HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-3-31, Page 16B.K.STER T 1 JIES fir 0 ore T 0 on of Ms. Either, the Conservative 1 uesday rotesting pagaiost the elec ti - J. PROTEST.--PaperS svere fyled on I member-eleet for Smith Huron. The Ooeseevatives have also fyled a, peti- tion against W. E. Taylor, Liberal member -elect for North Middlesex. There 'ewe been 47 protests entered.-- emeeesesee--- 0 110 ° Ild, ii 2,2 againstConservatires end 25 against ne Pric n v Liberals. In South Huron a counter protest will be entered. Cash or p r oduCe 1:,01ww. Gentlemen We are prepared to fill ycur wants for nobby Easter Goods. HATS! HATS!! HATS!!! Our showing of new stylish and sensible Hats is away ahead of anything that we ever attempted in the past, Come and see the new styles and big values. Come and see what cash and one price does in new Hats. Easter Ties: Yes, we have them, all that is new and up-to-date. Our styles are the latest, our prices the lowest, our assortment large. Come and see how well we will please you. Gents' Fine Shoes: The J. D. King shoes, are what we bank on. None bet- ter. None more stylish—and solid "Kumfort" goes with every pair. Cash and one price gives you big values in King's Shoes. EASTER. MILLINERY! A POsTMAsTR 1E00MBIENDRID.— As entioned -recent issee mof: TRH Times, ineeting of the Reforne- ers, of Exeter, was convened here, on ISsednesdaY evening, to deckle upon a postmaster for Exeter. • ,Mr. Rat, M. P. Was present. A nember of .nerees were voted upon, Mr. E. - Chrittie se- , curing a majority of seven over the others. If this vote counts. for any- thing, Mr, 0. is Eeeter s coming post- master. We are doing a rushing trade in new Spring Millinery—our styles are right and values correct. Our trimmers are working early and late in order to catch up with their work. Don't leave your order too late, let's have them as early as possible and we will serve you better. Come, see our beautiful display, Make yourself at home in our show room, you're under no obligations to buy, our show rooms are for the public. Come, you are welcome. Our show roomi ar„.. op.sn every day. J. A. STEWART Store closes eacls evening at 6:30, excepting Wednesdays and Saturdays. INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agent for the WESTERN Ass OE co RANY, of Toronto; also for the Pim:Nix Fru INSURANCE Caaraxy, of London, England; the ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Eng and. A. 0. F. Cours Price of Huron, No. 7865. MeetsinWood's Ball 2nd and 4th Friday in each month. Visiting brethren are car- diallYinvited to attend. DANIEL WOOD, C. R.; Gno. REM', SEC'T. 11020.1.1010*•10•61i016. ont===zursc===="sg nittqtt Ong. WE Lead Pencils, OFFER Rubber Erasers, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Fens) and Pen Holders, • Ink, Ink Blotters, • Ruled, Plain Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books • . . • • • Drawing Books Tablets, ...,Ru1ers_Etc. /, ofisns2 THE 0 , I L.} t -t XETER THURSDAY, APRIL 7th, 1898. UM HAPPENINGS To-mole:ow will be Good Friday. Clinton will ee1ebrate24th of May. Farmers report laborers very scarce. Wrri. Simpson, of Parkhill, was Lin town last -week. • R. C. 0. Trernaine is in Toronto this week on business. Buyers are paying from $4.40 to $4.50 per Cwt, forhogs. Friday last was all foolsday, and many innocent jokes were played. Schools will remairi closed. for the Easter holidays until April 1.86, james Johnston, of Rodgerville, has sold his farm to A. Bishop, `Osborne. Several front Exeter will attend the Military ball in Seaforth on Monday nexte. Don't forget the Conundrum soda' in Main. Street Church on Friday evening next. • Mrs. Ross and. two sons, who have been visiting in Exeter for some time, returned to their home in Winnipeg iast evening Noe1:sies,e6VEisTons.—All accounts owing Daniel AD: gis, butcher, of the village af Vt,0' must be paid at once to tliVrgirSic Th Prier and Jos. Davis,"U O'Nei iank, or pro- ceedings will be taken to collect same, e Potatoes are scarce in this neighbor- hood. Scarlet fever exists in the House of Refuge, Clinton. The Easter holidays commenced in the schools last Thursday. The question now geuerany asked is what are you going to do on Good Friday? Among the Easter visitors in town are: L. L. Folliek, Toronto ; Prescott Ross, Toronto. G. G. Johnston, general merchant. has made an assignment to A. G. Mal- com, of Toronto. The dates of the Western Fair at London have been fixed from the 8th to the 17th of September. The high school entrance and public school leaving examinations for 1898 will begin on Tuesday, June 28%. Mr. Maher,of Exeter,has beea given charge of the three water tanks on the L. H. & B. railway, viz : at Exeter, Clinton and Wingham. Mr. a,ncl. Mrs. White, of Chatham, also little Miss Heath, of London, were the guests of Mr. and. Mrs. .T. P. Ross, the fore part of this week. De. Amos has been confined to his bed. during the past week through ill- ness. His manylfriends will be pleased to learn of his early recovery. Rev. W. H. Locke, of Parkhill, has accepted the call of the Methodist Church, Lucknow, to become their Pastor for the text conference year. T. J. Lockhart, principal of the pub- lic school, while out horse -back riding the other day, was thrown over the horse's head. and sustained slight in- juries. Ladies! We have just received sever- al thousand calling cards, latest shape and best imported. bristol. It costs 7ao more to have the latest. At TIMES office. March came in like a lamb and went out quite respeetably but April, thus far has taken March weather, being cold and. raw. The oeenitigs on Vridat the. cold weat or, were largely attend.. hy the Istdiest, The Styles this year wade many neW idea. and Sattlrdl 1a8 '$ notwithstanding STORE.—The public must have been greatly interested in the facts. brought to light by the recent trial of the job nlEaton 00.• of Toronto: This establishment, Wes one of the great departMentel stores, where bar- gaine are always in order, but 'hen the proprietor was put hit° the box,: he made the staternentthat inhis besi- ness 60 per centwas not regarded as: mare than a, liberal profit. The. bar- gain system was thoroughly explained. Every day a little cheap stuff would be placed near the doer; to catch the pub- lic. Oa this a loss �f $50 Or the day WAS 3 usual thine% but. '1,11 around the day's profit *mild run up t� about. $500. , After all these departmental stores are in it for something More than fun, Lent will soon be over. Good Friday, ApriI 8th. The Grand Trunk Railway, for the first time is free from debt. H. Willert made a large shipment of hogs from this station yesterday. Afire at the Central Prise:se Mon- day caused damage to the extent of $7,500. •The baulteupt stock of G. G. John- ston, amounting to $7,687, will. be of- fered for sale at London, on April 12th. The Goderich base -ball club has de- cided to offer a trophy to be played for by a league of at least four town teams ' The Bruce County House of Refuge ill be built in Walkerton. It took the unty Council nearly a week to de - e the question. he many friends of Conductor ,Sider, the evangelist, will regret to learn of his death, which took place,in Windsor on Tuesday, at the age of 46 -years. There died in Brussels on Saturday, Rev. J. S. Kerr, father of Rev. W. E. 'Kerr, of 'Jensen, at the age of 71 years. Deceased was well and favor- ably known in Kirkton and neighbor- hood, The new license law entails reduction of one saloon license in London this year. Either Mr. Sa,re's or Mrs. De wars restaurant will have to be turn- ed into a hotel. to secure a renewal of the license Three carloads of machinery for the oatmeal mill at Lucan have arriyed, and a number of men are busy put- ting it in shape. It is expected that the mill will be in running order about May 1. Patrick Tronsley, of Parkhill, slip- ped while at work in the sawmill at the basket factory, and fell against the saw, receiving a severe gash in the shoulder. Hehad a very narrow escape from instant death. A_ fierce fire broke out in the gener- al store of Johnstone & Bodkin at Delaware village about 5:30 Friday morning, and completely consumed the fine brick premises and a stock valued. at $7,000 or $8,000. .Tames Stanley had a most success- ful sale of cows and young cattle at the Central Hotel at Lucan on Satur- day. The cattle were owned by himself and Wellington Hodgins, and were a good lot.: Cows sold from $38 to $51 each. T. A.. McDougar, of Lucan, was successful in the recent examinations in connection with the London Medi- cal school, and is now entitled to write M. 11 after his name. He also won the silver medal, the second highest honor for proficiency. CI ' Use § Winan's Cough Balsam foi coughs, colds and 'Bronchial troubles. Acknowleged the best cough medicine on the market. Especially good fee ehildren. Manufactured by C. Luez. The list of convictions made by Huron magistrates during the last quarter is probably the smallest ever published in the county, and consisted of only four cases, by four separate magistrates. . At the tirne the sun crossed the line and introduced spring, the wind was south, so according to old belief, we shall have mild winds through spring and summer, and frost shoalcl not hurt fruit or fruit trees. An attempt was made to burn the gine occupied by Mr. Charlie Post, in Nairn, when sortie person or persons saturated the sill in rear of the shop with coal oil, and then set it on Bre. Owing to the siding riot being directly above thefiatae, and the sill being cov- ered with plaster, the flame died mit before the siding or 'lath became ignit- ed.' The new Canadian postage stamp possesses a peculiarity that is some- what neat and remarkable. The Queen's head which forms the design on the lace of the stamp, becomes the head ot a typical Arab or Oriental chief, if turned upside clown. It also possesses another peculiarity. If you do not look closely before affixing it to a letter you will have it upside down nine times out of ten. The de- sign is two obscure. Mr, Joseph Stratford, of Brantford, and others will address an open meet, ing in the school house in section No - 3,„ Stephen, on the evening of Thurs, clay, April 7, and school section No, 5, *Osborne, on the evening of Friday, April 8, when the following subjects will be dealt with t Feeding of Corn - Raising of Pork, Poultry's Sheep and. Thorough -bred stock, Profits of Silos, also the interests of the great 06,0Per- atiVe flintier Twine and Agriaultiltstil Implement movemtrifi of farmers. Ad- mission', free, There died at the family residence, Goderich, ois March 25th, Jessie Buch- anan, wife of J. P. Brown, aged 41 years. The deceased. lady had been ill some time, having been confinedto her bed for ever 5 months. The funeral took place on Monday to Colborne emetery, in presence of a large num- er of friends and acquaintances. Mr. Hodson, of the Dominion agri- cultural department, has been notified by the C. P. R. and G. T. R, that they will give greatly reduced rates to On- tario exhibitors shipping stock to the Manitoba and western fairs. Mr. Hod- son expects this will result in many pronlinent Ontario stock -raisers ex- hibithig in the Prahle Province and the territories. At London on Friday night last, just previous to a play in the Music Hall, actor Emerson shot the manager Tuttle, killing him instantly. Emer son demanded his back salary, where- upon Tuttle struck hina in the mouth. Emerson then drew a revolver and shot in self defence. He was tried for manslaughter, and convicted upon that charge, and sent back to jail to await trial before a jury at the spring assizes. Joseph Langford, of Lucan, an old- time resident Of the 1.6th con, familiar- ly known AS " Young Joe" died al his residence at Lucan, Thursday. The deceased was 71 years of ao and for the past 12 or 11 years lived in Liman, his son James taking the homestead on the 16th con. Mrs. Langford, who was a sister of Geo. and the late Elijah traithwaite, died some 7 or 8 years ago. The children are: Jame, late of the Homestead, now of Granton; Mrs. Gibson, of Pt. Edward, and Hannah, who kept house for her father, John R. Clarke, gave his celebrated lecture in James Street. church On Tuesday evening, ander the auspiess of the Epwot•th League. The „topic was : "Rose, Shamrock and Thistle,' and was handled With much force and eloquence„ At mimicry, be displayed great tact, and from coMmencernent to finish his lecture Wasan intellectual feast, and we think that it would be itripessiblo for to leave the ehuteleeftee Iisteiiagtoisdisetrf°) with("th be- ingnvrldhappt New Spring Goods. • We are receiving new goods every day, and are at pres- ent showing soine beautiful novelties in Dress Goods and Silks. These goods are the newest productions of celebrated French and British manufacturers, and can be found nowhere else in Exeter but with us. Any lady who contemplates Purchasing a new dress this spring would do well to inspect our stock, while it is complete. These are Special Inducements we are at present offering: 42 INCHiok s _ • _ PLAIN SK F ILINISHED LUSTRES, bealltif blil 42 iiNCH FANCY FLORAL DESIGN LUSTRES, ill blacks 46 INCH PLAIN BLACK LUSTRES, vei'y fine finish, special - - - 12 INCH FRENCH VIGOREUX CLOTH, .1.1.1 blended shades, all new colorings, special - - 27 Lim JAPANESE SILKS, all popular fancy shades 1000 yards 36 INCH G-REY COTTONS, good value regular way at 7 cts., present price - PLAIN WINDOW SHADES, mounted on good rollers 13 Lbs. GREEN RIO COFFEE for 2,3 ” 6 6 6 GRANULATED SUGAR RAISINS for TAPIOCA - RICE GOOD THREE STRING BROOM FINE QUALITY NEW LEMONS, per dozen 44 SARDINES, per box MILLINE Y. .work in the strong 26 25 60 50 50 i3RQ:a77,r Spring Opened tip Rather Windy Judging; from advertisements we 9 read. With all the blow a,nd bluster, we have been kept busily engaged selling.lots of goods. We are not asleep to the public needs, and beg to tell you for this week we are showing a very fine range in House Purnisfairags Just opened out, viz : • Raw Silk Curtains, choice'patterns, 3 yds. long, per pair - $3 00 li CC large size - - - 4 50 extra large - - 0 00 Table Covers, large size, each - - - 2 25 Chenille • " - • r -, - - 1 00 Lace Clurtains, pretty patterns - from 25c up to $5 per pair CARPETS —We have just received a quantity of Union Carpet, 1 yard wide, new seitterns, - - - 85e, 45e and 50c per yd GOLDEN D/RAIPERY—Jit the thing for curtains and Drap- ery at - • - - - - 10c and 15c Also Rae, Silk, Cardinal, Green and Olcl Gold - 50c per yd. ILLINEIYRIILLINE Y MILLINERY 9 9 At • the request of our many customers desiring us to handle millinery, we have made aiTangements with Miss Horne (who is second to none in this town) to do our milli- nery, and we will accept produce in payment of same. CARLING 13 OS. 5SENSI Loo 25 25 25 ID 10 5 20 Our milliners are very busy, and you will do well to order your Spring Hat or Bonnet at once. NOVelties in this line are arriving daily, It will be worth while for you to in- spect our stock. The R.. rd Co. W. Soutlicott left on Thursday last, An active worker for Mr. Moscrip in for Manitoba, to seek his fortune. . the late „ election secured a vote under Frank Lutz has returned from a peculiar: circumstances. The Liberal pleasant visit with friends in Torontoworker, who lives in Fullerton, hap- . appearance, pens to lui.ye an unmarried sister, and 1 John Frost still puts in which retards far!he promised a young man in Logan, ming operations of spring work. • I who for the first time had a vote, that i if he would cast it for Mr Moscri he Dr. Kinsman, of Sarnia, will shortly s ou ave t se sister. The offer was be gazettecl a lieutenant in the First accepted, the vote cast LIS agreed lid - Regiment of Hussars. i on, and the evening following the elec- Mrs. Tremaine has returned home from Toronto, where she has spent the past month visiting friends. James Johnston has been appointed agent for the Cyclone wire fence. See lady was not home." "Billy ' mw advtin another column - think that he did 3 sharp thingsbut we . , rather think the public . will look at it Dr. J. W. Browning has returned in &different light. To say the least, from Markham, where he attended the it did not, funeral of bis mother last week. show much respect for hissister. tion the:young man from Logan pre- sented himself at the home of his ex- pected bride, but the "goods" were not delivered, the excuse being "that the Messrs. Bawden & 1VIeDonell shipped I to foreign markets a car load. of fine BIRTHS. lookins. horses from this station on. x PARSONS- u Stephen on the 3rd inst, the Thursday last. • wife of Samuel Parson;J, of a, son. The early signs of spring were de- , STACEY—In Blanshard, on ,Thursday, March 2/th, the wife of Mr. Stacey, Base Lane, of a ceiving, as during the forepart of this f son. week, we have experienced old fa.sh- • HOOPED—In Blanshard, on March 28th, the toned winter weather. wife of John Efooper, jr., 8th line, of a dough- , tor. Wni. Blatchford, of Usborne, bus) . MARRIA.GES. • several acres of pasturage which he ! LANE--DICKINSON-eet the res"denee of the wishes to rent, See the advertise .1bride's parents, Anderson, on March 30th, by ment in another column. I the Rev. T.. 3% Snowden, Ph. B., James H. ' Lane of Virden, Man. to Miss Lizzie S. Mrs. Neibold, of Zurich, who for so 1 cleughterti,olfzranif iloillt,:y‘Dvim.cliiannIsnseoz. T. long a period has been confined in the ; I't1Crila county jail as a lunatic, was on Thus- ,, Actialis).rson. B. A. George D. Hewett. of West MisS Dinney, of Oshawa, bas been , mitt during the. past few weeks. She also DALTON—in Stella, on the 28th iilt.,Ellen wife Mary Dinnov' and W. J. Walker, of eltaRON-In Blanshard, on March 291h, attended the wedding of her sister,Miss day afternoon taken to the London r WEIAVA,110F3h, to Margaret Flowatt, of Colborne, Asylims. visiting' friends in and around Exeter, I Kerr, aged nyee4. Stephen, last week. rn Atkinson. aged' 58 years, 8 months, 20 l I ' township. of Itolat. Dalton, aged 26 years, 11 months and R—In Brussels otiApril 3, Roy. john L. DEATHS. A. Conundrum Social will he given I, BROWN -In Goderich, on ivtarch 26th, Jessie in Main Street church basement on 1 Buchanan, beloved wife of J. P. Brown. Friday evening tinder the auspices of i EndAtivirtnnil 11111(1)::;41, 94., on March 25th, the Epworth. League. Refreshments. Willie E., el yseottaranilooirthpsh atrit5 %riffle Davidson Orchestra in attendance. ,1111mPhrisi aged. BoTTEB,--At the residence of her father, lot 7, Everybody' come. Admission 15c. , con. 20, Colborne, on March 27th, Cynthia, voungest daughter of Mr. W, C. Potter, aged Among the names of those who MYears and 2 months. passed the second year examination in — anatomy, written and oral, (with honors) at the medical faculty, IVIeGill University, Montreal, we were pleas- ed to notice that ofMr. W. E. Brown- ing, son or Dr.' 3. W. 13rowning, of Exeter. Morning Serviee-1 nexoloey and Invocation • A Birmin.gbam Maccabee pvepar- i Glory ;" 6 iirst seristitro lesson ;' 6 hsrmn 1781; , 2 hymn 174 . 8 prayer. 4 Atithein "Portals o scripture lesson; 8 anthem, "Christ ing to go to the gold fields, wrote the ' 7thEle"s?olir4d is Rion To -day ;" 9 sermon . 1 An 11 him?" 37(1; grand tent he referenee to his msur- 1 seem, ee new; ye the Lod ; n ance, in case of cleat:le-He was informedi ieno veoeodal beg no ii elheAinirifosse;rv3ir 1.-4.01? o;x2laeleitheemea that the latest decision of the order "Praise to Theo ; ' 6 first scrAttsitee lesson.; d Was that all Mareabees dying f rOM ex- I, solo "A Brenta of Bethlehem posure, in going or resiclieg in the ture lesson; s hymn 716; p 'aricirogr.10TE: f<tondike, forfeit ali insurance. them, "Soyful Eastertide 12 male chorus, "Calvary ; 13 hymn 721, benediction. Here is wbat Peter Cooper, who JAMES Sf. METHODIST CHURCH. The Eastor services next Sunday will be ap. • nronriate and interesting, Tho choir will ren- der suitable anthems, solos etc., al each se'r- viCO. ThO following outline will be observed died worth millions, said bfa newspa- DR, AGlNEW'S CURE FOR THE per: "In all the towns where a news- HEART. paper is published, every man should Is a heaven.sent boon to sufferers advertise'm it,, if nothinit more than a from heart, disease. No 'natter of how Card stating his name and the business long standing it will effect a radical he is in. It does not only pay the act- Ctire. Don't postpone treatment if you Vertisee, but it Jets peoplcat a distance suspeet heart -weakness of any sort, know that the town in which you re- This great remedy luta been tested and side is a prosperous comniunity of bus. provecl the quickest and safest of cures, iness men. As the seeds are SOVVII 80 the seed retorepenses. -Nevet pull down your sign whale you expect, to do a a I busineSs.' 611(4 in 30 initiates in most Itellte eases, E'rnirient pityaleiarts are using it in their daily practice, Sold by C. LUTZ. Co e to tis to Rave Their Eyes Examined. If you need Glasses let us fit them for you. We give you the best expert attention at T. FITTON'S Jewelry Establishment. S. FITTON, Graduate Optician. The rumor that the Klondike party which started mit from Leamington some time age was to returo is denied. • ill with in.- Mr. T. Miller and Silas Lucas, jun., of Avon, are both seriously mEAT mARKET flammation of the lungs. Dr. Donailis - in attendance. P. F. Downing has purchased the Halloran property on Main street, Le - can, and intends building on it atonce. The old building is now being torn down. . Duncan Stewart, who died at his family residence near Ivan, Lobo, on March 23, was 18 years old. He was the second of the three sons of Alexander and Christina Stewart, and a boy of more than usual promise, as well as amiable and cheerful inhis disposition, which made him a general favorite. ..161.60••••MILO*20.01 „esse--- E.,We's-esq,,,,. • Exeter Public Sbisool Room 1. --Class A., Amey johns, Stella •Gregory, Anna Martin, Fred Sweet• Class B., John 'Spackman,1 Czar Rollins; Class C., Martin M=- 8011, Frank Zinger, Olive Hooper, Russell Frayne. • T. X. LocTrirART, Teacher. Room 2.—Sr. TV class, Herbie Gre- gory; Sam Thomas, Willie Muir, Dan The undersigned has opened up a new meat market one dour South of Garltha s Storo. ' where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED. • JOI-IN T. MANNINO. LEVITT'S FAIR .3tist Arrived I • Klondike ware, Biscuit Jars, Cream and Sugar fruit setts,. Vases, faney Card receivers, Easter novelties, marbles, Skipping Ropes, Ete. See our 5 cent tables of Rendle, Lorraine Hooper, Eva Balk- Glassware. win; Jr. IV class, Percy Rendle, Shir- Glass sugar bowl, 't I - ley I3obier, Harry Huston, Vercy holders ancl butter disipleisc. p ters, soon Hardy, jessie Dow, May Clarke. No. / Butter and eggs taken M exchange, on roll, 44; Average attenclanse, 37. Miss C. VOSPER, Teacher. Apples for sale by peck, bag, or barrel. Room 3.—Sr. III class, WiunieLEVI IrT'F..s; FAIR. Horyard, Millie Martin, Annie Jones, Annie McAnsh, Lucretia Worry, - _ _ Dolly Dickson : Sr. III class, Ethel Farmer, Flossie 'Taylor, Herby Horrel, spRING Ma* Parsons and Garnet Heywood, equal ; Harold Bissett, Melvin South- cott and George Jones, equal. No. on The Lat roll, 50; average attendance, 40. Miss MAT GILL, Teacher. Room 1. ---Sr. III cla,ss, Ruby Treble, Ella I-Ieywood, Annie Brituacombe, Jenny Murray.ELtie Kers} ak e,13eatrice Luker; jr. III class, Gilbert Williams, Lily Welsh, 'Vera Rowe, George Arm- strong, 011ie Quance, Vera Cobble- daniceke., Nao.. on roll, 58; average attend - Miss H. E. WAL11OND, 'leacher'. ROOM 5.—$r. II class, Martha Carl- ing, Elmore Senior, Edna, Dow, Roy Farmer, Charlie Dyer, Harold Webber ; Jr. II class, Wilber Bissett, Eddie Vosper, Roy Ford, Ethel Piper' Frank Bm rimacobe, Flossie Sweet. No. ori roll, 66; average attendance, 58, M R 001.ses - PIIIGLTIrEe Teacher. 11icis, May Quance, Freddie Smith, Gertie Gould, Martha Snell, Gladys McNevi n, Sr, class, Alfred Wilcox, Florie, Anderson, Elsie Wilcox, Arthur Cann, Frank Sones Gertie Sheere. No. on roll, 70 : average attendance, 59. Miss 3. M. itOBERTSON, TOaCher. Room 7.—Jr. IT class, NettalTrayne, Florence ICydd, Alice Howard, Frank 13awden, Eva Mel?herson, Willie Bis- sett ; Se. XI class, Mary Murra,y, Gertie Anderson, Nettie Moore, Lillie A.cheson, Mary Brock, Olive Gould and Mabel Williatts, equal, No, on roll 00, average attendanee 61, Miss L. D. MAY, Teaeher. oxtail 'COLD. /Seam etiAy thing to do, but ft's :lust as sees? te Pine Syrup S st Styles Having visited the markets .during the past week, we were alive to the leading dress fabrics which are Serges and Sicillians in Black, Brown and Green. In Silk and Wool effects the shades are Green, Brown and Fawn, each color beautifully shaded. with excellent effect. OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS are keeping their reputation. In Cash- meres, Jet, Blacks andl3lueBlacks,Black Sergeo, Fine and Coarse, Twill, Black Broches arid Armures, Black Lustres and Sicillians, Black &Alois and Black Silltelles—fast colors. THE TRIMMINGS for this season are Beaded Giinpingsin black and colored, also Tubular Braids, all of which we are showing from new stook. OUR LININGS are Unsurpassed. Being imported goods, are away ahead of Canadian in point of value and (nudity. OUR PRINT COUNTER is up-to- date with choiee patterns and fast col- ors, 30 and 32 in. goods Printed Dril- lettes and Satinees stileable Inc wrap- pers 45 patterns in Canadian And English Flannelettes, from Se to 25es 0011, TA.ULE LINENS 65 TOWELLDIS sieves. commanded 'ie appreciation of blisters more than present. They are selling well, u want first-class Damask Tabling-, .;8 in. wide in dies (Sant patterns, fiorn. 88c to $1.10, conic) in and see them, Also Bleached DaITfr ask Towels. J. P1 CLARKE