HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-4-14, Page 5"c Carts talk', in laversr k of 'hood's Sarsaparilla; >ss for no other xnedi- eine. Its great cures recorded in truthful.. ,t:onvincing language of grateful men and. women, constitute ita most effective ad rti in �e a g. Many of these cures are mar- velous. They have won the confidence of the people; have given Hood's F3araapa• villa the largest sales in the world, and have made necessary for its manufacture the greatest Laboratory on earth. Hood's 98a►rarils s a aP le k sown by the cures- It has made -cures of scrofula, salt rheum and aeczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia. ,and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh -cures which prove 00 9s Sarsaparilla )ts the best -in fact the One True Blood Purifier, Hood,. cure ilver ills; easy to s Pills take,eaisytooppruta.2 . Additional Locals. Eegistrar Gibson, of Goderich, is in -leery poor health. On Wednesday morning W. H. Bee- sley left Clinton for Moosejaw, N. W. T, where he will reside. On Wednesday at the residence of Mrs. Cook, Clinton, her daughter, Mies Maggie, was married to Robt. John- ston, of Goderich. Albert Catling, a young farmer of the lake shore, Goderich township was married to Miss S. J, Sturgeor�,of Bay- field, on Wednesday. Now the Easter bonnet buds and blossoms, the bicycle girl bursts forth in full bloomers, and the song of the magazine poet is heard in the lan& ,Truly it is spring. .All cases of weak or lameback, back- ache, rheumatism, will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. Price 25 cents. Try them. Apost-mortem examination washeld upon thereniaius of the late Conductor Snider at Fergus, when the fact was !revealed that deceased had died of cancer of the stomach. Deceased's liifewas inset ed for $$,000. Temperauce reform grows. The Massachusetts Rouse has passed a bill to reduce the number of liquor liceuses in Boston Iron) one for every 500 peo- ple to one for every 1,000 people, that being the proportion elsewhere in the State. Wesley, son of W. East, Clinton, is Jaid rip by a case of blood poisoning. $e accideb tally ran arnstynail lute his arm, which cansed blood poisoning, and nit one tiwe threatened his life,but we understand be is' new on the fair Way to recovery. "Wm. Alexander, Public School. In- spector; of Perth county, is ill with typhoid fever,havingbeen taken down the forepart of last week. His medi- cal adviser is pleased with the progress lie is making and his recovery an due course is looked for. Mr. Alex. Jarvis, of Godeticb town- ship, has sold his farm of 50 acres, to Osbaldeston,for the suns of $1600. Mr. Jarvis rents the farm of John Elliott, jr., ou the 13th, for five years. Mr. Elliott will have a sale of his stock, .&c, on the 1S0 inst. D. L. McLaren,of Saltford, died last week at the age of 05 years. He was one of the oldest residents in that part of the County, and held in very high esteem. He was the father of the late k'i•ter McLaren; a former pro- prietor of the Queen's hotel, Olieton. Mr. Snowden, of Stanley,has lately lost 6 gerel e•at•tle, Tile cause of the trouble vas, unknown by the veteri- nary, 1>ut it is now thought That the trouble canto eating dry rotted turnips, that had become heated in a waren barn, not properly ventilated; it is a very heavy loss tothe owner, but we gust there will he no more trouble coni that cause. On «'c,lnesclny,at the home ofiMr,J. Les]ie,lll,rton, liis youngest, daughter. Mary E.. eves married to Rev. James Paterson, who is pastor of the Pr•esby- terian church, Arthur. The bride is a native of Clinton, was at one time a teacher in the Public School, and also in Willis church Sabbath school, and the very hest wishes of a large circle of acquaintances accompany her in her 'flew sphere. Mr. 1). Shoff, Remise inspector for North Atiddleeex, has two sons ou their way to the Yukon territory at the present time, One of them is an ae perie.nced druggist, who is taking a full supply of drugs for the use of the miners. The difficulties of the situation by the Oyea mite is shown by the fact that the Messrs. Shoff 11nc1 to hire seven men there to eid ;,them in carrying their goods to T)awson City. The last letter received from them %WES elated March 0, and took 32 days to get to Olandeboye. At that time the party were well beyond the dreaded' passes. ATARRH-SIEDS. Is the breath ill? The voice husk ? Constant drop- ping ro .ping in the throat? Pain across the eyes. and front of the head ? ]Losing sense of taste and sniell ?-proof that this all too com- morl malady has you as its victint--Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has yet to find a case too stubborn to yield to it. Relieves instantly, and a perfect cure. Fitts wonderful remedy effected a speedy and permanent burg. I am willing to spend the rest Of mydays in spreading reading the good news to my fellow sufferers. ptO. Mows, G,A,lt, Veteran, a446 Marshall St., Philadelphia. 3C :i >lit by G, tanz, Exeter • ilR Mr. Dining, of Seaforth, has moved onto his farm in F. Cucicersrxalth. lit[111 M, Baldwin alas purchases. thebicycle stock' of S. Mullett, Seaforth.Tantford lolleemen have had bicycles purchased for their rase. The D The senioia lacrosse clnb, Stratford, have decided to drop out of the 0, L. A. for this year. T.DeNewels; jr, intends assuming the, position of towsnhip clerk of Hibbert on the retivement of T. Carroll. Jas. Horton, Usbor ne, shipped a car load of horses to Brandon, Man,, one day last week, going himself in charge of the stock. Seaforth had a jubilee celebration which netted the town $495. This fund is to be applied to the purchase of a town clock. They purpose erect ing a clock with an illuminated dial, al ,i cast of $800. DOS SovoO Tllousansora John Parker, an old settler of . Mitchell, passed away early on ,Mon- day morning tat the ripe old age of 93 years and 7 months. He was very frail for some years past, still was table to about to the last, The grist Mill at Winthrop owned by Andrew Govehsteam :has Inst whick Enline]at Professional Men, People of Wealth, and the Ordinary People Declare that another break. The steaaan]pes which rJ 3 p connects the engine and boiler td - gallop burst. There was nobody in the boiler room at the time, 111111111111 Ner'vouM, WTea k, Sick and Brtken-do Men and (1 WT ol n �"I(ASK YOUR �Di_Al 1::,R l°'i'!1' I.„,, ........, ..,„ BEST FORTABLE,DAiRY.AND FARM. NgO�y. 8ullerinu 011(1 IhC Grove. The Great Spring Medicine that Cures When All Others Fail. Score again for the County of Mid dlesexl. Prof. Dean,makes the very sat isfactory announcement that butter sent from the creamery at Thorndale, Middlesex county, marketed in Man- chester and London, commands 2 shil- lings more' per. 100 pounds than the hest Danish. butter. . Jacob Wilhelm, V. S., of Shake- speare, has entered an action against the South Easthupe Mutual Fire In- surauce Co., claiming $15,000 for false imprisonment and malicious prosecu- tion in connection with the recent burning of ins barn in North East -hope. for which he was arrested and charg- ed with arson. A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the resideuce of Wna. Caves, townline, Usborne, on April 6th, when his daughter, Minnie, was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Coates, a pros perous farmer of the same township. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. T. Salton, of Centralia, in the presence of a few of the iunnediaterela ivies. The duties of groomsman were performed by the groom's brother, Frank, while the bride was: assisted by her sister, Addle. LOCALBR1EFS.-L, H. Dickson has purchased a fine Shetland pony. -Now is the time to clean the back yards. -Dr. Buchanan and Tlios. Johnson, of Zurich, were hi town on Tuesday. -- Thos. Cameron, auctioneer, Farquhar, sold,J y private sale on Tuesday, the property in Exeter North, belonging to J. 9.. McAlpine,of Glencoe,Mr. Wm. Reid being the purchaser, at $365. This property is known as the McEwen property. Mr. Reid intends building a kitchen to the house. This is a fine property and will make anice home.- Owing to the poor mark et, we,leaen that Mr. Sweitzer will not grow flax this year. -Joseph Cobbledick, grain buyer, has -erected an office on the corner opposite the Metropolitan hotel. -The street -watering cart was put on by order of Rebve Carling on; Tuesday. The reeve states that a better service will be given this year than last. -The council meet on Friday evening next. -We regret to learn of the serious accident which befel Mrs. Samuel Rowe, of Stephen, on Friday night last, particulars of which appear in the Crediton on corre- spondence. -Potatoes sell for 80 cents a bag in Exeter. -Monday was a bank holiday, and the banks here were closed.-Trevethick's new shop is fast nearing completion. -W. J. Brooks, who is attending college in Owosso, Mich., has been compelled to give up his studies owing to. i11 health. -Thos. Cameron will sell a large number of rxrilch cows at Russelclale on Saturday, April 23rd, for John Sturgan, of Iiin- eardinc.-Good Friday was observed in Exeter as a general holiday. A great nanny spent the day fishing, while others strolled through the woods. The weather was pleasant and it was enjoyable to he ontdoors.-We are now enjoying spring-like weather. -Mrs. Simpson has moved into Rich- ard Terry's house. which was recently vacated byJohn Mitchell: -The newre- s]d, n 7eS, of Messrs. Saxon Fitton and W. J. Carling are in the course of erection. --•Divine service was held in several of the town churches on Friday morning last. -Albert Ford, who left here some few weeks ago, has secured a lucrative position in Van- couver, B."0., in a flouring mill. -Mr. Salter, of Stephen, has engaged with Wm. Ford, butcher, to learn the busi- ness. EASTER VISITORS. Among the many persons who spent the Faster vacation in town our reporter noticed the following :-P. Dignan, of Strat- ford, visiting his parents ; Warren Snell,Toronto,the guest of his parents; Ecl. Pickard, London, at home ; Mr. Greeley, S trothroy. atH. Ba ckinghana's; Messrs. W. Abbott and J. Orooks, London, visiting ng youngfriends ,Geo. Armstrong, teacher, Galt, the guest of his brother, Irvine Armstrong; Mrs. W. Davis and child, of London, visit- ing her mother, Mrs. P. Fisher, FIuron street. -Chas. Senior and wife and Mrs: Appleford, of Blenheim, and W. 0. Senior, wife and child, of Toronto, visited at J. Senior's and with Mr. Simpson.atFarquhar. Jos.Lan)brooke, Galt, the guest of his patents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lambrooke -G. W. Holman, wife ai.d family, of Bayfield, visited friends in Exeter and Usborne. -Miss; May Gregory, visited her parents, as cl]d also J. A. Gregory, of Goderich.•-- Geo. Ileacnan and family, of London, visited friends here during the week. -- Chas. Abbott and wife, of London, visited Mrs. Abbott's mother, Mrs. J. Abbott. --Robert Barnes and wife, of London, were the guestsof Mr. and Mrs. S. Evans, the latter' s parents. -- Miss Noble spent the day with her sis- ter, Mrs, 3. Muir, sr. -Ed, Spaekman, Blenheim, the guest of bis brother, E J, Spackman. -Mr, and Mrs. t)altry, Lucan, visited during the .week at A. Dempsey's, I3AG ARnD's YIThLOW OIL, cures ail pain in rnan or beast; for strains, cuts, bruises, canons lumps, Swellings, in- flammation, rheumatisttt- and neural- gia it is a specific, Paine's Celery Compound' Has No Equal. Wells &Richardson Co. DEAR SIIrs:-I take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the good that I and my friends have received from your valuable discovery, Paine's Celery Compound. For years I have suffered from con- stant sick on-stantsick headache ; at times I have been so bad that I have been unable to sleep two hours a night for weeks. I have tried litany medicines and doctored a great deal, but never re- ceived a bundredth part of the value from them that I have obtained from Paine's Celery Compound. After three bottles I can sleep well, my headaches. have ceased, and I feel healthier and fresher than I have done for years. Being one of the earliest settlers in this place, 1 ani known to all the sur- rounding country. I feel it a duty to let others know abont the medicine. that has done me so much good. ` I send this testimonial without any soli- citation. Yours with gratitude MRs. E. W r c - cO�, Oreemore, Ont. Wells & Richardson Co. DEAR SIRS: -It is with great pleas- ure that I testify to the value of your great medicine, Paine's Celery Com- pound. For nearly two years Isuffer- ed from indigestion, kidney and Jiver troubles. After trying seyeral medi- cines that did not effect a cure I decid- ed to try your Compound. Before us- ing it I was so low in health that I could not eat or sleep. I could hot lie in bed owing to pain to the back; it was only by resting on elbow and knees I was enabled to obtain a slight degree of ease. Before I had fully taken one bottle of your medicine I began to im- prove. I have now taken in all four- teen bottles with grand resnits. I am afar merandamleowworkingeveryday. Anyone may refer to me in regard to these statements. or to any of my neighbors around Sheffield, where I am well known. I am a living witness to the worth of Paine's Celery Com- pound. Yours very truly, • GEORGE J. Same, Sheffield, Ont. Wells & Richardson Co, GENTLEMEN: -No living mortal can imagine the terrible sufferings that I endured for four years, owing to liver trouble, headache and sore back. I may say that in addition to the dan- gerous ailments just mentioned, I was - continually sick at the stomach„ with t sour taste and mouth all furred and coated. I tried ninny patent medicines and was under the treatment ofdoctors hut received no benefit. I thank God for having heard of your wonderful Paine's Celery Compound. 1 procur- ed a supply and used. it, and experienc- ed is great change. No other remedy eyer gave ine such wonderful results in so short a time. I now find myself a new woman, ancl can sleep well and enjoy nay food. No soul should des- pair when they can procure Paine s OeleryCompound, the surest and best of medicines. Yours truly, MRs. J. OU ma nus, 280 Delaware Avenue, Toronto, Ont. On Friday of last week the three- year-old daughter of J. W.Irwin, Clin- ton, while playing about thehouse,fell over a bannister and dislocated her col- lar bone. Hon. James Boyle, a Toronto boy, nowUnited States Consul at Liverpool has been offered his former position as private secretary to President Mc- Kinley. We learn that the North Middlesex Reformers are anxious for t saw -off with South Huron, hut the Conserva- tives there will. sanction no such ac- tion. Timothy seed APRIL WISDOM. Be sure that your blood is pure,. your appetite good, your digestion per- fect. To purify your blood and build up your health, take Hood's Sarsaparilla.. This medicine has accomplished re- markable cures of all blood diseases. It is the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Sarsaparilla has power to make you well by purifying and en- riching your blood, giving you an ap- petite, and nerve, mental and digestive strength. uiARE1T g.ltil't-`lt'rS Exeter April 6th, . 1808 Wheat per bushel g4 to 85 Oats.... , 27 to 20 North ,..... .... . 4050 too 60 40 Batter_..,. . .14 to 11 Eggs II to 11 Turkeys 0 to 0 Geese ..... 4 to 6 Chickens per tb . 4. to 5 Ducks 5 to 6 -t°irool.... ,.. .- 17 to 18 Dried Apples.- 2l. to Si Pork dressed .. $5.50 to 6.00 Porklive wet oihl veht .--......$4.4G to '.50 -Bay per ton,....... � .. 5 00 yto -6.00 .•s sV Clover seed ... $4.00 to $5.00 ,Alsikc clover .._......... 4.50. to $5.00 , ... $100 to $1.23 London. April 6th, 1898. ()Wheat per bushe , , , ....88 to 91 Peas Oats.y"... ._.30 to 31 B .. to' Barle,-nekwlieat ...... . .:-. .602050 to 31 to 6651 Eye „32 to 39 Corr ..44 to 46 BBeans 2ar8 toto 20 32 utter Aga ..-.;-. 18, to 18 75 to 80 a Turkey Eel 3,.... ...- _ .10 to 10 Geese perfb...... ... . 9 to 10 Chickens ---, 30 to 50 Cheese...... . . 8 to 0 Potatoes per bag....:: 50 to 60 Hay per ton .$ .6,00 • to $ 7.00 Pork per cwt.. • .. $4.00 to $4.50 RIlell arisen Men Cured 571 ST. PATRICK STREET, OTTAWA, JULY 31st 1.896 To THE PHRENOLINE MEDICINE CO„ LTD., OTTAWA, ONT. CrEr'TLEMEN,-On the advise of a friend I tried one bottle oikyour fam- ous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline. and to my surprise it cured ine of rheumatism, from which I have suf- fered for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsia, from which I was suffering at the time, so that; I feel now like a new man. I have tried several remedies for xheumatisxn some of which did me a certain amount of good, but 'nothing that I haye taken has done so much for me has your Phrenoline, and I have much pleasure in recoinln riding t to other sufferers. Miss Willard's remains were cre- mated. Dennis Clifford, a Montreal carter, was murdered while sittingonbis own verandah.' CATCFI COLD It's an easy thing to do, but it's just as oast' to get cured if youltake Norway Pine Syrup. Costs only25c. at all drug stores. SICK 17p;ADAOHE SUBSIDES. "1 hare been troubled with Sick Headache for over a year. Lately I have used Lama -Liver Pills and land that they help me, more than any other nied.icine I have ever taken. They do not gripe, and 1ca1MARY1ELLEN HICKS, South Bay, Ont. g 1 . • Too serious a condition to neglect. A Guelph harness maker tells! how he was cured. (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, • Foreman of Works, Rideau Canal, Se COLEY & SON FLINTS FOR XMAS. AND NEW YEARS GIFTS. This Season we have surpassed our- selves- in making and - gathering together of choice oddments in fancy furniture suitable for presentation. The assortment is now complete and everybody is invited to view our stock, if only for the sake of seeing at what very reasonable prices choice furniture can be purchased here. SPECIAL. -We wish to call special attention to a line of very handsotne Bed Room Setts in Elm, Oak and Ash, Antique and Cremona finish. All are extremely tasteful in design and the prices are much lower than it has here- tofore been possible to quote for similar goods. Rocking chairs in forest green,' Antique, Oak, Curdy birch and Mahogatiy finisb, from $2.40 up. FANCY TABLE S A magnificent line bought at tt sacrifice and marked at correspoiaclieg,.low prices. Centre Tables, Fancy C1lairs, Secre- taries, Lounges, ;fancy Rockers, Music Racks, C9>tiehes, Extension Tables, Thew Piece, Parlor Suits Picture Mouldings Curtain Artists materials, ete., ete.,•etc. Undertaking and Embalming in till its brandies, (i1DILISIV SON PAIN IN THE HEART. Mr. Wm. Dyson, the well known saddler and harness maker of Guelph, Ont., makes the following statement: "I heartily re. commend Milburn'a Heart and Nerve Pillai to anyone suffering from nervousness and heart trouble. They are a1 splendid medicine ilei such complaints. For a long time I was afflicted with iiervousneas and pain in my heart, which was especially revere at night, often destroying ray rest. These pills cured me and iavJgorated my nervous system which is now Strong and healthy. They restored restful sleep besides r . removing the distressing heart pains which ATORONTO TOBACCONIST. Mr. J. Bretz, 704 Church Street, Toronto, the popular tobacconist, says bo was troubled with weak and intermittent action of the heart, was sleepless, nervous and losingfiesh. Three boxes of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills completely cured him. N 131 we __seem" Areas -- We try to suit everybody. Come and see us.•' A look through our two story buildingwill convince you that we carry a good assortment. Take a look at our stock before buying. Everythingup-to-date in under- taking. FZ. 1� T�7 Nursery so ARMS [. BOOK Refits Agrtcuiturat impteeleut Ag60ts t Or anyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write us. The demand for horse grown NurseryStock ison the increase. We want more men. If you want steady,paying work, write us. WE FURNISH ALL SUPPLIES:FREE. WE HAVE THE LARGESTNURSERIES IN THEDOMINIOn. WE PAY BOTH SALARY AND COMMIS. SION. WE ENGAGE EITHER WHOLE OR PART TIME MEN. ' WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR STOCK, WE FURNISH PURCHAASERS:v1TR CERTI- PIOA'rB FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECT- OR, OVERNMENTINSPECT- OR, STATING OUR STOCK IS FREE FRobI SAN JOSE SCALE. e y ; Our Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables us to sell at the closest possible figure, Men Succeed with us who Fail with others It will costyou nothing to learn what we can do for you. Don't write unless you mean business and want profitable employment. Stone Elleilington TORONTO A Suit of Clothes ,or a Single Garment Should Oombine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. S. SNELL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall it, Winter Goods in Worsteds and Tweeds are formerly gave me anuelr anxiety and ' t y soY now on our shelves, and we wil) trouble. take much pleasure in showing 6Milhurn,a Heart andNerveIils�5 eta. 1F box a Par 1.25 acild by atuggiste of sent math:: T. lrt burn Co.,Toronto, t LaattlalG>lltex l%fs curd Constipation. them to you. There are many o1herlilies that are specially ally at rgutty., dee 41s O n e9#lr Zis Exeter Lumber Yard.. Dressed Pine, Siding, Floor- ing and Ceiling. No. 1 Pine Latli, Pine and Cedar Shingles. Special inducements to intend- ing Builders in Hemlock Bill. Stuff. 30000 Feet common Pine at $10 00 per M OP MAIRTTI EET YAE Jun 1iiPM0s A Man is itiMys hi the SWIM If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting He is 1I sure fitter. His prices are away down. His goods are the best. Call and examine' Ir isG goods before buying your F I,L S ‘• IT • JOHNS, •Tit 'i'aiior 1) ITT CHI1E.4 v THE ,CHILDREN. llE. Don't scold EI t4 the little ones if . the bed is wet t' -.•� in the morning. !, It isn't the child's fault. Weak ;, kidneys need strengthening- L V:• that's all. You can't afford to risk delay. Neglect may entail Q . a lifetime of suffering. 4 DOAit3'S KIDNEY PILLS Strengthen the Kidneys end W Bladder, then al1trouble ceases. � Mr. John Carson, employed at V :t... S. Bradt & Co.'s store, Hain- y� ii:on, Ont., says : "My little boy seven years of age l;a has been troubled with his kidneys !'c ty since birth And could not hold his V . t water. We spent hundred's of dol- ;y lars doctoring and tried many dif- ferent remedies, but they were or no .J avail, One box of Doan's Litlney it- '../ Pills completely cured him" !- f'v <<"EEGC<<•‹<CI4-..‹•<E ce`GCC4,H Bi Are Ton interested in heels? \Te llandle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AmERIOAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octaves cheap. . Se -wiling ci 'rte ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S.—Selling out Dise Har- rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. PERFECTION C ON AT LAST. WARRANTED EVERY TIME musses NEW IN DESIGN, NEW IN PRINCIPLE, NTI,W IN APPLICATION. Alar a assortment or uncut of the e lest $' and most approved Trusses and Mechani- cal. A py arlces always in stock, per - chased direct froiii the manufacturers. We guarantee every Truss to be niiade with the finest English steel. PRIC> SIVERY MODERATE. Sole Agency DOMINION LABORATORY. J. W, :BROWNING nun” it 81004. purifier For Horses And ttk FU'r UP AS A POWDER.' GIVES NEW FE L k INCREASES THE FLOW OF MILK IN COWS. tiL+tutsMats $'@ plea £iec. AGENTS MONTREAL PROPRIETORS rw;. ; 3 tM TIlo I,eal:I.ig Speolaiist )oler°ica 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 MEI WE CURE EMISSIONS Nothing can be more demoralizingto young or middle-agod men ;than •the nres-; enCe of these "nightly losses. They produce weakness. nervousness, a feeling of disgust andawhole train of symptoms. They unfit a man for business. married life and social happiness.No matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, naturalwealmess or sexual excesses, our New Method Treatment will positively erre you. NO CURE—NO PAY 'Reader, you need help. Early abdse or later excesses may have weakened on. Exposure may have diseased 8p y yen. �OA are not safe till cured.' Our New Method will cure you. You run no risk. 250,000 CUED Young Man -You are pale,feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples, sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping form and downcast Countenance reveal the blight of your existence. WECUREVARICOCELE No matter how serious your case may be. or how Long you may have bad it, our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure it. The "wormy veins" return to their normalit' ou o d yon and hence the: sexual organs receiveproper nourish ment. The organs become vitalized, all unnatural drains or losses cease and manly powers return. No temporary benefit, but aermanent cure assured. NO OURE, NOpPAY. NO OPERA- TION NECESSARY. NO DETEN- TION FROM BUSINESS. CUES GUARANTEED We treat and cure SYPHILIS, GLEET EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE SEMI- NAL LOSSES, BLADDER AND KID- NEY diseases. 00 NSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. CHARGES MODERATE. If unable to call. write for a gUIiST1oN BLANK for EGAD TREARMENT, :ipslo 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, EMMA- 7 Buil for Servioe A thorobred Durham Bull for service on lot 18, eon. 1, Stephen. First class strain. Terms : $1, to insure. SAMUEL PARSONS, Boar For Service The undersigned will keep for service on lot 9 concession I, Usborne, importedChester White and large English Berkshire boars, which can be registered if requOHire .N MAdCorrrt"Y.s as 5—w TOE'S icug )Stoee We would recommend those suffering from COUGHS, COLDS,• and BRONCHIAL., troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM, It is also a reliable remedy for `Children. We manufacture WINAN'S LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NItURALGTA, PAINS, SORE THROAT, { HROA i', R>E•TLu.1tIA'I'ISM INF'L'UENZA. Also WINAN'S Ct)NDITI()N POWDER, the hest inmar- ket, the m 1° a ket. Tryour Lotion for scratches on horses, also n iti '1, S• Cil (� Oil,bVi�- p der for same SOLE AGENT POR DICKS S LUNG SYRUP; 0a LUTZ