HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-4-28, Page 5T U ie i rxt .2i R This is the complaint of thousands at this season. They ,have no: appetite; food at does not relish. They need the toning up of the stomach and digestive organs, which M course of Rood's Sarsaparilla will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and Internal misery only a dyspeptic can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains he whole physical system. It so prompt - y and efficiently relieves dyspeptiosymp- ms and cures nervous headaches, that 1t s to have almost "a magic touch." Warden Torrence has appointed W. ir Irwin, B, , .., of Listowel,public school inspector for Perth county pro teal., in place of William Alexander, whose death was reported: a few days ago, Mr. Irwin has been about ten years mathematical science toaster of the Listowel high school, O Sarsaparilla Ia the best—in tact the One True. Blood Purifler. y are the best after-dinner hP Uood's s pals, aid digestion. 255, Add itxono 1 Locals. Ladies, Call and see our fawn cape cloth, at $1.25 per yard, at .1. P. Clarke's. The 10 year old daughter of Thos. Pennington, of the Maitland, fell and broke her arm the other day. • A young lean of Tuckersniith,named Carnochan, died last week in Colorado, 11"I f consumption. He was only 18 years Ilaf age. The prohibition ballot will be as sim-' ple as can be ; but no doubt the usual number will be spoiled by people sim- pler stili: Kid Gloves inJosephine and Jammet, these are the reliable goods, all sizes kept in stock at J. P. Clarke's. The Wingham Driving Park Asso- ciation will hold their horse races on July 27th and 28th. The track is now in first-class shape. St. Marys town council has dis- charged both its constables • Adam Mitchell and Pat. Dunn. Frank Young and Dan. Ross,both of St. Marys,were appointed in their place. Miss Nellie Adam, of St. Marys, along with Mr. and Mrs. Begg and family, of Innerkip, are on a trip to California, going by British Columbia. They are expected to return in Juue. Seaforth assessor has completed his rouuds. Total value of real property. $572.913 ; persowal property, $56,150 ; taxable income, $10,400; total popula- tion, 2410, an increase of 7 over last year. While in the finishing department of Broadfoot & Box, furniture factory, Seaforth, on Friday last, Mr. R. - Fos- ter met with a painful accident.. A heavy wardrobe fell on him, fracturing one of his ribs and bruising the :iscles. very painful"accident happened to ni. Slack, of Drysdale, one day last 'week. While he w'is engaged in feed - ng his swine, he wrenched his back hich caused him great pain and has kept him away from his work during the past week. John • Wannamaker, who employs 1,500 bands, has offered to continue the salaries of all his employes who go to the „front. He will also insure each rean'slife for $1,000. John's patriotism neper than his pocket, which is est in ':r< good deal in his, case. Mrs: Costello, another of Mrs. Ryan, of Centralia, died in London on April 20, at the age of 92 years. She came to this:couutry fronnTipperary,Ireland- in 1888, and settled in Caradoc town,. hip, where she resided 40 years. In 804 her husband died, and eleven years ago site removed to London. A rather peculiar event has occurred near Glen Gowan that is creating con- siderable comment. On Tuesday morn- ing of last week when Richarti Stevens went to' his granary he found a pair of No. 10 gent's gloves, and upon further investigation missed a quantity of grain. Who owns the gloves ?—that's the rub. Knowles, a famous United States athlete, is dead, after riding a bicycle 0,000 miles in 00 days. The cautious whe.ltnan, who jogs along the high- way at the rate of eightor ten miles ur, may not be able to compete wit the scorchers on amonth 's run, but he lives in good health to a good old dge, which Scorchers rarely do. Boots and Shoes. Our reputation foe.a good article is established and we won't swerve from the ground. New supplies just taken into stock at J. P. Clarke's. J. G. Schluehter, of Zurich died last Friday morning at - 2 o'clock. The funeral Was largely attended. Mr: ( Schluchter'came to this part about 40 fears ago, when all was a forest,hut by hard wank succeeded in hewing out a goorl home. Ile was a good citizen and 1 ind neighbor, always willing to ive hand when needled.—Mrs. Adam ret'ilt, of the Tlith concession, after and painful illness from cancer few clays ago. dd malady lurks irben thend the seeds of dtseneo steals aNaY st In- ' earl colds, end e beauty bloom and makes sures a drudsarY. i tlAx 1U.AI'i koWI1itR t, he i olpinnt, cold and the meet atub- t hrot,atrrrd eases, It yds back 'end shah .sunshine in Its trail, both troubled with distre1t t mat a a enjoyed (readout frbre t ,ae pare Ii ation of Dr. A no tt first seta meta teneeuslya :tot ni I �tncculee end Iva bobav nobsor. r arrilb N ybaC ee Uhl aura Eg?ter. • Do not despair of caring your sick headache when you can so easily obtain Carter's. Little Liver .bills. They will effect a prompt and per- manent cure. Their action is mild and natural. Robert E, Lolyd, formerly proprietor of the Richmond hotel, London, has }purchased the Albion restaurant from Mr's. D. Dewar, and has taken posses- sion, Mr. Lloyd intends to refit the building in a thorough planner, and turn it into an hotel for accommoda- tion. The many friends of D. McGillicuddy editor and proprietor of the Goderich Signal, will regret to learn that he is very sick. Ten days ago he was stric- ken with pneumonia, which he says puts himcompletely on the broad of l ^ is back—unable to help himself or say a good word for his neighbor." The application for a charter to construct and operate an electric or steam road from London to Liman, Crediton and Grand Bend, asked for by several London capitalists, was be- fore the Railway Committee of Parlia- ment recently, and passed without material abridgement or alteration. On Monday afternoon as Mr. H. Smith was engaged in running a saw in Mr. E. Livingston's saw mill, Blyth, a slab flying up caused his hand to come in contact with the saw,caus- ing it to cut three of his fingers on his right hand nearly off. Although very painful, he will have the use of thein again, the cords not having been sev- ered. Mrs. Walter Daw,of Woodburn,pur- chased from a Hamilton druggist a few days ago what she supposed was. Epsom salts, and which proved' to be saltpetre, owing to the error of the druggist's clerk. The mistake was dis- covered only after she had taken a dose. A doctor administered an emetic in time to save her life, and she ie now quite recovered. The other day as Mrs. Win. Wilson, jr., of the townline, Hullett, and Miss Ireland, of Tuckersmitb, . were driving out the north road, on their way to Brussels, they :net with rather an un- pleasant mishap: When opposite the farm of Mrs. James Kerr, they met the Brussels stage and as their horse got opposite the coveredrigit got frighten- ed and bolted into the ditch, upsetting the rig and throwing the occupants out. Mrs. Wilson was thrown against a wire fence andhadherface scratched but was not otherwise injured, while Miss Ireland escaped injury. Thehorse got away and made a bad wreck of the buggy, but was captured before it ran far and was not injured. The barns of Thomas Price, on the old Tyreman farm, east of Winthrop, in McEiliop township, ware destroyed by fire on Saturday last. The fire took place about eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Mr. Price was in the field. working. Mrs. Price went to the stable to let out the cows. She had scarcely completed this work when she noticed - the place in flames. The fire spread so rapidly that nothing could be saved. horse, a number of calves, pigs and poultry were burned, together with a lot of implements, harness and other articles. There were two barns, both with stone stabling underneath, •and both nearly new and in good condition. The fire is supposed to have originated in a pile of straw lying along side one of the barns, but how, is a mystery, as there was no person around the place where the straw was. It is fortunate that Mrs. Price got the cows liberated just when she dict, or they would have been burned also. There is an insurance of $2,000 on the barn and contents. 110-4,1114-0 FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND WDLL -TRIED REMEDY.—Mrs Winslow' SoothingSyruphas been used for over fifty years by illios of xnothersfor their children while teethin with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, wind colic, and is the best remedy for iarrh a.ispleasant to the taste. A oe It e Sold by druggists in every part of the world. `25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and, take no other kind. MRS. THOS. MCCANN, Mooresville, Ont., writes : " I was troubled with biliousness, headache, and lost ap- petite. I could not rest at night, and was very weak, but after using three bottles of B.B.B. my appetite has returned, and am better than I have been for years. I would not be without Burdock Blood Bitters. It is such a safe and good remedy that 1 urn giving it to my children." Exeter Lumber Yard. Dressed Pine, Siding, Floor- ing and Coiling. No. 1 Pine Lath, Pine and Cedar Shingles. Special inducements to intend- ing Builders in Hemlock . 13i11 Stuff'.' 30000 Peet comm 0 on Prone at I0 00 per �1 OW x%IV Jaso Willis alked the Floor Night After Night l Agony The Recycle, (Narrow'rrcad.) Color Royal Btue, ' .1..HM w.4HIHG ..t^.• .01'C;i.E THE _gt,(04- oaf NARROW TREAD CRANK HANOER Intense Physical , Sufferings from Neuralgia in Head and Face, Disappointed So Long by Doctors and Medicines, Mrs. Jackson Thought There Was No Hope for Her. R Kind Neighbor Recommends Paine's Neu Gompound The Matchless Sprang It Was Commenced With a Small Degree of Faith. Now There is Joy, Thankful- ness and Gratitude for a Marvellous Cure. Model No• r. Roadster, THE RACYCLE which gave such thorough satisfaction last year and was ahead of all other wheels in improvements, again takes the lead this year. Our sales were large last year, but this year already they have been phenom- enal, This in itself speaks for the success of the wheel. In pedaling one virtually walks, In climbing a hill he sits in the sarne relative position over the pedals, that he would on any other bicycle on a level street, It is not the gear so much as the position of the rider. To get a wheelbarrow to the top of a hill, would you get in front of it and pull it up, or behind it and push it up i' To sit directly over your pedals on a Racycle and push down and back, is much easier than to sit back in your saddle, on a bicycle, and shove forward, trying to pull yourselfby your handle bars. Our 84 gear can be propelled easier than other wheels at 68. To sec them is to buy. The Racycle. (Narrow Tread.) Color Royal Btue, Our bea'ruvis intllub5 where a e, THE RACYCLE is, a bicycle, but a bicycle is not a Racycle. In presenting the Racycle nar- row Tread, 1898 Models, we take it for granted the public realize that no bicycle can be higher in grade or better in .material, If not, we guarantee it. to be so. Competition has forced mane- facturers to avail themselves of every new improvement to such au extent that the ' value of a wheel can no longer be hidden behind a name plate. Although we snake a specialty of the "Racycle," we handle several snakes of wheels, 'and can supply the wants of all. We can give you a bicycle from $3o up,. and guarantee better value for the money than any c'e>iler in the county. We carry the largest stock in the county and-, sell at closer prices. A visit to our show rooms will convince anyone of this fact. Special Racycle. (Narrow Tread.) Color Carmine.. & Richardson Co.,. SIRS. -I suffered intensely with neu- ralgia in my head and face,and was in such a condition that I could not rest day or night for two and a half years. I was treated by different doctors and used their medicine and - sometimes got a little relief, but the, pain would come back as bad as ever. I walked the floor night after night and thought I would go crazy. A neighbor, know- ing my condition of suffering, asked me if I had tried Paine's Celery Com- pouud. I said "No, I have no faith in anything now, as I have tried so many medicines and they have not done me any good." However, I decided to try one bottle of Paine's Celery Compound and it gave such good results I con- tinued until I had used six bottles and was cured. I can never cease to ex- press my gratitude for the great good I derived from Paine's Celery Com- pound. Yours truly, , MRS. THOS. JAcicsoN,. 50 McGee St. Toronto. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Algid No, z, Ladles', WE Wiler 41iENTS I. .6/RZ:, Qry ,9ND TOWN /JY THE COUNTRY. CATALOG-IUDS ON APPLICATION - CHICAGO OFFICE: S? \a t etreg ASa•''�"-'((�. $1v. Corner Webaeh Ave and Congress St. MIDDLETOWN, OHiO. Model No. 5. Ladies'. LUTHER HOWARD, Agent for Exeter. rt Agents For 'ea a gl l: I,i:T $f:? RTS Exeter April 27th, Wheat per bushel• Oats ..Barley-- Peas Butter Tu keys Geese..... • Chickens per m . Ducks Wool.... .... Dried Apples.. .. Pork dressed..... Pork live weight - Hay per ton Clover seed. Alsikc clover Timothy seed BEST FOR,TABLE.DAIRY.AND FARM BIOYfJLES Are You Interested In Wheels? a etc P 01,v yt'' e - - handle some of they lead- ing CANADIAN and , .AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewing /Via cIhieE, ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S.—Selling out Dise Hare rows at costa - PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. S. CIDLEY & S!` fV HINTS FOR XMAS. AND NEW YEARS GIFTS. This Season we have surpassed our- selyes in making and gathering together of choice oddments in fancy furniture suitable for presentation. The assortment is now complete and everybody Is invited to view our stock, if only for the sake of seeing at what very reasonable prices ohpice furniture can be purchased here. - ' SPECIAL.—We wish to call special attention to a line of very handsome Bed Room Setts in Elm, Oak and Ash, Antique and Cremona finish. All are extremely tasteful in design and the prices are much lower than it has here- tofore been for to quote possible similar goods. Rocking chairs in forest green, Antique, Oak, Curly birch and Mahogany finish, from $2.40 up. FANCY TABLES.—A magnificent line bought at a sacrifice and marked at corresponding low prices. Centre Tables, FancyChairs, Secre- taries, Lounges, andy Rockers, Music Racks, Couches, Extension Tables, Three' Piece Parlor Suits Picture Met -tidings Curtain Artists materials, etc., etc., etc. Undertaking and Embalming in iii its branches, 1593 1 00 to 104 28 to 29 54 to 55 :50 to 60 14 to 14 11 to 19 4' to 5 We try to suit everybody. Come and see u5. --• ".:..5 to o A look through our' two story 1 to '1s building. will convince you that } to 21 $5.o0- to to $5.50 I we carry a good assortment. Take $4.46 to 64.25 s 5 0o to s no a look at our stock before buying. � 5°o to $�•no Y g• 1 00 to $125 Everything up-to-date in under -I, taking. London, April 27th, 1898. wheat per bushe ,..' ...;88 to 91 Oats. ....30 to 31 Peas .... •50 to 54. Barley•..29 to 31 Buckwheat .60 to 39 I Nursery Stock Agents Rye , 32 to 39 Corn ......44 to 46 Perms tr :.. ..... s to 20 BON( Agents ! Turkeys per lb.,... - 10 to i8 ' Or anyone desiring to better their Geese per lb totob0 P 10 osition and .increase their income Chickens...... Cheese 390„55 to Go I should write us The. demand for home Potatoes per bag. grown Nursery Stock is on the increase. l Hay per ton .. .$ 6.00 to $ 7.00 We want more men. If you want Pork per cwt......' .. p .. 54.00 to $4.50 steady, paying work, write us. FINGER NAILS CAME OFF. WE FURRNISH ALL SUPPLIES PREF. R. Na ROWE A wonderful story comes from Emerson,Man. to the effect that Mrs. Jas. Saunders of that place lost her finger nails through a severe at- tack of Salt Rheum. Nothing seemed to do her any good till she commenced taking Bur- dock Blood Bitters, with the result that the Salt Rheum has all gone and hor finger nails gradually grew orf again. B NURSE'S STORY. Tells how she was cured of Heart and Nerve Troubles. The onerous duties that fall to the Ipt of nurse, the worry, care, lose of sleep, irregularity of meals soon toll on the nervous system, and undermine the health. Mrs. H. L. Menzies, a professional nurse living at the Corner of Wellington and Sing Streets, Brantford, Ont., states her iVE HAVE THE LARGESTNURSERIES IN TEE D=mon. WE PAY 'BOTH SALARY AND COMMIS. SION. WE ENGAGE EITHER WHOLE OR PART TIME MEN, WE GUARANTEE Ars, OUR STOCK. WE H PURCHASERS WITH CERTI- PICATE FROM GOVERNMENTINSPECT- OR, STATING OUR STOCK IS FREE PROM SAN Josn SCALE. Our Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables us to sell at the closest possible figure. Men Succeed with us who Fail with others It will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you. Don't write unless you mean business and want profitable employment. case as follows: r, Por the past three yea,* 1 have suffered from weakness, shortness df breath and palpitation of the heart, Tho least exoitement would make my hear' flutter, and at night I even found it difacul to sleep. After x at Mil u1 a pt; b a s Seart n Nerve Pills I experienood; great relief, and on continuing their use te improve. went has been marked until now all the old symptoms are gone and 1 am completely cured.” Milburn's Heart and Nerve rills Dire Anaemia, Nervousness, ,Weakness, Sleep- lessnoes, Palpitation, Throbbing, F'aitil Opens, Dizziness or any condition: (+4.014 from Impovoriel'ad Blood, Disodoieci 1•Torve5 or Weak ,,.;art. IA Ca v'erPil scloalitiO 0 Tongue. Stone & Wellington TORONTO A Suit of vlothes or a Single Garment Should Combine novo a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, • Perfect Fit,1 You look for these in an old and I reliable place, and A. J, SNELL never disappoints h_. x A Common Bred Cow I'Vhen toned up by Dick's Blood Purifier will give as much and as rich milk as a highly bred aristo- cratic Jersey cow gives upon ordinary feed, and a Jersey cow when given Dick's Blood rifled° will wonderfully increase her yield 'amine. It saves feed too— because a smaller amount of well digested food satisfies the de - viands of the system and every particle of nourishment sticks. 50 CENTS A PACKAGE. LEEMING, MILES a CO., DICK & CO:, Agents, Montreal. Proprietors, 1 Councillor R.Sturgeon,St.Marys,left recently for San Francisco, Cal, He was accompanied by Miss Reith, of Granton, as far asVietoria, B. C. Mr. Sturgeon will, be - away- probably a conple of months. PERFECTION AT LAST. WARRANTED EVERY tTIM p mom.':' patrons in, any of these, ANEw i DES: - N 1 N .G , large assortment of Pali 80 Winter Goads NEW IN 1'11.INCIPLE, NEW IN AP.PLICATION'.' large assortment i .e1, g of the test and most approved Trusses sand Meehan:,- In Worsteds and Tweeds, are cal Appliances always in stock, pur- Clow on our will e' shelves,and chased direct from the inailufacturers. w We guarantee ever Trues to be take much pleasure in showin ► lnacl .. the i !? showing e with finest English steel. them to ..you, There are many, <L'RICE8•VEli.'9 ArroDnuATB. other lines that are specially of gels Agency 9 uron County. RIleolfltism Dyspepste Ctir .571 ST. PATRICK STREET, OTTAWA, JULY 31st 1896 1 To THE PBRENOLINE MEDICnen Co„ LTD., OTTAWA, ONT. t GENTLEMEN,—On the advise of a ouslfriend I tried one bottle of your fam- rheumatic -remedy, Phrenoline. and to my surprise it. cured me of rheumatism, from which I have suf- fered for many years. r It also cured me of dyspepsia, from 1which I was suffering at the time, so that I feel now like a new man. I have tried several remedies for rheumatism, some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing thatl liaye taken has done so much for ine has your Phrenoline, and I have pinch pleasure in recommending t to other sufferers. (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau Canal. A Mare is always In i e SWOr.� If he wears one 'of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting SUITS. He is a sure fitter. His prices are away clown, His goods are the best. Call and examine' his! goods before buying your - FALL SUIT W JOHNS, hive Tritc>s- Ding $tot`e We would recommend those suffering from COUGHS, COLDS, and BRoNorn u, troubles to tlse WINAN's COUGH BALSAM. It ,is also a reliable remedy for children. - We manufacture WINAN's LINIMENT, an excellent reme dy for NEURALGIA., PAINS, SORE ' THROAT . RHEUMATISM INFLU.TENZA, Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket, Try our Lotion for seratclios on horses, also condition pow- der for sa f rx