HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-4-21, Page 5ales With Hood's Serapes xfila, U Sales Talk," and ' Show that this medi- agine has enjoyed public conii:denoe and patronage to a greater extent than 'word - )04 any other proprietary medicine. This 11a simply because it possesses greater merit and produces ,greater cures than any other. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tette the story. All advertisements of Hood's. Sarsaparilla, like Hood's. Sarsaparilla it- self, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superlative 'medicinal merit, is why the people have labiding confidence in it, and buy 'Almost to the exclusion of all others, Try it ;Prepared only by c. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Pills aro the only plus to take. flood's 11-llls wlth Hood's Sarsaparilla. O Sarsaparilla Additional Locals. Robt. White, of Wroxeter, has pur [chased the Anglo-American Hotel at Gorrie. Mr. Squire and family, late of Gode- rich township, left on Monday for Conon City, Neb. Victor French, a:graduate of TEE T.rEs office is now foreman of the Clinton New Era, Mitchell intends having considerable ,concrete sidewalk put downthis sum- mer, which will cost 11 cents per foot. A Leicester ewe, owned by E. Wise, Goderich township, dropped a lamb last week that weighed 18 lbs. 'This is unusually heavy. Mr. F. E. Butcher, St.Marys, sold his brick resilience, corner of Station. .and Church streets to Mrs. Legear, :for a little over $800. F. D. _Hutchinson, merchant, of Staifa. was married in Mitchell last week to Miss Jelin a, daughter of Rich- ard Babb of that town. A11IcD. Allan,, the well known fruit expert, of Goderich, says that the pro- spects for the fruit crop were never better than they are this year. A standard bred sucking colt belong - in" g to Dr. Shaw, of Clinton, was play- ing in the yard in which it was kept, en Monday, when in some manner it - broke its back. About 40 invited guests assembled at the residence of Mr. C. Perdue, Luck - avow, to witness the marriage of his daughter, Miss Annie; to Jos. Gaunt, an industrious young man from. near that village. SgnirePatrick has extended another lease of his hotel at Ilderton to John Stilson. The many friends of the latter will ha glad to hear of this. as the hotel under Mr. Stilson's care has bean well kept. George L. llouey, of Mitchell, had a bad fall on Friday hist. He was work- ing at house ofFred Ross, when n the plank on which he was standing, which rested on two high trestles, gave way, and he was thrown n light- ing to the floor, h„ht ing on his hip. Jobe MeNeyin, of Kippers, met with rather a serious accident an Friday last. While sliding a log down the ;mill, in some way or other he slipped and the heavy log caught and 'crushed h im. He was unconscious when taken ,out, but, although badly braised, no bones were broken. Rev. Mr. Martin has given anumber• orf excellent sermons on popular sins. They have all been interesting and in- structive. and large audiences have at times heard these subjects 'with 'atten- tive interest. He closes the discourse xlext Sunday night : subject "Future Punishment." Special music. The General Assedrr11y of the Pres-, byterian church will meet on June S tb, :tt MolntreaI. List month was the biggest. for receipts to the Presby- terian funds on record. Nearly $]00,- 000 was received at the treasurer's - office 'here, which enabled all the funds but one to close free of debt. That exception is the fund for aged and infirm ministers, which was $3,000 behind Win. Farquhar, of•Clinton, died last week. He was taken ill, but not the slightest thought was entertained of anyLhinl serious,but the. cold develop- ed „into pneumonia; and he died nn :Saturday morning, only surviving his brother Phomas a couple of weeks. Deceased had been a resident, of Clinton for about 8 years; he ivas a quiet,unas- sumin; Bran, who ti ved in. the con fi- :denee and respect of his fellows. He was one of the pioneers of Hullett,h av- ng settled on the corner of the 4th con. and the 0 -ravel Road, where a son still resides. Born in Queen's, Ireland, he :came out in 1817; and bas practically resided here ever since. While he was a Conservative in his views, he never intruded theist on Others. He was a Mem her .cif the Church of England. :only ono brother is now left, he being a yescl+ nt of .i3uffolo, and a.sist er who resides in Hay.. Actors, Singers, Speakers Thousands of actors, public entertainers, singers, lectur- ers, preachers and readers are tormented with throat weaknoio. Tsbrts delicate organs Ming overtaxed be; come susceptible to head 1- colds Influenza hoarseness, 1) n z a tickling in the throat, coos; ing, dropping in the throat, . pain over tho eyes, dry throat, etc,; ail these are forerunners of Catarrh, Asthma, Tonsilltls, and are but stepping stones to pore serious Sompplloatione if negienipd. DIR. AGNEW'S C1ATARRIiAL POWDER ispowerful ainless,harmlessandqulek-actitig,arid *111 euro all such troubled—relieves in re minutes. "I can bet proclaim Dr. Aghew's Catarrhal Pow. xier a wonderful medicine, particularly for singers and public sifsakers. Myself and wife Were both subjects of T oonsilttls and Catarrh, and never found Anything to equal this great remedyfor quick eatiott and Curative qualities --SB is a wonder worker, 1 mri heartily rocotend it to My brotherprefesstpnsls." Al. Bmtnett Postal, Icto,1 wYorlc • J. A. Chesterfield has purchased the "Guest" property on Wellington I street, St. Marys, 1 The Football and Lacrosse Clubs of Winghatn are preparing to celebrate Her Majesty's Birthday on a Targe scale. A meeting of the Oonservatives of South Perth is being held in Mitchell to-day(Thursday) to consider the pro- testing of W. C. Moscrip's election. The residence of William Atkinson, on lot No:1,fourth concession, towoshi:p of Biddulph, six miles north of Laean, was. burned down on Thursday after- noon, together with all the contents, The origin of the fire is it mystery. The Woodhaur Sabbath school are making preparations for the anniver- sary services which are to be held in May next. Rev. Mr. McDonagh, of Stratford, is to preach the sermons and Rev. R. I.lobhs, of Loudon, is ex- pected to give his' lecture in the Metho- dist church on the 24th of May. It may be of interest possibly -to im- porters to remember that all nursery stock from United States, Australia, Japan and Hawaii Islands is prohibit- ed from coming into Canada. The prohibition extends to roses, but not to ordinary greenhouse plants or her- baceous perennials. Prohibited goods will be destroyed. On Sunday, of last week the little four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dun- can McIntyre, Downie, was taken from them in a very sad manner. A number of the family were at church and those at home were attending to the chores. The little fellow was out, happy as could be, tossing pebbles into a pool of water when last seen alive. Shortly after. when he was missed a search was made and he was found with his feet and legs sticking out'of a post hole about half full of water not far away. He had accident- allyfalleninheadfrrs,tand being unable to get out or call for help, he was soon drowned. It will be remembered that last fall a number of incendiary fires occurred in Seaforth, the last of which was the burning of the agricultural hall. Sus- picion for this last act,. rested on Gus Sperling, but he avoided the authori- ties by leaving. town and going to the States. Since that time, however, constable Gillespie has kept close tab on his movements, and hearing that be would be in Buffalo on a certain date, constable Gundry, of Goderich, went there and placed him under ar- rest. Gus waived extradition pro- ceedings and was brought to Seaforth on the late train on April 12th, and taken to Goderich next morning. On Monday of last week a lady, named Cofman, arrived here in search of her sister, a Mary Frier. Mrs. Cof- matn, who is over SO years of age, had been residing in Colorado, and got a Ietter inviting her to visit her sister;, after she started she lost the letter and forgot the address. She spent about eight weeks travelling, and, learning that a Mrs. Freer resided near here, came in the hope that it was her sister, but it turned out that they were not related. She had the idea that her sister resided somewhere in the county of Huron, and being of Pennsylvania, German origin, it was thought she might be in the vicinity of Zurich, so Mr. Pattison telegraphed to' places thereabouts, but could not find the slightest trace of the missing sister. He waver it was thought t ou ht the, t she might be in the vicinity of Clande boyo, and to this place Mrs. Cofman proceeded on Wednesday.—Clinton New Era. FOUGHT CATARRH FOR FIFTY YEARS. Eighty Years of Age When Victory Came— Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der the one Remedy. George Lewis, of Shamokin, Pa., says: "I was troubled with Catarrh for fifty years. 1 and eighty years old. I used a great many catarrh remedies, but Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder was the one medecine that gave immediate relief and cured me of the disease." At Ottawa, D. M. Northrop, a prominent member of the Civil Service, used this medicine and tells of its benefits in the case of catarrh and cold in the head. It relieves in ten minutes. Sold by C: LUTZ. ad zi wm •ut, Can't help but come to the surface in the form of Ulcers, Sores, Boils, Pimples and Rashes of one kind and another. Especially is this so in the SPRINU. At this time of the year the Blood needs purifying, the Sys- tem needs cleansing. Nothing will do it with such perfect success as B. Jessie Johnston Rockwood, Ont., writes r " I had boils very bad and a friend ad- vised me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, so I got a bottle, The effect was won- derful—the boils began to disappear, end before the bottle' was done I was totally cured. As an effectu I and rapid cure for Impure Blood B. B. B. cannot be equalled." Exeter Lumber Yard. Dressed Pine, Siding, Floor- ing Inb find Ceiling. No. 1 Pine Lath, Pine and Cedar Shingles. Special inducements to intend- ing ntend- in , Builders in Hemlock Bill Stuff. • 30000 Feetcommon � ion. ea 810 00 er M 00p er • by 0, LUTZ, i+Ixeter. Yeelt,il ]CAST Sipe OTS MAIN ST,ttENT. a cl 1s JEC his Tirne in QuyorL Hundreds in the Town Oat? Vouo/2 for the Truth f ul nla:ss of the Story, Mrs. Rass is Cured by the Great Spring Medicine, Paine's Gelerll Compound, She Suffered for Long Years from Frightful. Neuralgia. She says "No Tongue Can Describe the Agonies I Suffered." Paine's Celery Compound the Great Medical Prescrip- tion .for Neuralgia, Sci- atica and Rheumatism. Beware of Imitations 6 6 PA N E S" IS THE KIND THAT CURES. The quiet little town of Quyon, situ- ated on the Ottawa river, has furnish- ed many a strong and convincing tes- timonial for earth's most popular med- icine, Paine's Celery Compound. One of the latest letters received is from 'Mrs. David Rass, a lady well known and highly esteemed ; she writes as follows: Wells & Richardson Co., DEAR Sins.—I have nlnch pleasure in testifying to the worth of your life- saving medicines, Paine's Celery Corn - pound. I was a victim of neuralgia in its worst form for many years, and no tongue can describe the agonies I suffered. A friend reconnnehded your Compound to me, and after using two bottles I am completely cured. I cheerfully recommend-Paine's Celery Compound to the world, especially to all who suffer the agonizing tortures of neuralgia. Yours very truly, MRs DAVID RAss, Quyon, P. Q. W. J. Scott and sister, of Wingham, left for Brandon on Tuesday by the C. P R. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR • I C pure d O d BICYCLES BEST I'OR i r1BLE.DAIRY,AND FARM. Are You Interested In Wheels? We handle sore'of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewir-ig. Macliirtes . ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S.—Selling out Dise Har• rows at cost. • PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. S. CIDLEY & SON HINTS FOR XMAS. AND NEW YEARS GIFTS. This Season we have surpassed our- selves in making and gathering together of choice oddments in fancy furniture suitable for presentation. The assortment is now complete and everybody rs invited to view our stock, if only for the sake of seeing at what very reasonable prices choice furniture San be purchased here. SPECIAL.—We wish to call special attention to a line of very handsome Becl Room Setts in Elm, Oak and Ash, Antique and Cremona finish. All are extremely tasteful in design and the prices are much lower than it has here- tofore been possible to quote for similar goods. Rockingchairs in forest green, Antique, Oak, Curly birch and Mahogany finish, from $2.40 up. FANCY TABLES. --A magnificent line bought at a sacrifice and marked at corresponding low prices. Centre Table s, F eeley abaft sSere taries, Lounges, Fancy Rockers,Xtsic hacks, Couches, Extension Tables, Three Piece Parlor Suits Picture Mouldings > Curtain Artists materials, etc,, etc,, etc, Undertaking and Embalming in all its branches. S.-1 tMGlld+!t' eke SON 4X,J.T ..,' The Recycle. (Narrow Tread.) xNIJ1 B Color Royal Blue. Model No. z. Roadster, THE RACYCLE which gave such thorough satisfaction last year and was ahead of all other wheels in improvements, again takes the lead this year. Our sales were large last year, but this year already they have been phenom- enal. This in itself speaks for the success of the wheel, In pedaling one virtually walks. In climbing a hill he sits in the same relative position over the pedals, that he would on any other bicycle on a level street. It is not the gear so much as the position of the rider. To get a wheelbarrow to the top of a hill, would you get in front of it and pull it up, or behind it and push it up? To sit directly over your pedals on a Racycle and push down'and back, is much easier than ro sit back in your saddle, on a bicycle, and shove forward, trying to pull yourself by your handle bars, Our 84 gear can be propelled easier than other wheels at 68. To sec teem is to buy. The Recycle.. (Marrow Tread.) Color Royal Blue, Model No. 2. Ladies', beams itlThatA Where d'ft youc;i? THE RACYCLE is a bicycle, but a bicycle is not a Racycle, In presenting the Racycle nar- row Tread, 1 898 Models, we take it for granted the public realize that no bicycle can be higher in: grade Or better in material. If not, we guarantee it to be so. Competition has forced manu- facturers to avail themselves of every new improvement to such. an extent that the value of a wheel can no longer be hidden behind. a name plate. Although we make a specialty of the "Racycle," we handle several makes of wheels, and can supply the wants of all. We can give you a bicycle from $30 up, and guarantee better 'value for the money than any realer in the county. \ e carry the largest: stock in the county and sell'at closer prices. A. visit to our show rooms will convince anyone of this fact. Special Recycle. (Narrow Tread.) Color Carmine, it law diazwr.S i i< E1% Q7 75ND TOWN /_'V THE COUNTRY. C4TALOfriV1E-s ON APPLICATION e. y� A CHICAGO OFFICE' . Zetita.1.. 4.W Corner Walr,eal, Ave and Congress St. MIDDLETOWN,, OHIO_ LUTHER HOWARD, • Agent for Exeter. A.RI?;IIIT RJ1l• ET'S Exeter April. Gth, Wheat per bushel ...... Oats Barley....... Peas ButterColne and sec rig. Eggs 11 t ill Turkeys n to 0 Geese Chickens per It 4 to 0 Ducks Wool.... .... Dried Apples.. oI to O0 ,,�, e carry a good assortment. T1ent Take Pork dressed ... .... $5.50 to $0.00 Pork weight o 1. live we g t §1.40 to $0.50 I r Hay per ton.... coo to 3G.00 a fool: at our stock bc,ore buying. Clover seed . . ....... $d 00 to $5.00 1 ,r y �. .-ralescaznarermcsOsenaget) iS9g i U N '!F 4 The Flow of Milk Model No. 5. Ladies', dors Agents For Huron County. .. 97 to S5 --- .20 to 301 54 to 551 We try to suit everybody. 50 to GO .. 11 to 14 . t to i A look through our two story aaI :...""10 to 16I building will convince you that . will be Increased. Why go to all the trouble of keep- 1 ' ," ` ' a n'. ,rw ing cows and get only about half `s '' r y l+ tr �'v 3 a f • '" rft r- i< £ the milk theyshould ro ti Js/4 ,11y ' produce. r P ttDICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER Alsil.c clover ..... 4.50 to $$5 00 I✓ strengthens the digestion d ' Timothy seed ............ ...... $1 00 to $1.25 ! % a •-A -_.•... +� g g On aL 6A ver thtn�' up-to-date to under- taking, vi orates the whole system so 1 London, April 0th, 1898. Wheat per bushe ,.. ...: ....SS to91 Oats.. ....30 to 31 Peas .... 50 to 54 op Barley ..20 to 311 Nirs�ry Buckwheat .. GO to OG iY lige ...... 32 to 39 p Corn BeanButtosr' Eggs Ducks Turkeys per 10.... Geese per lb. ' Chickens. Cheese Potatoes per bag .. .0G to GO Hay per ton . .$ 0.00 to $ 7.00 Pork per cwt.. $4.00 to $4.50 R. Na ROWE, 0K Agf S110118 ! 25 to 3G 11001{ 1UIII0 ! to Agricuiaal Im m0Is ! .75 to 80 Or anyone desiring to better their ' - 10 to 10 position and increase their income �j 1m(ifj` r7 i •f;. (11 p 3£ to 50 should write us The demand for home i MI5�ll]llU8J'1 S �� Ul��b� grown that the nutriment is all drawn from the food. It takes just 1 the same trouble to care for a cow when she gives only three quarts as when she gives a pail. Dick's Blood Purifier will pay back its cost with good interest in a few weeks. LEEMING, MILES &. CO., 80 CENTS DICK &. co.,: A O Arm -a, -MONTREAL A PACKAGE. PROp,n Eroao. FINGER NAILS CAME OFF. A. wonderful story conies front Ernerson,Man., to the effect that hire. Jas. Saunders of that place lost her finger nails through a severe, at- tack of Salt Itheum. Nothing seemed to do her any good till sho commenced taking Bur- dock Blood Bitters, with the result that the Salt Rheum has all gone and her finger sails gradually grew on again. " THOUGHT FAY HEAD WOULD BURST." A Fredericton Lady's Terrible Suffering. Mas. GEO. DOHERTY tells the following remarkable story of relief from suffering end restoration to health, which should Blear away all doubts as to the effioney of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills from the tninds of the most skeptical; "For several years X have been a con- stant atifferer from nervous headache, and the pain was so intense that sometimes 1 was almost crazy. I really thought that my head would burst. X consulted a num- r of physicians, and took many remedies, _tit without effect. I noticed Milbnen e eart and Nerve Pi Ne v Pills advertised, and as they seemed to suit my case, 1 got a box and began their use. g h r Before taking them 1 was very weak and debilitated, and would sortie- times wake out of my sleep with a die- _resiled, smothering feeling, and 1 was fre- quently seized with agonizing pains in the region o of the h gg n earn and often couldscarcely muster up courage to keep up the struggle for life. in this wretched oondltiori Mil- burn's 8aar1 :lid Nerve Pills Dame to the rescue, and to day I state, with gratittldee that 1 am vigorous and strong, and 6,11 th1ie l5 a to thio wonderful lm roveinea itti itu r ttiody. g NurseryStock _son the increase. We want, more men. If you want 1 --- ste ady, paying work, write us. WE FURNISH ALL SUPPLIES FREE. WE RAVE THE LARGEST NURSERIES IN THE D o&IINIon. WE PAY BOTH SALARY AND COMMIS. SION. WE ENGAGE EITHER WHOLE OR PART TIME MEN. WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR STOCK. WEFTIRNISH PURCI4ASERSZv ITH CERTI- FICATE .FROM GO VERNMENT INSPECT- OR, STATING • OUR STOCK IS FREE FROM SAN JOSE SCALE. Our Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables us to sell at the closest possible figure., Men Succeed with us who Fail with others It will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you. Don'twrite unless you mean business and want profitable employment. Stone & Wellington 571 ST. }PATRICK STREET, OTTAWA, JULY 31st 1896 To THE Pi3'RENoLINE MEDICINE CO„ LTD., OTTAWA, ONT. • GENTLEMEN,—On the advise of a friend -I tried one bottle of your fam- ous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline. and to my surprise it cured me of rheumatism, from which I have suf- fered for many years. It also cured me. of dyspepsia, from which I was suffering at the time, so that I feel now like a new man. I have tried several remedies forrheumatism, some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I haye taken has done so Much for me has your Phrenoline, and I have mach pleasure in recommending t to other sufferers. (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau Canal, TORONTO PERFECTION AT LAST. A Suit of clothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit, You look for these in an old and reliable claim,- and A. J, i l9N>;>C.IL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A' large assortment of Fall Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shel e v S, and we rv11) i takemush pleasure in slltawln r ii1 thele to you. There are many re specially at, I other lines that_ a WARRANTED. EVERY TIME. TRUSSES JarE' NEW IN DESICxN; NEW IN PRINCIPLE, NEW IN APPLICATION. A large assortment of the hest and Mostapproved Trusses and Mechani- cal Appliances aces always in stark, pur- chased direct from a the manufacturers. We guarantee every Truss to be made with the finest English steel; .E RICES;v'ERY MODERATE. Sole Agency ractivtl.: DOMINION LABORATORY, o, EI.STOW 'ZNG PROP Arthur Pettete, an 11 -year old lad, was killed on the railway tracks at Parkdale on Saturday morning. A Man is always in the If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting SUITS. He is a sure fitter. His prices are away down. His goods are the best. Call and examine' hist goods before buying your -FALL SUIT W, JOHNS, The "i(`w91os LTTT�' $totce We would recommend those suffering from CoUGns, CoLDs, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is also a, reliable remedy for children. ' W e ra'ntlfactnre WINAN'S LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy NEURALGIA, y for N�t.aIALrLA., P.�xNs, RHEUMATISM 1l�I INFLUENZA. THROAT. .CL,I�IIaITMATIS INI+LU'ENZA. � Also WI�,AN' S CiDNI)II,ION Pownnn, the bet fri, the mar- ket, . Try Dur Lotion for or SOI'atCll on. horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AORNT P0R DICES ] LUNG SY1tl7P'. C. LUTZ