HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-4-14, Page 1HURON & MIDDLESEX
Glicapest Store 111 Perth 11
We know that's a wide Did you ever step on a
boast to make, but we back dog's tail in the dark? If you 7.3-d0
'ameemP-- it up, and some people who
didn't know he was there you
soon found out by his yelp,
• don't know bow it's donedidn't. y u ? The only way
st-- don't believe it's true, but we
are here to prove it to you.
Ai.- And you are interested, be-
lt= cause yom want to get as
much value as you can for
your money.
E Let us einphasize : We do
11:7:: buy in a three -store syndicate
• AP. , MMININI•••••001
.40.- (any one of which handles
• Dry Goods, etc., in quantities
much larger than the average
dm- store.) We do take all our
discounts, and these discounts
represent half our profits,
sometimes all, and you get
•dn-- the benefit of our ready cash
purchases. Come along and
• see the quality of these goods,
and at these prices you'll need
no better proof that we are
whatwe say we are—"The __se ineh Grey Cotton for 2sec a, yd
to know th.at, some business
men are on the earth is to step
on • their corns—then they
Here's beet et Sample
ref Oter Prices
-16 inch Cashmere Serge, in
navy blackand garnet, hard
finish, will not hold dust,
very special at - - - 45c
-40 inch Fancy Plaid, very
pretty shade of silk and
wool, made to sell for 50c, at 35e
-38 to 40 inch French Dress
Patterns, no two al iske, light
• and dark shade e of gold,
brown, blue, purple and
green, popular price 75e to
85e per yard, for - - 60c
-Plain and Fancy Colored
Silks, very fashiona,ble just
now for trimmings and
shirt waists. Prices range
from - 40c to $1.25 per yard
t, -N
-60 inch DSmask Table Linen,
cteana ground, beautiful
floral design, only - 25c
ewe -25 inth Striped Flannelette,
Cheapest Store in Perth." fast colors, cheap, at - 37,c .-efeeP
• AP.
A. J. FORD & CO., Woodharn.
• .6
OAP --
"The Cheapest Store in Perth."
al... P. S.—We are the only store in this territory that buys 7.2
AP-- in syndicate.
' BRIEFS. -H. Etherington,of London,
spent Easter with his parents. - A.
Hodgson was the guest of eliss Harris
. Sunday last. --Miss Coed, of liensall,
was the guest of Miss Keddy for a few
• days last week. -The box melee held at
Bethesda, Wednesday night last was
a grand success. -J. Blatchford and
wife visited friends in. and around
Hurondale, on Sunday. -Seeding is in
full blast this week.
BRIEFS.-Birs, Mary E. Wilson, who -
has been visiting friends and relatives
in. Boston, Mass. and vicinity, arrived
home last week and is staying with
her nephew W. J.----Wilson.-Miss
Louisa Belling, of Detroit, arrived
here last Saturday, --The Easter dis-
play of flowers, the sermon by Rev.
0. H. Thompson and the singing by
the choir were highly pleasing last
Sabbath. -At the Grace church vestry
meeting held in the church last Mon -
,day, Thos. Snowden and R. H. Arm-
strong were appointed wardens. -The
carpenters are at work getting out the
timbers for D. M. Edward's barn.
BURGLAR -Y. -Between the hours of
2 and 5 o'clock lefonda,y morning bur-
glars gained admittance through the
front entrance of the Central Hotel,
LUefLD, by cuttibg their way through
the two front panels and slippiug the
bolts. Going through the bar, they
secured $10 in small change, a half
dozen bottles of hie and several boxes
of cigars. 'Visiting the dining room,
they got a,way with a supply of bread
and butter and three dozen eggs.
They also took at overcoat belonging
to Jas. i Donnelly, of Glencoe. The
brace and bit and two chisels with
which the burglars cut through the
panels were stolen from Jas. Ander-
• son's carriage shop. •There is no clue
to the men.
Banns -Robert Dalton has recent-
ly been called upon to pass through
some deep waters of affliction. Abont
three weeks ago the youngest child, a,
sweet little•babe of seven months, was
taken home to be with the angles. On
Sunday, March 27th, his wife, who had
been suffering from that dread disease
consumption, departed this life to join
Woodham the ereat majority. She was in ber
• 27th her, and wa.s a, daughter of John
Kemp. On April lst tbe only surviv-
ing child, a bright little boy of three
years, was called home to be with his
mother and brother. We extend our
deepest sympathy to the bereaered
husband and father.- We axe pleased
to learn that Mrs. J. D. Walker, who
has been ill, is recovering -The spring
fair of this village will be held on
Thursday, April 14
BeaErse-IVIiss Lizzie Garvettreturn-
ed to Stratford last week. -Melvin
Mcliernen was home for Easter. -T.
Mills has secured a position with Mr.
Gregory, Si. Marys. cc Wellington
Sykes was home from Stratford Busi-
ness Oellege during Easter holidays.-
-Tohr Prowse has improved the ap-
pearance of his house, now occupied
by Robert Neal, ,lay removing it back
a few feet from the road. -The box
• social given by the League last Friday
• night was a splendid success. We
missed the Kirkton friends, though.
The Exeter Turf Old
Will hold their Spring meeting on
When the following; program vvillbe
•carried out :---
3 minute trot, $150
2:80 trot..............$200'
Free -For -4.l1.................$250
Running Race, open.-- .$100
• Peens. SEdY,
The Cyclone Fence
has been itppointed selling agent for
the County of Huron for this cele-
brated forme. The ordinary farm
fence consists of 10 cables of reversible
twisted wiee, bat, a fence of any height
.cars be erected. M is a strong and
handsome fence and A rapid• seller.
From 27 to 60 inches.
From 7 to i Cassias.
sae- eee. me,
rButld VouP Fenc Cheap.,
100 Rods Per Day.
13eaErs. -Easley Hodgins and John
McIlhargy, of Biddulph, are seriously
ill at present. -Mrs. M. 131ake was bur-
ied at the Catholic cemetery,Biddrilph,
on Friday last (Good Friclay).-josepb.
Dobbs has purchased the 50 acres lately
owned by his brother,HenryDobbs,for
the sum a $1500.-Freenian A. Dobbs
is in the London hospital undergoing
an operation. -The Central Hotel, Lu -
can, was burglarized oe,Saburday eight.
$8 in cash and some liquor and other
articles were stolen. The thieves bored
several holes through the front door
and pulled the bolt.-Tne farmers here
have commenced seeding and say the
land is in fine condition. -Robert Don-
nely, of Biddulph, is now at the Cen-
tral Hotel, Lucau, where be has been
confined to his room for several vveeles
owing to sickness.--joseph Baycraft,
of Bidchalph,has got a position as streee
car conductor 7n London. -Clarence
Abbott, won the bicycle offered by he
'Armitage, on the lottery plan, in
Lucan on Saturday lase -The mem-
bers of the Nursery church,Moores-
ville, have decided oti enlarging their
cemetery, end fencing the same ; also
fixing, and painting the Nursery
church.--elooeesville is booming at
present. Nearly every inhabitant is
busy either building a /sew house or
repairieg the old. Clancleboye is
following suite and also reeking pee-
paretion to enlarge the eleurch. So
much for the power of example. -S.
Davis' horse lately gob unfastened
from its moorings, mid omit a dash
for liberty,completely demollehing the
ries The horse escaped 'unhurt,.
Publisbers and Proprietors
fiensall Miss Hattie Sutherland pleasantly en- holidays. -Geo. Brown left Wednes-
tertained a number of young friends day for Kilmanegle Michigare-Misses
G. JS Sutherland, Netery Public, &Ivey on Monday evening. --Miss Brett, Ball and Comm are spending their
holidays at their respeotive homes.
Mr. ancl Mrs. Cuntz, of Exeter, spent
GoodiFriclay in tosvrethe guests of Mre
J. Eilber. -B, Brown and W. Wentzel
were in Berlin on Good Friday on
bpsiness. -- Miss McLaughlin is the
gnese of Mrs. Stevens. ---Mr. Winds,te-
getb.er with two sons, were in London
one day lest week. --Fred Young, Geo.
and Albert; Zsvieker were in Toronto
Good Friday,
ancer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent teacher of the Parr line scbool, spent
and Usurer et Marriage Licenses, noal dime
Part of the Easter vacation with
monts carefully drawn at reaseness e rates Moues hem -Miss Bella Ellis visited
money to loan on real estate at bow rates of in
Wrest. Moo at the Post once, etensall. friends in Seaforth this week,---Iohn
11 s. D. COOKE. Blatchford was in Exeter oee day last
•week attencling the wedding miniver-
(Late with Garrow Proudfooe Barrister
Solicitor, Notary Public, Mescal, Ontsmsair,y. of lus uncle and aunt, 1\er. and
R. Blatchford.--lrs. Macar-
thur visited friends in London laet
week Miss Craig, Hensall, with Miss
Reid, of Stanley, has openei n arm -
making hop. here, ---Mrs. A.. A.
Goetz visited in Stretford last week
Thos Ballantyne leas rented the Mc-
Call farm iu Hey, from D. Mill, of
Exeter, and will move his family on-
to the same shortly.--elers. Collins and
sister, Miss Bonthron, of Exeter., spent
GoodFriday visiting friends in th e
Barms.-John Pope, of Dashwood,
formerly of Rensall, intends re -open-
ing business here as a merchant bailor
in part of the store now occupied by J.
Zuefle.-Jas. L. Doherty, who intended
to bring a, number of horses to Ben -
sail and put them into training., is
training them in Clinton, a change in
the ownership of Hensel]. track dis-
arranging his plans. Wingham horse-
men have asked him to go there, and
it is possible he may do so. -Corn. village.
Cook was in Detroit, Cleveland and
Middleton last week on business. -A Orediton. .
pleasant "at-horne" was given by the . --
choir of the Methodisb church on 1 IentE.--A fire which threatened to
Friday evening lest. -Geo. Walker I destroy the western part of the 'gil-
l -las gone to Bothwell to relieve' the G. lagee occurred yesterday evening but
T. R. agent there. -Mrs. R. MeIVIordie, Which, owing to the strenuous efforts
of Kippen, is very ill with an attack of the citizens, was extinguished only
of bronchitis. -The Royal Templars of after the burning of several buildings.
Kippen, have closed their lodge, or A servant girl at the Methodist
rather suspended. -We regret this parsonage had cleaned up the remains:.
week to have to chronicle the death of of burnt refuse, and dumped it, on the
Mrs. Henry Dougall, of Lesborne, which manure pile. Shortly afterwards the
occurred at her home on Tuesday last, manure took fire, then the stable, aud
after a long and painful illness. Mrs. the wind being strong,the fire was car -
Dougall was one of the very early ried to thebouse, which, together with
settlers of the London road.. She, to- the stable, was burned to the ground.
gether with her late husband, who The kitchen of Mr, Clarke's house was ,
predeceased her about 40 years ago, also destroyed. Everything belonging
emigrated to this country.over fifty to Rev, Mr. Yelland was saved
years ago, and settled on the d from
London the two buildings. Serious results
road, near Rodgerville, where the de- were at first apprehended. The Exeter
ceased continued to reside 'until her firemen anie engine were telegraphed
death. Mrs. Dougall was well known for, but the fire was mastered before
and highly respected, end her berea,v- they reached the village.
ed fatally, in the loss of a kind and. -is,
eetertaweee AND ACCIDENT. -On Fri -
loving mother, have the sympathy of
all. --We have also bhis week to chron- day night while Samuel Rowe and wife'
were returning home from Crediton.
icle the death of Miss Lizzie Bell, third where they had spent the day with
daughter of D. Bell, of the Zurich friends, they encountered a rough. ex -
road, Hay, which occurred on Wed- perience. While passingller.Klumpp's,
nesday afternoon a last week. The north of Crediton, their horse took
deceased wee a bright, heelthy, en- fright at a pile of tile on the road, and
gaging young lady until within a few turning saddenlv into the ditch, threw
years ago, when her health and spirits Mr. Row e and the baby out. As Mr.
began to decline and she gradually be- Rowe was driving, Mrs.Rowe was left
came weaker and weaker until 'Wed- alone in the buggy without the lines.
nesday when she passed away. The The horse turned around on the road.
funeral on Friday was largely attend- and ran back to Orediton, Mrs. Rowe
ed by friends from various part s of tbe j ULM ping o ut of the rig, and breaking her
county. The bereaved parents have leg near the ankle. Leaving babe ancl
the heartfelt Sy wpathy of all in their
nn -
particularly sad bereavemene.-Albert coorItsliceioruosn, the road side, the latter un-
Becrett, of Seattle, Wash., •formerly Klumpp's and secured help. They
Mr. Rowe ran to Mr,
of Hay, and. Richard. Eacrett, of the
were taken into the house and care -
same place are renewing acqueintances fully attended, Neither the baby nor
at their farmer hones. -F. it. Beattie,.
who has been suffering from an attack Mr., Rowe evere injured, while .ehe
of blood poisoning for the' past few 4huorr_sy. escaped without ia-
.e Mrs. and bugg
weeks is, we are pleased to learn,recov- J y Rowe, while still very ill,
is recovering. slowly. and family expect to leave for Scot-
ered, and. has resumed his business at
Hensall again. -Jas. Dougall, who SCHOOL REPORT. -Following* is the mad, their native land, in May.
was home attending the funeral of his report of Creditor). public school for Findlay Matheson, of Bruce, student
mother, who died at Rocln
gerville last th of March, also promotion re- of Knox College, will take up his work.
week, retnrned to his hoe in White- lore : Class V, G. Lawson P. Banes, C. --Miss Emma, McIntosh visited last
water, Man., on Moudayem
e -W. Mc- 11?'' .reie, t- G. Baker, A. Zwiker, E week at the home of Mrs. B. Tomlin -
Dougall and daughter left on Monday Schmitt; Class IV, I. Brown, L. Fink- son, Clinton. -Miss Somerville, Port,
for Lariviere, Man., to visit Mr. Mc- beiner, B. Bertrand, C. Brown; Pro- Huron, who has been visiting in the
Dougall's son, who isill.-Mr. Zimmer- moted
from Sr. III to IV, A Schnaitt, neighborhood, has returned home.
man, of Zurich, left tine week for E. Clarke, V. Beaver, E. Gower, M.
Gla,ston, Dakota.- Mr. and Mrs. A. Finkbeiner, S. Schmitt, 0. Heist, 0.Zurich.
Murdock. visited friends ein Clinton Brown, A. Fa,huer, S. Finkbeiner, E.•
over Sunday. -Mrs. Sheffer, who has Beaver; Promoted from jr. III to Sr. Barers.-Mrs. john Rau, of theSauble
been confined toher bed withla grippe III, A. Kuhn, B. Clark, A Fahner, E. line, moved to our village lase week,
during the past two weeks, was able Wuerth.-E. Simpson. teacher. From into D. Steinbach's dwelling. -Mrs.
to get around on Wednesday. -Mrs. Sr. II to Jr. IL W. F. Brown, O. Holtz- Kersch moved into town a few days
Huilson, who hes also been ill, is able mann, E. Fahner, W. Brown, C.Wolf, ago, She has rented the upstairs of D.
to sit up. -Mr. Johns, of Stratford, L Fahner, E. Fahner, M. Hill ; Jr. II Steinbach's . old tin shop. -Mrs. S.
spent the forepart of this week visit, to Sr. n• M. Smith, L. Falser, 33. Haist, of Cavalier, North Dakota, ax-
ing at .el. Cook's. -Miss Johnston, of Appleton, E. Freitz, E. Hill, P. Hill; rived here lase Monday with her son.
Wingham, spent the forepart of this Sr. Pt. II to jr. II, D. Wein, D.Brown, Sho is staying with her inother.-Mr.
week visiting at her brother's, Ogle P. Holtzman.n, L. Yotsne,o. B. Kienzle, Jacob Zimmerman and his sister,
Johnston. -'or its size Ileusall sports E. Wein, W. Appleton; Jr. Part II to Riekie, arrived here last, week, on a
more wheels than any other village in Sr. Pare II, F. Brown, M. Dietz, L. visit to their mother, who is very sick.
Canada. The agents here. are pushing Theist, A. Holternann, A. M. Holtz- Her daughters from Tavistock and
the business. --Ed. Hagan, principal of mann, M. Stanley, V. IVIangnus ; Sr. Sebringville are also here. -Mrs. Jacob
Mac Zurich public school, vis:ted his Part I to Jr. Part II, M. Palmer, A. Ragier, last week, received a paralytic
sisters here on Monday. -H. J. D. Ewald, W. Hill, L. Wein, L. Wolf, E. stroke, a,nd is totally perale zed. She
Cook spent the Easter vacation with Appleton,. H. Brown, N. Weiner.--- can neither hear, speak nor see and is
bis sister in Detroit. -J. E. Chesney, Miss A. W. Ball, teacher. Sr, II to at preemie very bow, with little hope
V. S., received a severe kick on the Jr. III, E. Clark, L. Clark, G. Rau, E. for her recovery, -Norman Buchanan
face from a horse in Murdoek's livery. Anderson, M. Geiser ; .Tr. II to Sr. II, is home spending Easter holidays. -
He was called to see e sick animal. it w. Hockey, L Rau, F. Gower, A. Miss L. Itlopp was house oyer Easter.
was lying on its back in the stall, Schmidt ;', Sr. P. II to Jr., E. Link, -Miss Rebecca, Merrier has arrived
and while working , around the torso A. Hill, E. Oeistricker, G. Trevethiek ; horue, after a lengehy visit in Mich. -
it threw up its hind feet, the caulks of Jr. Pe II to Sr., M. Beaver. M. Bas- Jonathan Merrier purchased a run -
one of the shoes striking Mr, 0, on the sou, V. Maste. L Fahner, M. Hirtzel, ning horse and amuses the "small fry"
face and. inflicting an ogler Wound.- C. Finlebeiner, N, Shenk, S. Wein; Pt. every evening, by using the streets as
Mr. Hathaway, ass't post -master, of 1 to Jes Pt II, M. Bertrand, 0. Rau, L. it race track. We do not hear quite as
Forest, spent Easter, a guest of Mr. Finkbeiner, E. Clark. A. Wuerth, E. much Klondike as we used to. -Miss
Haskeet's.-Jas. Stewart was recently Weiner, S. Trevetliick, J. Finkbeiner. Latira, Williams is visiting friends at
in Goderich attending the funeral of a -Miss L. Coursey, teacher, Strathroy.-Doc. Campbell and F. Mc -
relative. -The 44isses Shirra simile the BeaErs.--Fariners are hard at the Cloy were in Seaforth on Monday. -
Easter vacation visiting in London spring work. -H. Eilber, M. P. P., was Emanuel Merrier of Sebringville, was
and Detroit. -Miss Mabel Fulton spent served with papers on Saturday, in hereon Saturday attending the funeral
Sunday visiting friends in Exeter.-- connection with the election protest._ of Mrs. Zimmerman.-Reaben Becker
Robert Patterson, sr, met with an V. Ratz, M. P. who was home spend- was here last week! frona Buffalo, re -
unpleasant accident Mac other day, ing Easter holfdays, returned. to Otte- newing olcl acquaintances. Ile has
He had seated himself in the buggy, wa on Monday. -School opens on Mon- not been here since his parents moved
and was about to drive out kif the clay next -The teachers are enjoying nine Years ago, but is able to recognize
large gate, when the horse made it the holidays at their several horns.-- his old friends in spite of his long ab -
Tuck ana semen start for the .sman Harry Reber is rushing tee wire fence sence.-Miss Mina Doan is visiting at
gate. The buggy being too 'wide, business.-Ea,ster visitors were Wainer- Gratid 13eled at Presentees/es. Laid'
hew was in the town on Stinclay.-Wiss.
Finkbeiner, of Milverton, spent Easter ,
in tee town, -Miss Graham is at her '
borne in Goderich during the holidays.
-One is able to go almost any place
on a, wheel these deers; the •roecis are
in ecrood . shape, --T. Zimmerman, of
Dakota, WAS here last week, attending
hismother's funeral. -Wm. Writers is
ableto be about quite a bit now after
his illness. -The brass band serenaded
the town on Friday and Monday even-
ings, moth to the enjoyment of the
townspeople.- Miss Tillie Well, of
Woodstock, was andel, the 'parental
roof over Fastete-Mes. SAID. Heist, of
Dakota, is visiting her mother at pees.
ent.-- It is seldom thee the people of
?mach are called npon to pay their
moved to Shmka, where he will. go in-
Bremes.-H. McLeay and R. Ken-
nedy left last week with their families
for Fort William. We wish them sue
cess. -The other evening as J. More.
was milkieg a cow, tlse brute began to
kick, knocking him wader the arm:ears
feet. If it haa not been that help was
near he neighe have been seriously
hurt. However, be escaped with it
few scratches andbruises.--Mrs.W. Vi-
pond came home on Saturday from
Doon, where she has been attending
her daughter, Mrs. Slee, who is very
ill. -We are sorry to report that Alfred
Chappel is very low with little hopes
for his recovery.
BRIBES.-Thns. Cameron will sell by
public auction at the lerisseldale hotel,
On Saturday, April 23rd, another lob
of very fine mulch cows, for John Seim-
gan, of Kincardine. Mr. Sturgan'S
sales have been very successful on ac-
count of the choice stock offered, and
the coming sale will be DO exception. -
Win. Fletcher has rented the Hackney
farm, which now giyes him 200 acres -
to work. --Thos. Belefinding thatkeep-
ing bachelor's hall is not else • most
pleasant thing, has induced his brother
John and family to live with him.
Farquhar's loss will be Thos. Belles
gain. Mrs. John Hunk -in, who has
been ill for some time, is slightly im-
BRIEBS.-Mr. Ement, of Seaforth, is
hayinghis stave factory machinery
placed n the saw mill; it will be a
convenience to Brucefield, as they em-
ploy a number of hands, -Mr. W.
Graham will leasre for the old country
in a fevy days with cattle. We trust
Mac venture may prove profitable.
Mr. Robert ari
tney s at present
assisting Mr. James Swan in setting
up machinery. -George Hill has closed
his butcher shop for a time. --John
Walker, Mill Rosie has sold his 50
acre farm to John McLean, of Kip -
pen, for $2,000. The farm is a good
one and well located. -Rev. Mr, Muir
would not pass t irongh, and the horse ous in the village.-TheBusch property
detaching the shafts, pulled Mr. Pat- ' offered for sale on Saturday, was not
terson over the dashboard onto the! sold, owing to an insufficient am.—
grouud. He sustained slight injury.- 13. Brown was in Toronto last week on
Why not organize a bioycle club in the business. -Dan. Sweitzer intends erect -
village? -J, E. McDonnell has been ing an addition to his residence in con -
confined to his bed the past eyeek necbion with the store, thus affording
through illness. He ii recoveeing.-A more room. -An old :Land mark has
number of you lag folks attended the been removed from the eastern part of
military bell et Seaforbh, on Monday the village. We refer to the woollen
evening list. They report a pleasant mill, enerstwhile thieving industry,
time. -Miss Livingstone, of Forest; le svhich was torn down last weels. -Re-
the guest of Miss Hattie Sutherland,- port has it that we are going to lose
Win. Welsh has been ewarded the one of our teachers at midsummer,
contracefor the extension and improve- ---,The Rev. Mr. Kerr, a Hensall,
'meets te Carmel Presbyterien charch, preachee two very acceptable sermons
his tender, $105, being the lowest ---3. in M. V. church Sunday lase to cteowd-
Hood, an Aged and respected resident ed audiences. - Go, Glanville has
of the village sustained a paralytic
stroke on Saturday. He is still in it
precarious condition. His age being
87,1fie recovery is doubtful. -gr. Mel-
ville, from near Crotnatry, moved to
town last week to the house recenely
purchesed by Mr. Carmichael, We
welcome the family to the village. -
Miss lemma, johnston visited her sister.
Mrs, 3. B. Shoat, in Parkhill, over
Easton -Sas Mueray bag given the con.
teed for an adclitioe to his dWelling on
King st.-M, Bliwood hae retuened
home from MeGillivrey. - Thos,Mine
last tribate to the dead in the manner'
to business. -Mt. Shade, of Da,shatood,
spent Sunday in town.-Areie Zwickee theY were lest week, there being no
left TueedaY for the London Btisiness Tleriee tfihrisste‘tviszweiri8e.innoralgslizeri,nortohedeaeo-se:
College, where he inteecIs to take tip a
full business course. ---The Faster enei boil line sotitlewieedied on Wecleesday
tertalement given in the M. B. eh tireb °Yelling, and was Seeman:3"
etondeir night svas it success in. every Anil orsr.oc jin.gpzii/l/ntillrerOnatatitrlocliiictxcierlvirlsraeravy..
partici./ ar.—E. Simpson has returned,
morntng Ana WAS httried on Seturdiby
Township Rights for Sale. aftee spenclieg the Faster holideys
ander the parental reee_mas settler.• afternoon in the Munson line cemetery
wey efty-forir pines old. -- Oil '
land, of Myth, was the guest of Miss she
. f Goal Fieclay morning Conrad Solclan
My friend, look here! you know how
weak /tna nerVous your wife is, and
Me0onnell for severe eys 0 this , , „
you know that, Carter's :teen Pills will week. -Miss Mime Finkheiner left passed to hie Long home, atthe elPe
relieve her, now why hot be fairabout ray, thgb School 0 Acheri of Owen Tuesday for Hersey, ,etich, - Chas, age a eighty-six Veers, He WAS , bar -
it and buy her it box ? ' Sound, was in no villege last week,* Zwieker Was in London on business led on Sundae* afteeneon in the G., 'When
Seafoeth ratepayers voted upon a Denhis Brinteell, ecipill of the Tueseey.-efieses Yana awl Theiee line .eemeterY. Isaeli funerai was
• majority of 102. le tlea On Ilrt, I 1 s parall s ime.- - the parow.al over t re aster
I will sell a limited number of town,
ship rights on reasoriable terms,
else rights for gates, For paeticulars,
pamphlets, ete., apply to
town clock by-law, svhich castied by a DathWood publie school3, Spending Beeems of •elents C,ollege, were melee tel.'gele' attended 1/Y. eY011110119fing
e II t 1root 1 le • fel ende•
EIDA.TH.-We are reminded of the
uncertainty oflife by the death of Mrs,
Jabez Millison ist the early age 02 47
years, on Saturday morning lase Her
health had noe been good, for some
time, and on Thursday she took
suddenly worse and sank rapidly until
death released her from suffering. She
leaves a husband, two boys and two
girls to mourn her loss. Her remains
were Lett to rest in Zion cemetery on
Monday, a large number attending to
pay the last sad token of respect.
8rl" Cr
Grand Bend
BeiErs,-Miss V, Banes is spending
her holidays at her home, in Crediton,
--Miss L. Sherritt and Miss R. Criten-
cien have returned home atter spending
a few clays withfriends itt Blake. -The
Epworth Lea,guein connection with the
Methodist church met at the home •of
Mrs. Thos, Faille, on Wednesday even-
ing, and spent it very enjoyable
tune and presented her with and an
address. Mrs. Fallis made a very suit-
able and touching reply. Speeches
were delivered byRev. G, H. Thomp-
son and.others.-Mr. Hea,man and son,
of London, have beee surveying out
the ground purchased by M. liemnan,
which be intends clearing and making
a beautiful camping ground. -Robert
Pollock and Win. Patterson are both
making preparation for taking cattle
to pasture for the summer.
A nice new stock of SprIn
Goods opened.
The latest patterns and best
Always fresh and guaranteed
SM1OOL REPORT. -The followingis
the standing of the pupils in Union
School Section, No, 15, Hay, for the
Easter term. Senior IV, James Turn-
bull, Echo Spackman,- Lloyd Taylor,
Alex Begin; Junior IV, Susie Schroe-
der, Clara, Willert, Louis Roeder;
Senior III, Olive Spackman, Fannie
Elliot, Hugh Spackman; Junior III,
Matilda Willert, Mary E. Kenning,
John Benedick, William Begin'Aken
Matelot. Emma Wild, Mark Wild;
Junior II, Rime Roeder, Elliot Ship-
ley, Alfred Zirk, Ervine Willert,
Charlotte Spackman, Mary Pope, Mize.
Marriot, Herbert Benedick, Mary
Karmen, Laura Bierling ; Pare I, Ida
Willer% Alvin Staulake, Frank Ker-
man, Christ Fischer; Jacob Fischer;
Part I, Jacob Fischer, Lena Karmen,
Thos. Shipley, Caroline Pfaff, Jane
Zirk, Charles Pope. Average attend-
ance, 33.
ALEX. A. MoIsertBee Teacher.
BRIEES. - Jones & Halls, of Win-
chelsea, have just received 650 bushels
potatoes. The car was made up of
Hebron, Peerless, Savoy and. Wood -
hulls, and wae so arranged that each
variety was kept separate. Those
wishing seed. notatoes would do well
to call early and get tefew bags of each
variety. Tusks So Helms.
DIED IN LoNDON.--Williem Rich-
ards, aged 22 years, son of David
Richards, Usborne, south of Exeter,
died in the London hospital on Tues-
day, after a brief illness. His remains
were brought to Exeter Wednesda,y-
morning.. Deceased had gone to the
hospital to undergo an operation, but
died from the effects of inflammation
before the operation was attempted.
He was well-known throughout Us -
borne township, having worked with
various farmers.
SoKooe REPoier-The following is
Mac March monthly report for Se S.
No. 2, Hay. Names axe in order of
merit: V, J. W. Todd,Flora Northcott,
M. M. Russell; IV, Sarah Northcott,
Nellie O'Brien, Victor Runnalls '• Sr.
III, F. ' Johnston, Alice Done -all, Jas.
Northcott; Jr. III, Eddie Gould, W.
E. O'Brien, Louisa Armstrong ; Sr. II,
Cora Munn, Frankie Northcott, S. R.
Munn • .Jr. II, Willie „Russell, Mabel
Dougall, Ethel Harvey; Sr. Pt. Percy
Anderson, Wilfrid illunn,,-Pfeorge
Armstrong ; Pt. I, -11IterY Xeneeetelelealseeton-New fere, left on Monday for
Willie Northcott, Earl Brickwood. fst. Paul, Minn., where be has be-eis
The best spellers in the monthly spel- eppointed Assistane TOID]igralion
ling matches were :-- V, Flora North- Agent, under the Dominion Govern.-
cott ; IV, Sarah X. Northcott; Sr. III,
james Northcott: Jr. Willie ment, at $100 a month and travelling
O'Brien ; Sr. II, Cora Munn ; ,Tr.
A very bad and unfortunate accident
Mabel Dougall ; Pt. II, Wilfrid Munn happened to George, son of David McCutcheon
Pt. I, Mary E. johnston. McCutcheon, of the 12th line, McKillop.
W. a 3.011N81°11, Teacher. He was cutting wood in Kelly's bush
and was carrying it saw on his left
Daslawood. shoulder, and when going. by Arthur
. Layburn. who was splitting Wand,
BICYCLES -Ton second-hand bicycles for fell,d t 1 • If t t
snle from $15 up. alsonew wheels sold cheap. he save llnlee en
we handle the best makes. Bicycles for hire. his right hand' on the block he waS
C. FRITZ. splitting, just as the axe was descend-
BRIIIPS-S. S. No. S, Hay, VMS closed ing, which cat the filet finger and, the
second clean off and nearly seyered
the third.
What might 'have been a tereible ac-
cident happened he Mr. David Burn's
bush Goderich Township Friday af-
teruoon, whereby Harry Williams
came nearly losing hie; whole hand.
While li e and three others Were en-
gaged in sewing wood, in some way be
happened to fall, his broad falling on a -
block of wood that ,John Colbourn was
splitting, the a -/re striking his hand be-
tween the knuckles and the a rise and
cutting into Isis band about three
J. Po aosis
SMOOT. REPORT. -The follosving is
Mac report of the April promotion ex-
amination held in No. 13, Stephen.
The names of pupils areplaced in their
new classes in order of merit. Sr. IV
Maude Isaac, Ethel Isaac, Pansy
Prouty, Chester Stanlake, Tinny
Prouty, Nelson Seaulake, Wilbert
Harris; Jr. IV, John Hereon, Cleve-
land Prouty, Arthur Ford, Wesley
Ford, Violet Dunsford ; Sr. III, Joseph
Green, Harry Ching, Edgar Benhale,
Elizabeth Stanlake ; Jr. It Rose Pen -
hale, Florence Dunsford, Hilton Ford,
Harry Ford; Sr. II, Annie Stacey,
Frank Stacey; I Pb. II, Nora,
Hereon, Evelyn Ching, Silas Ford,
Melvin Dearing, Charles Dunsford,
Hazel Pronty, Maude Green, Jeme-5e - •
Penhale ; I Pe. I, Sr., Barton Ford,
Verna Stanla.ke,Jessie Green, Kenneth
Ford, Nellie Stacy ; I Pt. I Jr., Willie
Carrick, Clifton Prouty, eTemaie Her-
eon, Clayton Prouty. '
Miss K. L. ROBERTSON, Teacher.
George Steinogel, of the 811 line,
got his arm broken while trying to
stop a runaway horse.
John K. Elhers and Miss Lydia
Schroeder, of Dashwood, were quietly
married one day last week.
The man -hole in the boiler in Mr.
Lochart's saw mill, situated two issiles
west of Winthrop, blew out, but no-
body was hurt.
The Huron lacrosse club, of Seaforbh,
has re -organized, with W. G. Willis,
pres., R. 0. Cheswright, man., and .T.
L. Kelloran, sec'y.
Mr. Henry Oalfas met svith an acci-
dent one day last week while work-
ing the mortise niathine in Hoffman
Bros' planing factory, Dashwood.
His hand. came in close contact with
the knife, _taking a piece out of his
An order -in -council was signed Tues-
day by Lord Aberdeen allowing the
law to take its course in the case of
John Doyle, now in Nelson, B. O.,
jail, sentenced to be hanged for the
murder of Dennis Connors, whom Doyle
shot in a bar -room squabble. Doyle
will be hanged on April 22,
One day last week while Wm.,
eldest son of Robb. Irvine, of Hullett
was working on the hay press, he had.
hie foot injured It is supposed the
dye from his sock entered into the cut,
and blood. poisoning resulted. The
young man is, we are glad to learn,
improving and will soon be well again.
Sohn Down, of the mill road, Bruce -
field, sowed six acres of peas on -March
24. Mr. Down is bound to have ;1 dish
of green peas before our friend Weed,
of Varna. As MreDown is a very pro-
sperous and energetic young farmer,
he is bound to take the lead.-Hueon
Bd. T. Holmes, for many years
mechanical as ens? erent,e,neleekeeeaseethe
last week, owing to the illness of the
teacher, T. Snell...0. Grob end wife,of
Mao Berree hotel, Zurich, vieiced
friends in the village cia Sunday...
Mr. Shary, of Hamilton, is visiting re-
latives in town...0. W. Snell was in
gensall on &redeye , H. Roese who
has been engaged inthe carriage mak-
ing business here, for it number of
years, left this week for Stratford,
where he has purchased bis father's
faint. We axe softy to lose Mr.
Roese, , .Ohas. Sendfield spent it few
days visiting in Beam (has,, Obese
what means this J, Goodman. who
is ettendine the Business College, et
Stratford, es home for his Easter bolidayse., :J. tease, of Goderich, foemeely
of"thisplace snencling it few &bye'
friends here Jonas Ilnetleib,
who' has been laid up for a few (Jaya is
able to be around again,. Messes. V' 1)-
lorb and Pfaff, cif ich,, re visiting relit -
Lives in the villi , ,Theee is talk of
another of our ythIng men uniting
with the benedicis. Row is it, -Charles?
MR °VIM Vern' VE.A.ns.
AN' Orm AND Wrat-leume Itesinev.-letra
Winslow's Soothing Snitp has been used for
over any years by millions of mothatSfor their
cleklree wile° toothily with perfect euecess.
It soothes the child, eoftees the gamS, Omer an
men, OkItb8 wind eerie, sea 18 the best tomedy
for Diarrheoe. It is 'pleasant to tho taste. Sold
by artteelste in every, pett of. the 23
earth it bottle. Its vaitul is inalienable. Hs
sure MO, Olt for Mrs, NeInsiowe Soothing,
Sepal!, ota take 90 other kind,
-Bladder Troubles—Acute Itkiney Dis-
orders --Diabetes --Bright's Disease
Dispelled by South American Kitt-
ney Cure -Relief in six boars,
Kidney Symptoms are legiou. Ileve
you dull, aching pain, or stiffness in
Mao loins, tenderness in the kidney re-
gion, headache aad backache, visual
disorders, dizziness, sluggish circula-
tion, irregula,r heart, dropsical swell-
ings, hot or dry skin, sediment in the
urine Any of those indleate kiancy
disease. Seed sowing for a fatal har-
vest. South American ladney Cure is
the one proved, tested and nev6r.fal1-
ing specific for kidney, diseases in all
forms at all stages, ti, bas work ea
neivaeles. Sind by (1 Lena