current license year. Thirty-two hotel licenses were granted last y ear,and there were thirty-four applications this year. The Commissioners declined to grant a license to A. Robertson, Goderich. They also held over for consideration until Monday next the following ap- plications : S. Pike and C. Milne, Clin- ton ; J, Dinsley and J. Kling, Wing - ham ; A. Young, Kintail ; D. Delong, Port:Artlutr;B.Mason ancl C.Siminons,. Saltford. Two brewery Iicenses and two shop licenses were granted—the sane as before, one in Gunton and one. in Goderich Under the new act,passed at the last sitting of thec Legislature, , one of the two licenses held oyer in Winghant,and one in Clinton, will not be granted unless the population has increased sufficient to warrant it. The number in both Goderich and Bevel). is the same as last year. At a meeting of theNorth Middlesex license commissioners held on Tuesday the following licenses were granted. Adelaide -- John McIntyre, Gilbert Dickey (wine ante beer). Ailsa Craig— A. M. Munro, Alias, McCabe, Biddulph, Geo. Sellars, John Larkin, Thos. Foth-. eringham, Wm. Cunningham, (wine and beer), McGillivray-- Jos. Pum- phrey(wine and beer). East Williams -Jos. leasket, Donald McNeil. Lucan —Alex. Wrens, Robt. St. John, Silas McNamee, Robt, McLeoe(shop), Park- hill --Thos. Powell, Hiram Charlebois, John D. McColl, Neil A. Mckinnon, Robt. iktcFnlls(oxtencled three months) Martin Breen (shop), Janice Phelan (shop).. niss The License I:icense Comt iioners ,of South Perth, met at Mitchell, on the 18th, to eonsider:.applications for licenses, All the old hotel and wholesale license holders of the riding applied for licenses; which were granted, with the exception of one in Tavistock, over which there is some misunderstanding asto the real proprietor of the prop- eety, and the matter was deferred. !there went no new applications, Wesly Beattie, of Seaforth, sold a heavy horse last week to an English buyer for $140. E. J. Carnochan, only son of the late Samuel Carnochan, of Tucker- smith, died in Colorado last week, at the age of 18 years. Deceased had been ill of consumption and went there for the benefit of his health. TL GYARD'S YELLOW OIL cures all pain in man or beast; for strains, cuts, bruises, callous lumps, swellings, in- flammation, rheumatism and neural- gia it is a specific. August Sperling, who was arrested in Buffalo on Wecesday, charged with being connected with an alleged arson. case, and who was* brought back to Seaforth, had a preliminary .examina- tian on Friday, resulting in his being sent to Goderich for trial. On Thursday Ferdinand Rogers, a farmer in Portland township, near Kingston, was engaged in plowing, when the clevis broke. The horses continued pulling, and he was drawn forcibly over the plow, one handle striking against his body. The injuries sustained were of such a severe nature that Mr. Rogers only lived a few days. A very sad occurrence at Lolling wood .on Sunday morning was the. death of thea -year-old son of Mr.Allen, barrister. The latter, with Miss Mc- Kay, the child's aunt,who hadbrbught him up since the death of hi; mother, had gone to church and left the little fellow in the care of the servant. In a, short time the boy became very sick. Mr. Allen and Miss McKay were sent for; as well as Dr. Peters. Nothing, howeyer, could be done, and death en- sued within about, an hour. The child is thought to have eaten some strych'� nine pills. WHr,. 9 IVe y . h� . r Ct7 ')'here is a striking rc� " ncction i n the.rice of Wall Pa Ors, and to p p, keep pace with the values shown in our new samples, wp have made p a wonderful. cut in1? riccs of those in stock previous to v g rine arriv- als.�p Marc: newg oods arc on the I' way, , and our prices, are from ioc to hoc per double roll, Window :Blinds and Rollers, Window Poles arid Pictures, Lace and Chenille. Curtains, Carpets and Matts Floor Oil Cloths 2 yds. wide 50 and c. a�5 Highest prices paid for farm produce in a No. r article. .l g� CLARK J. 12E Nov is Your n e '—'22'61 For a Suit of Clothes Cheap. a Wo have jnst received a new stock of ,�.tic,acly-to-wear Clothing, AMONG T11EM WEUO1E A FEW OT+ THE LEADING, LINES . Men's Twed 'Suits, well made u <.. ".good 'colors ,, � . " " 'Pew patterns Blue Grey i Worsted Suits. Black Worsted Suits (bound) Odd. Vests.., , .. Tweed pants from .. . cc „ cc $ 5.50 $ 7.50 $.Io.00 Sic) oo , $ I6.00 $ leo $' Loo ALSO A FULL RANGE OF BOYS' TWEED SI Boys' Sailor Suits in Navy and. Grey, $I.00 a 'Suit. Boys'with, Saito Wash Suits made of Blue -Duck Stripe D Blouse and"pants, $1.25. G-ent's made to order Suit,Worsted,either in Clay or Venetian, bound; vers £decialat. CARLING up ITS., colla 00 e N Us to Have Their Eyes Examined,! i If you need Glasses let us fit thein for you. � % e give..' att ntlo'"� at T. well ,� the bestexpert eFITTON'Se you �J y�;; Establishment. Sa FITTO , Graduatep tician. colinefirelfinCtriele .4•:.,m4.... , , , , , , , . i , . . . ; , 4 . 4 The Man who rides a heel only half enjoys its delights until he gets a Igby Porous to r ro o f icycie Suit In dry weather you would not know the cloth was ;water -proof,. and in wet weather you can. ride all clay 'without getting wet. The Rigby cloth, admits the air but keeps out the rain. Any wheel - man will see the great advantage of it at once. Rigby Bicycle Suits are made only'. by H. SHOREY & CO., Montreal, but are sold by all up4to.date clothing dealers. Mr. Morrow,in one shipment recent- ly, shipped 2,400 dozen eggs from God- erich, and he is making frequent ship- ments of over 2 000 dozen. Us . Wi n's Co ugh Balsam for coug "'., c ds and Bronchial troubles. Ackn. ,• eged the best coughmedicine on t = 1, arket. Especially good for chi en. Manufactured by C. LUTZ. f he Minister of Agriculture is abont o issue to farmers a most complete compendium of agricultural informa- tion. It will specially advise how pro- ducts should be prepared for the Brit- ish market. The Walkerton chair factory,'wltich became insolyent a short time ago, at auction Tuesday,but was put up� the sale was postponed until Monday next. The varnish, hardware and other stock were sold piecemeal. Alex. R. Stewart and the two sons of Brussels for the John. McNeil, who left B s Klondike last February, got as far es Wrangel, and then gob disgusted with the trip,and returned to British Columbia. LEVITT'S ffi� �M The Family a Mr. Scott's residence, Brucefield, ha a very narrow escape from fire one da last week. it was fortunately dis covered in time to prevent a seriou conflagration. Seines Cox, of con. 3, London town ship, father of ex -Mayor Jas. jdox, o Strathroy,clied at his residence Fricla He had reached the advanced age o 74 years. �NEIV� M1I1T MfiRKN; The undersigned bus opened up 'new meat market one door SON oT Carli•n 's St where hewill keep the choicest, meats constantly on hand.. A CALL SOLICt[ JOHN T. ANNIN. Bute Dotlet afl To ptirchase spino of our Cee et Household Am- monia, tors... Dusters; I oris Beaters, Soap, Brushes, eto.,-foe house- cleaning. We have just' opened out, Britten PattiePrints, Can Opener and Cork Screw combined, Mrs. Potts nickel plated Sad Irnns, Fancy Cake Cutters, LuncliBoxes, P gTimers,BrassWatch Safes, Fancy Photo Holders in brass and wire, Pocket Combs and Mirrors combined, Wild. Rose Tea Setts, etc.' Our ice Cretan parlor will be open to the public next Saturday, come gild get a dish of ice creatn. Butter and eggs taken in exchange. LL.r)..vir'T's PAIR. a T'i good '., For and selection of 'HAMS,LARD, •1AOI SAUrAGL, BOLOGNA, BEEF, LAMB, PORK. MUTTO and VEAL, also POULTRY rn Sege —CALL. A The Family Icier. i 1 One door south r i,Joutrai'Tto LOUIS --DEALER ;.hi Hides Calf and L x1111:7 S